Jumat, 02 April 2010



Allah's right that was yearned for and demanded by each kind of humankind,
presented by me for Allah's Magnificence,
for the Happiness and Humankind's Peace.

Allah's justice in this world was absolute and definitely, could not be manipulated although with holy articles, could not diverted, and could not be abolished both by Politician , Law Expert, Prince the Religious Group, Philosopher and Theologian from the group of any religion.

The Truth and the Justice were absolute and definitely when the conscience and the intellect in his maximum capacity still could not contradict or oppose the Truth and Justice apart from the intellect must submit to the Truth and the Justice.

The Truth and Justice that was explained by me to this text was absolute and definitely, and was not possible to be able to be contradicted or was broken both through the Vatican Council, Session of the guardians of the Muslim Scholar, Decision of the Session Buddhist, Politician and the Statesman and the Lawyers from all over the World.

This text has been sent by me to various aim addresses, both in the country in Indonesian and overseas, to sites of the government, to various organizations of the political party, the print media & electronics, news agencies, to International forums, the UN, The International Court, Organization of Human Rights and Peace, to the Vatican, Israel, the follower Karl Marx, to various understandings of the Religion, Arabian, Europe, America, Egypt and foremost universities in the hope that may the World show the face of Justice and Peace.

But almost all the sides chose quiet without the response.

This the sign that Justice and Peace were not desired by any side. By reading this text anyone will be lit by Thoughts and his Conscience personally before this person was faced with Allah's Justice.

The world that is seen by you now like you found light that has broken in a manner the political ideology, religious conviction and the law. My task was to quote and attach the fragments of the light, then stirred up him came back so that his clear light could come back shone. This lights startled and dazzled your eyes.

Presented by me all of my intellect capacity for Allah's Magnificence, to place Allah's position in His right actual. Allah that was on the prophets and on all the understandings of the religion, Allah that was on all the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country, Allah that was on principles of the Positive Law, Allah that was on all the actions and the Moral view, Allah that was on the law of the Deception law. Allah that was on the mafia's action, the terrorist, the rebels, agnostic and atheist.

So that anyone anything his religious conviction and anything the principle of his life could gaze at Allah as the Truth, the aim of Justice, the giver the Amnesty and the aim of the Safety.

With the power whether I had the right said was like this ?

From what power you had the right to try Allah's revelation, punished the prophets by means of restricting the freedom of the other person to worship Allah, while you did not understand the Holy Scripture and did not understand how the country's law must be undertaken justly and was honored.
If you doubted Allah's revelation that sky and this earth were created by Allah with His words that to early everything available, then this text that became part of the Allah decree will stop all of humankind's thinking that denied His truth. Since at this time to the end of the time will never have the person who could deny principles of the truth that was written in this text. If this text was not regarded as part of the miracle by you, then all the available miracle and had been heard by you not making your eyes see Allah's truth and the world might not be created repeated to place you to ancient humankind that did not know Allah's revelation. ( Lukas 16:31 )

The original text in Indonesian. Translated automatically with software www.toggletext.com whichever the intention and his understanding possibly had the difference

The content

The Writer's escort ....................... page 18

I. Principles of Universal Justice........... Chapter I - V
page ...............................................19 - 90

II. The War or Peace......................................page 91-93

III. World peace was based on the principle of the Positif Law and Allah's revelation………………………page 94

IV. The Gold Law, Islam Peace Spirituality……..page 99

V. The history of the World, the history of the Creation and the history of Heaven according to the Holy Scripture and the holy teaching Javanese's ancestors….page 102-118

VI. Discipline of the Deception Law…………….page 119

VII. Dog Morality & The Balance of the Death..page 133-155

VIII. The Truth on the Truth……and…. Management the Sin

Justice could be only understood if being placed in the framework of faith, that was developed from his personal relations with the Lord and together the other person, came from and was dedicated to the Lord, who formed his object himself and the other person.

Justice can not grow fertile if being tied in the form of the organization, both the organization of politics, the organization of piety, the organization of finance or the organization of the other form, because of the leaders of the organization and the heir and his continuer precisely will kill Justice constructively his natural object became the target of injustice casualties, the extortion target, the aim of the violence or the aim of the war.

Faced the corrupt community more dangerous than handled the problem of the war, because the people could not demand legal responsibility, nationalism, the homeland love, professionalism and the other action of the side's faith.


The Universal Principles are the Spirit and Soul of The World Peace


Justice is Extremely Terrifying and Its More Dangerous than Pest, Cancer or Nuclear Explotion.

This Writing is The Magnum Work for Humanity, Wiping Out War, and Abolition of Death Sentence to Prevent World Peace and Justice.

Or, You will See Otherwise

The World War III will Explode and Terorism will Remain Exist because the Base of International Laws do not Fulfill the Requirements to Create the World Peace

You were free to contain him into Website WorldPeaceCriminal.Com , Blog or published in the book and free to sell him

To understand Allah as Personal the Lord of the Lord, that is Allah History, the person who trusted Allah must and absolute must read the Jewish Nation Holy Scripture that is the Holy Scripture. Without understood Personal Allah History of the faithful person will be lost found the previous safety fell by worshipping the idol, the spirit of the ancestors, the devil, sky objects or the other convictions that was compatible with Allah's desire. May the Professor Buddha agree to be again born and prepared listen to my suggested in order to not seize Allah's position as the aim of the prayer, the aim of the dedication and the blessing giver. ( Al Qur’an, Al Kahfi Juz 15: 29, Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 9:25 )

If you worshipped the sun, already clear the sun was hot and certainly you were not prepared to die was hot. If you worshipped the statue, already clear the statue could not speak and did not want then how you could serve the statue wish. If you worshipped superstition, already clear that the devil and the supernatural being submitted to the free wish humankind. If you worshipped the spirit of the ancestors, already clear that the owner of this spirit when his life of many mistakes, affair, the thief, the swindler, cruel and possibly greedy.

If sky and this earth the work composed Allah then all available before this earth continue to belonging to him Allah. None could be taken from Allah and not there are those that could be added for Allah's magnificence. Because of that Allah could not be cheated with the reason pretext, praise with praise prayers, clothes or degrees of piety and could not be bribed with dedication casualties, the fragrant-scent flower or incense apart from the faithful person must fight to present his life personally took the form of thoughts, the tongue and his heart as the eternal dedication. Allah could not be bribed with casualties of the results dedication of the crime, the cruelty or corruption as the prostitute could not present the redeemer's wrong casualties from money produced by his prostitution.

Allah gave the task and responsibility to anyone in accordance with the position of his life, but anyone must submit to Allah's law, that is Taurat Musa. If someone continue to intentionally and without repenting violated Taurat Musa, good that a prophet, the priest, the king, was sickly or the beggar continued to accept Allah's punishment. Allah History proved His justice that the priests, the prophet and the perpetrators of the crime really accepted the punishment.

If you were born in your blind and deaf situation must not be sinful and bear mistakes that were carried out by you. Because you saw, heard and understood about the Truth and Allah's Justice that was explained by me in this text, then without repenting you continued to bear your mistakes personally. Allah will not take at all the freedom that has been already given to anyone apart from the person personally that must defeat and hand over his freedom opposite Allah.

Ten Orders Allah - Taurat Musa

1. I the Lord, Allah you, don't be to you allah other opposite Me.
2. Don't made the statue bow down or perform religious duties to him, because of Me the Lord, Allah you were Allah that was jealous.
3. Don't mentioned Allah's name with not the honour, because of Me will gaze at blamed the person who mentioned My name with at random.
4. Remembered and sanctified the Lord's day. My six length days worked created sky and the earth as well as all of his contents, and on the day to My seven sanctified him
5. Honour your father and your mother
6. Don't killed
7. Don't commit adultery.
8. Don't stole.
9. Don't said the lie witness about your peer.
10. Don't wanted your peer's house, don't want his wife, or anything that was owned by your peer.

Be as stupid anything the situation someone was born, he had and found his method personally to do wrong or deceive the other person.

If telling lies that was permitted and appealed the lie was justified, then the foundation of the positive law available all over this world was destroyed. The testimony of the prophets was not useful, the holy scripture might not be maintained, might not have the court's agency, produced the witness and might not have the decision of the law because the decision could personally become illegal, lay and the lie completely.

Was happy the person who could not do wrong but carry out the mistake. Was happy the person who could not do wrong but carry out the crime. Therefore he was acknowledged as children Allah.

What was his proof that Allah lived

1. What was written in Allah's ten orders, that is Taurat Musa always lived and was wanted by anyone. If someone opposing Allah History, then the law to 1 down to 4 continued to be and live by means of replaced Allah History with allah other, ideology politics or other rites. While the law to 5 down to 10 continued to be wanted by anyone in all culture. In other words, humankind could not destroy his wish personally like that was written in the Taurat Musa Law.

2. Devils Also must submit to Taurat Musa, and what was done by appearance was very clear that the Devil opposed Taurat Musa as well as will seize Allah's position as the centre of the life, the aim of the dedication, the aim of the prayer and the blessing giver. While the decisive Holy Scripture that the creator and the owner of sky and the earth this was Allah.

If you did not yet read Taurat Musa and did not yet understand Allah's intention gave the law, the degree of the professor you were not yet perfect good that the professor in the moral field, the law or the holy scripture expert. Because must have been your work that was poured in the Country's regulations, the moral teaching or the view of the safety must contain the mistake took the form of the crime opposing Allah’s Oneness, the cruelty, the deception, the affair etc. actual be compatible orderly peace and justice.

Police all over the world were the person who was given by the task by Allah to maintain Taurat Musa ( the murder, the theft, adultery ) . If these police more gave priority to Allah's order than submitted to the human wish (the ruler) certainly the community was avoided from moral sins. Because of the police will catch both the ruler and the people who violated Allah's law.






The mistake understood the Holy Scripture and the mistake understood the Constitution will cause the meaning loss of oneness of the Lord, the love, magnanimity, giving of the amnesty. The faithful person afterwards was lost in the greed as the substitute for acceptance of the blessing, the materialistic attitude and hedonism as an effort to pursue the happiness that was lost, the demanding of the right excessively on the enjoyment loss, destruction of justice and world peace, the God honour loss that changed in the worship of the god of the goddess, the worship of the spirit of the ancestors, the service to the supernatural being of a kind of Devil or exaggerated the worship to the Prophet or the leader of the religion without heeding the magnificence of the Lord.

The devil handed over discipline of the deception law to me, and I gave him to you, so that you could see the Truth of the Lord. After you understood trick knowledge cheated that was given by me, you will reconsider the Garden of Eden attendance that was lost when the Lord created Adam and the Climate as first humankind although the Garden of Eden vanished millions last year that afterwards was disrupted by the theory of the evolution. With trick knowledge cheated this you will realise that you now the coexistence with the Devil, performs religious duties and prays with the Devil, and And You too co-operated with the Devil to oppose justice, peace, the love and the Truth of the Lord.

If the Lord who created sky and the earth, then sky and the earth all these were his property the Lord, then the task of humankind in this world only to treat and develop the Lord's love so that the magnificence of the Lord is present at this earth. If you understood essence of the crime was based on the Holy Scripture, the constitution or the Country's other regulations, then you will realise that your residence house was your prison actual, your place prison exhibited results of the crime, accepted the honour, educated, increased and bequeathed the crime without you yourself felt guilty. Then the service what was dedicated to the Lord by you if you could not control thoughts, the tongue and your freedom was the Lord did not have the power to control the tongue and your free wish personally.

The lord did not throw dice to the gambling table by creating different people the authority, different the talent, different intelligence, different the capacity, different the wealth, different courage and betting recklessness to seize the Lord's blessings to proprietary rights that were controlled as the sign of the victory. But the Lord created humankind that like Himself then gave the understanding of perfect knowledge so that anyone could live as Allah's children as well as receives the magnificence like Him.

Let's attended the session of the International Court, we held the position as the witness, gazed at the Angel as the Chief Justice while witnessing the big prophets, the representatives of the people, the worker's slaves, the terrorists and the heads of state held the position as the defendant. Witnessed by us some prophets it was charged as the war criminal, partly became the robber and were involved in plundering, partly was accused of seizing the wife of the person, partly taught the violence, terrorism and spread the crime of the religion, partly rebelled against Allah by placing himself replaced Allah's position as the aim of the dedication, the centre of the prayer and the aim of the safety.

Did ourselves agree if blood and our life must suffer because of the cruelty of the prophet, our wealth was robbed by the prophet, our wife was taken by the previous prophet our children were neglected because of the cruelty of the prophet, then the prophet, the terrorist and that was acknowledged as wise by the person that demanded himself was worshipped was the behaviour and his teaching lead astray as well as caused the sadness of tear crying.

You could not copy the crime that was carried out by the prophets or inherited the person's wise mistake because of the shortage of their knowledge about Allah History. If the spirit of the Lord and the amnesty the Lord is not to yourself, now you were walking towards hell. Was based on the understanding anything the crime continue to the crime.

If the Devil was working during he wrote the holy scripture or Invite invited the foundation of the Country, then the criminal action of happening because of the holy scripture motivation as well as being ratified by the Country's regulations, was the mistake of the leaders of the religion because they manipulated Allah and the mistake the holders of the authority of the Country that manipulated the people who gave them the authority managed the Country. Our intellect understood that the crime could not be ratified with the holy law. If this world needed peace, the leaders of the purposeful religion reported the safety and the lawyers wanted justice ought to matters that caused the existence of the criminal action and injustice was thrown away from the holy scripture and from basic regulations of the Country. If this matter was not done, You all understood that the Devil was able easily to slip away entered damaged Allah's desire through the action of the leaders of the religion, the holy scripture thinkers, the leaders and the representatives of the people to all the life fields like the wolf in sheep's clothing.

The person's stupid mouth, the slaves and the masses could be silenced, but the tear and the burden of the suffering that flowed in their blood will break loose demanded retaliation on the doomsday day.

Religious conviction not the tradition that must be inherited if his adherents were not prepared to bring about Justice, to not develop Peace and to not honour the cheapness of the safety and the amnesty from Allah without throwing responsibility of all the problems of humankind by telling Allah to resolve all the problems that were dealt with by humankind.

Spirituality of Religious Conviction was Justice, Peace and the Safety that leant on Allah's amnesty love.

You all knew that really that was good to have to use the different spice ingredients. Likewise the exact formula must use the symbol of different figures. Although the figure only it was admitted was from 0 to 9, but had billions of values that was demonstrated from the figure 0 to 9 that. Because of that Justice was formulated by me with the different understanding law, but from to 7 laws that were formulated by me all that the attitude and the action lived someone, a group of community or the group of religious conviction will appear very clear whether his attitude was just or not, had the commitment with the principle of his conviction or they embraced the religion only a slavishly the tradition or they deliberate insulted God while trying on His authority.

To develop Justice anyone must be prepared to carry out the Jihad War by means of crucifying himself.

The Jihad war that was demanded by the Prophet Muhammad was to oppose his personal desire personally to not corruption, did not save the wealth for himself and for his grandchild, did not carry out the legal action if his aim of demanding demanded the wealth or the inheritance, spread the spirit of Islam peace while carrying out the goodness good deed for himself and the other side that appropriately got the amnesty.

“ The tax from basil, the sweet dill and your caraway seeds paid, but that was most important from the Taurat law was ignored by you, that is justice and the pity and loyalty. That one must be undertaken and so on should be not ignored “ (Injil Matius 23:23)

“ So hould not property and your appealing children. Actually Allah wanted by giving property and the children to torture them in the life in this world and in the future will fly their life, while they in the infidel's situation. ” (Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10:55) ” The day of the Lord's court was seen by you each kind of group will surrender. Each kind of group was called to see the notebook his good deed ” (Al Qur’an, Al Jaatsiyah, Juz 25: 28)

“ And should not your part ate the wealth a part that was other between you with the road that dirties and don't you brought the wealth affair to the judge, to you could eat a part than property of the other person with the road to do the sin, in fact you knew ”. (Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188).

Allah's desire must be known and Allah's name must be honored. After knowing Allah, the task of the faithful person who most had difficulty and heaviest was to make himself as well as to push the other person realized and was prepared to undertake Allah's orders. Admitted Allah's existence was easy, because of the Devil also to acknowledge Allah's existence. Spoke about Allah was easy, because the Devil also appealed about Allah. If the faithful person was not prepared to undertake Allah's Desire, what his difference the person was faithful with the Devil. Our whole body was filled up by the spirit of thoughts of the Devil or the spirit of the Lord, ourselves that more knew.

Billion the person sang the Justice Song, that one yearn for and so on demanded, that one stole and so on robbed, that one lost the justice right without could maintain and so on received the abundance without appropriate struggle efforts was carried out. How did the reality explain justice.

Billion the person came to religious duties houses, devout prayed undertook one of the religious orders, while God's orders other was ignored. God was cheated with the grand building of religious duties houses, was ordering Allah that ought to live in the heart and the life in the action did not appear. Allah was certainly very disappointed to consider his group as gathered in religious duties houses only for the campaign praised the greatness of His Name, but did not want to undertake his order that hanged loosely in the action.

The religious duties house like the place of the party campaign of the political party's democracy, and that appealed sang love songs and the amnesty forgot that outside the religious duties house of many people who looked for God's Justice, waited Him by being hungry, the scream of suffering crying, the injured scratch resulting from the cruelty and warfare that were inflamed from Religious House.

This texts explained Essence of Justice that the Justice was certain and his assurance were the same his precision with the assurance of the mathematical formula, physics, chemistry or the biological law. That might not be the characteristics of the person as well as the person's willingness to undertake the Justice Law and big the small size of the punishment that was passed by someone against the other side that did not touch the Feeling of Justice.

This text also explained that the most dangerous enemy of God not the Devil, Satan or superstition, but precisely the person was faithful that turned turned the Allah’s decree, that turned the aim of Allah's Justice and that was happy with the person's other suffering, that showered the task and the person's faithful responsibility with replaced as well as threw in Allah's Goodness, therefore the faithful person washed the hands by telling Allah to resolve all the problems that were suffered by the other person. In this case the holy scripture experts often fought for the truth teaching as the dog fought for bones, then from his mouth stated holy articles to produce the crime from dismissed the position of piety, destruction of the religious duties house because of hatred, the restriction on the freedom, the loading of the living rights, the difference of the public's service to terrorism etc.

This text also explained that the enemy of the most dangerous Country not the terrorist, the perpetrators of the coup, rebels, his people's ignorance or the unemployment, but precisely the organizers of the Country that did not undertake the Constitution Message and Base Regulations of the Country, of Politician that did not fight for the association and the quality of his nation, the Official of the Country that hindered the public's service, of the upholder's apparatus of the law that did not hold the principle of justice, and the sides that did not fight for welfare of the fellow citizen. The spirit's loss of nationalism and the spirit of the people to develop welfare of the Country made the war generation must bury his weapon and the upholders of the law must drown his code of law. Because the enemy of the Country was like this could not be opposed by any means.

The world war must to III happen that was begun with small wars, spread to the big war till the World War IV, et cetera.

This reality only was not triggered by conflicts that caused warfare that has happened for thousands of years. The problem especially is that this current International legal base was not enough to create World Peace. The globalisation not only guided the world community to aggravating damage of living humankind of nature of the place ecosystem, but also pushed the world community in the bigger conflict that will develop through to the occurrence of the global war.

The world War III will be triggered by two because that is the crime of politics, the religious crime or the mixture of both of them. The crime of politics was marked by the number of violations of the positive law or the justification went through the positive legal route that was ratified to regulations, while the regulations personally from the beginning were made have contained the aim of violating justice. The crime of proceeding politics on regulations by manipulating regulations as well as manipulating the upholder's apparatus of the law and justice.

The religious crime has been begun since the ancient royal period with the occurrence of the murder of prophets. In this current period the religious crime was marked by the existence treated that was not balanced between the adherent of the majority religion against the adherent of the minority religion, the political party of majority piety against the different good political party of minority piety understood and was different mazhab until developing to blocs's international hostility that form the background by spiritual piety.

The religious crime was preceeded from people who often mentioned God's name, liked was around the religious duties house and pretended to defend God, that liked to describe articles as holy but to hide the truth of the aim of God's justice, that gave hope about the picture of the beauty of heaven, justice and peace but drove his follower to the battlefield, to carry out the violence, against previous justice of pushing his follower at the same time attracting his casualties fell towards the foundation of the Hell valley.

To the last page from this text, the page 112, the reader will realise that worshipping God: was faithful and performed religious duties with piety was the choice of the living attitude and the work that were extremely extraordinary was difficult that will destroy the free wish the person was faithful that by the world was regarded as the ignorance.

Faith required the existence of the action so as the prayer united faith, religious duties and the living dedication. But if you regarded moral eminence as goodness and worshipped Allah was the Truth then you must spread goodness and Allah's desire until goodness and Allah's desire overcame the free wish and your self-esteem opposite Allah.


Allah's right that was yearned for and demanded by each kind of humankind

Presented by me for the Allah Magnificence

for the Happiness and World Peace.

If the Chinese Nation gave birth to K’ong Fu Tze

The Israeli Nation gave birth Jesus that was acknowledged as Kristus

The Arabian Nation gave birth to the Muhammad Prophet

Other Nations gave birth to wise people of the initiator of the holy teaching

The Indonesian Nation contributed this text for all group man in the world

Yunus was delegated by Allah to the Niniwe Nation and Niniwe repented.
The Prophet Muhammad was delegated by Allah to the Arabian Nation and the Nation Arabian repented. Now the Bow of Allah’s Justice is shot by me from His bow, and Allah's Justice bow this would exact concerning the heart and mind anyone in order to live of humankind in the same World like in Heaven.


1. If the faithful person who trusted Allah was prepared to remove some contents of the Holy Scripture that inside wrote the existence of the spirit of the crime, the cruelty, the affair, actual warfare was compatible with Allah's Justice.

2. If all or most prepared countries changed the Constitution and his basic regulations to remove warfare spirituality and the death sentence as well as place world peace and Justice as the highest aim of the Constitution and basic regulations of the Country.

The crime continue to the crime, could not be ratified with the Country's regulations, could not be covered with the holy scripture, could not be wrapped in the moral teaching and could not be stifled with the good manners smile.

Who that will demand the prophet's responsibility, the person who was regarded as wise by you and the compilers of the Holy Scripture if they cheated you to oppose Allah as well as steal Allah's honour then placed himself as the aim of the honour. Whoever will demand the Country was armed Nuclear if they violated the Constitution of Peace and the country's other Independence.

Writer :
Dasto Sunandoro

Mobile Phone 0888 2173 007

The Holy Scriptures do not make the structure of Justice.
The History of the Law does not explain the Justice Origin.
The Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country did not require principles of Universal Justice actions so as if not having the strength that forced the existence punishment the Law was not upheld, discipline of the law to be not undertaken, Justice was ignored.

Justice if only was understood piece by piece,
cut off-piece because of the situation that one was separated with that was other, to himself and the person's situation of the individual.
The case for the sake of the case in accordance with orderly regulations.
The meaning of Justice could not be understood, could not be accepted with logic and could not be believed.
Then each acceptance situation as nature fate or nature

What was Justice of a Idea of the Deception.


The Justice origin originated in Allah flowed and ended towards Allah.
Only by investigating the contents of the revelation of Allah , Justice could be demanded and yearned for both to humankind and God

Allah is the Truth.
Because that the Origin - the Proposal,
Desire and the Aim of Justice.
It was Allah Himself
that became the executive was Humankind.
That was given by Knowledge and the Authority.
as well as the desire free to undertake him.
Because of that Justice was to yourself .
You are the King of Justice in the World
if you were prepared to co-operate with Allah's desire.
Justice will become real the existence.
Without your role that reigned as King of Justice.
Then the meaning of Justice can be not found.
Especially if you as the holder of the Justice Stick.
Embezzled the aim of Justice.
Therefore you removed the aim of Allah Justice

If you hoped for the arrival of Queen of Justice and King of Peace.
The Queen of Justice and King of Peace now are born, that is you yourself.
If you were still continuing to ask about the Queen Justice and when the arrival.
Now the Queen of Justice was born and comes to meet you.
You yourself is the Queen of Justice and King of Peace.
You are the King who reigned held the Justice Stick.
Anything your position:
as the pedicab driver, the uncivilised beggar, the or churchman, the director or president

Jesus was born to correct the mistake of the living tradition of the priests that diverted and turned the Allah decree, Muhammad was born to correct the living tradition of the ancestors of his ancestors, then this text was to confirm Allah's Justice that the Justice was certain, was unlimited in the Country's law, could be undertaken and was useful for all the sides.

Almost everyone was faithful, preacher and the leader of the religion carried out the interpretation mistake that is with regarded came to the religious duties house, to sing the adulation song or to pray thought met the peak Allah's order, while most of Allah's orders and His Justice must be precisely undertaken and spread outside the religious duties house and apart from the prayer.

Then the religious duties house and organizations of piety not campaign means, but the place where Allah must be honored through the action.

The Writer's escort.

The book that I wrote beforehand was explained by me that the criminal origin from himself personal humankind, both from personal each person of the individual and was organized in a manner the group, department and in the form of him as the government of the Country. Allah gave the freedom and did not take him came back some of the freedoms although his freedom was used by humankind to oppose Allah's desire personally. With the freedom that was owned by each person, this person could action separately and gathered and was organized to reduce the existence of the crime, avoided, removed, abolished the previous crime in place of him with the blessing or matters that were positive for peace, welfare and the happiness. Therefore Allah did not maintain the hell gift or heaven by influencing the freedom of humankind apart from the humankind personally that determined the aim of his life.
Likewise with justice. The origin, the desire and the aim of the justice were Allah personally. Nevertheless in the form of Him that was real the origin, the perpetrators, the cause and the source of the injustice were humankind was personally good to himself the person of the individual and worked in a manner was organized, department or emerged in the form of the government of the Country. After you understood, you will see that proof of origin injustice he proposed were humankind. Allah did not want the occurrence of poverty, the social imbalance, the birth of sufferings and warfare. Sidharta Buddha Gautama did not understand principles of universal justice then put in the formulation karma when sufferings that most was caused by the practices of injustice from the other side and the existence of differences in fact that made the happiness loss live that ought to be had someone.

After you read this text, you (also Buddhist group and Bhikkhu) could drop the assessment, whatever that was more beneficial to solve problems of the life of humankind “ the formulation yoga karma from Sidharta Buddha Gautama as resulting from the practices injustice ” or “ Formulation of Justice from the writer who penetrated the partition of the partition of the religion, the holy teaching and ideology exceeded the Country's territory as well as crossed space of the world limit that will continue to go towards heaven. ” History of the law did not explain the justice origin. Likewise the holy scriptures did not make the structure of justice apart from the order how necessarily the person was faithful could have an attitude more just as well as explained that Allah was the holder of the Justice right. But the message of the holy scriptures towards the safety of humankind not in Allah's justice right, but in the gift love, the amnesty and redemption that the arrival from God Himself.

If the Holy Scriptures and the Politics Ideology were still causing the misunderstanding and the conflict, then I was waiting criticism from the statesmen, the lawyer, the political expert, the philosophers, the theologians from various religious currents, the terrorists, the mafia and the intellectual from various countries in connection with the text of this Justice.

The chapter I
The reflection about Justice

Since childhood when I knew Allah with the understanding that was very limited as the living giver, the creator of sky, the earth and all of his contents, I believed that Allah really available. The conviction towards Allah's existence continues to be believed in by me till today, and I always requested help of Allah's blessing so that the conviction and yours sincerely to Allah continued to be awakened until my awareness no longer realised would the existence myself in this world. But since I knew the justice technical term and karma with the understanding that was very limited about the two terms, I had not trusted the existence of justice and karma. To the friend, colleagues that close to me and to all of my siblings, I always stated the same thing that I did not trust the existence of justice and karma. Until my age more than 40 years, I continued to not trust justice and karma, and I always denied the truth of the meaning of the term although I always heard the two terms it was said by almost anyone, both the preacher in religious duties houses and the political party's campaign, as well as the rebels that demanded justice.

During many year I could not connect between Allah's existence that Very Just and essence of Allah's Justice, also normal justice it was said by various sides and the available justice teaching in the holy holy scripture. How the person that his life was in heart darkness, in the suppression and the cruelty of the other person or casualties from the person's other action that violated the law, because of the political ambition someone or because the aim of achieving the wealth by means of sacrificing other blood of the person's sweat, could demand the justice right in his powerlessness. I saw to the structure of the organisation and the association of the available friendship in the community because of the ignorance, poverty or because of the limitations of the capacity someone did not get the happiness right from the nature desire that gave birth, from the aim plan of Allah's creation and from the government that carried out the Country's wealth. I continued to try to understand essence of justice, was justice the idea of the deception of obscuring the aim of the justice personally so that poor people and the sufferer continue to was in the warmth of the dream without the explanation to accept hope. Nevertheless I continued to believe that Allah seriously was and I believed that the goodness love and Allah's amnesty exceeded Alah justice if his justice was used as the benchmark to try the human action.

What became the foundation and the benchmark to receive and try the other person, the feeling, conscience, the law and regulations or the holy scriptures. In heart darkness was like this I asked “ What that became the foundation of the faithful person to receive as well as acknowledge Allah and the form of justice how that could be undertaken by the faithful person to practise the behaviour of his life in accordance with his justice because humankind was the image and Allah's picture, and as the representative Allah anyone. Unlike anyone who did not acknowledge or receive Allah in my his life asked “ How someone continued to not want to trust Allah but the same person could accept the concept of justice, demanded justice from the other side, spoke and offered justice programs was we must acknowledge that basically humankind really had difficulty having a honest attitude towards the behaviour, the decision and his action personally that tended unjust, and the same person could not understand and explain Justice ” was faithful must undertake his justice order as well as depicted the presence of his justice?

For me more was easy to understand the existence and Allah's role in this world although Allah did not appear by the eyes than understood essence of justice that appeared in real situations, to be seen clear in the behaviour of each person and to part of the decision in the court's good agencies in the national level and international cases. As long as my struggle looked for essence of Allah's justice because the holy scriptures acknowledged Allah as Personal Very Just was overturned by my denial towards the existence of justice was based on what was seen by me in this world, what provided a basis for the behaviour attitude of the other person who generally really has difficulty having a just attitude in accordance with the understanding in the level of the situation and the balanced position, the existence of decisions of the law that often did not reflect the spirit of justice, I found that the Truth and the Justice there to Allah personally are those that will be explained by me to this text. Therefore what was said by the prophets about justice and Allah's demand to His group in order to have a just attitude was correctly. The truth of Allah's justice was comprehended by me with definitely that humankind indeed was the picture and the representative of Allah's presence personally to complete the contents of the world by producing His justice.

Against karma that happened resulting from bad actions or because of the crime, like that happened since I the child with the very limited understanding till today, I still could not accept essence karma as part of the truth. The understanding karma that must be eliminated with the holiness road as well as moral action grandeur to not solve problems that were linked with whichever justice action the justice will cause the happiness and the release of the burden, even in the certain point the world will experience blocked because of the understanding of the emergence karma only caused the existence because but did not bring the recipient in resulting from.

If the amount of humankind was understood was based on the row counted and the row measured and if being understood by us that in every the second of more wrong-doing human numbers and unjust then in the age him that was increasingly old this the world will be filled up by humans that really suffered not because nature did not support requirement means for the life of humankind, but resulting from crimes of the past that must be accepted by the following generation. If the amount of humankind before humankind physically set foot him in this world was the same as the amount of humankind that will continue his birth resulting from karma, then the world will accept the burden of the extraordinary moral crime big, the black world and was really unjust compared with the beginning situation of the beginning of the holy world pure. The understanding karma that will cause the suffering in the following birth precisely to cause the new crime as well as the existence of the practices of injustice that caused the suffering as well as justified all the suffering sorts that must be borne by the poor people, the community left resulting from the crime of politics from the other side when we saw that the descendants of the nobles, the descendants of the robbers and the community's situation who previously as colonisers's nation enjoyed the living situation that was far more good and happy than the community of the heir of the just prosperous.

This current generation will immediately face the crisis of energy of nature resources. Several ten the year in front of the problem that was dealt with by the world community was really critical whichever the suffering and the mass death will be dealt with earlier by poor countries that most in Asia, the initiator's nation and the tradition heir karma. The logic is, the persons that could penetrate nibanna (the liberation himself from karma the negative headed towards the situation was born the heart was better) also could release or most did not give the positive influence in the life of surrounding area or his nation community. Beside global warming, rare and the cost of fuel energy will cause the production produced by agriculture to be able to not be carried from one territory to the other territory. The cost of fuel energy will cause the price of foodstuffs as well as results of the production of agriculture to become very expensive and to be not bought by most communities. All the distribution systems needed the fuel, both results of the production and results of agriculture. Transport vehicles could not be involved in achieving the aim. The activity of humankind will also be hindered apart from more often must be silent in the house. Humankind had difficulty being productive because results of the production of the industry and the service could not have economically supported the requirement for the life of humankind. In the stage was like this the distribution will produced by agriculture stop. If world peace continued to be striven for and human rights were fought for, furthermore you could imagine the grandchild you will die of starvation limp in your house separately without warfare. Each house will become the cemetery for his owner personally.

The reduction of water of sources in the surface and in the land and the reduction in the agricultural land will result in the decline in the production of the rice. If the requirement for the rice was counted his multiple had a basis the row counted, two forthcoming generations of the world must provide the rice 4000 million ton. The requirement for the rice must have been could not be reached although being found superior quality seeds. Penetrated him the rain water into the land needed time was very long that most have been sucked for the textile industry or the drink. Penetrated him water into the land still was hindered with the number of concrete buildings and asphalt. The flood disaster, the forest fire, house fire and the drought will become the seasonal cycle. Several ten the year in the future stock of the amount of food that was produced the earth on the whole has been did not suffice to support the life of humankind if the amount already more than 10 billion people. Although having the foodstuff of the amount of wood and available trees no longer sufficed as the fuel to process food, despite only was limited for the need of the household. The problem of energy will become the problem that was very serious to immediately be overcome. Today the reader could see how much available wood in each house and how long this wood could be used if being released from his roof to be made the fuel boiled rice. In time that was not too long again, would much humankind died of starvation whichever the government could not also help gave the subsidy. It was not yet increased by other disasters like infectious diseases and so on other the problem that caused the person to have to be cruel because of wanting to survive. To reduce the number of inhabitants and achieved the balance of the ecosystem, the only road must have warfare in several territories, but the big war with heavy artillery not the issuing road. Because the big war will cause the new problem. The territory that has been remained a group of humankind that experienced the mass death will leave empty space that economically unproductive to produce food.

If Allah did not shorten the time, this incident will immediately happen oldest two or three generations came. If this situation was seen from the aspect of karma, our children who were born in the forthcoming generation were significant only took the form of the opium den of the inheritance recipient karma. On the other hand if the life was still continuing with all of his difficulties, the amount of humankind that could live will continue to descend because great nature damage no longer supports welfare of the life of humankind. Sun energy was not yet tested to move the wheel of the industry. The sufferers of various illnesses could not come to the doctor because of the available transport to not suffice. Humankind must also fight for food with the animal how far the food could support continuation of the life of humankind. The number of animals will continue to decrease because of not getting the adequacy of food, apart from his animal personally also was eaten by humankind. Therefore the number of recipients karma incomparable with the number of causes that caused him. While for the faithful person who trusted Allah, the faith will personally be tested with various sufferings and the difficulty. Without the surrender himself totally to Allah, faith will collapse because the weight bore the burden of the life. Saw the reality above, my Resurgence the look as the starting point and the peak of justice of the amnesty turning-point. Without the resurgence what I the look as the moral quality, goodness, responsible, maintained the belief so that again received the belief as well as each effort towards the quality of the holiness continued to be in vain. Anyway from my life origin was personal from the aspect of meat, unclean thoughts, the spirit who was had by me dirtiest by various matters, I mentioned as original sin and the social sin that only through Allah's amnesty love the safety could be hoped for by me.

On the resurgence day was gotten the judging day where Allah stood as Justice. As the Chief Justice who acted took the decision, Allah was not accompanied by the council of the adviser of the suggestion giver or as the consideration reference. Here I saw Allah as Personal Justice Intelligence because of Allah did not need the other suggestion of the side's opinion to take the decision. Therefore Allah's decision was definitely true, must be very just and could not be wrong. But from the holy scriptures that were read by me I comprehended the message that the safety of humankind headed Allah only was not based on Allah's Justice, but leant on Allah's amnesty love that was abundant and His redemption. Not from struggle efforts someone headed the level of the holiness that was desired by the person personally. If justice became the balance benchmark of the holiness and the safety, anything the religion and the conviction someone not appropriate to reach heaven, apart from the prophets or Arrahat that the amount less than 1 %. The rest of them, more than 99 % humankind will not reach heaven including Buddhist group will not achieve the Arahat level to enter Nibbana. Therefore magnanimity, the amnesty and help of the safety from Allah absolute was needed whichever must be accompanied by the person's efforts personally with the freedom and his faith. After you were finished read this book you will understand although holiness efforts and the moral quality that will be achieved by you, I and you were still being not yet appropriate to reach heaven of – Nibbana if this matter not from giving of Allah's cheapness gift personally.

The right that was related to Justice

The right was because of the acknowledgment. The Acknowledgment could be subjective and could be objective. The subjective right when this right adhered to himself someone without needing the acknowledgment of the public. For example the association of the right of an employer against an employee or the teaching right of a teacher against a pupil without the association of the law and the agreement. The right was objective and was acknowledged by the public if this right was protected with regulations or was in the association of the law and the agreement. His problem the objective right that adhered in himself someone and that was in the protection of the law, the agreement or the authority always not be the same. The imbalance against big the small size of this right subjectively and the objective caused the problem in the justice field, the happiness, peace and peace (with himself and with the other side).

In the order of right politics to arrange that was linked with the authority often must be seized or through the long struggle, both democratically and by other means. In the level of the worse view, that is the robber and the thief, to get the right that was wanted often through the rape method, extortion, the theft, corruption or other cruel methods because only by means of like that the person's other right moved the hands. While in the more respected religious order the theft of the right often through the dedication, decimal payment or other tributes if this matter in turn was not returned for welfare of humankind as part of the justice action.

To the side that one existence of the acknowledgment and the protection of the right to make someone prepared struggled, worked hard, pursued the quality of the life and the happiness as well as maintained him so that the quality of the life was in the standard that was wanted. On the other hand the existence of the acknowledgment of the right to trigger someone did wrong, cruel or greedy as well as did not know the pity.

Justice generally only is gazed at from the right point of view because big the small size of the right someone was critical for the level of the person's happiness. The size of the authority right someone made the relevant person free to act without being frightened of the threat or the punishment. The size of the wealth right someone made the person relevant could choose and enjoyed heterogenous the choice of the enjoyment that was offered. The existence of the standard of the health physically and in a mental manner, made this person have the right to enjoy the sexual action or the other action that was linked with the activity of his body. In other words big the small size of the right and the acknowledgment that emerged on the right to give the freedom offer and the choice of the happiness that was bigger to this person.

The right, the freedom and the happiness were encompassed in the form of the demand of justice and this problem always was yearned for by anyone. Throughout history the demand towards the existence of justice always has emerged both in the religious field, politics, the law as well as the other activities that in the period now becomes part of the business and continues to be discussed and fought for by various sides with various reason pretexts. Justice was not only demanded by poor people and casualties that suffered and that was discussed in fact not his justice but towards the distribution of the right that gave the freedom, the enjoyment and the choice of the happiness. If having a group of person that all of them rich, healthy and happy then Justice will not be touched on as part of the demand. While that has had the big rights to object to waiving some of his rights because that meant to reduce the choice on the enjoyment offer, the freedom and his happiness. Because of that if not having the strength that forced was maintained by him the law and regulations, the authority in the form of anything through to his level that was smallest like the head of the ethnic group, the manager of the company will through to the leader's piety of the religion object to distributing his rights if the release of the right to cause the suffering, the difficulty through to the freedom loss.

What was discussed about justice in fact only spoke about whichever right big the small size of proprietary rights, the authority, the wealth or the other rights was linked with the freedom, the number of choices, the enjoyment and the happiness. Establishment towards the achievement of the quality of the life, the fulfilment of the standard of the life, the achievement of the dream of must have kept away itself from the understanding of justice. On the other hand what was acknowledged with the good suffering because of his inability to achieve the happiness that was wanted, because of the situation that had been carried by him since being born, because of social relations as the unhealthy community, the love loss, goodness, the amnesty or because resulting from from the person's other action that did not care about the person's other happiness was understood as injustice.

It was big that the small size of the right basically not be the same both that happened to the upper inanimate object object of a level of the violence, between plants to get the sun rays, around various animal kinds to occupy living space and his food kind and to himself each kind of humankind. But that not meant the justice was not available. Justice continued to be because of only humankind that had the freedom to take, seized, waived part or all of his right, to maintain the life or handed over his life. Generally humankind look for, had and took all of his right in accordance with the capacity, the capacity, the authority as well as other acknowledgments that possibly was received by him so as justice became hazy and the place of justice was replaced with the greed, the suppression, the cruelty or other actions that as a result caused the suffering for his peer.

In the Chapter II and III You will enter the analysis about justice, principles of the foundation and his violations that were carried out by various sides, good the politicians, the leading figures headed by the religion as far as the people very-very poor..If justice laws that the writer untangled could be undertaken, then will emerge World Peace and the Even Distribution of Welfare. On the other hand, if principles of Universal Justice that will be explained by me continued to be violated, in the world anywhere you were will be seen by hypocrisy put on clothes holy articles, the religious crime, terrorism, the justification put on clothes regulations and the legal stipulation through to organisations of the mafia with his legal rule separately. Respectively the side will remain with his truths personally while accused looked for the side's other mistake.

I did not discuss Justice when being connected with Pancasila, because the text of this Justice was aimed by me firstly for the world community. But you after reading this text will understand grandeur and the Pancasila intensity as well as the magnificence of the character of the leaders of our predecessor that Pancasila in fact contained the extraordinary noble values great although now the spirit and his contents are damaged and destroyed personally by some Indonesian citizens. May the Indonesian government immediately rise to reorganise the Pancasila contents how built Civilisation of the community Indonesia that was Just, Persatuan Indonesia that was based on the clear political point of view and as is now the case did not begin from the level of the area to the level of the centre of the concentration of his politics of only problems of the struggle for the position that ate the high cost, the existence of delegation's system of whichever people of the representatives of the people turned the aim of the struggle for the people that finally the representatives of the people was laugh at by the people who delegated him, as well as the aim of the development of whichever Social Justice the low people that must be served and was given priority by his welfare so that the leader who claimed as the Servant the People and the representative of the people could undertake the task of his service as well as possible .

The Chapter II
What Justice ?

Justice was thoughts, the attitude, words, the action and the action that must happen around sides that were involved in mutual relations and from the relations respectively the side it was demanded responsibility in the form of thoughts, the prayer, words, the action as well as the other economical sacrifice of the values by referring in seven principles of the justice law that is Spiritual Justice, The Holy Law of the Justice ( Justice of the Talent Law, Justice of the Blessing Law, Justice of the Amnesty Law ), Justice of the Words Law, Justice of the Agreement Law and Justice of the Freedom Law.

Generally anyone had knowledge that was enough to understand and correct his life attitude personally about what was useful, good and true or conversely. In spiritual area generally anyone had knowledge that was enough to guide his life personally to the true road that headed in the moral action and the quality of the spiritual life that was hoped for by the other side and that was demanded by himself. True and just thoughts were like this must be realised because anyone generally likes to appoint himself as the decision-maker's judge and likes to try the other side with his thoughts personally. The measurement of justice that was measured to the other side on the basis of his thoughts personally necessarily also could be used to measure himself. Therefore justice that originated in just thoughts will place itself and the other person in the position that was balanced with consideration of the condition that also balanced.

Thought justly that necessary because in certain cases someone could not fill the demand of good justice because of his mistake personally, the relative, the family or his mistake of the group's community and resulting from from the mistakes the other side became casualties of the injustice action. In the bigger case someone could not carry out the justice action in accordance with the understanding of justice that was linked with the problem because not his authority and was apart from the range capasity as well as was outside bore he replied. While the person who received the belief and legally had the right and the authority as well as could undertake justice programs precisely acted against actual regulations the regulations contained principles of justice for the community that was led by him.
The community in the order that was most primitive through to most modern lived mutually related and was knitted to one another like the market system that one offered, that was other bought and made use of things that were offered. In this market system humankind that one woke up in one relations with that was other although being different understood, the belief difference, the aim difference of the life or with the other term each other did not care on the other situation of the side's fate. In the relations was encompassed by one meaning of responsibility and justice, it was admitted or was denied that each thought and the action someone had resulting from and was influential to the other side, in the truth, justice, the sin, social welfare, environmental damage et cetera. In the understanding stage of responsibility and justice that woke up in this relations could not be avoided that each activity someone had an impact in that was other, to one another depended mutually although each one was responsible towards the work and his life separately. In this relations anyone was responsible against his community although was apart from his capacity. Likewise the community in the form of him that was legal that was acknowledged as international by the government or the body was responsible for the situation anyone on the whole.

In the level of the responsibility relations and this higher justice we must also speak to the side of that was higher the value and his awareness, that is social responsibility and the protection of human rights. In the formulation of justice above was touched on that justice inside was related to the sacrifice of economics of the values. Without the sacrifice the actual value of justice economics might not be realised and discussed both in personal relations the person of the individual, in the religious level of piety, in the level of the government of the country and international co-operation relations.

Let's speak about the need of the protection and the value of human rights economics as the living right, the foundation of the freedom and the aim of the happiness anyone. The protection of these human rights was limited in the life loss someone or a situation whichever casualties's side lost the opportunity to carry out the activity of the work, the hope loss of the future to get the living opportunity appropriately from the situation beforehand. If human rights that were poured in Constitution or basic regulations of the Country were the joint agreement that must be protected by the Country then the Country must be able to act as protect at the same time the guarantor towards the human rights loss someone how far losing him was not caused because of opposing the legal government or because of the suicide. But if the suicide that was carried out by someone was caused by hunger because of not getting the social allowance from the government of his Country because the Country could not give the standard of the requirement for the minimal life of his people, then the obligatory Country gave justice restitution to his people. In other words the human rights loss of each good citizen who was caused because his people was hungry, happened the interregional dispute the country, the life loss someone resulting from the private matter revenge like the debt debt or sexual corruption, the Country must give restitution of the living guarantee took the form of the financial allowance to casualties's side that experienced the front day loss on the hope loss of the front day if his death was proven made the other side that was in bore he replied could not receive the natural standard of living. The human rights loss someone must have been resulting from the practice of injustice that was caused by the other side. Because of that the government as the guard's agency and the guarantor of the protection taking effect of human rights must take over the task of the justice because of the perpetrators's side that caused the occurrence of casualties to have to have washed the hands or better entered prison space, at first if his perpetrators were the criminal, the drunkard or the uncivilized beggar. The entry someone to the place of detention did not improve the day situation in front of casualties's side and the aim of justice was not reached if only satisfaction of the heart of casualties's family that will be pursued by putting the perpetrators of the crime into prison space. Because of that justice not only spoke about the matter of the violation of the freedom loss of the other side or prison space, but also was related to responsibility of the Country's restitution to casualties's side that was in the protection of his legal territory. The punishment that was passed to the perpetrators of the crime, good the death sentence or put to prison space, only made the Country naturally take over the task and responsibility of the revenge of casualties's side. Without giving of restitution compensation to the sides that must suffer a loss as a result of the criminal emergence, from the aspect of the Country's justice did not have social justice responsibility.

Where the location of his justice if two drivers quarrelled caused one of them to die, and the person that his one must enter the prison if the two families only made the source of the life and his front day to their two fathers dependent. Did casualties's quite satisfied side only see the perpetrators of the murder entered prison space or if he was sentenced the death sentence, like the thief must die overwhelmed the mass that did not have justice responsibility. On the other hand where the location of his justice if the perpetrators's family of the crime must bear various difficulties resulting from emotions of his father who was not enough to be completed with regret.

Because of that for the sake of justice, the Country not only only acted as the agency that was assigned to take over revenge responsibility from casualties's side that will pursue his heart satisfaction, but the obligatory also Country gave good justice restitution to casualties's side and the perpetrators's side of the crime if as a result of the occurrence of the crime as well as the fall of the punishment made the family and the perpetrators of casualties's side of the crime could not satisfy the requirement for the life of his standard. For justice of the sides, the Country did not only act was limited to pass the punishment and pick up the payment fine on the occurrence of the violation but also gave justice to the casualties who were resulted in by the crime. Only Country could not carry out his nature wealth, his resources as well as the Country that could not guarantee the stability of his territory the crime will spread so as the Country could not fill the demand of justice that was needed by his people.

In many cases of the demand was maintained by him human rights that were carried out by the NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS only how far being related to rumours of politics that his tips only bargained, pressed that was continued with the trade in the agreement and his case personally then yawned was lost forgotten. That in no way reflected justice and the aim of justice precisely was lost in line with faded him the popularity of his case. Without the existence the value and the sacrifice of justice economics of the guarantor could not be carried out. In the case was like this the government of the Country only as the umbrella agreement the protection and human rights respect but did not have responsibility for the demand was maintained by him the human rights were carried out. If his situation continued to be like this, discussed the protection and human rights respect might not be put into basic regulations of the Country or part of the International agreement, but was enough meeting.

We took the case, if the perpetrators who caused the human rights loss someone was the drunkard, uncivilized beggar or an official of the Country or the Country's agency, then the demand that could be carried out by casualties's side to the Country be related to responsibility the Country against casualties's side or his family. While the insider this the drunkard, uncivilized beggar or the official of the Country that caused the human rights loss someone continued to be put on by the criminal action. Once more the demand towards justice that was linked with the human rights loss like this if casualties's side was not met by the indication opposed, faced or broke loose against the legal government. If casualties's side that experienced the loss of the living right like the case of the murder, the death of the person was sick because the doctor carried out the medical treatment mistake, bullets of the weapon bearer were wrong the target, the occurrence of the robbery in the family someone in fact because of kidnapping that was carried out by someone who wanted money for compensation, then the government of the Country stayed obligatory gave justice restitution took the form of the cost totalling the value of economics to casualties's side. If the entitled Country collected taxes and pulled upper fine was violated by him the regulation, then the Country also had the obligation to pay the upper justice cost the human rights loss someone, the security loss, peace and the safety of his citizen.

If casualties's side that experienced the loss of the living right like the case of the murder, the death of the person was sick because the doctor carried out the medical treatment mistake, bullets of the weapon bearer were wrong the target, the occurrence of the robbery in the family someone in fact because of kidnapping that was carried out by someone who wanted money for compensation, then the government of the Country stayed obligatory gave justice restitution took the form of the cost totalling the value of economics to casualties's side. If the entitled Country collected taxes and pulled upper fine was violated by him the regulation, then the Country also had the obligation to pay the upper justice cost the human rights loss someone, the security loss, peace and the safety of his citizen.
To receive the security guarantee of the Country and the protection of human rights along with economic rights on the feeling loss of justice of each citizen who economically could finance his life personally and or his family obligatory paid the tax to the Country's treasury. If someone economically canned and had the standard of welfare of the life that was needed, then this person obligatory contributed the development cost for the Country so that the Country could finance the welfare allowance for his people. The social foundation, religious agencies, religious duties houses, the political party, the organisation bodies as well as workers that were involved in obligatory also piety paid the tax to the Country although in the long run the Country again gave help for the development of their activity. By means of like this then the Country became the centre of investment and the people became the aim of welfare without eliminating the role, the freedom and efforts anyone.
The protection of human rights globally was related to the protection of the security of a citizen that was in the other Country as well as the security of the Country that one was in the protection of the security of all the countries. The first problem was the problem of human rights anyone to live in any Country with the treatment and respect that were same how far the prepared aim Country accepted the arrival of this person legally. If the arrival someone to the Country was received, whether as the tour visitor, for the work affair or to the citizen continue to, then the relevant Country must take justice responsibility that economically gave the restitution guarantee if the relevant person lost the protection of human rights from the other side because of the existence of the practice of injustice by the local resident. With the existence of government responsibility that had the value of economics against someone anything the status of his citizenship law then what was acknowledged as human rights had the appropriate meaning was protected and fought for. The second problem was related to the independence right of a Country to held his government personally without the attack or the disturbance of the security from the other country. If a Country or a group of Country attacked the other Country through the strength of the weapon without the certain reason that could be accepted by most countries in the world, then the group of the aggressor's Country must pay justice restitution not only to finance destruction that was caused by him, but also paid responsibility of the future cost to children and or the family who lost his life rights. Therefore the foreign citizen was not made the citizen of the class of two, the cruelty target or the aim of the war although he only worked as the servant.

The big nation was the nation that could cultivate the feeling of nationalism that was high to his people as well as could give the protection of human rights to his people, both that lived in his country personally and that lived in the Country's other territory along with the allowance of the economic guarantee that was guaranteed by the government. Therefore the human rights were important and must be protected because the government was responsible for following as well as suffering a loss by paying the front day guarantee that became the scope of casualties's upper responsibility the loss of the citizen's human rights that was in the range of the protection of his law.

Only in the takeover order of responsibility of taking the form of payment that economically was useful for the side that lost human rights as justice restitution that was balanced in the national scope to a Country like that was included in the Constitution, Basic Regulations of the Country and globally it was admitted the international community then the importance of the protection of human rights could be fought for. Without enclosing economic responsibility as the substitute for justice restitution, discussions and the demand towards human rights in a moral manner and could not be legally accounted for as part of the form of justice. Because of that if the protection on human rights anyone was it was considered important, must have the world body that had the authority, the authority and the strength so that the protection of the human rights is upheld by each Country. Without the existence of the world body that could demand responsibility of the Country's economics as part of the justice restitution, any government could not give responsibility on his loss of the citizen's human rights particularly the Country that inside was full of the conflict, the revolt, dissension between the conviction in the religious field and in the Country that the practice of his law enforcement might not. Did his profit prosecute the government if the demand on the human rights loss the Country did not have economic responsibility and even caused a loss to his country personally if because of the human rights loss someone only benefitted the other Country, apart from making the claimant's image ( the NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION) became the traitor the Country.

In the religious field, justice from nature of his foundation also was valuable economical and responsibility tolerance social religious always valuable economical. Anyone was faithful it was demanded his loyalty by Allah or gods and goddesses that were worshipped by him, and the faithful person must give the sacrifice took the form of dedication casualties. The dedication always was valuable economical, part of the exertion and results of the work someone. Allah had everything, but why Allah needed dedication casualties. The dedication not only as the feeling expression thank heavens, but that was part of the form of good justice from Allah's Justice personally and gave him. Without the dedication how the faithful person could reveal the feeling thank heavens him on blessings that acceptance or how the faithful person could say the feeling thanked you him on prayers that were heard by him. So the dedication to Allah that was taken from partly work exertion someone was the obligation anyone was faithful, rich or poor, well-off or not, anything the religion and his belief.

The person's dedication was faithful that was aimed at Allah that symbolically was received by his leaders, his Muslim scholar, his priest, the organisation or the religious agency who arranged his group, it was considered from the corner of justice then what was accepted from the group necessarily also could be enjoyed by other group that economically could not enjoy Allah's blessing justice. If we as the citizen because of his inability or because not appropriate his welfare through to caused could not him paid the tax to the Country's treasury still could enjoy facilities that were provided by the Country, then as the absolute faithful person must give the dedication to Allah no matter how small that could be presented by him necessarily also could accept the justice part that economically was accepted from the organisation of the religion that was followed by him. Justice was like this ignored by most organisations of piety, so as the practice of the love law was difficult to be understood especially by the poor person, that papa suffered and by the other side that did not care about the existence of the religion or the function of the existence of the religious agency.

If being counted by us was based on what value of justice that was bigger, the number of taxes that ought to be paid to the Country's treasury but was embezzled by us by the amount of money that was given by us as the dedication to Allah because of the demand of the love, tithes, sodakoh, the social good deed etc. then his answer must have been that what was dedicated to Allah and goodness that were given by us for the person's other happiness of the amount by us was far more smaller than the number of taxes that ought to be paid by us to the Country's treasury. If this position was realised by us that our existence as the faithful person fully did not obey the dedication law and as the citizen did not obey paid the tax to the Country's treasury whether possibly principles of universal justice could be filled good if the justice was gazed at from the corner of the religion or from the corner of position equality of the citizen as the fellow humankind. Then who that became the peer around us? If you stood as the leading figure of the management of a religion whether you were free to not give the dedication to Allah, free to not do a favour, and if you stood as the official of the Country whether And You Too free to not pay the tax? From the demand of social justice, then you anyone was faithful must give the dedication and as the citizen must pay the tax to the Country's treasury. In turn the religious agency and the Country must bring about the justice as the even distribution part of welfare to his people.

Because of that justice not only the demand on acceptance of the rights that adhered to the authority or ownership that was acknowledged legally. Justice also meant the existence of the willingness to waive the abandonment or the authority that was acknowledged by the law personally. Justice must in the form of him that was most universal contain the sacrifice of good economics of the values by sides that carried out the demand on justice and by the side that will uphold justice. Without releasing the valuable sacrifice economically, justice could not be upheld. What side that must make a sacrifice, the justice personally that will give the answer, but only was not legal and law that could become the extortion implement and the violence implement.

The III chapter the reader will understand further the meaning of justice that was contained politically and religiously. If the action that was compatible with justice was acknowledged as the violation and the violation was the crime, then the religious crime of appearance in his form that was roughest like terrorism, warfare between the different conviction the religion, the violence between the adherent of the religion, corruption, the manipulation et cetera the damaging crime social justice. While the religious crime appeared in the form of him that was most refined as treating the other side not equally because of being different religious conviction, enjoyed the wealth of results material of the development of the talent, the intellectual, intelligence or because of the inheritance without sharing fortune with that was poor, hungry and that suffered, took the Lord's dedication without caring with poverty and the available suffering around it, manipulated the truth of the Lords decree by setting aside the aim of His justice.

The Chapter III
The Basic of The Justice Foundation

How the person could hold firm the principle of justice as part of the upper truth of a demand towards the right that was acknowledged legally, while the same person could did not believe at the same time denying Allah's existence as from and the aim of justice. Generally the person only understood justice was based on the demand of the profit that gave the enjoyment or the guarantee on the income as the substitute on the right that was lost or the other rights that ought to be obtained. Justice usually only is understood from one direction, that is only from the side that wanted to get the profit or the side that demanded the economical profit, psychological or claims to other on the right that was regarded was lost or the other right that ought to be received. How could justice be understood by means of being the reverse if the person who has lost his rights or his life happiness must be still releasing other sacrifices that economically and psychologically exceeded his capacity power because of the legal rule required was like this. By chance of the standing law in the previous regulation the freedom right and the human happiness were sacrificed for the sake of the legal regulation?

If his answer yes, then the truth personally did not have the foundation of the assurance because of being not a single that could live and take correctly good measures in front of the religious law – Allah's revelation law like that was written in the holy scriptures and very few the person who could live correctly in front of the Country's law. From the significant point of view of safety theology was not a single that could live true opposite Allah because be not possible the faithful person could live with met all the regulation Allah's order or like that was recommended by holy teachings. While as the citizen anything his status as the community member, almost definitely was not a single that could obey the regulation and the Country's regulations especially in the matter paid the tax or avoided the theft of the Country's wealth in the form of other. If justice leant on the truth of the regulation, then appearance was very clear that our nationalism to uphold the Country's law and the person's faithful fanaticism to defend the truth of the religious law was very weak. Meaning that regulations, both orderly the Country's regulation and social justice.

Justice was thoughts, the attitude, words, the action and the action that must happen around sides that were involved in mutual relations and from the relations respectively the side it was demanded responsibility in the form of thoughts, the prayer, words, the action as well as the other economical sacrifice of the values by referring in seven principles of justice, that is the Spiritual Justice, The Holy Law of the Justice ( Justice of the Talent Law, Justice of the Blessing Law, Justice of the Amnesty Law ), Justice of the Words Law, Justice of the Agreement Law and Justice of the Freedom Law.

Now was explained by me Principles of Universal Justice and was proven by me that the source of the problem of the Universal Injustice creation that had happened forever since the world is created till today was humankind. His perpetrators came from all the social strata, from various belief currents, from various adherents of the religion and from various understandings of the state political ideology. The practice of the injustice was begun and maintained by the leading figures of his management and continued to flow was rooted down to the social stratum was lowest, that is the masses. Anyone in the position of the struggle for his life to yearn for justice, of the beginning then in the safer position was not prepared to undertake justice, and to the peak of his authority afterwards denied the meaning of justice until ending with not the discovery of the meaning of justice.


.Anyone swore in the name of Allah or his sanctity or Holy Scriptures or his gods and goddesses and swore that as part of the association of the loyalty agreement someone in undertaking the task of the work and or that was carried out for the length of his life trip then the oath caused the spiritual association for sides that said the contents of the oath with Allah, the devil or personal other that was worshipped by him.

The first one was Spiritual Justice.

This justice was Allah's Authority proprietary rights in giving the amnesty, redemption, the safety or his refusal towards the amnesty et cetera that was connected with His desire. His authority gave the punishment et cetera whichever the faithful person was only prosecuted to honour His name and sacrifice His glory by not trying to try on and oppose His desire. This spiritual justice placed Allah as Personal Most Graceful, Was Full of the Love, Most Merciful, Rescuer, and to him all the forms of the attitude as well as the human action became part of the living dedication of each person.

Above was explained that not there is a single that could live correctly opposite Allah if justice that became the truth reference of the standing action in the regulation and Allah's laws like that was poured in the holy scriptures or holy teachings. In other words the love, the amnesty, redemption of the sin on the mistake and the safety of humankind leant on Allah's goodness personally. What became efforts and the struggle of a humankind to receive his safety did not fill the condition on his safety personally if the safety was placed in the justice law as the foundation of the truth of the action.

In the Countries that followed the understanding of the authority of the universe relied on the Lord of the Lord or gods and goddesses monotheism was received by the laying habit of the oath of office under the holy scriptures on behalf of the Lord or gods and goddesses who were worshipped by him. As the spiritual base to convince the other side that became the witness to be taken by him the action oath of office was like this was correctly. But in his implementation the oath of office on behalf of the Lord under the holy scriptures often did not provide a basis for the implementation of the public's action that was guided by Law State regulations. Spiritually this behaviour violated spiritual justice the Lord. If actions that were carried out by the official of the Country or the leaders of the religion not in accordance with the oath of office that was carried out on behalf of the Lord, could be imagined how big is the sin of the officials of the Country and the violation that were done by the officials in the religious field if this oath became the reference of the justice base with the people who was led by him.

The same thing happened to the available leaders in each agency, the organisation and to himself anyone was faithful. When holy promises like the willingness to live in the spirit of poverty, the holiness of the marriage, the loyalty promise and other promises deliberate was violated not because of being not able to keep the promises, but fully the awareness and his will were quite determined to continue to maintain the violation. The living situation of the faithful person under the violation of Allah's spiritual law, was not possible to make this faithful person receive his safety if the safety was based on the action and his efforts personally to fill the standard of the holiness. If the holiness of the life someone filled the quality of the understanding that was understood by the other person from any teaching point of view, just could be said that this person from the human point of view appropriate to receive the safety headed Personal that was worshipped by him. But if the measurement was true, must have been the amount less than 2 % the person who could receive his safety if the safety was based on the moral quality of the assessment of the other person of the objective.

The birth of religious crimes that ancient was marked by the murder and the torturing prophets only Allah personally that could give the amnesty because of the limitations of human knowledge about His Oneness. The religious crime in the modern time developed to the side of that was more complex as the treatment that was not balanced between the adherent of the different religion understood good in the work field, the level of the position or the public's service, respect and the treatment that were not balanced towards the existence of Allah's house because of being different the prophet. How could the faithful person imprison Allah in the religious duties house only because of being different the prophet. How could the faithful person punish Allah that was worshipped by him by destroying the sanctity of his house. In the more specific scope the religious crime happened between the religious political party only because of being different mazhab, different the view of the safety, was different the interpretation of the centipede of the prophet's teaching so as sects that ought to complement each other the view of the safety and co-operated precisely caused dissension. In the community's more universal order, the religious crime happened when the Country that one was allied with the other Country, the community's bloc that an understanding gathered with the bloc of the majority community that a previous faith dropped sanctions or lighted the birth of warfare, caused the crime terrorism that was encouraged by spirituality the prophetic message through to warfare was open between the person's faithful community both that emerged by the fellow follower of the prophet and that was different the prophet. Religious crimes like that were the spiritual crime because of stealing the authority and Allah's love so only Allah that could release and pardoned. The State law and the order of the human rule could not often drop criminal sanctions against the existence of religious crimes of that kind although having violence proof. As a result the punishment or his amnesty personally did not emerge against the perpetrators and preacher the religious crime.

The existence of the practice of the suppression, the violence through to warfare in the religious field was clearly confusing all the sides, including the person who did not trust Allah. How could be understood by Allah oneness, Allah that governed the universe, Allah that full of the Love demanded the defence of faithful people to protect Himself as well as ask for the support from faithful people who sucked up. The situation was like this was the distortion of the fact and the trivialising of logic when a leader of the religion or the leader of the religious political party felt more had the power than Allah by trying the truth of Allah's revelation. How will Allah give his amnesty if all the sides that caused warfare together to defend Allah, struggled on behalf of Allah but also killed each other on behalf of Allah, while Allah did not want was like this? Allah did not yet pull out the ban on the murder like that was written in the Torah through to the last revelation that was poured in the Constitution of Basic regulations of the Country.

I did not agree was undertaken by him the death sentence because of this matter not in line with the contents of the Constitution that by many countries was accepted as the Head from the Basic Regulations Book. If the Book Law Crime still contained was appointed by him the implementation of the death sentence, then must be changed and adapted to the contents of the Constitution. Now was explained by me to the theologians who acknowledged and worshipped God as Personal Great the Lord. Allah Most Powerfull could kill humankind even if this humankind in the situation be powerful or opposed him?

If the aim of the murder to abolish, his answer was Not. Allah will not kill one spirit then that had been born in the world. Allah appointed that the spirit was lasting, and all the understandings of the belief said was like this. If the spirit was lasting then Allah could not also kill the spirit not because of Allah not Most Powerful, but Allah's Authority could not be contrary to Allah's desire. Why the spirit must be lasting. Allah determined the resurgence (reincarnation) for the aim of justice. If not having the resurgence (reincarnation) then the quality of the moral action good humankind that took the form of holiness efforts and the crime to be not valuable. If actions were not valuable opposite Allah why must have the religion. Although Allah Most Powerfull, Allah never had killed or abolished one spirit then that had been born in the world. If Allah killed one of the spirits or abolished because His Powerfull, then Allah took unjust measures by opposing his law personally that is the Resurgence law (reincarnation) at the same time opposite the eternity law of the spirit. If Allah Most Powerfull could not kill to abolish the spirit who was created by Him, then the authority of humankind necessarily also was not used to kill the other person or to abolish the living right that was owned by the other person. Allah's authority was not compatible with Allah's desire that necessarily also could be understood that the authority of humankind was not compatible with the human desire personally if human rights must be still being protected. By that if the community did not justify the existence of the suicide action, then the same community (the representative of the people) necessarily did not give permission to the representative government the people to pass the death sentence. What the community's right against someone if the person who was same on behalf of the freedom, the conviction and human rights to want the suicide? The death sentence must be eliminated and the suicide could not be justified. The two actions were not compatible with Allah's desire.

If the wrong theologians placed the foundation of thinking or a leader of the wrong religion interpreted the message of the Holy Scripture or only chose one or two holy articles to fill emotions and his personal ambition, then people who were involved in practical politics that carried the understanding of the religious ideology easily will cause religious crimes, caused the disaster, warfare as well as other sufferings as being hungry, poverty and the loss of humankind's peace. This action must have been compatible with Allah's message of the revelation that wanted peace in to His name. Understood Holy Scriptures ought to change the personal character of the faithful person to more listen to and undertook Allah's desire than followed the personal wish desire as well as more gave priority to Allah's magnificence than the honour himself.

The theologians and faithful group ought to think mature by placing Allah as well as the main message his revelation as the centre and the aim of the life. Allah was more noble and bigger than the prophet who brought his message. Prophets and his ally were bigger than the leader of the religion that interpreted the message of the revelation that acceptance. Generally that happened was to be the reverse. The faithful person more appreciated and honored his leader or his religious teacher than honored the prophet who brought Allah's message, and for the certain interests more exaggerated his prophet than honored Allah. As a result that happened was the thinking disorder that blew headed towards the action disorder, damaged the structure of faith by abolishing the service honour to Allah then was replaced with the service honour to himself, to the religious teacher or the leader of his religion.

“ If you saw the Killer stood in the Holy Place……... If you saw the Swindler in the Respected Place.” (Injil Mathew 24:15, Daniel 9: 27)

“ Follow what was dropped off (was revealed) to you from your God and don't you followed the leaders apart from Allah. Very few you took the lesson than him. ” (Al Qur’an, Al A’raaf, Juz 8:3)

The article above explained the need of the faithful person was wary of the religious teacher or his spirituals leader. In the other side of the faithful person must bail out knowledge and requested the holiness blessing through the hands and their thoughts. On the side other, we did not know when the spiritual leader who was honored stood on the dedication altar or a funnel sent the sermon with separated holy scripture articles that were liked by him personally while slandering the truth of the other religious revelation. Or he also interpreted personally holy articles in accordance with his wish, the aim of his politics or to scoop up the wealth through the dedication. From their mouth often emerged bloodshed, the cruelty, the enmity and the deception. Jesus to Injil Matius 24:23-25 reminded this message in connection with false prophet's emergence put on clothes holiness robes. To look for essence of the truth of Allah revelation, the best matter was done by the faithful person was to read personally Holy Scripture, requested the guidance and Allah's information while listening to his conscience and voice of heart personality.

The birth of religious crimes was like this was caused by the religion that formed the faithful group of the person's community more often was led by holy scripture regulations (the dogma) but did not place Allah to lead the spirit of living spirituality of his piety. Therefore the religion was only led memoried holy articles, religious teachers as well as his leading figure, but his religion personally without Allah because of Allah's desire was not listened to. To look for and hear Allah's desire of the theologians and the faithful person should have an open mind same like the attitude the scientist that by chance of the physics law, the speed law of the light, the gravitation law, mathematical formulas, the chemical law, the genetic theory et cetera His truth mounted and was universal although these laws came from the place and different time.

Our understanding about Allah was very limited. While our action attitude to follow wishes that caused the enjoyment almost was unlimited. In other words the amnesty and the redemption were absolute from Allah, bigger came and the arrival from Allah personally. Because of that the Spiritual Justice belonging to Allah, Allah's right, Allah personally that upheld spiritual justice, gave the amnesty, released mistakes and in this case not the human right to try the other person was based on violations that were made for the length of his life if his action him was connected with heaven, hell or other punishments like karma when the grave waited him.

II. Holy Law of the Justice. The Holy Law contained three basic rules that is: the Talent Law, Blessing Law and the Amnesty Law. Without referring in Allah's revelation, principles of universal justice that referred in the Holy Law could not be explained. Now during him was explained by me the three principles of this Holy Law Justice that the willingness to make a sacrifice, the service, the love and the need forgave each other come from from the three basic rules of justice above. If the Holy Law Justice was denied, then the source and the foundation of the balance of nature could not be about justice understood. Anyone understood that justice not meant the equality: equal, had a same face, had same skin, had same intelligence, talented same, wanted same, had the same right, religious same, sounded same, had fate or same nature, etc.

1. Justice of the Talent Law

Anyone had the capacity that became capital of the foundation to develop himself as well as develop the life of the other person both took the form of intelligence, his talents, beauty of the voice or the other capacities that became part of his talent, then this person must develop his talent was as maximally as possible good for the aim of his life happiness personally and for the person's other happiness.

This Talent law will be faced with laziness, the ignorance, the physical defect, psychological disablement, spiritual disablement, the mental defect as well as other weaknesses that was owned by someone both that was realised and that emerged and adhered to himself someone.

The gap must be from two situations that were contained in the Talent Law bridged with the Positive Law that is the existence of the acknowledgment and the protection of proprietary rights. Without the existence of the protection and the acknowledgment for good proprietary rights that were received by someone through the inheritance, luck or because of his struggle efforts personally then humankind will tend lazy at have a yield, composing or working was good for the progress and his life happiness personally and for the person's other happiness. The talent was capital of the foundation or the capacity talent that must be acknowledged by his existence and was tied naturally to himself someone. The talent that was owned by someone was not possible to be able to be compared to one another good that finally had caused the material wealth, the spiritual holiness, the happiness or the suffering. Justice that was related to the Talent Law that is that anyone had the task and the role that were the same the size to complement each other, entertained each other, mutually to sacrifice, completed each other and made each other happy. More than that anyone must have the willingness to give to the other side, while the other side must be humble to be prepared to receive and make as well as possible use of what was accepted from the other person.

Other justice that was reflected in the Talent Law was the existence of the willingness to release on what ought to be maintained by the owner of the talent. Without the existence of the willingness to release on what became part of his rights, the world can never explain the meaning of justice if the justice was gazed at from the corner of the existence of material, the wealth, the happiness or other matters that caused the enjoyment. To the other side, the person who for the length of his life experienced the suffering and heart darkness can never understand the meaning of justice. The perpetrators of justice in this case was the human action that one on other humankind. Without the existence of the justice action that held on to the principle of the Talent Law, someone will never know the Lord's goodness that gave the task to humankind to complete the contents of the world personally. The talent law will be seen clearer in what was seen by us and was witnessed by us that the writer mentioned as the principle of integrity injustice.

The Character of the Foundation of Injustice.

Firstly, injustice was based on the psychological principle. The character to have an unjust attitude has emerged in himself anyone since being born. This character has become the gift and adhered without the freedom to choose. The person who was born automatically entered a view system, the assessment and his opinion of the place community he was increased and lived. Before someone mature and could think personally he must submit to the pattern thought his community. Moreover, if this person could have thought personally, he must also follow discipline of his rule of the place community he lived, both in the matter of the truth and in doubt, to the grey territory or in the wrong in every way condition. Someone to survive must follow the current of the view flow, the opinion, discipline, the rule even if his conscience could not agree to the rule system that was valid in his place he lived, his culture, his place he worked, his country's politics et cetera. However the way of thinking could be about justice changed through knowledge if someone wanted to realise and force himself that justice that became moral eminence blood also was needed by the other person.

The characteristics of first injustice towards justice, psychologically caused the dual or two-faced character. This dual character emerged because the problem of justice was not gazed at was based on his meaning, but it was thought was based on the benefit principle, the interests as well as the other value of economics that caused the happiness, the association of the friendship or luck. That was the reason we had difficulty clapping for the person's other happiness when we ourselves must become casualties part of the person's other action. For example, because sportsmanlike him the game clapped for two football soccer teams that entered the goal in a changing manner. Or we expressed gratitude, was grateful, pray for while blessing the person who tortured ourselves. The dual character was two-faced this also caused the attitude that was not balanced, to treat and honour the other person not was based that the other person must be appreciated, but treated the other person because of having other matters that gave hope of the arrival of the profit.

In responding to this two-faced justice was very real when someone carried out the violation of the law tended to deny his action and refused was sentenced the punishment. The legal offender might follow methods of alleviating the punishment that possibly was passed to him, but necessarily did not deny his action was good because was accused by the other person with or without proof. The denial towards the violation of the law that must be replaced with balanced restitution or the refusal to accept the punishment, was the denial on the justice personally. This was the basic characteristics of humankind that was two-faced in responding to the meaning of justice and honesty.

Secondly, injustice was based on the spiritual principle. Anyone held the principle of the conviction towards matters that gave him comfort, establishment, heart peace, the happiness ideology that pushed this person could struggle and make a sacrifice. The principle of this conviction could take the form of the religion, the political ideology, the sexual conviction, money et cetera. Injustice was based on the spiritual principle, in this case only is limited in the religion, generally by chance of the objective was restricted with the liturgy or dogmas that closed the universal truth about Allah's essence in the religion personally. As a result the core of the truth of the religion, in this case Allah's desire precisely pushed the faithful person to carry out the religious crime like the murder of prophets, terrorism that was pushed by the understanding of the religion or the restriction on the right and the freedom of the adherent of the majority religion against the adherent of the minority religion. The faithful person sometimes had difficulty having an objective attitude to see Allah's truth, in fact more liked to place himself in the position that was more high-ranking to try the truth of Allah's revelation available in the other religion.

Thirdly, injustice was based on the principle of the integrity. More to be precise, the demand of Allah's responsibility of being based on the principle of the talent law. Anyone was born in the physical condition, the heart, material, intelligence, the family and the different environment. Anyone was born in the level and the opportunity that were different to develop intelligence, the talent, skills as well as the other capacities that was owned. If the right that caused binding ownership on objects or material must be looked for and developed personally by each person from capital of the integrity (the talent) that was different, must have been the receipt on the rights that were received by him also was different. If the holiness was made an effort to get personally through their respective struggle for the person, then the level of the holiness of the person will differ. Anyone was born not on the will and his choice personally to determine the condition for his life, and of course the receipt on the right of the wealth of the person's material that was produced in the middle of the city from the better established family his possibility from the person who was born in the village was isolated. The principle of the legal freedom positive was not in line with the success law if the success, the wealth and the happiness were measured from the principle of the talent law, the law pyramid or the law pareto.

Really this integrity injustice caused anyone to receive the right that caused attachments to material, the enjoyment, the happiness as well as different luck. If the right to material or the other happiness that was received respectively this person must be protected by the Country's law, the receipt of the right to this material was seen from the aspect of the talent basically has been unjust, although to certain work fields opened the opportunity and the same opportunity. The person who was born healthy and smart had the opportunity of getting the rights to material and the happiness that better than the person who was born by the mental defect. The person who was born pretty and speaking sweet had the opportunity to live happy bigger than the other woman who was born in the deaf and mute condition.

The principle of this integrity injustice explained that Allah's justice only was spiritual, did not have a material nature, was not based on fate, fate, luck, intelligence, beauty, the talent or the amount of fortune that was accepted as the sign of the blessing and Allah's love by someone. The situation of the material wealth someone, the happiness, the level of the holiness, luck and the disaster and the suffering did not explain justice or gave Allah if this justice was used to measure appropriate not him the person was faithful opposite Allah. Nevertheless, the suffering that continually was experienced by the faithful person could drop the person's faith towards Allah's upper denial, same as the enjoyment, the wealth and the other happiness also tended to forget Allah's goodness love then destroyed faith someone.

The principle of two-faced psychological injustice and the principle of integrity injustice explained that humankind was born not in the free condition and was not equal to demand his rights in front of the law and be not equal to get the opportunity right that equally on attachments to the material wealth and the happiness that was wanted. Before someone was born, he has been pointed in the framework of thinking and the structure of the organisation of the community that basically has been unjust.

The two principles of injustice above explained that the positive law that was put into effect in all the countries and the religious law that were based on the revelation could not overcome available injustice in this world. The two principles of this injustice also explained, that all the kind the suffering, blindness, darkness the heart and all the practice the suppression that caused someone felt someone lost Allah's blessing could not blame and point at Allah as the cause origin of injustice, the imbalance and the source of the disaster. Nevertheless, the positive law that in applied in all the countries and the available religious law in the world when being undertaken in accordance with the aim was born by him this law, could reduce the distance of the happiness arbiter between that was stupid and that was clever, that was born the defect with that was born perfect, that his fate was always unfortunate with that was lucky etc.

The principle of this integrity injustice explained that there is no person who was born by chance as the person of the black person, chocolate or white, clever or stupid, the defect or perfect, was lucky, often be lucky or was unlucky that placed him to the side that failed. While other situations most happened because of the person's mistake personally, the person's other action individually or the community's group that the co-operation system and his social responsibility were not good. Nature placed the situations for the aim of the balance, and Allah produced situations like that for the aim of the magnificence of the faithful person and Allah's magnificence personally. Allah had the safety plan for anyone as well as offered the work call of his safety for all the sides. That someone in this case the faithful person ignored essence of the life was based on the talent that was owned by him and abolished Allah's order, the problem his spiritual responsibility affair personally.

The religious meaning that was contained in the Talent Law was that anyone who had many talents must be working with Allah to complete Allah's work in the world because not all the things that were needed by humankind were created by Allah in a manner instantly like the aircraft, the computer, the car et cetera. With the existence of the principle of this talent law also showed that humankind was Allah's picture personally at the same time as the partner to work obviously in the world. While the psychological meaning that was contained in the talent law that is that humankind free to pursue his happiness in accordance with the talent that was owned and that adhered to himself the person personally.

2. Justice of the Blessing Law.

Anyone received many blessings than him it was demanded to release the blessings in accordance with the number of blessings that became his proprietary rights and anyone accepted few blessings than him it was demanded to accept the blessing the way it is without demanding his addition that exceeded the aim of his life.

This Blessing Law will be faced with poverty – social poverty that was borne by a group of poor person, the poor community, poor countries, the thieves, the robber, the hard workers of the slave of the worker's labourer but stayed poor and a group of corrupt community. The person who has many talents usually has the level of the wealth and the living happiness that were better compared with the other person generally. The same thing happened to himself the poor person or the poor community that usually more close to the ignorance, the attitude bounced that was bad, the plan management lived that was bad etc. Nevertheless justice of the blessing law was not the same as justice of the talent law.

The gap must be from two very different situations that were contained in the blessing law bridged with the Positive Law that was carried out by the Country took the form of the even distribution of Social Justice. In this Blessing Law the government held the role that very important to maintain and maintain the occurence of Social Justice so that the people who did not get luck resulting from various because of getting the place of his life happiness is supervised by welfare of the Country's prosperity that was carried out by the leaders of the Country.

In the religious area, this Blessing Law was bridged with the love, tithes or the other good deed action. Allah required this rule to be undertaken with tantalised the gift took the form of heaven. But Allah's law that was based on the freedom and liked to be willing this more often was ignored by the faithful person so as Justice of the Blessing Law if still was hoped for by all the sides then Justice that was based on the Positive Law that was carried out by the Country must be above and exceeded the love law. In other words the person was faithful could not be believed to undertake Justice of the Blessing Law. (Al Qur’an, Az Zukhruf, Juz 25: 15).The poor Person could not accept the fortune blessing the way it was that was rich still felt not all that to get his surplus.

In the Talent Law that was valid was that the owner of the talent gave more of his talents to poor people the talent, although in the long run the person who lacked his talent must pay more to the owners of the talent so as the owners of the talent will have the living right, the wealth and the better happiness. For example the owner of the talent to the football player. He only gave his talent was limited in the field of his game space, but he got more payments from the spectators, the advertisement payer et cetera more than that he himself gave. This situation also applied to the owners of the talent in the intellectual's field, the creator of music, the work of art or in the leadership field. They contributed few of his talents to afterwards receive and get the wealth right far more many of the poorer people his talent.

The same thing was current in the Blessing Law that poor people gave the wealth contribution, the power and finance more to rich people than the person who just like his blessing gave the contribution to the poor person, although the tax to the Country's treasury directly was paid by people's rich group. The situation that was equally current to the community's group or whichever Country the group community-country poor gave more to community-country rich than community-country rich contributed his wealth to community-country poor. This reality in line with the saying ” Who had to him will be given and anyone did not have than him would taken” and in accordance with the Pyramid law that depicted that the people was the peak prop of the authority and the life support of the community that was above.

How must justice of the blessing law be undertaken? Generally anyone that had wanted to have even more and the person that has gotten many rights to want to get even more other rights that could be controlled. Justice of the blessing law naturally happened through the efforts activity, the investment activity, investment that finally must have employed the other person to create and distribute new blessings. The government and the businessmen directly was the side that acted as the creator and the distributor of the blessing for welfare of the life of the other person. But relations between the businessman and the workers, the government was with the official of the Country as well as his people that happened because of a habit often forgotten that they in a theological manner were the creator and the distributor of the actual blessing.

Justice of the Blessing Law required humankind to undertake two main obligations. Firstly, as the faithful person who worshipped and honored Allah or as a religious, then anyone obligatory and must present some results of his work efforts for Allah. Dedication was not just aimed to give the living allowance of the priests who worked in and around the dedication table, but this was the form of the actual dedication was the shape of the blessing justice personally. If the universe was Allah's creation and everything was belonging to Allah, in fact Allah in a manner material did not need anything from the human side. This obligation must be undertaken because the dedication only was not related to the testimonial or the person's faithful respect to Allah, but the obligation that could not be counteracted in order to justice gave Allah personally. Further, the leaders religion-organization of piety also must distribute some of group's dedications for welfare of group – the person was faithful, especially to help welfare of poor group. The leader religion-organisation of piety could not take all the dedications that were received from group for the interests of his organisation personally, his family personally or shifted the reason for the need of the cost missioner. The person was faithful that economically poor and was in the association of unity of his faith must receive attention to welfare of his life from the organisation of his place piety this person was sheltering. If the Country that took money for the tax from his people followed as well as struggled and paid attention to the requirement for the life of his people, then the leaders religion-organisation of piety that accepted the dedication from group must act better than the officials of the Country because if the fighting and moving government upheld justice through the positive law, then the leaders of the religion must spread justice through the sign of the love. The fact is the organisation of modern piety as well as his leaders generally takes worse measures than the government of the Country that was corrupt because the organisation of piety only wanted to accept the dedication from his group but often did not act to bring about justice and the love that were the main law from the religious teaching personally. We could witness in each corner of the world that the group of the outskirts community that lived as the faithful person of the class to four always did not receive the blessing that was adequate to support his life happiness. Justice of the Blessing Law required that they continued to have the obligation to present some results of their efforts for Allah, but on the other hand they ought to also get part of Allah's blessing through the organisation of the religion was based on faith that was followed by him.

The second obligation from Justice of the Blessing Law that is the obligation anyone, good the person was or not faithful, to give some of the results of efforts or waive some of his proprietary rights to be given or contributed to the poorer person or that more needed good directly or through the social organisation that was in charge of that. The Talent Law caused the receipt of the wealth right someone who by the positive law it was admitted as proprietary rights became not balanced, not equitable in fact could cause the imbalance social between the community that one with the other social class, between group's faithful group and the leaders of the religion that governed him, between the Country that one and the other Country. The positive law must protect proprietary rights someone, even when this right was received through the criminal route, corruption or the loot inheritance. Without the existence of the implementation of Blessing Law to waive some rights that ought to be maintained, then the social imbalance intergroup the community and international will be never solved. Because for the justice personally the positive law must continue to be maintained and put into effect, but if anyone and respectively the side continued to try to maintain the right that became part of his property then the social imbalance gap was always divided into parts in castes including also to the group of the faithful person who did not acknowledge the existence of the difference caste of the social status. Therefore the blessing gap was divided into parts to groups, castes and the difference of the position if the blessings were not released by sides that controlled the blessing because of his status. Not except churchmen, the sermon and the leaders in the field spritualitas generally was the side that controlled the blessing of the material wealth at the same time as the side that was not prepared to release the blessing that became his authority.

The meaning religious that was contained in Justice of the Blessing Law that is the fulfilment Allah's order or the person's obligation was faithful towards the existence of the person's faithful obligation to be not tied with the wealth that became his proprietary rights. There was not any Allah's order that obliged the faithful person to stockpile the wealth exceeded his requirement. Moreover as one of the conditions for the faithful person to submit to Allah's desire that is the existence of the willingness to live depended on Allah's desire than depended on the world wealth. While the religious meaning from Justice of the Blessing Law for the poor person, the person who did not have savings or supplies of old age provisions were, that that was needed by the faithful person to become holy and live agreeing to Allah that is living that personally as well as his attitude to Allah, not depended on the wealth by pursuing the wish to fill the standard of the assessment of the other person or follow the wish that exceeded the limit. So the situation someone whether rich or poor did not obstruct this person appeared Allah's magnificence and the situation lived someone did not indicate that this person lived in the blessing or Allah's curse. The order and Allah's desire for the two situations already clear. The life was more important and more valuable when compared with what always was pursued by us and was maintained by us. So the religious meaning towards the existence of the Justice of the Blessing Law was rational that ought to become spirituality to give the meaning of the life personally.

Below this we quoted articles that required Justice of the Blessing Law to be undertaken by the faithful person, and the justice not only the demand to receive the right that has been owned or that ought to be had. Justice that must be undertaken by the faithful person was valid conversely, that is the existence of the willingness to waive some rights that by the positive law were acknowledged as his property. While for poor people and the person that must suffer because of faith, Allah did not promise the replacement of the attitude agnostics with the blessing because of faith. The poor person and the person that must suffer because his faith attitude continued to be demanded to be loyal to Allah if himself hoped for the safety from Allah. The preachers could not twist the contents of this revelation by giving hope that exceeded his capacity.

Anyone who to him often was given, than him will often be prosecuted, and to whoever often was entrusted, than him would even more demanded. (Injil Lukas 12: 48)

Likewise each person could not around you who did not release himself from all of his property, not become the pupil Me (Injil Lukas 14: 33)

Don't worried would your life, what will do that would you ate or drink should not worried also would your body what will do that would you put on was the life not more important than food and the body was more important than clothes the reason should not you worried would the next day because tomorrow had his difficulty personally (Matius 6: 25 & 34)

Ought to be regretted, humankind of only smokes
no use all his nervousness
he stockpiled his owners
but he did not know whoever enjoyed him ( Mazmur 39:5-7 )

“Was happy you who were poor, because you that the owner of Allah's Kingdom. Was happy you who were this current were hungry, because you will be satisfied. Was happy you who were this current cried, because you will laugh. Because actually your pay was big in heaven, because in a manner likewise their ancestors treated the prophets. ” (Lukas 6:20-21 & 23)

“ The not jealous Person, but to the good friend for all the living creatures, did not regard himself the owner, free from false egoism, have an attitude equally good in for better or worse, have an attitude tolerance, always satisfied, controlled himself, diligent in the service with the determination of the heart, with thoughts and intelligence was centred on to Me, the worshipper Me that like that really By Me loved (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12:13-14)

“ The Person who focussed his thoughts in my personal form and always diligent worshipped Me with the spiritual big conviction and exceeded the matter of the worldly matter was regarded as most perfect by Me (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12: 2)
“ So should not property and your appealing children. Actually Allah wanted by giving property and the children to torture them in the life in this world and in the future will fly their life, while they in the infidel's situation. ” (Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10:55) ” The day of the Lord's court was seen by you each kind of group will surrender. Each kind of group was called to see the notebook what has been done ” (Al Qur’an, Al Jaatsiyah, Juz 25: 28 )

“ And should not your part ate the wealth a part that was other between you with the road that dirties-illegal and don't you brought the wealth affair to the judge, to you could eat a part than property of the other person with the road to do the sin, in fact you had knew ”. (Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188 )

The prophet Muhammad really understood the crime that was pushed because of loving parents to the child especially because of parents's concern about the child's future. As a result many parents had a greedy attitude, stole, corruption although possibly has known two three days still want to die. The attitude was like this by the Prophet Muhammad it was considered violated the living rule that did not believe in the cheapness, the authority and Allah's plan to himself respectively the person. The prophet Muhammad also really understood that the location of the actual justice was in the heart and the living attitude himself. Because of that hoped for justice from the other side as going through the court's route as well as possible was avoided. The attitude prophet Muhammad equally precisely with Jesus's attitude that recommended to not take again the thing that was stolen by the other person.

“ Why was told you guys other did the service, while you forgot yourself your obligation personally, in fact you read Al Kitab (Torah)? Then not you thought? (Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 01:44)

“ Reallly your wealth and your children only the ordeal for you. Beside Allah the big reward. ” (Al Qur’an, At Taghaabun, Juz 28: 15)

“ The Person who left the Holy Scripture rule and acted according to the desire personally did not achieve perfection, the happiness and the highest aim ”. (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 16:23)

Allah's desire that was written to articles on appearance was very clear that the rich person must be generous, released himself by means of minimal from attachments to worldly proprietary rights and released the command of blessings that apparently in the material wealth. Was ordering Allah was to poor people, the disabled person and the sufferers required to accept the blessing the way it is, the origin could be still living has been enough, might not be greedy or carried out other methods of becoming rich by means of against orderly justice. With the existence of the living reality like that was seen by us, the imbalance of social justice that was very striking between countries's group was rich in countries's poor group, between the community middle above and the masses to a Country, the difference of facilities and welfare of the life that was owned by the leaders in the religious field with poverty that was experienced by his subordinate's group, the existence of the violation of this Justice of the Blessing not came from God.

Allah for a long time has offered to sell the contents of Allah's Kingdom to everyone (Injil Mathew 13: 44 - 46). Allah reported the running so that humankind wants to buy Allah's Kingdom, that is so that the faithful person is generous, tolerant, liked to reach an agreement and be prepared to sell his wealth or to share the fortune blessing for the other person, especially to the poor person, widows were neglected as well as to the oppressed person. Articles above was his guidance. So Allah's Kingdom could be bought, and the opportunity to buy Allah's Kingdom now, when we were still living with the freedom that was owned by us. Many people were faithful believe that poverty, the suffering, the suffering that made someone unhappy to be resulting from his action personally or fate that must be accepted by this person. I gaze at, that the situation precisely the Lord's road to create Justice of the Blessing Law, the road repentance and the road that was provided by Allah to everyone as the bypass towards heaven so that anyone is faithful was prepared to do goodness. Was thought by me articles above continue to must be maintained to one unity Allah's order and became part of the faith attitude. The holy scripture might not be written repeated. Allah was the Truth, the origin and the aim of Justice.

“ Who the slave that knew would his host's desire, but that did not hold preparations or did not do what was desired by his host, he will accept many blows. But anyone did not know his host's desire and did what must cause the blow, he will accept few blows “ (Injil Lukas 12: 47- 48)

Allah's order so that Blessing Law is undertaken by everyone faithful and this order had not yet deviated from Allah's aim since Allah created sky and the earth. In this case must be understood that I not a holy scripture expert and did not study the history he wrote the holy scripture, also not specially studied the holy scripture from the teacher. I accepted the truth of Allah's revelation same like the other person generally.

“ Had children the grandchild and improved many, filled the earth and conquered that, had the power on fish in sea and birds in air and on all the animals that crawled in the world. “ (The story of the creation, the incident 1: 28)

Ordered Allah that was earliest, that the first time emerged before having the rule and Allah's order that were other was the text above. Moreover Allah's order preceded Allah's ten orders that inside contained the main law to worship and honored His sanctity.

Allah's order was “ conquered and controlled “, not “ be owner”. Allah was not wrong said when handing over the earth as well as all of his contents to humankind. Likewise the prophet, Allah's revelation recipient that wrote this text was not wrong to hear and be not wrong understood to write the contents of the Allahs decree that acceptance. How the unification of thoughts and the concept could happen that controlled significant and be the same as had or if had significant controlled? Controlled and conguered was the matter of the management right for goodness, not significant ownership had the authority part of the right to damage. Nevertheless proprietary rights like that was acknowledged by the positive law in all the countries and controlled like that was meant by Allah in a theological manner was not compatible.

If what was meant by the proprietary rights to be understood by the theological concept, then what had been said by Allah since the world was created did not deviate and change. Meaning that the Universe, World and all the contents that were contained inside continue to belonging to him Allah. In other words all of us this only joined in in his property earth of Allah. The authority right of humankind to be to develop, arrange and distribute the good nature wealth through ourselves was their respective personally the person of the individual, through the organisation of private enterprise, through the government and through the international co-operation.

“ Who was the King of Magnificence? ” the Lord of the universe, He King the Magnificence “ the Lord that the owner of the earth as well as all of his contents and the world as well as that was quiet inside. (Mazmur Daud: 24: 24 & 1).Like this Decree of God :” Sky was My throne, and the earth was the prop My foot. The house whether that will be established by you for Me, and the place whether that will become My cessation. Not My hands that made all these so as all of them happened. ” ( Yesaya 66: 1-2)

If proprietary rights were understood from the concept of the positive law, then earth sky and all of his contents continue to belonging to him Allah. But the understanding of proprietary rights from the aspect of the positive law in the living order of humankind continued to have to and must be maintained because of humankind that was given by the power to conguered the earth and all his contain also must organise other humankind, and that perhaps only happened through orderly the law that was carried out by the government. While proprietary rights when being understood in a theological manner, then what legally positive was acknowledged by the country as proprietary rights someone in fact continue to belonging to him Allah. With this understanding anyone, the organisation of private enterprise and the Country had the obligation that was same that is distributed result the nature wealth that we mentioned the blessing for welfare together. Therefore the love law and Allah's order to become mutual blessings had not deviated from the aim and Allah's order since the world was created.

If earth sky and all the contents that were contained inside belonging to him Allah, why did Allah ban the existence of the theft, corruption, the murder as well as the other action that his aim damaged humankind's order? Allah honored the freedom of humankind to organise and conguered this earth with the moral rules that were true for the aim of the happiness and the safety of humankind personally. If someone carried out the theft or corruptions the Country's wealth meant this person did not honour Allah's Authority. Because Allah entrusted some wealth belonging to him to the authority someone, a group of person or the Country so that from the authority that was owned by him that was undertaken by Allah's order. In the order of the Country's community, the people must submit and honour the rule that was made by the Country although could be this rule caused problems for the burden of the people. If someone did not honour orderly the Country's rule, anything the position and his position (president, the judge, the businessman, the minister, etc.), meaning that this person did not honour the government that was chosen by his people personally. In other words this person did not honour the existence of the other person. Likewise the Country that one might not colonise or violate the sovereignty of the Country's other law if independence and his limits were acknowledged together. Because the colonisation and the violation towards the sovereignty of the Country's law, meant all the peoples of a nation together against Allah's honour.

Allah's legal law universally consistent like that was written to Yesaya 66 above, that Allah could not be imprisoned in the religious duties house that by the faithful person more honored his prophet separately, punished Allah in a limiting manner or destroyed the other house of religious duties of the belief religion. Allah did not want the birth of the religious crime that generally precisely is begun from the religious duties house because of the religious duties house was His holy house.

Was based on the principle of this Justice of the Blessing, then group was faithful that worshipped Allah as Personal Most Powerfull and Very Just not properly if looking for the tranquilliser, the friendship, the political support and heart peacefulness through the religion. The conviction that was based on Allah's revelation did not make the heart and the life of the faithful person could be calm. anything his status, anything his conviction, anything his situation: rich or poor, healthy, suffered, as the ruler or the masses all of them continued to have to be grateful received the way it is, was generous by sharing the fortune blessing, and that often made someone be not willing by denying the blessing personally came from God.

From to seven principles of Universal Justice the biggest cause of the birth of various crimes was urging of consumerism materialism that was created by proprietary rights that were marked by the material wealth. This problem by Allah really was understood and because that of Allah always gave the warning to all of various belief currents and the holy teaching. But was seen by us, the rulers of the wealth blessing that by the faithful person was mentioned came from the Lord, both by the spiritual leading figures of piety, the leading figure of politics and most faithful people by himself was made the obstacle to meeting the Lord that his face apparently to the sufferers, injustice casualties and poor people. This matter made the person that the flame of his faith almost went out to died to finally was blind because of not seeing justice (Injil Matius 25: 31-46)

The prophet Mohammad, Jesus Christ and all wise understood that the material wealth became the obstacle to the holiness of the faithful person. Moreover the Prophet Muhammad forbade his group to demand demanded the right went through the court's route because this matter will only push the upholder of the law made use of the side's other mistake to carry out extortion. While the other side only received heart satisfaction if the Country only took over the task of the revenge with taken the punishment that as seriously as possible to the perpetrators of the crime. But was seen by us all over the world: the Muslim scholars, the religious teachers, the clergymen, leading figures of the faithful person, the politicians, the artists, the sport athlete and all the spiritual leading figures generally enjoy the material wealth in an abundant manner without doing to show justice and the calm life of peace with himself or his group personally.

If the positive law said and the community understood that stole, corruption, seized the person's other right against the law, then the Lord's revelation and the holy teaching said that owner the wealth excessively without remembered with the other suffering of the person's difficulty was the sin.

Ourselves personally, the social organisation and the government had the task and the role that were same that is distributing the fortune blessing as well as possible so that the suffering and the person's other difficulty could be overcome.

3. Justice of the Amnesty Law

Anyone had the authority, the right and the opportunity to pardon him must give the amnesty of him himself hoped for the amnesty from the other side if he was in the position and the situation that were same against the person who hoped for the amnesty

To the text that I wrote beforehand was explained by me that the amnesty must firstly come from the side that had the power, from the side that incurred a loss, from the side that caused ashame, from the side that had the right to carry out the good amnesty the amnesty right legally and the amnesty right in a moral manner. If the amnesty came from the side that was not powerful, from the weak side, from the masses, from the person's faithful group, from the side that did not have the right to pardon then the world can not show the face of his justice. If the arrival amnesty in a manner be forced from the weak side and was not powerful, justice of the amnesty law could not be explained in a theological manner and was not valuable in a moral manner. That happened precisely the suppression, mistreatment and was inside out the meaning of justice because that was weak must pardon the stronger side by means of leaving the strong side alone and that had the power to act arbitrarily to continue to undertake the violence, the robbery, the violation of the law and injustice. The principle of this Justice of the Amnesty Law in line with the position Allah Who Most Powerfull whichever Allah must more previously and more often pardoned weak humankind and was not powerful because of the sin of the human mistake.

His problem will emerge how if that was damaged was the weak side, the side that was not powerful, poor people, the masses, backward nations and was colonised was they actual had the right to pardon and in a manner was forced to give the amnesty because of not having the other road apart from allowing the process of the life to stay proceeding. While the damaging side was the stronger side and more have the power but in a moral manner did not have the amnesty right as well as did not feel carried out the mistake? Here justice spirituality that was contained in the positive law must in undertook by the upholders of the law, especially the government as the orderly guard of the positive law to undertake his function that anyone had the right and the position that were same in front of the law. In the religious field justice spirituality was like this almost was not possible to be able to be undertaken because of the leaders of the religion had not been sentenced the punishment by his supporting group personally or by faithful group from the other religion that became suppression casualties although his violations lighted the eyes.

Justice of the Amnesty Law will be faced with cruel people, the rapist, the good terrorists in the political field and that was triggered by the religious fanaticism, the legal offenders who caused the other person suffered, the initiator of warfare, the perpetrators of the colonisation and the sovereignty offender of the Country's law, as well as the perpetrators of the murder because of various reasons. Faced cases like that the side that became casualties, the sufferers who lost his life future, weak people and the sides that did not have the power often to have to be generous by giving the amnesty because be forced, because of the limitations or because of his inability to demand his rights. This situation in fact violated the standard of justice.

The gap from two different situations that were contained in Justice of the Amnesty Law was the positive law that was carried out by the Country like criminal law, prisons, fine as well as other punishments. Because of that the Country had the obligation and responsibility that were very big to uphold the principle of justice of the amnesty law. Injustice of the community's order that was created because of the violation of Spiritual Law, the violation of Talent Law as the theft of the right and the work were creative and the violation of Justice of the Blessing Law was caused because the government of a Country could not uphold the positive law that was related to this Amnesty Law. As a result, the legal offenders felt the legal offenders did not carry out the mistake, they did not need the amnesty, did not pay the fine and did not accept the punishment.

Very striking injustice actual was the violation of Justice of the Amnesty Law that is not placed by him the amnesty and the punishment that were balanced to the object of the mistake that happened in the community in a same manner. For example the chicken thief that the impact of his negative on the not big community received the punishment that was far more difficult than the thief of the Country's wealth who had the impact of the negative was far more bigger towards the life of the people. The difference towards the running of the amnesty and the fall of this punishment made the Country's law be not in force in accordance with his aim. The difference treated the amnesty and this punishment directly against human rights that basically demanded the existence of the treatment that was same in front of the Country's law.

The country in this case the government was the subject that played a role maintained and placed the position of the amnesty and the fall of the punishment equally against all of his peoples. If the Country was managed by a dictator, tyranny, the collection of the criminals who had the motivation robbed the Country's wealth, then this Justice of the Amnesty Law did not go in accordance with the aim of the law was made and the Country's regulations became the game implement by sides that were good at to make a fool of the law. While the intention was made by him the law and regulations were to uphold justice for all the peoples who lived in the Country's territory.

The task of the judge, the public prosecutor and the lawyer was to place the fall of the punishment or the amnesty equally in accordance with the demand of the feeling of justice that was guided by regulations. The lawyer could not release the fall of the punishment was overturned by the regulations pretext if conscience and the fact was gotten by proof that his client carried out the violation of the law. The public prosecutor could not carry out the demand of the too difficult punishment exceeded the regulations stipulation if the demand was not appropriate was put forward. The judge could not release, alleviated or made the fall of the punishment towards a case that by the public was known and was legal heavier that personally if someone must accept the punishment. The violation of the fall of the punishment or giving of the amnesty that could not be accepted with logic and the feeling of the community's justice was the violation of the standard of justice. Because Justice usually only is seen from just one-sided, that is the fall of the punishment or giving of the amnesty that was not in accordance with the demand.

The religious meaning that was contained in the amnesty law was that anyone basically needed the amnesty from the other side. If the law was not upheld and the amnesty was easy to be obtained, then the legal offender tended to deny his action through the lawyer, escaped or looked for the way out to avoid the court. Not there is a single in this world that could fill prosecution and discipline of the rule with all my heart both as the citizen towards the Country's law and as the faithful person in front of Allah's law. Did not obey the citizen towards the Country's law as well as didn’t obey the faithful person who always violated the provisions of the love law will be clearer was untangled in the other subject of discussion, that is Justice of the Agreement Law.

Although the amnesty was always needed by anyone, but the amnesty could not be left proceeding free a heart desire by respectively the side without paying attention to the rules of the justice personally. This incident could go conversely that the amnesty will go in a manner be forced was given by the side that was weak and by the side that could not demand his rights. While the side that got the amnesty was them who were strong and that could force his desire, they who could seize the amnesty by means of buying, stealing or taking the amnesty through regulations or the other cruelty.

If in the relations order between humankind was needed to give each other sorry justly, not by means of be forced like the weak person who must forgive the side's stronger mistake or a servant was forced to forgive his employer's mistake, then in the theological order that happened also thus. The faithful person who always violated Allah's order and his inability to pursue his life perfection must receive the amnesty from Allah and Allah personally that must complete the faithful person by means of releasing his mistake. In this case precisely humankind as the weak side and did not have the power to need the amnesty and the liberation of the mistake from the lord's side. The amnesty that came from this Allah one with Justice if the Amnesty Law that anyone who had the authority, the right and the opportunity to give the amnesty, then the amnesty must be given to the side that hoped for the arrival of the amnesty. Without this Amnesty Law then the justice will personally be crippled and was difficult to be understood because that was weak, did not lack and have the power always to become the side that lost in all the positions and his situation. Without Justice of the Amnesty Law, the contents of the sermon in the hill was not current (Lukas 6: 20-26) and all the reportings of the prophets and holy teachings were not significant.

Was legal this then Allah's existence as Personal Highest that played a role as the subject of the Lord and the mistake Redeemer humankind must be and absolute must be available. Allah's existence not was based on the requirement sosio - psychological because humankind was unsatisfied with the reality that was imperfect as well as in gazing at the existence of available disablement to the other side, the other agency or the government of the other Country. But because of the principle of the requirement would this amnesty could not be found and looked for to himself humankind or the other side could not because of the other side give the amnesty sincerely apart from inside contained the upper demand totalling the value of economics or was provided a basis for by the revenge factor.

Below this we quoted articles that indicated Allah as Personal Who Had Powerfull Amnesty, Redeemer and the Liberator of the sincere and sincere human mistake so that freest humankind from the mistake, the sin and his weakness to get again his independence rights as personal that was intact and free from the guilt.

“ Washed and cleaned yourself. Keep away your behaviour that the malefactor from my eyes. Stopped doing wrong and learning to do a favour. Try to get justice, helped the oppressed person. Give the right to the uncivilised beggar , and defended the right of the widow. After that spoke and came to me, the Lords decree. Although your sin was red as betel, will become white like snow, although your sin was red like kirmisi will become white like the sheep hair. ” (Yesaya 1: 16-18)

Allah the lord and Powerfull of His Justice when pardoning the sin of the human mistake did not prosecute humankind to pay the fine or give the dedication tribute. That was asked by Allah to be the action was good for himself this person and for the person's other goodness. The good action like that was asked for by Allah not be the same as paid the fine or gave compensation. The amnesty that Allah gave this got along well with Gospel that Allah accepted compensation took the form of casualties of Lamb blood very much and forevermore (Yesaya 53, Daniel 7: 13-14, Daniel 12: 11) after Allah cancelled the dedication casualties of blood of the human child who were done by Abraham (The story of the creation, the Incident 22: 9-14)

III. Justice of the Words Law.

Anyone said improper words, that humiliated honour the fellow humankind or a nation, that injured the heart of the slaves, the masses and humankind oppressed because of his situation, compared the characteristics of humankind with the animal, gave the false testimony or slandered then this person must surrender was supervised by local traditional law, the religious law or the Country's law as well as gave upper compensation wounded him the heart of casualties as upper compensation carelessness his words.

This law will be faced with two matters. That was first that is the employers and you who were served by the slaves or the assistant subordinates, the demonstrators who liked to abuse the policy of the government or the policy of the company and people were not civilised that only could receive heart satisfaction through the curses statement and abuse. That was second was the legal offenders who did not want to acknowledge his mistake except through rough or the violence and the perpetrators of the orderly offender justice that did not feel carried out the mistake except for having the authority of the court that could pass the punishment. The suggestion request and criticism often required polite words that were soft without touch on the feeling, but polite words more often did not make the change in the justice offenders apart from only as knowledge entertainment.

Modern humankind that described himself as civilised must know the importance of justice that was caused through words. The positive law that was in this territory very few, in fact did not reach out. Because of that the government of nations must form this justice of the words law so that the employers could pay upper compensation his words that was rough to his servants, the servants must also pay compensation to the employer if his words could not accounted, the demonstrators must pay to the Country's treasury if the attitude opposed him polluted the nation culture or polluted the name of his place company worked, juru the campaign that could not meet promised-he promiseed then his party must pay compensation to the voter and to the people who was led by him, the person was faithful that humiliated honour prophetic someone must hand over the dedication to the religious duties house, the Country that humiliated honour the other Country must pay the development cost of casualties's Country. By being made by him the positive law that determined the fall of doubt as well as payment compensation as mistake compensation on his words modern humankind could study what meaning that actual politeness. Moreover the positive law this words justice could prevent the criminal emergence that was more serious like the revenge, the dispute between the adherent of the religion, the revolt, prevented the nonvoting group in the general election period, the murder or warfare because of being offended could cause various possibilities of the birth of the crime.

With the existence of this Justice of the Words Law someone could not put in a corner or aggravate the person's other situation because of the bad character that was owned by him. The mistake must be proven through the court and compensation to casualties must be paid. The witness's phony witness must pay to the Country's treasury and juru the political party's campaign must speak carefully if afterward his party's day that was chosen to manage the Country could not keep promised-he promiseed. The community could did not trust promises the campaign and that will result in the number of the community the group white that did not care with the party's voice because the defect the political party's promise could not be demanded legally to give compensation to his voters and to the people who afterwards was led by him. With this Words Law the people could prosecute the political party to pay compensation or pull out the authority of delegation that was entrusted if the authority that was handed over did not undertake the message of the people's justice. The preachers could not provoke the enmity against the adherent of the other religion if the organisation of his religion did not want to be demanded by the Country to pay to the account of the Country. Mistakes must not end in the wall of the prison, but the words mistake or the side that gave damaging excessive hope the other side must have the value of compensation took the form of compensation that was balanced except the side that was polluted released through the amnesty. By means of like this anyone will learn to control his tongue was good for the everyday life, for the love affair, for the aim of the reporting of faith, the aim of the political party's campaign or when giving the testimony and the statement in front of the court.

I said to you: “ Every words were in vain that said the person must be accounted for by Him on the judging day. Because according to your statement you will be justified, and according to your statement also you will be punished. ” (Injil Matius 12: 36-37)

The only one the person who had the tip of the tongue was sharpest at the same time the tongue starting point was most soft and sweet was Jesus History that was acknowledged as Christ. Because of that the tip of his tongue caused his death in the cross, abuse and hatred for the length of time. If Jesus today is again born in the cathedral or in the monastery house, Jesus History continued to be killed on the mezbah. Because Jesus damaged establishment and against the authority of the leaders of the religion that ignored the pity, the amnesty and ignored justice (Injil Matius 23:27-35). If we now see the church that was led by Jesus very little pushed the creation and the churchmen of world peace – but they active created his money machines through hospitals and the educational agency, Jesus was definitely angry big, then visited His churches and again turned over turned dedication tables of the church when Jesus saw poor people of hunger was allowed by the followers him to die malnutrition. “ Did you saw I had given ate five thousand people from five pieces of bread and two fish, and not now you who mentioned himself the pupil Me could give ate one billion people who died of starvation and malnutrition. Their tear wetted your dedication table (Unjil Yohanes 6: 1-15). Did you knew that was desired by Me- was the pity, not the dedication (Injil, Matius 12: 7).Was the reverse, his tongue starting point caused the surrender himself and the acknowledgment as the only humankind that was most famous in the world and in the hereafter forever. (Al Qur’an, Ali ‘Imran: the Section 3: 45 & 48, Al Anbiyaa’ the Section 17: 91)
Matius 23: 27-35 “ ………….., because of you like the cemetery that was whitewashed white, that was next outside him was indeed clean apparently, but that a depth was full of bones and various waste kinds. Likewise you, on the outside of you apparently clean in the eyes of the person, but on the inside of you were full of hypocrisy and crimes..……………… You built prophets's grave and beautified the pillar of holy people.…………. was like this you appealed against himself you yourself that you were the descendants of the killer of prophets …………please saw that, I delegated to you prophets, wise people and experts Taurat, half of the they will be killed by you and were crucified by you, that was other will be expelled by you from holy houses..…….in order you bore resulting from from overflowed the person's blood that was not guilty from Habel the true person, to to Zakharia the child Berekhya that was killed by you between the holy place and dedication table……”
“ My desire was the pity, not dedication.…” (Injil Matius 12: 7) By reading the article on clear appearance that Allah more liked and chose to yield by sacrificing his magnificence the origin saw humankind could live happy when to one another could give mutual loves. By understanding the meaning of the body that functioned as Allah's Verse, of Jesus certainly really realised the possibility of the birth of the religious crime that organised that was preceeded from the house religious duties when the dedication not means of causing Justice. Afterwards Jesus continued the importance of the religious duties house as the prayer house when Jesus sacrifice Allah's Verse:

“ That was written, My house will be acknowledged as the Praying House. But you made him the robber's nest. ” (Injil Matius 21:13).

The preachers, the leaders of the religious duties house and churchman certainly very angry if money for the dedication and savings him was taken by God to be given to poor people as the form of the love action and the realisation of justice. Because of that whenever and whenver Jesus was born must have been punished was suspended, so the murder target and the aim of hatred because of Jesus did not want to curb his tongue to wrap the crime in politeness.

“ This Nation (the person) honored Me with his lip, in fact his heart was far than Me. No use they performed religious duties to Me, whereas the teaching that was taught by them was the human order. Allah's order was ignored by you to hold on to the customs and traditions humankind ”. (Injil Markus 7: 6-8)
“ You will hear and heard, but did not understand. You will see and saw, but did not listen carefully. Because of the heart of the nation (the person) this thickened and his ears heavy heard, and his eyes adhered was closed, to have to not they saw with his eyes, heard with his ears and understood with his heart. “ (Yesaya 6 :9-10, Matius 13:14-15)

Yohanes 13: 4 – 15 of “ Jesus got up while dating his robe. He took a sheet of linen cloth and tied him to his waist. Afterwards he poured water into one basi and washed foot His pupils, wiped him with cloth that was tied in His waist………….. you mentioned Me Teacher and the Lord, and your words exact, because indeed I was realy your Teacher and the Lord. If I washed foot you, I who was the Teacher and your God, then you also obligatory washed each other foot you because of Me gave a model to you that you also do the same like that was made by Me to you.
!V. Justice of the Agreement Law.

Anyone placed and tied himself was supervised by the association of the Agreement then he must try with the capacity, the authority and the opportunity that were owned by him to fill the contents of his binding agreement.

The agreement was the standard of the rational law the creator of justice that left the awareness that ought to be free from the pressure. Nevertheless the Agreement could also contain dishonesty, the pressure and the force so that was avoided from the demand of justice at the same time as the justification road. Denied the contents of the significant agreement damaged the social order and the destroyer of justice. This Justice of the Agreement Law will be faced with the swindlers and deception, inconsistent people held he promiseed, the political party's campaign that did not keep promised-he promiseed, good product advertisements in the street, the print media or the electronic media that his bargaining was not in accordance with the quality of goods, the justice offenders who entered the legal legal territory and bombastic the hope giver who only prosecuted the other side to make a sacrifice.

Justice of the Agreement Law that was involved in in the awareness territory, the freedom and the sincerity submitting was supervised by Justice of the Agreement Law. If the Holy Law Justice was difficult to be able to not be understood or accepted and to not want to submit to create universal justice because of being compatible with the free desire, establishment and the authority, then Allah as Personal Super Inteligence placed conscience as the foundation of thinking, the measurement of the feeling and consideration of the ratio to place the foundations of justice. Because of that the principle of Justice that was contained in the Agreement overcame all the understandings of the belief, in fact could be understood if the association of the agreement happened around different people understood of the belief and happened around people who did not know Allah. The agreement anything his form basically contained principles of justice, tied anyone who was related to this agreement as well as gave justice for sides that ought to receive resulting from from the agreement emergence. Including like the agreement in the form of the oath, the poverty vow, the nationalism promise or other promises although being not written. Because of that sold off the promise or just gave hope to the other side so that the other side is prepared to follow his will or to place his belief meant to violate the standard of justice.

If the Holy Law Justice did not give the understanding how the justice must be undertaken through the awareness of each person, then the association that emerged from the Law of Agreement Justice will give the biggest impact in the justice field and the spread cause in the injustice field. Meaning that, the obedience will in the agreement give welfare, the freedom, the happiness and discipline the law. On the other hand the violation of the agreement will cause the even distribution of injustice, the suffering and sufferings to related sides and that was embraced by the contents of the agreement.

In the very limited scope, the positive law became bridge to uphold the association of the agreement that emerged inter-group that was involved with the agreement. Therefore the positive law was the fence and implementation bridge of agreement justice. Nevertheless the positive law could not overcome the number of violations of justice because of his complex the form of the agreement that happened between the individual, inter-group the community and international. So as the legal term karma or the policy of politics of connecting cause and effect, although without the relations more was easy to be used and understood although both of them did not contain the association of the agreement that could be demanded legally.

Agreement Justice was based on the contents of cargo that was contained inside placed someone in two positions. The first position was as the side that had the authority and the capacity to fill the contents of the agreement that tied him. In this position he was required to carry out the obligation from the contents of the agreement. If he carried out his obligation, then this person did just. The second position was the person who has entered to place and tie himself in the agreement, but in his trip this person no longer has the capacity, the capacity or the authority to fill the contents of the agreement that tied him. Then justice only happened if the side that had the authority to separate the agreement released the side's obligation that was tied with the agreement good conditional or released fully. If the side that had the authority to release the obligation that emerged from the association of the agreement did not undertake his release, then the side that had the demand right to the justice to act against the principle of justice.
Anyone was tied with the Agreement with the other side both that was desired and realised by himself and the agreement that was made apart from the free desire and his will personally. Attachments with the Agreement both of them demanded responsibility in accordance with the capacity and the person's capacity in limits that could be understood was Agreement Justice personally. Because of that towards the existence of the Agreement, anyone placed himself in two positions.

That was first, is based on the number of majorities generally anyone passively entered in forms of the available Agreement and was made beforehand. The agreements demanded obedience as well as binding with unconditional obligations against prepared sides must enter or enter in the association of the Agreement. The agreements generally also contain threats, warnings through to punishments without the amnesty. For example the regulation and discipline of the university that was applied to his prospective student, the order passed by the passage, obedience towards the country's regulations et cetera. Forms of the Agreement that placed the community's majority passively were required to receive and obey the contents of agreement cargo in part:

The Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country. The Agreement Law that organised the civil community was the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country. This Agreement Law is generally formed and is as well as ties all the citizen that was in the territory to receive, submit and obey him. So as the people and the government who acknowledged the existence of the Constitution Law and Basic Regulations of this Country obligatory maintained and obeyed him unconditional. All the citizens, including the official of the Country and the Government that guarded the running of the Constitution were based on the contents of this Law Agreement cargo was the side that acted passively and must receive him with obedience. The government that was given by the mandate by the people was the agency that actively must honour, carry out and maintain Agreement Justice like that was contained in the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country. If the Constitution and Basic Regulations of our Country the look as the foundation and the source of the law, then the side that was mentioned against the Sovereignty of the State Law not only the foreign nation, the foreign citizen or outsiders that did not honour the Constitution of the Country, but could be a group of citizen who violated the association of Agreement Justice like that was contained in the Constitution or Basic Regulations of this Country. In this case nationalism and the citizen's loyalty were seen from his loyalty honored Agreement Justice like that has been underlined by the Constitution. Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country were the spirit and the spirit of the formation of universal justice for all the people who was made by a Country. So anyone honored, guarded and violated principles of justice that was contained in the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country basically violated the Sovereignty of the State Law.

Therefore, if someone wanted himself to enter and work to the territory of Agreement law enforcement (the government worker) that was formed by the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country then this person before must understand whether the contents that was contained in the agreement. If the Government that consisted of people who governed, agencies and the Country's workers violated the contents of the agreement that was contained in Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country then the sides that violated this agreement in fact violated the sovereignty of the State Law. Could be that violated the Sovereignty of the State Law was the government personally that by the people was given by the mandate to guard and carry out justice that was contained inside. Methods that were followed by the person of the individual to maintain the authority or by a group of person who united in the political party to seize the authority could not be justified when these methods violated the Sovereignty of the State Law like that was contained in the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country. The violation of Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country, who the ruler and anything the form of his political party ought to get the punishment took the form of the motion did not believe from all over his people and could not continue government him because of violating the Sovereignty of the State Law, against Justice of the Agreement Law available beforehand that ought to be honored by anyone who was born in the country's territory. The change in the government personnel good through the general election, the coup or the revolt could not be justified if this change violated the Sovereignty of the State Law, in this case the Constitution or Basic Regulations of the relevant Country. Because the Sovereignty of the Country Law must be honored and revered by all the citizens who was born and lived in the Country's territory.

The government was the first subject that must hold and control the principle of justice by obeying the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country as the form of Agreement Justice. This matter was obedience proof in holding the agreement mandate between the government personally and all of his people. Nevertheless the government also was the first subject that enabled the occurrence of the violation of the Agreement Justice that has been outlined by the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country. Because of that the government that tied the political contract with the representatives of the people, and the representatives of the people who tied the social contract with the people who was represented by him must hold the agreement that was known by all the sides by obeying the Agreement Justice like that has been underlined by the Constitution and basic regulations of the Country.

The second subject that was very potential to violate the Agreement Justice was the representatives of the people or the senates. They works and acted as the representative of the people to fight for the rights that ought to be received by the people on the position and his position as humankind that was born in a territory. Not all the community members understood how they could live appropriate to enjoy welfare of the Country on the nature wealth that was owned by him. Not all the peoples had knowledge that was enough how must fight for his rights if they engaged in a dispute with the other side because of losing his life rights. Because of the representative of the people or the senate before himself was appointed, was sworn in or stated himself was prepared to fight for the people to know what ought to be done in accordance with the good agreement that it was said through the campaign and the meaning himself as the representative of the people, then the representative of the people could not violate his struggle promise as the fighter of the people's justice. If the representative of the people or the senates worked did not represent the interests of the majority people, made damaging regulations the people or agreed to the implementation of regulations that were undertaken by the government but hindered welfare of the people, then the representatives of the people were like this against the Agreement Justice.

The birth of the representatives of the people who was preceeded from the political party's campaign to place the political party enabled carried out various violations. That was first was juru the campaign and the supporter of the party of the street that most young, poor people that because of the lack and his ignorance his freedom could be bought in the hope that or with few repayments. If the principle of agreement justice was revered by placing the side of the agreement offender to give compensation on hopes that were promised, then necessarily they who were involved in in the political party's campaign could be prosecuted to give compensation to the other community that watched, witnessed and that listened to the issuing of the promises. The campaign from the street campaign to the management of his centre obligatory paid the loss to his neighbours, paid to the rural development treasury or the other method if the party that was represented by him could not show the good laboratory field work as the representative of the people or if his party led the Country.

If the representative of the people who has sat held the position did not undertake the struggle for his party and fought for the people's justice that his represented, necessarily the representatives of the people could be prosecuted to give compensation to his party that was further his party paid compensation to all of his party's member. Moreover the representatives of the people who did not care about welfare of the people also could be prosecuted to pay compensation to the people that his area was represented by him. For Agreement Justice as well as Justice of the Words Law, prevented the birth of the nonvoting group as well as caused the assurance of the birth of the government that was approved by the people to have to to be made by regulations and to be formed the mediator's body that directly represented the people who incurred a loss by the representatives of the people or juru the campaign, if finally was proven the representatives of the people who was appointed did not undertake the struggle mission for the people.

If the government that received the belief to carry out, maintain and maintain the running of the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country came from the political party that finally had violated the Sovereignty of the State Law, then the people who incurred a loss could prosecute the government to disperse his supportive political party and all of the party's obligatory member gave compensation to his neighbours, to the witnesses and to his listeners.

Therefore the political party's campaign did not sell off the promise that exceeded his capacity and the political party did not scattered money for the people for the need of the campaign without caring about the burden of the national debt, poverty and the people's suffering that were given by hope. The socialisation of the political party was enough through the announcement that was held by the government, planks of the announcement or the plank of the announcement of RT-RW closest. All the supporters of the political party were enough secretly without needing the membership card, and on the electoral day the public of all the peoples must choose his representative, the President and the Vice President like that was recommended by regulations. The people must choose and vote him, because of not choosing also the leader of the people must be available, the government must be available, the representative of the people must be and regulations must be just made. The only justice road was, if the people's side that incurred a loss by the representatives of the people then the mediator's body could prosecute the representatives of the people to give compensation on the hope loss of promises that it was said when the campaign. This was the method of avoiding the issuing of money for the Country that was abundant for the campaign cost that often inexact the target, avoided the habit of the public's lie that has entered the criminal stage of the mass deception, avoided the demand of the spirit of justice on the occurrence of various violations at the same time to save energy of nature resources especially the petrol and diesel fuel.

The third subject that had the potential to violate the Justice Agreement was all the officials of the Country, both the high-ranking official the Country (the ministers) and the official of the country generally. The officials of the Country could necessarily obey the regulation and discipline of the civil service that was issued by the local government because obedience to the discipline was the real form from Agreement Justice before someone entered and was accepted as the official of the Country. From this Agreement Justice point of view, I did not speak the problem of corruption, not discipline in working, the monopoly right on the trade that was arranged with regulations, the theft of the wealth of the Country's wealth or the other honour rights . Justice and injustice here only I the look only from the side of justice that was contained in a Agreement, the willingness and the agreement someone to be tied with the personnel agreement, because of the honour attitude and his obedience towards the regulation that beforehand was known and agreed to by sides that entered and placed themselves in the association of the agreement. In this case spread him cases of corruption as well as social injustice that happened to a Country not I the look as the form of the theft, the violation of discipline, the authority deviation, the mentality of the nation culture, the violation was of the law or because of this action banned by the religious regulation. I saw him only from the principle of Agreement Justice that beforehand was known and agreed to by sides that beforehand accepted the contents of the regulation and the willingness him placed himself in the association of the agreement. From this Agreement Justice point of view, then destruction of the community's unjust order firstly emerged and was triggered by the official of the Country because of his violation of the discipline agreement of the official's regulation of the Country. If the official of the Country could understand the intention to the holding of the personnel agreement that inside will spread social justice, of all the people will see prosperity that was owned by each Country and welfare for his citizen. Because of the officials of the country that firstly was faced with the activity of the community and that ought to control at the same time taking just measures to serve the requirement for the community.

What was seen by us with the inauguration ceremony of the good position in the political field and piety, the appointment someone to occupy the more high-ranking position, the oath of office to undertake the state task certain and the association of the agreement to become the official of the Country in fact was the form of the agreement seal and in the agreement always contained the element of justice for all humankind that was embraced in the agreement. Because of that an oath of office or the inauguration someone to undertake the certain task if above was placed the Holy Scripture, Constitutions of the Country or other books that prosecuted the person who was sworn in that must submit filled the contents of the agreement, if the next one was born social injustice in the community's group or other crimes, that was wrong not his Holy Scripture, not his religion, not Basic Regulations or the contents of the oath of the loyalty but the sides that carried out the violation of the Agreement.

The subject to four that was very potential violated the Agreement Justice was the upholders of the law, the public prosecutor, the lawyer, the judge and the police that was in the foremost route for the violation affair of the law and regulations. The Criminal Law, Civil Law, and all discipline of the other regulation that annaounced opposite the public and tied all the citizens must be gazed at as the Agreement that inside contained justice. If a violation must happen and could be understood with the intellect, then did not have the reason for any side for could release or alleviate the punishment because this matter violated the Agreement Justice that was made by the law personally. The people only understood justice through conscience, but the legal system appointed the form of the trusteeship to the officials of justice, and the officials of justice to have to act as justly as possible because they were prepared to tie and place themselves was supervised by the association of the oath of the Country to become the representative of the people who was involved in justice.

The fifth subject that was potential as the offender Agreement Justice was the businessmen, good that moved in the manufacture industry, the service service or the hospital that did not obey the Country's regulation as throwing away the garbage the waste without the membrane, paid the pay under the company's capacity or the minimum wage that was determined by the Country, the businessmen of drink food that mixed siclamat, formalin or other preservatives exceeded the limit, did not pay the tax in accordance with the Country's rule etc. whichever cancer, the illness lupus or social poverty will spread. Although being not acknowledged in a theological manner, the creator and the distributor of the blessing that actually was the fishermen, the farmer and the businessmen who absorbed manpower to develop his talent. Without the involvement and their role as the hero without the government decoration could supply and distribute various food products for his inhabitants.

The sixth subject that had the potential as the offender Agreement Justice to be all the private employees who did not honour regulations that were passed by his side of the place company worked, that not discipline, stole the company's assets or take over assets the company without going through the legal route that was provided by the Country or violated the standard of justice that was known by his conscience personally, like the company that already bankrupt continued to be forced to give money for separation pay. The seventh subject as the offender Agreement Justice was anyone who ignored agreements that were made by him personally with the other side and the sides that did not care about the Country's regulations that gave freedom space to anyone in order to have the same opportunity.

In the religious area was known with the existence of the poverty vow. The oath of allegiance promise, obedience or the willingness for the life in the spirit of poverty of the Lord was the actual Agreement contained the contents of justice. Allah's demand against everyone was faithful in order to live in the spirit of poverty, the cheapness and the mercy of the Lord was contained by all the holy scriptures and the demand as means headed the spiritual holiness. But Allah's demand to everyone was faithful in order to be prepared to live in the spirit of poverty, the cheapness and his mercy will change to the Agreement and the Agreement will contain Justice if the Agreement was personally kept and carried out by sides that placed themselves and tied in the Agreement. But the Agreement that it was said in the form of the poverty vow personally was or not, Allah's demand against everyone was faithful in order to live in simplicity, magnanimity and the amnesty in fact has been the binding obligation everyone was faithful.

What happened to poverty, the suffering, tortured or the humility not the matter that ought to be enough to be tell about or shown off with pretence the poverty vow. These situations must be experienced personally as the living part that by the other side also could be understood and understood that living in poverty and the suffering, without savings, without excessive investment, without the assurance of the front day that his existence depend on the day to the upper day the Lord's desire could be felt by the side's other conscience. If that happened inappropriate as the life in the poverty personally meant to happen the violation of Justice, and therefore Agreement Justice that was contained in the spirit of the life in poverty of the Lord was not fulfilled. Sides that placed themselves were supervised by the association of the agreement with the Lord to be prepared to live poor, obeyed the rule of the Lord's peace, was prepared to die to and on behalf of the Lord or other eminence of promises generally precisely came from the leading figures in the religious field. If the promises were not met and carried out in accordance with the contents of the Agreement cargo then the poverty vow was againts towards Agreement Justice that furthermore precisely caused injustice just was good in the social field economics and the amnesty. Therefore the poverty vow that contained the principle of justice did not cause the meaning of justice was good for that said and for the outsider who ought to get the justice blessing as resulting from he said the poverty vow. If the blessing by humankind generally is understood in the form of material, food, money or the other cheapness then Agreement Justice that was contained in the form of the poverty vow that necessarily could spill the blessings like the blessing that could be understood and accepted by the other person generally.

Allah blessed humankind along with all of his creation that was significant that Allah did not forbid the faithful person to live in the abundance. But all the available revelation to the holy scriptures contained the same message that forbade the faithful person to live in attachments to material, the wealth or with leant in the existence of property. In other words Allah forbade the person to be faithful of the greedy life by controlling what was owned as his proprietary rights personally at the same time being not generous to share the fortune blessing as evidence was carried out by him Justice of the Blessing Law. In this case Allah continue to gaze at that the material wealth continue to to obstacle main headed the spiritual holiness, (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12:2, Sloka 14: 22-25), the Lord Jesus considered that humankind was not possible to have the love and attention that were balanced between loved Allah at the same time loving Mamon (Lukas 12: 21, Lukas 14: 25-34. ), and the Prophet Mohammad signalled to his follower that property and children were Allah's giving as means of living torture in the world that will guide Muslims towards the death in the infidel's situation (Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10: 55). If Allah's desire above was real and clear, then the existence of injustice, social poverty, conscience blindness and various sufferings came from Allah or because the person's action was faithful that violated Allah's desire. Seen from this point of view the faithful person could correct his faith attitude towards his holy scripture, then moved the religion to place the association of the agreement between himself and the message of the prophet that was chosen by him if the demand of faith for the living grip was not in accordance with his spirit. Therefore the association of the agreement that will become the point of departure for the attitude someone towards justice in accordance with the Agreement Justice law must not be received because only parents taught the religion that beforehand was followed by him. But the religion was chosen was based on the freedom of this person in making the Agreement with Allah or the religious duties method that was chosen by him personally. This was the freedom of the insider to choose his religious conviction was good in the family, the community and as the citizen.

If the violation of the Agreement Justice was carried out in a mass fashion like by the managers the Country, the representatives of the people, the officials of the Country, the officials in the religious field and together by most citizens who acknowledged himself as the faithful person that enabled to carry out the violation then what were meant by Justice to be able to not be seen and his mistakes were not acknowledged as the violation. Law enforcement in the legal field became hazy and what was meant by Justice to be unclear as well as to be able to not be explained by the intellect. How could we understand Allah's Justice if we saw available realities in the different world of the level of his caste and we could not connect his relations. Therefore the Justice was not available, then all of us continued to trust the preachers, the organisator of the Country and the upholder of the law as well as the campaign spoke about justice whated are you doing meaning that Justice was not understood. The problem especially is the existence of the violation of Agreement Justice that was done by almost all the sides that placed the association of the agreement to work fields or the religious belief that will be entered by him as well as the existence of the violation of Amnesty Justice because the Breeder and the Upholder of the law did not place the Amnesty in mistakes that ought to get the amnesty or the punishment.

That was second, was based on the activity of the manufacturer of the law and regulations, then only a small number of people who was involved in the production of the law and whichever regulations orderly the law afterwards caused the association of the Agreement Justice for sides that must enter or receive him. In the religious field, the subject of the manufacturer of the royal law of heaven was Allah personally that was soldered through the mouth of the prophets and was poured to the holy scriptures or holy teachings. In the field nations and government, the manufacturer of the constitution and basic regulations of the Country only the founders of the Country that was involved with freedom his nation or the lawyers that afterwards improved or completed him. Fathers of the independence fighter, the founders of the nation and the representatives of the people were the main subject of the manufacturer of the law and regulations. In the industrial field only the directors, the management or the managers who made the rule. For university education that made the rule civitas the academy was the rectorate side, the deans or the lecturers. While for the domestic affair generally the father acted as head of household who were helped by his wife as the holder of the authority of the manufacturer of the rule and his enforcement.

The meaning of Social Justice was overturned by the Agreement Justice. The agreement required that the side - the side that placed and tied itself in contents cargo of the obligatory agreement filled him with balanced responsibility. The manufacturer's side of the Agreement Justice must also submit and obey the Agreement contents that was made by him personally. Because if the manufacturer of the Agreement Justice violated the contents of the agreement that was made by him automatically he violated the Principle of Justice. On the other hand, the sides that automatically must enter and submit to the contents of the Agreement, or consciously chose, entered, placed as well as tied itself was supervised by the Agreement Justice also must be consistent to obey the contents of the Agreement was good in the work field that was chosen by him, his expertise profession or his life spirituality like the poverty vow, statement the oath of office, the inauguration or nationalism patriotism.

Seen from the two points of view, good the manufacturer's side of the Agreement or the prepared sides placed and tied itself in a Agreement, both of them were demanded to have a consistent attitude that was accompanied with responsibility so that Agreement Justice is fulfilled. With the existence of Agreement Justice, then the justice will be universal that inside was located social justice, peace, the freedom that was useful for everyone. The sides that submitted to the Agreement Justice will become the blessing that gave welfare for the other side inside and apart from the association of his group.

The first example was Agreement Justice that referred in the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country. If someone or a group of person wanted himself to appear as the leader of the Country or was in the peak government, then this person was supervised by the oath of Basic Regulations of the Country must be prepared to honour contents cargo that was contained in Basic Regulations of this Country. If the person who led the Country along with people who were involved in government that filled the Agreement Justice law like that was contained by Basic Regulations of the Country, then the Country togethered with all of his people automatic will emerge what his name Social Justice, welfare of the people, the Country's prosperity et cetera. On the other hand if the leaders of the Country violated the Agreement Justice whichever beforehand he was prepared to place and tie himself was supervised by the oath of Basic Regulations of the Country, then the people would misery, the Country's wealth could not guarantee welfare of the life of his citizen, the social imbalance will happen around his citizen was caused by the government that could not create the balanced employment opportunities opportunity, distributed the health service for the community was isolated et cetera.

From the side of the people, if all the people submitted and honored Constitution of his State as the centre and the justice pulse, then will not have the revolt, the coup, the struggle for the authority, the takeover of the authority outside the route that was maintained by the Country's regulations. Because of not having Constitution of the Country that gave the gap and the road entered a rebel to take over the authority of the Country. If a rebel took over the authority of the Country without going through the legal route that was agreed to by the legal government, automatically his government was illegal and violated the Sovereignty of the State Law although being supported by many sides. Except one matter, if the Country must be rescued because of the stability of the Country was in danger big. The people's respect will to Constitution of the Country cultivate the nationalism attitude as well as caused the defence of the Country from all the sides: economics, the military, the culture, welfare, the religious life harmony and social justice. On the other hand if the people did not honour the Constitution and Basic Regulations of his State personally that inside contained principles of universal justice for all the citizens who lived in the depth, that happened was the corruption culture, capital refugees of investment and the storage of money overseas. As a result of the next one will make the rottenness of the foundations of the Country's economics, accumulated him the national debt, the energy crisis, destruction of nature resources and continued the fall of the exchange rate of currency.

The second example was Agreement Justice that referred in the profession, the work kind, the expertise, the work of art et cetera whichever the work kinds had the rule, discipline, the ethics law and the prepared sides entered this work kind placed and tied himself in agreement laws that were understood beforehand. If someone obeyed and acted in accordance with the Agreement Justice law in undertaking his work, then not only the work personally was useful for many people, but from the aspect of economics of the sides will get the benefit that as much as possible as resulting from from results of the work personally. Therefore anything the work someone automatically created social justice for the person who was served by him. On the other hand, if someone or the community violated the Agreement Justice law the profession or his work, then will emerge social ill like corruption, the manipulation, the monopoly, false prophet et cetera that resulted in the occurrence of the obstacle to the social service, the moral decline in the community and the decline in the enforcement in the positive legal field.

The third example was Agreement Justice that referred in spiritual loyalty against the Lord, the spirit of the life in poverty of the Lord or the poverty vow, and or obedience to the Lord who was understood was based on the holy scripture that was followed by someone or a group of person. If the principle of this Agreement Justice was held and undertaken by the sides that placed and tied itself under this agreement law, then spiritual loyalty against the Lord will cause fragrant him Allah's Magnificence for everyone and for everyone was faithful from various religions. The spirit of the life in poverty of the Lord or the vow poverty will produce the even distribution of social welfare for many people. Therefore the poverty vow was the blessing for poor people, and obedience to the Lord will produce Peace, reduced the international tension and reduced the production of the weapon. But if this Agreement Justice was violated by the leaders of the religion and by the faithful person that the life in the middle of-was the community then Allah's magnificence that necessarily Allah had moved the position in the name of sects of the religion, religious groups, religious political parties that made the character of Allah's picture in accordance with his group's wish separately. The poverty vow did not become the blessing for poor people and did not have the value of social justice because the poverty vow did not have the social impact for poor people who because of anything did not get his life right suitably. The violation of Agreement Justice of obedience to the Lord will produce terrorism that was motivated because of the background of the religion, the violence that was triggered because factor the religion, the suppression or hindered the work career because of the background of the difference of the religion through to warfares that were formed the background by the good religious political party that happened in a Country or International.

Must Agreement be held and obeyed by the sides that placed and tied itself under the agreement of the agreement law? If the Agreement Justice might not be honored then what his name the oath of office, the inauguration of the head of state, the ministers or the representatives of the people, the poverty vow, the oath of loyalty, the nationalism promise and other tits of agreement asthma might not be maintained to be put into the ceremony tradition words swore. Because, if not having the positive law that could give doubt towards the existence of the violation of oaths of that kind, meant the world community was trapped in a false system of the agreement law. All of us were his offender, the community as well as the cultural system provided the forum for the maintenance of the false tradition of agreements.
Gazed at from the corner of justice as well as destruction of the community's social order that by the casualties mentioned unjust, the violation was often caused because of being violated by him the Agreement Justice: beginning with the Constitution violation and Basic Regulations of the Country, the policy of the government that left the Outline route of the State Course, the representative of the people who turned the aim of the social contract that was built through the general election, of the upholders of the law that left the route of code of law, of the officials of the Country that violated the agreement and discipline of the work, of the businessmen and the workers that violated rules that were determined and was agreed to together, all the peoples who did not honour the Country's law and agreements that were entered into by them personally, and everyone was faithful that placed himself was supervised by the association of faith and obligations towards the Lord's order.

While free people that his life enjoyed the wealth from capital of the talent that was owned like the artists, the film star, the sport athlete, the leaders of the religion that did not care about justice, of the inheritance recipients were abundant, the hoodlum's grandchild, the grandchild of colonisers's nation, and they who received the excessive wealth wealth without entrusting the risk, from the aspect of justice violated Justice of the Blessing Law. The development of the talents is generally followed with the receipt of the blessing of the material wealth. On the other hand the wealth generally also becomes supporting means of the development of the talent of pursuing the receipt of the blessing that even more. Results of the end that will be achieved stayed same that is the material wealth.
The demonstrators who did not pay attention to the rules of politeness, the political campaign that sold off promises, people who only enjoyed heart satisfaction with said abuse, the advertisers that the contents of his advertisement lead astray, preacher that turned-turned the contents of the Lord's revelation generally violates Justice of the Words Law.

The perpetrators of the coup, rebels and the terrorists directly opposed Agreement Justice that was poured in Constitution of the Country, against Law of Amnesty Justice and against the Law of God Justice. Only had Allah's two method roads to uphold Justice in the World. First, through the amnesty by releasing the freedom of the side that was guilty to get again his rights towards peace. Secondly, anyone that had was obliged to give or release some of the what by the positive law was regarded as proprietary rights. That could be only undertaken with the awareness, the freedom and faith obedience. The person was faithful could substitute for the religion, but the two basic laws were the binding obligation anyone was faithful. The prophet Muhammad permitted the Jihad war only was limited to uphold social justice and Allah’s Oneness. Because of the Muslim scholars and Syeikh was not bigger than the Prophet Muhammad, then they could not turn the aim of the Jihad war if in his country personally still many social imbalances, poverty, the suffering, the violation of the law and the violation of justice. (Al Qur’an, An Nisaa, Juz 5 :135, Al Maa-idah, the Section 6: 8)

Generally the person who was acknowledged as guilty was them who did business with the positive law at first if the judge dropped the decision of the punishment. From the aspect of justice like that has explained in front, destruction of the community's social order, the imbalance of welfare, unprotected him the welfare right of the life of the people and the birth of new crimes almost all of his cause sides. To organise the just new community prosperous, was not enough if only had the good desire, leant to the political party, listened to the sermon of the slaves the Lord or placed hope of reform of the Country's agency. Only all of us together and together that could give new hope and the issuing road.

The Religious Meaning was overturned by Justice.of the Agreement Law
The founders of the Country and the foundation of social justice on the nature wealth of a Country really was thought about so that the Country's wealth could give welfare for the people who received his country's independence. When the Country stated his independence, and the founders of the nation placed the foundations of the law was supervised by the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country, or when a company was established and discipline was for the employee enacted, or when the university was established and discipline of the work was for the lecturer as well as the student put into effect, then anyone that was in the association of the organisation obligatory obeyed as well as received him without the existence of the desire free to refuse or change him. So that regulations or the discipline are obeyed, then the regulations always contained warnings, threats, the fine through to punishments that ended without the existence of the amnesty. In other words the agreement that was poured in the discipline law must be kept in limits that could be understood by the manufacturer's side of the agreement law. When the agreement law was received and obeyed, then results had finally given the gift that will be accepted by prepared sides tied himself in the agreement. On the other hand if the side that beforehand was prepared to place itself was supervised by the association of the agreement carried out the violation apart from the limit that could be received by side-organisation of the manufacturer of the agreement law, automatically this person must leave the organisation group or received other punishments. Because Allah also made agreement laws at the same time as the safety rule, then the sides that in the certain limit did not receive Allah's amnesty also must leave Allah's House.

Supervised this was Allah's laws that inside contained the Principles of Universal Justice at the same time contained Agreement Justice. Principles of this Universal Justice automatic happened and must be accepted without consideration of the freedom of the choice and the decision of humankind because of each kind of humankind was in Allah's authority territory as the Creator of the Universe, sky and the earth. This Agreement Justice connected principles of Universal Justice that was valid in the earth with Allah's royal laws available in heaven. This law tied anyone because anyone was Allah's creation, and the free desire humankind could not oppose this law.
The order and Allah's law that was First

“Had children the grandchild and improved many, filled the earth and conquered that, had the power on fish in sea and birds in air and on all the animals that crawled in the world” (narrated the Creation, the Incident 1: 28).
The article above stressed the existence of the Principle of Justice of the Talent Law, that anyone who was born in the world had the task of developing and completing Allah's work in the world.

“ So Allah blessed the seventh day and sanctified him, because on the day so he stopped from all the works of the creation that was made by him that. ( narrated the Creation, the Incident 2: 3 )

The article above stressed the existence of the Principles of Justice of the Blessing Law. With read to the article beforehand, then here was gotten the meeting point of two blessings that were given by Allah completely. Allah's first blessing gave to Humankind, the creature was chosen that was regarded as the Himsefl picture image by him. Owing to Allah's two gave to the universe seisi him that meant water, air, the land, plants, the animal and all that was contained inside. With the meeting of two blessing points then what was made an effort to get and was looked for by humankind how far his raw materials had in the wild the universal that hanged loosely in chemical laws, the physics law, the mathematical law and other laws of nature, the human efforts will be successful. That so the problem was, was the work of the humankind afterwards dedicated to Allah for Allah's magnificence and welfare of humankind or was aimed for the satisfaction of the human heart personally. That depended on the freedom and the heart attitude of humankind to aim the aim of his work.

“ All your debt (the mistake – your sin) has was eliminated by me because you pleaded for him to me. Mustn't you pity your friend as I pitied you. Your God in heaven will do likewise against you, if you respectively pardoned your relatives with all of your hearts. “ (Injil Matius 18: 32-35)

The article above universally depicted the existence of the Principle of the Amnesty Law that was needed by anyone in every time, each kind of time, each situation and each situation. The person who needed the amnesty and the liberation from the mistake not only people who by the situation were put in a corner as the guilty side, that owed money or that must receive the pity. Seen from the point of view, traditional law, the positive law and Allah's law of the human law basically anyone and each one of the community's groups in each one of his positions needed the amnesty that was unlimited. Below this was given by me the example of the amnesty size that was unlimited that was needed by the leaders, the robbers and colonisers's nations.

“ God, until how many of my times must pardon my relatives if he did the sin against me? Until seven times? ” Jesus answered: “ No. I said to you, not until seven times, but until seventy times of seven times. ” ( Injil Matius 18: 21-22)
The article above depicted that anyone had and carried out various mistakes and was not counted. Then to receive the freedom and his life independence also was needed by the amnesty that was unlimited. Generally human patience was very limited, that initially took the form of the amnesty could end with the murder, the revenge or pleasure of the person's other suffering.

Chief Country and the officials of the Country must have understood that moral destruction of the people who was led by him, spread him poverty and the lack of the welfare allowance of the people who was adequate were caused by violations in the positive legal field, the deviation of the Country as well as the other violation of the constitution direction towards the Sovereignty of the State Law that was outlined by basic regulations of the Country. The perpetrators of this violation ought to get the punishment in accordance with the principle that anyone had the right and the position that were same in front of the law. But the perpetrators and this offender of the Country's law needed good amnesties from the upholders of the law and from his people personally in accordance with their efforts to get the amnesty so as his violation was released from the punishment. If the leaders of the Country did not need the amnesty that was unlimited from the upholders of the law and from his people personally, necessarily they obeyed the sovereignty of the Country's law at the same time placing the punishment and amnesty in the position that could be accounted for legally, both the positive law and the conscience law that could be known through his intellect separately.

The robber, the thief, the perpetrators of corruption and colonisers's countries also needed the amnesty that was unlimited. If they did not get the amnesty from sides that ought to pass the punishment to the perpetrators in the theft field, corruption, the robbery, the rape or the colonisation, then they did not get the freedom guarantee and the happiness for the future on his action of the past action. How they received the amnesty in order to get the liberation of the punishment was not peeled here. The subject of his problem that the amnesty was needed by all the sides in accordance with the principle of the Law of Amnesty Justice that was analysed in front. Because the positive law did not reach out and could not explain with logic how the descendants's grandchild of nations was colonised must give the amnesty to the generation grandchild of colonisers who legally did not carry out the mistake and the violence. Or how the generation of the grandchild that his life no house in poverty must give the amnesty to the younger generation's grandchild hoodlum-corruptor that directly seized humankind's happiness of a nation on the whole. Early of poverty, the suffering of a nation and destruction bounced of the nation culture from the violation of Justice of the Agreement Law that was written in the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country as well as the weakness of the enforcement of Justice of the Amnesty Law because of not placing the fall of the punishment and the amnesty in accordance with the legal rule that was determined.
That was biggest needed the amnesty was the leaders in the religious field. The biggest problem and rumours were most important in the religious field was the Amnesty and Social Justice. The amnesty pushed the peace creation, the religious life harmony, tolerance, revered each other as sesame the creature as well as respect of the Lord's creation towards the living right of humankind. Social justice that was encouraged by spiritual the lack of attachments towards proprietary rights for the life in the spirit of poverty of the Lord will create the balance of the life and the even distribution of welfare of humankind. The two rumours overcame the understanding of the centre in the conviction against the Lord of the Lord. Injil and Al Qur’an stressed the existence of the indication of the social sin if the faithful person more gave priority to attachments to his life with material than made his life in Allah's desire dependent. (Injil Lukas 14: 33, Matius 23:23, Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10:55, At Taghaabun, Juz 28 :15). Did the Lord be it was considered important or not, must be or not, but understood towards social justice occupied the first and most important place in the justice field. The Hindu religion and Buddha stressed the same thing. The Holy Teaching Javanese's ancestors put the lack of attachments to the proprietary rights to the composition of the life of the discipline rule like that was poured in the Padmawara Charm. The fact is as being seen by us, the leaders in the religious field had the level of far more better welfare, the quality of the service, the old age guarantee and the maintenance of the health that was better compared with most other humankind that did not have the future guarantee by twisting the Lords decree that the person who was loved by the Lord will accept many blessings.

While the second place that became the most important part in each conviction was the Amnesty. These rumours became the main indication in the significant Peace field the stability of the security of the community, both local and international. The fact was seen by us, crimes in the religious field, the treatment that was unjust against the adherent of the different religion understood, warfare between the religious political party through to rumours of the conflict because of religious conviction and terrorism that was triggered by the religious understanding precisely came and was inflamed from the leaders and religious figures. These incidents proved that the lack of the amnesty that afterwards produced the social conflict as well as abolished peace and the security of the community precisely needed the amnesty. In the Islam religion was very clear, that will be explained by us in the page along with, that rumours of significant peace the amnesty became the gold law that must be revered by each adherent of the Islam religion. The meaning of the war of the aim jihad especially is to uphold Justice and Allah Oneness. (Al Qur’an: An Nisaa’, Juz 5: 135, Al Maa-idah, the Section 6: 8, the Constitution of Medina Peace). The Prophet Muhhamad personally in an effort to him to uphold justice in his household, he was prepared to divorce all of his wives that the amount more than ten by separating them together. But many Muslim men and non Muslim that tended submit was supervised the female hip, then carried out crimes like corruption, the deception or the theft that directly violated social justice, against the Islam law and opposed orderly Allah's rule. ( The Incident 2: 21-25, Colose 3: 18, Efesus 5: 22-24, Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10: 55; Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188)

The cultural tradition that happened in almost each social life breath of the religion always turned the holy channel Allah's message of the revelation by pursuing appearance peace that focussed on material that finally had pushed the welfare gap and warfare. The violation of the two main problems in the religious field, that is the violation of Social Justice and the order the Amnesty needed the new amnesty that was unlimited from the other person, good from his group personally that did not understand how must pardon his leader or from other group that became his action casualties. In this case the positive law that his implementation was undertaken by the Country often could not pass the punishment although violence proof that was carried out by the religious group against the Country's law. Today the most important value of a religion not the problem discussed his founder it was admitted as the prophet by the side other or not, but was related to rumours of main humanity that is Social Justice in order to be created Social Welfare and the Amnesty in order to be created Peace for all humankind. Most organisations of good piety his agency, his government and the faithful person of his individual lost the spiritual spirit religious him when two most important principles that is Social Justice and the Amnesty were released from the core of the revelation that ought to be accepted as one package of unity of the faith attitude.

Christian group that regarded himself as Jesus's pupil met the scapegoat who was exact by pointing at the experts Taurat and the person Farisi that crucified Jesus History as the Lord and Salvation. The spilling over of the mistake to the Expert Taurat and the Farisi Person in the time Jesus History as if confirmed that the generation of group christian that now lives did not carry out the application mistake of faith on the demand of Allah's love. While group was convinced other outside the follower Jesus appointed Allah or Personal other as the Amnesty noose and Very Generous. The Holy Scriptures experts and the leaders of the religion forgot that they were the Crown Prince at the same time the Heir the throne of the Kingdom of heaven that acted as the heir to continue Allah's government in the world with the task especially to spread the Amnesty in order to be created of World Peace at the same time pushed the Social Justice creation by giving the example to live in the spirit of poverty of the Lord. But because many people were not willing to live poor at the same time depending on Allah's desire, then faith that ought to be undergone with courage, simplicity as well as modesty was turned turned with the new doctrine that the faithful person who was loved by the Lord will reap the abundance of the blessing. The holy scriptures did not promise the abundance of the blessing as the substitute to exchange agnostics with the blessing or the happiness of the material wealth because of faith. If being like this then the contents of the sermon in the hill was not current, and if the contents of the sermon in the hill was not current whether being significant Jesus History that by group christian was agreed to as the Lord and Allah's Child the swindler?

“ The Person who had a same attitude against the friend and the enemy, balanced in respect and the insult, hot and cold, liked and the sorrow, famous and slander, always free from the association that polluted, always quiet and was satisfied with everything, that did not care about the residence anything, stable in knowledge and diligent in the service, the person like that really By Me loved “. ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12: 18-19 )

The article above indicated the existence of the principle of universal justice to give the treatment and respect in honour humankind equally, in each situation and the condition. The existence of the caste that organised in the organisation that distinguished the position, the position, the wealth, the difference of the conviction, the intellectual's capacity et cetera did not change the existence of the obligation to honour and treat the other person equally. In other words anyone in his condition that was most contemptible then needed respect, the just treatment, the protection of the living right as well as attention. The article above apparently became the most important base the birth of human rights. If the article above was abolished then people who were not useful, that economically unproductive, people were sick bounced and they who from the aspect of the security only caused the social problem disorder whether they must be destroyed by the country so that the stability of the world community is increasingly good.

“ Give to anyone that ask for to you, and don't ask for came back to the person that took belonging to you. ” (Injil Lukas 6 :30).

“ And should not your part ate the wealth a part that was other between you with the road that batil and don't you brought the wealth affair to the judge, to you could eat a part than property of the other person with the road to do the sin, in fact you had knew ”. (Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188)

“Ora melikan: Ora kena rumangsa ndarbeni dhewe, ananging kudu rumangsa kabeh mau asale saka kang Murbeng Jagad, the meaning of his translation: Might not want the other thing of the person's proprietary rights, might not feel had against the proprietary rights thing personally, but must feel that all that came from that Governed the Universe (Allah) ” Aji Padmawara, Holy Scripture Javanese Ancient.
The article above indicated so that the faithful person is not tied with property, the proprietary rights wealth or the intellectual's wealth if this matter must be given for the person's other goodness. The article above also explained how thought a wealth must be distributed for the other person good if that must be ask for or given because of his awareness personally. Many leaders of the religion and the faithful person avoided the understanding of articles and the holy centipede the holy scripture above so that himself is not prosecuted to carry him out. To Injil Lukas 06:30 of Jesus stressed the need of magnanimity that at the same time was contrasted with the ban stole and allowed the thief to live free with results of his stolen goods because that was stolen in fact not property of the person who legally was acknowledged as his property, but that was stolen that in fact belonging to him Allah. (sky and the earth seisi him belonging to him Allah). The first order to give to anyone that ask for in fact also stressed that anyone although being mature and could work to get his fortune personally basically continued to need help and giving from the other person, like children and the street beggar who always extended his hands. Although legally someone was stated was mature and could work, the fact is did not have the person who could live stood from his sweat personally. Always had additional fortune, the income of the addition, the commission or giving that was accepted free from the person's other goodness. So Jesus's order to give to anyone that ask for in fact only was the warning that if someone wanted received preferably also prepared gave. On the other hand, the ban in order to not ask again the thing that was stolen by the other person to be related to three matters. Firstly, must be realised again that all the holy scriptures said that the ruler and the owner of the universe not ourselves the person of the individual although by the positive law proprietary rights were acknowledged personally. Secondly, the faithful person must have eminence compared with the person was not faithful with regarded the proprietary rights in a theological manner continue to belonging to Him. In a theological manner the faithful person continued to be forbidden to claim or demand returned on things was lost that was stolen by the other person. Thirdly, both the faithful person and the person were not faithful in fact together could not maintain his proprietary rights fully. Meaning that, all of us had together been cheated, was deceived and the rights that we acknowledged as our property moved the hands by means of painful. Not there is a single that lived in the middle of the community could be free and did not become other casualties of the side's deception.
The Allah’s decree to the Climate, the woman: “ Suffering and tired you time contained will be made by Me a large number of, by being hurt you will give birth to your children, but you will be passionate to your husband and the husband you will have the power on you. ” His words to Adam:” Because you listened to your wife's words and ate from the tree that has was ordered by Me to you ‘ should not eat than him, then was condemned the land because you, in an effort-making manner you will seek a living you from the land all your life, a mother of the thorn and thorn grass that will be produced by him for you, and plants in the forest will become your food, in a sweating manner you will look for your food, until you again became the land, because from there you were taken, because of you dust and will come back to dust. ” ( narrated Creation, Kejadian 3: 16-19)

Allah decreed: “ Di the earth you lived and in the earth you died, and from the earth also you would awakened ”. (Al Qur’an, Al A’raaf, Juz 08:25) “

Pamsukula Gatha.

All of the creature experienced the death.
They experienced the death, and will experience again.
Likewise I must experience the death.
Not doubt for me about the matter
Pabbatopama Gatha. So mustiness and the death. Gripped all the living creatures. They nobles, brahmana, the trader. The worker, the group far out or waste throwers. Not a single will be avoided. Mustiness and the death attacked all of them.
The death that was depicted to the article above was one of the principles of Universal Justice other that was met in Allah's revelation whichever the free desire and the authority of humankind could not oppose him. The death was the surrender himself on all the efforts that has and had been reached by a good humankind the wealth, happines, the sin, the planning mistake, regret, the suffering or his efforts to achieve the holiness. The death was the right loss and responsibility someone on his obligation, except if people who still were living continued to give the certain rights only a to honour or demanded to his heir because felt lost his right to the death someone. If the person's rights to die continued to be acknowledged and to adhere to the authority of the person who died then the world order will be chaotic because of the world would diperintah by people who have died. From the aspect of justice then the person who will die must be prepared sincerely to waive the rights along with his authority and the person that still were living also must be prepared to release what became the person's responsibility that has died. If the principle of this justice was filled then did not have the person died that his spirit fly no direct and annoying the person of the life and was not jolt-sued the heir because of the heirs did not take responsibility for the person's right that has died by exceeding the legal order that was applied for people who still were living. With the principle of justice on this death then peace that placed between the person's right of the life and the person died again became part of the centre in the life order.

The Test 18:15,18,21-22 “ Someone the prophet in the middle of you, from among your relatives you, same like me, will be awakened for you by the Lord, Allah you, he that must you listen to..….. a prophet will be awakened by Me for them from among their relatives like you this. I will place My decreed in his mouth and he will say to them all that were ordered by Me to him..…………If in case you said in your heart: How did we know words that were not decreed by the Lord? .......... if a prophet said for the sake of the name of the Lord and words him that did not happen and not until, then so words that were not decreed by God” This texts was written approximately 1,500-1,900 BC. The similar texts that spoke about the resurgence repeatedly Allah said in various situations with different period extension, the place that differed with the difference of time could hundreds of years.
“ As like someone put on new clothes, and took off long clothes, so also the spirit accepted the body bodies that were new by leaving the long bodies that were not useful. The spirit could not be cut-piece became parts by the weapon anything, was burnt by fire, was wetted by water, or dried by the wind “. (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 2: 22-23)

“ The stupid Person could not understand how living creatures could leave his body, and they could not understand what body kind that was enjoyed by him under the attraction of the characteristics of nature. But the person that his eyes have been trained in knowledge to be able to see all these matters “ (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 15:10).

Allah decreed: “ In the earth you lived and in the earth you died, and from the earth also you would awakened ”. (Al Qur’an, Al A’raaf, Juz 08:25) “ After that, actually you all will really die. Afterwards, actually you all will be awakened from your grave in the day court ”. (Al Mu’minuun, Juz 18:15-16) And remembered would the day when being awakened by us from each kind of group of a witness (the apostle), afterwards was not permitted to people that the infidel to defend himself and not also they were permitted ask for sorry ”. (An Nahl, Juz 14:84) “ Hai humankind, if you in doubt about the resurgence from grave……….. actually the doomsday day must be came, there were no doubt to him, and Allah raised everyone inside grave ”. (Al the Pilgrim. Juz 17:5-7).

Decreed Allah:” did this resurgence be not true? ” They answered :” Really true, as God is my witness we. ” Allah decreed ;” So felt this torment, as a result of you denied him. ” (Al Qur’an, Al An’aam, Juz 07:30).

Jesus said to His pupil:” Son Humankind will be handed over in the hands of humankind, and they will kill him and on his third day will be awakened. ” (Injil Matius 17:22)

When I saw Jesus, fell headlong I in front foot him same like the person who died, but he placed his right hands on me then said :” should not be frightened. I was that First and that Last, and that Life. I died, but saw, I lived until for ever, and I who held all the keys to the death and the kingdom of the death “. ( Wahyu 1:17-18)

The spirit of the person who has died did not have the awareness was full especially if the awareness was connected with the intellectual's intelligence and the free desire. This matter could be proven through forecaster knowledge, shamanism knowledge and the like whichever the spirit of humankind that has died could be made a fool of or manipulated by the free desire the person who still was living. ( the Perjanjian Lama Book, I Samuel: 28) from the point of view of humankind of the spirit's Holy Scripture submitted to Allah's desire and the spirit's obedience to Allah's desire was caused because of the spirit of humankind that already death no longer had the freedom to oppose Allah's Power same like when this person was still living.

The resurgence was some part of the Principle of Universal Justice. If humankind could not refuse born in him, to not have the power to refuse his death, then humankind also did not have the power to refuse his resurgence. The resurgence was the only method to explain how Allah will keep his promise. Without the resurgence of the quality of the life that was wrapped in faith against Allah and the surrender himself could not be in Allah's desire explained. Without the resurgence of the moral quality that was seen in the living attitude and the action of a humankind was in vain.

Allah decreed:

My loyal Love would not was kept away by Me from you.
I will not act dishonest in the matter My loyalty.
I will not violate My agreement what left my lip would not change by Me very much.
I swore for the sake of My sanctity.
I, your God would not the negative ( Mazmur Daud, 89:34-36)

But Allah will not try humankind was based on His Justice because of his action of the humankind then. If Allah tried humankind with His justice because Allah is the Justice, then only person who was appropriate to enter the Kingdom of heaven because of humankind anything understood of his belief really was difficult to be able to fill principles of universal justice like Allah's demand in his revelation that was explained to this text. With the existence of principles of this Universal Justice, then did not have the person's reason that because of the lack and his disablement, whether as sufferer or was born with in pairs dual accused and blamed Allah as the unjust side. With all of his lacks anyone could be saved Allah in the mercy, the cheapness and his amnesty.

Because of that the Resurgence was the peak of the fulfilment of the Love, Amnesty, Salvation and the Liberation of the sin of the human mistake to become Allah's children in the Kingdom of heaven. If Holy Scripture articles were politicised and made the implement of the political party's campaign to get money and the authority, then the holy message Allah's revelation will about Justice be lost because of the position Allah is the Most Justice that must be honored was changed into money to cause the honour, terrorism and the source of suffering.

V. Justice of the Freedom Law.

Anyone had the freedom to undertake his activity then he must use the freedom as well as possible to gain the living happiness that was wanted and for the living happiness of the other person and anyone did not have the freedom that could be presented through his activity then he might not take the freedom of the other person who caused the other person to lose their happiness.

That became the freedom limit was the freedom of the person (the side) other, and that became the rule limit was the same regulation that was imposed for the other person. The law of the jungle happened if the side that was stronger violated the freedom of the other side so as the other side lost his happiness. The authority law happened if the side that more had the power to violate the rule that was imposed for the other person so as the other person who lost the same rule limit lost the freedom or his happiness.

The government that carried out the freedom right of his citizen who was received through the general election and delegation of the people to have to provide prisons that were exact for phak-side that abused his freedom. In this case the sides that carried out the violation of the law that caused destruction of the social order, the freedom or the citizen's other happiness to have to be placed separately and terisolisir from the community's group that had the freedom to undertake his activity
If the government of nations provided prisons to the sides that carried out the crime or the violation of the law, necessarily the government also provided the place of accommodation, means, medical treatment and the maintenance to old, suffrerer, no eyes, uncivilised beggar if because some could not because of them finance his life. Government responsibility to sufferer and the casualties that to resulting from from the birth of social poverty was caused by the attitude and their way of life annoyed the freedom of the other person and the side other could lose his happiness. Parents that sufferer and the beggars could be very troublesome the family and the community. Apart from the good desire the family or the community, sufferer, the beggar and uncivilised if they roamed about directly seized the freedom and the feeling happiness of the community. Because of that the government necessarily only did not restrict the freedom of the criminals and the legal offender by placing them to prison space, but also paid attention to the freedom of the poor family as well as the freedom of the feeling on the loss of the community's happiness because of must bear the burden of the feeling of the person's other suffering, except if the community that saw social poverty with the existence of the uncivilized beggars, the casualties who died as a result of malnutrition, old that scraped fortune in the place of the waste did not have the feeling on the freedom loss and their happiness. So the hospital as accommodation means, the maintenance and free medical treatment and cross-section houses for the people who caused the other side to lose the freedom and his happiness was absolute must be provided by the same government as prisons must be built, was guarded by his security, was provided food and was served by his requirement to the appropriateness limit that ought to be given.

The political party's campaign before giving promises in connection with the increase in welfare, the liberation of the educational cost, facilitated efforts permission, the reduction in the burden of the efforts tax, the earth and the building ought to show real proof before by sacrificing the campaign cost to release social poverty that his target has been in front of the eyes. Anyway poor people, the beggars and the sufferers was effective means that were provided by the Lord completely to shorten the road towards heaven at the same time lifted moral and respect for sides that could manipulate him.

Since four thousand years ago, that is since the birth of big prophets became the mouthpiece for the Lord through to the birth of Muhammad's Prophet in the Arabian land, various progress of technology through to the development of food technology to reach the peak of the enjoyment was found, but the progress in the field the law enforcement to achieve justice and the field processed the sensitivity of the heart to develop the love almost did not experience the progress. In the political field, was violated by him the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country that by the founders of the nation all over the world was meant to protect welfare of the people often to the cause spread him social poverty and corruption in various countries. In the religious field, the basic rule towards the amnesty to create peace and the obligation to be generous in sharing the fortune blessing with the side that was poor to develop social justice more often was ignored.The history of the world did not yet give the data towards the existence of the religious leader or the spiritual leading figure who died of starvation because of group did not know how must maintain and honour his leader to give the dedication. On the other hand, many people were faithful that became the Lord's group that must die of starvation and bear various sufferings, the economic difficulty, rise the feeling of hatred and followed warfare urging that was inflamed by the leaders of piety. This the out of place and wrong conscience mistake the position when the spiritual leading figure experienced the message of the Holy Scripture fully.

Justice is generally understood was limited by positive legal rules of conduct or the religious law, and By Chance also was understood be based on orderly the positive law or the religious law. As a result the person could develop the view about the Truth from the law that was turned turned his aim by making the legal rule new so that his action becomes legal and is justified.

In connection with principles of Universal Justice that was explained in front, if only held on to one rule whichever of the Law of Agreement Justice the government of nations maintained and undertook the contents of the Constitution of basic regulations of the Country, the representatives of the people or the senates also held promised as the representative of delegation to fight for welfare of the people who was represented by him, of the officials of the Country held the discipline promise by opening service space to the community that was free from the tax of the additional cost, then nationalism of patriotism will grow in all the countries.
Increased, if the seven Justice Law were realised, understood and undertaken by most community members of the World, then will not be a single that will die because of malnutrition and will not have the person was sick that could not go to the doctor because of not having money. Anyone in the range of the freedom and the person's other happiness.

But because essence of the understanding about this justice was born from the Indonesian nation that already for centuries the Indonesian people hoped for the arrival of the Queen of Justice, it is hoped the Queen of Justice available in himself anyone could especially the Indonesian people lift and rescue this Indonesian Nation from various problems as a result of being violated by his justice.
The Conclusion About Justice.

You were the King of Justice and the Holder of the Sovereignty of the Law to create justice when you did not only maintain the rights that has become belonging to you and tried seized came back to get the other rights that ought to be owned by you, but when And You Too was prepared to waive some of your proprietary rights, waived the demand on the rights that ought to be owned by you and waived the other rights that ought not to owned by you.

Without the attitude and the action like above, the Law Order was as great as anything can never create the feeling of justice. Because justice that was based on the Law Order only tended to demand on the right loss or demanded to get the other rights that ought to be obtained, and when demanding demanded on the right was faced with the other stronger side or more had the power, all the processes of the trip towards justice to was in vain. Then the World lost Spiritual of Justice.
Justice, was not enough if only leant and held on in the Law, Regulations and Agreements because not all the demands of justice could be formulated inside regulations and was not enough to be maintained by means of demanding but must stand in the Intellect and the conscience because of that you were the King of Justice and the Executive when you knew Justice must in actions that Justice came from God and came back to God.

Allah was the Ruler of the Universe, and he was the owner of the World Garden. Like Manager, Allah only just governed to arrange His justice law through the revelation that it was said prophets him. Because of that the faithful person could not cheat Allah only by coming every week to religious duties houses only a for the presentation reported his presence that in the life his days did not undertake the desire Allah's order. The Manager who was firm will dismiss you, and Allah also will expel you from his heaven. You were born in the world to represent Allah's justice, you are that held the justice stick in the world so that have an attitude as justly as possible towards the problem and your responsibility personally.

You understood Justice, the perpetrators who violated Justice, reasons and resulting from now you understood that: The Queen of Justice and King of Peace was yourself.


You could cheat the Sun by engineering the lie to made deceit available baldness in your house, but you could not cheat Rain that flowed slow in a manner the infiltration to the sadness tear that fell dripped on the hands of the Lord because of the number of suffering disasters as resulting from attitude injustice, the view and your action.

Anything of your Political Ideology, anything the name of your religious conviction, if you in a manner realised, deliberate or false did not know so as your attitude caused the other person more suffered, you violated the aim of Allah's Justice.
The feeling of Justice that was understood through the court's route just filled 1/7 Law Justice, the rest of them that 6 parts were lost or we received sincerely. That was the reason always had the side that was not satisfied with the problem of the justice feeling.

The Chapter IV.

The Resurgence,

The Peak from All Over the Foundation of the Principles of Universal Justice.
To the book that I wrote beforehand had three main pillars that became the foundation of the formulation of safety theology. It was first that must have God as the Creator of sky and the earth, the prop of all the existence and the universe system. If Allah's existence was abolished then the process of nature that happened in this earth was difficult to be explained especially if not referring in revelation the creation. The writer revelation certainly did not hold the hypothesis by following the presumption principle was not guilty, survey or the scientific research that humankind that was created on the sixth day, the age of his existence in a manner archeology was indeed younger compared with the existence of the land, plants or the animal.

Universe damage especially the earth by the creation revelation it was explained resulting from humankind fell in the sin because of violating the Law of Agreement Justice that Allah appointed ( narrated Creation, Incident 3 ). The scarcity of energy especially the increase in the price of petroleum, lpg gas, coal and finally firewood as the source of energy and the reduction in the forest land that caused the rise in the temperature of the earth of the domestic fuel and the cause spread him the flood disaster by Allah's revelation was answered with the prediction of the doomsday day. The prediction of the incident of the incident of the doomsday day in a manner logic, the calculation of mathematics and technology were easy to be understood. If the ship, motor vehicles and trucks of the foodstuff carrier did not get the fuel or because his fuel was too expensive as a result agricultural products could not be distributed and that could be carried by his price became very expensive.Results of agriculture were also not maximal because of not receiving the supply of fertiliser that was enough because of his fertiliser to be personally too expensive that was caused by the cost of the production cost and the distribution cost. Resulting from furthermore the community could not buy results of agriculture so as in each place the death happened because of being hungry and various illnesses. ( Gospel, Matius 24: 7) the available Foodstuff also not necessarily could be cooked because the amount of firewood no longer suffices. As proof, anyone could see personally his private property limits by estimating the adequacy of wood to process food during the certain period, one or two years in the future. In this case any government could not still give the subsidy was good for the procurement of the foodstuff and to provide his supporting energy.

In the moral area the sexual crime will occupy the first place where the wives resulting from the increase in the appreciation of human rights and the problem gender no longer submitted to the husband ( Efesus 5: 22-33), and the husbands no longer maintain the wife's honour. The divorce and the sex deviation happened in each adherent of the religion. The murder as a result of spreading him the sexual crime of the embryo's abortion will through the abortion exceed war casualties who were caused by the rifle harmony. The reporting and sermon of Allah's name faith will be sold by false prophet to get the dedication or the wealth without caring about justice and not knowing the pity. ( Matius 24: 11-23 & 24)

In the technological field poliferasi Nuclear, especially if the aim of the Nuclear production for the war that destroyed each other, killed each other in a mass fashion at the same time destroying the earth of the human residence, Allah's revelation gave the answer definitely ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 11: 32; Sloka 10:20 & 7:6; Sloka 09:18; Al Qur’an, Al Anbiyaa’, Juz 17: 104; Al Qiyaamah, Juz 29:7-12; Al Qur’an. Al Mulk, Juz 29 :26; Injil Markus 13:32; Narrated Rasul 1:6-7; Injil Lukas 17:20). If was held by the explosion ceremony nuclear together only a to try on Allah's authority then Allah's power will act to overcome the system technology the human creation. I thought the Nuclear explosion ceremony together because Allah's power also worked in the fear of the humankind personally if the Nuclear explosion aimed at ending continuation of the life of humankind will not happen. In other words the total Nuclear war in a mass fashion and on a large scale will not happen. ( Narrated the Creation, the Incident 9:8-17 )

Really the second prop for the condition for the occurrence of the safety that is must have the Holy Spirit or the First Spirit ( Al Qur’an, An Nahl, Juz 14:102, At Takwiir Juz 30: 18-19, Al Baqarah Juz 01:87, Al An Biyaa Juz 17:91, Bhagavad Gita Sloka 12:23, Sloka 10:20, Sloka 13:15, Sloka 15:17, Injil Yohanes 14: 16-17 & 25-26). The Holy Spirit was the main road that worked to open thoughts and the awareness of humankind towards the existence of Allah's reality, Allah's promises, the existence of the angels, heaven and hell. The intellectual's intelligence that was supported with all the system of technology of the human creation not the implement and not means that were exact to learn essence of Allah's existence, proved the existence of the spirit, tested the existence of heaven or hell. This current modern humankind lived with all the capacity and efforts him was humankind that spiritually had spiritual intelligence lowest. In other words this current modern humankind lived was required to submit and accept Allah's revelation system that was stated beforehand. From this principle, then modern humankind in fact did not have the right to try the truth of Allah's revelation only because of being different the prophet who was followed with the difference of the method of worshipping Allah. Because of the low level of the quality of spiritual intelligence modern humankind, then modern humankind could not understand essence of Allah's desire although being supported by the bibliography of the holy scriptures, except if modern humankind involved the Holy Spirit as well as placed the heart was supervised by Allah's power. If modern humankind his life was freed or ran away from the revelation traditions, almost definitely this person could not know Allah that became the foundation of the existence prop of this universe. To prove by chance of this statement, each Country could contribute a baby smartest to be increased in the island was isolated that was supplemented with educational facilities and the sufficient nutrient but was taken off from all over the cultural revelation traditions. Then in front of his mature they can not know and explain Allah's existence, told the picture of heaven or hell.

The resurgence was the prop from all over the Principle of Universal Justice at the same time as Peak Justice of all the standards of the attitude and the injustice action that were undertaken by humankind. The Constitution and Basic Regulations of his implementation Country could torment the people, the Positive Law could be made a fool of at the same time could become the extortion implement and legality means of warfare, agreements could be violated and denied, the oath of office under the Holy Scripture, swore Hypocrates, the work agreement, the poverty vow that it was said the churchman, pledges of nationalism patriotism, news of the lie, advertisements from the sound, false promises the campaign, promised marriage loyalty and so on other the agreement law that basically contained the principle of social justice could be turned by his aim direction, but the resurgence will encompass all the denials to the conclusion of the fall of the punishment or the amnesty.

Only with one method and one road headed Allah or headed Hell, that is through resurgence. There was no other road that could unite natural body relations humankind to become spiritual humankind that will be in the Kingdom of heaven apart from and must through the resurgence. If the resurgence could not be accepted as the road towards Allah, how could Allah be received and was believed as the Ruler of heaven and the Creator of the Universe. Anyway humankind not the ruler of the actual universe.

In the story of the Creation, Allah ordered humankind only was limited to control and conguer ( the Creation 1: 28). Allah was not wrong said, Allah not his slip of the tongue and the prophet that accepted Allah's revelation were not wrong to hear and be not wrong wrote him. Allah did not hand over the earth all of them to become human proprietary rights. The human right to control the earth was not the same as the right to have the earth all of them. Allah handed over the World Garden to be managed together, was done together, so that results could be enjoyed together good the manager organised also the worker, who was healthy or that was sick, that was or not lucky in the atmosphere of the party to eat together. Where the location of Allah's injustice? With this understanding then humankind did not have the right to damage the earth. The violation of principles of universal justice in fact was part of the human action of damaging the earth at the same time damaging the community's social order that necessarily conguered through the rule, the law and regulations.
Principles of universal justice has the writer explained that necessarily could bring and guide the faithful person to the understanding that more in and wider about essence Allah is Love, Salvation and Salvator and Allah that were very tolerant with human humanity that looked for the happiness and peace. Allah that placed Himselft in His justice desire to be Allah that completed human perfection towards his existence.

The Chapter V

If the Truth that an essence with Justice and if the violation of the Justice was the mistake or the sin, then true what was said Jesus History from Nazaret:

” Anyone around you were not sinful, would he that was first threw the stone to the prostitute. ” (Injil Yohanes 8: 7)

True also what was said by the Muhammad Prophet

“ Actually the humankind really did not acknowledge that was real towards Allah's blessing “ (Al Qur’an, Az Zukhruf, the Section 25: 15)

Since the time of the prophets 4000 years ago, since wise people were born in each handspan of the problem corner of the world injustice, the widow's poor rights that far out, social poverty, the caste suffering the masses lowest and the good slaves in the community's civil order and the religious community happened the gap towards the right to enjoy the Country's wealth or the Lord's blessing. Has Allah run out of the prophet to send the intention to Allah's justice so that the justice could be personally understood. To who the prophets were delegated by Allah: for the devil's worshipper, the idolator, gods and goddesses's worshipper, the money worshipper, for the person of the infidel, for the masses, for the king, for the thieves or for faithful people who acknowledged Allah's existence. The prophet was always delegated by Allah for everyone and for all the groups, also to send the truth and the correction on violations that were carried out by the person's faithful priests. As Jesus came to correct the violation of Allah's desire that was carried out by experts Taurat, the person Farisi and the person Saduki, and the Prophet Muhammad came to correct his way of life of the ancestors's tradition that wrong the road. Rabbi, the priests, the book experts and wise people who were born before Jesus or Muhammad did not understand the truth, did not understand with justice and did not understand the aim of the law must be undertaken? All of them understood, but his implementation deviated from the holy scripture rule that became basic regulations of living justice of humankind.

Justice if only leant on the right that it was admitted legally, stood in regulations and ended with the decision of the judge, humankind was as stupid or was as smart as anything did not understand justice if what it was hoped was compatible with the wish, knowledge and his conscience. The holy scriptures gave the guidance how justice must be undertaken without must follow the legal route through the court ( Injil Lukas 06:30, Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188) To learn the person's Justice must be prepared to accept the Truth through the revelation system that has Allah gave. (Al Qur’an, An Nisaa’, Juz 5: 136, Faathir Juz 22:31, Ash Shaaffaat, Juz 23:37)


“ God created sky and the earth with the true aim and in order to be rewarded by each one himself against what was done by him, and they will not incur a loss. Only belonging to Allah the kingdom of sky and the earth. And on the occurrence day of the resurgence, will be unfortunate on that day people who did evil “ (Al Qur’an, Al Jaatsiyah, Juz 25: 22 & 27). To the texts beforehand was proven by me that the Truth and the Justice were Allah's desire. On the other hand the origin and the cause of the Crime and originating Injustice from good humankind that emerged in personal the person of the individual or in a organized department manner and was organised.
If Allah did not shorten the time, the World War III that will be followed with the World War IV and the other big war must happen. This matter only was not based on Allah's revelation that was said the prophet him (Injil Markus 13: 8), or towards the reality of the number of competing countries made the weapon on the war experience between the kingdom while his struggle seized independence that has taken place for thousands of years. This matter was caused because:

The Law Internasional base that now is did not fill the condition to create World Peace. To certain fields, the Positive Law could not cover the Justice of the Amnesty Law taking effect so as the punishment and his amnesty could not be given apart from by leaving the desire natural must happen.

The Third World War outbreak, The World War IV, big wars and regional wars that happened were widespread in various parts of the world always was triggered by two because, that is the Crime of Politics, the Crime of Religius or the mixture of both of them. The crime of Politics will cause the weakness of positive law enforcement to be applied, and that meant the violation of justice. The crime of Politics was preceeded from violation towards the Constitution of Basic Regulations of the Country, whichever his offender could be still being the legal government or being caused because of the coup, the revolt and the like. In the International order the birth of the crime of politics will cause instabilitas welfare and the security of humankind as well as the trigger of warfare by seizing the other right of the wealth of the Country's wealth.

The Religius crime will happen when Allah's independence was not placed as Holy Personal in the holy place or in the religious duties house as the aim of the prayer and the dedication. But when the faithful person brought Allah to the street, to places of the demonstration or as the revolt reason and the war was held, and when the faithful person deceived the work of Allah's safety to fill up the stomach because of the aim of religious politics.

Jesus and Muhammad were two personal the very perfect prophet. Jesus that was acknowledged as Christ although being acknowledged as the Child Allah waived all of his rights as the Child Allah, that descended as humankind, the life in poverty that could be understood by anyone, accepted the reality in the humility and took the life in the suffering, by releasing all of his capacity was upper miracle that was made by him (Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 1: 87) then submitted accepted the decision of the positive law that was appointed and dropped by the Country to die on the cross was supervised by the witness of the criminals and the swindler. (Matius 27: 39-44)

The prophet Muhammad although his hands were smeared with blood on warfare and loot, but Muhammad was the upholder of Social Justice and the sanctity Allah Oneness. Muhammad was personal the upholder of justice of the amnesty law, like that was written in the Medina Constitution headed by Muhammad and the initiator of the Islam peace law that he created. Therefore Allah permitted Muhammad like Allah to justify Daud the slave him.

The person was faithful that psychologically healthy was born the heart, healthy his spiritual body certainly could understand that the prayer that left the heart scream, blood sweat, the pity groan and the drop of the tear was not easy to cause the amnesty and to change the life expectancy situation of this person who necessarily also could be understood conversely that the wealth, the arrival of the blessing, luck and the happiness not was caused because himself was loved by the Lord or because his prayers were agreed to by the Lord. (Lukas 13: 1 - 4). This was the problem of the sensitivity towards justice, because of unfortunate poor people and the sufferers did not understand how must fill his hope, how to demand his right dan how to pray to get Allah's agreement, while the person who felt himself was blessed with the abundance and the wealth will continue to take all of his rights in accordance with the capacity and his authority capacity without being prepared to release or reduce what became his property. In the real life has been gotten by proof billions the fact that took place for thousands of years that the blessing and the wealth most did not have his connection completely with faith, and Allah did not promise like that has he gave to Abraham to exchange loyalty that was shown through faith with the wealth blessing.

Allah History was Allah that guided, spoke with the love, the amnesty and his redemption, Allah that lived with humankind that to the certain limit also showed his anger. Allah available before early of the world, now and that will come continue to Allah that was same that demanded the understanding, the freedom, the awareness and the maturity of the attitude of human faith to understand the desire and his justice.

Because of that was contributed by me the second text free of charge:
“World Peace was based on the Principle of the Positive Law and God Revelation“
Peace demanded the condition for the existence of the other side to release what ought to be maintained and the side again other to accept what not his right that necessarily was not seized by him.

In the beginning was said by me that the Law International Base that now is did not fill the condition to push the World Peace creation.

Therefore, the only condition to push the World Peace creation that was certain all the countries must be prepared to change and improve the Constitution of Basic Regulations of his Country that will have an impact on the authority reduction of the available government in all the countries. First, part of each Constitution must contain conditions for World Peace, his prevention methods along with his doubts. Secondly, part of each Constitution and Basic Regulations of the available Country must in all the countries pull out the right, the authority, the authority, the sign of giving of permission or the statement - the other statement towards the existence of the spirit of warfare that was owned by the head of state and the war agreement from the representative of the people. The existence of the legal base and the spirit of available warfare in Basic Regulations in each one the Country will cause the occurrence of the war that actually when because of being found or deliberate sought the reason as because of the actual warfare emergence. So to develop Peace of warfare of the spirit's spirituality must be removed from all the constitutions and basic regulations of the available Country in all the countries.

This text was written because of the conviction the writer towards the existence of big problems that was laten that walked naturally hereditary so as to become the tradition that was difficult to be released. The problem is, this tradition was still wanting to continue to be maintained or to not depend the agreement of the world community that underwent him. Problems this in part:

1. Justice, especially Social Justice like that now happens all over the world, his implementation could not be handed over to the faithful person that held on with love regulations, tithes, the good deed sodakoh and other actions that his foundation only liked to be willing, the person's Community was faithful both that lived gathered and available to a Country did not show the existence of the feeling of humanity and the pity to his peer that suffered as the sign of his life of Justice. The political party was based on piety that used the association of the group's fanaticism in practice more often brought the suffering disaster and escorted his follower to the battlefield. In other words, faith only stopped arrive in the mouth, the prayer and adulation in house religious duties. As a result many people died was killed by ideology the other fanaticism of faith of the person's belief without being given the way out to face his life personally. This reality not was caused because Allah failed to teach knowledge about the living rule that must be undertaken. The problem is, opposed Allah by ignoring his order to the enjoyment part of the authority of humankind that the faithful person could also kill Allah that was worshipped by him. Read Holy Scripture ought to bring thoughts headed the awareness that Allah was the Truth, the origin and the aim of Justice. Anything religious conviction and the position of the position someone, became the faithful person who leant on Allah's desire extremely extraordinary was difficult if thoughts and our feeling were balanced with the available reality opposite us. In this case almost all of Allah's orders both available in the holy scripture and the holy teaching not there are those that was glad being undertaken when being connected in a passionate manner sex, the greed, the wealth, the enjoyment, the wish or other actions that was compatible with Justice. Saw the reality was like this, then Justice could be perhaps only conditioned if the positive law was on the religious law although the Justice personally came from the Lord's revelation. But the positive law how that enabled Justice to be able to be undertaken if in one or several countries did not have the assurance of the law?

2. The Country law that was developed with the Trias Politica framework that was continuation of the ancient rule of the royal law from inside personally has spread warfare seeds. As his consequences the Country must be in the position was ready to attack or be ready to be attacked by the other Country. The production of the weapon as war material became the available priority in each Country, that will be utilised when the Country carried out the attack or to remain when being attacked by the other Country.

3. World Peace could not be developed with the strength of the weapon as continuation of the war tradition that has happened for thousands of years. Because of the Country that was threatened with by the sovereignty of his law rising to hold the opposition with preparations for the strength of the same weapon. As a result the budget to develop the strength of the weapon overcame the budget of the requirement for the provisions of the food land, the health and further peace efforts of much humankind died of starvation and malnutrition before his weapon was personally used by the war. In other words, much humankind died was in vain without facing warfare that actually.

World Peace anxious based ounce the Principle of the Positive Law and God Revelation
The authority of Politics and the Authority of the Religion was two different roads the route that was provided by the Lord to fullfil the free desire humankind in order to get welfare and his life happiness headed the safety that was desired by him. But when the authority of the Devil slipped away entered around both of them, humankind often lost the control on his freedom. The common sense that was on the free desire could not separate between the aim of the Lord of making his group and the aim of the Devil who will disrupt him happy so as when someone followed headed or had the authority (politics-religion) must cut off the Justice artery while spilled blood of reduction casualties. While the authority personally was the stick to uphold the balance of justice.

The concept of the foundation and the understanding of actual justice was perhaps only found in the holy holy scripture or the holy teaching. Apart from Allah's ten orders the concept of available justice in the holy holy scripture not organized, only took the form of the moral call that demanded the willingness, the awareness and the freedom of his perpetrators. His doubt did not stress, in fact did not mount if only relied on Allah as the punishment giver after the perpetrators or his offender personally died. Many people were not frightened to Allah, because when someone was still living meant to not have the punishment that was accepted from Allah. On the other hand, when someone died already did not have the fear again and his punishment could not be proven by the person who still was living.

The Positive law that referred in the international law, the constitution and basic regulations of the Country as well as his integral descendants had the meaning that very important to guarantee the existence of the community's order, social justice, welfare of humankind and World Peace. But the positive law that was carried out by the government of the country only try to get was limited to increase the even distribution of welfare of his people. Ownership of the right that was acknowledged by the law must be looked for and made personally an effort to get by anyone through the work or the other capacity. The further positive law protected these rights. Although the positive law had the meaning that very important to guarantee the community's order, welfare together through to peace between humankind, the social imbalance as well as the difference of the receipt of welfare that was achieved by each citizen continued to happen for the length of the time.

The existence of differences of the situation and the condition that were owned by someone as a result of his birth will bring the influence and results of the upper end of an attachment to material, the authority and the wealth that became his proprietary rights. The positive law could not overcome this problem because the positive law must protect proprietary rights someone, anything the Country ideology, always was received by classes and the community's different groups the right, the status and his wealth (the material wealth, the intellectual, the authority, the physical form, the colour of the voice, etc.). The religious law, in this case only was limited in the love law that obliged the faithful person to place and treat the other side fully respect and the release law with minimaly the existence of attachments against property like that was obliged by all the holy holy scriptures, could not force the person to be faithful obeyed him, so as the love law that was based on tithes and the pity not many help gave the understanding of the existence of justice.

By seeing the existence of social imbalances in the welfare field, the health, the happiness, the freedom thought or in the matter worshipped Allah, the positive law that was applied in all the countries and the love law that became the demand of the faithful person while thousands of years did not yet solve the problem of universal justice. The existence of world justice that was not yet perfect, because if the positive law and the religious law that made the subject of his perpetrators to humankind, dependent then as his counterpart must have other justice that was spiritual that made his subject to Allah dependent as Personal Intelligence that Very very Just. Without the existence of spiritual justice, someone that experienced the totality of the suffering and his heart darkness, the lack of hope would the happiness, the amnesty or his freedom because of disablement, his mistake personally or because of the suppression that was caused by the other side, lived someone was not meaning that and that was compatible with the protection of human rights like that was poured in constitution and basic regulations of the Country.

World peace, welfare and the human happiness could be universally organised and arranged with the principle of the positive law, if justice was not in pieces in accordance with the interests and the aim of the manufacturer of positive legal regulations. The World Peace creation will universally happen if the positive law was made, drafted, built and organised repeated by referring in the interests of humankind as well as considering the existence of human rights, the freedom and the friendship. The occurrence of international warfare as well as the existence of preparations for the further war was caused because the positive law was made and developed on the basis of the interests of kingdoms or countries, that at that time the law not yet think about that anyone had the right and the position that were same as the community member of the world. The lawyers who were involved in the compilation of the constitution and basic regulations in respectively the country must realise that spirituality that provided a basis for the framework of the constitution law and basic regulations of countries in this world was made be based on the framework inheritance of the ancient royal law. As a result the foreign citizen, good that remained to a Country or that lived in his country separately always to the community member of the world of the class of two, the murder target and the aim of the war. The existence of the crime of politics that crept into various countries was spread by Montesquieu when spiritual the ancient royal law was standardised in trias politica that necessarily only could remain until the World War II ending.

During some thousand the year before the enlightenment age till the age 20 in the southern part part of the world of the authority of the holder of the control of the law on the hands of the king was absolute. The authority of the king experienced the distribution when Thomas Hobbes, J.J. Rousseau, John Lock and Montesquieu embraced in the 3 concept political attitude. Nevertheless, according to the view of the writer, the concept of the framework of the law trias politika like that was undertaken in many this current countries reached his peak and ought to be renewed since the World War I outbreak and began to be thought about the issuing road after his resistance was destroyed in World War II. Because the framework of this law could not be used as means and the authority implement of creating World Peace and welfare of the world community.

The existence of the religious crime that was preceeded with the murder prophets, in the modern age the religious crime developed in the restriction stage on the freedom and independence of the living right from the adherent of the majority religion against the adherent of the minority religion, terrorism that was triggered by the understanding of the religion to the existence of the pressure of the religious political party from the political party of the majority religion against the political party of the minority religion, both in the similar religion and that was different understood. The religious law that became the source and the social justice origin and human rights, could not be used as means that were effective to create World Peace and could not be used as means of creating social justice of the world community. Because this law was rooted from the freedom of the heart conscience and the faithful person tended to violate him. Likewise the general election that became change means in the leader and the pattern of the government, not means that were exact to create world peace and justice of the world community although the general election was held together all over the world.

The outbreak of the World War to III later will be triggered by two because, that is triggered by the crime of politics, the religious crime or the mixture of both of them. The condition for the World Peace creation comprehensively was if the positive law could overcome the religious criminal unrest, was on the practice of the religious legal love and principles of the positive law could cover thoughts and the heart anyone.

If the community member of the international community wanted World Peace that actually, then the Constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country must be in all the countries organised repeated by involving the lawyers from all the countries as well as placing the aim of World Peace as the main part that became the base and the framework of the foundation of each constitution and basic regulations of each Country. Only by means of being like this World Peace that actually could be realised, the problem polyferasi nuclear did not develop to the dangerous stage the life of the world community without hiding the existence of the spirit of warfare was overturned by rumours of peace or the requirement for electricity energy.
The Generals certainly counted on the existence of the possibility and the assurance of the World War to III as the continuation part of the war tradition that has taken place for thousands of years. In case the world community seriously wanted the existence of World Peace, the concept of the writer's plan could become alternatife to prevent the occurrence of the World War to III whichever the World Peace must be paid with the authority reduction of politics in all the countries that generally become the implement to carry out the crime of the war, the crime of economics and the religious crime. As his repayment sources of nature energy as well as the all ecosystem could be made use of for welfare of the life of humankind in the safe atmosphere peaceful.

The theologians must think about the universal direction of safety theology that more ought to give priority to the aim of the life of humankind that the safety trip of humankind headed heaven must be organised and controlled beginning with his life in this world. In other words the person was faithful to be able to head heaven must be able to come to terms with himself at the same time carrying out peace with the other side. World Peace as well as the universal safety will happen if the faithful person united his point of view that safety theology for peace and humankind's happiness.

If the faithful person could not carry out peace with the other side and only held on to his religious fanaticism personally, then will emerge religious crimes and the meaning from safety theology lost his meaning. The national stability of a Country could be shaky, in fact World Peace will be destroyed because of being triggered by the religious crime like the terrorism action that was formed the background by the understanding of the religion. The religious law that was free and emerged from the personal sincerity of the faithful person could become was not controlled, in fact caused the very serious crime if being not guided and controlled by the positive law that was carried out by the governments of the Country that referred in the basic rights of humankind as the community member of the world.

World peace could not be developed with the strength of the weapon, because of sides that were threatened with by his safety rising to cause the opposition with preparations for the same strength. Likewise justice, the freedom to have the living right, friendship equality and welfare of the life of his implementation humankind could not be handed over to the religious group, the spiritual leader, churchman and a group of person was faithful although the justice origin, the appreciation towards the living right and the increase in the even distribution of rooted welfare from the holy scriptures or holy teachings. Without referring in Allah's revelation (Allah's spiritual justice), the foundations of universal justice could not be explained and understood. The constitution and Basic Regulations of the Country only the second descendants from the foundations of Universal Justice.

World Peace could be only created by the organisers of the Country together in the atmosphere of the party of the reception, when principles of the positive law lighted thoughts and the awareness of humankind as well as to main pillars to uphold human rights, and when the serving of welfare of the Country became the blessing that covered conscience of masses.

The writer will open the door to world peace, invited constitution lawyers to enter to organise and develop the framework of his law. If the door to this peace was received and undertaken, the world community will see that the world could live peace without the strength of the weapon.

The change headed World Peace will face three main hindrances that is the authority tradition that was not easy to adapt the change. Secondly, the trade tradition in the weapon as the part of the Country of the business of defence technology. Thirdly, was maintained by him the war tradition as part of the appropriateness test of the weapon. If the awareness could not be accepted in the period now, it is hoped could begin to be thought about after Third World War ended.

The direction headed Global Peace.
This text as the Beginning Proposal
The text of Global Peace please was analyzed. This Global Peace plan could not be undertaken by One Or Two Country

If the World Community opposite the World Peace, his effect
Small scale Big Scale His cause
The sporadic revolt, Terrorism, the Civil War in one Country or several countries Terrorism, World War III, Global Warming, Energy nature was increasingly completely fast , The habitat and the all ecosystem was also increasingly serious his damage , etc. The Religious crime, Crime of Politics or the mixture of both of them.
If the world community received
Small scale Big Scale His cause
Human rights and the legal justice rights were property anyone and must be protected seriously by each Country and by all the countries. Each good citizen who was accepted because of the birth or because of his position as the guest of the Country, the worker or the head of state was the same the position of his law. Anyone that his life was supervised by the entitled poverty line to accept the welfare allowance minimalis him was good in the form of food, the health service, the fulfilment of the nutrient etc. because he was the community member of the world. The development of food technology and his distribution, the increase and the development of health technology and medical as well as the handling of nature damage. Principles of legal justice positive was maintained by each Country exceeded and was on the practice of justice, the love, tolerance and tithes of the religious law that was undertaken by respectively the faithful person because of his cheapness.
The abolition of the Extradition Agreement. The abolition of the Development Agreement of the Weapon Non Polyferasi – Nuclear. Destruction of weapons of mass destruction, Termobaric, Nuclear, etc. including his infrastructure. The country only maintained weapon equipment to the limited capacity only a to maintain the security and the stability of the Country. The increase in the Even Distribution of Welfare of the Country – the World in a gripping manner in principles of positive legal justice and human rights.
The increase in the Even Distribution of Welfare of the Country – the World in a gripping manner in principles of positive legal justice and human rights.

The Gold Law,
the Second Law of God’s Revelation the Guide the Behaviour of the Person was faithful. Islam the Defence Counsel Peace.

The association of unity, welfare and World Peace was only established if the positive law was applied correctly in accordance with the aim of the law personally was made. The positive law helped Allah to organise humankind's order at the same time helping his group to perform religious duties and honour his name. In other words, the faithful person must submit and honour the positive law that was carried out by the government of the Country to the best of that for the happiness and peace of all the sides.

The first law of holy scripture obliged the faithful person to worship Allah and only Allah that deserved to be worshipped and honored. The conduct of his rite was arranged in liturgy or the worship ceremony like that was determined by the holy scripture or the holy tradition from the follower of their respective religion. The law of Allah's two revelations obliged the faithful person to appreciate each other, honored each other and made holy mutually.

The law of Allah's two revelations became the association of the friendship of all humankind as Allah's creation and as his group anything understood him, his ideology, his skin kind, his social condition, his culture and all the other differences that clung in personal each person. Therefore the law of Allah's two revelations became the benchmark and rules of play in the social life order that his moral quality exceeded any law because of the spirit spritual him came from Allah personally.

The Gold Law that was most complete came from Islam, because of his spiritual spirit not only came from the Holy Scripture of Al Qur’an, but also from the Medina Constitution made by the Prophet Muhammad that was placed in the framework of politics and the government rule order where tolerance, the protection and right respect lived anyone was really revered.

Muhammad brought peace through his government action and the core of his teaching. The constitution (Charter) Medina that was made by the Prophet Muhammad be constitution eldest that arranged the amnesty, the protection of human rights, payment diat – the loss resulting from loot, payment of the prisoner's compensation, the regulation to uphold justice etc. for peace. The Medina constitution became the example and the young coconut the future birth of the constitution and basic regulations of this current modern countries.

In the Medina Constitution, Muhammad prophet forbade Muslims to allow the heavy person to bear the debt and to be required to help in payment (the article 11). Muhammad also forbade believers to kill the other faithful person because of killing the person of the infidel or helping the person of the infidel to kill the faithful person. (the article 14). The prophet Muhammad acted very wise and just in treating the enemies that has conguered and allies who helped him to win warfare: the Muhajirin group, bani Awf, bani Sa’idah, Al-Hars, Al-Najjar, the person Yasrib, Jews from all the good ethnic groups that the infidel, the polytheist and the person were faithful. The prophet Muhammad only waged war on the crime and the side that annoyed peace, but Muhammad did not wage war on the conviction (apart from the idolator), understood or the person's other religion.

“ For the Jewish group of their religion, and for their religious Muslims ” (the article 25) was identical to the contents of the Al-Kafirun letter that was written by the Prophet Muhammad: For Instance :” Hi infidels, I will not worship what you praised. And you not the worshipper the Lord that I praised. And I will never become the worshipper what you praised. And you never (also) became the worshipper the Lord that I praised. For you your religion, and for me my religion.”

Muhammad's prophet as the Head of State was the person who had the moral quality very high. Apparently was difficult to be found by the leading figure of the leader of the religion or the leader of the religious political party that had the moral quality approaching the Prophet Muhammad. Or the constitution and basic regulations of the modern Country that his moral quality exceeded the moral quality of the Medina constitution made by Muhammad as returning results of war loot, returned results of the theft or corruption, returned the right and the person's heavy independence bore the burden of the debt, as well as had a just attitude against the enemy that has conguered, against the friend, against the person of the polytheist, the person of the infidel and the faithful person.

Islam was the peace religion that brought the universal message of the safety. Islam come from from the root said salima (the letter shin, lam and mim). From the root these words were formed by Al-greetings words that meaning that welfare, Al-salamah that meaning that the safety and Al-sil you that meaning that peace. From the letter root s, l and m. afterwards formed transitive words aslama, that afterwards became Islam with the understanding in fact: “ surrendered fully peacefulness “. The meeting of two people Islam or more must say assalamu”alaikum, that basically the statement “ greetings the safety for us”. Compared with: “ Because where having two or three gathered people in my name, there I was in the middle of them. ” ( Injil Matius 18: 20). In this case the Prophet's order Muhammad was afsu ‘l-greetings, that is to spread peace, welfare and the safety. After being finished the prayers prayer was closed with words “ salam” while visited to left and to right, meaning that giving the message of peace for people around it. The rule and the external movement – the physical attitude prayed the person Islam by means of standing, bowing, sitting and bowing down that meaning that “ in the situation anything, liked (stood-have the power-rich), while (the normal and natural situation), sat (as the ordinary person more invaluable, that was obligatory listened to his management), the sorrow, the fear and concerned (bowed down as the guilty person, the masses, the worker's worker, contemptible ignoble and was tortured or the oppressed servant) should always remember the Lord his creator”. So his understanding, ordered the Prophet Muhammad was anything the level of the caste and the difference must of his social status appreciate each other and honored for the person's other happiness, for world peace and the universal safety permanently always remembered the Lord.
The prophet Muhammad was the initiator of true peace as well as the leading figure of the upholder of social justice, both in his household especially against his wives, in the relations order between the person's humankind of the individual, in the religious field inter-group the community and in the level of politics nations. Necessarily World Peace could be begun from the Middle East, especially around the peer Islam countries if the heads of state as well as his people had peace spirituality and the Prophet's social justice Muhammad.
The writer of the Book,
Dasto Sunandoro

Allah The Creator of the Universe, Sky and Earth.

“ At first Allah created sky and the earth. The earth not yet have the shape of and empty (the empty universe), pitch dark covered the great ocean. The spirit Allah flew on the surface air”. ( The Incident 1: 1-2). This text depicted Allah's Personal existence as that One, there was not something outside his Him. Allah was Allah. This was Allah's revelation that was accepted by Jews and was written approximately 4,000 last year.

“ At first was Words. Words together was the same as Allah and Words was Allah. He at first together was the same as Allah. Everything was made by Him and without Him did not have some also that was from everything that has made ”. (Yohanes 1:1-3) This was the revelation that was accepted by Yohanes, modern Jews, the pupil who was loved by Jesus, and this revelation was written approximately the year 70-90 BC.
“ Kang dhihin, ingsun gumana ing dalem awang uwung kang tanpa wiwitan tanpa wekasan, iya iku alam Ingsun kang maksih piningit ”, his translation “ The first time being was Me (the Lord) that was in the deathly quiet place without the beginning and did not end, that is my residence that still was hidden ”

“ Sejatine ora ana apa-apa, awit duk maksih awang uwung durung ana sawiji-wiji, kang ana dhihin iku Ingsun, Pangeran, iya ingsun sejatine kang urip luwih suci, anartani warna aran lan pakartiningsun, dat, sipat, asma lan afngal” his translation” The beginning situation of the actual beginning was not something available, because when the situation was still empty deathly quiet was not something available, that firstly was Allah that was pervaded by the holiness, the actual life was Allah's his life that was thought about his spirit of Allah personally, as for the existence of various realities and the situation all that because influece the desire of Allah”.
That was Allah's revelation that was accepted by Javanese's Ancestors in connection with the picture of Allah's existence before the Universe was created.”

The sentence above explained two matters. Firstly, Allah is One. This was Allah's introduction to the ancestors of Javanese's community that was received through the clarity of the feeling and clarity of thought, Allah's picture that was accepted by humankind in connection with his personal circumstances (a kind of meditation or meditation that accompanied the surrender himself) the two, the picture concerning the situation and the great nature origin, that the great nature was Allah's presence reality. The further situation depicted, that before having something that was created, available was the emptiness, solitude and the holiness, and the existence seed an available (was born) because of being thought about by Allah's holiness that afterwards caused thoughts and the human action because of the influence of Allah's desire.

“Dating Pangeran ingkang Mahasuci, sarehne binasakaken sakalangkung gaib, tanpa rupa tanpa warna, asipat dede jaler, dede estri, dede wandu, sarta mboten wonten jaman makam, boten arah boten enggen, dinulu boten katingal, dinumuk boten kantenan, punika isbatipun amung cipta sasmita dumunung wonten ingkang waskita”, his meaning “ The existence of Allah's existence that Very-very Holy, because if depicted too invisible (could not be explained only with the intellect), without the face without the colour, not in pairs male, the woman or the transvestite, as well as was not the grave time (did not yet have his period the cemetery), there was no direction did not have the place, it was considered did not appear, was touched did not have something, that the fact is only clarity and the awareness of the power comprehended available thoughts in the understanding.

“ Ing sadurunge ana apa-apa, kahananing alam kabir lan alam sahir saisine durung padha dumadi kabeh, kang ana dhihin dhewe amung dat kang Mahasuci, sajatining dat kang Mahasuci iku kang asipat hesa, kabasakaken dat mutlak kadim ajaliabadi, tegese asipat siji, kang mesthi dhihin dhewe, rikala ijih awang uwung, salawase kahanan kita yaiku jumeneng pribadi ana ing sajroning nuked gaib, kang langgeng dumunung ing urip kita, kayektene yaiku urip kita iki tajalining dat kang Mahasuci sejati, mulane padha wajib bisaa rumeksa marang urip kita pribadi, marga saka ngati-ati, gemi nastiti kang dadi sangkaning panguripan, aywa nganti kapiran nora jumeneng ing uripe”.,

his translation “Before having everything, before the existence of the real nature situation happening (the universe) and the spirit's nature, available the first time and was alone only existences that Very-very Holy, the actual existence from that Very-very Holy was One, that depicted the existence that Be Stable Forever, that meaning that was one (Esa), available the first time and was alone, when the nature situation was still empty deathly quiet, our living situation was personal forever was in the wild disappeared, that was lasting was in our life, the situation that actually that is living we this that left the true existence that Very-very Holy, because that necessarily all of us obligatory could maintain our life was personal in a careful manner, fully thorough because our life was the aim of the life, lest being neglected because our life could not give the meaning for his life personally.”
“ I was the death that ate everything, and I was the principle that produced everything that not yet happened….. (Sloka 10:34) ” Between all of my creations were the beginning, the end but also the middle. Around all science, I was spiritual science about himself, and around the logic experts, I was the truth as the conclusion. ” (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 10:32)

“ Allah created sky and the earth with the true aim and in order to be rewarded by each one himself against what was done by him, and they will not incur a loss. Only belonging to Allah the kingdom of sky and the earth. And on the occurrence day of the resurgence, will be unfortunate on that day people that did illegal-the defect was condemned……. On that day was seen by you each kind of group will surrender. Each kind of group was called to see the notebook what was done…….was like this that actually you made articles Allah as insult and you were cheated by the life of the world, then on this day they were not issued from hell and not also they were given by the opportunity to repented..….maka their place was Hawiyah Hell - Hell of Jahannam “. ( Al Jaatsiyah, Juz 25:22 & 27 & 35 & Al Qaari’ah, Juz 30: 9)

Allah as the Creator of Humankind

Decreed Allah “ Be clear….. then was separated by him was clear that from dark. Allah named obviously that the afternoon and dark that night ….. so the first day. ” decreed Allah “ Be heavens in the middle of all water to separate water from air…….Then Allah named the heavens sky,….. so the second day. ” decreed Allah “ would all water that was supervised sky gathered to one place, so appeared that dry….. would the land cultivated young buds, seedy plants, all the tree fruits……that the third day. ” Berfirmanlah Allah: “ Be illumination objects to heavens to separate the afternoon from the night. Although the illumination objects became the sign to show the period- really that continue to, and days and years ….. so the fourth day.” Decreed Allah:” would in swarming water the creature who lived, and would birds flew on the earth crossed sky ……Then Allah blessed all of them itu……I hope the earth dismissed all the living creatures kinds, the livestock and the reptile and all the animal kinds liar…….. so the fifthly day”. Decreed Allah:” Okay we made humankind according to the picture and our form, that they have the power on fish in sea and birds in air ….. Then Allah created the humankind according to his picture, according to Allah's picture was created by him he, the man and the woman were created by him mereka……. Had children the grandchild and improved many, filled the earth and conguered that all…….. See, I gave to you all seedy plants throughout on eart………. That the sixth day. ” When Allah on the seventh day completed the work that was made by him that, stopped he on the seventh day from all the works that were made by him that, Then Allah blessed the seventh day and sanctified him (the Incident 1:3-31 & 2:1-3).

This text was the revelation that was accepted by Jews. Allah worked with his power. Allah was acknowledged as most powerful because of Allah's authority to undertake and bring about the work of his work of not needing help from any side. Allah worked from the available authority to himself him himself, to bring about the authority and his desire. Allah did not need the prop, the outsider's support or the side's other urging.

“ Satuhune ingsun Pangeran sejati, lan kawasa nitahake sawiji-wiji, dadi padha sanalika saka karsa lan pepesteningsun, ing kono kanyatane gumelaring karsa lan pakartiningsun, kang dadi pratandha. Kahanan lan ananingsun iku tanpa wiwitan uga tanpa wekasan”, his translation ““ In fact I am the Prince true, and had the authority to create everything, So with instantly the desire heritage and My assurance of the wish, the spread reality the assurance of My desire, that became the sign. The real situation and My existence, that did not start and end”.

“ Ing sabenar-benere manungsa iku kanyataning Pangeran, lan Pangeran iku mung sawiji, his translation “The humankind in fact was the sign of Allah's reality, and Allah just one, Esa. After the Lord stated himself him, the existence and his authority, Tuhan then proved his work action by creating humankind.”

“Kapindho, Ingsun anganakake cahya”, his translation “Secondly (the second day), I created light ”. Kaping telu, Ingsun anganakake wawayangan minangka panuksma lan dadi rahsaningsun,” his translation” Thirdly (the third day), “A I created the picture of my shadow (humankind as Allah's picture) that became part of the spirit and the feeling of my heart.” Kaping pat, “Ingsun anganakake suksma, minangka pratanda kauripaningsun”, his translation “Fourthly (the fourth day) “ I gave the spirit as the sign of My life. Kaping lima,” Ingsun anganakake angen-angen kang uga dadi warnaningsun”, his translation “Fifthly (the fifth day) “ I gave the wish (the dream, the picture of the idea of nature) that also became the picture of my situation.” Kaping nem, “ Ingsun anganakake budi, kang minangka kanyatanane pancaring angen-angen”, his translation “To six (the sixth day) ” I gave the intellect (the ratio), that will state the basic situation of the truth as the broadcast from wish”. Kaping pitu, “ Ingsun anggelar warana kang minangka kakandangan sakabehing paserenaningsun. Kasebut nem prakara ing dhuwur mau tumitah ana ing donya iya iku sajatining manungsa”, his meaning “The seven (the seventh day) ,” I created a form of the body that became the house (the residence) from all the available matters about himself I. Like that has been mentioned in the six situations above was in the earth, and that was the human situation that actually.”
“ Sejatine Ingsun anata palenggahan ana sajroning jantunging manungsa………..sajroning jantung iku budi, sajroning budi iku jinem tegese angen-angen, sajroning jinem iku suksma, sajroning suksma iku rahsa kang uga ingaran cipta, sajroning rahsa iku Ingsun sing dadi sajatining urip kang anglimputi sagunging kahanan.”, his meaning ““ In fact I arranged the existence of the life inside heart……… in the heart had vigilance took the form of the intellect, in vigilance had thoughts that took the form of the dream (the feeling to know something that will happen), in thoughts of the dream had the spirit, in the spirit was rahsa (the awareness situation of thoughts to know and think about all the existence of the life of humankind) that also was mentioned the inventiveness, inside rahsa was gotten by the Lord's reality that stated the actual life that encompassed all the available situation in the wild this universal. From the explanation of the Holy Teaching these Javanese became very clear that Allah's existence or the spirit could not be proven through technology, the detection equipment or a kind of medical recorder in connection with Allah's involvement in living of humankind, apart from only humankind personally in a manner person-individual if he wanted to involve the heart, thoughts, the feeling and all his life reality by being accompanied by faith. The Holy Teaching Javanese above was the only holy article that explained how necessarily someone understood Allah's existence in his life that must be understood with all the awareness, the heart situation and his feeling for the length of the struggle for his life. Holy scripture articles generally give the picture of Allah's existence took the form of the explanation or the testimony (acted as the teacher and sales, so as to be easy to be denied by the smarter person), but in the Holy Teaching Javanese to understand Allah's existence someone must involve the existence himself and his life were accompanied with his awareness was good that happened to himself and his connection with all the available situation in the wild this universal.
To the Ancient Agreement Holy Scripture, the Incident part, Allah depicted the beginning situation of great nature dark, empty, did not contain something. Afterwards Allah created the light, separated obviously illegally. Further Allah separated heavens (sky) with the earth, water with the land, then was filled up plants, the animal through to on the day to six was created by humankind that Allah mentioned as the picture and his image. Then Allah handed over the earth seisi him to humankind to conguered and was controlled. On the day to Allah's seven stopped created, rested. While the process revelation of the creation that was accepted by Javanese's Ancestors, Allah's first day depicted his personal circumstances, the empty and quiet great nature situation. Afterwards Allah depicted the omnipotence capacity that could he undertook. The day to two till the day to seven, Allah began to process the human creation. Preceeded with the heart situation, the spirit and thoughts of humankind, that Allah did began the day to two to the day to six. After the heart situation, the spirit and thoughts of perfect humankind that became part of Allah's situation personally, just on the day to Allah's seven created the human body as the heart house, the place of the spirit and thoughts that already completed. If in the revelation that accepted the Jewish community, the point pressed Allah's picture image to humankind was his body (his body) then Allah gave the power to humankind to control the contents of the earth, the point pressed human perfection as Allah's picture in the revelation that was accepted by Javanese's ancestors was spiritual, the spirit and his thoughts who became the centre of the life and the aim of perfection.

God revelation that was received by the Javanese Ancestors gave the emphasis that the life of humankind was more appreciated because of his thoughts, the spirit of his heart, the spiritual motivation and his struggle goal to complete himself. Because of that the revelation in the process of the human creation that was accepted by Javanese's Ancestors of not touching the stages of the universe creation, the existence of the animal, plants and objects that appeared, like the month, the star and the sun. The difference of the point will press the process of this human creation eventually will be influential towards the process of the resurgence as re-unification means humankind with Allah. That was acknowledged as the life that actually was Allah's his life and his life of humankind, Allah's unification with humankind, the management unification with the people who was mentioned “,The people's low unification with his leader, the creation unification with his creator “.

This matter will also influence the understanding of the authority of humankind that together as Allah's picture and the principle of the resurgence as association means of the spirit with Allah. Because of the community's Jewish revelation Allah's image to humankind more stressed his body body to conguered and controlled the contents of great nature, then the form of the authority of humankind was concretely acknowledged if humankind could control matter nature, technology, the production, the material wealth and money until causing the understanding of capitalism that blew to hedonism. While Javanese's Ancestors, the authority of humankind that Allah gave was to control matters that were spiritual, mysticism, magical objects and creatures ghaib that was soft, including the soft spirit, the devil and genies. (* Javanese had the teaching about the conduct controlled and controlled matters that was ghaib, saw with the heart eyes, heard with heart ears, including the holy living teaching to know his death day personally). Because of that the main aim of Javanese's Ancestors in the matter of the holiness, to become perfect humankind someone must be able to control his heart personally before, the behaviour and his thoughts personally in order to be able to come back was united with Allah. From the principle Javanese's previous ancestors taught how to control all the contents of the Lord's creation that was in the wild disappeared, saw soft spirits, the ghost, had the supernatural powers in various forms as the gift from the Lord that his use might not be used to injure or hurt any other side, good the body or his heart. Javanese's ancestors demanded, increasingly high the spiritual power someone must be increasingly humble and denied the existence himself ( unification, meaning that the personal unification someone with his God).

“ God that made the earth the carpet for you and sky as the roof, and he unloaded water (rain) from sky, then he made with the rain of all the fruits as rezki for you, because that should not you held allies for Allah, in fact you knew. Remembered when your God decreed to Angel :” In fact I will make a caliph in front earth ”. They said :” Why you will make (the caliph) in the earth the person who will make damage to him and spilled blood, in fact we always prayed by praising you and made holy you. ” the Lord said :” Actually I knew what was not known by you. ” And we said :” Hi Adam, live in by you and your wife this heaven, and ate his foods that many others were good anywhere that was liked by you, and was not approached by you this tree, that caused you including tyrannical people (Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, the Section 1:22,30,35) “ And he that created you from alone then for you had the place continue to and the place of savings. Actually was explained by us signs of our greatness to people that knew. ” (Al An’aam, Juz 7: 98 )

The story of the creation to Al Qur’an, Allah that will create humankind received the challenge from the Angel as if the Angel not all that agreed. Because according to Allah's opinion of the creation Angel that was acknowledged as the caliph (humankind) that only will cause damage and bloodshed. Nevertheless Allah continued to create humankind, that to Allah's other articles gave the authority to humankind to give the name of Allah's creation objects. Further, Allah ordered the Angel to bow down to Adam (humankind that was created). We decreed to the angels: “ Bowed down you to Adam,” then surrendered they except the Devil (Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz I: 35). But finally humankind fell in the sin on the devil's temptation (the Devil) et cetera humankind was expelled by the Lord from Heaven. Humankind will receive the safety (came back to the Lord) after receiving the guidance from the Lord (his revelation) and followed the guidance of the Lord.

“ Understood that all the living creatures that were created leant in Myselft like the blowing big wind everywhere always was in the space. All the universe composition under me. On my desire the universe was automatically realised repeatedly. On my desire finally the universe merged. This material nature one of my powers, worked under the command of me, and produced all the moving good creatures and not moving … ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 9:6,8 &10 )

“ Oh Arjuna, besides this I was the seed that produced all the lives. Not a creature also-both that moved and that did not move-that could live without me. Oh congueror the great enemy, my spiritual realisation did not have his limit. What has By Me said to you only a guidance about my spiritual intensity that was unlimited. Learn that all the great, beautiful and noble creations only came from a small number of My magnificence ”. ( Sloka 10:39-41)

I was the life everything that lived, and I was asceticism everyone that fasted ……. ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 7:9) I was the original seed of all the lives, the person's smart intelligence, and the authority of the person that powerful….…….. (Sloka 07:10). All material material that was acknowledged as Brahman, was the source of the birth, and I caused Brahman contained, that enabled the birth of all the living creatures.. …… Should be understood that all the life kinds were enabled by the birth in the wild material this, and I the father who gave the seed.. … (Sloka 14: 3-4) Indeed, only You Yourself who knew Yourself on the power in belonging to You, 0 identities that Most Important, the origin everything. The ruler of all the living creatures. The lord who was worshipped by the gods. The ruler of the world. ” ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 10:15 )

The picture of the process of the creation that was carried out by Allah's power to bring about material objects, the earth, the sun, living creatures and the existence of the spirit of being much the same. Allah was the creation origin, the source of the life and the destiny of the safety. Allah as the identity of the Lord of the Lord, Holy Personal and Most Powerful, was early, middle-breeder and the end of everything. Allah was the aim of the safety everyone was faithful that worshipped him.

” Actually people mu’min, Jews, Christian people and people Shabiin, anyone around them who really were faithful to Allah, the day afterwards and charitable pious they will accept the reward from their Lord, there was no concern about them, and not also they were sad. ” (Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz I: 62)

Allah as the Breeder, the Unifier, the Origin and the Aim of Justice

“ I really loved the person who did not cause who to be made more difficult, to be not made uncertain by who and to have a same attitude, both in liked, the sorrow, the fear and the concern. The person that not happiness the heart or was sad, did not regret or wanted, and separated towards beneficial matters and did not benefit worshipper like that really By Me loved ”. (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12:15-14)

“ The Person who had a same attitude against the friend and the enemy, balanced in respect and the insult, hot and cold, liked and the sorrow, honour and slander, always free from the association that polluted, always quiet and was satisfied with everything, that did not care about the residence anything, stable in knowledge and diligent in the service, the person like that really By Me loved “. (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12: 18-19)

“ As was desired by you that the person does to you, made also was like this to them. Love your peer humankind like yourself. ” (Injil Lukas 06:31 & 10: 27)
“ Dedication (the tax) from basil, the sweet dill and your caraway seeds paid, but that was most important from the Taurat law was ignored by you, that is justice and the pity and loyalty. That one must be undertaken and so on should be not ignored “ (Injil Matius 23:23)

“ So should not property and your appealing children. Actually Allah wanted by giving property and the children to torture them in the life in this world and in the future will fly their life, while they in the infidel's situation. ” (Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10:55) ” On the day of the Lord's court was seen by you each kind of group will surrender. Each kind of group was called to see the notebook what had done. ” (Al Qur’an, Al Jaatsiyah, Juz 25: 28)

“ And should not your part ate the wealth a part that was other between you with the road that batil and don't you brought the wealth affair to the judge, to you could eat a part than property of the other person with the road to do the sin, in fact you had knew ”. (Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188)

“ Why was told you guys other did the service, while you forgot yourself your obligation personally, in fact you read Al Kitab (Taurat )? Then not you thought? (Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 01:44)

“ Actually your wealth and your children only the ordeal for you. Beside Allah the big reward. ” (Al Qur’an, At Taghaabun, Juz 28: 15)

Panca sila-Dasa sila
1. I was determined to train myself to avoid the murder of the lived creature
2. I was determined to train myself to avoid the taking of the thing that not given
3. I was determined to train myself to avoid the action was unholy.
4. I was determined to train myself to avoid the action amoral
5. I was determined to train myself to avoid the lie statement

Karaniyametta Sutta
Not appropriately him that one cheated to the other
did not insult who anywhere too
And not properly because angry and hated
Expect that was other unfortunately
As a mother entrusted jiwanya protected the son single him
So towards all makhluk developed thoughts
and the love without the limit

The Padmawara Charm

The charm meaning that the King, Queen, though, Rasio, centre of the influence and the manager of the action. The Padmawara charm meaning that, the example of the perfect real action of should become the centre of the influence that was spread for the crowd.

1. Ora kena nglarani: ing sasolah tindake, pangucap lan pikiran ora kena nglarani wong liya lan awake dhewe becik raga utawa atine, his translation “ Might not hurt, each behaviour of his action, the statement and his thoughts of might not hurt the other person and himself both hurt the body and his heart.
2. Ora kena goroh: jujur marang awake dhewe lan ing liyan, lahir batin kudu padha, his translation “ Might not tell lies, honest against himself and the other person, was born the heart must be the same.”
3. Ora cidra: Ora cidra ing janji, cidra ing pikiran lan tindakane, his translation “Might not the negative in the promise, the negative towards thoughts and the negative towards his action personally.”
4. Ora melikan: Ora kena rumangsa ndarbeni dhewe, ananging kudu rumangsa kabeh mau asale saka kang Murbeng jagad, his translation “Might not want the other thing of the person's proprietary rights, might not feel had against the proprietary rights thing personally, but must feel that all that came from that Memerintah the universe (the Lord)*
5. Ora kena kesed: kudu mbuwang sakabehe rasa aras-arasen, sarta kudu sregep tetulung mring sapadha-padha, his translation “Might not be lazy, must be prepared to throw the feeling away reluctantly (lazy) as well as must hard-working helped against the fellow humankind.”

If the faithful person understood the blessing like what he received in living, being fought for through the work and being requested in the prayer, then to become the blessing for the other person also must be prepared sincerely to distribute the blessing like what he received in living, he fight for in the work and that he please in the prayer.
Allah as the Creator,
Allah that had the Right to Destroy Nature

“ I was time, the big Destroyer of the worlds, and I came here to destroy everyone. Except you, Pandawa, all the nobles here from the two sides will be killed. ” (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 11: 32) “A I was early, the middle and the end of all the creatures. Learn definitely that I was the source of the realisation and the smelter everything in this world, both that was material and that was spiritual ” (Sloka 10:20 & 7:6) ” I was the creation and the smelter, the foundation everything, the support and the lasting seed “ (Sloka 09:18)

“ On our doomsday day the roll of the ceiling as rolling sheets of paper. As we began the first creation such was we will repeat him. So a certain promise will be kept by us, actually We ourselft that would doing ”. (Al Qur’an, Al Anbiyaa’, Juz 17: 104) ” And although you knew the first creation, then why you did not take the lesson for the secondly creation ” (Al Qiyaamah, Juz 29:7-12) “ Actually knowledge about the doomsday day only to the Allah side”. (Al Qur’an. Al Mulk, Juz 29 :26)

“ But about the day or at that time (doomsday) not a single that knew, angels in heaven not, and the Child also (Jesus) not, only my Father (Allah) himself”. (Injil Markus 13:32) ” God, did you want in this period to restore the kingdom for Israel? Answered Jesus: “ You might not know the period and time, that were determined my Father ( Allah ) personally according to His power ”. (narrated Rasul 1:6-7) “ God Kingdoom came without external signs. ” (Injil Lukas 17:20)

Allah as the Aim of the Resurgence

“ As like someone put on new clothes, and took off long clothes, so also the spirit accepted the body bodies that were new by leaving the long bodies that were not useful. The spirit could not be cut-piece became parts by the weapon anything, was burnt by fire, was wetted by water, or dried by the wind “. (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 2: 22-23 )

“ The stupid Person could not understand how living creatures could leave his body, and they could not understand what body kind that was enjoyed by him under the attraction of the characteristics of nature. But the person that his eyes have been trained in knowledge to be able to see all these matters “ (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 15:10).

Allah decreed: “ Di the earth you lived and in the earth you died, and from the earth also you would awakened ”. (Al Qur’an, Al A’raaf, Juz 08:25) “ After that, actually you all will really die. Afterwards, actually you all will be awakened from your grave in the doomsday ”. (Al Mu’minuun, Juz 18:15-16). And remembered would the day when being awakened by us from each kind of group of a witness (the apostle), afterwards was not permitted to people that the infidel to defend himself and not also they were permitted ask for apologise ”. ( An Nahl, Juz 14:84) “ Hai humankind, if you in doubt about the resurgence from grave……….. actually the doomsday day must be came, there were no doubt to him, and bahwasa him Allah raised everyone inside grave ”. (Al the Pilgrim. Juz 17:5-7).

Decreed Allah:” Did this resurgence be not true ? ” they answered:” Really true, as God is my witness we. ” Decreed Allah ;” Because of that felt this torment, as a result of you denied him. ” (Al Qur’an, Al An’aam, Juz 07:30).

Jesus said to His pupil:” The Son Humankind will be handed over in the hands of humankind, and they will kill him and on his third day will be awakened”. (Matius 17:22)

” When I saw Jesus, fell headlong I in front foot him same like the person who died, but he placed his right hands on me then said :” Should not be frightened. I was that First and that Last, and that Life. I died, but saw, I lived until for ever, and I who held all the keys to the death and the kingdom of the death “. (Revelation 1:17-18)

Kacarios bilih kita badhe pejah, kateteging jantung sampun sampurna..….wekdal sirnaning warana lajeng katingal ing jaman karamatullah, tegesipun jaman kamulyaning Allah, ingkang dipun pratandhani: Ingkang sakawit katingal alam rokhiyah, ing ngriku ngatingali seganten tanpa tepi….ing ngriku dipun mantepi tekad, sabab wawayanganing roh sampun ngatingali. ( this Story was signs and the spirit's trip if someone wanted to die completely. When the heartbeat wanted stop ( death ),…….... physical conditions time also almost died, that looked like the next one was the time karamatullah, that meaning that Allah's magnificence time, that originally appeared to be marked by the nature situation rokhiyah, there appeared the ocean not bertepi……... consolidated the determination and the desire, because the spirit's shadow has shown itself )

Sasirnaning alam rokhiyah, katingal alam siriyah tegesipun alam rahsa, teras katingal alam nuriyah, tegesipun alaming cahya, padhangipun anglangkungi padhanging alam siriyah, ing ngriku katingal cahya wening. Sasirnaning alam nuriyah, katingal alam oluhiyah, inggih punika alam Ilahiyah, tegesipun alaming Pangeran, ing ngriku katingal cahya mancur…….., sangsaya wewah padhangipun……...gesangipun saking pramananing rahsa, ing nalika punika dhatenging malaikat……...ing nalika punika dhatengipun widodari angaken utusaning dat kang Amahasuci, …..…tanpa kinten-kinten padhangipun, ing ngriku boten katingal punapa-punapa, punika cahyaning atma sejati, anunggil cahyaning dat kang asipat…….….langgeng wonten ing salebeting kahanan kang Amahamulya sarwo nikmat manfangat rahmat,

( the spirit's Trip headed heaven to unification with Allah by the writer was shortened thus ) :

After nature rokhiyah was passed through, then looked natural siriyah that meaning that nature rahsa ( the situation that could be felt with panca indra and the depth of the feeling of the heart ), then looked natural nuriyah, that meaning that light nature, very bright him exceeded obviously him was natural siriyah. In the wild nuriyah that appeared the very clear light. After the spirit passed nature nuriyah, then headed nature oluhiyah, there was located nature that was Divine, meaning that his residence situation of Allah, in the place appeared the light that spread continued ………and continued to bright improve ……... at the time the fairies and the angel came to claim as the envoy that Holy Spirit……. His bright the light was not thought until did not appear anything available, that was the light that actually, the characteristics unification of the light and his nature existence,….. ……. hat was existence in the place that Very Holy was lasting, very lovely and was full of the blessing.

Javanese who have trained the holiness of the spiritual life and knowledge him could know his death day several years before the death arrived until his stages of the spirit's trip headed heaven like the above.

Jesus's resurgence marked that the Spirit lived Be Stable Forever. Without the Resurgence, all the understandings of the religion in this world in a theological manner collapsed. Without the Resurgence of the moral quality was not useful, the good action, the love good deed, justice, peace, warfare and the other crime did not have the value. Someone was not possible to be able to live correctly with only relied on knowledge, the authority and his action himself. Because what was considered to be good, true and just must fill the requirement criterion of all humankind although not an understanding not a thoughts.
Heaven as the Aim of the Lasting Life, Allah's promise was fulfilled

“ The Person who had the sight of the eternity could see that the spirit who could not be destroyed was spiritual, lasting and apart from the characteristics of nature. Oh Arjuna, although the spirit was connected with the material body, the spirit did not do anything but also was not tied. By becoming stable in this knowledge, someone could achieve my spiritual characteristics personally. After becoming stable like that, he was not born in the creation period or even was made uncertain in the smelter period. ” (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 13:32 & 14:2)

“ Despite the worshipper me who was pure who always was supervised by my protection was busy in all the activity kinds, he reached the lasting residence and could not be destroyed on my gift. ”. (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 18:56)

“ I was the Brahman support that was not personal, that was lasting, had not died, could not be destroyed and was lasting, the position of the foundation of the highest happiness ”. (Sloka 14:27)

“ The son of the Bharata family, handed over yourself to him fully. On his gift you will achieve spiritual peacefulness and the most important lasting residence”. (Sloka 18:62)

“ My place that was most important that was not lit by the sun, the month, fire and electricity. The person who reached the residence never again to the material world. ” (Sloka 15:6)

“ And they asked you about the spirit. For instance : Spirit including the my God affair, and not you were given by knowledge but a little? ” (Al Qur’an, Al Israa, Juz 15: 85) ….andif spirits were brought together with the body, if female babies who were buried alive were asked because of the sin whether he killed (At Takwiir, Juz 30:7-9) …So Allah inspired to the spirit the road godless and the piety road, actually him was grateful the person that made holy spirit, and actually lost the person who contaminated him. The Tsamud group denounced his apostle as a lie because they exceeded the limit, when rising the person that most damn it between them, then the Apostle Allah (Pious) said to them: Let Allah's female camel and his drink. ” (Asy Syams, Juz 30:8-13) And if having something that was surprised by you, then that ought to surprise was their statement”. When we became the land, we actually would (was returned) became the new creature? ” people so that the infidel to Tuhannya, and people so (that was attached) the shackle in his neck, they so occupants of hell, they were lasting inside. ” (Al Qur’an, Ar Ra’d, Juz 13:5)

“For favour-doing people, there were the best reward (heaven) and in addition him. And their face was not covered black dust and not also the humility. They so occupants of heaven, they were lasting inside. And people who did the crime received the appropriate reply and they were covered by the humility. Not there is for them a patron also from Allah's torment, as though their face was covered with fragments of the pitch dark night. They so occupants of hell, they were lasting inside (Yunus, Juz 11:26-27 “ Mereka so people that for them heaven “Adn, flowed rivers beneath it, in the heaven they were decorated with the gold bracelet and they wore green clothes from soft silk and thick silk, while they sat while leaning on beautiful sofas. So the reward that as well as possible and the place of the beautiful rest “ (Al Qur’an, Al Kahfi, Juz 15:31). Allah is most holy, if he wanted, certainly was made him for you that better than like this, that is heavens that flowed rivers beneath it, and was made him also for you palace”. (Al Furqaan, the section 18:10) their Reply beside their Lord was heaven ‘Adn that flowed beneath it rivers, they were lasting inside forever. Allah was willing against them and they also were willing to him. Like that was the reply for the person who was frightened to his God ”. (Al Bayyinah, Juz 30:8) Actually, We gave to you a river in heaven (Al Qur’an, Al Kautsar, Juz 30:1) Many faces on that day shone, felt happy because of his efforts. In high heaven, was not heard by you words that were not useful. Inside had the spring that flowed (Al Ghaasyiyah, Juz 30:8-12) on the day when you saw the person mu’min the man and the woman, while their light shone opposite and on the right of them, was said to mereka:” On this day had the happy news for you, that is heaven that flowed beneath it rivers, that you were lasting inside. So luck that many “. (Al Hadid, the Section 27:12) “ Heaven ‘Adn that flowed rivers beneath it, they were lasting inside. And that was the reply for people who were clean from godless and wickedness (Thaahaa, Juz 16:76) in heaven that was full ni’mat, on thrones of the greatness face to face, was circulated to them glasses that contained khamar from the river that flowed, bright white, delicious it seems for people who drank. ” (Ash Shaaffaat, Juz 23:43-46)

“ People of this world were married and were married off, but they who were regarded as appropriate to get the other world interior and in the resurgence around people died, was not married and was not interbred. Because they could not die again, they same like angels and they were children Allah, because they were awakened. About people's rise died, Musa informed him in nas about a mother of the thorn, where the Lord was mentioned as Allah Abraham, Allah Ishak and Allah Yakub. He not Allah the person died, but Allah the person of the life, because opposite him all the lives. ” (Injil, Lukas 20:34-38)

“ So rising warfare in heaven, Mikhael and his angels waged war against the dragon was helped by his angels. And the big dragon, the old snake that was acknowledged as the Devil or the Devil, who led all the world astray, was thrown by him down, he was thrown to the earth together with his angels.”. (Revelation 12:7-9)

“ Then the angel that to seven blew their trumpet , and canned be heard his high-pitched voices in heaven, their said: ”The Government was on the world held by our Lord and he who was rubbed with ointment by him, and he will govern as the king until for the length ………… Because of the Lord that was holy, because of all the nations would surrendered worshipped the Lord …….Then I saw the holy city, Jerusalem that just descended from heaven, from Allah……….And saw Allah's tent was in the middle of humankind and Allah will be quiet together humankind. They will become his group and he will become Allah they. Allah will remove all the tears from their eyes, And the death will not be again ………. …Decreed Allah:” saw me made everything to be new. Wrote, because all these words were exact and true…….All of them happened, I was Alfa and Omega, that were Early and that Last”.( Revelation 1: 15 & 15:4 & 21:2-6)

“ Then the angel showed to me the river of life water, that was clear like crystal, and flowed left Allah's throne and the throne of the Lamb. In the middle of the city road, that is across crossed the river, There were life trees…….Night will not be again there, and they did not need the light and the sunlight, because the Lord Allah will light them, and they will govern as the king until for the length ”. ( Revelation 22:1-5)

“During him has come and arrived now , that true worshippers will worship God in the spirit and the truth because God wanted worshippers to be like this. Allah the Spirit and anyone worshipped him must worshipped him in the spirit and the truth “ (Yohanes 4: 23-24)

Pamsukula Gatha

All the creatures experienced the death.
They experienced the death, and will experience again.
Likewise I must experience the death.
Not doubt for me about this.

Pabbatopama Gatha

So mustiness and the death.
Gripped all the living creatures.
They nobles, brahmana, the trader.
The worker, the group terkucil or waste throwers.
Not a single will be avoided.
Mustiness and the death attacked all of them.

Whoever carried out Dhamma well.
Good through the action, the statement or even thoughts.
When living in this world, he was praised wise.
When the death arrived, will be happy in the wild heaven.

Tilakkhanadi Gatha

He that was wise after left that was black.
It is fitting developed that was white.
By leaving the binding misery the heart.
Entered Nibbana ( heaven ) that released the heart.

Adiyasutta Gatha.

They that though this.
Will be firm in the teaching Ariya.
In this world of the gods and humankind praised him.
After the death arrived was happy in the Heaven

Discipline of the Deception Law

There were seven disciplines of the deception law that the writer formulated to test or prove an action, the incident, words someone that had nuances of the deception or stated honesty. If someone obeyed discipline of this deception law, automatically this person was classified as honest. On the other hand, if someone violated some or more the deception rule, then this person was dishonest, the liar or the swindler.

The seven discipline rules of the deception law could not conguered by the swindler was as great as anything, good because of the shortage of knowledge, thought about or not. The seven disciplines of this deception law in accordance with the principle of the public, that is: If Devil was the swindler and the traitor, then the swindler was also cheated and betrayed by the Devil, because the Devil will never leave a swindler successful enjoyed the work of his deceit without being known by the other person. If Allah was Very very Holy Personal, then Allah placed his eyes in our heart was their respective, so that anyone could see his truth by not blinding Allah's eyes that was in the heart of the other person. If the humankind was the smart creature, holy at the same time bad, then the world will never give birth to the person that intelligence, the expertise, the holiness and his crime could not be understood by the other person. Passing of time sometimes opened the deception curtain, the ignorance or because of the shortage of knowledge like the theory of the geocentric orbit, the theory of the evolution of the life origin or the existence of the unclear power in the Bermuda triangle territory. Truth proof that was shown by time was still submitting to the seven discipline rules of the deception law.

Therefore, the deception in fact was the action that really was difficult to be carried out even to almost be not possible to be carried out. This matter indicated that humankind from nature of his foundation was the holy creature because of coming from Allah personally. The seven discipline rules of this deception law the writer formulated, in accordance with Injil, to prove that Jesus seriously extraordinary humankind because he was the Child Allah that died and rose from his death.

To recognise the intellectual's swindlers in the religious field, someone might not become expert in the history field of the holy scripture or old articles the history he wrote the holy scripture. Only by understanding discipline of the deception law, works of this big swindler were easy to be understood.

The resurgence became one of the centres of the formulation of the safety and the obligation of each spirit who was lasting to accept the reward or the punishment, in heaven or hell. If Adam and the Climate fell in the sin and were expelled from the Garden of Eden because of eating good and bad knowledge, then discipline of this deception law like the light that will help the eyes anyone to see problems became more certain, although deceptions continued to go up to the end of the time.

Supervised this the writer wrote two from seven disciplines of the deception law. Firstly, the swindler must obey the psychological consistency law. The swindler must remember with the deception kind that was carried out, remembered with who he cheated, remembered with who he could not say him and always must remember and kept well in his heart with the deception data that was carried out for the length of his life. Nearby that the swindler must know relations from casualties who were cheated, the possibility of the deception casualties meeting each other was good by means of though or not, short the swindler's words must control his deceit habitat. The swindler must believe in the principle that anyone who was friendly with himself also the swindler who every time will leak deceit and his crime, an opposite from the principle of the presumption law was not guilty. Because of being proven while thousands of years of the swindlers did not have the commitment and loyalty, gave mutual testimonies, sued each other, searched congratulations him himself by dragging the swindler that to co-operation him whenever the authorised side brought the swindler in investigation and the dangerous punishment himself.

In many cases of the deception or the lie that was carried out almost anyone, himself forgot with his deception data and often inconsistent maintained the deception action that has the implementation. When that was different, without being realised by the person who had been tell lies to or cheated was informed by his swindler personally. Occasionally the swindler felt really was proud of exhibited the success of the work of his deceit. The deception although being accompanied by the data and proof, was mixt with facts so as the core of deceit in fact became hazy, in time continued to be taken apart by the cover of the lie and his deception.

Jesus's resurgence obeyed the psychological consistency law. The test 18:15,18,21-22 “A prophet in the middle of you, from among your relatives you, same like me, will be awakened for you by the Lord, Allah you, he that must you listen to….. a prophet will be awakened by Me for them from among their relatives like you this. I will place My Words his mouth and he will say to them all that were ordered by Me for them………If in case you said in your heart: How did we know words that were not decreed by the Lord? .......... if a prophet said for the sake of the name of the Lord and words him that did not happen and not until, then so words that were not decreed by God” This text was written approximately 1,500-1,900 years before Jesus was born. The texts of continuation of this kind repeatedly Allah said in various situations with extension pereode that differed.

Allah the swindler? Jesus's resurgence the deception? Let's hear what was said by Jesus while He lived, being witnessed by us His action attitude, and was dropped by us the true assessment not Him with what happened after His death.
If you doubted the resurgence Jesus, The Son of God sent your e-mail through the SMS to the Mobile Phone: 0888 2173 007 . But should be not pursued hunted, because I must work to satisfy the requirement for the family

Secondly, the swindler must obey the social law the mass opposition. The swindler only could the success carried out the deception just once for the crowd, or just once for one person or just once for several people. The swindler failed and continued to be known by the work of his deceit if the swindler carried several times out the deception repeatedly, moreover to many people. The swindler was as great as anything and with the justification pretext anything could not violate the social law the mass opposition, even although the swindler supplemented himself with the expertise, the authority or bought the freedom of the person by paying an amount of money.

The mistake that always in repeatedly by the political party or the perpetrators of the offender of the social justice law was to carry out the mass deception that was automatic against the social law the mass opposition.

Jesus's resurgence obeyed the social law the mass opposition. Already 2000 years, both the person that believed in his resurgence and the person that did not trust his resurgence, was not yet a single that could prove his opposite that Jesus did not rise. If Jesus's resurgence contained the indication of the deception, afterwards had the side that had the interests to drop Christian faith was accompanied by the authority, the capacity and the fund support, must have been easy to prove that Jesus did not rise.

“ Because that was very important has was sent by me to you, that is what has was accepted by me personally, was that Christ died because of our sins, in accordance with the Holy Scripture, that he was buried, and that he was awakened on the day that to three in accordance with the Holy Scripture, that he appeared to Kefas and afterwards to the twelve pupils him. After that he appeared to more than five hundred relatives at the same time, most of the they are still living now, but several among them died. Further, he appeared to Yakobus afterwards to all the apostles. And that was latest from all of them he appeared also to me, same like to the child who was born before the time. Because I was what was most contemptible from all the apostles, because I tortured the Allah” Congregation. (1 Korintus 15 :1-9)

Thirdly, the Swindler must obey the authority law and the interests law. The aim of the Swindler was to get the benefit of the profit that as much as possible in a not just manner, good used casualties's ignorance, the weakness of casualties or forced casualties to go through the legal route and regulations. Ng. By using the authority or making use of the weakness of casualties, then the Swindler free to move without the demand and without the opposition. The Swindler's action seemed to become true, although the two sides that were in practice involved in the deception, good the perpetrators or casualties, together knew the existence of the practice of the unlawful crime the Country, the religious law or the conscience law that was soldered in the heart respectively the side.

To see a problem so that clear and true appearance, that was true is correctly and that was wrong to be wrong, then someone must run away from the association of the authority (shared the authority) and ran away from the association of the interests, then considered the problem freely as moral, free ethics and released himself from the association of good manners. In other words, so that someone could see the Truth that as truly as possible, someone must have an attitude did not have high moral standards, without ethics and without good manners without must have a rough attitude, brutal, opposed the law or damaging (the anarchist).

Morality, ethics and good manners became the fence and the biggest obstacle to the implementation of the crime of the deception that exceeded the crime of the mafia or the robbery. Morality, ethics and good manners forced the weak person and did not have the power to be able to not say the truth that as truly as possible although his conscience broke loose towards the existence of the criminal reality, the deception, the violence, the violation of the law, the greed, corruption, the manipulation ideology or the manipulation of safety theology.

With this third law someone could say the way it is about the other person although he a leader of the religion, a President or the person that was admired by you after you understood with deceit that were carried out by them.

If the robber and the mafia relied on the strength of the weapon, courage and recklessness to force his casualties to stop the opposition, then the authority (the religion, politics, the customs and traditions and the cultural tradition) relied on morality to undertake the deception or manipulate the truth so that the interests of the organization of his group are fulfilled.

To state by chance, the Lord Jesus was humankind that often ignored moral, his tongue was rough, liked to blaspheme, liked to criticise the leaders of the religion that tended to hide the truth of the Lord's revelation, that took shelter was overturned by the truth of the law and regulations without putting the pity and justice forward. On the other hand, to the poor person, the weak person and to them who wanted to repent, the Lord Jesus showed the softness of the attitude, the friendship and the amnesty was unlimited exceeded the leaders of the religion that more often was involved in with religious laws justifying the political action, demanded property or the death road headed heaven through the revolt, the war or terrorism that tormented many sides.

Jesus's resurgence obeyed Allah's authority law, because Jesus died in accordance with Allah's desire then was awakened by Allah. Jesus did not rise with His power personally although Jesus the Son of God could rise with his authority personally. Jesus's resurgence in accordance with Allah's interests that pardoned and rescued humankind from sins and his mistake personally because of being not possible for humankind to be able to live clean without carrying out the violation although trying to wash the hands. Jesus's resurgence did not have his affair in a moral manner, ethics or good manners because the three of them could obstruct the ignorance and the mental weakness of humankind to see the truth. Jesus's resurgence penetrated the limit of the belief tradition that has been too established and safe with the conviction of the ancestors's teaching that was spread in various parts of the world.

Still had 4 disciplines of the deception law to prove that living, died and Jesus's resurgence in accordance with Allah's promise that it was said prophets beforehand. Jesus's resurgence in fact not the problem of Christian faith theology, but also gave the meaning that was very deep for everyone who now still is living.

The resurgence Jesus Christ that apparently by the eyes proved that the resurgence (spiritual reincarnation) not only understood, the teaching or the ideology. Because what apparently by the eyes did not demand the process of intelligence thought.

The commitment and honesty were needed and demanded by all the sides, both by the mafias, the rebels, the robber, the traitors, the swindlers, the agreement with the devil and the upholders of the truth, justice and the group of the pious person. Jesus's resurgence filled the standard of honesty and Allah's commitment to keep his safety promise.

Was Faithful and Performed Religious Duties with Piety

Was faithful with piety as the person's faithful way of life to be loyal to Allah extremely extraordinary was difficult because someone must humiliate himself and abolished the self-esteem opposite Allah. Allah's demand to the faithful person approximately was like this:

“ Anyone must study, work or pray to develop the talent, the talent, the capacity and the authority that were owned as well as possible for the person's goodness personally and for the other person. Allah banned results of the development of the talent, the prayer, the talent, studied, the authority or results of the work to be enjoyed personally, but must consciously and sincerely was distributed also for the other person that the lack, that was poor and that suffered. If having the person who asked as well as possible to have to be given, if having the person that borrowed must be filled, if goods were stolen by the person Jesus forbade the owner of the thing to ask him to come back and Muhammad banned to process the crime through the court's route so that the crime does not develop further because the upholder of the law was unjust and wrong-doing. The person was faithful must be able to live came to terms with the other side as the sign that he could also come to terms with his life personally. The amnesty was unlimited not only was given to himself, but also must be given to the other person. The failure or the success as results of the studying development, the hard work, efforts through the business et cetera must be dedicated to Allah so that the person is faithful free from the reaction of the sin. (Al Qur”an, An Nisaa”, Juz 5: the article 103, 105.106 and 107, Deuteronomy 6: 4-7, and Bhagavad Gita Sloka 18:65).

On the other hand if the person was faithful was in the poor situation, he must accept fortune an existence by following the pattern of the life the way it is. The poor person continued to have to be polite in speaking and the action, might not be jealous, might not steal although the lack, must accept all of his lacks without taking part in being involved in the lifestyle flow materialistic, cheated, lay and was not current dishonest, did not prostitute himself, sucked up licked the management, and in all the lacks as well as the failure of his efforts the poor person must continue to worship Allah without forcing Allah's agreement to fill the wish of prayers that was aimed to Him”.

Was faithful and performed religious duties with piety evidently one with the moral quality of characteristics goodness of humankind. Was difficult but natural. If evidently opposite you had many violations of justice beginning with the deviation of Constitution, was gotten by the coup or rebels opposed the legal government, the upholder of the famous law unjust, the deception, the theft in various forms, corruption in all the matters, the terrorist was on behalf of the truth of faith as well as the crime of the protected religion overturned by the organization or the political party, how did we explain the faith action? How could the prayer unite faith and religious duties? How understood and chose the moral leader at the same time being faithful.

The world only needed few faithful people, 1/2 % was enough, to change the face of the World so that the Independent Country and through his co-operation could show Peace. But needed many healthy faithful people was born his heart, realised bounced his thoughts, psychological and spiritual him to develop Justice.

Allah handed over the key to the door to the Kingdom of heaven on your hands. Allah offered to sell the contents of the Kingdom of heaven and has reported you his method bought the Kingdom of the heaven. If you who wanted to enter the Kingdom of heaven did not want to be obstructed by the other person, And You Too should not obstruct the other person to meet Allah. Allah's Kingdom has been very close.

The Bibliography

1. The History of the Law, John Gilissen, Prof. Dr. Emeritus & Fritz Gorle, Prof. Dr. Emeritus, PT. Rafika Aditama, Bandung, Thn 2007
2. Moral Philosophy, Poespoprodjo, W. Dr.,S.H.,S.S., B.Ph.,L.Ph., CV. the graph Book, Bandung, Thn 1999
3. The Theory and the Konstitusi Law, Dahlan Thaib, Prof. Dr, S.H., M.Si. Jazim Hamidi, S.H, M.Hum., Ni”matul Huda, S.H.,M.Hum, PT. King Grafindo Persada, Jakarta,Thn 1999
4. Bhagavad Gita, According to his Original, Sri Srimad A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Penerbit Hanuman Sakti, Vyasa@indo.net.id.
5. Holy Scripture, Deuterokanonika, Al's Agency the Indonesian Book, Street Salemba Raya 12, Jakarta 10430
6. Al Qur’an and his translation, Wakaf from the Attendant two Holy Land King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Su’ud, Asy Syarif Medinah Munawwarah, The Kingdom Saudi Arabia. Www.Qurancomplex.org
7. Muhammad the Prophet, Karen Armstrong, the Publisher Risalah Gusti , Surabaya, 2006
8. The Paritta Holy Scripture, Paritta Holy, the Foundation of Sangha Theravada Indonesia, 2006
9. The Buddhist Teaching Briefly, Narada Mahathera, the Foundation of the Publisher Karaniya, in May 2003
10. Atassadhur Adammakna, NY. Siti Woeryan Soemodiyah Noeradya, Soemadidjojo Maha Dewa, Ing the Dalem Ngayugyakarta Hadiningrat Jurisdiction, 1979.
11. The Religion as Critic, Robert John Ackermann, BPK Gunung Mulia, Street Kwitang 22-23, 1997
About the Writer.

The writer was born in the Solo city, Central Java. Last education in the faculty of Catholic University Philosophy Parahyangan, graduation on September 19,1992. Afterwards worked for one year, was preceeded as the salesman as far as the Sales Manager to the sale company of the Computer, PT. Multi Computer, of Inc.
In November 1993, the writer moved worked to the company that was involved in Information Technology, PT. Brain Works Indonesia as the consultant who served the company – the Textile Company, Koperasi, Cabel, Hospital, Telecomunication Industry and the Airline. Softwares that in handled was linked with the integration system to alleviate management control or took the decision.

In 2000 the writer of the substitute for the profession as the consultant and the car cooler of the technique of the building cooler. The writer was expert enough in the field of the car cooler. Now the writer works as the Marketing Manager property.

I wrote this book only because of being pushed by the inspiration that was accompanied by my obedience to look for Justice and Allah's Desire. Justice and Allah's Desire were valid both in the World and in Heaven.

If the agreeing Lord, the writer will publish works of the Writer, three among them his synopsis was received below this:

World Peace,
with the base of the Principles Positive Law and God Revelation

This world was not possible to have peace because the history of the Law had the thinking base and the practice of the life that was wrong in his application, especially that were linked with Justice, Social Justice and Peace. The history of the Law that by Montesquieu was crammed to Trias Politica, from inside personally contained Injustice seeds and the Spirit of Warfare. The history of the trip of countries's politics in this world continued to inherit and develop the tradition from the wrong base of legal thinking. As a result the direction of the political trip to create Peace, Justice and wrong also Welfare the road and had not achieved the aim.

In the Religious field, Allah placed principles was by chance absolute whichever the intellect must in his maximum capacity submit to the absolute truth. But the Religius Crime was precisely spread by the holy scripture experts, the holder of the authority of the holy teaching, the princes who sat on the throne of the holy platform, parties of piety and the faithful person just as the ease handed over the belief, blood and his dedication without heeding the owner was By Chance Lasting, that is Allah placed the highest truth. In this case must be questioned “ if someone was religious he was faithful and trusted who?”
The Formulation of Safety Theology

The condition for the safety must have three matters. That is must have Allah as the foundations were by chance absolute. Like the origin of holy scripture nature explained came from Allah. The theory of Big Bang, the theory of the Evolution or the theory of the other theory only like the theory of the presumption was not guilty that was applied in the law positive. Wanted or not, was thought about or ignored, Allah continued to have to be available.

The condition for the second safety must have the Holy Spirit that agen active to connect Allah's desire in the work His salvation and the human wish to place the foundation of his life. Without the role of the Holy Spirit, then material meat could not connected with the Spiritual God. Without involving the Holy Spirit, modern humankind that his spiritual intelligence was lowest could not find Allah's essence. Because of that modern humankind must submit in God system revelation. Without involving the Holy Spirit, there was no use embraced the religion only because of following the tradition that only will waste time, thoughts, the power and money. Particularly most religions came from the other nation tradition and benefitted the other nation. Without involving the Holy Spirit, you embraced the religious conviction like you listened to the ancestors's fairy tale you, then you placed yourself as the subject that could not demand responsibility anything towards the safety that was taught by the ancestors apart from you only submitted with the religious duties obligation, paid the dedication tax and that must become deception casualties. Because of that you worshipped Allah must involve the Holy Spirit.

The condition for the third safety must have the resurgence – spiritual reincarnation. Only with one method and one morality road and the faith was significant when Allah must keep His agreement, that is through the resurgence. The resurgence that became by chance absolute this belonging to Allah. The faithful person might not discuss the person who was appointed by Allah to become the example of the resurgence. Jesus only examples and proof that Allah will awaken everyone by the same means. If not having the resurgence why we must have high moral standards? Morality more often curbed the enjoyment and the happiness. Did not violate the Country's law and had never entered the prison not meant his moral quality was good. In ha this true said Jesus the Son of God:

“ I the road and the truth and lived. Was not a single could until to Allah without through My resurgence “

My efforts to become the good person according to my understanding personally had not been successful. Moreover what was planned by me and count on thoroughly often failed. Without must interrupt the hope, plunging himself or trying on Allah's power, I no longer base my integrity on the assessment of the other person and morality. Chosen by me surrendered in Allah's power so that Allah continues to control myself with my request continue to in His power.

I considered morality as religious was unlimited because hard-working to the religious duties house, memorised holy articles, was not imprisoned, submitted to the religious law, did not carry out the violation extralegal, but when I saw my poor person only just silent, saw the person was difficult temples did not know, did not carry out obligation responsibility as well as possible, allowed the crime that was in the control of my responsibility of taking place, happy himself with the person's other difficulty, I have considered myself did not have high moral standards.

If I saw the person was difficult to not want to help, but also did not pray for his safety, I did not have high moral standards. If I said rude words that lowered the person's other honour and hurt his feelings aimless to improve his future, I did not have high moral standards. If I put forward my politeness only a to shift attention or cheated or allowed the crime to continue to go without prepared reprimanded, I also did not have high moral standards.

The Lord did not send me a teacher, did not give me a pupil, did not give me a supporter towards matters that I wrote this. But the Lord brought me face to face with many difficulties and the failure, so that therefore I could see Jesus's death and resurgence of the Son of God with conscience and my intellect.


Efforts and my struggle to become the good and true person according to the standard of my thinking personally had not been successful. What was planned by me, dream of and count on ended with the good failure because of my mistake personally and because of the situation from outside. Finally I surrendered in the situation limit that I mentioned as Allah's desire to accept too many loves and Allah's amnesty.

What was made an effort to get by humankind to look for satisfaction and the enjoyment by means of mixing the courage ingredients + intelligence + the authority + the wealth + the weapon + the experience + luck + recklessness was regarded as the futility by me if these efforts violated the moral standard religious.

Moral must fill the standard of the truth as the truth, justice, the crime, loyalty et cetera conquered conscience and the intellect to submit to the moral truth personally. Because of that the moral problem not the game that was determined by the authority of politics or the religion or the justification of the ratio. Moral must be understood as the true goodness benchmark that could be accepted by all the sides, all the layers and all the understandings that was in each situation.

The moral limit not the wall of the prison or the status of the work someone who got the pay although apparently his work was noble like the human rights fighters, the disseminator of holy articles, as the representative of the people or as the social worker. If stealing or killing the other person it was considered the crime and did not have high moral standards, then corruption, the colonisation and the war must be understood as the indication of the action of not having high moral standards.

If Salomo, Israeli King to III that was famous wise, was full of knowledge wisdom and that developed the biggest Holy Verse and grandest throughout history finally must fall was supervised by the embrace of the mistress's mistresses while worshipping the previous idol died in the error (I King – King 11: 1-43, Al Qur’an, Frequent: the Section 22 – 14, Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 7: 20) no longer agreeing opposite Allah then Allah destroyed the Holy Verse made by Salomo, what meaning that the moral quality if someone who died no longer understands himself whether his body was spat on, was pelted the stone, was thrown away to the place of the waste or was accompanied by the ceremony while being put a necklace on the flower and various decorations.

Because of my inability to become the good person and not have the moral quality that was hoped for by many sides, then I surrendered all the lacks and my weakness to Allah to remove my mistakes while minimized to not try on Allah's power by means of attacking bigger mistakes. The resurgence was regarded as final by me of my life trip that was preceeded with the death of my physical body. Jesus's resurgence that apparently by the eyes and was witnessed by many sides while 40 days were regarded as absolute by me by chance where conscience and my intellect submitted to the absolute truth. Because what apparently by the eyes might not demand intellect intelligence apart from accepting this reality as proof.

Because of that I tried while requesting Allah's help so that I am awakened by Allah in the love and His amnesty, without counting on the moral quality that adhered in my life trip. I gaze at moral that was important, but rather important worshipped Allah to receive the overflow of the love and his amnesty. According to my thinking was moral that only was important, had the value and was useful if being dedicated to Allah because Allah that was regarded as the origin and the moral aim by me. If the earth and this sky Allah's creation and continue to belonging to him Allah, in a moral manner and apart from the positive law whether the importance of the assessment of the other person if I stole, killed, cheated, shared the love while distributing what was regarded as proprietary rights by me if all of them belonging to him Allah. Where his location the moral mistake if someone had sexual intercourse with his wife the other person because regarded his wife the other person belonging to him the Lord?

In the bigger scale where his location the moral mistake if the community that his religious morality was lost considered terrorism, corruption, the coup, the war and the colonisation were the good and true action and seemed to do goodness and the truth opposite the Lord was the Lord wanted the matter - that might not happen? Where his location was by chance moral if someone liked corruption, stole the Country's wealth, did not care about his people's suffering but even went to the place of the holy place while praying cheated Allah seem like - processed gave the dedication to Allah? If my statement was wrong, where his location my moral mistake if said - I said only explained the fact - the fact and actions that obviously did not have high moral standards.

In this world I considered the Dog was the only most moral living creature. The dog will not bite the hands of his host that gave ate, unlike the worker who liked the demonstration while stalling the work although knowing his company the difficulty while facing the bankruptcy, or the people that liked to break loose although knowing the quality of his nation on the whole was not more moral. As badly as possible the Organiser of the Country was still thinking about the contents of the stomach and the requirement for his people although his people did not pay the tax suitably. Because of that the people might not rebel, carried out the coup or carried out the demonstration to oppose the government. The dog will not steal the side dish from his host's dining table apart from only was waiting for crumbs that fell or bones that was thrown from the hands of children. While the employees – the people liked to steal the company's assets – the Country's wealth and as well as possible took over the share unjustly and opposed moral.

The dog had loyalty and very high loyalty, not be prepared biting as the sign denied the friendship against the friend of the friend who was known by him. While humankind that ate together a table a reception often stabbed from behind while installing the snare by making the hole ruin the more inexperienced friend. The dog ate was enough to be as full as the stomach without thinking about the difficulty tomorrow to fill the principle of Justice of the Blessing Law gave us fortune on this day. Maintain the Dog until he understood loyalty against his host that gave ate. Tortured the Dog. To death also the Dog will not oppose although the amnesty was not given. In this case Jesus's moral quality far exceeded the Dog. The holy scripture explained that Jesus died was tortured, was spat on, was slapped, was insulted, caused ashame before the public, was stripped, was told to lift his grave personally (the cross), was alone, did not groan as a result of pain, without the defence counsel submitted to the Country's law, released all of his miracle powers, then died in the praying situation.

But Allah did not make the safety agreement with the Dog receive the resurgence to children Allah. Therefore all the good action, loyalty, loyalty and the moral quality of the Dog was not useful opposite Allah. If someone was not prepared to worship Allah as well as to aim his moral action at Allah, what was the morality use. Anyway moral was the burden that hindered the aim someone to receive sex satisfaction, the worldly enjoyment or the authority like that was formulated by Machiaveli.

Supervised this was explained by me three examples of the action that in the eyes of good humankind, was recommended and true, an action that seemed to do goodness to the Lord, and if this matter was connected with the certain moral problem valuable moral high but in the eyes of the Lord was useful as well as was not valuable:

1. The Lord wanted the leader of the religion to become the mouthpiece him and his truth. If the leader of the religion abused his task and turned turned the Lords decree, the Lord will change the blessing that was eaten by him to the curse and the oath:

“ The lip a priest maintained knowledge and the person looked for teaching from his mouth, because of him the envoy the Lord of the universe. But you this deviated from the road, you made many people slip with your teaching, you destroyed the agreement with Lewi, the universe Lords decree. Then I made was insulted by you and low for all this group, because you did not follow the road that was shown by Me, but gazed at the hair in your teaching. Hi the priests, if you not listen to and if you did not give attention to honour my name, the universe Lords decree, then I will send the curse between you and will make your blessings become the curse, and I made him become the curse, because of you this not pay attention to. I will break your arms and will throw the waste to the front of you, that is the waste of casualties from your public holidays and the person will drag you to the waste. ” ( Maleakhi 2: 7-9 & 1-3)

2. Worshipped Allah in the religious duties house, if being not carried out sincerely but only a to be seen by the person as the sign of the religious person and the action his days did not show justice, the Lord even ridiculed faithful people who worshipped him.

“ I hated, I insulted your celebration, and I did not like the association of your public holiday. Really, if you dedicated to me grill casualties and your guest plate casualties, I did not like, and your safety casualties took the form of the fat livestock, I did not want the look. Keep away than Me the bustle of your songs, the song praised your praise did not want to be heard by Me. But although justice was rolled up like water, and the truth like the river that always flowed. “ (Amos 5: 21-24)

3. The fast that became the repenting sign, if ignoring justice, ignored the person's other suffering and the person's other rights, precisely caused the Lord's anger.

“ Said to all the country people and to the priests: was like this: When you fasted and mourned in the fifth month and that was seventh for seventy years, is there you really really fasting for me? And when you ate and when you drank, didn't you eat and drink for yourself? Carry out the true law and showed loyalty and the love loved each one. Don't oppressed the widow and the child without parents, the foreigner and the poor person, and did not draft the crime in your heart towards each one. But they made his heart hard like the sandpaper stone, to have to not hear teaching and the Allahs decree that were sent by the Lord of the universe through his spirit with the mediation of the previous prophets. Therefore came anger that was great from the Lord: “ As they not listen to when being called, so I not listen to when they called, the universe Lords decree. ” ( Zhakaria 7: 5-6, 8-10, 12-13)

Above was touched on by me that Jesus was killed by means of being worse than the person's method of killing the Dog. But Jesus's death method did not change essence of his existence as the Child Allah. Since Jesus lived, dies till today thousands of books denied Jesus as the Child Allah, abused and insulted his sanctity. The world forgot that Jesus's history was the history of the World. Supervised this was cited by me the text of the holy scripture that Jesus's history was the history of the World.

Pilatus said for his three times: “ The action bad whether actual was carried out by this person (Jesus). There was not a mistake also that was found by me to him, that was appropriate with the death sentence. So I will thrash him then took off him. ” (Lukas 23: 23) But they were increasingly hard shouted: “ Ia must be crucified. ” And all the people answered: “ Although his blood was borne on us and on our children. ” ( Matius 27: 23 & 25)

The year 70 Israeli nations – Jewish was attacked Roman. Since that time the Jewish nation had not had the country's territory. Around 1940, three million Jews died was burnt in Auswicth. Before being burnt, was tortured first in the carriage carriage without the window through the desert. And approximately 6 million Jews were killed without the foundation an. Till today true or wrong living Jews continue to be hated. The lord (Jesus) did not punish, but their mouth personally that passed the punishment. All the eyes in the world saw. In 1948 Jewish independent, while Jews's 1878 years did not have the territory.

If Jesus that was killed by Jews not the Lord, resulting from that must be borne by them from their ancestors's statement certainly was not so great. Many prophets before Jesus was killed and did not cause the impact resulting from towards the life of humankind apart from their blood made the name of the Lord famous. But Jesus's blood his impact was extraordinary. Because of that all the person was faithful and that was religious in order to not aggravate the personal existence of the Prophet, turned turned the holy message the Prophet or dropped the Prophet's honour as the envoy Allah. Nabi the bearer of the Lord's revelation did not have high moral standards only because someone did not become his follower? The person was faithful that opposed the significant Prophet opposing the Lord who delegated him. Anyone opposed the prophet, he was not appropriate to live in place heaven of the living prophets in Allah's magnificence.

“ You were the Mystery Gunman and on this coral stone I will erect My congregation…” ( Matius 16 :18). Now all humankind in the world saw that Rome the place of the Petrus was killed to the centre of the government of pupils Jesus. The pupil Jesus that at that time numbering 12 people thought could control the Rome kingdom that was very strong and whether they thought Jesus still jokes?

From all over this text, began the first page to finally, I placed the Lords Decree and his desire was around the worst characteristics of humankind in various positions and the condition with matters that most were wanted by humankind in various positions and the condition. Anyone could change positions or imagined himself to change - the difference of the position. In each position anyone will be faced with the other person in various positions and various conditions. There justice and the moral quality will become part of the life anyone and inconsistent the attitude, the face many ( Rahwana), the tongue that was untrustworthy as well as appearance hypocrisy was very clear. The person was religious and agnostic, atheis, the devil's worshipper, the rebels and the terrorist could not also avoid the demand of Justice like that was explained by me in this text. Because of the behaviour anyone will collide with his worst characteristics with what most was wanted by him personally.

Moral to really was not useful when we thought fought for the Country, to make a sacrifice for the other person, presented blood to defend the greatness of the Prophet, or struggle for the child's future (by bequeathing results of corruption or violating the other justice action) if evidently his recipient did not regard as valuable pearls or the side other regarded as cruelty casualties or greed casualties. Same like when we felt we gave matters was best for the other person in fact for the child personally that evidently the side that was given regarded him as the previous waste all that he considered true that was forgotten.

From here I stressed, that humankind was not possible to become good and perfect because of his efforts personally. He will fall for the standard of the assessment of the other person, fell with his worst characteristics and fell for his limitations personally. Because of that humankind needed redemption and the amnesty from Allah. You agreed or not with my opinion that with or without involving the Lord of many people in dying as whichever Dog of all the struggle, the action and his life sacrifice that he thought was valuable was not counted on by the Lord. (Mazmur Daud 32: 1-2). Anyway moral could not replace the Lord's revelation, could not give the safety on the resurgence day and was not useful without being dedicated to the Lord

Just a little humankind that his moral quality was equal or exceeded moral the Dog. Most of his morality humankind be equal to moral the Pig, that approximately was like this: “ Did not have the love and the affection, available only was quite passionate “. (This was spiritual the prostitute, sexual and dishonest insulting or spiritual him the hoodlum, the robber and colonisers)

In the perspective that was narrow each one only thought about himself, his family, his organization, his religious group or the glory of his country personally and did not care about the other side only a to satisfy the enjoyment desire himself.
This Snake morality also apparently in the values of the foundation that became the requirement anyone that was exaggerated actual very clear created mutual false shadows and cheated each other.

That was first was Human Rights. If human rights became the demand of the foundation of the life of humankind, the human rights could not be abolished good in the peace situation or the war situation, anyone and all the peoples must honour. All the eyes saw and the Devil also knew if human rights only the romantic fiction story that was good to be heard in the safe, peaceful and mutually beneficial situation as the person traded. The series the human rights story like the god's statue that did not move or like the snake that was cut off by his head whenever the human rights were disobeyed.

That was second was morality. Morality if being regarded as the good action, then the goodness personally must be able to be understood by anyone although being different the status and different understood ideology or the conviction. The fact is, moral only became the warmer blanket by sides that could not be touched by the law, while the law personally in fact only of the arbiter's limits between the side that was stated were guilty or were justified because of the lack of the violation.
That was third was Justice. Anything the name ideology the community's group that offered justice, ideology the justice will be killed both by his founder personally and his follower. The justice was related to the person's prepared faithful attitude submitted to the Lord's desire, accepted the truth as an obligation that must be undertaken, that will not grow fertile in the association of the organization of politics – the organization of the religion was as good as anything.

We realized or not, spoke about human rights, morality and justice in fact we equally same cheated each other, laughed at each other and disobeyed each other that this matter was not in accordance with our interests personally, the aim of desire satisfaction and our enjoyment personally.

Then all of us will die as whichever Dog of all the struggles for our life to receive what was regarded as most good and useful by us was not counted on by the Lord and was forgotten by the other person who was not of the same opinion as the pattern of our thoughts.

My three texts :
“ Justice, World Peace was based on the Principle of the Positive Law and Dog Morality “, apparently has answered various problems of the life that exceeded all the understandings of the religion, ideology politics as well as the moral understanding that were followed by all humankind in the world. Everything came from Allah and will come back to Allah, started from Allah and will come back to Allah.

The texts of the work of the other Writer.

1. Our Father as the Conselebration Prayer. ( in November 2007)
This text explained why the World not immediately Doomsday although Jesus repeatedly said: “Repented, Allah's kingdom has been close ”, and although crimes continued to happen without could stopped.

2 You only gave me the freedom, all of them belonging to you the Lord
( in April 2007 )

What has happened in the world for thousands of years not one with Allah's aim of placing humankind in the earth. Allah's order was “ controlled and conquered ”, not had. (the Incident 1:28)

If “ controlled “ same interpreted with “ had ” then all the understanding and the understanding about the authority and the power will collapse. Because anyone will feel had in accordance with authority limits and his authority, and had also was significantly free used, damaging or make use of in accordance with his appetite separately. Was the action and the violation justified because of the authority needed.

If “ controlled and conquered “ not be the same as “ had “, then the person that really poor that very much very few, the human rest was very greedy, too much considered itself important as well as cheated the Lord because did not want understood with Allah's message of justice.

This text explained that for the aim of text justice of the Incident 1:28 and Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10:55 true. Allah was not wrong said, was not wrong to think and the Prophet that wrote Allah's revelation was not wrong heard and did not turn turned the aim of Allah's Justice. If in his development of the recipients as well as the leading figures of the leader of the religion of the blessing of the material wealth often controlled material for his interests personally, that was wrong not Allah's revelation but they themselves that did not undertake Allah's order. The Catholik church that inherited the tradition took the form of the oath of the poverty was true, but in practice swore of the poverty to perjury and could not be accounted for because of the spirit of the poor life of the churchman that could not be understood by any group.

Without referring to the Jewish Holy Scripture, especially the Incident 1:28, all the foundation of the principle of Justice could not be in this world explained. The community tended only justified the safety that was taught by his prophet separately, without understood completely about Justice. Since the first revelation Jewish in the Incident through to the last revelation, was regarded by us Al Quran, Allah not changed or removed the aim His Justice.

3. The Gold Law, the law of Allah's two Revelations. ( was written in May 2007)

If the law of Allah's two revelations was released from the text of the Holy Scripture, then the law – this law stayed current for all humankind, tied anyone although this person was not prepared to acknowledge Allah's authority.

The writer formulated had six mass criminal kinds that were carried out together, both was organised and carried out separately and this crime was really liked by humankind.

All over this surface of the earth, there were six mass criminal kinds that involved activity participation of the community many with the freedom, the awareness and his knowledge that continued to go for the length of time. There was no power whatever that could stop the six criminal kinds. Really the mass crime originated in the good desire reason (good Will - bonum commune): the aim of the order and social welfare, the achievement of the happiness, the increase in the quality of the life and the health, the appreciation towards the living right of the other person and the spiritual holiness personal and the community.

That was first was the crime of politics, both that was carried out by the legal government (dictator-totalitarian-democracy, etc.) and by the perpetrators of the coup, the mutiny action, the warfare igniter etc.. The crime of this politics will cause the protection loss of human rights and living independence, the stability loss of the law, the orderly disorder social, the brightness of the perpetrators of corruption, general election dishonesty, the loss of the justice system in the judicature agency to the international colonisation and inter-country warfare.

That was second was the sexual crime, both that was carried out separately, semi organised by using facilities like in hotels and the tourist attraction and in an organised way through the control system, blog or sites of the internet. This crime will cause the moral decline social the community, the number of divorces and destruction of the family, the murder of the embryo in the content, the brightness of the psychotropic transaction as well as the increase in the enjoyment that focussed on the principle of hedonism. The main aim sek to pro-the creation changed to the recreation activity, both was carried out by the group of the young was married and the parents as the lover's wanderer sex. Destruction of the protection of human rights was not begun from the war between the rifle harmony or the tip of the sword, but was begun from the uterus of the women as well as the sides who helped the abortion.

Thirdly was the crime of gambling. Fourthly, was the crime of the usurer or the debt debt. This crime will increase the psychological cruelty mass, ignored the feeling of justice and the pity by involving the financial agency and the industry. With the agreement law and adequate doubt of the debt debt, the debtor's side often became the independence robber and the side's happiness that the debt. On the other hand without doubt and the agreement of the debt debt that were enough, the side that the debt, although could return the debt, will adjust to not pay. Poor people or the community's group who lacked his industrial technology, lacked the moral quality of his human resources, and lacked his nature resources, as being involved in the circle of poverty fate. The manager the Country that wanted the debt to the other country apart from the threshold of the Country of the production capacity directly to plunge the younger generation as well as his grandchild to criminal casualties of the other Country that acted as the loan giver.

The five crimes of chemistry, the pharmacy and the industry. This crime happened to the agricultural product, the food product and the drink, the herbal tonic and medicine that used pesticide, colouring agent, preservative, antigens or synthetic materials apart from the limit of the international health stipulation that finally had changed the DNA structure of the standard threshold ( trisomi, the occurrence of the splitting of chromosomes of the descendants and gender of the characteristics bearer inappropriately), destruction of the system of body immunity (antibody) or destruction of the network of the body cell. Wastes of the industry, the waste of the hospital or the waste of active radio that was thrown away without paying attention to the impact of the health of the long-term community, caused and formed the network of the cancer cell or destruction of the nerves composition, the increase in the temperature of the earth, the absorption reduction and the water reserve, etc. the problem of the environment.

The sixth mass crime was the religious crime. This crime involved the dispute around the faithful group of the worshipper Allah that usually is inflamed by the religious figures, the religious political party or the leader mazhab. This crime gave birth to the faithful person and the leaders of the religion that did not understand with the message and Allah's amnesty of peace, twisted the safety revelation of the Lord with prophetic political eminence. In the ancient time this crime was marked by the murder of prophets, the spiritual teacher the holy teaching teacher or the problem of the understanding of the safety by give priority to and revering his prophet separately. In the modern time, this religious crime was marked by the suppression and the treatment was unjust that was carried out by the adherent of the majority religion against the adherent of the minority religion, mazhab or the party of piety that had the power against mazhab or the party of the minority religion, the shortage attitude appreciated each other between the adherent of the religion until flaring him the war between mazhab piety.
You agreed or not, in fact the person was faithful really liked, satisfied and happy if could kill Allah’s justice that was worshipped by him.

4. Built the holy Nazaret family in the Family. (in July 2007)

If Christians regarded the suffering as the cross, then Jesus that was acknowledged as Christ was crucified by the world since from in the content His mother, since youth, in the trip His life to the death that actually on the cross.
If the cross that became the symbol of the redemption was identical to the suffering, then most Christians cheated themselves, people of surrounding area and cheated the Lord who was worshipped by him when pupils Jesus were not prepared to make a sacrifice shared the love and the happiness with the other side that seriously needed attention and the love.

Jesus prosecuted His pupils to become salt and obviously the world. If one light has been enough to light a room, necessarily millions of Christians could revive justice that the Lord desired so that Allah's justice is undertaken by pupils Jesus. In fact justice in the world stayed dark and the pupils Jesus did not feel guilty.

5. Discipline of the Deception Law ( was written in March 2007)

Must the history of the world, old legacy proof or all the Holy Scripture be eliminated or not, depended from where you judged him. But if all available must be eliminated, this world might not be available, and you might not live.
I not the expert the Holy Scripture, education, the book and my time was very limited, I lived free to roam about in the markets, without the pupil and without the follower, did not hold the weapon like the mafia or the terrorist, did not have the degree that by chance of his logic was determined by the tradition that tested him.

I really found it easy to be kidnapped without the witness, was sought by my mistake, was lost from in front of the earth without being that knew and the person who deprived me of liberty will feel the person who deprived me of liberty seemed to do the truth dedication for the Lord and for the security of the world.
Nevertheless the Lord and the sadness who must be borne by my children could not be cheated, as seven of the disciplines of this deception law will force each swindler, the person who claimed holy, true and the offender of the Lord's law must submit in.

Seven disciplines of this deception law I for to prove that Jesus that was acknowledged as Christ the history was the Child Allah that lived.

Someone wanted to accept Jesus as the Lord and the world rescuer or continue to refused, was up to you his conscience was their respective. But if humankind refused seven disciplines of the deception law like that was formulated by me, then the legal base all over the world lost his foundation, and the world might not have the rule, will the punishment and the amnesty go naturally, was up to you respectively that was involved in the dispute.

I tried to place Allah's Property in his right actual, returned the magnificence and the honour of each kind of humankind to the peak of His position, both that was universal and that must be based and undertaken by Christians.

This world was created from words, was built and became broken because of words, then ended with words and the Lord's promise. So that I do not die as the Dog because of the struggle, the sacrifice, works, loyalty as well as regret on the happiness loss and the enjoyment that ought to be gained by me again was forgotten by the Lord, then I continued to have to ask Allah in order to confirm and rescue me without counting on my mistake personally because of giving Him.

I understood this truth perhaps only it was admitted in the heart, furthermore by chance this will be thrown as Jesus was expelled from the previous religious duties house was crucified.


Maintained the Tradition Inheritance The Demand Obligation of Faith
The figure 1-1000 were the comparison of the number of people that did or the comparison of the amount of money that was used by respectively the person.

Polygami, the affair, engaged in prostitution, Onani, had sex with the animal >950 50> The Lord created a Man and a Woman
Accepted the wealth inheritance > 900 100 > Be born naked
Intelgensia >160-110 110 > Intelectual
Talent < 800 999 < The demand of the talent
Developed the Crime > 999 700 > Developed Goodness
The breach of contract, mencla- mencle, perjury, equivocated, lay and the lie > 990 10 > Kept the promise and measured the capacity in the matter gave the promise
Liked cheated, told lies, shifted attention > 950 50 > Spoke the way it is
Made the person's other affair because of the religious difference, more difficult revenge, want to be able to money > 950 50 > Took natural measures in accordance with the rule to expedite the work of the other person
Facilitated the affair by means of that wronged or made the problem more difficult to get the profit unilaterally > 950 50 > Carried out the work as the obligation with received pay-payment as the repayment of the obligation carried out the work. The pay or the commission was identical to the agreement to carry out the work.
The manipulation of the Lord's revelation > 970 30 > Accepted the Truth of the Lord
Preach only tell about repeated the prophet's goodness or the person of the person in and around the prophet or repeated holy scripture articles that were liked after being chosen > 950 50 > Showed the Lord's desire with the example himself as the living model. Turned on the holy scripture was in his life personally
Worshipped the statue, deified humankind, the spirit of the ancestors, nature objects, justified the Ideology understanding politics > 800 200 > Only worshipped the Lord and justified the Lord's desire for justice, peace and the love
Developed his desire wish personally in a protected manner was overturned moral, the religion and the country's law > 950 50 > Surrendered in the Lord's desire
Against the constitution/ basic regulations of the country > 900 100 > Obeyed the Country's Regulation
Corruption, stole, deliberate the debt without paid came back although could pay the debt > 900 100 > Refused stole, refused corruption, tried to pay the debt with the willingness
Did not pay / embezzled the tax, did not pay the dedication
> 900 100 > Paid the tax, alms, the love good deed, the other social action and paid the dedication as the sign thank you to the Lord
Engaged in prostitution, Berjudi, the hedonist
> 900 100 > Gave the beggar. Remembered, you yourself the beggar opposite the Lord
Money was lost was cheated, was robbed > 900 100 > Given by the poor person
It was unfortunate that the business was resulting from Investment stolen, maintained the minded employee of the thief or was cheated by the friend of the business > 900 100 > Given by the poor person, helped the social foundation, gave ate the person of hunger
Cheated the Lord by visiting holy places from the corruption cost, stole, blackmailed, made the person's other affair more difficult > 500 25 > Maintained the holiness of the body as Allah's House, both from drink food and from the other criminal action. Guarded-controlled the tongue
Cheated the Lord by giving casualties the dedication, built the religious duties house, sang the adulation song, fasted then ate drank satisfied the tongue and his sexual desire without remembering poverty and the person's other suffering >950 50 > Prayed fully sincere, shared the blessing for the Lord and the other person, maintained the holiness of his body body, thought about the truth of the Lord, fasted by paying alms, the love good deed and the decimal tax.
Pretended to close his eyes towards the person's other suffering, greedy, produced the weapon, inflamed the enmity and declared war > 950 50 > Spoke about Allah's cheapness, Allah's love, justice and Allah's peace that were accompanied by the sacrifice and the action.
Cheated the Lord with various rules, the rule, the flower and the loan fine of the debt debt of trade regulations, aggravated the borrower's situation by seizing independence and the person's happiness >950 100 > That the debt must try paid came back, that gave the loan might not ask paid did not have to and place the excessive flower. The borrower's side might not feel the borrower's side lost the right to thing-money him that was borrowed by the other side.
Stole the Lord's honour by leaning on proprietary rights, the wealth, the position, religious clothes or the intellectual
> 950 50 > Made use of living means as necessary, the rest of them were given for the other person as the sign of the love and the shape of the Lord's justice
Die bequeathed the wealth from results of the crime - corruption, the colonisation or war loot > 950 950 < Die naked, passed away by being forced to request the amnesty. The safety headed heaven depended absolute in the cheapness of the Lord..

The truth and the Lord's Justice were absolute and definitely. The amnesty and Redemption of the Lord must happen. The safety headed the life was stable forever could not depend on nature, the spirit of the ancestors, the strength someone or struggle efforts himself. If humankind was not prepared to be equated with the animal, then trusted the Lord was the obligation. If humankind did not want to trust the Lord, humankind was identical to nature material, then the poor person, parents who were not useful, people of the defect, the unproductive person and that always made the other person difficult must be killed for the balance of nature. Anyone who felt that himself also made the other person difficult and no longer was productive, must be prepared sincerely the suicide in order to not increase the burden of the other person of the heart. Rumours of peace, human rights, morality and justice more often contained the deception. From the Balance of the Death on appearance that the crime, the deception and the way of life without moral more dominant and deliberate was maintained almost by anyone both that was religious and the agnostic.
Supervised this was given by me the gift took the form of the rule to 6 from 7 disciplines of the deception law that your eyes shine without eyes glasses saw the world that like this heaven was rotten dirtiest with the human sin.

Not a single could become the phony witness against himself, towards the work and towards his life responsibility. Anyone will be tried by the Lord not only from his action, but also from words and the statement that left his tongue. The balance of the Death above confirmed that anyone was undergoing his life towards hell. To head heaven was needed by the sin amnesty (Redemption) that came from the cheapness of the Lord. In other words the struggle for a humankind headed heaven if only relied on his strength personally, the control of thoughts, meditation and the fast continued to be in vain.

Fought to live correctly in accordance with Allah's desire far more was difficult compared with the good life in accordance with the legal rule and the moral rules. World peace and justice can be not changed through the moral rule and the country's regulations. In other words, the morality essentially was not useful to change or improved the living order of humankind. Like that was said by me beforehand that the moral limit not the wall of the prison. Below this was proven by me that living correctly in accordance with Allah's desire extremely extraordinary was difficult. On the other hand, this world basically went not on moral principles because of the world basically indeed did not have high moral standards.

To the world community was put forward by me one question in sequence, it is hoped the lawyer, the political expert, the holy scripture expert and the moral expert agreeing answered. If sky and this earth were created by Allah and all that was created by Allah was Allah's proprietary rights, why Allah banned stole, that had the loan of the debt must pay and the side that gave the loan was forbidden to ask to be paid again let alone placing the flower excessively. On the other hand, if the positive law acknowledged proprietary rights as the right that must be maintained as well as protected by regulations, why Allah obliged dedication casualties but Allah also was willing to make a sacrifice by ignoring the dedication so that the person more gives priority to justice and the pity around the fellow humankind, that forbade the occurrence to demand demanded the right if demanding demanded the right aimed at damaging, blackmailing or dropping the happiness and seizing the freedom of the other person?

Proprietary rights that were made the sign of the blessing indicated that Allah did not have high moral standards because therefore justice was ignored?

Allah demanded the person was faithful to be current just against himself and the other person. Allah banned killed the other person. Meaning that, the death sentence must be abolished from the constitution or basic regulations of the Country, warfare might not happen both because of the coup, the revolt, the colonisation and the war on behalf of the truth of the religion (the jihad war that was misinterpreted, the crusade or the war that was caused because of hatred resulting from the difference of the conviction). Allah banned stole, meaning that the other limit of the person's proprietary rights must be acknowledged by his existence. On the other hand, the person who lost or incurred a loss because of the debt debt or because other must be willing to waive his right if the right was used as the reason for seizing independence or the person's other happiness.

His fact this world did not have high moral standards and the world community agreed to the occurrence of the mass crime. You more liked aborted than felt shameful and the government more liked maintained uncivilized beggar roamed about in the roads than gave their welfare because the beggars it was considered did not have the social value and did not pay the country's tax. The country's regulations ratified the death sentence therefore the community agreed to the government took over Allah's authority to kill the person or take over the task of the revenge. The people agreed to warfare, supported the revolt, the production of weapons of mass destruction or the colonisation to the other nation. Therefore the people of a Country agreed to his government carried out the other robbery of the Country's right. Warfare resulting from hatred of religious conviction or the difference of the view of the safety continued to flare in a wild manner, cruel without the rule to bury Allah's justice love on other ruins of the person's suffering, laughed on the truth of holy scripture articles while disobeying Allah that gave the holy scripture.

In front was given by me three rules from 7 disciplines of the deception law. Now was dropped off by me the rule to 6 that he sounded: Don't listen to what was said, but saw his behaviour and what was made by him. Yes. complete him: “ Don't listen to what was said, but saw whether that was carried out in accordance with his religious conviction, ideology politics that was held by him or principles of the life that was chosen by him.”

The law to 6 this did not have high moral standards because of the truth must like the way it is, that could be understood and understood by all the sides, without the caste without the difference of the position. The law to 6 this confirmed that anyone learned to tie his life with his tongue personally. Like that was raised by me that 7 disciplines of this deception law were formulated by me to prove Jesus's Resurgence, that Jesus rose because of the power and Allah's desire. However these deception laws could be in his context that was wider applied to see the truth that the truth could not be exchanged with the pretext and the reason anything.

I was Christians that was baptised by the Rome church, a prospective priest who left the seminary not because of being offended. Said by me that the Rome church that was led by Pope not more than the organisation that was led by a series of the terrorist who did not know justice and the pity. If what was said by me was wrong, the church that was established was based on bible please delegated his smart people to contradict what I said below. I will represent Jesus uncivilized to oppose this current holy scripture experts often resided on the church body that was established by Jesus. So that each eye sees and becomes the witness that in the world church was gotten by the head of the branching snake the tongue.

That was desired by Me was the pity, not the dedication. (Matius 12: 7). Anyone gave ate or the ride one of the you who were most poor and contemptible this, he did for Me (matius 25: 41-45). Sell all of your wealths, gave to the poor person, then went with me. (Matus 19:16-21). Give us fortune on this day. (Lukas 11: 3) the Wolf had the hole, birds had the nest, but the Child Humankind (Jesus) did not have the place to base his head. ( Lukas 9: 58)

The priests and the sisters was obliged said the vow (swore) poverty in front of Allah's dedication table in the religious duties House. Jesus warned meaning that the association of the oath that it was said in front of the altar because altar Allah was the place where Allah accepted the dedication. Therefore the person who was swearing in front of the altar and in the religious duties house tied himself with Allah.

Every time words were in vain that said the person must be accounted for on the judging day. Because according to your statement you will be justified, and according to your statement also you will be judged. ( Matius 12: 36-37). Anyone swore for the sake of mezbah, he swore for the sake of mezbah but also for the sake of everything that was located above. Anyone swore in the name of heaven, he swore in the name of Allah's throne but also for the sake of Him who resided above. Anyone swore on the Holy Scripture, he swore in the name of Allah to become the witness on the oath. And anyone swore on Country regulations, he swore in the name of all the country people who became the inhabitants of the Country. ( Matius 23: 16-22)
The fact is, the church established the hospitals and the educational agency as the machine of the money blackmailer than to spread the pity and created justice. Monastery houses more resembled the room of the hotel and their dining table more resembled the place of the big celebration. There was no sorrow song and lamenting that was aimed for the Lord apart from cheerful laughter pleasure because of the size of the Lord's blessing that they received so that they could prove that they were the group was chosen that not the lack of milk and honey.

If they saw the beggar more liked to fold the hands than became the distributor of the blessing although that was given by them from money for the dedication. Monastery houses were not touched by the ringworm dog like that was seen by us people were sick scabies was widespread all along the road. If a band of our beggar took from the previous street was thrown by us in the middle of the monastery house while we let ate drank in the certain dining table the beggars could not understand essence of poverty that was undergone by the priests and the sisters. everything that was not done by you for someone that was most contemptible this, you did not carry him out also for Me, your God”. ( Matius 23: 45)

The crusade that happened repeatedly as well as the Church that always had a quiet attitude about the warfare unrest, injustice, spread him various natural disasters that caused various clear sufferings to not produce Jesus's face that was full of the touch of the pity. The Rome church ought to pull out the degree of the saint's saint if this degree as a result of being wrong the interpretation because was not in line with the truth that could be understood by all the sides.

Because what happened and that was undergone by the Rome church not in line with what was said ( the poverty vow ), then the church, especially his leading figures openly and clear appearance cheated group, cheated the world community and cheated the Lord. If group that married was required said pledged allegiance for life in front of the altar and was forbidden to be separated, then the leaders of the church precisely violated the oath of loyalty that they said personally. If in front of the country's law someone was forbidden to give the false testimony, then the priests and the sister most became the phony witness towards justice and the Lord's love.
What was seen by us appeared clear that most leaders of the religion, especially the Rome church and the other church that were demanded by Jesus to become salt and obviously the world denied his social justice responsibility, that measured the truth with the measurement that was used by him personally, that more liked to torture the suffering and poverty of the other person by allowing the person to bear the mistake and his fate personally. With the rule to 6 from 7 disciplines of this deception law, our eyes saw very clear like when humankind was the first time created by the Lord in the Garden of Eden that the church, the leaders of the religion, the politicians, the lawyers and most humankind became the phony witness on the choice of his life personally. We were humankind that failed to tie our life with our tongue personally, failed to become honest and consistent humankind that only could prosecute the other person without seeing the mistake, the crime and his failure personally.

“ Why did you see a sheet of mistake in the eyes of your relatives, whereas the beam in your eyes not you knew. Hi the person of the hypocrite, dismissed beforehand the beam in your eyes ( Matius 7: 3-5)

Because of that Pope ought to eliminate the existence of the very clear poverty vow was the deception. How could Pope give the degree of the saint's saint as the holy person especially the founders of the order was the poverty vow that became the foundation of the pattern of their life indicated the deception? Pope ought to encourage and recommend the priests and his sisters to live in accordance with Jesus's model, that close to the poor person and was full of the love. The church did not need too many titled people of the professor, who was good at to speak while shifting the blessing for the profit himself, but the church that had the sensitivity of the heart and the feeling. If Pope could place himself equally, opposite the Lord and opposite everyone, necessarily Pope could live like that is undergone by me now, free to be open, without the guard and without the patron who lived of the death was up to you the Lord's desire. If Pope continued to close himself, hid was overturned the wall of religious politics and the glory of the world (Matius 4: 8-9), there was none of his difference between Pope and the terrorist or the mafia who was frightened of dying because of his error personally, that only played heaven balls without touching group's stomach that was hungry and groaned was sick resulting from the burden of the suffering, cruelty casualties or because of the burden of the debt. The church that was established by the Lord Jesus ought to submit to Jesus's order, but You all saw that the church did not submit to Jesus's order and tended to deny the task of the love that Jesus gave, the church that refused poverty Jesus did not have the residence.

Allah in heaven knew what was needed by you before you asked Him ( Matius 6:8). Allah gave and provided what was needed the church. But the Church more often was still and false did not know with what was yearned for the world, towards the number of sufferings, poverty, the social gap and the number of cruelty. While Jesus gave the church model by opening his thoughts, his heart, his mouth, his hands that became the blessing and the food giver, recovery as well as the sensitivity of his feeling were good to Jews and non Jewish.

How with other religious conviction as well as ideology politics like Marxism, Capitalism, the human rights defence counsel, the supporter of World Peace, Communism etc.? Basically was just the same, the deception was openly carried out intentionally, permitted the crime to stay proceeding like the crime apparently the way it is. Spoke about peace but the weapon show of strength was ready to wage war, spoke about independence but against the Country's other limit or from inside his country personally continued to flare the revolt, spoke about right equality in front of the law and the country's regulations but oppressed the person be powerful as well as ignored the demand of the masses's justice. Banned the murder by making the protection of human rights but ratifying the death sentence. Spoke about justice but corruption and did not care about poverty of the other person around it, spoke about to the Lord oneness but worshipped the statue, worshipped the spirit of the ancestors, make a fool of and manipulated the supernatural being, worshipped the ghost as well as carried out other violations that were compatible with principles of the life that was chosen by him personally.

Basic regulations of the country could be changed, but whether the Holy Scripture could be cancelled and Allah's desire could be changed like the Rome Church and churches other received Allah History but turned Allah's desire so as to give Allah, justice and world peace to blind rumours that could not be felt by the poor, the widows and the oppressed nation.

The terrorist, rebels, the warfare igniter killed the person without consideration of justice. What his difference with ourselves: the moral experts, the holy scripture expert, the human rights worshipper and the lawyer who allowed the person to die were tortured with the suffering that adhered to himself. The plants simile was better died because of being cut down with the machete or we let died withered without help. If his two two were the criminal action, then we could not allow the crime developed the reason anything, good the holy war (the jihad war or the crusade), on behalf of justice, the war for peace or for reasons of was not mixed on the side's other affair. With the understanding on us realised that the criminal origin was ourselves was personally good because of our active role as the criminal and had a passive attitude by means of pretending did not know on the available problem in its surrounds. Pilatus that appeared as the judge's noose really took the place of the previous washing washed the hands as the sign was not involved towards the crime even.

Only had one Lord, one Heaven, one Truth and one Justice. Whoever wanted the truth of the Lord, Heaven and Justice to be able to not prosecute me because of my statement, both of Pope and the head of state from all over the world, because I spoke about the truth and justice that were demanded and yearned for by anyone .
The stupid person and the masses did not feel the justice love and the Lord's peace, their mouth must be still because of not understanding essence of the truth of the Lord's desire, and the community the world continued to break loose against the Lord who was led by the holy scripture experts as well as politicians was not faithful that took over the authority of the Lord in the world. Expanded him injustice, warfare, the revolt as well as the emergence of various of the people's sufferings was the biggest mistake from the educational holy scripture experts and gave birth to the leaders of the Country that did not understand how justice must be undertaken. The Rome church continued to educate and give birth to the moral expert, but to not understand how the Lord's desire must be undertaken in accordance with moral principles if moral that was regarded as goodness.

The person's stupid mouth and the masses's suffering could be silenced good through the moral teaching, karma, the difference of the level of the caste, justice promises, the difference of fate or happened through the law of the jungle, but the burden of the suffering that flowed in their blood that gushed with the fall of the tear will demand replied on the day of the Lord's judging.

On the basis of anything, not true someone was left alone suffered excessively good because of his fate, born in him or because of his mistake personally if someone because of his situation not deliberately aimed at damaging the happiness and the freedom of the other person. It was our mistake together, especially the leaders of the religion that did not give the example how the love must be undertaken and the mistake of the politicians who did not obey welfare regulations of the people if we left the person other suffered excessively apart from his limit of the efforts capacity.

If Jesus was made adversarial by the Holy Scripture expert together was the same the person Farisi and the expert Taurat then this incident threw the crime of the religion, and if the leaders of the religion that held the holy scripture as well as the heads of state that held regulations of the people's justice hated me because I stated the truth of the Lord's desire, then the history of the murder will with the background of the crime of religious politics happen to myself and the faithful person stayed false had a true attitude while continuing to cheat the Lord by visiting holy places while giving casualties the dedication. Jesus History was the Lord because of consistent His life with what was said, in accordance with what was undertaken and agreed with what will happen like Allah's plan that was said by the prophets.

The church that was demanded by Jesus to become world salt, his personal number will only develop was based on the line of the descendants who accepted the truth of the teaching as accepting the tradition inheritance, same like other religions. The problem is, the leaders of the church and the leader of the other religion as well as his heir were not prepared to become the living model, made a sacrifice to alleviate the burden of the peer, created justice, peace and humankind's happiness. On the other hand the cruelty, the greed, the affair, who cares, temples did not know with his mistake personally, corruption, bounced the hypocrite and pompous was more prominent than the living attitude that was demanded by Allah.

In his trip looked for Allah's safety, the faithful person always fell for three mental illnesses: 1. Hypocritically, 2. were not prepared to acknowledge his mistakes because that to be able to not be corrected because stubborn, 3. pretended did not know in order to be able to be free from charges and the demand of responsibility

Could Allah be cheated ?????????


All of Adam's descendants's Prophet from Nuh, Abraham, Musa to Muhammad gave the testimony about Jesus that was contained from the Holy Spirit, (Al Qur’an, Al Maaidah, the Section 7: 110, Al An Biyaa, the Section 17:91, Al Baqarah the Section 01:87 and the Section 2:253, Luke 01:35, Matius 01:20, Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 13:15) that died and was awakened by Allah (Injil Matius 17:22, I Korintus 15:12-16, Al Anaam, the Section 07:30, Al Haji,Juz 17:5-7, An Nahl, the Section 14:84), then held in heaven the position as the humankind was chosen and respected (Al Qur’an, Ali Imran, the Section 3: 45 & 48, Revelation 22: 1-4). Musa said: “ A prophet from the middle of you, same like me, will be awakened by the Lord, Allah you, He that must be listened to by you. ( Ulangan 18:15). Likewise I, through 7 disciplines of the deception law that was formulated by me gave the testimony that Jesus was the Allah’s child. Through 7 disciplines of this deception law of all the debate and the denial Jesus the Son of Allah ended. Not a single could break deception laws like that has the writer suggested. Although you descended to the studying Hell valley to the King the Devil, these deception laws continued to be able to not be broken by you because the Devil also submitted to the truth, demanded honesty (agreement commitment) and submitted to Allah. Allah was correctly because of Allah to be the truth.

Jesus said: “ You investigated the holy scriptures because you supposed with the holy scripture you received the lasting life. But although the holy scripture-holy scripture gave the testimony about Me, you did not want to come to Me to receive the lasting life.” ( John 05:39)

Allah appealed about Jesus:

Allah decreed: “ A prophet will be awakened by Me for them from among them, like you this, I will place My words in His mouth”. (Taurat Musa-Ulangan 18: 18)

Then canned be heard the voice from heaven: “ You My child who was loved by Me, to you I agreeing.” (Markus 01:11)

Canned be heard the voice from the cloud that said: “ This My Child who was chosen by Me, listened to Him.” ( Lukas 19:35)

Jesus said: “ Father, honored Your name. Then canned be heard from heaven: “ I honored Him and I will honour Him again.” ( Yohanes 12: 28)

The angel Gabriel appealed about Jesus:

Actually you will contain from the Holy Spirit, and will give birth to a male child and would you named Him Jesus. He will become big and will be acknowledged as the Allah’s child “.(Lukas 01:31)

The Devil appealed about Jesus:

“ All this will be given by me to you, if You worshipped me.” Answered Jesus: “ Went the devil, because of being was written by you must worship the Lord Allah you and only to Allah you must be loyal .” (Matius 4: 10)

When he saw from far, ran he met Jesus then worshipped Him, and hard he shouted: “ What Your affair with me hi Jesus, the Allah’s child .” ( Markus 5: 6-7)

If Allah said “ listened to Him (Jesus)” was regarded as the order by us, then both the prophet and the person who looked for Allah's safety ought to have accepted what was sent by Jesus as destiny towards Allah. If denying Jesus meant to refuse Allah's order, and if denying Allah's order meant to oppose Allah. Therefore true what was said by Jesus: “ I came not to judge the world, but to rescue. Anyone refused Me and did not accept My words, he has had his judge, that is Allah's desire that has was said by Me, so that will become his judge at the end the time. Because I talked not from myself , but Allah that delegated Me. ( John 12: 47-49)

If telling lies it was confirmed and appealing the lie was permitted, then the positive legal base all over the world was destroyed, the testimony of the prophets was not useful and the holy scripture might not be available. The Taurat law decisive that telling lies and telling lies against Allah's order, and the law positive needed the witnesses. The prophets and the holy person gave the testimony about Jesus. Allah in heaven, the angels and Satan gave the testimony about Jesus that He was holy, the Allah’s child. Because of that Jesus's position as the Allah’s child, the redeemer and the legal rescuer positive and was gazed at from the holy scripture was legal.

On the other hand, the death sentence that was passed to Jesus Allah's child legally was illegal. Both proof and witnesses that were produced all false and the lie. From the aspect of the decision law could not be accounted for. In this case the Jewish experts of the nation holy scripture at the time of the occurrence of Jesus's crucifixion carried out the deception conspiracy against Allah with the holy scripture pretext personally.

Jesus said: “ Who around you could prove that I did the sin.” ( John 8: 46)
When Jesus was tried by Him only a little spoke about the truth and the testimony. Jesus knew appealed the lie and told lies that was sinful because of opposing Allah's law. But You All saw, in all the sessions of the good court the defendant and the witness more liked the lie and told lies although his crime was proven. Finally, there is not him the decision also became part of the public's lie personally. Every day, our tongue more often told lies and cheated than stated honesty.

We heard justice promises from the proven speakers of the political party's campaign corruption, the oath of office or marriage loyalty on the holy scripture by placing Allah as the witness, peace promises that deviated from regulations and the protection agreement of human rights, the development of nuclear energy for the industry or world peace that was proven to the mass killing weapon. This was the lie, appealed false and the deception. Further the world community was trapped chose the leader that have a character the swindler and had low moral standards, that could not distinguish the truth from the crime.

Referred in the same situation, this current international warfares happened and that will come, the colonisation, corruption, crimes of the religion, the revolt and terrorism were considered from the aspect of the positive law to be illegal. Because decisions were taken by him the criminal action must have been based on the false reason, the deception or was not based on justice and honesty that were demanded by anyone. Like that was said by me beforehand that the crime continue to the crime, could not be ratified with regulations, could not be wrapped in the holy scripture, could not be covered in a moral manner and could not be stifled with the smile.

The holy scripture could not be cancelled and Allah's desire could not be turned. Because of that each matter and the situation that was related to the power and Allah's desire could not be abolished like the aim of justice, peace, the balance of welfare as well as the assurance of the existence of redemption of the sin that was carried out by Jesus the child Allah that was sealed with His holy spirit.
I was the witness Allah and the truth witness, uncivilized person that was given by the understanding to investigate the crime as well as investigate previous darkness aimed at heading Allah's safety, world peace and justice. As the witness Allah, I the difficulty of could find mistakes that it was said, promises and actions that were carried out by Jesus. On the other hand, against the big prophets, the wise person, the pious person and the holy scripture experts, the leaders of the religion and to most of my humankind really was easy to find mistakes that were made by them both from the tongue and their action that were inconsistent, dishonest and wanted to win unilateral.

Let's attended the session of the International Court, we held the position as the witness, gazed at the Angel as the chief justice while witnessing the big prophets, the representatives of the people and the heads of state holding the position as the defendant. Witnessed by us some prophets were accused as the war criminal, some as the robber and was involved in plundering, partly was accused of seizing the wife of the person, partly taught the violence, terrorism and spread the crime of the religion, partly rebelled Allah by placing himself as the aim of the dedication and the centre of the prayer. Did ourselves agree if blood and our life must suffer because of the cruelty of the prophet, our wealth was robbed by the prophet, our wife was taken by the previous prophet our children were neglected because of the cruelty of the prophet, and the prophet and that was acknowledged as wise by the person that demanded himself was worshipped, to the aim of the prayer at the same time taking the dedication. Saw, the angel who became the chief justice took the decision. Only a small part the prophet, the wise person and that we mentioned the pious person who was thrown to hell. Most the rest of them were released from all the demands of the crime, then was picked up by the angels towards heaven. See most prophets, the wise person, the head of state and the representatives of the people who was picked up by the angel towards the heaven still needed redemption and Allah's amnesty, same like you and I also needed redemption and Allah's amnesty.

Therefore true what was said by Daud: “ Was happy the person that sins and his mistake were not counted on by the Lord.”

Saw once more the prophet's line, the wise and pious person, the Pope, the head of state and the representatives of the people who held the position as the perpetrators's defendant of the crime. You will not see Jesus the lamb of god that sat around the defendants. Because Jesus was the poorest prophet and did not have the residence. His hands not dirtiest blood and the cruelty, his tongue did not go out the deception, did not spread slander, did not teach the violence and not flawed promised, that obeyed paid the tax and the dedication, that submitted to the Country's law, that allowed his follower to run left the support, then was willing to die was alone was treated as the insult dog was supervised by the witness of the swindlers and the criminal. Saw, the prophets, the head of state, the representatives of the people and the wise person together died, quiet in the grave without knew how the running headed heaven. Anyone who died really died the spirit, the body and died also his spirit. Pay attention to, Jesus that his death was crucified was insulted, was witnessed by the criminals and the swindler suddenly rose. Afterwards was followed by the resurgence of the prophets, the wise and last person was followed by anyone who died. Since during so anyone knew that the resurgence was the only road towards place heaven where Allah reigned. Without Jesus's resurgence both the prophets, the wise person, the pious person, the representatives of the people and the ascetics stayed quiet in the hole grave without receiving the safety so as what was done by them was in vain. If the life only satisfied the requirement for the previous body ended with the death without the resurgence whether his difference of the prophets, the wise person and the ascetics with the death of the animal. Without the resurgence, what the use of the lament ceremony and prayed in the grave. Therefore what was said by Allah about Jesus that was given by the degree of the Redeemer, humankind's rescuer, the Allah”s child that the first time rose around the person to die was correctly. True also what was said by Jesus: “ I the road and the truth and lived. Not there is a single that could come to meet Allah without through My resurgence”. ( John 14: 6-7)
What I said above was the holy scripture testimony and the living testimony of the history of the prophets, good rebels's prophet, the criminal's prophet, the leader of the country, the leader of the religion or the wise person that seized the position and Allah's position as the centre of the prayer and the aim of the dedication. I did not try the prophets or the terrorists and protected killing politicians were overturned by justice words, but the intellect and your conscience could understand definitely that what was said by me true. This truth could not be broken because of the intellect and conscience and you too opposed the crime, at first when you became part of the criminal casualties personally.

I was the witness Allah and the truth witness to investigate the crime of humankind, deceit as well as hypocrisy was overturned by words, religious clothes as well as good manners that were wrapped moral that lead astray. If I was wrong the tongue with what I said above, invited the holy scripture experts, Pope, the ascetics, the meditation expert, the wise person and the pious person to come to appear before me brought the holy scripture and the holy teaching. Please the lawyers and the heads of state from all over the corner of the world came to appear before me brought basic regulations of the Country and the constitution, all the sides will be shown the existence of the spirit of the crime, warfare, hatred and injustice that were written in most holy scriptures, by me basic regulations of the country and the constitution. If the Devil was working during he wrote the holy scripture, basic regulations of the Country or regulations, then the criminal action happened because of the holy scripture motivation as well as was ratified by the Country's regulations, it was the mistake of the leaders of the religion because they manipulated Allah and the mistake the holders of the authority of the Country that manipulated the people who gave them the authority managed the Country. Our intellect understood that the crime could not be ratified with the holy law justice. Let's speak with the intellect or with the heart and our feeling to that was stupid, blind and deaf equally same understood and understood the true truth. If you the healthy person the intellect, bounced and spiritual him should And You Too understood that the criminal action, the cruelty and injustice of could not use the holy reason of articles, were based on the holy scripture and were justified by the Country's regulations. If this world needed peace, the leaders of the purposeful religion reported the safety, the faithful person and the lawyers wanted justice ought to matters that caused the existence of the criminal action and injustice was thrown away from the holy scripture and from basic regulations of the Country. If this matter was not done, You All understood that the Devil was able easily to slip away entered damaged Allah's desire through the action of the leaders of the religion, the holy scripture thinkers, the leader of the people and to all the life fields like the wolf in sheep's clothing.

If you have learnt the existence of the crime, the bad intention that was written in regulations and the holy scriptures, cover up even was involved in the crime directly, from the aspect of your law has been involved in the crime. Then what meaning that morality if our eyes clear saw various crimes only because someone was not imprisoned continued to be regarded as the public figure? How could You carry out the holy war although the action was provided a basis for holy articles, while the blind and deaf person regarded that as the torturing that was compatible with justice and the Lord's love? Gazed at from Allah's law in fact all of us has known that without our Allah's amnesty has fallen automatically and was disqualified could not enter heaven. How could someone escape personally if being not helped by Allah as the rescuer.

I carried out the work of exceeding what was done by most prophets and the wise person all over the country. For the problem of the safety, I became the redemption witness that Allah was the only aim of the safety, the aim of justice and the amnesty giver. For world peace, I gave the understanding how created world peace exceeded the politicians from any Country because I that was given by knowledge by the Lord to stop all the bad and rotten thoughts that became the foundation of the birth of warfare, the revolt, terrorism and corruption that were preceeded from basic regulations of the wrong country. In the justice field, I placed principles of justice exceeded the lawyers from all over the world that justice was not based on the right to demand demanded that result in seized independence and the freedom of the other side. If Confusius said: “ Li will descend until the level of the masses and punishments will not rise down to the princes “, then I said: “I could place principles of basic regulations of the Country where justice will descend until the level of the masses and punishments will rise covered the king's crown ( the leaders of the religion as far as some prophets).” In the truth field, I placed principles of the truth was based on Allah's authority that could be received and understood by each kind of humankind exceeded principles of the truth and the peace love that were taught by Buddha.”

Jesus said: “ Reorganised Allah's verse, and in time my three days will establish him came back.” They replied: “Our ancestors's forty-six years established Allah's verse, and You will establish him again in time three days?” (John 2: 19)

I said: “ Reorganised basic regulations of the country all over the world, and in time 3 days I will give the spirit of new peace thinking without disrupting the country's other independence. Destroy prison houses, because of the wall of the prison not the moral limit apart from the revenge limit where the person was able freely to give full rein to the crime or to shift the truth”.

All the world community answered:” Thousands of our years built our country, maintained the ancestors's civilisation of our ancestors, maintained our ancestors's teaching, worshipped what was worshipped by our ancestors, made the weapon expel the annoying foreigner our territory, and in time your three days will make world peace? The sign whether that you for so as you had the right said was like this?”

I spoke about the safety towards Allah, the truth, justice and world peace without embarrassment, did not involve the feeling, did not count on the moral rule and without good manners. So that therefore each eye could see clearly and each heart could understand definitely that the crime that was carried out by the prostitutes, the drunkard, the gambler, the robber was the same as the crime that was carried out by the leaders of the religion, the lawyer, the representatives of the people, the heads of state, rebels or the terrorist. The crime continue to the crime, could not be justified with invited-prawns and could not be covered with the holy scripture. Each one had the target and the method washed the hands to release charges of the crime. Morality without Allah only deserved to be owned and maintained by the dog and to not guide the faithful person towards heaven. Heaven was only given through Allah's justice ( the Resurgence) and Allah's amnesty. For the person who understood the truth of the Lord like that was said by me will realise that you at this time the coexistence and was co-operating with the Devil, equally precisely with Adam's existence and the first woman when the first time living in the Garden of Eden.
Generally someone just had courage if taking shelter was overturned the person's other back, was supported by many people, held the weapon to oppose that was weaker, felt cleverer to deceive that was weak and stupid. Saw, only Allah that became this work prop, I did not study to humankind, did not have the pupil, did not hold the weapon, my body was petite, I did not fast and die the body put on holy clothes. You could from time to time kidnap me, killed my children in front of my eyes, raped my wife in front of my children.

If I was killed, was given poison, suddenly disappeared from the view of the eyes or my life was tormented because of this text, then the history of the safety that happened in the last 2000 years when Jesus was crucified will happen to myself, that the world did not want Allah's presence, did not want the truth and did not want justice. In the last 2000 years Jesus overcame the death with His resurgence. Today I overcome the world with the truth, the love and Allah's justice. Through 7 principles of the foundation of justice that was formulated by me of all the difference ideology politics in all the countries ended. As Allah handed over Jesus's blood the redeemer for the aim of the safety of humankind, likewise today Allah asks for the willingness and my willingness if I must hand over the life and my blood because the world hated Allah's truth that was sent by me. If this happened then You All became the witness that Allah that you praised, you yourself that killed Him.

Allah that reigned in heaven, eliminated the threat and the danger that surrounded myself and my wife's child. Not. Your desire according to Your power happened. For the moment I must be born into the world so that I become Your witness and Your Name who were holy was honored because I wanted to drink the cup of the safety that was held by Jesus Your child.

Matius 23: 27-35 “ ………….., because of you like the cemetery that was whitewashed white, that was next outside him was indeed clean apparently, but that a depth was full of bones and various waste kinds. Likewise you, on the outside of you apparently clean in the eyes of the person, but on the inside of you were full of hypocrisy and crimes..……………… You built prophets's grave and beautified the pillar of holy people.…………. was like this you appealed against himself you yourself that you were the descendants of the killer of prophets …………please saw that, I delegated to you prophets, wise people and experts Taurat, half of the they will be killed by you and were crucified by you, that was other will be expelled by you from holy houses..…….in order you bore resulting from overflowed the person's blood that was not guilty from Habel the true person, to to Zakharia the child Berekhya that was killed by you between the holy place and dedication table…… you more appreciated the grave of your ancestors of the mother's father than Allah's house that was burnt by you and was destroyed by you”

“ If the world hated you, remembered that he beforehand hated Me, God and Allah you than you. Because you were My property and I chose you from the world, that was the reason the world hated you because the world did not know Me. If they tortured Me, God and Allah you, they will also torture you. If they followed My words, they will also follow your words. If I, God and Allah you did not come to the world and did not talk to the world, they certainly were not sinful. But now they do not have the pretext for the sin and their mistake. In case I, God and Allah you did not carry out the work in the middle of them like that had not been done by the other person, you all were not sinful. Now all of them see the truth, understand justice and hear the safety. Because of that they did not have the reason pretext to justify themselves by denying the sin and the truth. ( Injil John 15: 18-25)

The rule to 7 disciplines of the deception law still was in my head. Hardly anyone who could pass the law to 7 after his life experienced various failures and the violation that was in the law to 1 as far as 6. While the Devil can never pass the rule to 7 disciplines of the deception law. In this world only had one person who could pass all discipline of the deception law that was formulated by me without the mistake, that is Him who was Holy, of Jesus Allah's child because along Him had been contained from the Holy Spirit, since the life to His death stayed Holy. ( Allah cancelled Iskak casualties of the blood dedication who will be done by Abraham, The Incident 22:12, then was replaced with His Child's blood personally, that is Jesus's holy blood as the lamb of god that was not condemned, John 19:16-37 )

There is a naked sat ate in the place of the waste like the Dog. If you did not want to live like the person, knew behind you still had more than one billion people who were not prepared to live like you or to yourself. You were not prepared to live like me and I did not want to become yourself. Because of that let the other person of the free life in the Lord's independence to equip the task of your life so that you become part of the happiness, the freedom and the safety of the other person.
If you wanted justice, you must be prepared to pay his price. If you wanted the lasting life with Allah, and you too must pay his price.

The wind blew where he wanted, but you did not understand from where from him and where the departure. You lived like that you wanted, but you not necessarily understood from where from him and where must stop. You must be not realise that you lived like the robot, chose the religion and believed in the truth because of being programed by the previous tradition accepted him as the inheritance without you yourself thought that the intellectual and schooling who were followed by you almost almost did not have the use. Morality without Allah did not bring someone headed the safety of heaven. Many people of the life and will die was in vain as the dog was because of all the sacrifice, loyalty and the struggle for his life forgotten by the other person and was not counted on by Allah, because the dog only understood loyalty and the sacrifice but did not understand the truth and did not know Allah.
“ If you all were born in the blind and deaf situation, you were not guilty. Because you saw, knew and heard the truth, then you could not avoid your life responsibility. Or the mistake and the sin will continue to be and become your security. Therefore your sin was stable forever. Sky and the earth will pass by, but My words will not pass by .“ ( John 9: 41, Mathew 24: 35)

In this world only had a prophet that his prophetic legality was acknowledged and reported by other prophets before and after he was born, that is Jesus Allah's child. This reality proved that the existence and Jesus's presence in the world indicated Allah's presence that was acknowledged and reported by all the prophets. ( Al Qur’an: Ali ‘Imran, Juz 3 :45 & 48, Maryam Juz 16 :18 -21 & 30-33 )

Allah that reigned in heaven,
I sent the truth of Your desire to the world, so that anyone understood that You were full of the love, very just, was easy pardoned and most powerful,
so that anyone understood that only was one Allah and one Heaven,
the place where You became the King, the prophets and the holy person gathered, as well as people that You rescued became Your one herd was supervised by the association of the prophets.

But the world did not listen to Your desire,
more chose to torture You and to destroy Your justice, by placing the prophets and the commentator's teachers on the prophet's teaching, higher than Your magnificence for the sake of the profit and their honour personally, therefore they opposed You on behalf of the prophet that You yourself stated Your truth .

Allah that reigned in heaven,
as You could not oppose the freedom of humankind,
that with slippery, clever and clever at twisting Your holy articles,
likewise I could not aim their view, because Your desire was compatible with their freedom.

Nevertheless I have alleviated Your work,
towards the arrival of Your court's day,
where anyone will walk chose his place personally,
with the freedom, the sincerity, the surrender and obedience,
towards Heaven or Hell, because conscience and their intellect will choose the exact place, without You must bring up their heart violence.

Allah that reigned in heaven,
as You did not hand over the world to property of humankind,
and You did not give the blessing to make drunk the enjoyment,
but Your owing were changed into the greed and the aim of the enjoyment,
then You were cheated that Your choice group was marked by Your blessing,
in order to be like this they could wash the mistake because of Your blessing, while accusing and showering the burden of the mistake to the poor person, the sufferers, uncivilized beggar, the prostitutes and the slaves, without making them feel guilty on the violation of Your Holy Law

Allah that reigned in heaven,
as You did not give the life and my spirit to be controlled by me was based on my freedom, then what happened in my life was handed over by me to You,
in order Your live remained in my life, Your spirit who were holy was in my spirit, Your safety was in my safety, and Your magnificence were in my magnificence.

( The inspiration was quoted from John 17)

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Dear Dasto,
Thank you for your email. I wish you the very best with your project, but as I have told you before, this Faculty cannot respond to this work.
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From: Dasto Sunandoro [mailto:sunandoro@yahoo.com]
Sent: 20 October 2008 00:21
To: James Knight
Subject: The Soul of Justice

Management the Sin

In this world did not have the person who could maintain his blessing of the proprietary rights wealth to be enjoyed was as satisfied as his heart personally. If someone pressed luck in the A part, the B part was stolen, robbed, blackmailed or cheated by the other person. If the C part was maintained, the D part will be lost vanished because various because. The love law (the donation) shared the blessing was correctly, that anyone was prosecuted by Allah to generous consciously and sincerely.

In this world did not have the person who could move Allah's happiness (heaven) to the world. If the person satisfied himself in the A happiness, he must make a sacrifice for the happiness of B. If he forced took the C happiness, he will lose the happiness of D. And if someone stayed satisfactory in the feeling and his thoughts personally, he will lose Allah's magnificence although what he considered happy that by the other person was considered the action was in vain or respected.

In this world did not have the person who could cleanse himself of the sin and the mistake. If he avoided the sin and the A mistake, he will fall for the mistake sin of B. If he avoided the mistake sin A,B,C,.D he will gather the mistake sin of E,F,G,H. So the person was not possible to be able to release himself from the sin and his mistake, and was not possible perfect although from since the birth fasted and died until the age he continued stayed fasting. To receive the eternal safety anyone needed was redeemed from his mistake sin, and Allah has provided the Redeemer, that is Jesus Allah's child.

At the end the time, that is on the court's day anyone will submit to the Daud law “Was happy the person that the violation and his sins were pardoned, and that his mistake was not counted on by the Lord “( Mazmur 32:1-2 ) and Jesus's law “Not the person who appealed to Me the Lord, the Lord will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who carried out my Allah's desire in heaven. On the last day would many people appealed to Me the Lord, the Lord, didn't we prophesy for the sake of Your Name, and expelled the devil for the sake of Your Name and held many miracles for the sake of Your Name also….corruption on behalf of You, damaged the religious duties house and the war on behalf of You, to the terrorist on behalf of You.” At the time of so I will be frank with them and said :” I had not known you. Go than Me you all the manufacturer of the crime .” ( Matius 7:21-23 & Matius 25: 31-46 )


Hak Allah yang dirindukan dan dituntut oleh setiap manusia ini

saya persembahkan untuk Kemuliaan Allah

untuk Kebahagiaan dan Perdamaian Umat Manusia.

Keadilan Allah di dunia ini bersifat mutlak dan pasti, tidak dapat dimanipulasi sekalipun dengan ayat-ayat suci, tidak dapat dibelak belokkan, dan tidak dapat ditiadakan baik oleh Pilitikus, Ahli Hukum, Bangsawan Kaum Religius, Para Filsuf maupun Para Teolog dari golongan agama manapun.

Kebenaran dan Keadilan itu bersifat mutlak dan pasti ketika hati nurani serta akal budi dalam kapasitas maksimumnya sudah tidak dapat lagi menyanggah atau menentang Kebenaran dan Keadilan selain akal budi harus tunduk pada Kebenaran dan Keadilan itu sendiri

Kebenaran dan Keadilan yang saya paparkan pada naskah ini bersifat mutlak dan pasti, dan tidak mungkin dapat disanggah ataupun dipatahkan baik melalui Konsili Vatikan, Sidang Para Wali Ulama, Sidang Para Bhikku, Sidang Para Politikus dan Negarawan maupun para Ahli Hukum dari seluruh Dunia

Naskah ini sudah saya kirimkan ke berbagai alamat tujuan, baik di dalam negeri di Indonesia maupun ke luar negeri ( dalam bahasa Inggris ), ke situs-situs pemerintah, ke berbagai organisasi partai politik, media massa cetak & elektronik, kantor-kantor berita, ke forum-forum Internasional, PBB, Mahkamah Internasional, Organisasi Hak Azasi dan Perdamaian, ke Vatikan, Israel, penganut Karl Marx, ke berbagai Paham Agama, Negara-negara Arab, Aljazeera, Eropa, Amerika, Mesir dan Universitas-Universitas terkemuka dengan harapan semoga Dunia menampakkan wajah Keadilan dan Perdamaiannya.

Tetapi semua pihak memilih diam tanpa tanggapan.

Dengan membaca naskah ini setiap orang akan diterangi oleh Pikiran dan Hati Nuraninya sendiri sebelum orang tersebut berhadapan dengan Keadilan Allah.

Dunia yang Anda lihat sekarang ini ibarat Anda menemukan lampu yang sudah pecah secara ideologi politik, keyakinan agama dan hukum. Tugas saya adalah memungut dan melekatkan pecahan - pecahan lampu itu, lalu menyalakannya kembali agar cahaya terangnya dapat kembali bersinar. Cahaya lampu ini akan mengagetkan dan menyilaukan mata Anda.

Saya persembahkan seluruh kemampuan akal budi saya untuk Kemuliaan Allah, untuk menempatkan kedudukan Allah pada hak-Nya yang sebenarnya. Allah yang berada di atas para Nabi dan diatas semua paham agama, Allah yang berada di atas seluruh Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara, Allah yang berada di atas Prinsip-Prinsip Hukum Positive, Allah yang berada diatas semua tindakan dan pandangan Moral, Allah yang berada di atas Hukum Hukum Penipuan, Allah yang berada di atas tindakan mafia, teroris, para pemberontak, agnostik maupun atheis.

Agar setiap orang apapun keyakinan agamanya dan apapun prinsip hidupnya dapat memandang Allah sebagai Kebenaran, Tujuan Keadilan, Pemberi Pengampunan dan Tujuan Keselamatan.

Dengan kuasa apakah saya berhak menyatakan demikian ?

Dari kuasa manakah Anda berhak mengadili wahyu Allah, menghukum para nabi dengan cara membatasi kebebasan orang lain menyembah Allah, sedang Anda tidak paham Kitab Suci dan tidak mengerti bagaimana hukum negara harus dijalankan dengan adil dan dihormati.

Kalau Anda meragukan wahyu Allah bahwa langit dan bumi ini diciptakan Allah dengan firmanNya yang menjadi awal segala sesuatu yang ada, maka naskah ini yang menjadi bagian dari firman Allah akan menghentikan seluruh pemikiran umat manusia yang menyangkal kebenaranNya. Sejak saat ini hingga akhir jaman tidak akan pernah ada orang yang sanggup menyangkal prinsip prinsip kebenaran yang tertulis dalam naskah ini. Jika naskah ini tidak Anda anggap sebagai bagian dari mukzijat, maka seluruh mukzijat yang pernah ada dan pernah Anda dengar tidak akan membuat mata Anda melihat kebenaran Allah dan dunia tidak perlu diciptakan ulang untuk menempatkan Anda menjadi manusia purba yang tidak mengenal wahyu Allah. ( Lukas 16:31 )

Daftar Isi

Pengantar Penulis………………………halalaman 18

I. Prinsip-Prinsip Keadilan Universal……….Bab I - Bab V,
Halaman…………………………………..19 sampai 90

II Perang atau Perdamaian…………….. . 91 sampai 93

III Perdamaian Dunia Berdasarkan Prinsip Hukum Positif
dan Wahyu Allah…………..……..……. ... halaman 94

IV Hukum Emas, Spiritualitas Perdamaian Islam…hal 99

V Sejarah Dunia, Sejarah Penciptaan dan Sejarah Sorga Menurut Kitab Suci dan Ajaran Suci Leluhur Orang Jawa…....................................................102 sampai 118

VI Tata Tertib Hukum Penipuan……………...halaman 119

VII Moralitas Anjing & Neraca Kematian..…...hal 127 - 138

VIII Kebenaran diatas Kebenaran...&....Managemen Dosa

Keadilan hanya dapat dipahami jika diletakkan dalam kerangka iman, yang dibangun dari relasi pribadinya dengan Tuhan dan bersama orang lain, berasal dari dan dipersembahkan kepada Tuhan, yang membentuk obyeknya diri sendiri dan orang lain.

Keadilan tidak akan dapat tumbuh subur jika diikat dalam bentuk organisasi, baik organisasi politik, organisasi keagamaan, organisasi keuangan ataupun organisasi bentuk lainnya, karena para pemimpin organisasi maupun pewaris dan penerusnya justru akan membunuh Keadilan dengan membangun obyek alamiahnya menjadi sasaran korban ketidakadilan, sasaran pemerasan, tujuan kekerasan ataupun tujuan perang.

Menghadapi masyarakat yang korup lebih berbahaya daripada menangani persoalan perang, karena rakyat tidak dapat menuntut tanggung jawab hukum, nasionalisme, cinta tanah air, profesionalisme maupun tindakan iman pihak lain.


The Universal Principles are the Spirit and Soul of The World Peace


Justice is Extremely Terrifying and Its More Dangerous than Pest, Cancer or Nuclear Explotion.

This Writing is The Magnum Work for Humanity, Wiping Out War, and Abolition of Death Sentence to Prevent World Peace and Justice.

Or, You will See Otherwise

The World War III will Explode and Terorism will Remain Exist because the Base of International Laws do not Fulfill the Requirements to Create the World Peace

Untuk memahami Allah sebagai Pribadi Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yaitu Allah sejarah, orang yang percaya kepada Allah harus dan mutlak harus membaca Kitab Suci Bangsa Yahudi yaitu Alkitab. Tanpa memahami Pribadi Allah Sejarah orang beriman akan tersesat menemukan keselamatan lalu jatuh dengan menyembah berhala, roh leluhur, setan, benda-benda langit atau keyakinan keyakinan lain yang bertentangan dengan kehendak Allah. Semoga Mahaguru Budha berkenan lahir kembali dan bersedia mendengarkan saran saya agar tidak merebut kedudukan Allah sebagai tujuan doa, tujuan persembahan dan pemberi berkat. ( Al Qur’an, Al Kahfi Juz 15: 29, Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 9:25 )

Jika Anda menyembah matahari, sudah jelas matahari itu panas dan tentu Anda tidak bersedia mati kepanasan. Jika Anda menyembah patung, sudah jelas patung itu tidak dapat berbicara dan tidak berkeinginan lalu bagaimana Anda dapat melayani keinginan patung. Jika Anda menyembah tahyul, sudah jelas bahwa setan maupun makhluk halus itu tunduk pada keinginan bebas manusia. Jika Anda menyembah roh leluhur, sudah jelas bahwa pemilik roh tersebut pada waktu hidupnya banyak kesalahan, selingkuh, kejam dan mungkin serakah.

Jika langit dan bumi ini karya cipta Allah maka semua yang ada dimuka bumi ini tetap miliknya Allah. Tidak ada yang dapat diambil dari Allah dan tidak ada yang dapat ditambahkan untuk kemuliaan Allah. Karena itu Allah tidak dapat ditipu dengan dalih alasan, disanjung dengan doa-doa pujian, pakaian atau gelar-gelar keagamaan dan tidak dapat disuap dengan korban persembahan, bunga wangi-wangian atau dupa kemenyan selain orang beriman harus berjuang mempersembahkan hidupnya sendiri berupa pikiran, lidah dan hatinya sebagai persembahan abadi. Allah tidak dapat disuap dengan korban persembahan hasil dari kejahatan, kekejaman atau korupsi seperti pelacur tidak dapat mempersembahkan korban penebus salah dari uang hasil persundalannya.

Allah memberi tugas dan tanggung jawab kepada setiap orang sesuai dengan kedudukkan hidupnya, tetapi setiap orang harus tunduk pada hukum Allah, yaitu Taurat Musa. Jika seseorang tetap dengan sengaja dan tanpa pertobatan melanggar Taurat Musa, baik itu seorang nabi, imam, raja, pesakitan atau gelandangan pengemis tetap akan menerima hukuman Allah. Allah Sejarah telah membuktikan keadilanNya bahwa para imam, nabi dan para pelaku kejahatan benar-benar telah menerima hukuman.

Seandainya Anda lahir dalam keadaan buta dan tuli Anda tidak berdosa dan tidak harus menanggung kesalahan-kesalahan yang Anda lakukan. Karena Anda telah melihat, mendengar dan memahami tentang Kebenaran dan Keadilan Allah yang saya paparkan dalam naskah ini, maka tanpa pertobatan Anda tetap akan menanggung kesalahan-kesalahan Anda sendiri. Allah tidak akan mengambil sedikitpun kebebasan yang sudah terlanjur diberikan kepada setiap orang selain orang itu sendiri yang harus menundukkan dan menyerahkan kebebasannya dihadapan Allah.
Sepuluh Perintah Allah – Taurat Musa

1. Akulah Tuhan, Allahmu, jangan ada padamu allah-allah lain dihadapanKu.

2. Jangan membuat patung untuk bersujud atau beribadah kepadanya, sebab Aku Tuhan, Allahmu adalah Allah yang cemburu.

3. Jangan menyebut nama Allah dengan tidak hormat, sebab Aku akan memandang bersalah orang yang menyebut namuKu dengan sembarangan.

4. Ingatlah dan kuduskanlah hari Tuhan. Enam hari lamanya Aku bekerja menciptakan langit dan bumi serta segala isinya, dan pada hari ke tujuh Aku mengkuduskannya.

5. Hormatilah ayahmu dan ibumu.

6. Jangan membunuh.

7. Jangan berzinah.

8. Jangan mencuri.

9. Jangan mengucapkan saksi dusta tentang sesamamu.

10. Jangan menginginkan rumah sesamamu, jangan menginginkan isterinya, atau apapun yang dipunyai sesamamu.

Sebodoh apapun keadaan seseorang dilahirkan, ia mempunyai dan menemukan caranya sendiri-semdiri untuk berbuat jahat atau memperdaya orang lain.

Jika berbohong itu diijinkan dan bersaksi dusta dibenarkan, maka fondasi hukum positif yang ada di seluruh dunia ini hancur. Kesaksian para nabi tidak berguna, kitab suci tidak perlu dipelihara, tidak perlu ada lembaga pengadilan, menghadirkan saksi dan tidak perlu ada keputusan hukum sebab keputusan itu sendiri bisa jadi tidak sah, bohong dan dusta belaka.

Berbahagialah orang yang mampu berbuat salah tetapi tidak melakukan kesalahan. Berbahagialah orang yang mampu berbuat jahat tetapi tidak melakukan kejahatan. Dengan demikian ia disebut anak-anak Allah.


1. Apa yang tertulis dalam sepuluh perintah Allah, yaitu Taurat Musa senantiasa hidup dan diinginkan oleh setiap orang. Jika seseorang menentang Allah Sejarah, maka hukum ke 1 sampai ke 4 tetap ada dan hidup dengan cara menggantikan Allah Sejarah dengan allah-allah lain, ideology politik atau ritus-ritus lain. Sedang hukum ke 5 sampai ke 10 tetap diinginkan oleh setiap orang di semua kebudayaan. Dengan kata lain, manusia tidak dapat menghancurkan keinginannya sendiri seperti yang tertulis dalam Hukum Taurat Musa.

2 Iblispun harus tunduk pada Taurat Musa, dan apa yang dilakukan tampak sangat jelas bahwa Iblis menentang Taurat Musa serta hendak merebut kedudukan Allah sebagai pusat kehidupan, tujuan persembahan, tujuan doa dan pemberi berkat. Sedang Kitab Suci memastikan bahwa pencipta dan pemilik langit dan bumi ini adalah Allah.

Jika Anda belum membaca Taurat Musa dan belum memahami maksud Allah memberikan hukum itu, gelar profesor Anda belum sempurna baik itu profesor dibidang moral, hukum atau ahli kitab suci . Karena sudah pasti hasil karya Anda yang tertuang dalam undang-undang Negara, ajaran moral atau pandangan keselamatan pasti mengandung kesalahan berupa kejahatan menentang ke-Esa-an Allah, kekejaman, penyesatan, perselingkuhan dll yang sebenarnya bertentangan dengan tertib perdamaian dan keadilan.

Polisi-polisi diseluruh dunia adalah orang yang diberi tugas oleh Allah untuk menegakkan Taurat Musa ( pembunuhan, pencurian, perzinahan ). Jika polisi-polisi ini lebih mengutamakan perintah Allah daripada tunduk pada keinginan manusia ( penguasa ) tentu masyarakat terhindar dari dosa-dosa moral. Karena polisi-polisi itu akan menangkap baik penguasa maupun rakyat yang melanggar hukum Allah.






Kesalahan memahami Kitab Suci dan kesalahan memahami Konstitusi akan menyebabkan hilangnya cinta kasih, kemurahan hati, pemberian pengampunan dan penyembahaan ke- Esa an Tuhan. Orang beriman kemudian tersesat pada keserakahan sebagai ganti penerimaan berkat, sikap materialistis dan hedonisme sebagai usaha untuk mengejar kebahagiaan yang telah hilang, penuntutan hak secara berlebihan atas hilangnya kenikmatan, rusaknya keadilan dan perdamaian dunia, hilangnya Kehormatan Tuhan yang beralih pada penyembahan dewa dewi, pemujaan roh leluhur, pengabdian pada makhluk halus sejenis Setan atau membesar-besarkan pemujaan kepada Nabi atau pemimpin agama tanpa menghiraukan kemuliaan Tuhan.

Iblis telah menyerahkan tata tertib hukum penipuan kepada saya, dan saya memberikannya kepada Anda, agar Anda dapat melihat Kebenaran Tuhan. Setelah Anda memahami ilmu tipu menipu yang saya berikan, Anda akan melihat kembali hadirnya Taman Eden yang telah hilang ketika Tuhan menciptakan Adam dan Hawa sebagai manusia pertama sekalipun Taman Eden itu telah lenyap jutaan tahun lalu yang kemudian dikacaukan oleh teori evolusi. Dengan ilmu tipu menipu ini Anda akan menyadari bahwa Anda sekarang ini sedang hidup berdampingan dengan Iblis, beribadah dan berdoa bersama Iblis, dan Anda juga bekerjasama dengan Iblis untuk melawan keadilan, perdamaian, kasih dan Kebenaran Tuhan.

Jika Tuhan yang menciptakan langit dan bumi, maka langit dan bumi seisinya ini adalah miliknya Tuhan, maka tugas manusia di dunia ini hanyalah untuk merawat dan mengembangkan kasih Tuhan agar kemuliaan Tuhan hadir di bumi ini. Jika Anda memahami hakekat kejahatan berdasarkan Kitab Suci, Konstitusi atau undang-undang Negara lainnya, maka Anda akan menyadari bahwa rumah tempat tinggal Anda adalah penjara Anda yang sebenarnya, penjara tempat Anda memamerkan hasil kejahatan, menerima kehormatan, mendidik, membesarkan dan mewariskan kejahatan tanpa Anda sendiri merasa bersalah. Lalu jasa apa yang Anda persembahkan kepada Tuhan jika Anda tidak dapat mengendalikan pikiran, lidah dan kebebasan Anda sedang Tuhan tidak berkuasa mengendalikan lidah dan keinginan bebas Anda sendiri.

Tuhan tidak melempar dadu ke meja perjudian dengan menciptakan orang-orang yang berbeda kekuasaan, berbeda talenta, berbeda kecerdasan, berbeda kemampuan, berbeda kekayaan, berbeda keberanian dan kenekatan bertaruh untuk saling merebut berkat Tuhan menjadi hak milik yang dikuasai sebagai tanda kemenangan. Tetapi Tuhan menciptakan manusia yang serupa dengan DiriNya lalu memberi pengertian pengetahuan yang sempurna agar setiap orang dapat hidup sebagai anak-anak Allah serta memperoleh kemuliaan seperti Dia.

Marilah kita menghadiri sidang Mahkamah Internasional, kita duduk sebagai saksi, memandang Malaikat sebagai Hakim Agung sambil menyaksikan para nabi besar, para wakil rakyat, para budak pekerja, para teroris dan para kepala Negara duduk sebagai terdakwa. Kita saksikan sebagian nabi dituduh sebagai penjahat perang, sebagian menjadi perampok dan terlibat penjarahan, sebagian dituduh merebut istri orang, sebagian mengajarkan kekerasan, teror dan menyebarkan kejahatan agama, sebagian memberontak melawan Allah dengan menempatkan dirinya sendiri menggantikan posisi Allah sebagai tujuan persembahan, pusat doa dan tujuan keselamatan.

Apakah diri kita setuju jika darah dan nyawa kita harus menderita karena kekejaman nabi, harta kita dirampok oleh nabi, istri kita diambil nabi lalu anak-anak kita terlantar karena kekejaman nabi, lalu nabi, teroris maupun yang disebut orang bijak itu menuntut dirinya dipuja sedang tingkah laku dan ajarannya menyesatkan serta menimbulkan kesedihan tangis air mata.

Anda tidak dapat meniru kejahatan yang dilakukan para nabi atau mewarisi kesalahan orang bijak karena terbatasnya pengetahuan mereka tentang Allah sejarah. Jika roh Tuhan dan pengampunan Tuhan tidak ada pada diri Anda, sekarang ini Anda sedang berjalan menuju neraka. Berdasarkan pengertian apapun kejahatan tetap kejahatan.

Jika Iblis ikut berkarya saat ditulisnya kitab suci ataupun Undang undang dasar Negara, lalu tindakan kejahatan terjadi karena motivasi kitab suci serta disahkan oleh undang-undang Negara, adalah kesalahan para pemimpin agama karena mereka memperalat Allah dan kesalahan para pemegang kekuasaan Negara yang memperalat rakyat yang memberi mereka kekuasaan mengelola Negara. Akal budi kita mengerti bahwa kejahatan tidak dapat disahkan dengan hukum suci. Kalau dunia ini membutuhkan perdamaian, para pemimpin agama bertujuan mewartakan keselamatan dan para ahli hukum menginginkan keadilan sudah seharusnya hal-hal yang menimbulkan adanya tindakan kejahatan dan ketidakadilan dibuang dari kitab suci maupun dari undang-undang dasar Negara. Kalau hal tersebut tidak dilakukan, Anda semua memahami bahwa Iblis dapat dengan mudah menyelinap masuk merusak kehendak Allah melalui tindakan para pemimpin agama, para ahli pikir kitab suci, para pemimpin dan para wakil rakyat ke semua bidang kehidupan seperti musang berbulu domba.

Keyakinan Agama bukanlah tradisi yang perlu diwarisi jika para pemeluknya tidak bersedia mewujudkan Keadilan, tidak membangun Perdamaian dan tidak menghormati kemurahan keselamatan dan pengampunan dari Allah tanpa melempar tanggung jawab semua persoalan manusia dengan menyuruh Allah untuk menyelesaikan semua masalah yang dihadapi manusia.

Mulut orang bodoh, para budak dan rakyat jelata dapat dibungkam, tetapi air mata dan beban penderitaan yang mengalir di dalam darah mereka akan memberontak menuntut pembalasan pada Hari Penghakiman Tuhan.

Masakan yang enak harus diolah dari bermacam macam bumbu yang berbeda-beda. Demikian juga rumusan yang tepat harus dibuat dari konfigurasi angka-angka yang berbeda-beda. Sekalipun angka itu hanya terdiri dari 0 sampai 9, tetapi angka 0 sampai 9 mampu menunjukkan jumlah nilai hingga bermilyar-milyar. Hukum keadilan yang saya rumuskan terdiri dari 7 prinsip keadilan, tetapi dari ke 7 prinsip keadilan itu seseorang, kelompok masyarakat atau kelompok religius akan tampak sangat jelas apakah sikap dan tindakannya sesuai dengan keyakinan agama yang dipegangnya, beragama hanya karena mengikuti tradisi atau ikut-ikutan menipu Allah sambil mencobai kekuasaan-Nya.

Untuk membangun Keadilan setiap orang harus bersedia melakukan Perang Jihad dengan cara menyalibkan dirinya sendiri.

Perang Jihad yang dituntut Nabi Muhammad adalah melawan nafsu pribadinya sendiri untuk tidak korupsi, tidak menumpuk harta untuk diri sendiri maupun untuk anak cucunya, tidak melakukan tindakan hukum jika tujuannya untuk tuntut menuntut harta kekayaan ataupun warisan, menyebarkan semangat perdamaian Islam sambil melakukan amal kebaikan untuk diri sendiri maupun pihak lain yang sepantasnya mendapatkan pengampunan.

Perang Jihad dengan cara menyalibkan diri sendiri ini memenuhi standar tuntutan keadilan semua orang beriman serta mengatasi pengertian moral setiap manusia yang hidup di dunia ini.

“ Persepuluhan ( pajak ) dari selasih, adas manis dan jintan kamu bayar, tetapi yang terpenting dari hukum Taurat kamu abaikan, yaitu keadilan dan belas kasihan dan kesetiaan. Yang satu harus dijalankan dan yang lain jangan diabaikan “ ( Injil Matius 23:23 )

“ Maka janganlah harta benda dan anak-anak menarik hatimu. Sesungguhnya Allah menghendaki dengan memberi harta benda dan anak-anak itu untuk menyiksa mereka dalam kehidupan di dunia ini dan kelak akan melayang nyawa mereka, sedang mereka dalam keadaan kafir.” ( Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10:55 )” Pada hari itu ( hari pengadilan Tuhan ) kamu lihat tiap-tiap umat akan berlutut. Tiap-tiap umat dipanggil untuk melihat buku catatan amalnya. .” ( Al Qur’an, Al Jaatsiyah, Juz 25: 28 )

“ Dan janganlah sebahagian kamu memakan harta sebahagian yang lain di antara kamu dengan jalan yang batil dan janganlah kamu membawa urusan harta itu kepada hakim, supaya kamu dapat memakan sebahagian daripada harta benda orang lain itu dengan jalan berbuat dosa, padahal kamu mengetahui”. ( Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188 )

Kehendak Allah harus dikenal dan nama Allah harus dimuliakan. Setelah mengenal Allah, tugas orang beriman yang paling sulit dan paling berat adalah membuat diri sendiri serta mendorong orang lain sadar dan bersedia menjalankan perintah-perintah Allah. Mengakui keberadaan Allah itu mudah, sebab Iblis juga mengakui keberadaan Allah. Berbicara tentang Allah itu mudah, sebab Iblis juga bersaksi tentang Allah. Jika orang beriman tidak bersedia menjalankan Kehendak Allah, apa bedanya orang beriman dengan Iblis.

Bermilyar-milyar orang menyanyikan Lagu Keadilan, yang satu merindukan dan yang lain menuntut, yang satu mencuri dan yang lain merampok, yang satu kehilangan hak keadilan tanpa dapat mempertahankan dan yang lain mendapat kelimpahan tanpa usaha perjuangan yang pantas dilakukan. Bagaimana kenyataan menjelaskan keadilan.

Bermilyar-milyar orang datang kerumah ibadat, khusuk berdoa menjalankan salah satu perintah agama, sedang perintah-perintah Allah lainnya diabaikan. Allah ditipu dengan bangunan rumah-rumah ibadat yang megah, sedang perintah Allah yang seharusnya tinggal di hati dan hidup dalam tindakan tidak tampak. Allah tentu sangat kecewa memandang umat-Nya berkumpul di rumah-rumah ibadat hanya untuk kampanye memuji-muji kebesaran nama-Nya, tetapi tidak mau menjalankan perintah-Nya yang terurai dalam tindakan.

Rumah ibadat seperti tempat kampanye pesta demokrasi partai politik, dan yang berseru-seru menyanyikan lagu-lagu cinta kasih dan pengampunan lupa bahwa di luar rumah ibadat banyak orang yang mencari Keadilan Allah, menantinya dengan kelaparan, jeritan tangis penderitaan, goresan luka akibat kekejaman dan peperangan yang dikobarkan dari rumah-rumah ibadat.

Naskah Ini memaparkan Hakekat Keadilan bahwa Keadilan itu bersifat pasti dan kepastiannya sama presisinya dengan kepastian rumus matematika, fisika, kimia atau hukum biologi. Yang tidak pasti adalah sifat orang serta kesediaan orang tersebut untuk menjalankan Hukum Keadilan dan besar kecilnya hukuman yang dijatuhkan seseorang terhadap pihak lain yang tidak menyentuh Perasaan Keadilan.

Naskah ini juga menjelaskan bahwa musuh Allah yang paling berbahaya bukanlah Iblis, Setan atau Tahyul, tetapi justru orang beriman yang memutar balikkan firman Allah, yang membelokkan tujuan Keadilan Allah dan yang berbahagia dengan penderitaan orang lain, yang melimpahkan tugas dan tanggung jawab orang beriman dengan menggantikan serta melemparkan pada Kebaikan Allah, dengan demikian orang beriman cuci tangan dengan menyuruh Allah untuk menyelesaikan segala permasalahan yang diderita oleh orang lain. Dalam hal ini para ahli kitab suci sering berebut ajaran kebenaran seperti anjing berebut tulang, lalu dari mulutnya menyatakan ayat-ayat suci untuk melahirkan kejahatan mulai dari pecat memecat jabatan keagamaan, penghancuran rumah ibadat karena kebencian, pembatasan kebebasan, pembebanan hak-hak hidup, perbedaan pelayanan publik hingga terorisme dll.

Naskah ini juga memaparkan bahwa musuh Negara yang paling berbahaya bukanlah teroris, pelaku kudeta, pemberontak, kebodohan rakyatnya atau pengangguran, tetapi justru para Penyelenggara Negara yang tidak menjalankan amanat Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara, Politikus yang tidak memperjuangkan persatuan dan kualitas bangsanya, Pegawai Negara yang menghambat pelayanan publik, para aparat penegak hukum yang tidak memegang prinsip keadilan, dan para pihak yang tidak memperjuangkan kesejahteraan sesama warga Negara. Hilangnya jiwa nasionalisme dan semangat rakyat untuk membangun kesejahteraan Negara membuat angkatan perang harus mengubur senjatanya dan para penegak hukum harus membenamkan kitab-kitab hukumnya. Karena musuh Negara demikian tidak dapat dilawan dengan cara apapun.

Perang Dunia ke III pasti terjadi yang dimulai dengan perang-perang kecil, meluas ke perang besar hingga Perang Dunia ke IV, dan seterusnya.

Kenyataan tersebut tidak semata-mata dipicu oleh konflik-konflik yang menyebabkan peperangan yang sudah terjadi selama ribuan tahun. Masalah utamanya adalah bahwa landasan hukum Internasional yang sekarang ini ada tidak cukup untuk menciptakan Perdamaian Dunia. Globalisasi bukan hanya mengarahkan masyarakat dunia untuk memperparah kerusakan alam ekosistem tempat manusia hidup, tetapi juga mendorong masyarakat dunia pada konflik yang lebih besar yang akan berkembang hingga terjadinya perang global.

Perang Dunia ke III akan dipicu oleh dua sebab yaitu kejahatan politik, kejahatan religius atau campuran dari keduanya. Kejahatan politik ditandai dengan banyaknya pelanggaran hukum positif atau pembenaran melalui jalur hukum positif yang disahkan menjadi undang-undang, sedang undang-undang itu sendiri dari awalnya dibuat sudah mengandung tujuan untuk melanggar keadilan. Kejahatan politik berjalan di atas undang-undang dengan memperalat undang-undang serta memperalat para aparat penegak hukum dan keadilan.

Kejahatan religius sudah dimulai sejak masa kerajaan purba dengan terjadinya pembunuhan nabi-nabi. Pada masa sekarang ini kejahatan religius ditandai dengan adanya perlakukan yang tidak seimbang antara pemeluk agama mayoritas terhadap pemeluk agama minoritas, partai politik keagamaan mayoritas terhadap partai politik keagamaan minoritas baik yang berbeda paham maupun berbeda mazab hingga berkembang ke perseteruan blok-blok antar negara yang dilatarbelakangi oleh spiritual keagamaan.

Kejahatan religius diawali dari orang-orang yang sering menyebut nama Allah, suka berada di sekitar rumah ibadat dan berpura-pura membela Allah, yang suka menyebut ayat-ayat suci tetapi menyembunyikan kebenaran tujuan keadilan Allah, yang memberi harapan tentang gambaran indahnya Sorga, keadilan dan perdamaian tetapi menggiring pengikutnya ke medan peperangan, melakukan kekerasan, melanggar keadilan lalu mendorong pengikutnya sekaligus menarik korbannya jatuh terjerumus menuju dasar lembah Neraka.

Pada bagian lain dari naskah ini, pembaca akan menyadari bahwa menyembah Allah: Beriman dan Beribadah dengan takwa adalah pilihan sikap hidup dan pekerjaan yang amat sangat luar biasa sulit yang akan menghancurkan keinginan bebas orang beriman yang oleh dunia dianggap sebagai kebodohan. Iman mengharuskan adanya perbuatan sehingga doa menyatukan iman, ibadah dan persembahan hidup.

Akan tetapi jika Anda menganggap keutamaan moral sebagai kebaikan dan menyembah Allah adalah Kebenaran maka Anda harus menebarkan kebaikan dan kehendak Allah sampai kebaikan dan kehendak Allah itu mengalahkan keinginan bebas dan harga diri Anda di hadapan Allah.


Hak Allah yang dirindukan dan dituntut oleh setiap manusia ini

saya persembahkan untuk Kemuliaan Allah

untuk Kebahagiaan dan Perdamaian Umat Manusia.

Yunus diutus Allah kepada Bangsa Niniwe dan Niniwe bertobat.
Nabi Muhammad diutus Allah kepada Bangsa Arab dan Bangsa Arab bertobat.

Sekarang Panah Keadilan Allah saya lepas dari busur-Nya,
dan panah Keadilan Allah ini akan tepat mengenai hati dan pikiran setiap orang
agar hidup manusia di Dunia sama seperti di dalam Sorga.


1. Jika orang beriman yang percaya kepada Allah bersedia menghapus sebagian isi Kitab Suci yang didalamnya menuliskan adanya semangat kejahatan, kekejaman, perselingkuhan, peperangan yang sebenarnya bertentangan dengan Keadilan Allah.

2. Jika semua atau sebagian besar Negara bersedia mengubah Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasarnya untuk menghapus spiritualitas peperangan dan hukuman mati serta menempatkan Perdamaian Dunia dan Keadilan sebagai tujuan tertinggi Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara.

Kejahatan tetaplah kejahatan, tidak dapat disahkan dengan undang-undang Negara, tidak dapat diselimuti dengan kitab suci, tidak dapat dibungkus dengan ajaran moral dan tidak dapat diredam dengan senyum sopan santun.

Tanpa Dua Tahap itu:” Perdamaian Dunia, Keadilan, Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Perlindungan Hak Azasi hanya isu-isu yang tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.”

Siapa yang akan menuntut tanggung jawab nabi, orang yang Anda angap bijak dan para penyusun Kitab Suci jika mereka menipu Anda untuk melawan Allah serta mencuri kehormatan Allah lalu menempatkan dirinya sendiri sebagai tujuan kehormatan. Siapa yang akan menuntut Negara bersenjata Nuklir jika mereka melanggar Konstitusi Perdamaian dan Kemerdekaan Negara lain.



Dasto Sunandoro


Hp-SMS: 0888 2173 007

Kitab-Kitab Suci tidak membuat struktur Keadilan.
Sejarah Hukum tidak menjelaskan Asal Usul Keadilan.
Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara
tidak mengharuskan Prinsip-Prinsip Keadilan Universal dijalankan
sehingga jika tidak ada kekuatan yang memaksa adanya hukuman
Hukum tidak ditegakkan, Undang Undang tidak dijalankan,
Keadilan diabaikan

Keadilan jika hanya dipahami sepotong-sepotong,
terpenggal-penggal karena keadaan yang satu terpisah dengan yang lain
pada diri dan keadaan orang perseorangan
kasus demi kasus sesuai dengan tertib undang-undang
makna Keadilan tidak dapat dipahami, tidak dapat diterima dengan logika
dan tidak dapat dipercaya
lalu setiap keadaan diterimanya sebagai takdir alam, kodrat atau nasib

apakah Keadilan sebuah Ide Penipuan


Asal Usul Keadilan bersumber dari Allah
mengalir dan berakhir menuju Allah

hanya dengan menelusuri isi wahyu Allah
Keadilan dapat dituntut dan dirindukan baik kepada manusia maupun Allah

karena itu Asal - Usul, Kehendak dan Tujuan Keadilan.
yang menjadi pelaksana adalah Manusia.
yang telah diberi Pengetahuan dan Kekuasaan.
serta kehendak bebas untuk menjalankannya.
karena itu Keadilan ada pada diri Anda Sendiri.
jika Anda bersedia bekerja sama dengan kehendak Allah.
Keadilan akan menjadi nyata adanya.
tanpa peranan Anda yang bertahta sebagai Raja Keadilan.
maka makna Keadilan tidak akan dapat ditemukan.
terutama jika Anda sebagai pemegang Tongkat Keadilan.
Menggelapkan tujuan Keadilan.
dengan demikian Anda menghapus tujuan Keadilan Allah.

Jika Anda mengharapkan datangnya Ratu Adil dan Raja Perdamaian.

Ratu Adil dan Raja Perdamaian itu sekarang telah lahir, yaitu Anda Sendiri.

kalau Anda masih tetap bertanya tentang Ratu Adil dan kapan datangnya.

sekarang Ratu Adil itu telah lahir dan datang menemui Anda.

Anda Sendirilah Ratu Adil dan Raja Perdamaian itu.

Andalah Raja Yang Bertahta Memegang Tongkat Keadilan.

apapun posisi Anda:
sebagai tukang becak, gelandangan, rohaniwan, direktur atau presiden

Yesus lahir untuk mengoreksi kesalahan tradisi hidup para imam yang telah membelokkan dan memutar balikkan firman Allah, Muhammad lahir untuk mengoreksi tradisi hidup nenek moyang leluhurnya, maka naskah ini ada untuk memastikan Keadilan Allah bahwa Keadilan itu bersifat pasti, tidak terbatas pada hukum Negara, dapat dijalankan dan bermanfaat untuk semua pihak.

Hampir semua orang beriman, para pengkotbah dan pemuka agama telah melakukan kesalahan penafsiran yaitu dengan menganggap datang ke rumah ibadat, menyanyikan lagu puji-pujian atau berdoa mengira telah memenuhi puncak perintah Allah, sedang sebagian besar perintah Allah dan Keadilan-Nya justru harus dijalankan dan disebarkan di luar rumah ibadat dan di luar doa.

Maka rumah ibadat dan organisasi-organisasi keagamaan bukan sarana kampanye, tetapi tempat dimana Allah harus dimuliakan melalui perbuatan.

Pengantar Penulis

Pada buku yang saya tulis sebelumnya saya jelaskan bahwa asal usul kejahatan itu dari diri pribadi manusia, baik dari pribadi tiap-tiap orang perseorangan maupun terorganisir secara kelompok, melembaga maupun dalam bentuknya sebagai pemerintahan Negara. Allah telah memberi kebebasan dan tidak mengambilnya kembali sebagian dari kebebasan itu sekalipun kebebasannya dipakai manusia untuk melawan kehendak Allah sendiri. Dengan kebebasan yang dimiliki tiap-tiap orang, orang tersebut dapat bertintak secara sendiri-sendiri maupun berkelompok dan terorganisasi untuk memperkecil adanya kejahatan, menghindari, menghapus, meniadakan kejahatan lalu menggantinya dengan berkat atau hal-hal yang positif untuk perdamaian, kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan. Dengan demikian Allah tidak menetapkan hadiah neraka atau sorga dengan mempengaruhi kebebasan manusia selain manusia itu sendiri yang menentukan tujuan hidupnya.

Demikian juga dengan keadilan. Asal usul, kehendak dan tujuan keadilan itu adalah Allah sendiri. Namun demikian dalam bentuknya yang nyata asal usul, pelaku, penyebab dan sumber ketidakadilan itu adalah manusia sendiri baik pada diri orang perseorangan maupun bekerja secara terorganisir, melembaga atau muncul dalam bentuk pemerintahan Negara. Setelah Anda memahami naskah ini, Anda akan melihat bahwa bukti-bukti ketidakadilan asal usulnya adalah manusia. Allah tidak menghendaki terjadinya kemiskinan, ketimpangan sosial, lahirnya penderitaan-penderitaan maupun peperangan.

Sidharta Budha Gautama tidak memahami prinsip-prinsip keadilan universal lalu memasukan dalam rumusan karma ketika penderitaan-penderitaan yang sebagain besar disebabkan oleh praktek-praktek ketidakadilan dari pihak lain dan adanya perbedaan-perbedaan pada kenyataan yang membuat hilangnya kebahagiaan hidup yang seharusnya dimiliki seseorang.

Setelah Anda membaca naskah ini, Anda ( juga umat Budha dan para Bhikkhu ) dapat menjatuhkan penilaian, mana yang lebih bermanfaat untuk memecahkan persoalan-persoalan hidup manusia “ rumusan yoga karma dari Sidharta Budha Gautama sebagai akibat dari praktek-praktek ketidakadilan” ataukah “ Rumusan Keadilan dan Perdamaian dari penulis yang menembus sekat sekat agama, ajaran suci maupun ideology melampaui wilayah Negara serta melintasi ruang batas dunia yang akan terus berjalan menuju Sorga.”

Sejarah hukum tidak menjelaskan asal usul keadilan. Demikian juga kitab-kitab suci tidak membuat struktur keadilan selain perintah bagaimana seharusnya orang beriman dapat bersikap lebih adil serta menjelaskan bahwa Allah adalah pemegang hak Keadilan. Tetapi pesan kitab-kitab suci terhadap keselamatan manusia bukan pada hak keadilan Allah, melainkan pada kasih karunia, pengampunan dan penebusan yang datangnya dari Allah sendiri.

Jika Kitab-Kitab Suci dan Ideologi Politik masih menimbulkan kesalahpahaman dan pertentangan, maka saya menunggu sanggahan dari para negarawan, ahli hukum, ahli politik, para filsuf, para teolog dari berbagai aliran agama, para teroris, mafia dan para cendikiawan intelektual dari berbagai Negara sehubungan dengan naskah Keadilan ini.

Bab I

Refleksi Tentang Keadilan

Sejak kecil ketika saya mengenal Allah dengan pemahaman yang sangat terbatas sebagai pemberi hidup, pencipta langit, bumi dan segala isinya, saya percaya bahwa Allah itu sunguh-sunguh ada. Keyakinan terhadap adanya Allah tetap saya yakini hingga hari ini, dan saya selalu memohon bantuan rahmat Allah agar keyakinan dan hormat saya kepada Allah tetap terjaga sampai kesadaran saya tidak lagi menyadari akan keberadaan diri saya di dunia ini. Tetapi sejak saya mengenal kata istilah keadilan dan karma dengan pemahaman yang sangat terbatas tentang kedua istilah itu, saya tidak pernah percaya dengan adanya keadilan maupun karma. Kepada sahabat, rekan-rekan yang dekat dengan saya maupun kepada semua saudara kandung saya, saya selalu menyatakan hal yang sama bahwa saya tidak percaya dengan adanya keadilan maupun karma. Sampai usia saya lebih dari 40 tahun, saya tetap tidak percaya dengan keadilan maupun karma, dan saya selalu menyangkal kebenaran makna istilah itu meskipun saya selalu mendengar kedua istilah itu diucapkan oleh hampir setiap orang, baik pengkhotbah di rumah-rumah ibadat maupun para juru kampanye partai politik, serta para pemberontak yang menuntut keadilan.

Selama bertahun tahun saya tidak dapat menghubungkan antara keberadaan Allah yang Maha Adil dengan hakekat Keadilan Allah, juga keadilan-keadilan yang biasa diucapkan oleh berbagai pihak maupun ajaran keadilan yang ada di kitab suci-kitab suci. Bagaimana orang yang hidupnya berada dalam kegelapan batin, dalam penindasan dan kekejaman orang lain atau korban dari tindakan orang lain yang melanggar hukum, karena ambisi politik seseorang atau karena tujuan untuk mencapai kekayaan dengan cara mengorbankan darah keringat orang lain, dapat menuntut hak keadilan dalam ketidakberdayaannya. Saya melihat pada struktur organisasi dan ikatan persaudaraan yang ada dalam masyarakat karena kebodohan, kemiskinan atau karena keterbatasan kemampuan seseorang tidak mendapatkan hak kebahagiaan dari kehendak alam yang melahirkan, dari rencana tujuan penciptaan Allah maupun dari pemerintah yang mengelola kekayaan Negara. Saya terus berusaha untuk memahami hakekat keadilan, apakah keadilan adalah ide penipuan untuk mengaburkan tujuan keadilan itu sendiri agar orang-orang miskin dan penderita tetap berada dalam kehangatan impian tanpa penjelasan untuk menerima harapan. Namun demikian saya tetap percaya bahwa Allah itu sungguh-sungguh ada dan saya berpendapat bahwa kasih kebaikan maupun pengampunan Allah melampaui keadilan Alah jika keadilan-Nya dipakai sebagai tolok ukur untuk mengadili perbuatan manusia.

Apa yang menjadi dasar dan tolok ukur untuk menerima maupun mengadili orang lain, apakah perasaan, hati nurani, hukum dan undang-undang atau kitab-kitab suci. Dalam kegelapan batin demikian saya bertanya “Apa yang menjadi dasar orang beriman untuk menerima serta mengakui Allah dan bentuk keadilan bagaimana yang dapat dijalankan oleh orang beriman untuk mempraktekkan tingkah laku hidupnya sesuai dengan keadilan-Nya karena manusia adalah citra dan gambar Allah, dan sebagai wakil Allah setiap orang beriman harus menjalankan perintah keadilan-Nya serta menggambarkan kehadiran keadilan-Nya?” Sebaliknya kepada setiap orang yang tidak mengakui atau tidak menerima Allah dalam hidupnya saya bertanya “Bagaimana seseorang tetap tidak mau percaya kepada Allah tetapi orang yang sama dapat menerima konsep keadilan, menuntut keadilan dari pihak lain, berbicara dan menawarkan program-program keadilan sedang kita harus mengakui bahwa pada dasarnya manusia sangat sulit bersikap jujur terhadap tingkah laku, keputusan dan perbuatannya sendiri yang cenderung tidak adil, dan orang yang sama tidak mengerti dan tidak dapat menjelaskan Keadilan ”

Bagi saya lebih mudah memahami keberadaan dan peranan Allah di dunia ini sekalipun Allah tidak tampak oleh mata daripada memahami hakekat keadilan yang tampak pada keadaan-keadaan nyata, terlihat jelas pada tingkah laku tiap-tiap orang dan menjadi bagian dari keputusan-keputusan di lembaga-lembaga pengadilan baik pada tingkat nasional maupun kasus-kasus internasional. Sepanjang pergumulan saya mencari hakekat keadilan Allah karena kitab-kitab suci menyebut Allah sebagai Pribadi Maha Adil dibalik penyangkalan saya terhadap adanya keadilan berdasarkan apa yang saya lihat di dunia ini, apa yang mendasari sikap perilaku orang lain yang umumnya sangat sulit untuk bersikap adil sesuai dengan pengertian pada derajat keadaan dan posisi yang seimbang, adanya keputusan-keputusan hukum yang sering tidak mencerminkan semangat keadilan, saya menemukan bahwa Kebenaran dan Keadilan itu ada pada Allah sendiri yang akan saya jelaskan pada naskah ini. Dengan demikian apa yang dikatakan para nabi tentang keadilan dan tuntutan Allah kepada umat-Nya agar bersikap adil adalah benar. Kebenaran keadilan Allah ini saya tangkap dengan lebih pasti bahwa manusia memang merupakan gambar dan wakil kehadiran Allah sendiri untuk menyempurnakan isi dunia dengan menghadirkan keadilan-Nya.

Terhadap karma yang terjadi akibat perbuatan-perbuatan buruk atau karena kejahatan, seperti yang terjadi sejak saya kanak-kanak dengan pengertian yang sangat terbatas hingga hari ini, saya masih belum bisa menerima hakekat karma sebagai bagian dari kebenaran. Pengertian karma yang harus dihilangkan dengan jalan kesucian serta keluhuran tindakan moral tidak memecahkan masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan tindakan keadilan yang mana keadilan itu akan mendatangkan kebahagiaan dan pelepasan beban, bahkan pada titik tertentu dunia akan mengalami kebuntuan karena pengertian munculnya karma hanya menimbulkan adanya sebab tetapi tidak mendatangkan penerima akibat.

Jika jumlah manusia dipahami berdasarkan deret hitung maupun deret ukur dan jika kita pahami bahwa disetiap detik lebih banyak jumlah manusia yang berbuat jahat dan tidak adil maka diusianya yang semakin tua ini dunia akan diisi oleh manusia-manusia yang sangat menderita bukan karena alam tidak menunjang sarana kebutuhan hidup manusia, tetapi akibat kejahatan-kejahatan masa lalu yang harus diterima generasi berikutnya. Jika jumlah manusia sebelum manusia secara fisik menginjakkan kakinya di dunia ini sama dengan jumlah manusia yang akan melanjutkan kelahirannya akibat karma, maka dunia akan menerima beban kejahatan moral yang luar biasa besar, dunia yang hitam dan sangat tidak adil dibandingkan dengan keadaan awal mula dunia yang suci murni. Pengertian karma yang akan menimbulkan penderitaan pada kelahiran berikutnya justru menimbulkan kejahatan baru serta adanya praktek-praktek ketidakadilan yang mendatangkan penderitaan serta membenarkan segala macam penderitaan yang harus ditanggung oleh rakyat miskin, masyarakat terbelakang atau akibat kejahatan politik dari pihak lain ketika kita melihat bahwa keturunan para bangsawan, keturunan para perampok dan keadaan masyarakat yang dulunya sebagai bangsa penjajah menikmati keadaan hidup yang jauh lebih baik dan bahagia daripada masyarakat pewaris penerima pelepasan karma yang tidak beranjak menuju masyarakat yang adil sejahtera.

Generasi sekarang ini akan segera menghadapi krisis energi sumber daya alam. Beberapa puluh tahun kedepan masalah yang dihadapi masyarakat dunia benar-benar kritis yang mana penderitaan dan kematian massal akan dihadapi lebih awal oleh Negara-negara miskin yang sebagain besar berada di Asia, bangsa pencetus dan pewaris tradisi karma. Logikanya, orang –orang yang mampu menembus nibanna ( pembebasan diri dari karma negatip menuju ke keadaan lahir batin lebih baik ) juga mampu membebaskan atau paling tidak memberi pengaruh positif pada kehidupan sekitarnya atau masyarakat bangsanya. Disamping pemanasan global, langka dan mahalnya energi bahan bakar akan menyebabkan produksi hasil pertanian tidak dapat diangkut dari satu wilayah ke wilayah lain. Mahalnya energi bahan bakar akan menyebabkan harga bahan-bahan makanan serta hasil produksi pertanian menjadi sangat mahal dan tidak terbeli oleh sebagian besar masyarakat. Semua sistem distribusi membutuhkan bahan bakar, baik hasil produksi maupun hasil pertanian. Kendaraan-kendaraan angkutan tidak dapat bergerak untuk mencapai tujuan. Aktifitas manusia juga akan terhambat selain harus lebih banyak berdiam diri di rumah. Manusia sulit berproduksi karena hasil produksi industri maupun jasa secara ekonomis sudah tidak dapat menunjang kebutuhan hidup manusia. Pada tahap demikian distribusi hasil pertanian akan berhenti. Jika perdamaian dunia terus diupayakan dan hak azasi diperjuangkan, selanjutnya Anda dapat membayangkan anak-cucu Anda akan mati kelaparan lemas dirumahnya sendiri-sendiri tanpa peperangan. Setiap rumah akan menjadi kuburan buat pemiliknya sendiri.
Berkurangnya sumber-sumber air di permukaan maupun di dalam tanah dan menyempitnya lahan pertanian akan berakibat menurunnya produksi beras. Kalau kebutuhan beras dihitung kelipatannya berdasar deret hitung, dua generasi mendatang dunia harus menyediakan beras 4000 juta ton. Kebutuhan beras sudah pasti tidak dapat tercapai sekalipun ditemukan benih-benih kualitas unggul. Meresapnya air hujan ke dalam tanah butuh waktu sangat panjang yang sebagian besar sudah disedot untuk industri tekstil atau minuman. Meresapnya air kedalam tanah masih dihambat dengan banyaknya bangunan beton dan aspal. Bencana banjir, terbakarnya hutan, kebakaran rumah dan kekeringan akan menjadi siklus musiman. Beberapa puluh tahun ke depan stok jumlah makanan yang dihasilkan bumi secara keseluruhan sudah tidak mencukupi untuk menunjang kehidupan manusia kalau jumlahnya sudah lebih dari 10 milyar orang. Kalaupun ada bahan makanan jumlah kayu dan pohon-pohon yang ada tidak lagi mencukupi sebagai bahan bakar untuk mengolah makanan, meskipun hanya sebatas untuk keperluan rumah tangga. Masalah energi akan menjadi masalah yang sangat serius untuk segera diatasi. Hari ini pembaca dapat melihat berapa jumlah kayu yang ada di setiap rumah dan berapa lama kayu tersebut dapat digunakan seandainya dilepas dari atapnya untuk dijadikan bahan bakar menanak nasi. Dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama lagi, akan banyak manusia mati kelaparan yang mana pemerintah juga tidak dapat membantu memberikan subsidi. Belum ditambah bencana-bencana lain seperti penyakit menular dan lain lain masalah yang menyebabkan orang harus kejam karena ingin bertahan hidup. Untuk mengurangi jumlah penduduk dan mencapai keseimbangan ekosistem, satu-satunya jalan harus ada peperangan di beberapa wilayah, tetapi perang besar dengan senjata berat bukan jalan keluarnya. Karena perang besar akan menimbulkan masalah baru. Wilayah yang sudah ditinggal sekelompok manusia yang mengalami kematian massal akan menyisakan ruang kosong yang secara ekonomis tidak produktif untuk menghasilkan pangan.
Jika Allah tidak mempersingkat waktunya, kejadian ini akan segera terjadi paling lama dua atau tiga generasi mendatang. Jika keadaan tersebut dilihat dari segi karma, anak-anak kita yang lahir pada generasi mendatang berarti hanya berupa pemadatan penerima warisan karma. Sebaliknya jika kehidupan masih berlanjut dengan segala kesulitannya, jumlah manusia yang dapat hidup akan terus menurun karena kerusakan alam yang hebat tidak lagi mendukung kesejahteraan hidup manusia. Energi matahari belum teruji untuk menggerakkan roda industri. Para penderita berbagai penyakit tidak dapat datang ke dokter karena angkutan yang ada tidak mencukupi. Manusia juga harus berebut makanan dengan binatang sejauh makanan itu dapat menunjang kelangsungan hidup manusia. Jumlah binatang akan terus berkurang karena tidak mendapatkan kecukupan makanan, selain binatangnya sendiri juga dimakan manusia. Dengan demikian jumlah penerima karma tidak sebanding dengan jumlah penyebab yang menimbulkannya. Sedang untuk orang beriman yang percaya kepada Allah, iman itu sendiri akan diuji dengan bermacam-macam penderitaan dan kesulitan. Tanpa penyerahan diri secara total kepada Allah, iman akan runtuh karena beratnya menanggung beban hidup.

Melihat kenyataan di atas, Kebangkitan saya pandang sebagai pangkal titik balik pengampunan dan puncak keadilan. Tanpa kebangkitan apa yang saya pandang sebagai kualitas moral, kebaikan, tangung jawab, menjaga kepercayaan agar kembali mendapat kepercayaan serta setiap usaha menuju kualitas kesucian tetap sia-sia. Bagaimanapun juga dari asal usul kehidupan saya pribadi dari segi daging, pikiran yang tidak bersih, roh yang saya miliki tercemar oleh berbagai hal, saya sebut sebagai dosa asal dan dosa sosial yang hanya malalui kasih pengampunan Allah keselamatan itu dapat saya harapkan.

Pada hari kebangkitan terdapat hari penghakiman dimana Allah berdiri sebagai Hakim Yang Maha Adil. Sebagai Hakim Agung yang bertindak mengambil keputusan, Allah tidak didampingi oleh dewan penasehat pemberi saran atau sebagai acuan pertimbangan. Disini saya melihat Allah sebagai Pribadi Kecerdasan Keadilan karena Allah tidak membutuhkan saran pendapat pihak lain untuk mengambil keputusan. Dengan demikian keputusan Allah pasti benar, pasti sangat adil dan tidak bisa salah. Akan tetapi dari kitab-kitab suci yang saya baca saya menangkap pesan bahwa keselamatan manusia menuju Allah tidak semata-mata didasarkan pada Keadilan Allah, tetapi bersandar pada kasih pengampunan Allah yang berlimpah-limpah dan penebusan-Nya. Bukan dari usaha perjuangan seseorang menuju taraf kesucian yang dikehendaki oleh orang itu sendiri. Jika keadilan menjadi tolok ukur keseimbangan kesucian dan keselamatan, apapun agama dan keyakinan seseorang tidak layak mencapai sorga, selain para Nabi atau para Arrahat yang jumlahnya kurang dari 1 %. Sisanya, lebih dari 99 % umat manusia tidak akan mencapai sorga termasuk umat Budha tidak akan mencapai tingkat Arahat untuk memasuki Nibbana. Dengan demikian kemurahan hati, pengampunan dan bantuan keselamatan dari Allah mutlak diperlukan yang mana harus disertai oleh usaha orang itu sendiri dengan kebebasan dan imannya. Setelah Anda selesai membaca buku ini Anda akan memahami bagaimanapun usaha kesucian dan kualitas moral yang hendak Anda capai, saya dan Anda masih belum layak mencapai Sorga – Nibbana jika hal tersebut bukan dari pemberian anugerah kemurahan Allah sendiri.

Hak Yang Terkait Dengan Keadilan

Hak ada karena pengakuan, Pengakuan bisa bersifat subjektif dan bisa bersifat objektif. Hak subjektif bila hak tersebut melekat pada diri seseorang tanpa perlu pengakuan umum. Misalnya ikatan hak seorang majikan terhadap seorang karyawan atau hak pengajaran seorang guru terhadap seorang murid tanpa ikatan hukum maupun perjanjian. Hak bersifat objektif dan diakui umum jika hak tersebut dilindungi dengan undang-undang atau berada dalam ikatan hukum dan perjanjian.
Masalahnya hak objektif yang melekat dalam diri seseorang dan yang berada dalam perlindungan hukum, perjanjian atau kekuasaan tidak selalu sama. Ketimpangan terhadap besar kecilnya hak ini secara subjektif dan objektif menimbulkan masalah di bidang keadilan, kebahagiaan, ketentraman maupun perdamaian ( dengan diri sendiri maupun dengan pihak lain ).

Pada tataran politik hak untuk mengatur yang berkaitan dengan kekuasaan seringkali harus direbut atau melalui perjuangan panjang, baik secara demokratis maupun dengan cara lain. Pada tingkat pandangan yang lebih buruk, yaitu perampok dan pencuri, untuk mendapatkan hak yang diinginkan seringkali melalui cara perkosaan, pemerasan, pencurian, korupsi atau cara-cara kejam lainnya karena hanya dengan cara seperti itu hak orang lain berpindah tangan. Sedang pada tataran religius yang lebih terhormat pencurian hak seringkali melalui persembahan, pembayaran perpuluhan atau upeti-upeti lain jika hal tersebut pada gilirannya tidak dikembalikan untuk kesejahteraan umat manusia sebagai bagian dari tindakan keadilan.

Pada sisi yang satu adanya pengakuan dan perlindungan hak membuat seseorang bersedia berjuang, bekerja keras, mengejar kualitas hidup dan kebahagiaan serta mempertahankannya agar kualitas hidup berada dalam standar yang diinginkan. Di sisi lain adanya pengakuan hak memicu seseorang berbuat jahat, kejam atau serakah serta tidak mengenal belas kasihan.

Keadilan pada umumnya hanya dipandang dari sudut pandang hak karena besar kecilnya hak seseorang sangat menentukan tingkat kebahagiaan orang tersebut. Besarnya hak kekuasaan seseorang membuat orang bersangkutan bebas bertindak tanpa takut dengan ancaman ataupun hukuman. Besarnya hak kekayaan seseorang membuat orang bersangkutan bisa memilih dan menikmati beragam pilihan kenikmatan yang ditawarkan. Adanya standar kesehatan secara fisik dan mental, membuat orang tersebut mempunyai hak untuk menikmati tindakan seksual atau tindakan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan aktifitas tubuhnya. Dengan kata lain besar kecilnya hak dan pengakuan yang timbul atas hak itu memberikan tawaran kebebasan dan pilihan kebahagiaan yang lebih besar kepada orang tersebut.

Hak, kebebasan dan kebahagiaan terangkum dalam bentuk tuntutan keadilan dan masalah tersebut senantiasa dirindukan oleh setiap orang. Sepanjang sejarah tuntutan terhadap adanya keadilan selalu muncul baik di bidang agama, politik, hukum serta kegiatan-kegiatan lain yang di masa sekarang menjadi bagian dari bisnis dan akan tetap dipersoalkan maupun diperjuangkan oleh berbagai pihak dengan berbagai dalih alasan. Keadilan tidak hanya dituntut oleh orang-orang miskin maupun korban yang menderita dan yang dipersoalkan sebenarnya bukan keadilannya tetapi terhadap pembagian hak yang memberikan kebebasan, kenikmatan dan pilihan kebahagiaan. Jika ada sekelompok orang yang semuanya kaya, sehat dan bahagia maka Keadilan tidak akan disinggung sebagai bagian dari tuntutan. Sedang yang sudah memiliki hak-hak yang besar akan keberatan melepaskan sebagian haknya karena hal itu berarti akan mengurangi pilihan atas tawaran kenikmatan, kebebasan dan kebahagiaannya. Karena itu jika tidak ada kekuatan yang memaksa ditegakkannya hukum dan undang-undang, kekuasaan dalam bentuk apapun hingga tarafnya yang paling kecil seperti kepala suku, manajer perusahaan hingga kesalehan pemimpin agama akan keberatan membagikan hak-haknya jika pelepasan hak itu mendatangkan penderitaan, kesulitan hingga hilangnya kebebasan.

Apa yang dibicarakan tentang keadilan sebenarnya hanya bicara tentang hak yang mana besar kecilnya hak milik, kekuasaan, kekayaan atau hak-hak lainnya berkaitan dengan kebebasan, banyaknya pilihan, kenikmatan dan kebahagiaan. Kemapanan terhadap pencapaian kualitas hidup, terpenuhinya standar hidup, tercapainya impian sudah pasti menjauhkan diri dari pengertian keadilan. Sebaliknya apa yang disebut dengan penderitaan baik karena ketidakmampuannya untuk mencapai kebahagiaan yang diinginkan, karena keadaan yang dibawanya sejak lahir, karena hubungan sosial masyarakat yang tidak sehat, hilangnya kasih, kebaikan, pengampunan atau karena akibat dari tindakan orang lain yang tidak peduli dengan kebahagiaan orang lain dimengerti sebagai ketidakadilan.

Besar kecilnya hak pada dasarnya tidak sama baik yang terjadi pada benda benda mati atas suatu tingkat kekerasan, antara tumbuhan untuk mendapatkan sinar matahari, diantara berbagai jenis binatang untuk menempati ruang hidup dan jenis makanannya maupun pada diri setiap manusia. Akan tetapi hal itu bukan berarti keadilan itu tidak ada. Keadilan tetap ada karena hanya manusia yang mempunyai kebebasan untuk mengambil, merebut, melepaskan sebagian atau seluruh haknya, untuk mempertahankan hidup atau menyerahkan nyawanya. Pada umumnya manusia akan mencari, memiliki dan mengambil seluruh hak-haknya sesuai dengan kemampuan, kapasitas, kekuasaan serta pengakuan-pengakuan lain yang mungkin didapatnya sehingga keadilan menjadi kabur dan tempat keadilan digantikan dengan keserakahan, penindasan, kekejaman atau tindakan-tindakan lain yang akibatnya mendatangkan penderitaan bagi sesamanya.
Pada Bab II dan Bab III Anda akan memasuki uraian tentang keadilan, prinsip-prinsip dasar dan pelanggaran-pelanggarannya yang dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak, baik para politikus, para tokoh pimpinan agama hingga rakyat jelata.Jika hukum-hukum keadilan yang penulis uraikan dapat dijalankan, maka akan muncul Perdamaian Dunia dan Pemerataan Kesejahteraan. Sebaliknya, jika Prinsip-Prinsip Keadilan Universal yang akan saya paparkan tetap dilanggar, di dunia dimanapun Anda berada akan terlihat kemunafikan berbaju ayat-ayat suci, kejahatan religius, terorisme, pembenaran berbaju undang-undang dan ketetapan hukum hingga organisasi-organisasi mafia dengan aturan hukumnya sendiri-sendiri. Masing-masing pihak akan bertahan dengan kebenaran-kebenarannya sendiri sambil menuding mencari kesalahan pihak lain.

Saya tidak membahas Keadilan bila dikaitkan dengan Pancasila, karena naskah Keadilan ini saya tujukan pertama-tama untuk masyarakat Dunia. Tetapi Anda setelah membaca naskah ini akan mengerti keluhuran dan kehebatan Pancasila serta kemuliaan budi pekerti para pemimpin pendahulu kita bahwa Pancasila sebenarnya mengandung nilai-nilai luhur yang luar biasa hebat sekalipun sekarang ini semangat dan isinya telah dirusak dan dihancurkan sendiri oleh sebagian warga Negara Indonesia. Semoga pemerintah Indonesia segera bangkit untuk menata kembali isi Pancasila bagaimana membangun Peradaban Manusia Indonesia yang Adil, Persatuan Indonesia yang didasarkan pada visi politik yang jelas dan tidak seperti sekarang ini mulai dari tingkat daerah hingga tingkat pusat konsentrasi politiknya hanya masalah rebutan kedudukan yang memakan biaya tinggi, adanya sistem perwakilan rakyat yang mana para wakil rakyat membelokkan tujuan perjuangan rakyat yang akhirnya para wakil rakyat dicacimaki oleh rakyat yang mengutusnya, serta tujuan pembangunan Keadilan Sosial yang mana rakyat bawahlah yang harus dilayani dan diutamakan kesejahteraannya agar pemimpin yang mengaku sebagai Abdi Rakyat dan wakil rakyat dapat menjalankan tugas pelayanannya sebaik-baiknya.

Bab II

Apa itu Keadilan ?

Keadilan adalah pikiran, sikap, kata-kata, tindakan dan perbuatan yang harus terjadi diantara pihak-pihak yang saling terkait dalam relasi dan dari relasi itu masing-masing pihak dituntut tanggung jawab dalam bentuk pikiran, doa, kata-kata, perbuatan serta pengorbanan nilai-nilai ekonomis lainnya dengan mengacu pada tujuh prinsip hukum keadilan yaitu Keadilan Rohani, Hukum Suci Keadilan ( Keadilan Hukum Talenta, Keadilan Hukum Berkat dan Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan), Keadilan Perkataan, Keadilan Perjanjian dan Keadilan Kebebasan.

Pada umumnya setiap orang mempunyai pengetahuan yang cukup untuk memahami dan mengoreksi sikap hidupnya sendiri tentang apa yang berguna, baik dan benar atau sebaliknya. Dibidang rohani pada umumnya setiap orang mempunyai pengetahuan yang cukup untuk menuntun hidupnya sendiri pada jalan yang benar yang mengarah pada tindakan moral dan kualitas hidup rohani yang diharapkan pihak lain maupun yang dituntut oleh diri sendiri. Pikiran yang benar dan adil demikian perlu disadari karena setiap orang pada umumnya suka mengangkat dirinya sendiri sebagai hakim pengambil keputusan dan suka mengadili pihak lain dengan pikirannya sendiri. Ukuran keadilan yang diukurkan kepada pihak lain atas dasar pikirannya sendiri seharusnya juga dapat dipakai untuk mengukur dirinya sendiri. Dengan demikian keadilan yang bersumber pada pikiran yang adil akan meletakkan diri sendiri dan orang lain pada posisi yang seimbang dengan pertimbangan kondisi yang juga seimbang.

Berpikir secara adil itu perlu karena pada kasus-kasus tertentu seseorang tidak mampu memenuhi tuntutan keadilan baik karena kesalahannya sendiri, sanak saudara, keluarga atau kesalahan masyarakat kelompoknya dan akibat dari kesalahan-kesalahan itu pihak lain menjadi korban tindakan ketidakadilan. Pada kasus yang lebih besar seseorang tidak dapat melakukan tindakan keadilan sesuai dengan pengertian keadilan yang berkaitan dengan masalah itu karena bukan wewenangnya dan berada diluar jangkauan kapasitas serta berada diluar tanggung jawabnya. Sedang orang yang mendapat kepercayaan dan secara hukum mempunyai hak dan wewenang serta mampu menjalankan program-program keadilan justru bertindak melawan undang-undang yang sebenarnya undang-undang itu memuat prinsip-prinsip keadilan untuk masyarakat yang dipimpinnya.

Masyarakat pada tataran yang paling primitif hingga paling modern hidup saling terkait dan terajut satu sama lain seperti sistem pasar yang satu menawarkan, yang lain membeli dan memanfaatkan barang-barang yang ditawarkan. Dalam sistem pasar ini manusia yang satu terbangun dalam satu relasi dengan yang lain meskipun berbeda paham, beda kepercayaan, beda tujuan hidup atau dengan istilah lain saling tidak peduli atas keadaan nasib pihak lain. Dalam relasi itu terangkum satu makna tanggung jawab dan keadilan, diakui atau disangkal bahwa setiap pikiran dan tindakan seseorang mempunyai akibat dan berpengaruh pada pihak lain, dalam kebenaran, keadilan, dosa, kesejahteraan sosial, kerusakan lingkungan dan lain-lain. Pada tahap pengertian tanggung jawab dan keadilan yang terbangun dalam relasi ini tidak dapat dihindari bahwa setiap aktifitas seseorang berdampak pada yang lain, satu sama lain saling bergantung sekalipun masing-masing bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan dan hidupnya sendiri-sendiri. Dalam relasi ini setiap orang ikut bertanggung jawab terhadap masyarakatnya sekalipun berada diluar kapasitasnya. Demikian juga masyarakat dalam bentuknya yang sah yang disebut pemerintahan atau badan internasional bertanggung jawab atas keadaan setiap orang secara keseluruhan.

Pada tingkat relasi tanggung jawab dan keadilan yang lebih tinggi ini kita juga perlu bicara kearah yang lebih tinggi nilai dan kesadarannya, yaitu tanggung jawab sosial dan perlindungn hak azasi. Pada rumusan keadilan di atas telah disinggung bahwa keadilan didalamnya menyangkut pengorbanan nilai-nilai ekonomi. Tanpa pengorbanan nilai ekonomi keadilan yang sebenarnya tidak dapat diwujudkan dan tidak perlu dibicarakan baik pada hubungan pribadi orang perseorangan, pada level religius keagamaan, pada tingkat pemerintahan negara maupun hubungan kerja sama antar Negara.
Mari kita bicara tentang perlunya perlindungan dan nilai ekonomi hak azasi sebagai hak hidup, dasar kebebasan dan tujuan kebahagiaan setiap orang. Perlindungan hak azasi ini terbatas pada hilangnya nyawa seseorang atau suatu keadaan yang mana pihak korban kehilangan kesempatan melakukan aktivitas pekerjaan, hilangnya harapan masa depan untuk mendapatkan kesempatan hidup secara wajar dari keadaan sebelumnya. Jika hak azasi yang tertuang dalam konsitusi atau undang-undang dasar Negara merupakan kesepakatan bersama yang harus dilindungi oleh Negara maka Negara mesti dapat bertindak sebagai pelidung sekaligus penjamin terhadap hilangnya hak azasi seseorang sejauh kehilangannya tidak disebabkan karena melawan pemerintah yang sah atau karena bunuh diri. Tetapi jika bunuh diri yang dilakukan seseorang disebabkan oleh kelaparan karena tidak mendapat tunjangan sosial dari pemerintah Negaranya karena Negara tidak dapat memberikan standar kebutuhan hidup minimum rakyatnya, maka Negara wajib memberikan restitusi keadilan kepada rakyatnya. Dengan kata lain hilangnya hak azasi setiap warga Negara baik yang disebabkan karena rakyatnya kelaparan, terjadi pertikaian antar warga negara, hilangnya nyawa seseorang akibat balas dendam urusan pribadi seperti hutang piutang atau penyelewengan seksual, Negara mesti memberi restitusi jaminan hidup berupa tunjangan keuangan kepada pihak korban yang mengalami kerugian hari depan atas hilangnya harapan hari depan jika kematiannya terbukti membuat pihak lain yang berada dalam tanggung jawabnya tidak mampu memperoleh tingkat kehidupan yang wajar. Hilangnya hak azasi seseorang sudah pasti akibat praktek ketidakadilan yang disebabkan oleh pihak lain. Karena itu pemerintah sebagai lembaga penjaga dan penjamin berlakunya perlindungan hak azasi mesti mengambil alih tugas keadilan itu karena pihak pelaku yang menyebabkan terjadinya korban sudah pasti cuci tangan atau lebih baik masuk ruang penjara, terlebih kalau pelakunya adalah penjahat kambuhan, pemabuk atau gelandangan. Masuknya seseorang ke ruang tahanan tidak memperbaiki keadaan hari depan pihak korban dan tujuan keadilan tidak tercapai kalau hanya kepuasan batin keluarga korban yang hendak dikejar dengan memasukkan pelaku kejahatan ke ruang penjara. Karena itu keadilan bukan hanya bicara soal pelanggaran atas hilangnya kebebasan pihak lain atau ruang penjara, tetapi juga menyangkut tanggung jawab restitusi Negara terhadap pihak korban yang berada dalam perlindungan wilayah hukumnya. Hukuman yang dijatuhkan kepada pelaku kejahatan, baik hukuman mati atau memasukkan ke ruang penjara, hanya membuat Negara secara alamiah mengambil alih tugas dan tanggung jawab balas dendam pihak korban. Tanpa pemberian ganti rugi restitusi kepada para pihak yang harus menanggung kerugian akibat timbulnya kejahatan, dari segi keadilan Negara tidak mempunyai tanggung jawab keadilan sosial.

Dimana letak keadilannya jika dua orang sopir angkot bertikai menyebabkan salah satunya meninggal, dan orang yang satunya harus masuk penjara jika kedua keluarga itu hanya menggantungkan sumber hidup dan hari depannya kepada kedua ayah mereka. Apakah pihak korban cukup puas hanya melihat pelaku pembunuhan masuk ruang penjara atau jika ia dijatuhi hukuman mati, seperti maling harus mati dkeroyok massa yang tidak memiliki pertanggungjawaban keadilan. Sebaliknya dimana letak keadilannya jika pihak keluarga pelaku kejahatan harus menanggung berbagai kesulitan akibat emosi ayahnya yang tidak cukup diselesaikan dengan penyesalan.

Karena itu demi keadilan, Negara tidak semata-mata hanya bertindak sebagai agen yang bertugas mengambil alih tanggung jawab balas dendam dari pihak korban yang hendak mengejar kepuasan batinnya, tetapi Negara juga wajib memberi restitusi keadilan baik kepada pihak korban maupun pihak pelaku kejahatan jika akibat terjadinya kejahatan serta jatuhnya hukuman membuat keluarga pihak korban maupun pelaku kejahatan tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup standarnya. Untuk keadilan para pihak, Negara tidak hanya bertindak sebatas untuk menjatuhkan hukuman dan memungut denda bayaran atas terjadinya pelanggaran tetapi juga memberi keadilan kepada para korban yang diakibatkan oleh kejahatan itu. Hanya Negara yang tidak mampu mengelola kekayaan alamnya, sumber dayanya serta Negara yang tidak dapat menjamin stabilitas wilayahnya kejahatan akan merebak sehingga Negara tidak dapat memenuhi tuntutan keadilan yang dibutuhkan rakyatnya.

Pada banyak kasus tuntutan ditegakkannya hak azasi yang dilakukan LSM - LSM hanya sejauh menyangkut isu politik yang ujung-ujungnya hanyalah tawar menawar, tekan menekan yang diteruskan dengan jual beli perjanjian dan kasusnya sendiri lalu menguap hilang terlupakan. Hal itu sama sekali tidak mencerminkan keadilan dan tujuan keadilan justru hilang sejalan dengan pudarnya popularitas kasusnya. Tanpa adanya nilai penjamin dan pengorbanan ekonomi keadilan tidak dapat dilaksanakan. Pada kasus demikian pemerintah Negara hanya sebagai payung disepakatinya perlindungan dan penghormatan hak azasi tetapi tidak mempunyai tanggung jawab atas tuntutan ditegakkannya hak azasi itu dilaksanakan. Jika keadaannya tetap demikian, membicarakan perlindungan dan penghormatan hak azasi tidak perlu dimasukkan ke dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara atau bagian dari perjanjian Internasional, tetapi cukup diseminarkan saja.

Kita ambil kasus, jika pelaku yang menyebabkan hilangnya hak azasi seseorang adalah pemabuk gelandangan atau seorang pejabat Negara atau lembaga Negara, maka tuntutan yang dapat dilakukan pihak korban kepada Negara menyangkut tangung jawab Negara terhadap pihak korban atau keluarganya. Sedang orang dalam hal ini pemabuk gelandangan atau pejabat Negara yang menyebabkan hilangnya hak azasi seseorang tetap dikenakan tindakan pidana. Sekali lagi tuntutan terhadap keadilan yang berkaitan dengan hilangnya hak azasi seperti ini jika pihak korban tidak terdapat indikasi melawan, menentang atau memberontak terhadap pemerintah yang sah. Jika pihak korban yang mengalami hilangnya hak hidup seperti kasus pembunuhan, kematian orang sakit karena dokter melakukan kesalahan pengobatan, peluru pembawa senjata salah sasaran, terjadinya perampokan pada keluarga seseorang bahkan karena penculikan yang dilakukan seseorang yang menginginkan uang tebusan, maka pemerintah Negara tetap wajib memberikan restitusi keadilan berupa biaya sejumlah nilai ekonomi kepada pihak korban. Jika Negara berhak memungut pajak-pajak dan menarik denda-denda atas dilanggarnya peraturan, maka Negara juga mempunyai kewajiban untuk membayar biaya keadilan atas hilangnya hak azasi seseorang, hilangnya keamanan, ketentraman dan keselamatan warga negaranya.

Untuk kasus dimana terjadi pertikaian antar kelompok warga Negara, maka pemerintah juga wajib menanggung beban ekonomi dengan memberi restitusi keadilan atas hllangnya stabilitas keamanan Negara. Kecuali bila suatu peristiwa berdarah yang terjadi antar warga Negara yang disebabkan karena gejolak politik yang berindikasikan pemberontakan melawan pemerintah yang sah, maka Negara tidak wajib memberi tanggung jawab ekonomi sebagai ganti restitusi keadilan kepada warga Negara pemberontak, tetapi kepada pihak warga Negara yang tetap setia kepada pemerintah yang sah harus mendapatkan rasa keadilan berupa tunjangan keuangan..Dengan demikian gelar pahlawan tidak hanya diberikan kepada para pejuang kemerdekaan, tetapi kepada setiap warga Negara yang menghormati pemerintahan yang sah serta menjunjung keadaulatan hukum Negara. Dalam kasus yang terjadi diluar kebiasaan seperti pemberontakan, maka pihak yang akhirnya memegang kekuasaan pemerintahan wajib menjalankan keadilan dengan tanggung jawab restitusi ekonomi yang sama karena hukum Negara wajib memberikan perlindungan kepada semua warga negaranya.

Untuk memperoleh jaminan keamanan Negara dan perlindungan hak azasi berikut hak ekonomi atas hilangnya rasa keadilan setiap warga Negara yang secara ekonomi mampu membiayai hidupnya sendiri dan atau keluarganya wajib membayar pajak ke kas Negara. Jika seseorang secara ekonomi mampu dan memiliki standar kesejahteraan hidup yang diperlukan, maka orang tersebut wajib menyumbang biaya pembangunan untuk Negara agar Negara dapat membiayai tunjangan kesejahteraan untuk rakyatnya. Yayasan - yayasan sosial, lembaga-lembaga keagamaan, rumah-rumah ibadat, partai politik, badan-badan organisasi serta pekerja-pekerja yang bergerak di bidang keagamaan juga wajib membayar pajak ke Negara sekalipun pada akhirnya Negara kembali memberikan bantuan untuk perkembangan kegiatan mereka. Dengan cara seperti ini maka Negara menjadi pusat investasi dan rakyat menjadi tujuan kesejahteraan tanpa menghilangkan peranan, kebebasan dan usaha setiap orang.

Perlindungan hak azasi secara global menyangkut perlindungan keamanan seorang warga Negara yang berada di Negara lain serta keamanan Negara yang satu berada dalam perlindungan keamanan semua Negara. Masalah pertama adalah masalah hak azasi setiap orang untuk tinggal di Negara manapun dengan perlakuan dan penghormatan yang sama sejauh Negara tujuan bersedia menerima kedatangan orang tersebut secara hukum. Jika kedatangan seseorang kesuatu Negara telah diterima, entah sebagai pengunjung wisata, untuk urusan pekerjaan atau menjadi warga Negara tetap, maka Negara yang bersangkutan harus mengambil tanggung jawab keadilan yang secara ekonomi memberikan jaminan restitusi jika orang yang bersangkutan kehilangan perlindungan hak azasi dari pihak lain karena adanya praktek ketidakadilan oleh warga setempat. Dengan adanya tanggung jawab pemerintah yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi terhadap seseorang apapun status hukum kewarganegaraannya maka apa yang disebut hak azasi mempunyai arti yang pantas dilindungi dan diperjuangkan. Masalah kedua menyangkut hak kemerdekaan sebuah Negara untuk menyelenggarkan pemerintahannya sendiri tanpa serangan atau gangguan keamanan dari negara lain. Jika sebuah Negara atau sekelompok Negara menyerang Negara lain melalui kekuatan senjata tanpa alasan yang pasti yang dapat diterima oleh sebagian besar Negara-Negara di dunia, maka kelompok Negara penyerang harus membayar restitusi keadilan bukan hanya untuk membiayai kehancuran yang telah disebabkannya, tetapi juga membayar tanggung jawab biaya masa depan kepada anak-anak dan atau keluarga yang telah kehilangan hak-hak hidupnya. Dengan demikian warga Negara asing tidak dijadikan warga Negara kelas dua, sasaran kekejaman atau tujuan perang sekalipun ia hanya bekerja sebagai pembantu rumah tangga.

Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang mampu menumbuhkan rasa nasionalisme yang tinggi kepada rakyatnya serta mampu memberikan perlindungan hak azasi kepada rakyatnya, baik yang tinggal di negaranya sendiri maupun yang tinggal di wilayah Negara lain berikut tunjangan jaminan ekonomi yang dijamin oleh pemerintah. Dengan demikian hak azasi itu penting dan perlu dilindungi karena pemerintah bertanggung jawab untuk ikut serta menanggung kerugian dengan membayar jaminan hari depan yang menjadi ruang lingkup tanggung jawab korban atas hilangnya hak azasi warga Negara yang berada dalam jangkauan perlindungan hukumnya.

Hanya pada tataran pengambilalihan tanggung jawab berupa pembayaran yang secara ekonomis bermanfaat bagi pihak yang telah kehilangan hak-hak azasinya sebagai restitusi keadilan yang seimbang dalam lingkup nasional pada sebuah Negara seperti yang tercantum pada Konstitusi, Undang-Undang Dasar Negara dan secara global diakui dunia Internasional maka pentingnya perlindungan hak azasi dapat diperjuangkan. Tanpa menyertakan tanggung jawab ekonomi sebagai ganti restitusi keadilan, pembicaraan dan tuntutan terhadap hak azasi secara moral maupun secara hukum tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan sebagai bagian dari bentuk keadilan. Karena itu jika perlindungan atas hak azasi setiap orang dipandang penting, harus ada badan dunia yang memiliki kewenangan, kekuasaan dan kekuatan agar perlindungan hak azasi itu ditegakkan oleh setiap Negara. Tanpa adanya badan dunia yang mampu menuntut tanggung jawab ekonomi Negara sebagai bagian dari restitusi keadilan, pemerintahan manapun tidak dapat memberikan pertanggungjawaban atas hilangnya hak azasi warga negaranya lebih-lebih Negara yang didalamnya penuh konflik, pemberontakan, perpecahan antar keyakinan di bidang agama maupun di Negara yang praktek penegakan hukumnya tidak pasti. Apa untungnya menuntut pemerintah jika tuntutan atas hilangnya hak azasi itu Negara tidak mempunyai tanggung jawab ekonomi dan malah merugikan negaranya sendiri jika karena hilangnya hak azasi seseorang hanya menguntungkan Negara lain, selain membuat citra penuntut (LSM) menjadi pengkhianat Negara.

Di bidang religius, keadilan dari kodrat dasarnya juga bernilai ekonomis dan tanggung jawab toleransi sosial religius selalu bernilai ekonomis. Setiap orang beriman dituntut kesetiaannya oleh Allah atau dewa-dewi yang disembahnya, dan orang beriman itu harus memberikan pengorbanan berupa korban persembahan. Persembahan itu selalu bernilai ekonomis, bagian dari jerih payah dan hasil kerja seseorang. Allah memiliki segala sesuatu, tetapi mengapa Allah memerlukan korban persembahan. Persembahan bukan hanya sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur, tetapi itu adalah bagian dari bentuk keadilan baik dari Keadilan Allah sendiri maupun kasih-Nya. Tanpa persembahan bagaimana orang beriman dapat mengungkapkan rasa syukurnya atas berkat-berkat yang diterimanya atau bagaimana orang beriman dapat mengungkapkan rasa terima kasihnya atas doa-doa yang telah didengar-Nya. Jadi persembahan kepada Allah yang diambil dari sebagian jerih payah kerja seseorang adalah kewajiban setiap orang beriman, kaya atau miskin, mampu atau tidak, apapun agama dan kepercayaannya.
Persembahan orang beriman yang ditujukan kepada Allah yang secara simbolis diterima oleh para pemimpinnya, ulamanya, imamnya, organisasi atau lembaga keagamaan yang mengatur umatnya, dipandang dari sudut keadilan maka apa yang diterima dari umat itu seharusnya juga dapat dinikmati oleh umat lain yang secara ekonomis tidak mampu menikmati keadilan berkat Allah. Jika kita sebagai warga Negara karena ketidakmampuannya atau karena tidak layak kesejahteraannya hingga menyebabkan ketidaksanggupannya membayar pajak ke kas Negara toh masih dapat menikmati fasilitas yang disediakan Negara, maka sebagai orang beriman yang mutlak harus memberikan persembahan kepada Allah sekecil apapun yang dapat dipersembahkan-Nya seharusnya juga dapat menerima bagian keadilan yang secara ekonomis diterima dari organisasi agama yang dianutnya. Keadilan seperti ini telah diabaikan oleh sebagian besar organisasi keagamaan, sehingga praktek hukum cinta kasih sulit dipahami terutama oleh orang miskin, yang papa menderita maupun oleh pihak lain yang tidak peduli dengan adanya agama atau fungsi adanya lembaga agama.

Jika kita hitung berdasarkan nilai keadilan mana yang lebih besar, jumlah pajak yang seharusnya dibayarkan ke kas Negara tetapi kita gelapkan dengan jumlah uang yang telah kita berikan sebagai persembahan kepada Allah karena tuntutan kasih, zakat fitrah, sodakoh, amal sosial dll maka jawabannya sudah pasti bahwa apa yang kita persembahkan kepada Allah dan kebaikan yang kita berikan untuk kebahagiaan orang lain jumlahnya jauh lebih kecil dari pada jumlah pajak yang seharusnya kita bayarkan ke kas Negara. Kalau posisi ini kita sadari bahwa keberadaan kita sebagai orang beriman tidak sepenuhnya taat pada hukum persembahan dan sebagai warga Negara tidak taat membayar pajak ke kas Negara apakah mungkin prinsip-prinsip keadilan universal dapat dipenuhi baik jika keadilan itu dipandang dari sudut agama atau dari sudut kesetaraan kedudukan warga Negara sebagai sesama umat manusia. Lalu siapakah yang menjadi sesama diantara kita ? Jika Anda berdiri sebagai tokoh pimpinan sebuah agama apakah Anda bebas untuk tidak memberikan persembahan kepada Allah, bebas untuk tidak berbuat baik, dan jika Anda berdiri sebagai pejabat Negara apakah Anda juga bebas untuk tidak membayar pajak? Dari tuntutan keadilan sosial, maka Anda setiap orang beriman harus memberikan persembahan dan sebagai warga Negara harus membayar pajak ke kas Negara. Pada gilirannya lembaga keagamaan maupun Negara harus mewujudkan keadilan itu sebagai bagian pemerataan kesejahteraan kepada rakyatnya.
Karena itu keadilan bukan hanya tuntutan atas diterimanya hak-hak yang melekat dengan kekuasaan atau kepemilikan yang diakui secara hukum. Keadilan juga berarti adanya kesediaan untuk melepaskan hak-hak kepemilikan atau kekuasaan yang diakui oleh hukum itu sendiri. Keadilan dalam bentuknya yang paling universal harus mengandung pengorbanan nilai-nilai ekonomi baik oleh pihak-pihak yang melakukan tuntutan atas keadilan maupun oleh pihak yang hendak menegakkan keadilan. Tanpa melepaskan pengorbanan yang bernilai secara ekonomis, keadilan tidak dapat ditegakkan. Pihak mana yang harus berkorban, keadilan itu sendiri yang akan memberi jawaban, tetapi tidak semata-mata berdasarkan hukum dan undang –undang yang bisa menjadi alat pemerasan dan alat kekerasan.

Bab III pembaca akan memahami lebih lanjut makna keadilan yang terkandung secara politis dan religius. Jika tindakan yang bertentangan dengan keadilan disebut pelanggaran dan pelanggaran itu adalah kejahatan, maka kejahatan religius tampak pada bentuknya yang paling kasar seperti terorisme, peperangan antar keyakinan berbeda agama, kekerasan antar pemeluk agama, korupsi, manipulasi dan lain-lain kejahatan yang merusak keadilan sosial. Sedang kejahatan religius tampil dalam bentuknya yang paling halus seperti memperlakukan pihak lain secara tidak seimbang karena berbeda keyakinan agama, menikmati kekayaan materi hasil dari pengembangan bakat, intelektual, kecerdasan atau karena warisan tanpa berbagi rejeki dengan yang miskin, lapar dan yang menderita, mengambil persembahan Tuhan tanpa peduli dengan kemiskinan-kemskinan dan penderitaan yang ada di sekitarnya, memanipulasi kebenaran firman Tuhan dengan mengesampingkan tujuan keadilan-Nya.


Pilar - Pilar Dasar Keadilan

Bagaimana orang dapat memegang teguh prinsip keadilan sebagai bagian dari kebenaran atas suatu tuntutan terhadap hak yang diakui secara hukum, sedang orang yang sama bisa tidak percaya sekaligus menyangkal keberadaan Allah sebagai asal-asul dan tujuan keadilan. Pada umumnya orang hanya memahami keadilan berdasarkan tuntutan keuntungan yang memberi kenikmatan atau jaminan atas pendapatan sebagai ganti atas hak yang hilang atau hak-hak lain yang seharusnya didapatkan. Keadilan biasanya hanya dimengerti dari satu arah, yaitu hanya dari pihak yang ingin mendapatkan keuntungan atau pihak yang menuntut keuntungan ekonomis, psikologis atau tututan lainnya atas hak yang telah dianggap hilang atau hak lain yang seharusnya diperoleh. Bagaimana keadilan dapat dimengerti dengan cara sebaliknya jika orang yang sudah kehilangan hak-haknya atau kebahagiaan hidupnya masih harus melepaskan pengorbanan-pengorbanan lainnya yang secara ekonomis maupun psikologis melampaui daya kemampuannya karena aturan hukum mengharuskan demikian. Apakah kebenaran hukum berpijak pada peraturan lalu hak kebebasan dan kebahagiaan manusia dikorbankan demi peraturan hukum?

Jika jawabannya ya, maka kebenaran itu sendiri tidak memiliki dasar kepastian karena tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat hidup dan bertindak benar baik dihadapan hukum agama – hukum wahyu Allah seperti yang tertulis dalam kitab-kitab suci dan amat sedikit orang yang dapat hidup benar dihadapan hukum Negara. Dari sudut pandang teologi keselamatan berarti tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat hidup benar dihadapan Allah karena tidak mungkin orang beriman dapat hidup dengan memenuhi semua peraturan perintah Allah atau seperti yang dianjurkan oleh ajaran-ajaran suci. Sedang sebagai warga Negara apapun statusnya sebagai warga masyarakat, hampir pasti tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat mematuhi peraturan dan undang-undang Negara terutama dalam hal membayar pajak atau menghindari pencurian kekayaan Negara dalam bentuk lainnya. Kalau keadilan bersandar pada kebenaran peraturan, maka tampak sangat jelas bahwa nasionalisme kita untuk menegakkan hukum Negara dan fanatisme orang beriman untuk membela kebenaran hukum agama sangat lemah. Artinya peraturan-peaaturan itu, baik tertib peraturan Negara maupun tertib peraturan agama tidak banyak mempengaruhi dalam membentuk karakter hidup kita sebagai makhluk pilihan untuk menebarkan cinta kasih dan keadilan sosial.

Keadilan adalah pikiran, sikap, kata-kata, tindakan dan perbuatan yang harus terjadi diantara pihak-pihak yang saling terkait dalam relasi dan dari relasi itu masing-masing pihak dituntut tanggung jawab dalam bentuk pikiran, doa, kata-kata, perbuatan serta pengorbanan nilai-nilai ekonomis lainnya dengan mengacu pada tujuh prinsip Hukum Keadilan yaitu Keadilan Rohani, Hukum Suci Keadilan, Keadilan Perkataan, Keadilan Perjanjian dan Keadilan Kebebasan.

Sekarang saya paparkan Prinsip-Prinsip Keadilan Universal dan saya buktikan bahwa sumber masalah terciptanya Ketidakadilan Universal yang telah terjadi sepanjang masa sejak dunia diciptakan hingga hari ini adalah manusia. Pelakunya berasal dari segenap lapisan masyarakat, dari berbagai aliran kepercayaan, dari berbagai pemeluk agama dan dari berbagai paham ideologi politik kenegaraan. Praktek ketidakadilan itu dimulai dan dipelihara oleh para tokoh pimpinannya dan terus mengalir mengakar sampai ke lapisan masyarakat paling bawah, yaitu rakyat jelata. Setiap orang pada posisi awal perjuangan hidupnya merindukan keadilan, lalu pada posisi yang lebih aman tidak bersedia menjalankan keadilan, dan pada puncak kekuasaannya kemudian mengingkari makna keadilan hingga berakhir dengan tidak ditemukannya arti keadilan.

I. Keadilan Rohani

Barangsiapa bersumpah atas nama Allah atau kekudusan-Nya atau Kitab Suci-Nya atau dewa-dewinya dan sumpah itu sebagai bagian dari ikatan perjanjian kesetiaan seseorang dalam menjalankan tugas pekerjaan dan atau yang dilakukan sepanjang perjalanan hidupnya maka sumpah itu menimbulkan ikatan rohani bagi pihak-pihak yang mengucapkan isi sumpah itu dengan Allah, dewa-dewi atau pribadi lain yang disembahnya.

Keadilan Tingkat Pertama adalah Keadilan Rohani. Keadilan ini adalah hak milik Kekuasaan Allah dalam memberikan pengampunan, penebusan, keselamatan atau penolakan-Nya terhadap pengampunan dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan kehendak-Nya. Kekuasaan-Nya memberikan hukuman dan lain-lain yang mana orang beriman hanya dituntut untuk memuliakan nama-Nya dan mengkuduskan ke-Esa-annya dengan tidak berusaha mencobai dan melawan kehendak-Nya. Keadilan Rohani ini meletakkan Allah sebagai Pribadi Maha Kudus, Maha Kasih, Maha Pengampun, Penyelamat, dan kepada-Nya semua bentuk sikap serta perbuatan manusia menjadi bagian persembahan hidup tiap-tiap orang.

Di atas telah dijelaskan bahwa tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat hidup benar dihadapan Allah jika keadilan yang menjadi acuan kebenaran tindakan berpijak pada peraturan dan hukum-hukum Allah seperti yang tertuang di dalam kitab-kitab suci atau ajaran-ajaran suci. Dengan kata lain kasih, pengampunan, penebusan dosa atas kesalahan dan keselamatan manusia bersandar pada kebaikan Allah sendiri. Apa yang menjadi usaha dan perjuangan seorang manusia untuk memperoleh keselamatannya tidak memenuhi syarat atas keselamatannya sendiri jika keselamatan itu diletakkan pada hukum keadilan sebagai dasar kebenaran tindakan.

Di Negara – Negara yang menganut paham kekuasaan alam semesta bersandar pada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atau Dewa-Dewi monoteisme terdapat kebiasaan peletakan sumpah jabatan di bawah kitab-kitab suci atas nama Tuhan atau dewa-dewi yang disembahnya. Sebagai landasan spiritual untuk meyakinkan pihak lain yang menjadi saksi diambilnya sumpah jabatan tindakan demikian adalah benar. Tetapi dalam pelaksanaannya sumpah jabatan atas nama Tuhan di bawah kitab-kitab suci itu sering kali tidak mendasari terlaksananya perbuatan publik yang dipandu oleh Undang-Undang Hukum Negara. Secara spiritual perilaku tersebut telah melanggar keadilan rohani Tuhan. Jika perbuatan-perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh pejabat Negara atau para pemimpin agama tidak sepadan dengan sumpah jabatan yang telah dilakukan atas nama Tuhan, dapat dibayangkan betapa besarnya dosa para pejabat Negara dan pelanggaran yang dilakukan para pejabat di bidang keagamaan jika sumpah tersebut menjadi acuan landasan keadilan dengan rakyat yang dipimpinnya.

Hal yang sama terjadi pada para pemimpin yang ada di tiap-tiap lembaga, organisasi dan pada diri setiap orang beriman. Ketika janji-janji suci seperti kesediaan untuk hidup dalam semangat kemiskinan, kesucian perkawinan, janji kesetiaan dan janji-janji lain sengaja dilanggar bukan karena tidak mampu untuk memenuhi janji-janji itu, tetapi dengan penuh kesadaran dan kemauannya memang bertekad untuk terus mempertahankan pelanggaran. Keadaan hidup orang beriman di bawah pelanggaran hukum rohani Allah, tidak mungkin membuat orang beriman tersebut memperoleh keselamatannya jika keselamatan itu didasarkan pada perbuatan dan usahanya sendiri untuk memenuhi standar kesucian. Jika kesucian hidup seseorang memenuhi kualitas pengertian yang dipahami oleh orang lain dari sudut pandang ajaran manapun, barulah dapat dikatakan bahwa orang tersebut dari sudut pandang manusia layak memperoleh keselamatan menuju Pribadi yang disembahnya. Tetapi jika ukuran itu benar, sudah pasti jumlahnya kurang dari 2 % orang yang bisa memperoleh keselamatannya jika keselamatan itu didasarkan pada kualitas moral penilaian obyektif orang lain. Allah yang Maha Adil adalah Allah yang bersikap obyektif.

Lahirnya kejahatan-kejahatan religius yang dijaman purba ditandai dengan pembunuhan dan penyiksaan nab-nabi hanya Allah sendiri yang mampu memberikan pengampunan karena keterbatasan pengetahuan manusia tentang ke-Esa-an Allahnya. Kejahatan religius itu di jaman modern berkembang kearah yang lebih komplek seperti perlakuan yang tidak seimbang antara pemeluk agama yang berbeda paham baik di bidang pekerjaan, jenjang jabatan atau pelayanan publik, penghormatan dan perlakuan yang tidak seimbang terhadap keberadaan rumah Allah karena berbeda nabi. Bagaimana orang beriman dapat memenjarakan Allah di rumah ibadat hanya karena berbeda nabi. Bagaimana orang beriman dapat menghukum Allah yang disembahnya dengan menghancurkan kekudusan rumah-Nya. Dalam lingkup yang lebih spesifik kejahatan religius itu terjadi antar partai politik keagamaan hanya karena berbeda mazhab, berbeda pandangan keselamatan, berbeda penafsiran pesan-pesan ajaran nabi sehingga sekte-sekte yang seharusnya saling melengkapi pandangan keselamatan dan bekerja sama justru menimbulkan perpecahan. Pada tatanan masyarakat yang lebih universal, kejahatan religius itu terjadi ketika Negara yang satu bersekutu dengan Negara lain, blok masyarakat yang sepaham bergabung dengan blok masyarakat mayoritas yang seiman lalu menjatuhkan sanksi atau menyulut lahirnya peperangan, menimbulkan kejahatan terorisme yang didorong oleh spiritualitas pesan kenabian hingga peperangan terbuka antar masyarakat orang beriman baik yang muncul oleh sesama pengikut nabi maupun yang berbeda nabi. Kejahatan-kejahatan religius seperti itu merupakan kejahatan rohani karena mencuri kekuasaan dan kasih Allah sehinga hanya Allah saja yang bisa membebaskan dan mengampuni. Hukum Negara dan tatanan aturan manusia seringkali tidak dapat menjatuhkan sanksi pidana terhadap adanya kejahatan-kejahatan religius semacam itu sekalipun ada bukti kekerasan. Akibatnya hukuman ataupun pengampunannya sendiri tidak muncul terhadap para pelaku dan para pengobar kejahatan religius.
Adanya praktek penindasan, kekerasan hingga peperangan di bidang keagamaan tentu membingungkan semua pihak, termasuk orang yang tidak percaya kepada Allah. Bagaimana bisa dimengerti Allah yang Esa, Allah yang memerintah alam semesta, Allah yang Maha Kasih menuntut pembelaan orang-orang beriman untuk melindungi Diri-Nya serta minta dukungan dari orang-orang beriman yang mencari muka. Keadaan demikian merupakan pemutarbalikan fakta dan pendangkalan logika ketika seorang pemimpin agama atau pemimpin partai politik keagamaan merasa lebih berkuasa daripada Allah dengan mengadili kebenaran wahyu Allah. Bagaimana Allah akan memberikan pengampunan-Nya jika semua pihak yang menimbulkan peperangan sama-sama membela Allah, berjuang atas nama Allah tetapi juga saling bunuh atas nama Allah, sedang Allah tidak menghendaki demikian? Allah belum mencabut larangan pembunuhan seperti yang tertulis dalam Kitab Taurat hingga wahyu terakhir yang tertuang dalam Konstitusi Undang-Undang Dasar Negara.

Saya tidak setuju dijalankannya hukuman mati karena hal tersebut tidak sejalan dengan isi Konstitusi yang oleh banyak Negara telah diterima sebagai Kepala dari Kitab Undang Undang Negara. Jika Kitab Undang- Undang Hukum Pidana masih memuat ditetapkannya pelaksanaan hukuman mati, maka harus diubah dan disesuaikan dengan isi Konstitusi. Sekarang saya jelaskan kepada para teolog yang mengakui dan menyembah Allah sebagai Pribadi Agung Yang Maha Esa. Apakah Allah Yang Maha Kuasa dapat membunuh manusia bahkan jika manusia tersebut dalam keadaan tidak berdaya atau menentang-Nya?

Jika tujuan pembunuhan itu untuk meniadakan, jawabannya adalah Tidak. Allah tidak akan membunuh satu roh pun yang pernah lahir di dunia. Allah telah menetapkan bahwa roh itu kekal, dan semua paham kepercayaan menyatakan demikian. Jika roh itu kekal maka Allah juga tidak dapat membunuh roh bukan karena Allah tidak Maha Kuasa, tetapi Kekuasaan Allah tidak dapat berlawanan dengan kehendak Allah. Untuk apa roh harus bersifat kekal. Allah menetapkan kebangkitan ( reinkarnasi ) untuk tujuan keadilan. Jika tidak ada kebangkitan ( reinkarnasi ) maka kualitas tindakan moral manusia baik yang berupa usaha kesucian maupun kejahatan tidak bernilai. Kalau perbuatan-perbuatan tidak bernilai dihadapan Allah mengapa harus ada agama. Sekalipun Allah Maha Kuasa, Allah tidak pernah dan tidak akan membunuh atau meniadakan satu roh pun yang pernah lahir di dunia. Jika Allah membunuh salah satu roh atau meniadakan karena Ia Maha Kuasa, maka Allah telah bertindak tidak adil dengan melawan hukum-Nya sendiri yaitu hukum Kebangkitan ( reinkarnasi ) sekaligus melawam hukum kekekalan roh. Jika Allah Maha Kuasa tidak bisa membunuh untuk meniadakan roh yang telah diciptakan-Nya, maka kekuasaan manusia seharusnya juga tidak dipakai untuk membunuh orang lain ataupun untuk meniadakan hak hidup yang dimiliki oleh orang lain. Kekuasaan Allah tidak bertentangan dengan kehendak Allah yang seharusnya juga dapat dipahami bahwa kekuasaan manusia tidak bertentangan dengan kehendak manusia itu sendiri jika hak azasi masih perlu dilindungi. Disamping itu jika masyarakat tidak membenarkan adanya tindakan bunuh diri, maka masyarakat yang sama ( wakil rakyat ) seharusnya tidak memberi ijin kepada pemerintah yang mewakili rakyat untuk menjatuhkan hukuman mati. Apa hak masyarakat terhadap seseorang jika orang yang sama atas nama kebebasan, keyakinan dan hak azasinya menghendaki bunuh diri? Hukuman mati harus dihapuskan dan bunuh diri tidak dapat dibenarkan. Kedua tindakan itu bertentangan dengan kehendak Allah.

Jika para teolog salah meletakkan dasar pemikiran atau seorang pemimpin agama salah menafsirkan pesan Kitab Suci atau hanya memilih satu dua ayat suci untuk memenuhi emosi dan ambisi pribadinya, maka orang-orang yang bergerak di bidang politik praktis yang mengusung paham ideologi keagamaan dengan mudah akan mendatangkan kejahatan-kejahatan religius, mendatangkan mala petaka, peperangan serta penderitaan-penderitaan lainnya seperti kelaparan, kemiskinan dan hilangnya ketentraman umat manusia. Tindakan tersebut sudah pasti bertentangan dengan pesan wahyu Allah yang menghendaki perdamaian dalam ke Esa-an-Nya. Memahami Kitab Suci seharusnya mengubah karakter pribadi orang beriman untuk lebih mendengarkan dan menjalankan kehendak Allah daripada menuruti nafsu keinginan pribadi serta lebih mengutamakan kemuliaan Allah daripada kehormatan diri sendiri.

Para teolog maupun umat beriman seharusnya berpikir dewasa dengan meletakkan Allah serta pesan utama wahyu-Nya sebagai pusat dan tujuan kehidupan. Allah lebih mulia dan lebih besar daripada nabi yang membawakan pesan-Nya. Nabi-nabi maupun sekutunya lebih besar daripada pemimpin agama yang menafsirkan pesan wahyu yang diterimanya. Pada umumnya yang terjadi adalah sebaliknya. Orang beriman lebih menghargai dan menghormati pemimpinnya atau guru agamanya daripada menghormati nabi yang membawa pesan Allah, dan untuk kepentingan tertentu lebih membesar-besarkan nabinya daripada menghormati Allah. Akibatnya yang terjadi adalah kekacauan pemikiran yang berimbas menuju ke kekacauan tindakan, merusak struktur keimanan dengan meniadakan hormat bakti kepada Allah lalu digantikan dengan hormat bakti kepada diri sendiri, kepada guru agama atau pemimpin agamanya.

“ Apabila kamu melihat Pembunuh Keji berdiri di tempat kudus…..-Penipu berdiri di tempat terhormat- ( Injil Matius 24:15, Daniel 9: 27 )

“ Ikutilah apa yang diturunkan ( diwahyukan ) kepadamu dari Tuhanmu dan janganlah kamu mengikuti pemimpin-pemimpin selain Allah. Amat sedikitlah kamu mengambil pelajaran dari padanya.” ( Al Qur’an, Al A’raaf, Juz 8:3 )

Ayat di atas menjelaskan perlunya orang beriman berhati-hati terhadap guru agama atau pemimpin spiritual rohaninya. Disatu sisi orang beriman perlu menimba pengetahuan dan memohon berkat kesucian lewat tangan dan pikiran mereka. Disisi lain, kita tidak tahu ketika pemimpin spiritual yang dihormati berdiri di atas altar persembahan atau corong penceramah menyampaikan kotbah dengan memilihi ayat-ayat kitab suci yang disukainya sendiri sambil memfitnah kebenaran wahyu agama lain. Atau ia juga menafsirkan sendiri ayat-ayat suci sesuai dengan keinginannya, tujuan politiknya atau untuk meraup kekayaan melalui persembahan. Dari mulut mereka sering muncul pertumpahan darah, kekejaman, permusuhan dan penipuan. Yesus pada Injil Matius 24:23-25 telah mengingatkan pesan ini sehubungan dengan munculnya nabi-nabi palsu berbaju jubah-jubah kesucian. Untuk mencari hakekat kebenaran Wahyu Allah, hal yang paling baik dilakukan orang beriman adalah membaca sendiri Kitab Sucinya, memohon tuntunan dan penerangan Allah sambil mendengarkan suara hati nuraninya sendiri.

Lahirnya kejahatan-kejahatan religius demikian dikarenakan agama yang membentuk kelompok masyarakat orang beriman lebih sering dipimpin oleh undang-undang kitab suci ( dogma ) tetapi tidak meletakkan Allah untuk memimpin roh spiritualitas hidup keagamaannya. Dengan demikian agama hanya dipimpin hafalan ayat-ayat suci, guru-guru agama serta tokohnya, tetapi agamanya itu sendiri tanpa Allah karena kehendak Allah tidak didengarkan. Untuk mencari dan mendengarkan kehendak Allah para teolog maupun orang beriman hendaknya bersikap terbuka sama seperti sikap para cendikiawan ilmuwan bahwa kebenaran hukum fisika, hukum kecepatan cahaya, hukum gravitasi, rumus-rumus matematika, hukum kimia, teori genetik dan lain-lain kebenarannya mengikat dan bersifat universal sekalipun hukum-hukum tersebut berasal dari tempat dan waktu yang berbeda-beda.

Pengertian kita tentang Allah sangat terbatas. Sedang sikap tindakan kita untuk menuruti keinginan-keinginan yang mendatangkan kenikmatan hampir tak terbatas. Dengan kata lain pengampunan dan penebusan itu mutlak dari Allah, lebih besar berasal dan datangnya dari Allah sendiri. Karena itu Keadilan Rohani itu milik Allah, hak Allah, Allah sendiri yang menegakkan keadilan rohani, memberikan pengampunan, melepaskan kesalahan-kesalahan dan dalam hal ini bukan hak manusia untuk mengadili orang lain berdasarkan pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang telah dibuat sepanjang hidupnya jika perbuatan-perbutannya dihubungkan dengan sorga, neraka atau hukuman-hukuman lain seperti karma ketika kubur telah menantinya.

II. Hukum Suci Keadilan

Hukum Suci Keadilan memuat tiga aturan dasar yaitu: Hukum Talenta, Hukum Berkat dan Hukum Pengampunan. Tanpa merujuk pada wahyu Allah, prinsip-prinsip keadilan universal yang mengacu pada Hukum Suci itu tidak dapat dijelaskan. Sekarang saatnya saya jelaskan ketiga prinsip keadilan Hukum Suci tersebut bahwa kerelaan untuk berkorban, pengabdian, pelayanan, kasih dan perlunya saling memaafkan berasal dari ketiga aturan dasar keadilan di atas. Jika Hukum Suci Keadilan tersebut disangkal, maka sumber dan dasar keseimbangan alam tentang keadilan tidak dapat dipahami. Setiap orang mengerti bahwa keadilan bukan berarti persamaan: sama besar, berwajah sama, berkulit sama, berkecerdasan sama, berbakat sama, berkehendak sama, memiliki hak yang sama, beragama sama, bersuara sama, memiliki nasib atau takdir yang sama, dll.

1. Keadilan Hukum Talenta

Barangsiapa memiliki kemampuan yang menjadi modal dasar untuk mengembangkan dirinya sendiri serta mengembangkan kehidupan orang lain baik berupa kecerdasan, bakat-bakatnya, keindahan suara atau kemampuan-kemampuan lain yang menjadi bagian dari talentanya, maka orang tersebut harus mengembangkan talentanya semaksimal mungkin baik untuk tujuan kebahagiaan hidupnya sendiri maupun untuk kebahagiaan orang lain.

Hukum Talenta ini akan berhadapan dengan kemalasan, kebodohan, cacat fisik, kecacatan psikologis, kecacatan rohani, cacat mental serta kelemahan-kelemahan lainnya yang dimiliki seseorang baik yang disadari maupun yang timbul dan melekat dengan diri seseorang.

Jurang pemisah dari dua keadaan yang terkandung dalam Hukum Talenta harus dijembatani dengan Hukum Positif yaitu adanya pengakuan dan perlindungan terhadap hak milik. Tanpa adanya perlindungan dan pengakuan terhadap hak milik baik yang diperoleh seseorang malalui warisan, keberuntungan atau karena usaha perjuangannya sendiri maka manusia akan cenderung malas berproduksi, mencipta atau berkarya baik untuk kemajuan dan kebahagiaan hidupnya sendiri maupun untuk kebahagiaan orang lain. Talenta adalah modal dasar atau bakat kemampuan yang harus diakui keberadaannya dan terikat secara alamiah pada diri seseorang. Talenta yang dimiliki seseorang tidak mungkin dapat disamakan satu sama lain baik yang akhirnya mendatangkan kekayaan materi, kesucian rohani, kebahagiaan atau penderitaan. Keadilan yang terkait dengan Hukum Talenta yaitu bahwa setiap orang mempunyai tugas dan peranan yang sama besarnya untuk saling melengkapi, saling menghibur, saling menyucikan, saling menyempurnakan dan saling membahagiakan. Lebih dari itu setiap orang mesti mempunyai kerelaan untuk memberi kepada pihak lain, sedang pihak lain harus rendah hati untuk bersedia menerima dan memanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya apa yang diterima dari orang lain.
Keadilan lain yang tercermin dalam Hukum Talenta adalah adanya kesediaan untuk melepas atas apa yang seharusnya dipertahankan oleh pemilik talenta itu. Tanpa adanya kesediaan untuk melepas atas apa yang menjadi bagian dari hak-haknya, dunia tidak akan pernah dapat menjelaskan arti keadilan jika keadilan itu dipandang dari sudut keberadaan materi, kekayaan, kebahagiaan atau hal-hal lain yang menimbulkan kenikmatan. Pada sisi lain, orang yang sepanjang hidupnya mengalami penderitaan dan kegelapan batin tidak akan pernah dapat memahami arti keadilan. Pelaku keadilan dalam hal ini adalah tindakan manusia yang satu atas manusia lain. Tanpa adanya tindakan keadilan yang berpegang pada prinsip Hukum Talenta, seseorang tidak akan pernah mengenal kebaikan Tuhan yang memberi tugas pada manusia untuk menyempurnakan isi dunia itu sendiri. Keadilan Hukum talenta akan terlihat lebih jelas pada apa yang kita lihat dan kita saksikan yang penulis sebut sebagai prinsip ketidakadilan integritas.

Karakter Dasar Ketidakadilan.

Pertama, ketidakadilan berdasarkan prinsip psikologis. Karakter untuk bersikap tidak adil sudah muncul dalam diri setiap orang sejak dilahirkan. Karakter tersebut sudah menjadi bawaan dan melekat tanpa kebebasan untuk memilih. Orang yang lahir secara otomatis masuk dalam suatu sistem pandangan, penilaian dan pendapat masyarakat tempatnya ia dibesarkan dan hidup. Sebelum seseorang dewasa dan mampu berpikir sendiri ia harus tunduk pada pola pikir masyarakatnya. Bahkan, jika orang tersebut sudah mampu berpikir sendiri, ia juga harus mengikuti tata tertib aturan masyarakat tempatnya ia hidup, baik dalam hal kebenaran maupun dalam keraguan, pada wilayah abu-abu atau dalam kondisi yang serba salah. Seseorang untuk bertahan hidup harus mengikuti aliran arus pandangan, pendapat, tata tertib, aturan bahkan jika hati nuraninya tidak dapat menyetujui sistem aturan yang berlaku di tempatnya ia hidup, budayanya, tempatnya ia bekerja, politik negaranya dan sebagainya. Namun cara berpikir tentang keadilan dapat diubah melalui pengetahuan jika seseorang mau menyadari dan memaksa diri sendiri bahwa keadilan yang menjadi darah keutamaan moral juga diperlukan orang lain.

Sifat ketidakadilan pertama terhadap keadilan, secara psikologis menimbulkan karakter ganda atau bermuka dua. Karakter ganda ini muncul karena masalah keadilan tidak dipandang berdasarkan maknanya, tetapi dinilai berdasarkan asas manfaat, kepentingan serta nilai ekonomi lain yang mendatangkan kebahagiaan, ikatan persaudaraan atau keberuntungan. Itu sebabnya kita sulit bertepuk tangan untuk kebahagiaan orang lain ketika kita sendiri harus menjadi korban bagian dari tindakan orang lain. Misalnya, karena sportifnya permainan bertepuk tangan untuk dua kesebelasan sepak bola yang menjaringkan goal secara bergantian. Atau kita mengucap syukur, berterima kasih, mendoakan sambil memberkati orang yang menganiaya diri kita. Karakter ganda bermuka dua ini juga menimbulkan sikap yang tidak seimbang, memperlakukan dan menghormati orang lain bukan didasarkan bahwa orang lain harus dihargai, tetapi memperlakukan orang lain karena ada hal-hal lain yang memberi harapan datangnya keuntungan.

Dalam menyikapi keadilan yang bermuka dua ini sangat nyata ketika seseorang melakukan pelanggaran hukum cenderung mengingkari perbuatannya dan menolak dijatuhi hukuman. Pelanggar hukum boleh menempuh cara-cara untuk meringankan hukuman yang mungkin dijatuhkan padanya, tetapi seharusnya tidak mengingkari perbuatannya baik karena dituduhkan oleh orang lain dengan atau tanpa bukti. Pengingkaran terhadap pelanggaran hukum yang harus diganti dengan restitusi yang seimbang atau penolakan untuk menerima hukuman, merupakan penyangkalan atas keadilan itu sendiri. Ini adalah sifat dasar manusia yang bermuka dua dalam menyikapi makna keadilan dan kejujuran.
Kedua, ketidakadilan berdasarkan prinsip spiritual. Setiap orang memegang prinsip keyakinan terhadap hal-hal yang memberinya kenyamanan, kemapanan, ketenangan batin, ideologi kebahagiaan yang mendorong orang tersebut sanggup berjuang dan berkorban. Prinsip keyakinan tersebut bisa berupa agama, ideologi politik, keyakinan seksual, uang dan sebagainya. Ketidakadilan berdasarkan prinsip spiritual, dalam hal ini hanya terbatas pada agama, pada umumnya kebenaran obyektif dibatasi dengan liturgi atau dogma-dogma yang menutup kebenaran universal tentang hakekat Allah dalam agama itu sendiri. Akibatnya inti kebenaran agama, dalam hal ini kehendak Allah justru mendorong orang beriman untuk melakukan kejahatan religius seperti pembunuhan nabi-nabi, terorisme yang didorong oleh paham agama atau pembatasan hak dan kebebasan pemeluk agama mayoritas terhadap pemeluk agama minoritas. Orang beriman kadang sulit bersikap obyektif untuk melihat kebenaran Allah, bahkan lebih suka meletakkan dirinya pada posisi yang lebih tinggi untuk mengadili kebenaran wahyu Allah yang ada pada agama lain.

Ketiga, ketidakadilan berdasarkan prinsip integritas. Lebih tepatnya, tuntutan tanggung jawab Allah berdasarkan prinsip hukum talenta. Setiap orang dilahirkan dalam kondisi fisik, batin, materi, kecerdasan, keluarga dan lingkungan yang berbeda. Setiap orang dilahirkan pada tingkat dan kesempatan yang berbeda untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan, bakat, ketrampilan serta kemampuan-kemampuan lain yang dimiliki. Jika hak yang menimbulkan perikatan kepemilikan atas benda-benda atau materi harus dicari dan dikembangkan sendiri oleh tiap-tiap orang dari modal integritas ( talenta ) yang berbeda, sudah pasti perolehan atas hak-hak yang diperolehnya juga berbeda. Jika kesucian diusahakan sendiri melalui perjuangan masing-masing orang, maka tingkat kesucian orang akan berbeda-beda. Setiap orang lahir bukan atas kemauan dan pilihannya sendiri untuk menentukan kondisi kehidupannya, dan tentu saja perolehan atas hak kekayaan materi orang yang dilahirkan di tengah kota dari keluarga mapan lebih baik kemungkinannya dari orang yang dilahirkan di desa terpencil. Prinsip kebebasan berdasarkan hukum positif tidak sejalan dengan hukum kesuksesan jika kesuksesan, kekayaan dan kebahagiaan itu diukur dari prinsip hukum talenta, hukum pyramid atau hukum pareto.

Dasar ketidakadilan integritas ini menyebabkan setiap orang akan memperoleh hak yang menimbulkan keterikatan materi, kenikmatan, kebahagiaan serta keberuntungan yang berbeda-beda. Jika hak atas materi atau kebahagiaan lain yang diperoleh masing-masing orang ini harus dilindungi oleh hukum Negara, perolehan hak atas materi ini dilihat dari segi talenta pada dasarnya sudah tidak adil, sekalipun pada bidang-bidang pekerjaan tertentu membuka kesempatan dan peluang yang sama. Orang yang dilahirkan sehat dan cerdas memiliki peluang untuk mendapatkan hak-hak atas materi dan kebahagiaan yang lebih baik daripada orang yang dilahirkan cacat mental. Orang yang dilahirkan cantik dan bersuara merdu memilki kesempatan untuk hidup bahagia lebih besar dari pada wanita lain yang dilahirkan dalam kondisi bisu tuli.
Prinsip ketidakadilan integritas ini menjelaskan bahwa keadilan Allah hanya bersifat rohani, tidak bersifat materi, tidak didasarkan atas nasib, takdir, keberuntungan, kecerdasan, kecantikan, bakat atau banyaknya rejeki yang diterima seseorang sebagai tanda berkat dan kasih Allah. Keadaan kekayaan materi seseorang, kebahagiaan, tingkat kesucian, keberuntungan maupun kemalangan dan penderitaan tidak menjelaskan keadilan ataupun kasih Allah jika keadilan tersebut dipakai untuk mengukur layak tidaknya orang beriman dihadapan Allah. Namun demikian, penderitaan yang terus menerus dialami orang beriman dapat menjatuhkan iman orang tersebut menuju penyangkalan atas Allah, sama seperti kenikmatan, kekayaan dan kebahagiaan lain juga cenderung melupakan kasih kebaikan Allah lalu meruntuhkan iman seseorang.
Prinsip ketidakadilan psikologis yang bermuka dua dan prinsip ketidakadilan integritas menjelaskan bahwa manusia lahir tidak dalam kondisi bebas dan tidak sederajat untuk menuntut hak-haknya dihadapan hukum dan tidak sederajat untuk mendapatkan hak kesempatan yang sama atas keterikatan kekayaan materi maupun kebahagiaan yang diinginkan. Sebelum seseorang lahir, ia sudah dihadapkan pada kerangka pemikiran dan struktur organisasi masyarakat yang pada dasarnya sudah tidak adil.

Kedua prinsip ketidakadilan di atas menjelaskan bahwa hukum positif yang diberlakukan di semua Negara maupun hukum agama yang didasarkan pada wahyu tidak dapat mengatasi ketidakadilan yang ada di dunia ini. Kedua prinsip ketidakadilan tersebut juga menjelaskan, bahwa segala macam penderitaan, kebutaan, kegelapan batin dan semua praktek penindasan yang menyebabkan seseorang merasa kehilangan rahmat Allah tidak dapat menyalahkan dan menuding Allah sebagai asal usul penyebab ketidakadilan, ketimpangan dan sumber mala petaka. Namun demikian, hukum positif yang di terapkan di semua Negara dan hukum agama yang ada di dunia bila dijalankan sesuai dengan tujuan dilahirkannya hukum tersebut, dapat memperkecil jarak pemisah kebahagiaan antara yang bodoh dengan yang pandai, yang lahir cacat dengan yang lahir sempurna, yang nasibnya selalu malang dengan yang beruntung dll.

Prinsip ketidakadilan integritas ini menjelaskan bahwa tidak ada orang yang dilahirkan secara kebetulan sebagai orang kulit hitam, coklat atau putih, pandai atau bodoh, cacat atau sempurna, bernasib baik, sering beruntung atau bernasib sial yang menempatkannya pada pihak yang gagal. Sedang keadaan-keadaan lain sebagian besar terjadi karena kesalahan orang itu sendiri, tindakan orang lain secara perorangan atau kelompok masyarakat yang sistem kerjasama dan tanggung jawab sosialnya tidak baik. Alam menempatkan keadaan-keadaan itu untuk tujuan keseimbangan, dan Allah melahirkan keadaan-keadaan seperti itu untuk tujuan kemuliaan orang beriman dan kemuliaan Allah sendiri. Allah mempunyai rencana keselamatan untuk setiap orang serta menawarkan panggilan karya keselamatan-Nya untuk semua pihak. Bahwa seseorang dalam hal ini orang beriman mengabaikan hakekat hidup berdasarkan talenta yang dimilikinya dan meniadakan perintah Allah, masalah itu urusan tanggung jawab rohaninya sendiri.

Makna religius yang terkandung dalam Hukum Talenta adalah bahwa barangsiapa yang memiliki banyak talenta harus ikut berkarya bersama Allah untuk menyempurnakan karya Allah di dunia karena tidak semua barang yang dibutuhkan manusia diciptakan oleh Allah secara seketika seperti pesawat terbang, komputer, mobil dan sebagainya. Dengan adanya prinsip hukum talenta ini juga menunjukkan bahwa manusia adalah gambaran Allah sendiri sekaligus sebagai partner untuk berkarya secara nyata di dunia. Sedang makna psikologis yang terkandung pada hukum talenta yaitu bahwa manusia bebas mengejar kebahagiaannya sesuai dengan talenta yang dimiliki dan yang melekat dengan diri orang itu sendiri.

2. Keadilan Hukum Berkat.

Barangsiapa memperoleh banyak berkat daripadanya dituntut untuk melepaskan berkat-berkat itu sepadan dengan banyaknya berkat yang menjadi hak miliknya dan barangsiapa menerima sedikit berkat daripadanya dituntut untuk menerima berkat itu apa adanya tanpa menuntut tambahannya yang melampaui tujuan hidupnya.

Hukum Berkat ini akan berhadapan dengan kemiskinan – kemiskinan sosial yang ditanggung oleh sekelompok orang miskin, masyarakat miskin, Negara-negara miskin, para pencuri, perampok, para buruh budak kuli pekerja keras tetapi tetap miskin dan sekelompok masyarakat yang korup. Orang yang mempunyai banyak talenta biasanya memiliki tingkat kekayaan dan kebahagiaan hidup yang lebih baik dibandingkan orang lain pada umumnya. Hal yang sama terjadi pada diri orang miskin atau masyarakat miskin yang biasanya lebih dekat dengan kebodohan, sikap mental yang buruk, pengelolaan rencana hidup yang buruk dll. Namun demikian keadilan hukum berkat tidak sama dengan keadilan hukum talenta.

Jurang pemisah dari dua keadaan yang sangat berbeda yang terkandung dalam hukum berkat harus dijembatani dengan Hukum Positif yang dikelola Negara berupa pemerataan Keadilan Sosial. Dalam Hukum Berkat ini pemerintah memegang peranan yang sangat penting untuk menegakkan dan memelihara berlangsungnya Keadilan Sosial agar rakyat yang tidak mendapatkan keberuntungan akibat berbagai sebab mendapatkan tempat kebahagiaan hidupnya dibawah kesejahteraan kemakmuran Negara yang dikelola oleh para pemimpin Negara.

Dibidang religius, Keadilan Hukum Berkat ini dijembatani dengan cinta kasih, zakat fitrah atau tindakan amal lainnya. Allah mengharuskan aturan ini dijalankan dengan iming-iming hadiah berupa Sorga. Tetapi hukum Allah yang didasarkan pada kebebasan dan suka rela ini lebih sering diabaikan orang beriman sehingga Keadilan Hukum Berkat jika masih diharapkan oleh semua pihak maka Keadilan yang didasarkan pada Hukum Positif yang dikelola Negara harus berada di atas dan melampaui hukum cinta kasih. Dengan kata lain orang beriman tidak dapat dipercaya untuk menjalankan Keadilan Hukum Berkat. ( Al Qur’an, Az Zukhruf, Juz 25: 15 ) Orang miskin tidak dapat menerima berkat rejeki apa adanya sedang yang kaya masih merasa kurang untuk mendapatkan kelebihannya.

Pada Hukum Talenta yang berlaku adalah bahwa pemilik talenta memberikan lebih banyak talentanya kepada orang-orang yang miskin talenta, sekalipun pada akhirnya orang yang miskin talentanya harus membayar lebih banyak kepada para pemilik talenta sehingga para pemilik talenta itu akan memiliki hak hidup, kekayaan dan kebahagiaan yang lebih baik. Sebagai contoh pemilik talenta pada pemain sepakbola. Ia hanya memberikan talentanya sebatas pada lapangan ruang permainannya, tetapi ia mendapatkan lebih banyak bayaran dari para penonton, pembayar iklan dan lain-lain lebih dari yang ia sendiri berikan. Keadaan tersebut juga berlaku bagi para pemilik talenta di bidang intelektual, pencipta musik, karya seni atau di bidang kepemimpinan. Mereka menyumbangkan sedikit talentanya untuk kemudian menerima dan mendapatkan hak kekayaan jauh lebih banyak dari orang-orang yang lebih miskin talentanya.

Hal yang sama berlaku pada Hukum Berkat bahwa orang-orang miskin memberikan sumbangan kekayaan, tenaga dan keuangan lebih banyak kepada orang-orang kaya daripada orang yang kaya berkatnya memberikan sumbangan kepada orang miskin, sekalipun pajak ke kas Negara secara langsung dibayarkan oleh kelompok orang-orang kaya. Keadaan yang sama berlaku pada kelompok masyarakat atau Negara yang mana kelompok masyarakat-negara miskin memberi lebih banyak kepada masyarakat-negara kaya daripada masyarakat-negara kaya menyumbangkan kekayaannya kepada masyarakat-negara miskin. Kenyataan ini sejalan dengan pepatah ”Barangsiapa memiliki kepadanya akan diberi dan barangsiapa tidak memiliki daripadanya akan diambil” dan sesuai dengan hukum Piramid yang menggambarkan bahwa rakyat adalah penopang puncak kekuasaan dan penyangga kehidupan masyarakat yang berada di atasnya.

Bagaimana keadilan hukum berkat harus dijalankan? Pada umumnya setiap orang yang mempunyai ingin mempunyai lebih banyak lagi dan orang yang sudah mendapatkan banyak hak ingin mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi hak-hak lainnya yang dapat dikuasai. Keadilan hukum berkat secara alamiah terjadi melalui kegiatan usaha, kegiatan investasi, penanaman modal yang akhirnya harus mempekerjakan orang lain untuk menciptakan dan membagikan berkat-berkat baru. Pemerintah maupun para pengusaha secara langsung adalah pihak yang bertindak sebagai pencipta dan pembagi berkat untuk kesejahteraan hidup orang lain. Akan tetapi hubungan antar pengusaha dan para pekerja, pemerintah dengan pegawai Negara serta rakyatnya yang terjadi karena suatu kebiasaan sering dilupakan bahwa mereka secara teologis adalah pencipta dan pembagi berkat yang sebenarnya.

Keadilan Hukum Berkat mengharuskan manusia untuk menjalankan dua kewajiban utama. Pertama, sebagai orang beriman yang menyembah dan memuliakan Allah atau sebagai seorang religius, maka setiap orang wajib dan harus mempersembahkan sebagian hasil usaha pekerjaannya untuk Allah. Persemabahan tidak sekedar ditujukan untuk memberi tunjangan hidup para imam yang bekerja di sekitar meja persembahan, tetapi ini adalah bentuk persembahan yang sebenarnya merupakan wujud keadilan berkat itu sendiri. Jika alam semesta merupakan ciptaan Allah dan segala sesuatu adalah milik Allah, sebenarnya Allah secara materi tidak memerlukan apapun dari pihak manusia. Kewajiban ini harus dijalankan karena persembahan tidak hanya menyangkut tanda bakti atau rasa hormat orang beriman kepada Allah, tetapi kewajiban yang tidak dapat ditawar demi keadilan kasih Allah itu sendiri. Selanjutnya, para pemimpin agama-organisasi keagamaan juga harus membagikan sebagian dari persembahan umat itu untuk kesejahteraan umat – orang beriman, terutama untuk membantu kesejahteraan umat yang miskin. Pemimpin agama-organisasi keagamaan tidak dapat mengambil semua persembahan yang diperoleh dari umat untuk kepentingan organisasinya sendiri, keluarganya sendiri atau mengalihkan alasan untuk keperluan biaya missioner. Orang beriman yang secara ekonomis miskin dan berada dalam ikatan kesatuan imannya harus mendapat perhatian atas kesejahteraan hidupnya dari organisasi keagamaan tempatnya orang tersebut bernaung. Jika Negara yang mengambil uang pajak dari rakyatnya ikut serta berjuang dan memperhatikan kebutuhan hidup rakyatnya, maka para pemimpin agama-organisasi keagamaan yang menerima persembahan dari umat harus bertindak lebih baik daripada para pejabat Negara karena jika pemerintah berjuang dan bergerak menegakkan keadilan lewat hukum positif, maka para pemimpin agama harus menebarkan keadilan lewat tanda kasih. Kenyataannya organisasi keagamaan modern serta para pemimpinnya pada umumnya bertindak lebih buruk daripada pemerintahan Negara yang korup karena organisasi keagamaan hanya mau menerima persembahan dari umatnya tetapi tidak banyak bertindak untuk mewujudkan keadilan dan kasih yang merupakan hukum utama dari ajaran agama itu sendiri. Kita dapat menyaksikan di setiap penjuru dunia bahwa kelompok masyarakat pinggiran yang hidup sebagai orang beriman kelas ke empat senantiasa tidak memperoleh berkat yang memadai untuk menunjang kebahagiaan hidupnya. Keadilan Hukum Berkat mengharuskan bahwa mereka tetap memiliki kewajiban untuk mempersembahkan sebagian hasil usaha mereka untuk Allah, tetapi pada bagian lain mereka seharusnya juga mendapatkan bagian dari berkat Allah melalui organisasi agama berdasarkan iman yang dianutnya.

Kewajiban kedua dari Keadilan Hukum Berkat yaitu keharusan setiap orang, baik orang beriman atau tidak, untuk memberikan sebagian dari hasil usaha atau melepaskan sebagian dari hak miliknya untuk diberikan atau disumbangkan kepada orang yang lebih miskin atau yang lebih membutuhkan baik secara langsung atau melalui organisasi sosial yang mengurusi hal itu. Hukum Telenta menyebabkan perolehan hak kekayaan seseorang yang oleh hukum positif diakui sebagai hak milik menjadi tidak seimbang, tidak merata bahkan bisa menimbulkan ketimpangan social antara masyarakat yang satu dengan golongan masyarakat yang lain, antara kelompok umat beriman dengan para pemimpin agama yang memerintahnya, antara Negara yang satu dengan Negara yang lain. Hukum positif harus melindungi hak milik seseorang, bahkan bila hak tersebut diperoleh melalui jalur kejahatan, korupsi atau warisan rampasan. Tanpa adanya pelaksanaan Keadilan Hukum Berkat untuk melepaskan sebagian hak yang seharusnya dipertahankan, maka ketimpangan sosial antar golongan masyarakat dan antar Negara tidak akan pernah terpecahkan. Sebab untuk keadilan itu sendiri hukum positif harus tetap dipertahankan dan diberlakukan, tetapi jika setiap orang dan masing-masing pihak tetap berusaha untuk mempertahankan hak yang menjadi bagian dari miliknya maka jurang pemisah ketimpangan sosial selalu terbagi-bagi pada kasta-kasta termasuk juga pada golongan orang beriman yang tidak mengakui adanya kasta perbedaan status sosial. Dengan demikian jurang pemisah berkat terbagi-bagi pada golongan-golongan, kasta-kasta dan perbedaan jabatan jika berkat-berkat itu tidak dilepaskan oleh pihak-pihak yang menguasai berkat itu karena statusnya. Tidak kecuali kaum rohaniwan, para pengkotbah dan para pemimpin di bidang spritualitas pada umumnya merupakan pihak yang menguasai berkat kekayaan materi sekaligus sebagai pihak yang tidak bersedia melepaskan berkat yang menjadi kekuasaannya.

Makna religius yang terkandung dalam Keadilan Hukum Berkat yaitu terpenuhinya perintah Allah atau kewajiban orang beriman terhadap adanya keharusan orang beriman untuk tidak terikat dengan kekayaan yang menjadi hak miliknya. Tidak ada satupun perintah Allah yang mewajibkan orang beriman untuk menimbun kekayaan melampaui kebutuhannya. Bahkan sebagai salah satu syarat orang beriman untuk tunduk pada kehendak Allah yaitu adanya kesediaan untuk hidup bergantung pada kehendak Allah daripada bergantung pada kekayaan dunia. Sedang makna religius dari Keadilan Hukum Berkat untuk orang miskin, orang yang tidak memiliki tabungan atau persediaan bekal hari tua adalah, bahwa yang diperlukan orang beriman untuk menjadi suci dan hidup berkenan pada Allah yaitu hidup itu sendiri serta sikapnya kepada Allah, bukan bergantung pada harta dengan mengejar keinginan untuk memenuhi standar penilaian orang lain atau menuruti keinginan yang melampaui batas. Jadi keadaan seseorang apakah kaya atau miskin tidak menghalangi orang tersebut menghadap kemuliaan Allah dan keadaan hidup seseorang tidak menandakan bahwa orang tersebut hidup dalam berkat atau kutukan Allah. Perintah dan kehendak Allah untuk kedua keadaan tersebut sudah jelas. Hidup lebih penting dan lebih berharga bila dibandingkan dengan apa yang selalu kita kejar dan kita pertahankan. Jadi makna religius terhadap adanya Keadilan Hukum Berkat itu rasional yang seharusnya menjadi spiritualitas untuk memberi makna hidup itu sendiri.

Di bawah ini kami kutipkan ayat-ayat yang mengharuskan Keadilan Hukum Berkat dijalankan orang beriman, dan keadilan itu bukan hanya tuntutan untuk memperoleh hak yang sudah dimiliki atau yang seharusnya dimiliki. Keadilan yang harus dijalankan oleh orang beriman berlaku sebaliknya, yaitu adanya kesediaan untuk melepaskan sebagian hak yang oleh hukum positif diakui sebagai miliknya. Sedang untuk orang-orang miskin dan orang yang harus menderita karena iman, Allah tidak menjanjikan penggantian sikap agnotisme dengan berkat karena iman. Orang miskin maupun orang yang harus menderita karena sikap imannya tetap dituntut untuk setia kepada Allah jika dirinya mengharapkan keselamatan dari Allah. Para pengkhotbah tidak dapat memutarbalikkan isi wahyu ini dengan memberi harapan yang melebihi kemampuannya.

Setiap orang yang kepadanya banyak diberi, dari padanya akan banyak dituntut, dan kepada siapa yang banyak dipercayakan, dari padanya akan lebih banyak lagi dituntut. ( Injil Lukas 12 : 48 )

Demikian pulalah tiap-tiap orang diantara kamu yang tidak melepaskan dirinya dari segala miliknya, tidak dapat menjadi murid-Ku ( Injil Lukas 14: 33 )

Janganlah kuatir akan hidupmu,
akan apa yang hendak kamu makan atau minum
janganlah kuatir pula akan tubuhmu
akan apa yang hendak kamu pakai
bukankah hidup itu lebih penting dari pada makanan
dan tubuh itu lebih penting dari pada pakaian
sebab itu janganlah kamu kuatir akan hari besok
karena hari besok mempunyai kesusahannya sendiri ( Matius 6: 25 & 34 )

sayang, manusia hanya asap belaka
percumalah segala kegelisahannya
ia menimbun-nimbun kekayaan
tetapi ia tidak tahu siapa yang menikmatinya ( Mazmur 39:5-7 )

“Berbahagialah kamu yang miskin, karena kamulah yang empunya Kerajaan Allah. Berbahagialah kamu yang sekarang ini lapar, karena kamu akan dipuaskan. Berbahagialah kamu yang sekarang ini menangis, karena kamu akan tertawa. Sebab sesungguhnya upahmu besar di sorga, karena secara demikian juga nenek moyang mereka telah memperlakukan para nabi.” ( Lukas 6:20-21 & 23 )

“ Orang yang tidak iri, tetapi menjadi kawan baik bagi semua makhluk hidup, tidak menganggap dirinya pemilik, bebas dari keakuan palsu, bersikap sama baik dalam suka maupun duka, bersikap toleransi, selalu puas, mengendalikan diri, tekun dalam bhakti dengan ketabahan hati, dengan pikiran dan kecerdasan dipusatkan kepada-Ku, penyembah-Ku yang seperti itu sangat Ku-cintai ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12:13-14 )

“ Orang yang memusatkan pikirannya pada bentuk pribadi-Ku dan selalu tekun menyembah-Ku dengan keyakinan besar yang rohani dan melampaui hal hal duniawi Aku anggap paling sempurna ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12: 2 )”

“ Maka janganlah harta benda dan anak-anak menarik hatimu. Sesungguhnya Allah menghendaki dengan memberi harta benda dan anak-anak itu untuk menyiksa mereka dalam kehidupan di dunia ini dan kelak akan melayang nyawa mereka, sedang mereka dalam keadaan kafir.” ( Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10:55 )” Pada hari itu ( hari pengadilan Tuhan ) kamu lihat tiap-tiap umat akan berlutut. Tiap-tiap umat dipanggil untuk melihat buku catatan amalnya. .” ( Al Qur’an, Al Jaatsiyah, Juz 25: 28 )

“ Dan janganlah sebahagian kamu memakan harta sebahagian yang lain di antara kamu dengan jalan yang batil dan janganlah kamu membawa urusan harta itu kepada hakim, supaya kamu dapat memakan sebahagian daripada harta benda orang lain itu dengan jalan berbuat dosa, padahal kamu mengetahui”. ( Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188 )

Nabi Muhammad sangat memahami kejahatan yang didorong karena cinta orang tua kepada anak terutama karena kekuatiran orang tua terhadap masa depan anak. Akibatnya banyak orang tua bersikap serakah, mencuri, korupsi sekalipun mungkin sudah tahu dua tiga hari lagi mau mati. Sikap demikian oleh Nabi Muhammad dianggap telah menyalahi aturan hidup yang tidak percaya pada kemurahan, kekuasaan dan rencana Allah pada diri masing-masing orang. Nabi Muhammad juga sangat memahami bahwa letak keadilan yang sebenarnya itu ada di dalam hati dan sikap hidup diri sendiri. Karena itu mengharapkan keadilan dari pihak lain seperti melalui jalur pengadilan sedapat mungkin dihindari. Sikap Nabi Muhammad sama persis dengan sikap Yesus yang menganjurkan untuk tidak mengambil kembali barang yang telah dicuri orang lain.

“ Mengapa kamu suruh orang lain mengerjakan kebajikan, sedang kamu melupakan diri kewajibanmu sendiri, padahal kamu membaca Al Kitab ( Taurat )? Maka tidakkah kamu berpikir? ( Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 1:44 )

“ Sesungguhnya hartamu dan anak-anakmu hanyalah cobaan bagimu. Di sisi Allah-lah pahala yang besar.” ( Al Qur’an, At Taghaabun, Juz 28: 15 )

“ Orang yang meninggalkan aturan Kitab Suci dan bertindak menurut kehendak sendiri tidak mencapai kesempurnaan, kebahagiaan maupun tujuan tertinggi ”. ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 16:23 )

Kehendak Allah yang tertulis pada ayat-ayat di atas tampak sangat jelas bahwa orang kaya harus bermurah hati, membebaskan diri dengan cara meminimasi dari keterikatan hak milik duniawi dan melepaskan penguasaan berkat-berkat yang tampak pada kekayaan materi. Sedang pesan Allah kepada orang-orang miskin, orang yang cacat dan para penderita diharuskan untuk menerima berkat apa adanya, asal masih bisa hidup sudah cukup, tidak boleh serakah atau melakukan cara-cara lain agar menjadi kaya dengan cara melanggar tertib keadilan. Dengan adanya kenyataan hidup seperti yang kita lihat, ketimpangan keadilan sosial yang sangat mencolok antara kelompok Negara-Negara kaya dengan kelompok Negara-Negara miskin, antara masyarakat gelongan menengah keatas dengan rakyat jelata pada sebuah Negara, perbedaan fasilitas dan kesejahteraan hidup yang dimiliki para pemimpin di bidang keagamaan dengan kemiskinan yang dialami umat bawahannya, adanya pelanggaran terhadap Keadilan Hukum Berkat tersebut bukan berasal dari Allah.

Allah sudah lama menawarkan untuk menjual isi Kerajaan Allah kepada semua orang ( Injil Matius 13 : 44 - 46 ). Allah telah memberi tahu jalannya agar manusia mau membeli Kerajaan Allah itu, yaitu agar orang beriman bermurah hati, toleran, suka berdamai dan bersedia menjual kekayaannya atau berbagi berkat rejeki untuk orang lain, terutama kepada orang miskin, janda-janda terlantar serta kepada orang tertindas. Ayat-ayat di atas adalah petunjuknya. Jadi Kerajaan Allah itu dapat dibeli, dan kesempatan untuk membeli Kerajaan Allah itu sekarang, pada saat kita masih hidup dengan kebebasan yang kita miliki. Banyak orang beriman berpendapat bahwa kemiskinan, penderitaan, kesengsaraan yang membuat seseorang tidak bahagia adalah akibat perbuatannya sendiri atau takdir yang harus diterima orang tersebut. Saya memandang, bahwa keadaan itu justru jalan Tuhan untuk menciptakan Keadilan Hukum Berkat, jalan pertobatan dan jalan yang disediakan Allah kepada semua orang sebagai jalan pintas menuju sorga agar setiap orang beriman bersedia berbuat kebaikan. Saya kira ayat-ayat di atas tetap harus dipertahankan menjadi satu kesatuan perintah Allah dan menjadi bagian dari sikap iman. Kitab suci tidak perlu ditulis ulang. Allah adalah Kebenaran, asal usul dan tujuan Keadilan.

“ Adapun hamba yang tahu akan kehendak tuannya, tetapi yang tidak mengadakan persiapan atau tidak melakukan apa yang dikehendaki tuannya, ia akan menerima banyak pukulan. Tetapi barangsiapa tidak tahu kehendak tuannya dan melakukan apa yang harus mendatangkan pukulan, ia akan menerima sedikit pukulan “( Injil Lukas 12 : 47- 48 )

Perintah Allah agar Keadilan Hukum Berkat dijalankan oleh semua orang beriman dan perintah tersebut belum menyimpang dari tujuan Allah sejak Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi. Dalam hal ini perlu dimengerti bahwa saya bukan seorang ahli kitab suci dan tidak mempelajari sejarah ditulisnya kitab suci, juga tidak secara khusus belajar kitab suci dari para maha guru. Saya menerima kebenaran wahyu Allah sama seperti orang lain pada umumnya.

“Beranakcuculah dan bertambah banyak, penuhilah bumi dan taklukkanlah itu, berkuasalah atas ikan-ikan di laut dan burung-burung di udara dan atas segala binatang yang merayap di bumi” ( Kisah Penciptaan, Kejadian 1: 28 )
Perintah Allah yang paling awal, yang pertama kali muncul sebelum ada aturan dan perintah Allah yang lain adalah teks di atas. Bahkan perintah Allah tersebut mendahului sepuluh perintah Allah yang didalamnya memuat hukum utama untuk menyembah dan menghormati kekudusan-Nya

Perintah Allah adalah “ taklukkan dan kuasailah “, bukan “ milikilah”. Allah tidak salah ucap ketika menyerahkan bumi beserta seluruh isinya kepada manusia. Demikian juga nabi, penerima wahyu Allah yang menuliskan teks tersebut tidak salah dengar dan tidak salah mengerti untuk menuliskan isi firman Allah yang diterimanya. Bagaimana bisa terjadi penyatuan pikiran dan konsep bahwa menguasai berarti dan sama dengan memiliki atau kalau memiliki berarti menguasai? Menguasai dan menakhlukkan adalah soal hak pengelolaan untuk kebaikan, bukan kepemilikan yang berarti ada bagian kekuasaan hak untuk merusak. Namun demikian hak milik seperti yang diakui oleh hukum positif di semua Negara dan menguasai seperti yang dimaksud Allah secara teologis tidak bertentangan.

Jika apa yang dimaksud hak milik itu dimengerti dengan konsep teologis, maka apa yang dikatakan Allah sejak dunia diciptakan belum menyimpang dan tidak berubah. Artinya Alam Semesta, Dunia dan semua isi yang terkandung di dalamnya tetap miliknya Allah. Dengan kata lain kita semua ini hanya menumpang di bumi miliknya Allah. Hak kekuasaan manusia adalah untuk mengembangkan, mengatur dan mendistribusikan kekayaan alam baik melalui diri kita masing-masing secara pribadi orang perseorangan, melalui organisasi swasta, lewat pemerintah maupun melalaui kerjasama antar Negara.

“ Siapakah Dia Raja Kemuliaan?” Tuhan semesta alam, Dialah Raja Kemuliaan “ Tuhanlah yang empunya bumi serta segala isinya dan dunia serta yang diam di dalamnya. ( Mazmur Daud: 24: 24 & 1 )

Beginilah firman Tuhan:” Langit adalah Takhta-Ku, dan bumi adalah tumpuan kaki-Ku. Rumah apakah yang akan kamu dirikan bagi-Ku, dan tempat apakah yang akan menjadi perhentian-Ku. Bukankah tangan-Ku yang membuat semuanya ini sehingga semuanya terjadi.” ( Yesaya 66: 1-2 )

Jika hak milik dimengerti dari konsep hukum positif, maka langit bumi dan semua isinya tetap miliknya Allah. Tetapi pengertian hak milik dari segi hukum positif pada tataran hidup manusia tetap perlu dan harus dipertahankan karena manusia yang diberi kuasa untuk menakhlukkan bumi dan seisinya juga harus menata manusia lain, dan hal itu hanya mungkin terjadi malalui tertib hukum yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah. Sedang hak milik bila dimengerti secara teologis, maka apa yang secara hukum positif diakui negara sebagai hak milik seseorang sebenarnya tetap miliknya Allah. Dengan pengertian ini setiap orang, organisasi swasta maupun Negara mempunyai kewajiban yang sama yaitu mendistribusikan hasill kekayaan alam yang kita sebut berkat untuk kesejahteraan bersama. Dengan demikian hukum cinta kasih dan perintah Allah untuk saling menjadi berkat tidak menyimpang dari tujuan dan perintah Allah sejak dunia diciptakan.

Kalau langit bumi dan semua isi yang terkandung di dalamnya milik-Nya Allah, mengapa Allah melarang adanya pencurian, korupsi, pembunuhan serta tindakan lain yang tujuannya merusak tatanan umat manusia? Allah menghormati kebebasan manusia untuk menata dan menakhlukkan bumi ini dengan kaidah-kaidah moral yang benar untuk tujuan kebahagiaan dan keselamatan manusia sendiri. Jika seseorang melakukan pencurian atau meng-korupsi kekayaan Negara berarti orang tersebut tidak menghormati Kekuasaan Allah. Karena Allah mempercayakan sebagian kekayaan milik-Nya kepada kekuasaan seseorang, sekelompok orang atau Negara agar dari kekuasaan yang dimilikinya itu dijalankan perintah Allah. Pada tatanan masyarakat Negara, rakyat harus tunduk dan menghormati aturan yang dibuat Negara sekalipun bisa jadi aturan tersebut memberatkan beban rakyat. Jika seseorang tidak menghormati tertib aturan Negara, apapun kedudukan dan jabatannya ( persiden, hakim, pengusaha, menteri, dll) , artinya orang tersebut tidak menghormati pemerintah yang dipilih oleh rakyatnya sendiri. Dengan kata lain orang tersebut tidak menghormati keberadaan orang lain. Demikian juga Negara yang satu tidak boleh menjajah atau melanggar kedaulatan hukum Negara lain jika kemerdekaan dan batas-batasnya telah diakui bersama. Karena penjajahan dan pelanggaran terhadap kedaulatan hukum Negara, berarti semua rakyat suatu bangsa secara bersama-sama melanggar kehormatan Allah.

Hukum hukum Allah secara universal konsisten seperti yang tertulis pada Yesaya 66 di atas, bahwa Allah tidak dapat dipenjarakan di rumah ibadat yang oleh orang beriman lebih memuliakan nabinya sendiri-sendiri, menghukum Allah dengan membatasi atau menghancurkan rumah ibadat agama kepercayaan lain. Allah tidak menghendaki lahirnya kejahatan religius yang umumnya justru dimulai dari rumah ibadat karena rumah ibadat adalahi rumah kudus-Nya.

Berdasarkan prinsip Keadilan Hukum Berkat ini, maka umat beriman yang menyembah Allah sebagai Pribadi Maha Kuasa dan Maha Adil tidak selayaknya kalau mencari obat penenang, persahabatan, dukungan politik dan kedamaian batin lewat agama. Keyakinan yang didasarkan pada wahyu Allah tidak membuat batin dan hidup orang beriman bisa tenang. Apapun statusnya, apapun keyakinannya, apapun keadaannya: apakah kaya atau miskin, sehat, menderita, sebagai penguasa atau rakyat jelata semuanya tetap harus bersyukur menerima apa adanya, bermurah hati dengan berbagi berkat rejeki, dan hal itu sering membuat seseorang tidak rela dengan mengingkari berkat itu sendiri berasal dari Allah.

Dari ke tujuh Prinsip-Prinsip Keadilan Universal penyebab terbesar lahirnya berbagai kejahatan adalah dorongan materialisme konsumerisme yang diciptakan oleh hak milik yang ditandai oleh kekayaan materi. Masalah ini oleh Allah sangat dipahami dan oleh sebab itu Allah selalu memberikan peringatan ke semua berbagai aliran kepercayaan maupun ajaran suci. Tetapi kita lihat, para penguasa berkat kekayaan yang oleh orang beriman disebut berasal dari Tuhan, baik oleh para tokoh spiritual keagamaan, tokoh politik maupun sebagian besar orang beriman oleh dirinya sendiri dijadikan hambatan untuk menemui Tuhan yang wajahnya tampak pada para penderita, korban ketidakadilan maupun orang-orang miskin. Hal tersebut membuat orang yang nyala imannya hampir padam menjadi mati untuk akhirnya buta karena tidak melihat keadilan ( Injil Matius 25: 31-46 )

Nabi Mohammad, Yesus Kristus dan semua orang bijak mengerti bahwa kekayaan materi menjadi penghambat kesucian orang beriman. Bahkan Nabi Muhammad melarang umatnya untuk tuntut menuntut hak melalui jalur pengadilan karena hal tersebut hanya akan mendorong penegak hukum memanfaatkan kesalahan pihak lain untuk melakukan pemerasan. Sedang pihak lain hanya memperoleh kepuasan batin jika Negara hanya mengambil alih tugas balas dendam dengan mejatuhkan hukuman yang seberat-beratnya kepada pelaku kejahatan. Tetapi kita lihat di seluruh dunia: para ulama, para kyai, para pendeta, tokoh-tokoh orang beriman, para politikus, para artis, atlet olah raga dan semua tokoh spiritual pada umumnya menikmati kekayaan materi secara berkelimpahan tanpa berbuat untuk menunjukkan keadilan dan hidup tenang damai dengan diri sendiri atau kelompoknya sendiri.

Jika hukum positif menyatakan dan masyarakat mengerti bahwa mencuri, korupsi, merebut hak orang lain itu melanggar hukum, maka wahyu Tuhan maupun ajaran suci menyatakan bahwa memilki kekayaan secara berlebihan tanpa ingat dengan penderitaan kesulitan orang lain itu merupakan dosa.

Diri kita sendiri secara pribadi, organisasi sosial maupun pemerintah mempunyai tugas dan peranan yang sama yaitu membagikan berkat rejeki sebaik-baiknya agar penderitaan dan kesulitan orang lain dapat diatasi.

Ibarat balapan lari orang yang sehat, cerdas bertalenta, banyak harta dan kesempatan telah mengambil start di barisan terdepan lalu meninggalkan jauh orang lumpuh, bodoh dan pesakitan. Lalu dimana letak keadilan Allah dan nasib kodrat alam dapat dimengerti jika setiap orang berebut berkat Tuhan lalu memilikinya untuk kenikmatan hidup dan ketentramannya sendiri, sedang Anda menyebut Allah Maha Adil sambil melenyapkan keadilan yang Anda inginkan.

3. Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan

Barangsiapa mempunyai kekuasaan, hak dan kesempatan untuk mengampuni ia harus memberi pengampunan sebesar ia sendiri mengharapkan pengampunan dari pihak lain jika ia berada pada posisi dan keadaan yang sama terhadap orang yang mengharapkan pengampunan itu.

Pada naskah yang saya tulis sebelumnya telah saya jelaskan bahwa pengampunan pertama-tama harus datang dari pihak yang berkuasa, dari pihak yang dirugikan, dari pihak yang dipermalukan, dari pihak yang mempunyai hak untuk melakukan pengampunan baik hak pengampunan secara hukum maupun hak pengampunan secara moral. Jika pengampunan datang dari pihak yang tidak berdaya, dari pihak yang lemah, dari rakyat jelata, dari umat orang beriman, dari pihak yang tidak mempunyai hak untuk mengampuni maka dunia tidak akan dapat menampakkan wajah keadilannya. Jika pengampunan datangnya secara terpaksa dari pihak yang lemah dan tak berdaya, keadilan hukum pengampunan tidak dapat dijelaskan secara teologis dan tidak bernilai secara moral. Yang terjadi justru penindasan, penganiayaan dan terjungkirnya makna keadilan karena yang lemah harus mengampuni pihak yang lebih kuat dengan cara membiarkan pihak yang kuat dan yang berkuasa bertindak sewenang-wenang untuk terus menjalankan kekerasan, perampasan, pelanggaran hukum dan ketidakadilan. Prinsip Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan ini sejalan dengan kedudukan Allah Yang Maha Kuasa yang mana Allah harus lebih dulu dan lebih banyak mengampuni manusia yang lemah dan tak berdaya karena dosa kesalahan manusia.

Persoalannya akan muncul bagaimana jika yang dirugikan adalah pihak yang lemah, pihak yang tidak berdaya, orang-orang miskin, rakyat jelata, bangsa-bangsa terbelakang dan terjajah sedang mereka itu yang sebenarnya mempunyai hak untuk mengampuni dan secara terpaksa memberikan pengampunan karena tidak ada jalan lain selain membiarkan proses kehidupan tetap berjalan. Sedang pihak yang merugikan adalah pihak yang lebih kuat dan lebih berkuasa tetapi secara moral tidak mempunyai hak pengampunan serta tidak merasa melakukan kesalahan? Disini spiritualitas keadilan yang terkandung dalam hukum positif mesti di jalankan oleh para penegak hukum, khususnya pemerintah sebagai penjaga tertib hukum positif untuk menjalankan fungsinnya bahwa setiap orang memiliki hak dan kedudukan yang sama di hadapan hukum. Di bidang religius spiritualitas keadilan demikian hampir tidak mungkin dapat dijalankan karena para pemimpin agama tidak pernah dijatuhi hukuman oleh umat pendukungnya sendiri ataupun oleh umat beriman dari agama lain yang menjadi korban penindasan sekalipun pelanggaran-pelanggarannya mencolok mata.

Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan itu akan berhadapan dengan orang-orang kejam, pemerkosa, para teroris baik di bidang politik maupun yang dipicu oleh fanatisme agama, para pelanggar hukum yang menyebabkan orang lain menderita, pencetus peperangan, pelaku penjajahan dan pelanggar kedaulatan hukum Negara, serta para pelaku pembunuhan karena berbagai alasan. Menghadapi kasus-kasus seperti itu pihak yang menjadi korban, para penderita yang kehilangan masa depan hidupnya, orang-orang lemah dan para pihak yang tidak berdaya seringkali harus bermurah hati dengan memberikan pengampunan karena terpaksa, karena keterbatasan atau karena ketidakmampuannya untuk menuntut hak-haknya. Keadaan tersebut sebenarnya melanggar norma keadilan.

Jurang pemisah dari dua keadaan yang berbeda yang terkandung dalam Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan adalah hukum positif yang dikelola Negara seperti hukum pidana, penjara-penjara, denda-denda serta hukuman-hukuman lain. Karena itu Negara mempunyai kewajiban dan tanggung jawab yang sangat besar untuk menegakkan prinsip keadilan hukum pengampunan. Ketidakadilan tatanan masyarakat yang tercipta karena pelanggaran Keadilan Hukum Rohani, pelanggaran Keadilan Hukum Talenta seperti pencurian hak dan karya cipta maupun pelanggaran Keadilan Hukum Berkat disebabkan karena pemerintah suatu Negara tidak dapat menegakkan hukum positif yang terkait dengan Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan ini. Akibatnya, para pelanggar hukum merasa tidak melakukan kesalahan, mereka tidak memerlukan pengampunan, tidak membayar denda dan tidak menerima hukuman.
Ketidakadilan yang sangat mencolok yang sebenarnya merupakan pelanggaran terhadap Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan yaitu tidak ditempatkannya pengampunan dan hukuman yang seimbang pada obyek kesalahan yang terjadi di masyarakat secara sama. Sebagai contoh pencuri ayam yang dampak negatifnya terhadap masyarakat tidak besar mendapat hukuman yang jauh lebih berat daripada pencuri kekayaan Negara yang memiliki dampak negatif jauh lebih besar terhadap kehidupan rakyat. Perbedaan terhadap jalannya pengampunan dan jatuhnya hukuman ini membuat hukum Negara tidak berjalan sesuai tujuannya. Perbedaan perlakukan pengampunan dan hukuman ini secara langsung melanggar hak azasi manusia yang secara mendasar menuntut adanya perlakuan yang sama dihadapan hukum Negara.

Negara dalam hal ini pemerintah adalah subjek yang berperanan menegakkan dan menempatkan posisi pengampunan dan jatuhnya hukuman secara seimbang terhadap semua rakyatnya. Jika Negara dikelola oleh seorang diktator, tirani, kumpulan para penjahat yang memiliki motivasi merampok harta Negara, maka Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan ini tidak berjalan sesuai tujuan hukum dibuat dan undang-undang Negara menjadi alat permainan oleh pihak-pihak yang pandai mempermainkan hukum. Sedang maksud dibuatnya hukum dan undang-undang adalah untuk menegakkan keadilan bagi semua rakyat yang hidup di dalam wilayah Negara tersebut.

Tugas hakim, jaksa maupun pengacara adalah menempatkan jatuhnya hukuman atau pengampunan secara seimbang sesuai tuntutan rasa keadilan yang dipandu oleh undang-undang. Pengacara tidak dapat membebaskan jatuhnya hukuman dibalik dalih undang-undang jika hati nurani dan kenyataannya terdapat bukti bahwa kliennya melakukan pelanggaran hukum. Jaksa tidak dapat melakukan tuntutan hukuman yang terlalu berat melebihi ketetapan undang-undang jika tuntutan itu tidak layak diajukan. Hakim tidak dapat membebaskan, memperingan atau memperberat jatuhnya hukuman terhadap suatu kasus yang oleh publik telah diketahui maupun berdasarkan hukum itu sendiri jika seseorang harus menerima hukuman. Pelanggaran terhadap jatuhnya hukuman atau pemberian pengampunan yang tidak bisa diterima dengan logika maupun rasa keadilan masyarakat merupakan pelanggaran terhadap norma keadilan. Karena Keadilan biasanya hanya dilihat dari satu sisi saja, yaitu jatuhnya hukuman atau pemberian pengampunan yang tidak sesuai dengan tuntutan.

Makna religius yang terkandung dalam hukum pengampunan adalah bahwa setiap orang pada dasarnya membutuhkan pengampunan dari pihak lain. Jika hukum tidak ditegakkan dan pengampunan mudah didapatkan, maka pelanggar hukum cenderung mengingkari perbuatannya melalui pengacara, melarikan diri atau mencari jalan keluar untuk menghindari pengadilan. Tidak ada seorangpun di dunia ini yang dapat memenuhi tuntutan hukum maupun tata tertib aturan dengan sepenuh hati baik sebagai warga Negara terhadap hukum Negara maupun sebagai orang beriman dihadapan hukum Allah. Ketidaktaatan warga Negara terhadap hukum Negara serta ketidaktaatan orang beriman yang senantiasa melanggar ketentuan hukum kasih akan lebih jelas diuraikan pada pokok bahasan lain, yaitu Keadilan Hukum Perjanjian.

Sekalipun pengampunan itu selalu dibutuhkan oleh setiap orang, tetapi pengampunan itu tidak dapat dibiarkan berjalan bebas sekehendak hati oleh masing-masing pihak tanpa memperhatikan kaidah keadilan itu sendiri. Kejadian tersebut dapat berjalan sebaliknya bahwa pengampunan akan berjalan secara terpaksa diberikan oleh pihak-phak yang lemah maupun oleh pihak yang tidak dapat menuntut hak-haknya. Sedang pihak yang mendapatkan pengampunan adalah mereka yang kuat dan yang dapat memaksakan kehendaknya, mereka yang bisa merebut pengampunan dengan cara membeli, mencuri atau mengambil pengampunan itu melalui undang-undang atau kekejaman lain.

Jika pada tatanan hubungan antar manusia diperlukan untuk saling memberi maaf secara adil, tidak dengan cara terpaksa seperti orang lemah yang harus memaafkan kesalahan pihak yang lebih kuat atau seorang pembantu terpaksa memaafkan kesalahan majikannya, maka pada tataran teologis yang terjadi juga demikian. Orang beriman yang senantiasa melanggar perintah Allah dan ketidakmampuannya untuk mengejar kesempurnaan hidupnya perlu mendapat pengampunan dari Allah dan Allah sendiri yang harus menyempurnakan orang beriman dengan cara membebaskan kesalahannya. Dalam hal ini justru manusia sebagai pihak yang lemah dan tak berdaya membutuhkan pengampunan dan pembebasan kesalahan dari pihak yang Maha Kuasa. Pengampunan yang datang dari Allah tersebut selaras dengan Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan bahwa barangsiapa yang mempunyai kekuasaan, hak dan kesempatan untuk memberikan pengampunan, maka pengampunan itu harus diberikan kepada pihak yang mengharapkan datangnya pengampunan itu. Tanpa Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan ini maka keadilan itu sendiri akan pincang dan sulit dipahami karena yang lemah, miskin dan tak berdaya selalu menjadi pihak yang kalah pada semua posisi dan keadaannya. Tanpa Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan, isi kotbah di bukit tidak berlaku ( Lukas 6: 20-26 ) dan semua pewartaan para nabi maupun ajaran-ajaran suci tidak berarti.

Berdasarkan hukum ini maka keberadaan Allah sebagai Pribadi Tertinggi yang berperanan sebagai Subjek Yang Maha Pengampun dan Penebus dosa kesalahan manusia harus ada dan mutlak mesti ada. Keberadaan Allah bukan didasarkan pada kebutuhan sosio - psikologis karena manusia tidak puas atas kenyataan yang tidak sempurna serta dalam memandang adanya kecacatan yang ada pada pihak lain, lembaga lain atau pemerintahan Negara lain. Tetapi karena prinsip kebutuhan akan pengampunan ini tidak dapat ditemukan dan tidak bisa dicari pada diri manusia atau pihak lain karena pihak lain tidak dapat memberikan pengampunan secara tulus selain didalamnya mengandung tuntutan atas sejumlah nilai ekonomi atau didasari oleh faktor balas dendam.
Di bawah ini kami kutipkan ayat-ayat yang mengindikasikan Allah sebagai Pribadi Maha Pengampun, Penebus dosa dan Pembebas kesalahan manusia yang tulus dan ikhlas agar manusia terbebas dari kesalahan, dosa dan kelemahannya untuk mendapatkan kembali hak-hak kemerdekaannya sebagai pribadi yang utuh dan bebas dari rasa salah.

“ Basuhlah dan bersihkanlah dirimu. Jauhkanlah tingkah lakumu yang durjana dari mata-Ku. Berhentilah berbuat jahat dan belajarlah berbuat baik. Usahakan keadilan, tolonglah orang yang tertindas. Berikanlah hak kepada si yatim, dan belalah hak si janda. Sesudah itu berbicaralah dan datanglah kepada-Ku, sabda Tuhan. Sungguhpun dosamu merah laksana sirih, akan menjadi putih seperti salju, walaupun dosamu merah seperti kirmisi akan menjadi putih seperti bulu domba.” ( Yesaya 1: 16-18 )

Allah yang Maha Pengampun dan Maha Adil pada waktu mengampuni dosa kesalahan manusia tidak menuntut manusia untuk membayar denda atau memberikan upeti persembahan. Yang diminta Allah adalah perbuatan benar untuk diri orang tersebut dan untuk kebaikan orang lain. Perbuatan benar seperti yang diminta Allah tidak sama dengan membayar denda atau memberi ganti rugi. Pengampunan yang Allah berikan tersebut cocok dengan Nas Perjanjian Baru bahwa Allah telah menerima ganti rugi berupa korban darah Anak Domba sekali dan untuk selama-lamanya ( Yesaya 53 , Daniel 7: 13-14, Daniel 12: 11 ) setelah Allah membatalkan persembahan korban darah anak manusia yang dilakukan Abraham ( Kisah Penciptaan, Kejadian 22 : 9-14 )

III. Keadilan Hukum Perkataan.

Barangsiapa mengucapkan perkataan-perkataan yang tidak senonoh, yang merendahkan martabat sesama manusia atau suatu bangsa, yang melukai hati para budak, rakyat jelata dan orang–orang tertindas karena keadaannya, menyamakan sifat manusia dengan binatang, memberi kesaksian palsu atau memfitnah maka orang tersebut harus menyerahkan diri dibawah hukum adat setempat, hukum agama atau hukum Negara serta memberikan ganti rugi atas terlukanya hati korban sebagai tebusan atas kecerobohan perkataannya.

Hukum ini akan berhadapan dengan dua hal. Yang pertama yaitu para majikan dan tuan-tuan yang dilayani oleh para budak atau para pembantu bawahan, para demonstran yang suka mencaci maki kebijakan pemerintah atau kebijakan perusahaan dan orang-orang tak beradab yang hanya bisa memperoleh kepuasan batin melalui ucapan sumpah serapah dan caci maki. Yang kedua adalah para pelanggar hukum yang tidak mau mengakui kesalahannya kecuali melalui bentakan atau kekerasan dan para pelaku pelanggar tertib keadilan yang tidak merasa melakukan kesalahan kecuali ada kekuasaan pengadilan yang dapat menjatuhkan hukuman. Permintaan saran dan kritik sering mengharuskan kata-kata sopan yang halus tanpa menyingung perasaan, tetapi kata-kata sopan lebih sering tidak membuat perubahan para pelanggar keadilan selain hanya sebagai hiburan pengetahuan.

Manusia modern yang menyebut dirinya beradab harus tahu pentingnya keadilan yang disebabkan melalui perkataan. Hukum positif yang berada di wilayah ini amat sedikit, bahkan tidak menjangkau. Karena itu pemerintah bangsa-bangsa harus membentuk keadilan hukum perkataan ini agar para majikan dapat membayar ganti rugi atas perkataaannya yang kasar kepada para pembantunya, para pembantu juga harus membayar ganti rugi kepada majikan jika perkataannya tidak dapat dipertanggung jawabkan, para demonstran harus membayar ke kas Negara jika sikap menentangnya mencemarkan budaya bangsa atau mencemarkan nama perusahaan tempatnya bekerja, para juru kampanye yang tidak dapat memenuhi janji-janjinya maka partainya harus membayar ganti rugi kepada pemilih maupun kepada rakyat yang dipimpinnya, orang beriman yang merendahkan martabat kenabian seseorang harus menyerahkan persembahan ke rumah ibadat, Negara yang merendahkan martabat Negara lain harus membayar biaya pembangunan Negara korban. Dengan dibuatnya hukum positif yang menetapkan jatuhnya sangsi serta pebayaran ganti rugi sebagai tebusan kesalahan atas perkataannya manusia modern dapat belajar apa artinya kesopanan yang sebenarnya. Selain itu hukum positif keadilan perkataan ini dapat mencegah munculnya kejahatan yang lebih serius seperti balas dendam, pertengkaran antar pemeluk agama, pemberontakan, mencegah golput pada masa pemilu, pembunuhan atau peperangan karena sakit hati dapat menimbulkan bermacam-macam kemungkinan lahirnya kejahatan.

Dengan adanya Keadilan Hukum Perkataan ini seseorang tidak dapat menyudutkan atau memperburuk keadaan orang lain karena karakter buruk yang dimilikinya. Kesalahan harus dibuktikan melalui pengadilan dan ganti rugi kepada korban harus dibayarkan. Saksi saksi palsu harus membayar ke kas Negara dan para juru kampanye partai politik harus berbicara hati-hati kalau dikemudian hari partainya yang terpilih untuk mengelola Negara tidak dapat menepati janji-janjinya. Masyarakat bisa tidak percaya dengan janji-janji para juru kampanye dan hal itu akan mengakibatkan banyaknya masyarakat golongan putih yang tidak peduli dengan suara partai karena cacat janji partai politik tidak dapat dituntut secara hukum untuk memberi ganti rugi kepada para pemilihnya maupun kepada rakyat yang kemudian dipimpinnya. Dengan Keadilan Hukum Perkataan ini rakyat dapat menuntut partai politik untuk membayar ganti rugi atau mencabut wewenang perwakilan yang telah dipercayakan jika kekuasaan yang telah diserahkan tidak menjalankan amanat keadilan rakyat. Para pengkhotbah tidak dapat memprovokasi permusuhan terhadap pemeluk agama lain jika organisasi agamanya tidak mau dituntut Negara untuk membayar ke rekening Negara. Kesalahan-kesalahan tidak harus berakhir di dinding penjara, tetapi kesalahan perkataan atau pihak yang memberi harapan berlebihan yang merugikan pihak lain harus mempunyai nilai tebusan berupa ganti rugi yang seimbang kecuali pihak yang dicemarkan melepaskan melalui pengampunan. Dengan cara seperti ini setiap orang akan belajar mengendalikan lidahnya baik untuk kehidupan sehari-hari, untuk urusan percintaan, untuk tujuan pewartaan iman, tujuan kampanye partai politik atau ketika memberi kesaksian dan pernyataan di depan pengadilan.

Aku berkata kepadamu: “ Setiap kata sia-sia yang diucapkan orang harus dipertanggungjawabkannya pada hari penghakiman. Karena menurut ucapanmu engkau akan dibenarkan, dan menurut ucapanmu juga engkau akan dihukum.” ( Injil Matius 12: 36-37 )

Satu–satunya orang yang memiliki ujung lidah paling tajam sekaligus pangkal lidah paling lembut dan manis adalah Yesus Sejarah yang disebut Kristus. Karena itu ujung lidah-Nya mendatangkan kematian-Nya di salib, caci maki dan kebencian sepanjang waktu. Jika saja Yesus hari ini lahir kembali di katedral atau di rumah biara, Yesus Sejarah tetap akan dibunuh di atas altar mezbah. Karena Yesus merusak kemapanan dan melawan kekuasaan para pemimpin agama yang mengabaikan belas kasihan, pengampunan dan mengabaikan keadilan ( Injil Matius 23:27-35). Jika kita sekarang ini melihat gereja yang dipimpin Yesus sangat sedikit mendorong terciptanya perdamaian dunia dan para rohaniwan - rohaniwati aktif menciptakan mesin-mesin uangnya melalui rumah sakit-rumah sakit dan lembaga pendidikan, Yesus pasti marah besar, lalu mendatangi gereja-gereja-Nya dan kembali menjungkir balikkan meja-meja altar gereja ketika Yesus melihat orang-orang miskin kelaparan dibiarkan para pengikut-Nya mati kekurangan gizi. “ Bukankah Aku sudah memberi makan lima ribu orang dari lima potong roti dan dua ekor ikan, dan bukankah sekarang kamu yang menyebut diri murid-Ku dapat memberi makan semilyar orang yang mati kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi. Air mata mereka telah membasahi altar persembahanmu ( Unjil Yohanes 6: 1-15) Bukankah yang Kukehendaki adalah belas kasihan, bukan persembahan ( Injil, Matius 12: 7 ) Sebaliknya, pangkal lidah-Nya mendatangkan penyerahan diri dan pengakuan sebagai satu-satunya manusia yang paling tersohor di dunia dan di akhirat sepanjang masa. ( Al Qur’an, Ali ‘Imran : Juz 3: 45 & 48, Al Anbiyaa’ Juz 17 : 91 )

Matius 23: 27-35 “ ………….., sebab kamu seperti kuburan yang dilabur putih, yang sebelah luarnya memang bersih tampaknya, tetapi yang sebelah dalamnya penuh tulang belulang dan berbagai jenis kotoran. Demikian jugalah kamu, di sebelah luar kamu tampaknya bersih di mata orang, tetapi di sebelah dalam kamu penuh kemunafikan dan kedurjanaan…………………kamu membangun makam nabi-nabi dan memperindah tugu orang-orang saleh…….dengan demikian kamu bersaksi terhadap diri kamu sendiri bahwa kamu adalah keturunan pembunuh nabi-nabi itu………sebab itu lihatlah, Aku mengutus kepadamu nabi-nabi, orang-orang bijaksana dan ahli-ahli Taurat, separuh diantara mereka akan kamu bunuh dan kamu salibkan, yang lain akan kamu usir dari rumah-rumah ibadat…….supaya kamu menanggung akibat dari penumpahan darah orang yang tidak bersalah mulai dari Habel orang benar itu, sampai kepada Zakharia anak Berekhya yang kamu bunuh dantara tempat kudus dan mezbah……”

“ Yang Kukehendaki adalah belas kasihan, bukan persembahan…”( Injil Matius 12: 7 ) Dengan membaca ayat di atas tampak jelas bahwa Allah lebih suka dan pilih mengalah dengan mengorbankan kemuliaan-Nya asal melhat manusia dapat hidup bahagia bila satu sama lain dapat saling memberi kasih. Dengan memahami arti tubuh yang berfungsi sebagai Bait Allah, Yesus tentu sangat menyadari kemungkinan lahirnya kejahatan religius yang terorgasinir yang diawali dari rumah ibadat-rumah ibadat ketika persembahan bukan sarana untuk mendatangkan Keadilan. Kemudian Yesus melanjutkan pentingnya rumah ibadat sebagai rumah doa ketika Yesus menyucikan Bait Allah: “ Ada tertulis, Rumah-Ku akan disebut Rumah Doa. Tetapi kamu menjadikannya sarang penyamun.” ( Injil Matius 21:13 ) Para pengkhotbah, para pemimpin rumah ibadat dan rohaniwan-rohaniwati tentu sangat marah kalau uang persembahan dan tabungannya diambil Allah untuk diberikan kepada orang-orang miskin sebagai bentuk tindakan kasih dan perwujudan keadilan. Karena itu kapanpun dan dimanapun Yesus lahir sudah pasti dihukum gantung, jadi sasaran pembunuhan dan tujuan kebencian karena Yesus tidak mau mengekang lidahnya untuk membungkus kejahatan dengan kesopanan.

“ Bangsa ( orang ) ini memuliakan Aku dengan bibirnya, padahal hatinya jauh daripada-Ku. Percuma mereka beribadah kepada-Ku, sedangkan ajaran yang mereka ajarkan ialah perintah manusia. Perintah Allah kamu abaikan untuk berpegang pada adat istiadat manusia”. ( Injil Markus 7: 6-8 )

“ Kamu akan mendengar dan mendengar, namun tidak mengerti. Kamu akan melihat dan melihat, namun tidak menanggap. Sebab hati bangsa ( orang ) ini telah menebal dan telinganya berat mendengar, dan matanya melekat tertutup, supaya jangan mereka melihat dengan matanya, mendengar dengan telinganya dan mengerti dengan hatinya. “ ( Yesaya 6 :9-10, Matius 13:14-15 )

Yohanes 13: 4 – 15 “ Lalu Yesus bangun sambil menanggalkan jubah-Nya. Ia mengambil sehelai kain lenan dan mengikatkannya pada pinggang-Nya. Kemudian Ia menuangkan air kedalam sebuah basi dan membasuh kaki murid-murid-Nya, menyekanya dengan kain yang terikat di pinggang-Nya…………..Kamu menyebut Aku Guru dan Tuhan, dan katamu itu tepat, sebab memang Akulah Guru dan Tuhan. Jikalau Aku membasuh kakimu, Aku yang adalah Guru dan Tuhanmu, maka kamupun wajib saling membasuh kakimu sebab Aku telah memberikan suatu teladan kepada kamu supaya kamu juga berbuat sama seperti yang telah Aku perbuat kepadamu.”

IV. Hukum Keadilan Perjanjian.

Barangsiapa meletakkan dan mengikatkan diri dibawah ikatan Perjanjian maka ia harus berusaha dengan kemampuan, kekuasaan dan kesempatan yang dimilikinya untuk memenuhi isi perjanjian yang mengikatnya itu.

Perjanjian adalah norma hukum rasional pencipta keadilan yang keluar dari kesadaran yang seharusnya bebas dari tekanan. Namun demikian Perjanjian juga bisa berisi kecurangan, tekanan dan paksaan agar terhindar dari tuntutan keadilan sekaligus sebagai jalan pembenaran. Mengingkari isi perjanjian berarti merusak tatanan sosial dan penghancur keadilan. Keadilan Perjanjian ini akan berhadapan dengan para penipu dan pengingkar, orang-orang yang tidak konsisten memegang janjinya, para juru kampanye partai politik yang tidak menepati janji-janjinya, iklan-iklan produk baik di jalanan, media cetak atau media elektronik yang penawarannya tidak sesuai dengan kualitas barangnya, para pelanggar keadilan yang masuk ke wilayah hukum ekstra-legal dan para bombastis pemberi harapan yang hanya menuntut pihak lain untuk berkorban.

Hukum Suci Keadilan yang bergerak di wilayah kesadaran, kebebasan dan keikhlasan tunduk dibawah Keadilan Hukum Perjanjian. Jika Hukum Suci Keadilan sulit dimengerti atau tidak dapat diterima dan tidak mau tunduk untuk menciptakan keadilan universal karena akan bertentangan dengan kehendak bebas, kemapanan dan kekuasaan, maka Allah sebagai Pribadi Yang Maha Cerdas meletakkan hati nurani sebagai dasar pemikiran, ukuran perasaan dan pertimbangan rasio untuk meletakkan dasar-dasar keadilan. Karena itu prinsip Keadilan yang termuat dalam Perjanjian mengatasi semua paham kepercayaan, bahkan dapat dimengerti jika ikatan perjanjian itu terjadi diantara orang-orang yang berbeda paham kepercayaan dan terjadi diantara orang-orang yang tidak mengenal Allah. Perjanjian apapun bentuknya pada dasarnya memuat prinsip-prinsip keadilan, mengikat setiap orang yang terkait dengan perjanjian tersebut serta memberi keadilan bagi pihak-pihak yang seharusnya menerima akibat dari munculnya perjanjian itu. Tak terkecuali seperti perjanjian dalam bentuk sumpah, kaul kemiskinan, janji nasionalisme atau janji-janji lain sekalipun tidak tertulis. Karena itu mengobral janji atau sekedar memberi harapan pada pihak lain agar pihak lain bersedia menuruti kemauannya atau menaruh kepercayaannya berarti melanggar norma keadilan.

Jika Hukum Suci Keadilan tidak memberikan pengertian bagaimana keadilan itu harus dijalankan melalui kesadaran tiap-tiap orang, maka ikatan yang muncul dari Keadilan Hukum Perjanjan akan memberikan dampak terbesar di bidang keadilan maupun penyebab tersebar di bidang ketidakadilan. Artinya, kepatuhan pada perjanjian akan memberikan kesejahteraan, kebebasan, kebahagiaan dan disiplin penegakkan hukum. Sebaliknya pelanggaran terhadap perjanjian akan menimbulkan pemerataan ketidakadilan, penderitaan dan kesengsaraan-kesengsaraan pada pihak-pihak yang terkait dan yang terangkum oleh isi perjanjian itu.

Dalam lingkup yang sangat terbatas, hukum positif menjadi jembatan untuk menegakkan ikatan perjanjian yang timbul antar pihak-pihak yang terlibat dengan perjanjian itu. Dengan demikian hukum positif merupakan pagar dan jembatan terlaksananya keadilan perjanjian. Namun demikian hukum positif tidak dapat mengatasi banyaknya pelanggaran keadilan karena kompleknya bentuk perjanjian yang terjadi antar individu, antar kelompok masyarakat maupun antar Negara. Sehingga istilah hukum karma atau kebijakan politik untuk mengkaitkan sebab akibat, sekalipun tanpa relasi lebih mudah digunakan dan dimengerti sekalipun dua-duanya tidak memuat ikatan perjanjian yang dapat dituntut secara hukum.

Keadilan Perjanjian berdasarkan isi muatan yang terkandung didalamnya menempatkan seseorang pada dua posisi. Posisi pertama adalah sebagai pihak yang memiliki kekuasaan dan kemampuan untuk memenuhi isi perjanjian yang telah mengikatnya. Pada posisi ini ia diharuskan untuk memenuhi kewajiban dari isi perjanjian itu. Jika ia memenuhi kewajibannya, maka orang tersebut telah berbuat adil. Posisi kedua adalah orang yang sudah masuk untuk meletakkan dan mengikatkan diri dalam perjanjian, tetapi dalam perjalanannya orang tersebut tidak lagi mempunyai kapasitas, kemampuan ataupun kekuasaan untuk memenuhi isi perjanjian yang telah mengikatnya. Maka keadilan hanya terjadi jika pihak yang mempunyai kekuasaan untuk melepaskan ikatan perjanjian itu membebaskan kewajiban pihak yang terikat dengan perjanjian itu baik bersyarat atau membebaskan sepenuhnya. Jika pihak yang mempunyai kekuasaan untuk melepaskan kewajiban yang timbul dari ikatan perjanjian itu tidak menjalankan pelepasannya, maka pihak yang mempunyai hak tuntutan atas keadilan itu telah bertindak melawan prinsip keadilan.

Setiap orang terikat dengan Perjanjian dengan pihak lain baik yang dikehendaki dan disadari oleh dirinya sendiri maupun perjanjian yang dibuat diluar kehendak bebas maupun kemauannya sendiri. Keterikatan dengan Perjanjian itu dua-duanya menuntut tanggung jawab sesuai kemampuan dan kapasitas orang tersebut dalam batas-batas yang dapat dipahami berdasarkan hukum Perjanjan itu sendiri. Karena itu terhadap keberadaan Perjanjian, setiap orang menempatkan diri dalam dua posisi.

Yang pertama, berdasarkan jumlah mayoritas pada umumnya setiap orang secara pasif telah masuk pada bentuk-bentuk Perjanjian yang telah ada dan dibuat sebelumnya. Perjanjian-Perjanjian itu menuntut ketaatan serta mengikat dengan kewajiban-kewajiban tanpa syarat terhadap pihak-pihak yang bersedia memasuki atau harus masuk pada ikatan Perjanjian itu. Perjanjian-Perjanjian itu umumnya juga memuat ancaman-ancaman, peringatan-peringatan hingga hukuman-hukuman tanpa pengampunan. Misalnya peraturan dan tata tertib universitas yang diterapkan kepada calon mahasiswanya, ketertiban berlalu lintas, ketataan terhadap undang-undang negara dan sebagainya. Bentuk-bentuk Perjanjian yang menempatkan mayoritas masyarakat secara pasif diharuskan untuk menerima dan mentaati isi muatan perjanjian antara lain :

Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara. Hukum Perjanjian yang menata masyarakat sipil adalah Konstitusi dan Undang Undang Dasar Negara. Hukum Perjanjian tersebut pada umumnya dibentuk dan sudah ada serta mengikat seluruh warga Negara yang berada di wilayah itu untuk menerima, tunduk dan mentaatinya. Sehingga rakyat maupun pemerintah yang mengakui keberadaan Hukum Perjanjian Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara tersebut wajib memelihara dan mematuhinya tanpa syarat. Semua warga Negara, termasuk pejabat Negara maupun Pemerintah yang mengawal jalannya Konstitusi berdasarkan isi muatan Hukum Keadilan Perjanjian ini adalah pihak yang bertindak secara pasif dan harus menerimanya dengan ketaatan. Pemerintah yang diberi mandat oleh rakyat adalah agen yang secara aktif harus menghormati, melaksanakan dan memelihara Keadilan Perjanjian seperti yang dimuat dalam Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara. Jika Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara kita pandang sebagai dasar dan sumber hukum, maka pihak yang disebut melanggar Kedaulatan Hukum Negara bukan hanya bangsa asing, warga Negara asing atau pihak-pihak luar yang tidak menghormati Konstitusi Negara, tetapi bisa jadi sekelompok warga Negara yang melanggar ikatan Keadilan Perjanjian seperti yang dimuat dalam Konstitusi atau Undang-Undang Dasar Negara tersebut. Dalam hal ini nasionalisme dan loyalitas warga Negara dilihat dari kesetiaannya menghormati Keadilan Perjanjian seperti yang sudah digariskan oleh Konstitusi. Konstutisi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara adalah jiwa dan semangat terbentuknya keadilan universal untuk seluruh rakyat yang dibuat oleh sebuah Negara. Jadi barangsiapa tidak menghormati, tidak menjaga dan melanggar prinsip-prinsip keadilan yang dimuat dalam Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara pada dasarnya melanggar Kedaulatan Hukum Negara.

Karena itu, jika seseorang menghendaki dirinya masuk dan bekerja ke wilayah penegakan Hukum Perjanjian ( pekerja pemerintah ) yang dibentuk oleh Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara maka orang tersebut harus terlebih dahulu memahami apa isi yang dimuat dalam perjanjian itu. Jika Pemerintah yang terdiri dari orang-orang yang memerintah, lembaga-lembaga dan pekerja-pekerja Negara melanggar isi perjanjian yang dimuat dalam Konsitusi dan undang-Undang Dasar Negara maka para pihak yang melanggar perjanjian tersebut sebenarnya telah melanggar kedaulatan Hukum Negara. Bisa jadi yang melanggar Kedaulatan Hukum Negara adalah pemerintah sendiri yang oleh rakyat diberi mandat untuk menjaga dan melaksanakan keadilan yang dimuat di dalamnya. Cara-cara yang ditempuh oleh orang perseorangan untuk mempertahankan kekuasaan atau oleh sekelompok orang yang bersatu dalam partai politik untuk merebut kekuasaan tidak dapat dibenarkan bila cara-cara tersebut melanggar Kedaulatan Hukum Negara seperti yang telah dimuat dalam Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara. Pelanggaran terhadap Konsitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara, siapapun penguasa dan apapun bentuk partai politiknya seharusnya mendapatkan hukuman berupa mosi tidak percaya dari seluruh rakyatnya dan tidak dapat melanjutkan kepemerintahannya karena telah melanggar Kedaulatan Hukum Negara, melanggar Keadilan Hukum Perjanjan yang telah ada sebelumnya yang seharusnya dihormati oleh setiap orang yang lahir di wilayah negara tersebut. Pergantian personil kepemerintahan baik melalui pemilu, kudeta atau pemberontakan tidak dapat dibenarkan kalau pergantian tersebut melanggar Kedaulatan Hukum Negara, dalam hal ini Konstitusi atau Undang-Undang Dasar Negara yang bersangkutan. Karena Kedaulatan Hukum Negara harus dihormati dan dijunjung tinggi oleh semua warga Negara yang lahir dan tinggal di wilayah Negara tersebut.
Pemerintah adalah subjek pertama yang harus memegang dan mengendalikan prinsip keadilan dengan mentaati Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara sebagai bentuk Keadilan Perjanjian. Hal tersebut merupakan bukti ketaatan dalam memegang mandat kesepakatan antara pemerintah itu sendiri dengan seluruh rakyatnya. Namun demikian pemerintah juga merupakan subyek pertama yang memungkinkan terjadinya pelanggaran terhadap Perjanjian Keadilan yang sudah digariskan oleh Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara. Karena itu pemerintah yang telah mengikat kontrak politik dengan para wakil rakyat, dan para wakil rakyat yang telah mengikat kontrak sosial dengan rakyat yang diwakilinya harus memegang perjanjian yang telah diketahui oleh semua pihak dengan mentaati Perjanjian Keadilan seperti yang sudah digariskan oleh Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara.

Subyek kedua yang sangat berpotensi untuk melanggar Perjanjian Keadilan adalah para wakil rakyat atau para senat. Mereka berkerja dan bertindak sebagai wakil rakyat untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak yang seharusnya diperoleh rakyat atas kedudukan dan posisinya sebagai manusia yang lahir di suatu wilayah. Tidak semua warga masyarakat mengerti bagaimana mereka dapat hidup layak untuk menikmati kesejahteraan Negara atas kekayaan alam yang dimilikinya. Tidak semua rakyat mempunyai pengetahuan yang cukup bagaimana harus memperjuangkan hak-haknya jika mereka bersengketa dengan pihak lain karena kehilangan hak-hak hidupnya. Karena wakil rakyat atau senat sebelum dirinya diangkat, disumpah atau menyatakan dirinya bersedia berjuang untuk rakyat telah mengetahui apa yang seharusnya dikerjakan sesuai dengan perjanjian baik yang diucapkan melalui kampanye maupun arti dirinya sebagai wakil rakyat itu, maka wakil rakyat tidak dapat melanggar janji perjuangannya sebagai pejuang keadilan rakyat. Jika wakil rakyat atau para senat bekerja tidak mewakili kepentingan rakyat mayoritas, membuat undang-undang yang merugikan rakyat atau menyetujui pelaksanaan undang-undang yang dijalankan pemerintah tetapi menghambat kesejahteraan rakyat, maka para wakil rakyat demikian melanggar Perjanjian Keadilan.

Lahirnya para wakil rakyat yang diawali dari kampanye partai politik menempatkan partai politik memungkinkan melakukan bermacam-macam pelanggaran. Yang pertama adalah para juru kampanye dan pendukung partai jalanan yang sebagain besar anak–anak muda, orang-orang miskin yang karena kekurangan dan kebodohannya kebebasannya dapat dibeli dengan harapan atau dengan sedikit imbalan. Jika prinsip keadilan perjanjian dijunjung tinggi dengan menempatkan pihak pelanggar perjanjian untuk memberi ganti rugi atas harapan-harapan yang dijanjikan, maka seharusnya mereka yang terlibat dalam kampanye partai politik dapat dituntut untuk memberikan ganti rugi kepada masyarakat lain yang menonton, menyaksikan dan yang mendengarkan dikeluarkannya janji-janji itu. Para juru kampanye mulai dari juru kampanye jalanan hingga pengurus pusatnya wajib membayar kerugian kepada tetangga-tetangganya, membayar ke kas pembangunan desa atau cara lain jika partai yang diwakilinya tidak dapat menunjukkan karya nyata baik sebagai wakil rakyat atau jika partainya memimpin Negara.

Jika wakil rakyat yang sudah duduk memegang jabatan tidak menjalankan perjuangan partainya maupun memperjuangkan keadilan rakyat yang dwakilinya, seharusnya para wakil rakyat dapat dituntut untuk memberikan ganti rugi kepada partainya yang selanjutnya partainya membayarkan ganti rugi kepada seluruh anggota partainya. Selain itu para wakil rakyat yang tidak mempedulikan kesejahteraan rakyat juga dapat dituntut untuk membayar ganti rugi kepada rakyat yang daerahnya diwakilinya. Untuk Keadilan Perjanjian serta Keadilan Hukum Perkataan, mencegah lahirnya golput serta menimbulkan kepastian lahirnya pemerintah yang direstui rakyat seharusnya dibuat undang-undang dan dibentuk badan mediator yang secara langsung mewakili rakyat yang dirugikan oleh para wakil rakyat atau para juru kampanye, jika akhirnya terbukti para wakil rakyat yang telah diangkat tidak menjalankan misi perjuangan rakyat.

Jika pemerintah yang mendapat kepercayaan untuk melaksanakan, menegakkan dan menjaga jalannya Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara berasal dari partai politik yang akhirnya melanggar Kedaulatan Hukum Negara, maka rakyat yang dirugikan dapat menuntut pemerintah untuk membubarkan partai politik yang mendukungnya dan seluruh anggota partai wajib memberi ganti rugi kepada tetangga-tetangganya, kepada para saksi maupun kepada para pendengarnya.

Dengan demikian juru kampanye partai politik tidak mengobral janji yang melampaui kemampuannya dan partai politik tidak menghambur-hamburkan uang rakyat untuk keperluan kampanye tanpa mempedulikan beban hutang Negara, kemiskinan dan penderitaan rakyat yang diberi harapan. Sosialisasi partai politik cukup lewat pengumuman yang diadakan pemerintah, papan-papan pengumuman kalurahan atau papan pengumuman RT-RW terdekat. Semua pendukung partai politik cukup diam-diam tanpa perlu kartu anggota, dan pada hari pemilhan umum semua rakyat harus memilih wakilnya, president dan wakil presiden seperti yang dianjurkan undang-undang. Rakyat harus memilih dan memberikan suaranya, karena tidak memilihpun pemimpin rakyat harus ada, pemerintahan harus ada, wakil rakyat harus ada dan undang-undang baru harus dibuat. Satu-satunya jalan keadilan adalah, jika pihak rakyat yang dirugikan oleh para wakil rakyat maka badan mediator dapat menuntut para wakil rakyat untuk memberikan ganti rugi atas hilangnya harapan janji-janji yang diucapkan pada waktu kampanye. Ini adalah cara untuk menghindari keluarnya uang Negara yang berlebihan untuk biaya kampanye yang sering tidak tepat sasaran, menghindari kebiasaan kebohongan publik yang sudah masuk ke tahap kejahatan penipuan masal, menghindari tuntutan semangat keadilan atas terjadinya berbagai pelanggaran sekaligus untuk menghemat energi sumber daya alam terutama bensin dan solar.

Subyek ketiga yang berpotensi melanggar Perjanjian Keadilan adalah semua pegawai Negara, baik pegawai tinggi Negara ( para menteri ) maupun pegawai negara pada umumnya. Para pegawai Negara seharusnya dapat mentaati peraturan dan tata tertib kepegawaian yang dikeluarkan pemerintah setempat karena ketaatan terhadap tata tertib itu merupakan bentuk nyata dari Keadilan Perjanjian sebelum seseorang masuk dan diterima sebagai pegawai Negara. Dari sudut pandang Keadilan Perjanjian ini, saya tidak berbicara masalah korupsi, ketidakdisiplinan dalam bekerja, hak monopoli perdagangan yang diatur dengan undang-undang, pencurian harta kekayaan Negara atau previlese-previlese lainnya. Keadilan dan ketidakadilan di sini hanya saya pandang semata-mata dari sisi keadilan yang dimuat dalam suatu Perjanjian, kesediaan dan kesepakatan seseorang untuk terikat dengan perjanjian kepegawaian, karena sikap hormat dan ketaatannya terhadap peraturan yang sebelumnya telah diketahui dan disetujui oleh pihak-pihak yang hendak memasuki dan meletakkan diri dalam ikatan perjanjian itu. Dalam hal ini merebaknya kasus-kasus korupsi serta ketidakadilan sosial yang terjadi pada suatu Negara tidak saya pandang sebagai bentuk pencurian, pelanggaran kedisiplinan, penyimpangan kekuasaan, mentalitas budaya bangsa, pelanggaran hukum atau karena tindakan tersebut dilarang oleh peraturan agama. Saya melihatnya semata-mata dari prinsip Keadilan Perjanjan yang sebelumnya telah diketahui dan disetujui oleh pihak-pihak yang sebelumnya menerima isi peraturan itu dan kesediaannya meletakkan diri kedalam ikatan perjanjian. Dari sudut pandang Keadilan Perjanjan ini, maka rusaknya tatanan masyarakat yang tidak adil pertama-tama muncul dan dipicu oleh pegawai Negara karena pelanggarannya terhadap perjanjian tata tertib peraturan pegawai Negara. Jika pegawai Negara dapat memahami maksud diadakannya perjanjian kepegawaian yang didalamnya akan menyebarkan keadilan sosial, seluruh rakyat akan melihat kemakmuran yang dimiliki tiap-tiap Negara dan kesejahteraan untuk warga negaranya. Karena para pegawai negaralah yang pertama-tama berhadapan dengan aktifitas masyarakat dan yang seharusnya menertibkan sekaligus bertindak adil untuk melayani kebutuhan masyarakat.

Apa yang kita lihat dengan upacara pelantikan jabatan baik di bidang politik maupun keagamaan, pengangkatan seseorang untuk menduduki posisi yang lebih tinggi, sumpah jabatan untuk menjalankan tugas kenegaraan tertentu maupun ikatan perjanjian untuk menjadi pegawai Negara sebenarnya merupakan bentuk meterai perjanjian dan dalam perjanjian itu selalu mengandung unsur keadilan untuk seluruh umat manusia yang terangkum dalam perjanjian itu. Karena itu suatu sumpah jabatan atau pelantikan seseorang untuk menjalankan tugas tertentu kalau diatasnya diletakkan Kitab Suci, Kitab Undang-Undang Dasar Negara atau Kitab-Kitab lain yang menuntut orang yang disumpah itu harus tunduk memenuhi isi perjanjian, jika selanjutnya lahir ketidakadilan sosial dalam suatu kelompok masyarakat atau kejahatan-kejahatan lainnya, yang salah bukan Kitab Sucinya, bukan agamanya, bukan Undang-Undang Dasar atau isi sumpah kesetiaan itu melainkan para pihak yang melakukan pelanggaran Perjanjian .

Subyek ke empat yang sangat berpotensi melanggar Perjanjian Keadilan adalah para penegak hukum, jaksa, pengacara, hakim dan para polisi yang berada di jalur terdepan untuk urusan pelanggaran hukum dan peraturan-peraturan. Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana, Perdata, dan semua tata tertib peraturan lainnya yang dipromulgasikan dihadapan umum dan mengikt semua warga Negara harus dipandang sebagai Perjanjian yang di dalamnya memuat keadilan. Jika suatu pelanggaran telah pasti terjadi dan dapat dimengerti dengan akal budi, maka tidak ada alasan dari pihak manapun untuk dapat membebaskan atau meringankan hukuman karena hal tersebut telah melanggar Perjanjian Keadilan yang dibuat oleh hukum itu sendiri. Rakyat hanya mengerti keadilan lewat hati nurani, tetapi sistem hukum telah menetapkan bentuk perwalian kepada para petugas keadilan, dan para petugas keadilan harus bertindak seadil-adilnya karena mereka telah bersedia mengikatkan dan meletakkan diri dibawah ikatan sumpah Negara untuk menjadi wakil rakyat yang bergerak di bidang keadilan.
Subjek kelima yang berpotensi sebagai pelanggar Keadilan Perjanjian adalah para pengusaha, baik yang bergerak di industri manufaktur, jasa pelayanan atau rumah sakit yang tidak taat pada peraturan Negara seperti membuang sampah limbah tanpa membran pengaman, membayar gaji di bawah kemampuan perusahaan atau upah minimum yang ditetapkan Negara, para pengusaha makanan minuman yang mencampurkan siklamat formalin atau bahan pengawet lain melebihi batas kenormalan, tidak membayar pajak sesuai aturan Negara dll yang mana penyakit kanker, penyakit lupus atau kemiskinan sosial akan menyebar. Sekalipun tidak diakui secara teologis, pencipta dan pembagi berkat yang sesungguhnya adalah para nelayan, petani maupun para pengusaha yang menyerap tenaga kerja untuk mengembangkan talentanya. Tanpa keterlibatan dan peranan mereka sebagai pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa pemerintah tidak akan mampu mensuplai dan mendistribusikan berbagai produk makanan untuk penduduknya.

Subjek keenam yang berpotensi sebagai pelanggar Keadilan Perjanjian adalah semua pegawai swasta yang tidak menghormati peraturan-peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak perusahaan tempatnya bekerja, yang tidak disiplin, mencuri asset perusahaan atau mengambil alih esset-asset perusahaan tanpa melalui jalur hukum yang disediakan Negara atau melanggar norma keadilan yang diketahui oleh hati nuraninya sendiri, seperti perusahaan yang sudah bangkrut tetap dipaksa untuk memberi uang pesangon. Subjek ketujuh sebagai pelanggar Keadilan Perjanjian adalah setiap orang yang mengabaikan perjanjian-perjanjian yang dibuatnya sendiri dengan pihak lain dan para pihak yang tidak peduli dengan peraturan-peraturan Negara yang telah memberi ruang kebebasan pada setiap orang agar memiliki kesempatan yang sama.

Dibidang religius dikenal dengan adanya kaul kemiskinan. Janji sumpah setia, ketaatan atau kesediaan untuk hidup dalam semangat kemiskinan Tuhan merupakan Perjanjian yang sebenarnya memuat isi keadilan. Tuntutan Allah terhadap semua orang beriman agar hidup dalam semangat kemiskinan, kemurahan dan kerahiman Tuhan dimuat oleh semua kitab-kitab suci dan tuntutan itu sebagai sarana menuju kesucian rohani. Akan tetapi tuntutan Allah kepada semua orang beriman agar bersedia hidup dalam semangat kemiskinan, kemurahan dan kerahiman-Nya akan berubah menjadi Perjanjian dan Perjanjian itu akan berisi Keadilan jika Perjanjian itu sendiri ditepati dan dilaksanakan oleh pihak-pihak yang meletakkan diri dan mengikatkan dalam Perjanjian itu. Akan tetapi Perjanjian yang diucapkan dalam bentuk kaul kemiskinan itu sendiri ada atau tidak, tuntutan Allah terhadap semua orang beriman agar hidup dalam kesederhanaan, kemurahan hati dan pengampunan sebenarnya sudah merupakan kewajiban yang mengikat semua orang beriman.

Apa yang terjadi dengan kemiskinan, penderitaan, keteraniayaan atau kehinaan bukanlah hal yang seharusnya cukup untuk diceritakan atau dipertontonkan dengan kepura-puraan pengucapan kaul kemiskinan. Keadaan-keadaan tersebut mesti dialami sendiri sebagai bagian hidup yang oleh pihak lain juga bisa dimengerti dan dipahami bahwa hidup dalam kemiskinan dan penderitaan, tanpa tabungan, tanpa investasi yang berlebihan, tanpa kepastian hari depan yang keberadaannya bergantung dari hari ke hari atas kehendak Tuhan dapat dirasakan oleh hati nurani pihak lain. Jika yang terjadi tidak sesuai seperti hidup dalam kemiskinan itu sendiri berarti telah terjadi pelanggaran Keadilan, dan dengan demikian Keadilan Perjanjian yang dimuat dalam semangat hidup dalam kemiskinan Tuhan tidak terpenuhi. Pihak-pihak yang meletakkan diri dibawah ikatan perjanjian dengan Tuhan untuk bersedia hidup miskin, taat pada aturan perdamaian Tuhan, bersedia mati untuk dan atas nama Tuhan atau keutamaan janji-janji lainnya pada umumnya justru datang dari para tokoh di bidang keagamaan. Jika janji-janji itu tidak dipenuhi dan tidak dilaksanakan sesuai dengan isi muatan Perjanjian itu maka kaul kemiskinan merupakan pelangaran terhadap Keadilan Perjanjian yang selanjutnya justru mendatangkan ketidakadilan baru baik di bidang sosial ekonomi maupun pengampunan. Dengan demikian kaul kemiskinan yang memuat prinsip keadilan tidak mendatangkan makna keadilan baik untuk yang mengucapkan maupun untuk pihak luar yang seharusnya mendapatkan berkat keadilan sebagai akibat diucapkannya kaul kemiskinan itu. Jika berkat itu oleh manusia umumnya dipahami dalam bentuk materi, makanan, uang atau kemurahan-kemurahan lainnya maka Keadilan Perjanjan yang dimuat dalam bentuk kaul kemisknan itu seharusnya dapat menumpahkan berkat-berkat itu seperti berkat yang bisa dimengerti dan diterima orang lain pada umumnya.

Allah memberkati manusia berikut seluruh alam ciptaan-Nya yang berarti bahwa Allah tidak melarang orang beriman untuk hidup dalam kelimpahan. Akan tetapi seluruh wahyu yang ada pada Kitab-Kitab Suci memuat pesan yang sama yang melarang orang beriman untuk hidup dalam keterikatan materi, kekayaan atau dengan menyandarkan pada keberadaan harta benda. Dengan kata lain Allah melarang orang beriman hidup serakah dengan menguasai apa yang dimiliki sebagai hak miliknya sendiri sekaligus tidak bermurah hati untuk berbagi berkat rejeki sebagai tanda bukti dilaksanakannya Keadilan Hukum Berkat. Dalam hal ini Allah tetap memandang bahwa kekayaan materi tetap menjadi pengahalang utama menuju kesucian rohani, ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12:2, Sloka 14: 22-25 ), Tuhan Yesus memandang bahwa manusia tidak mungkin mempunyai cinta dan perhatian yang seimbang antara mencintai Allah sekaligus mencintai Mamon ( Lukas 12 : 21, Lukas 14: 25-34.), dan Nabi Mohammad telah mengisyaratkan kepada pengikutnya bahwa harta benda dan anak-anak adalah pemberian Allah sebagai sarana siksaan hidup di dunia yang akan menuntun orang Muslim menuju kematian dalam keadaan kafir ( Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10: 55 ). Kalau kehendak Allah di atas telah nyata dan jelas, lalu adanya ketidakadilan, kemiskinan sosial, kebutaan hati nurani dan bermacam-macam penderitaan ini berasal dari Allah atau oleh karena perbuatan orang beriman yang melanggar kehendak Allah. Dilihat dari sudut pandang ini orang beriman dapat mengoreksi sikap imannya terhadap kitab sucinya, lalu berpindah agama untuk meletakkan ikatan perjanjian antara dirinya dengan pesan nabi yang dipilihnya jika tuntutan iman untuk pegangan hidup tidak sesuai dengan semangatnya. Dengan demikian ikatan perjanjian yang akan menjadi titik tolak sikap seseorang terhadap keadilan sesuai dengan hukum Keadilan Perjanjian tidak harus diterima karena semata-mata orang tua mengajarkan agama yang sebelumnya telah dianutnya. Tetapi agama itu dipilih berdasarkan kebebasan orang tersebut dalam membuat Perjanjian dengan Allah atau cara ibadah yang dipilihnya sendiri. Ini adalah kebebasan orang dalam memilih keyakinan agamanya baik di dalam keluarga, masyarakat maupun sebagai warga Negara.
Jika pelanggaran terhadap Keadilan Perjanjian itu dilakukan secara massal seperti oleh para pengelola Negara, para wakil rakyat, para pegawai Negara, para pejabat di bidang keagamaan dan secara serentak oleh sebagian besar warga Negara yang menyebut dirinya sebagai orang beriman yang memungkinkan untuk melakukan pelanggaran itu maka apa yang dimaksud dengan Keadilan tidak dapat dilihat dan kesalahan-kesalahannya tidak diakui sebagai pelanggaran. Penegakkan di bidang hukum menjadi kabur dan apa yang dimaksud dengan Keadilan tidak jelas serta tidak dapat dijelaskan oleh akal budi. Bagaimana kita dapat memahami Keadilan Allah jika kita melihat kenyataan-kenyataan yang ada di dunia berbeda derajat kastanya dan kita tidak dapat mengkaitkan hubungannya. Apakah dengan demikian Keadilan itu tidak ada, lalu kita semua tetap percaya kepada para pengkhotbah, penyelenggara Negara dan penegak hukum serta para juru kampanye berbicara tentang keadilan sedang apa artinya Keadilan tidak dipahami. Masalah utamanya adalah adanya pelanggaran terhadap Keadilan Perjanjian yang dilakukan oleh hampir semua pihak yang telah meletakkan ikatan perjanjian pada bidang-bidang pekerjaan atau kepercayaan agama yang hendak dimasukinya serta adanya pelanggaran terhadap Keadilan Pengampunan karena Pemelihara dan Penegak hukum tidak menempatkan Pengampunan pada kesalahan-kesalahan yang seharusnya mendapatkan pengampunan atau hukuman.

Yang kedua, berdasarkan aktifitas pembuat hukum dan undang-undang, maka hanya sejumlah kecil orang yang terlibat pada pembuatan hukum dan undang-undang yang mana tertib hukum itu kemudian menimbulkan ikatan Perjanjian Keadilan bagi pihak-pihak yang akan memasuki atau harus menerimanya. Di bidang religius, subjek pembuat hukum kerajaan sorga adalah Allah sendiri yang terpatri lewat mulut para nabi dan tertuang pada kitab-kitab suci atau ajaran-ajaran suci. Di bidang ketatanegaraan dan kepemerintahan, pembuat konstitusi dan undang-undang dasar Negara hanyalah para pendiri Negara yang terlibat dengan kemerdakaan bangsanya atau para ahli hukum yang kemudian memperbaiki atau menyempurnakannya. Bapa-bapa pejuang kemerdekaan, para pendiri bangsa dan para wakil rakyat adalah subjek utama pembuat hukum dan undang-undang Di bidang industri hanya para direktur, direksi atau para manajer yang membuat aturan itu. Untuk pendidikan universitas yang membuat aturan civitas akademi adalah pihak rektorat, para dekan atau para dosen. Sedang untuk urusan rumah tangga pada umumnya ayah bertindak sebagai kepala keluarga yang dibantu oleh isterinya sebagai pemegang otoritas pembuat aturan dan penegakannya.

Makna Keadilan Sosial dibalik Hukum Keadilan Perjanjian. Perjanjian mensyaratkan bahwa pihak - pihak yang telah meletakkan dan mengikatkan diri kedalam muatan isi perjanjian wajib memenuhinya dengan tanggung jawab yang seimbang. Pihak pembuat Hukum Perjanjian juga harus tunduk dan taat pada isi Perjanjan yang dibuatnya sendiri. Sebab jika pembuat Hukum Perjanjian melanggar isi perjanjian yang dibuatnya dengan sendirinya ia telah melanggar Prinsip Keadilan. Sebaliknya, para pihak yang secara otomatis memasuki dan harus tunduk pada isi Perjanjian itu, atau secara sadar memilih, memasuki, meletakkan serta mengikatkan diri dibawah Hukum Perjanjian juga harus konsisten untuk mentaati isi Perjanjian itu baik di bidang pekerjaan yang dipilihnya, profesi keahliannya atau spiritualitas hidupnya seperti kaul kemiskinan, pengucapan sumpah jabatan, pelantikan atau patriotisme nasionalisme.
Dilihat dari kedua sudut pandang itu, baik pihak pembuat Perjanjian ataupun para pihak yang bersedia meletakkan dan mengikatkan diri pada suatu Perjanjian, dua-duanya dituntut untuk bersikap konsisten yang disertai dengan tanggung jawab agar Keadilan Perjanjan terpenuhi. Dengan adanya Keadilan Perjanjian, maka keadilan itu akan bersifat universal yang didalamnya terletak keadilan sosial, perdamaian, kebebasan yang bermanfaat bagi semua orang. Para pihak yang tunduk pada Keadilan Perjanjian itu akan menjadi berkat yang memberikan kesejahteraan bagi pihak lain ke dalam dan di luar ikatan kelompoknya.

Contoh pertama adalah Keadilan Perjanjian yang mengacu pada Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara. Jika seseorang atau sekelompok orang menginginkan dirinya tampil sebagai pemimpin Negara atau berada ditangga kepemerintahan, maka orang tersebut dibawah sumpah Undang-Undang Dasar Negara harus bersedia menghormati muatan isi yang terkandung dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara tersebut. Jika orang yang memimpin Negara berikut orang-orang yang terlibat dalam kepemerintahan itu memenuhi hukum Keadilan Perjanjian seperti yang dimuat oleh Undang-Undang Dasar Negara, maka Negara berserta seluruh rakyatnya otomatis akan timbul apa yang namanya Keadilan Sosial, kesejahteraan rakyat, kemakmuran Negara dan sebagainya. Sebaliknya jika para pemimpin Negara melanggar Hukum Keadilan Perjanjian yang mana sebelumnya ia bersedia meletakkan dan mengikatkan diri dibawah sumpah Undang-Undang Dasar Negara, maka rakyat akan sengasara, kekayaan Negara tidak dapat menjamin kesejahteraan hidup warga negaranya, ketimpangan sosial akan terjadi diantara warga negaranya disebabkan oleh pemerintah yang tidak dapat menciptakan kesempatan lapangan kerja yang seimbang, mendistribusikan pelayanan kesehatan untuk masyarakat terpencil dan lain-lain.

Dari sisi rakyat, jika seluruh rakyat tunduk dan menghormati Undang-Undang Dasar Negaranya sebagai pusat dan nadi keadilan, maka tidak akan ada pemberontakan, kudeta, perebutan kekuasaan, pengambilalihan kekuasaan di luar jalur yang ditetapkan oleh undang-undang Negara. Sebab tidak ada Undang-Undang Dasar Negara yang memberi celah dan jalan masuk seorang pemberontak untuk mengambil alih kekuasaan Negara. Jika seorang pemberontak mengambil alih kekuasaan Negara tanpa melalui jalur hukum yang disetujui pemerintah yang sah, dengan sendirinya pemerintahannya tidak sah dan melanggar Kedaulatan Hukum Negara sekalipun didukung oleh banyak pihak. Kecuali satu hal, jika Negara harus diselamatkan karena stabilitas Negara berada dalam bahaya besar. Penghormatan rakyat kepada Undang-Undang Dasar Negara akan menumbuhkan sikap nasionalisme serta menimbulkan pertahanan Negara dari semua sisi: ekonomi, militer, budaya, kesejahteraan, kerukunan hidup beragama dan keadilan sosial. Sebaliknya jika rakyat tidak menghormati Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negaranya sendiri yang di dalamnya memuat prinsip-prinsip keadilan universal untuk semua warga Negara yang tinggal di dalamnya, yang terjadi adalah budaya korupsi, pelarian modal investasi dan penyimpanan uang di luar negeri. Akibat selanjutnya akan membuat keroposnya sendi-sendi ekonomi Negara, menumpuknya hutang negara, krisis energi, rusaknya sumber-sumber daya alam dan terus turunnya kurs mata uang.

Contoh kedua adalah Keadilan Perjanjian yang mengacu pada profesi, jenis pekerjaan, keahlian, karya seni dan lain-lain yang mana jenis-jenis pekerjaan itu telah memiliki aturan, tata tertib, hukum etika dan para pihak yang bersedia memasuki jenis pekerjaan tersebut meletakkan dan mengikatkan diri pada hukum-hukum perjanjian yang telah dimengerti sebelumnya. Jika seseorang mentaati dan bertindak sesuai dengan hukum Keadilan Perjanjian dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya, maka bukan hanya pekerjaan itu sendiri bermanfaat bagi banyak orang, tetapi dari segi ekonomi para pihak akan mendapatkan manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya sebagai akibat dari hasil pekerjaan itu sendiri. Dengan demikian apapun pekerjaan seseorang dengan sendirinya menciptakan keadilan sosial bagi orang yang dilayaninya. Sebaliknya, jika seseorang atau masyarakat melanggar hukum Keadilan Perjanjian profesi atau pekerjaannya, maka akan timbul penyakit sosial seperti korupsi, manipulasi, monopoli, nabi-nabi palsu dan lain-lain yang mengakibatkan terjadinya hambatan pelayanan sosial, kemunduran moral masyarakat dan merosotnya penegakan di bidang hukum positif.

Contoh ketiga adalah Keadilan Perjanjian yang mengacu pada spiritual kesetiaan terhadap Tuhan, semangat hidup dalam kemiskinan Tuhan atau kaul kemiskinan, dan atau ketaatan terhadap Tuhan yang dimengerti berdasarkan kitab suci yang dianut oleh seseorang atau sekelompok orang. Jika prinsip Keadilan Perjanjian tersebut dipegang dan dijalankan oleh para pihak yang telah meletakkan dan mengikatkan diri di bawah hukum perjanjian tersebut, maka spiritual kesetiaan terhadap Tuhan akan menimbulkan harumnya Kemuliaan Allah bagi semua orang dan untuk semua orang beriman dari berbagai agama. Semangat hidup dalam kemiskinan Tuhan atau kaul kemiskinan akan menghasilkan pemerataan kesejahteraan sosial bagi banyak orang. Dengan demikian kaul kemiskinan itu adalah berkat untuk orang-orang miskin, dan ketaatan kepada Tuhan akan melahirkan Perdamaian, mengurangi ketegangan antar Negara dan mengurangi produksi senjata Akan tetapi jika Keadilan Perjanjian tersebut dilanggar oleh para pemimpin agama maupun oleh orang beriman yang hidup ditengah-tengah masyarakat maka kemuliaan Allah yang seharusnya Allah miliki berpindah posisi pada nama sekte-sekte agama, kelompok-kelompok agama, partai-partai politik keagamaan yang membuat karakter gambaran Allah sesuai dengan keinginan kelompoknya sendiri-sendiri. Kaul kemiskinan tidak menjadi berkat bagi orang-orang miskin dan tidak mempunyai nilai keadilan sosial karena kaul kemiskinan itu tidak memiliki dampak sosial bagi orang-orang miskin yang oleh sebab apapun tidak mendapatkan hak hidupnya secara layak. Pelanggaran Keadilan Perjanjian terhadap ketaatan kepada Tuhan akan melahirkan terorisme yang dimotivasi karena latar belakang agama, kekerasan yang dipicu karena factor agama, penindasan atau penghambatan karir pekerjaan karena latar belakang perbedaan agama hingga peperangan-peperangan yang dilatarbelakangi oleh partai politik keagamaan baik yang terjadi dalam suatu Negara atau antar Negara.

Apakah Perjanjian itu perlu dipegang dan dipatuhi oleh para pihak yang telah meletakkan dan mengikatkan diri di bawah kesepakatan hukum perjanjian? Jika Hukum Perjanjian tidak perlu dihormati maka apa yang namanya sumpah jabatan, pelantikan kepala negara, para menteri atau para wakil rakyat, kaul kemiskinan, sumpah kesetiaan, janji nasionalisme dan tetek bengek perjanjian lainnya tidak perlu dipelihara untuk dimasukkan kedalam tradisi upacara pengucapan sumpah. Sebab, jika tidak ada hukum positif yang dapat memberi sangsi terhadap adanya pelanggaran sumpah-sumpah semacam itu, berarti masyarakat dunia telah terjebak pada suatu sistem hukum perjanjian palsu. Kita semua adalah pelanggarnya, masyarakat serta sistem budaya menyediakan wadah terpeliharanya tradisi perjanjian-perjanjian palsu itu.
Dipandang dari sudut keadilan serta rusaknya tatanan sosial masyarakat yang oleh para korban disebut tidak adil, pelanggaran paling banyak disebabkan karena dilanggarnya Hukum Keadilan Perjanjian : mulai dari pelanggaran Kontitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara, kebijakan pemerintah yang keluar dari jalur Garis Besar Haluan Negara, wakil rakyat yang membelokkan tujuan kontrak sosial yang dibangun melalui pemilu, para penegak hukum yang keluar dari jalur kitab-kitab hukum, para pegawai Negara yang melanggar perjanjian dan kedisiplinan kerja, para pengusaha dan para pekerja yang melanggar aturan-aturan yang telah ditetapkan dan disepakati bersama, semua rakyat yang tidak menghormati hukum Negara maupun perjanjian-perjanjian yang mereka adakan sendiri, dan semua orang beriman yang telah meletakkan diri dibawah ikatan iman maupun kewajiban-kewajiban terhadap perintah Tuhan.

Sedang orang-orang bebas yang hidupnya menikmati kekayaan dari modal talenta yang dimiliki seperti para artis, bintang film, atlit olah raga, para pemimpin agama yang tidak peduli dengan keadilan, para penerima warisan berlebihan, anak cucu koruptor, anak cucu bangsa penjajah, dan mereka yang mendapat harta kekayaan berlebihan tanpa mempertaruhkan resiko, dari segi keadilan telah melanggar Keadilan Hukum Berkat. Pengembangan bakat talenta pada umumnya akan diikuti dengan perolehan berkat kekayaan materi. Sebaliknya kekayaan pada umumnya juga menjadi sarana pendukung pengembangan talenta untuk mengejar perolehan berkat yang lebih banyak lagi. Hasil akhir yang hendak dicapai tetap sama yaitu kekayaan materi.

Para demonstran yang tidak memperhatikan kaidah kesopanan, juru kampanye politik yang mengobral janji-janji, orang-orang yang hanya menikmati kepuasan batin dengan mengucapan caci maki, para pemasang iklan yang isi iklannya menyesatkan, para pengkotbah yang memutar-balikkan isi wahyu Tuhan pada umumnya melanggar Keadilan Hukum Perkataan.

Para pelaku kudeta, pemberontak dan para teroris secara langsung melawan Keadilan Perjanjian yang tertuang dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara, melawan Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan dan melawan Hukum Keadilan Allah. Hanya ada dua jalan cara Allah menegakkan Keadilan di Dunia, Pertama, melalui pengampunan dengan melepaskan kebebasan pihak yang bersalah untuk mendapatkan kembali hak-haknya menuju perdamaian. Yang Kedua, setiap orang yang mempunyai diwajibkan untuk memberi atau melepaskan sebagian dari apa yang oleh hukum positif dianggap sebagai hak milik. Hal itu hanya dapat dijalankan dengan kesadaran, kebebasan dan ketaatan iman. Orang beriman bisa gonta ganti agama, tetapi kedua hukum dasar itu adalah kewajiban yang mengikat setiap orang beriman. Nabi Muhammad mengijinkan perang Jihad hanya terbatas untuk menegakkan keadilan sosial dan ke-Esa-an Allah. Karena para Ulama maupun Para Kyai tidak lebih besar dari Nabi Muhammad, maka mereka tidak dapat membelokkan tujuan perang Jihad jika di negaranya sendiri masih banyak ketimpangan sosial, kemiskinan, penderitaan, pelanggaran hukum maupun pelanggaran keadilan. ( Al Qur’an, An Nisaa, Juz 5 :135, Al Maa-idah, Juz 6: 8 )

Pada umumnya orang yang disebut bersalah adalah mereka yang berurusan dengan hukum positif terlebih jika hakim telah menjatuhkan putusan hukuman. Dari segi keadilan seperti yang telah diurai dimuka, rusaknya tatanan sosial masyarakat, ketimpangan kesejahteraan, tidak terlindunginya hak kesejahteraan hidup rakyat dan lahirnya kejahatan-kejahatan baru hampir semua pihak penyebabnya. Untuk menata masyarakat baru yang adil sejahtera, tidak cukup kalau hanya memiliki kehendak baik, menyandarkan pada partai politik, mendengarkan kotbah para hamba Tuhan atau menaruh harapan reformasi lembaga Negara. Hanya kita semua secara serentak dan bersama-sama yang mampu memberi harapan baru dan jalan keluarnya.

Makna Religius dibalik Hukum Keadilan Perjanjian.

Para pendiri Negara dan peletak dasar keadilan sosial atas kekayaan alam suatu Negara telah sangat dipikirkan agar kekayaan Negara dapat memberikan kesejahteraan untuk rakyat yang memperoleh kemerdekaan negaranya. Ketika Negara menyatakan kemerdekaannya, dan para pendiri bangsa meletakkan dasar-dasar hukum dibawah Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara, atau ketika suatu perusahaan didirikan dan tata tertib untuk karyawan diundangkan, atau ketika universitas didirikan dan tata tertib kerja untuk dosen serta mahasiswa diberlakukan, maka setiap orang yang berada dalam ikatan organisasi itu wajib mentaati serta menerimanya tanpa adanya kehendak bebas untuk menolak atau mengubahnya. Agar undang-undang atau tata tertib itu dipatuhi, maka undang-undang itu selalu berisi peringatan-peringatan, ancaman-ancaman, denda hingga hukuman-hukuman yang berakhir tanpa adanya pengampunan. Dengan kata lain perjanjian yang tertuang dalam hukum tata tertib itu harus dipenuhi dalam batas-batas yang dapat dimengerti oleh pihak pembuat hukum perjanjian itu. Bila hukum perjanjian itu diterima dan dipatuhi, maka hasil akhirnya akan memberikan hadiah yang akan diterima oleh pihak-pihak yang bersedia mengikatkan diri dalam perjanjian itu. Sebaliknya jika pihak yang sebelumnya bersedia meletakkan diri dibawah ikatan perjanjian itu melakukan pelanggaran di luar batas yang dapat diterima oleh pihak-organisasi pembuat hukum perjanjian itu, dengan sendirinya orang tersebut harus keluar dari kelompok organisasi itu atau mendapat hukuman-hukuman lainnya. Karena Allah juga membuat hukum-hukum perjanjian sekaligus sebagai aturan keselamatan, maka para pihak yang dalam batas tertentu tidak mendapat pengampunan Allah juga harus keluar dari Rumah Allah.

Dibawah ini adalah Hukum-Hukum Allah yang didalamnya mengandung prinsip – prinsip Keadilan Universal sekaligus memuat Keadilan Perjanjian. Prinsip-Prinsip Keadilan Universal ini otomatis terjadi dan harus diterima tanpa pertimbangan kebebasan pilihan dan keputusan manusia karena setiap manusia berada di wilayah kekuasaan Allah sebagai Pencipta Alam Semesta, langit dan bumi. Hukum Perjanjian ini menghubungkan Prinsip-Prinsip Keadilan Universal yang berlaku di bumi dengan hukum-hukum Kerajaan Allah yang ada di Sorga. Hukum ini mengikat setiap orang karena setiap orang adalah ciptaan Allah, dan kehendak bebas manusia tidak dapat melawan hukum ini.

Perintah dan hukum Allah yang Pertama kali

“Beranakcuculah dan bertambah banyak, penuhilah bumi dan taklukkanlah itu, berkuasalah atas ikan-ikan di laut dan burung-burung di udara dan atas segala binatang yang merayap di bumi” ( Kisah Penciptaan, Kejadian 1: 28 ).
Ayat di atas menegaskan adanya Prinsip Keadilan Hukum Talenta, bahwa setiap orang yang lahir di dunia mempunyai tugas untuk mengembangkan dan menyempurnakan karya Allah di dunia.

“ Lalu Allah memberkati hari ketujuh itu dan menguduskannya, karena pada hari itulah Ia berhenti dari segala pekerjaan penciptaan yang telah dibuat-Nya itu. ( Kisah Penciptaan, Kejadian 2: 3 )

Ayat di atas menegaskan adanya Prinsip Keadilan Hukum Berkat. Dengan membaca pada ayat sebelumnya, maka di sini terdapat titik temu dua berkat yang diberikan Allah secara sempurna. Berkat pertama Allah berikan kepada Manusia, makhluk terpilih yang dianggap-Nya sebagai citra gambar Diri-Nya. Berkat kedua Allah berikan kepada alam semesta seisinya yang berarti air, udara, tanah, tumbuhan, binatang dan semua yang terkandung di dalamnya. Dengan bertemunya dua titik berkat itu maka apa yang diusahakan dan dicari manusia sejauh bahan-bahan bakunya ada di alam semesta yang terurai pada hukum-hukum kimia, hukum fisika, hukum matematika dan hukum-hukum alam lainnya, usaha manusia itu akan berhasil. Yang manjadi masalah adalah, apakah hasil karya manusia itu kemudian dipersembahkan kepada Allah untuk kemuliaan Allah dan kesejahteraan manusia atau ditujukan untuk kepuasan batin manusia itu sendiri. Hal itu tergantung pada kebebasan dan sikap hati manusia untuk mengarahkan tujuan hasil karyanya.

“ Seluruh hutangmu ( kesalahan – dosamu ) telah Kuhapuskan karena engkau memohonkannya kepadaKu. Bukankah engkau harus mengasihani kawanmu seperti Aku telah mengasihani engkau. Allahmu di sorga akan berbuat demikian juga terhadap kamu, apabila kamu masing-masing mengampuni saudaramu dengan segenap hatimu. “ ( Injil Matius 18: 32-35 )

Ayat di atas secara universal menggambarkan adanya Prinsip Hukum Pengampunan yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap orang pada setiap saat, setiap waktu, setiap keadaan dan setiap situasi. Orang yang membutuhkan pengampunan dan pembebasan dari kesalahan bukan hanya orang-orang yang oleh situasi disudutkan sebagai pihak yang bersalah, yang berhutang atau yang harus mendapat belas kasihan. Dilihat dari sudut pandang hukum manusia, hukum adat, hukum positif maupun hukum Allah pada dasarnya setiap orang dan setiap kelompok masyarakat dalam setiap posisinya membutuhkan pengampunan yang tak terbatas. Di bawah ini saya berikan contoh besarnya pengampunan yang tak terbatas yang dibutuhkan oleh para pemimpin, para perampok dan bangsa-bangsa penjajah.

“ Tuhan, sampai berapa kali aku harus mengampuni saudaraku jika ia berbuat dosa terhadap aku ? Sampai tujuh kali?” Jawan Yesus: “ Bukan. Aku berkata kepadamu, bukan sampai tujuh kali, melainkan sampai tujuh puluh kali tujuh kali.” ( Injil Matius 18 : 21-22 )

Ayat di atas menggambarkan bahwa setiap orang mempunyai dan melakukan bermacam-macam kesalahan dan tak terhitung. Maka untuk memperoleh kebebasan dan kemerdekaan hidupnya juga dibutuhkan pengampunan yang tak terhingga. Pada umumnya kesabaran manusia sangat terbatas, yang awalnya berupa pengampunan bisa berakhir dengan pembunuhan, balas dendam atau kegembiraan atas penderitaan orang lain.

Para Pemimpin Negara maupun para Pejabat Negara sudah pasti memahami bahwa rusaknya moral rakyat yang dipimpinnya, merebaknya kemiskinan dan tiadanya tunjangan kesejahteraan rakyat yang memadai disebabkan oleh pelanggaran-pelanggaran di bidang hukum positif, penyimpangan arah konstitusi Negara serta pelanggaran lain terhadap Kedaulatan Hukum Negara yang telah digariskan oleh Undang-Undang Dasar Negara. Pelaku pelanggaran tersebut seharusnya mendapatkan hukuman sesuai dengan prinsip bahwa setiap orang memiliki hak dan kedudukan yang sama di hadapan hukum. Akan tetapi para pelaku dan pelanggar hukum Negara tersebut membutuhkan pengampunan-pengampunan baik dari para penegak hukum maupun dari rakyatnya sendiri sesuai dengan upaya mereka untuk mendapatkan pengampunan itu sehingga pelanggarannya dibebaskan dari hukuman. Jika para pemimpin Negara tidak membutuhkan pengampunan yang tak terbatas dari para penegak hukum maupun dari rakyatnya sendiri, seharusnya mereka mematuhi kedaulatan hukum Negara sekaligus menempatkan hukuman dan pangampunan pada posisi yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum, baik hukum positif maupun hukum hati nurani yang dapat diketahui melalui akal budinya sendiri-sendiri.

Perampok, pencuri, pelaku korupsi dan Negara-negara penjajah juga membutuhkan pengampunan yang tak terbatas. Jika mereka tidak mendapatkan pengampunan dari pihak-pihak yang seharusnya menjatuhkan hukuman kepada para pelaku di bidang pencurian, korupsi, perampokan, pemerkosaan ataupun penjajahan, maka mereka tidak mendapatkan jaminan kebebasan maupun kebahagiaan untuk masa depan atas tindakan perbuatan masa lalunya. Bagaimana cara mereka memperoleh pengampunan agar mendapatkan pembebasan hukuman tidak dikupas di sini. Pokok masalahnya bahwa pengampunan dibutuhkan oleh semua pihak sesuai dengan prinsip Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan yang telah dikupas dimuka. Karena hukum positif tidak menjangkau dan tidak dapat menjelaskan dengan logika bagaimana anak cucu keturunan bangsa-bangsa terjajah harus memberikan pengampunan kepada anak cucu generasi penjajah yang secara hukum tidak melakukan kesalahan maupun kekerasan. Atau bagaimana generasi anak cucu yang hidupnya terlunta-lunta dalam kemiskinan harus memberikan pengampunan kepada anak cucu generasi penerus para kuruptor yang secara langsung merampas kebahagiaan umat manusia suatu bangsa secara keseluruhan. Awal dari kemiskinan, penderitaan suatu bangsa dan rusaknya mental budaya bangsa dari pelanggaran terhadap Keadilan Hukum Perjanjian yang tertulis pada Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara serta lemahnya penegakan Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan karena tidak menempatkan jatuhnya hukuman dan pengampunan sesuai aturan hukum yang telah ditetapkan.

Yang paling besar membutuhkan pengampunan adalah para pemimpin di bidang keagamaan. Masalah terbesar dan isu paling utama di bidang keagamaan adalah Pengampunan dan Keadilan Sosial. Pengampunan mendorong terciptanya perdamaian, kerukunan hidup beragama, toleransi, saling menjunjung tinggi sebagai sesame makhluk ciptaan Tuhan serta penghormatan terhadap hak hidup manusia. Keadilan Sosial yang didorong oleh spiritual tiadanya keterikatan terhadap hak milik untuk hidup dalam semangat kemiskinan Tuhan akan menciptakan keseimbangan hidup dan pemerataan kesejahteraan umat manusia. Kedua isu tersebut mengalahkan paham sentral pada keyakinan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Injil maupun Al Qur’an menekankan adanya indikasi dosa sosial jika orang beriman lebih mengutamakan keterikatan hidupnya dengan materi dari pada menggantungkan hidupnya pada kehendak Allah. ( Injil Lukas 14: 33, Matius 23:23, Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10:55, At Taghaabun, Juz 28 :15 ) Apakah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa itu dianggap penting atau tidak, perlu ada atau tidak, tetapi paham terhadap keadilan sosial menempati urutan pertama dan terpenting di bidang keadilan. Agama Hindu maupun Budha menekankan hal yang sama. Ajaran Suci Leluhur Orang Jawa memasukkan tiadanya keterikatan hak milik itu pada susunan aturan tata tertib hidup seperti yang tertuang pada Aji Padmawara. Kenyataannya seperti kita lihat, para pemimpin di bidang keagamaan memiliki tingkat kesejahteraan yang jauh lebih baik, kualitas pelayanan, jaminan masa tua dan perawatan kesehatan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kebanyakan manusia lain yang tidak memiliki jaminan masa depan dengan memutarbalikkan firman Tuhan bahwa orang yang dicintai Tuhan akan menerima banyak berkat.

Sedang urutan kedua yang menjadi bagian terpenting pada setiap keyakinan adalah Pengampunan. Isu ini menjadi indikasi utama di bidang Perdamaian yang berarti stabilitas keamanan masyarakat, baik lokal maupun internasional. Kenyataannya kita lihat, kejahatan-kejahatan di bidang keagamaan, perlakuan yang tidak adil terhadap pemeluk agama yang berbeda paham, peperangan antar partai politik keagamaan hingga isu-isu konflik karena keyakinan agama maupun terorisme yang dipicu oleh paham religius justru datang dan dikobarkan dari para pemimpin dan tokoh-tokoh agama. Kejadian-kejadian tersebut membuktikan bahwa tiadanya pengampunan yang kemudian melahirkan konflik sosial serta meniadakan perdamaian dan keamanan masyarakat justru membutuhkan pengampunan. Pada agama Islam sangat jelas, yang akan kami jelaskan di halaman berikut, bahwa isu perdamaian yang berarti pengampunan menjadi hukum emas yang harus dijunjung tinggi oleh setiap pemeluk agama Islam. Arti perang jihad tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menegakkan Keadilan dan ke-Esa-an Allah. ( Al Qur’an: An Nisaa’, Juz 5: 135, Al Maa-idah, Juz 6: 8 , Konstitusi Perdamaian Madinah ) Nabi Muhhamad sendiri dalam usahanya untuk menegakkan keadilan di rumah tangganya, beliau bersedia melepaskan semua istrinya yang jumlahnya lebih dari sepuluh dengan menceraikan mereka secara serentak. Akan tetapi banyak pria muslim dan non muslim yang cenderung takhluk dibawah pinggul wanita, lalu melakukan kejahatan-kejahatan seperti korupsi, penipuan atau pencurian yang secara langsung melanggar keadilan sosial, melanggar hukum Islam dan melawan tertib aturan Allah. ( Kejadian 2: 21-25, Kolose 3: 18, Efesus 5: 22-24, Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10: 55; Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188 )

Tradisi budaya yang terjadi di hampir setiap nafas kehidupan sosial agama selalu membelokkan alur suci pesan wahyu Allah dengan mengejar perdamaian semu yang bertumpu pada materi yang akhirnya mendorong kesenjangan kesejahteraan dan peperangan. Pelanggaran terhadap kedua masalah utama di bidang keagamaan, yaitu pelanggaran terhadap Keadilan Sosial dan perintah Pengampunan membutuhkan pengampunan baru yang tak terbatas dari orang lain, baik dari umatnya sendiri yang tidak paham bagaimana harus mengampuni pemimpinnya atau dari umat lain yang menjadi korban tindakannya. Dalam hal ini hukum positif yang pelaksanaannya dijalankan oleh Negara seringkali tidak dapat menjatuhkan hukuman sekalipun bukti kekerasan yang dilakukan kaum religius melanggar hukum Negara. Dewasa ini nilai terpenting suatu agama bukan masalah mempersoalkan pendirinya diakui sebagai nabi oleh pihak lain atau tidak, tetapi menyangkut isu kemanusiaan utama yaitu Keadilan Sosial agar tercipta Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Pengampunan agar tercipta Perdamaian untuk seluruh umat manusia. Sebagian besar organisasi keagamaan baik lembaganya, pemerintahannya maupun orang beriman perseorangannya telah kehilangan roh spiritual religiusnya ketika dua prinsip terpentingnya yaitu Keadilan Sosial dan Pengampunan dilepaskan dari inti wahyu yang seharusnya diterima sebagai satu paket kesatuan sikap iman.
Umat kristiani telah mendapat kambing hitam yang tepat dengan menuding para Ahli Taurat dan orang Farisi yang menyalibkan Yesus Sejarah sebagai Tuhan dan Juru Selamat. Pelimpahan kesalahan kepada Ahli Taurat dan Orang Farisi pada jaman Yesus Sejarah seolah-olah membenarkan bahwa generasi umat kristiani yang sekarang hidup tidak melakukan kesalahan penerapan iman atas tuntutan kasih Allah. Sedang umat berkeyakinan lain di luar pengikut Yesus menunjuk Allah atau Pribadi lain sebagai sosok Maha Pengampun dan Maha Pemurah. Para ahli kitab dan para pemimpin agama lupa bahwa mereka adalah Putera Mahkota sekaligus Pewaris Tahta Kerajaan Sorga yang bertindak sebagai ahli waris untuk meneruskan pemerintahan Allah di dunia dengan tugas utamanya untuk menebarkan Pengampunan agar tercipta Perdamaian Dunia sekaligus mendorong terciptanya Keadilan Sosial dengan memberi contoh untuk hidup dalam semangat kemiskinan Tuhan. Akan tetapi karena banyak orang tidak rela untuk hidup miskin sekaligus bergantung pada kehendak Allah, maka iman yang seharusnya dijalani dengan keberanian, kesederhanaan serta kerendahan hati diputar balikkan dengan doktrin baru bahwa orang beriman yang dicintai Tuhan akan menuai kelimpahan berkat. Kitab-kitab suci tidak menjanjikan kelimpahan berkat sebagai ganti untuk menukar agnotisme dengan berkat kekayaan materi atau kebahagiaan karena iman. Jika demikian maka isi kotbah di bukit tidak berlaku, dan kalau isi kotbah di bukit tidak berlaku apakah berarti Yesus Sejarah yang oleh umat kristiani disepakati sebagai Tuhan dan Anak Allah itu penipu ?

“ Orang yang bersikap sama terhadap kawan dan musuh, seimbang dalam penghormatan dan penghinaan, panas dan dingin, suka dan duka, kemashyuran dan fitnah, selalu bebas dari pergaulan yang mencemarkan, selalu diam dan puas dengan segala sesuatu, yang tidak mempedulikan tempat tinggal apapun, mantap dalam pengetahuan dan tekun dalam bhakti, orang seperti itu sangat Ku-cintai “. ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12: 18-19 )

“ Sebagaimana kamu kehendaki supaya orang berbuat kepadamu, perbuatlah juga demikian kepada mereka. Kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti dirimu sendiri.” ( Injil Lukas 6:31 & 10: 27 )

Ayat di atas mengindikasikan adanya prinsip keadilan universal untuk memberikan perlakuan dan penghormatan pada martabat manusia secara seimbang, pada setiap situasi dan kondisi. Adanya kasta yang terstruktur pada organisasi yang membedakan jabatan, kedudukan, kekayaan, perbedaan keyakinan, kemampuan intelektual dan lain-lain tidak mengubah adanya keharusan untuk menghormati dan memperlakukan orang lain secara seimbang. Dengan kata lain setiap orang dalam kondisinya yang paling hina pun memerlukan penghormatan, perlakuan yang adil, perlindungan hak hidup serta perhatian. Ayat di atas kiranya menjadi landasan terpenting lahirnya hak-hak azasi manusia. Jika ayat di atas ditiadakan maka orang-orang yang tidak berguna, yang secara ekonomis tidak produktif, orang-orang sakit mental maupun mereka yang dari segi keamanan hanya menimbulkan kekacauan masalah sosial apakah mereka perlu dilenyapkan oleh negara agar kestabilan masyarakat dunia semakin baik.

“Berilah kepada setiap orang yang meminta kepadamu, dan janganlah meminta kembali kepada orang yang mengambil kepunyaanmu.” ( Injil Lukas 6 :30 ) .
“ Dan janganlah sebahagian kamu memakan harta sebahagian yang lain di antara kamu dengan jalan yang batil dan janganlah kamu membawa urusan harta itu kepada hakim, supaya kamu dapat memakan sebahagian daripada harta benda orang lain itu dengan jalan berbuat dosa, padahal kamu mengetahui”. ( Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188 )

“ Ora melikan: Ora kena rumangsa ndarbeni dhewe, ananging kudu rumangsa kabeh mau asale saka kang Murbeng jagad, arti terjemahannya Tidak boleh menginginkan barang hak milik orang lain, tidak boleh merasa memiliki terhadap barang hak milik sendiri, tetapi harus merasa bahwa semua itu berasal dari Yang Memerintah alam semesta ( Allah )” Aji Padmawara, Ajaran Suci Leluhur Orang Jawa.

Ayat di atas mengindikasikan agar orang beriman tidak terikat dengan harta benda, kekayaan hak milik ataupun kekayaan intelektual jika hal tersebut harus diberikan untuk kebaikan orang lain. Ayat di atas juga menjelaskan bagaimana nilai suatu kekayaan harus dibagikan untuk orang lain baik jika hal itu diminta atau harus diberikan karena kesadarannya sendiri. Banyak pemimpin agama maupun orang beriman menghindari penghayatan ayat-ayat dan pesan-pesan suci kitab suci di atas agar dirinya tidak dituntut untuk melakukannya. Pada Injil Lukas 6:30 Yesus menekankan perlunya kemurahan hati yang sekaligus dipertentangkan dengan larangan mencuri dan membiarkan si pencuri untuk hidup bebas dengan hasil curiannya karena yang dicuri sebenarnya bukan milik orang yang secara hukum diakui sebagai miliknya, tetapi yang dicuri itu sebenarnya miliknya Allah. ( langit dan bumi seisinya miliknya Allah ). Perintah pertama untuk memberi kepada setiap orang yang meminta sebenarnya juga menegaskan bahwa setiap orang sekalipun sudah dewasa dan mampu bekerja untuk mendapatkan rejekinya sendiri pada dasarnya tetap membutuhkan bantuan dan pemberian dari orang lain, seperti anak-anak dan pengemis jalanan yang senantiasa mengulurkan tangannya. Sekalipun secara hukum seseorang.dinyatakan telah dewasa dan mampu bekerja, kenyataannya tidak ada orang yang dapat hidup berdiri dari keringatnya sendiri. Selalu ada rejeki tambahan, pendapatan tambahan, komisi atau pemberian yang diterima secara gratis dari kebaikan orang lain. Jadi perintah Yesus untuk memberi kepada setiap orang yang meminta sebenarnya hanya merupakan peringatan bahwa jika seseorang mau menerima hendaknya juga bersedia memberi. Sebaliknya, larangan agar tidak meminta kembali barang yang telah dicuri oleh orang lain menyangkut tiga hal. Pertama, mesti disadari kembali bahwa semua kitab suci menyatakan bahwa penguasa dan pemilik alam semesta bukan diri kita orang perseorangan sekalipun oleh hukum positif hak milik diakui secara pribadi. Kedua, orang beriman harus memiliki keutamaan dibandingkan orang tidak beriman dengan menganggap hak milik itu secara teologis tetap miliknya Allah. Secara teologis orang beriman tetap dilarang mengklaim atau menuntut balik atas barang-barang hilang yang telah dicuri oleh orang lain. Ketiga, baik orang beriman maupun orang tidak beriman sebenarnya sama-sama tidak dapat mempertahankan hak miliknya secara penuh. Artinya, kita semua sama-sama pernah ditipu, diperdaya dan hak-hak yang kita akui sebagai milik kita berpindah tangan dengan cara menyakitkan. Tidak ada seorangpun yang hidup di tengah-tengah masyarakat bisa bebas dan tidak menjadi korban penipuan pihak lain.

Sabda Allah kepada Hawa, perempuan itu: “ Susah payahmu waktu mengandung akan Kubuat sangat banyak, dengan kesakitan engkau akan melahirkan anak-anakmu, namun engkau akan birahi kepada suamimu dan suamimu akan berkuasa atasmu.” Lalu Firman-Nya kepada Adam:” Karena engkau mendengarkan perkataan isterimu dan memakan dari buah pohon yang telah Kuperintahkan kepadamu ‘ Jangan makan dari padanya, maka terkutuklah tanah karena engkau, dengan bersusah payah engkau akan mencari rezekimu dari tanah seumur hidupmu, semak duri dan rumput duri yang akan dihasilkannya bagimu, dan tumbuh-tumbuhan di padang akan menjadi makananmu, dengan berpeluh engkau akan mencari makananmu, sampai engkau kembali lagi menjadi tanah, karena dari situlah engkau diambil, sebab engkau debu dan akan kembali menjadi debu.” ( Kisah Penciptaan, Kejadian 3: 16-19 )

Allah berfirman: “ Di bumi itu kamu hidup dan di bumi itu kamu mati, dan dari bumi itu pula kamu akan dibangkitkan”. (Al Qur’an, Al A’raaf, Juz 8:25 ) “

Pamsukula Gatha
Semua makhluk mengalami kematian
Mereka telah mengalami kematian, dan akan mengalami lagi
Demikian pula saya pasti mengalami kematian
Tiada keraguan bagiku tentang hal ini

Pabbatopama Gatha
Demikianlah kelapukan dan kematian
Mencengkeram semua makhluk hidup
Apakah mereka kaum ksatria, brahmana, pedagang
Pekerja, kaum terkucil ataupun kaum pembuang sampah
Tidak seorangpun akan terhindar
Kelapukan dan kematian menerjang semuanya

Kematian yang digambarkan pada ayat di atas merupakan salah satu dari Prinsip Keadilan Universal lainnya yang terdapat pada wahyu Allah yang mana kehendak bebas dan kekuasaan manusia tidak dapat melawannya. Kematian adalah penyerahan diri atas segala usaha yang telah dan pernah dicapai oleh seorang manusia baik kekayaan, kebahagiaaan, dosa, kesalahan perencanaan, penyesalan, penderitaan atau usahanya untuk mencapai kesucian. Kematian adalah hilangnya hak dan tanggung jawab seseorang atas kewajibannya, kecuali jika orang-orang yang masih hidup tetap memberikan hak-hak tertentu sekedar untuk menghormati atau menuntut kepada ahli warisnya karena merasa kehilangan haknya atas kematian seseorang. Jika hak-hak orang mati tetap diakui dan melekat dengan kekuasaan orang yang telah mati maka tatanan dunia akan kacau karena dunia akan diperintah oleh orang-orang yang sudah mati. Dari segi keadilan maka orang yang hendak meninggal harus bersedia secara ikhlas untuk melepaskan hak-hak berikut kekuasaannya dan orang yang masih hidup juga harus bersedia melepaskan apa yang menjadi tanggung jawab orang yang sudah meninggal. Jika prinsip keadilan ini dipenuhi maka tidak ada orang mati yang rohnya gentayangan menganggu kertentraman orang hidup dan tidak ada gugat-menggugat ahli waris karena para ahli waris tidak mengambil tanggung jawab atas hak orang yang sudah meninggal dengan melampaui tatanan hukum yang diterapkan untuk orang-orang yang masih hidup. Dengan prinsip keadilan atas kematian ini maka perdamaian yang meletakkan antara hak orang hidup dan orang mati kembali menjadi bagian sentral pada tatanan kehidupan.

Ulangan 18:15,18,21-22 “Seorang nabi di tengah-tengahmu, dari antara saudara saudaramu, sama seperti aku, akan dibangkitkan bagimu oleh Tuhan, Allahmu, dialah yang harus kamu dengarkan…..seorang nabi akan Kubangkitkan bagi mereka dari antara saudara mereka seperti engkau ini. Aku akan menaruh firman-Ku dalam mulutnya dan ia akan mengatakan kepada mereka segala yang Kuperintahkan kepadanya…………Jika sekiranya kamu berkata dalam hatimu: Bagaimanakah kami mengetahui perkataan yang tidak difirmankan Tuhan?..........apabila seorang nabi berkata demi nama Tuhan dan perkataannya itu tidak terjadi dan tidak sampai, maka itulah perkataan yang tidak difirmankan Tuhan” Teks ini ditulis kira-kira 1.500-1.900 tahun sebelum masehi. Teks-teks sejenis yang berbicara tentang kebangkitan berulangkali Allah ucapkan dalam berbagai situasi dengan rentang periode yang berbeda-beda, tempat yang berbeda-beda dengan selisih waktu bisa ratusan tahun.

“ Seperti halnya seseorang mengenakan pakaian baru, dan membuka pakaian lama, begitu pula sang roh menerima badan-badan jasmani yang baru dengan meninggalkan badan-badan lama yang tidak berguna. Roh tidak dapat dipotong-potong menjadi bagian-bagian oleh senjata apapun, dibakar oleh api, dibasahi oleh air, atau dikeringkan oleh angin “.( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 2: 22-23 )

“ Orang bodoh tidak dapat mengerti bagaimana makhluk hidup dapat meninggalkan badannya, dan mereka tidak dapat mengerti jenis badan mana yang dinikmatinya di bawah pesona sifat-sifat alam. Tetapi orang yang matanya sudah terlatih dalam pengetahuan dapat melihat segala hal tersebut “ ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 15:10 ).

Allah berfirman: “ Di bumi itu kamu hidup dan di bumi itu kamu mati, dan dari bumi itu pula kamu akan dibangkitkan”. (Al Qur’an, Al A’raaf, Juz 8:25 ) “ Kemudian sesudah itu, sesungguhnya kamu sekalian benar-benar akan mati. Kemudian, sesungguhnya kamu sekalian akan dibangkitkan dari kuburmu di hari kiamat”. ( Al Mu’minuun, Juz 18:15-16 ) Dan ingatlah akan hari ketika Kami bangkitkan dari tiap-tiap umat seorang saksi ( rasul ), kemudian tidak diijinkan kepada orang-orang yang kafir untuk membela diri dan tidak pula mereka dibolehkan meminta maaf”. ( An Nahl, Juz 14:84 ) “ Hai manusia, jika kamu dalam keraguan tentang kebangkitan dari kubur………..sesungguhnya hari kiamat itu pastilah datang, tak ada keraguan padanya, dan bahwasanya Allah membangkitkan semua orang di dalam kubur”. ( Al Haji. Juz 17:5-7 ).

Berfirmanlah Allah:” Bukankah kebangkitan ini benar?” Mereka menjawab:” Sungguh benar, demi Tuhan kami.” Berfirmanlah Allah;” Karena itu rasakanlah azab ini, disebabkan kamu mengingkarinya.” ( Al Qur’an, Al An’aam, Juz 7:30 ).

Yesus berkata kepada murid-murid-Nya:” Anak Manusia akan diserahkan ke dalam tangan manusia, dan mereka akan membunuh Dia dan pada hari ketiga Ia akan dibangkitkan.” ( Injil Matius 17:22 )

Ketika aku melihat Yesus, tersungkurlah aku di depan kaki-Nya sama seperti orang yang mati, tetapi Ia meletakkan tangan kanan-Nya di atasku lalu berkata:” Jangan takut. Aku adalah Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir, dan Yang Hidup . Aku telah mati, tetapi lihatlah, Aku hidup sampai selama-lamanya, dan Aku yang memegang segala kunci maut dan kerajaan maut “. ( Wahyu 1:17-18 )

Roh orang yang sudah meninggal tidak memiliki kesadaran penuh terutama jika kesadaran itu dikaitkan dengan kecerdasan intelektual dan kehendak bebas. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan melalui ilmu-ilmu paranormal, ilmu perdukunan dan sejenisnya yang mana roh manusia yang sudah meninggal dapat dipermainkan atau diperalat oleh kehendak bebas orang yang masih hidup. ( Kitab Perjanjian Lama, I Samuel: 28 ) Dari sudut pandang Kitab Suci roh manusia tunduk pada kehendak Allah dan ketaatan roh pada kehendak Allah itu disebabkan karena roh manusia yang sudah menginggal tidak lagi mempunyai kebebasan untuk melawan Kuasa Allah sama seperti ketika orang tersebut masih hidup.

Kebangkitan merupakan salah satu bagian dari Prinsip Keadilan Universal. Jika manusia tidak dapat menolak kelahirannya, tidak berkuasa menolak kematiannya, maka manusia juga tidak berkuasa menolak kebangkitannya. Kebangkitan adalah satu-satunya cara untuk menjelaskan bagaimana Allah akan menepati janji-Nya. Tanpa kebangkitan kualitas hidup yang dibungkus dalam iman terhadap Allah dan penyerahan diri pada kehendak Allah tidak dapat dijelaskan. Tanpa kebangkitan kualitas moral yang dilihat dalam sikap hidup dan perbuatan seorang manusia sia-sia.

Allah berfirman:
Kasih setia-Ku tidak akan Kujauhkan dari padamu
Aku tidak akan berlaku curang dalam hal kesetiaan-Ku
Aku tidak akan melanggar perjanjian-Ku
apa yang keluar dari bibir-Ku tidak akan Kuubah
sekali Aku bersumpah demi kekudusan-Ku
Aku, Tuhanmu tidak akan ingkar ( Mazmur Daud, 89:34-36 )

Akan tetapi Allah tidak akan mengadili manusia berdasarkan Keadilan-Nya karena perbuatannya si manusia saja. Jika Allah mengadili manusia dengan Keadilan-Nya karena Allah Maha Adil, maka hanya sebagian kecil orang yang layak masuk Kerajaan Sorga karena manusia apapun paham kepercayaannya sangat sulit untuk dapat memenuhi prinsip-prinsip keadilan universal seperti tuntutan Allah dalam wahyu-Nya yang telah dijelaskan pada naskah ini. Dengan adanya Prinsip-Prinsip Keadilan Universal ini, maka tidak ada alasan orang yang karena kekurangan dan kecacatannya, entah sebagai pesakitan atau dilahirkan dengan berkelamin ganda menuding dan menyalahkan Allah sebagai pihak yang tidak adil. Dengan segala kekurangannya setiap orang dapat diselamatkan Allah dalam kerahiman, kemurahan dan pengampunan-Nya

Karena itu Kebangkitan adalah puncak pemenuhan Kasih, Pengampunan, Penebusan dan Pembebasan dosa kesalahan manusia untuk menjadi anak-anak Allah di dalam Kerajaan Sorga. Jika ayat-ayat Kitab Suci dipolitisir dan dijadikan alat kampanye partai politik untuk mendapatkan uang dan kekuasaan, maka pesan suci wahyu Allah tentang Keadilan akan hilang karena kedudukan Allah Maha Adil yang harus dimuliakan dirubah menjadi uang untuk mendatangkan kehormatan, terror dan sumber penderitaan.

V. Hukum Keadilan Kebebasan.

Barangsiapa memiliki kebebasan untuk menjalankan aktifitasnya maka ia harus menggunakan kebebasan itu sebaik-baiknya untuk meraih kebahagiaan hidup yang diinginkan maupun untuk kebahagiaan hidup orang lain dan barangsiapa tidak memiliki kebebasan yang dapat dituangkan melalui aktifitasnya maka ia tidak boleh mengambil kebebasan orang lain yang menyebabkan orang lain kehilangan kebahagiaannya.

Yang menjadi batas kebebasan adalah kebebasan orang ( pihak ) lain, dan yang menjadi batas aturan adalah peraturan yang sama yang dikenakan untuk orang lain. Hukum rimba terjadi jika pihak yang lebih kuat melanggar kebebasan pihak lain sehingga pihak lain kehilangan kebahagiaannya. Hukum kekuasaan terjadi jika pihak yang lebih berkuasa melanggar aturan yang dikenakan untuk orang lain sehingga orang lain yang kehilangan batas aturan yang sama kehilangan kebabasan atau kebahagiaannya.

Pemerintah yang mengelola hak kebebasan warga negaranya yang diperoleh melalui pemilu dan perwakilan rakyat mesti menyediakan penjara-penjara yang tepat bagi phak-pihak yang menyalahgunakan kebebasannya. Dalam hal ini para pihak yang melakukan pelanggaran hukum yang menyebabkan rusaknya tatanan sosial, kebebasan atau kebahagiaan warga Negara lain mesti ditempatkan secara terpisah dan terisolisir dari kelompok masyarakat yang memiliki kebebasan untuk menjalankan aktifitasnya.
Jika pemerintah bangsa-bangsa menyediakan penjara-penjara kepada para pihak yang melakukan kejahatan atau pelanggaran hukum, seharusnya pemerintah juga menyediakan tempat penginapan, sarana, pengobatan dan perawatan kepada para jompo, pesakitan, tuna netra, gelandangan jika karena suatu sebab mereka tidak mampu membiayai hidupnya. Tanggung jawab pemerintah kepada mereka para pesakitan maupun para korban yang menjadi akibat dari lahirnya kemiskinan sosial dikarenakan sikap dan cara hidup mereka menganggu kebebasan orang lain dan pihak lain bisa kehilangan kebahagiaannya. Orang tua yang pesakitan dan para pengemis bisa sangat merepotkan keluarga dan masyarakat. Diluar kehendak baik keluarga atau masyarakat, para pesakitan, pengemis dan gelandangan jika mereka berkeliaran secara langsung merampas kebebasan dan kebahagiaan perasaan masyarakat. Karena itu pemerintah seharusnya tidak hanya membatasi kebebasan para penjahat dan pelanggar hukum dengan menempatkan mereka ke ruang penjara, tetapi juga memperhatikan kebebasan keluarga miskin serta kebebasan perasaan atas hilangnya kebahagiaan masyarakat karena harus menanggung beban perasaan penderitaan orang lain, kecuali jika masyarakat yang melihat kemiskinan sosial dengan adanya para pengemis gelandangan, para korban yang mati akibat kekurangan gizi, para jompo yang mengais rejeki di tempat sampah tidak mempunyai perasaan atas hilangnya kebebasan dan kebahagiaan mereka. Jadi rumah sakit sebagai sarana penginapan, perawatan dan pengobatan gratis dan rumah-rumah penampung bagi rakyat yang menyebabkan pihak lain kehilangan kebebasan dan kebahagiaannya mutlak harus disediakan pemerintah sama seperti penjara-penjara harus dibangun, dijaga keamanannya, disediakan makanan dan dilayani kebutuhannya sampai pada batas kelayakan yang seharusnya diberikan.

Para juru kampanye partai politik sebelum memberikan janji-janji sehubungan dengan peningkatan kesejahteraan, pembebasan biaya pendidikan, mempermudah perizinan usaha, pemotongan beban pajak usaha, bumi dan bangunan seharusnya menunjukkan bukti nyata terlebih dahulu dengan mengorbankan biaya kampanye untuk membebaskan kemiskinan sosial yang sasarannya sudah ada di depan mata. Bagaimanapun juga orang-orang miskin, para pengemis gelandangan dan para penderita pesakitan adalah sarana efektif yang disediakan Tuhan secara sempurna untuk mempersingkat jalan menuju sorga sekaligus mengangkat moral dan rasa hormat bagi pihak-pihak yang dapat memperalatnya.
Sejak empat ribu tahun yang lalu, yaitu sejak lahirnya nabi-nabi besar menjadi penyambung lidah Tuhan hingga lahirnya Nabi Muhammad di tanah Arab, berbagai kemajuan teknologi hingga perkembangan teknologi pangan untuk mencapai puncak kenikmatan telah ditemukan, tetapi kemajuan di bidang penegakkan hukum untuk mencapai keadilan dan bidang olah kepekaan hati untuk mengembangkan cinta kasih hampir tidak mengalami kemajuan. Di bidang politik, dilanggarnya Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara yang oleh para pendiri bangsa di seluruh dunia dimaksudkan untuk melindungi kesejahteraan rakyat sering menjadi penyebab merebaknya kemiskinan sosial dan korupsi di berbagai Negara. Di bidang religius, aturan dasar terhadap pengampunan untuk menciptakan perdamaian dan keharusan untuk bermurah hati dalam berbagi berkat rejeki dengan pihak yang miskin untuk mengembangkan keadilan sosial lebih sering diabaikan. Sejarah dunia belum memberikan data terhadap adanya pemimpin religius atau tokoh spiritual yang mati kelaparan karena umat tidak tahu bagaimana harus memelihara dan menghormati pemimpinnya untuk memberikan persembahan. Sebaliknya, banyak orang beriman yang menjadi umat Tuhan yang mati kelaparan dan harus menanggung berbagai penderitaan, kesulitan ekonomi, tertanamnya rasa kebencian dan menuruti dorongan peperangan yang dikobarkan oleh para pemimpin keagamaan. Ini kesalahan hati nurani yang salah tempat dan salah posisi ketika tokoh spiritual menghayati pesan Kitab Suci.

Keadilan pada umumnya dipahami sebatas aturan tertib hukum positif atau hukum agama, dan Kebenaran juga dipahami berdasarkan tertib hukum positif atau hukum agama itu. Akibatnya orang dapat membangun pandangan tentang Kebenaran dari hukum yang diputar balikkan tujuannya dengan membuat aturan hukum baru agar tindakannya menjadi sah dan dibenarkan.

Sehubungan dengan Prinsip-Prinsip Keadilan Universal yang telah dipaparkan di muka, jika saja hanya berpegang pada satu aturan Hukum Keadilan Perjanjian yang mana pemerintah bangsa-bangsa menegakkan dan menjalankan isi Konstitusi Undang-Undang Dasar Negara, para wakil rakyat atau para senat juga memegang janji-janjinya sebagai wakil perutusan untuk memperjuangkan kesejahteraan rakyat yang diwakilinya, para pegawai Negara memegang janji kedisiplinan dengan membuka ruang pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang bebas dari pungutan biaya tambahan, maka nasionalisme patriotisme akan tumbuh di semua Negara.

Ditambah, jika ketujuh aturan Hukum Keadilan disadari, dipahami dan dijalankan oleh sebagian besar warga masyarakat Dunia, maka tidak akan ada seorangpun yang akan mati karena kekurangan gizi dan tidak akan ada orang sakit yang tidak bisa berobat ke dokter karena tidak punya uang. Setiap orang barada dalam jangkauan kebebasan dan kebahagiaan orang lain.

Akan tetapi karena hakekat pemahaman tentang keadilan ini lahir dari bangsa Indonesia yang sudah berabad-abad rakyat Indonesia mengharapkan datangnya Ratu Adil, semoga Ratu Adil yang ada di dalam diri setiap orang khususnya rakyat Indonesia mampu mengangkat dan menyelamatkan Bangsa Indonesia ini dari bermacam-macam persoalan akibat dilanggarnya keadilan.

Kesimpulan Tentang Keadilan.
Anda adalah Raja Keadilan dan Pemegang Kedaulatan Hukum untuk menciptakan keadilan ketika Anda tidak hanya mempertahankan hak-hak yang sudah menjadi milik Anda dan berusaha merebut kembali untuk mendapatkan hak-hak lain yang seharusnya Anda miliki, tetapi ketika Anda juga bersedia melepaskan sebagian hak milik Anda, melepaskan tuntutan atas hak-hak yang seharusnya Anda miliki dan melepaskan hak-hak lain yang tidak seharusnya Anda miliki

Tanpa sikap dan tindakan seperti di atas,
Tatanan Hukum sehebat apapun tidak akan pernah dapat menciptakan rasa keadilan. Karena keadilan yang didasarkan pada Tatanan Hukum hanya cenderung untuk menuntut atas hilangnya hak atau menuntut untuk mendapatkan hak-hak lain yang seharusnya didapatkan, dan ketika tuntut menuntut atas hak itu berhadapan dengan pihak lain yang lebih kuat atau lebih berkuasa, semua proses perjalanan menuju keadilan menjadi sia-sia.
Lalu Dunia kehilangan Spiritual Roh Keadilan.

tidak cukup kalau hanya bersandar dan berpatokan pada
Hukum, Undang-Undang maupun Perjanjian-Perjanjian
karena tidak semua tuntutan keadilan dapat dirumuskan kedalam peraturan
dan tidak cukup ditegakkan dengan cara tuntut menuntut
tetapi harus berpijak pada Akal Budi dan Hati Nurani
oleh sebab itu Anda adalah Raja Keadilan
Penegak dan Pelaksana Keadilan
ketika Anda mengetahui Keadilan harus dijalankan
bahwa Keadilan berasal dari Allah dan kembali kepada Allah

Allah adalah Penguasa Alam Semesta, dan Ia adalah pemilik Kebun Dunia. Ibarat manager, Allah hanya cukup memerintah untuk mengatur hukum Keadilan-Nya lewat wahyu yang diucapkan nabi-nabi-Nya. Karena itu orang beriman tidak dapat menipu Allah hanya dengan datang setiap minggu ke rumah-rumah ibadat sekedar untuk presentasi melaporkan kehadirannya yang dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya tidak menjalankan kehendak perintah Allah. Manager yang tegas akan memecat Anda, dan Allah juga akan mengusir Anda dari sorga-Nya. Anda lahir di dunia untuk mewakili keadilan Allah, Andalah yang memegang tongkat keadilan di dunia agar bersikap seadil-adilnya terhadap masalah dan tanggung jawab Anda sendiri.

Anda telah memahami Keadilan,
para pelaku yang melanggar Keadilan, sebab-sebab dan akibat-akibatnya
sekarang Anda mengerti bahwa:

Ratu Adil dan Raja Perdamaian di dunia itu
adalah Anda Sendiri


Anda dapat menipu Matahari dengan merekayasa kebohongan untuk mengelabuhi kebocoran yang ada di rumah Anda, tetapi Anda tidak dapat menipu Hujan yang merembaskan air mata kesedihan yang jatuh menetes di tangan Tuhan karena banyaknya bencana penderitaan sebagai akibat ketidakadilan sikap, pandangan dan perbuatan Anda.

Apapun Ideologi Anda, apapun nama keyakinan agama Anda, jika Anda secara sadar, sengaja atau berpura-pura tidak tahu sehingga sikap Anda menyebabkan orang lain lebih menderita, Anda melanggar tujuan Keadilan Allah.

Bab IV.

Puncak dari seluruh dasar Prinsip Keadilan Universal

Pada buku yang saya tulis sebelumnya ada tiga pilar utama yang menjadi dasar rumusan teologi keselamatan. Yang pertama harus ada Allah sebagai Pencipta langit dan bumi, penopang seluruh keberadaan dan sistem alam semesta. Jika keberadaan Allah ditiadakan maka proses alam yang terjadi di bumi ini sulit dijelaskan terutama jika tidak mengacu pada wayhu penciptaan. Penulis wayhu tentu tidak mengadakan hipotesis dengan menganut asas praduga tak bersalah, survey atau penelitian ilmiah bahwa manusia yang diciptakan pada hari keenam, usia keberadaannya secara arkeologi memang lebih muda dibanding dengan keberadaan tanah, tumbuhan atau binatang.

Kerusakan alam semesta terutama bumi oleh wahyu penciptaan dijelaskan akibat manusia jatuh dalam dosa karena melanggar Hukum Keadilan Perjanjian yang Allah tetapkan ( Kisah Penciptaan, Kejadian 3 ). Kelangkaan energi terutama meningkatnya harga minyak bumi, gas elpiji, batu bara dan terakhir kayu bakar sebagai sumber energi bahan bakar rumah tangga dan menyempitnya lahan hutan yang menyebabkan naiknya suhu bumi dan penyebab merebaknya bencana banjir oleh wahyu Allah telah dijawab dengan ramalan hari kiamat. Ramalan peristiwa kejadian hari kiamat itu secara logika, hitungan matematika dan teknologi mudah dimengerti. Jika kapal laut, kendaraan bermotor dan truk-truk pengangkut bahan makanan tidak mendapatkan bahan bakar atau karena bahan bakarnya terlalu mahal akibatnya produk-produk pertanian tidak dapat didistribusikan dan yang dapat diangkut harganya menjadi sangat mahal. Hasil pertanian juga tidak maksimal karena tidak mendapat suplai pupuk yang cukup karena pupuknya sendiri terlalu mahal yang disebabkan oleh mahalnya biaya produksi maupun biaya distribusi. Akibat selanjutnya masyarakat tidak mampu membeli hasil pertanian sehingga di setiap tempat terjadi kematian karena kelaparan dan berbagai penyakit.( Injil Matius 24: 7 ) Bahan makanan yang ada juga belum tentu bisa dimasak karena jumlah kayu bakar tidak lagi mencukupi. Sebagai bukti, setiap orang dapat melihat sendiri batas-batas tanah miliknya dengan memperkirakan kecukupan kayu untuk mengolah makanan untuk periode tertentu, satu dua tahun kedepan. Dalam hal ini pemerintah manapun tidak mampu lagi memberi subsidi baik untuk pengadaan bahan makanan maupun untuk menyediakan energi pendukungnya.

Dibidang moral kejahatan seksual akan menempati urutan pertama dimana istri-istri akibat meningkatnya penghargaan hak azasi dan persoalan gender tidak lagi tunduk pada suami ( Efesus 5: 22-33 ), dan para suami tidak lagi menjaga kehormatan istri. Perceraian dan perselingkuhan terjadi di setiap pemeluk agama. Dibidang pembunuhan akibat merebaknya kejahatan seksual pengguguran janin lewat aborsi akan melampaui korban perang yang disebabkan oleh laras senapan. Dibidang pewartaan iman nama Allah akan dijual oleh nabi-nabi palsu untuk mendapatkan persembahan atau kekayaan tanpa peduli dengan keadilan dan tak kenal belas kasihan. ( Matius 24: 11-23 & 24 )
Di bidang teknologi poliferasi Nuklir, terutama jika tujuan pembuatan Nuklir itu untuk perang yang saling menghancurkan, saling membunuh secara massal sekaligus menghancurkan bumi tempat tinggal manusia, wahyu Allah telah memberi jawaban dengan pasti ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 11: 32 ; Sloka 10:20 & 7:6 ; Sloka 9:18 ; Al Qur’an, Al Anbiyaa’ , Juz 17: 104 ; Al Qiyaamah, Juz 29:7-12 ; Al Qur’an. Al Mulk, Juz 29 :26 ; Injil Markus 13:32 ; Kisah Rasul 1:6-7; Injil Lukas 17:20 ) Jika saja diadakan upacara peledakan nukilir bersama sekedar untuk mencobai kekuasaan Allah maka kuasa Allah akan bertindak untuk mengatasi sistem teknolgi ciptaan manusia. Saya pikir tidak akan terjadi upacara peledakan Nuklir bersama karena kuasa Allah juga telah bekerja pada ketakutan manusia itu sendiri jika peledakan Nuklir itu bertujuan untuk mengakhiri kelangsungan hidup manusia. Dengan kata lain perang Nuklir total secara massal dan besar-besaran tidak akan terjadi. ( Kisah Penciptaan, Kejadian 9 : 8-17 )

Dasar penopang kedua untuk syarat terjadinya keselamatan yaitu harus ada Roh Kudus atau Roh Suci atau Roh Utama ( Al Qur’an, An Nahl, Juz 14:102, At Takwiir Juz 30: 18-19, Al Baqarah Juz 1:87, Al An Biyaa Juz 17:91, Bhagavad Gita Sloka 12:23, Sloka 10:20, Sloka 13:15, Sloka 15:17, Injil Yohanes 14: 16-17 & 25-26 ). Roh Kudus merupakan jalan utama yang bekerja untuk membuka pikiran dan kesadaran manusia terhadap adanya kenyataan Allah, janji-janji Allah, keberadaan para malaikat, sorga dan neraka. Kecerdasan intelektual yang didukung dengan seluruh sistem teknologi ciptaan manusia bukan alat dan bukan sarana yang tepat untuk mengetahui hakekat keberadaan Allah, membuktikan keberadaan roh, menguji keberadaan sorga atau neraka. Manusia modern yang sekarang ini hidup dengan seluruh kemampuan dan usahanya adalah manusia yang secara rohani memiliki kecerdasan spiritual paling rendah. Dengan kata lain manusia modern yang sekarang ini hidup diharuskan untuk tunduk dan menerima sistem wahyu Allah yang telah dinyatakan sebelumnya. Dari prinsip ini, maka manusia modern sebenarnya tidak mempunyai hak untuk mengadili kebenaran wahyu Allah hanya karena berbeda nabi yang diikuti dengan perbedaan cara menyembah Allah. Karena rendahnya kualitas kecerdasan rohani manusia modern, maka manusia modern tidak mampu memahami hakekat kehendak Allah sekalipun didukung daftar pustaka Kitab-Kitab Suci, kecuali jika manusia modern melibatkan Roh Kudus serta meletakkan hati dibawah kuasa Allah. Jika manusia modern hidupnya terlepas atau melepaskan diri dari tradisi pewahyuan, hampir pasti orang tersebut tidak dapat mengenal Allah yang menjadi dasar penopang keberadaan alam semesta ini. Untuk membuktikan kebenaran pernyataan ini, setiap Negara dapat menyumbangkan seorang bayi tercerdasnya untuk dibesarkan di pulau terpencil yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas pendidikan dan gizi yang mencukupi tetapi dilepaskan dari seluruh tradisi budaya pewahyuan. Maka dimasa dewasanya mereka tidak akan mengenal dan tidak akan bisa menjelaskan keberadaan Allah, menceritakan gambaran sorga atau neraka.

Kebangkitan adalah penopang dari seluruh Prinsip Keadilan Universal sekaligus sebagai Puncak Keadilan dari segala norma sikap dan tindakan ketidakadilan yang dijalankan oleh manusia. Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara pelaksanaannya dapat menyengsarakan rakyat, Hukum Positif bisa dipermainkan sekaligus dapat menjadi alat pemerasan maupun sarana sahnya peperangan, perjanjian-perjanjian dapat dilanggar dan diingkari, sumpah jabatan di bawah Kitab Suci, sumpah Hypocrates, perjanjian kerja, kaul kemiskinan yang diucapkan rohaniwan rohaniwati, ikrar-ikrar patriotisme nasionalisme, berita-berita bohong, iklan-iklan asal bunyi, janji-janji palsu kampanye, janji kesetiaan perkawinan dan lain lain hukum perjanjian yang pada dasarnya memuat prinsip keadilan sosial dapat dibelokkan arah tujuannya, tetapi kebangkitan akan merangkum semua pengingkaran itu menjadi kesimpulan jatuhnya hukuman atau pengampunan.

Hanya dengan satu cara dan satu jalan menuju Allah atau menuju Neraka, yaitu melalui kebangkitan.Tidak ada jalan lain yang dapat menyatukan hubungan badan alamiah manusia untuk menjadi manusia rohani yang akan berada di Kerajaan Sorga selain dan harus melalui kebangkitan. Jika kebangkitan tidak bisa diterima sebagai jalan menuju Allah, bagaimana Allah dapat diterima dan dipercaya sebagai Penguasa Sorga dan Pencipta Alam Semesta. Bagaimanapun juga manusia bukan penguasa alam semesta yang sebenarnya.

Pada kisah Penciptaan, Allah memerintahkan kepada manusia hanya sebatas untuk menguasai dan menakhlukkan ( Penciptaan 1 : 28 ). Allah tidak salah ucap, Allah tidak keseleo lidah-Nya dan nabi yang menerima wahyu Allah tidak salah mendengar dan tidak salah menuliskannya. Allah tidak menyerahkan bumi seisinya untuk dimilki manusia. Hak manusia untuk menguasai bumi tidak sama dengan hak untuk memiliki bumi seisinya. Allah menyerahkan Kebun Dunia untuk dikelola bersama, dikerjakan bersama-sama, agar hasilnya dapat dinikmati bersama baik pengelola mapun pekerja, yang sehat atau yang sakit, yang beruntung atau tidak dalam suasana pesta makan bersama. Dimana letak ketidakadilan Allah? Dengan pengertian ini maka manusia tidak mempunyai hak untuk merusak bumi. Pelanggaran terhadap prinsip-prinsip keadilan universal sebenarnya merupakan bagian dari tindakan manusia untuk merusak bumi sekaligus merusak tatanan sosial masyarakat yang seharusnya ditakhlukkan melalui aturan, hukum dan undang-undang.

Prinsip-prinsip keadilan universal telah penulis paparkan yang seharusnya dapat membawa dan menuntun orang beriman ke pengertian yang lebih dalam dan lebih luas tentang hakekat Allah Yang Maha Murah, Maha Kasih, Maha Pengampun dan Allah yang sangat toleran dengan kemanusiaan manusia yang mencari kebahagiaan dan perdamaian. Allah yang meletakkan Diri-Nya dalam kehendak keadilan-Nya adalah Allah yang menyempurnakan kesempurnaan manusia menuju keberadaan-Nya.

Bab V.

Jika Kebenaran itu sehakekat dengan Keadilan dan jika pelanggaran terhadap Keadilan itu merupakan kesalahan atau dosa, maka benar apa yang dikatakan Yesus Sejarah dari Nazaret:

” Barangsiapa diantara kamu tidak berdosa, hendaklah ia yang pertama melempar batu kepada pelacur itu.” ( Injil Yohanes 8 : 7 )

Benar juga apa yang dikatakan Nabi Muhammad

“Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar pengingkar yang nyata terhadap rahmat Allah “ ( Al Qur’an, Az Zukhruf, Juz 25: 15 )

Sejak jaman para nabi 4000 tahun yang lalu, sejak orang-orang bijak lahir di setiap jengkal penjuru dunia masalah ketidak-adilan, hak-hak janda miskin yang terpinggirkan, kemiskinan sosial, penderitaan kasta sudra rakyat jelata dan para budak baik pada tatanan masyarakat sipil maupun masyarakat religius terjadi kesenjangan terhadap hak untuk menikmati kekayaan Negara atau berkat Tuhan. Apakah Allah sudah kehabisan nabi untuk menyampaikan maksud tujuan keadilan Allah agar keadilan itu sendiri dapat dipahami. Untuk siapakah nabi-nabi itu diutus Allah: untuk penyembah setan, penyembah berhala, penyembah dewa-dewi, penyembah uang, untuk orang kafir, untuk rakyat jelata, untuk raja, untuk para pencuri atau untuk orang-orang beriman yang mengakui keberadaan Allah. Nabi selalu diutus Allah untuk semua orang dan untuk semua golongan, juga untuk menyampaikan kebenaran dan koreksi atas pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang dilakukan imam-imam orang beriman. Seperti Yesus datang untuk mengkoreksi pelanggaran kehendak Allah yang telah dilakukan oleh ahli-ahli Taurat, orang Farisi dan orang Saduki, dan Nabi Muhammad datang untuk mengkoreksi cara hidup tradisi nenek moyangnya yang sesat. Apakah para rabbi, para imam, para ahli kitab dan orang-orang bijak yang lahir sebelum Yesus atau Muhammad tidak mengerti kebenaran, tidak paham dengan keadilan dan tidak mengerti tujuan hukum harus dijalankan? Mereka semua memahami, tetapi pelaksanaannya menyimpang dari aturan kitab suci yang menjadi undang-undang dasar keadilan hidup manusia.

Keadilan jika hanya bersandar pada hak yang diakui secara hukum, berpijak pada peraturan-peraturan dan berakhir dengan keputusan hakim, manusia sebodoh atau secerdas apapun tidak mengerti keadilan jika apa yang diharapkan bertentangan dengan keinginan, pengetahuan dan hati nuraninya. Kitab-kitab suci telah memberi petunjuk bagaimana keadilan harus dijalankan tanpa harus menempuh jalur hukum melalui pengadilan ( Injil Lukas 6:30, Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188 ) Untuk mengetahui Keadilan orang harus bersedia menerima Kebenaran melalui sistem pewahyuan yang telah Allah berikan. ( Al Qur’an, An Nisaa’ , Juz 5: 136, Faathir Juz 22:31, Ash Shaaffaat, Juz 23:37 )


“ Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi dengan tujuan yang benar dan agar dibalasi tiap-tiap diri terhadap apa yang dikerjakannya, dan mereka tidak akan dirugikan. Hanya kepunyaan Allahlah kerajaan langit dan bumi. Dan pada hari terjadinya kebangkitan, akan rugilah pada hari itu orang-orang yang mengerjakan kebathilan “ ( Al Qur’an, Al Jaatsiyah, Juz 25 : 22 & 27 ). Pada naskah-naskah sebelumnya telah saya buktikan bahwa Kebenaran dan Keadilan itu adalah kehendak Allah. Sebaliknya asal-usul dan penyebab Kejahatan dan Ketidakadilan bersumber dari manusia baik yang muncul pada pribadi orang perseorangan atau secara melembaga dan terorganisir.

Jika Allah tidak mempersingkat waktunya, Perang Dunia Ke Tiga yang akan disusul dengan Perang Dunia ke Empat dan perang besar lainnya pasti terjadi. Hal tersebut tidak semata-mata didasarkan pada wahyu Allah yang telah diucapkan nabi-Nya ( Injil Markus 13: 8 ), atau terhadap kenyataan banyaknya Negara-negara berlomba-lomba membuat senjata atas pengalaman perang antar kerajaan selama perjuangannya merebut kemerdekaan yang sudah berlangsung selama beribu-ribu tahun. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena:

Landasan Hukum Internasional yang sekarang ini ada tidak memenuhi syarat untuk menciptakan Perdamaian Dunia. Pada bidang-bidang tertentu, Hukum Positif tidak dapat menjangkau berlakunya Keadilan Hukum Pengampunan sehingga hukuman maupun pengampunannya tidak dapat diberikan selain dengan membiarkan kehendak alam harus terjadi.

Pecahnya Perang Dunia Ketiga, Perang Dunia Ke Empat, perang-perang besar dan perang-perang regional yang terjadi bertebaran di berbagai belahan dunia selalu dipicu oleh dua sebab, yaitu Kejahatan Politik, Kejahatan Religius atau campuran dari keduanya. Kejahatan Politik akan menyebabkan lemahnya penegakan hukum positif diterapkan, dan hal itu berarti pelanggaran terhadap keadilan. Kejahatan Politik diawali dari pelanggararan terhadap Konstitusi Undang-Undang Dasar Negara, yang mana pelanggarnya bisa jadi adalah pemerintah yang sah atau disebabkan kerena kudeta, pemberontakan dan sejenisnya. Pada tatanan Internasional lahirnya kejahatan politik akan menimbulkan instabilitas kesejahteraan dan keamanan umat manusia serta pemicu peperangan dengan merebut hak harta kekayaan Negara lain.

Kejahatan Religius akan terjadi ketika kemerdekaan Allah tidak ditempatkan sebagai Pribadi Kudus di tempat kudus atau di rumah ibadat sebagai tujuan doa dan persembahan. Tetapi ketika orang beriman membawa Allah ke jalanan, ke tempat-tempat demo atau sebagai alasan pemberontakan dan perang dilangsungkan, dan ketika orang beriman memperdaya karya keselamatan Allah untuk mengisi perut karena tujuan politik keagamaan.

Yesus dan Muhammad adalah dua pribadi nabi yang sangat sempurna. Yesus yang disebut Kristus sekalipun diakui sebagai Anak Allah telah melepaskan semua hak-haknya sebagai Anak Allah, yang turun sebagai manusia, hidup dalam kemiskinan yang dapat dimengerti oleh setiap orang, menerima kenyataan dalam kehinaan dan mengambil hidup dalam penderitaan, dengan melepaskan seluruh kemampuan-Nya atas mukzijat yang telah dibuat-Nya ( Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 1: 87 ) lalu tunduk menerima keputusan hukum positif yang telah ditetapkan dan dijatuhkan oleh Negara untuk mati di atas kayu salib dibawah saksi para penjahat dan penipu. ( Matius 27: 39-44 )

Nabi Muhammad sekalipun tangannya berlumuran darah atas peperangan dan rampasan, tetapi Muhammad adalah penegak Keadilan Sosial dan kekudusan ke-Esa-an Allah. Muhammad adalah pribadi penegak keadilan hukum pengampunan, seperti yang tertulis pada Konstitusi Madinah pimpinan Muhammad dan pencetus hukum perdamaian Islam yang Ia ciptakan..Dengan demikian Allah membenarkan Muhammad seperti Allah membenarkan Daud hamba-Nya.

Orang beriman yang secara psikis sehat lahir batin, sehat jasmani rohaninya tentu dapat mengerti bahwa doa yang keluar dari jeritan hati, peluh keringat, rintihan belas kasihan dan tetesan air mata tidak mudah mendatangkan pengampunan maupun mengubah keadaan harapan hidup orang tersebut yang seharusnya juga dapat dipahami secara sebaliknya bahwa kekayaan, datangnya berkat, keberuntungan dan kebahagiaan bukan disebabkan karena dirinya dicintai Tuhan atau karena doa-doanya disetujui Tuhan. ( Lukas 13: 1 - 4 ) Ini adalah masalah kepekaan terhadap keadilan, karena orang-orang miskin yang malang dan para penderita tidak mengerti bagaimana harus memenuhi harapannya, bagaimana cara menuntut hak-haknya.dan bagaimana cara berdoa untuk mendapatkan persetujuan Allah, sedang orang yang merasa dirinya diberkati dengan kelimpahan dan kekayaan akan terus mengambil semua hak-haknya sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kapasitas kekuasaannya tanpa bersedia untuk melepaskan atau mengurangi apa yang telah menjadi miliknya. Dalam kehidupan nyata sudah terdapat bukti bermilyar-milyar fakta yang berlangsung selama ribuan tahun bahwa berkat dan kekayaan sebagian besar tidak ada kaitannya sama sekali dengan iman, dan Allah tidak berjanji seperti yang telah Ia berikan kepada Abraham untuk menukar kesetiaan yang ditunjukkan melalui iman dengan berkat kekayaan.

Allah Sejarah adalah Allah yang telah menuntun, berbicara dengan kasih, pengampunan dan penebusan-Nya, Allah yang hidup bersama manusia yang sampai pada batas tertentu juga telah menunjukkan kemarahan-Nya. Allah yang ada sebelum awal dunia, sekarang dan yang akan datang tetaplah Allah yang sama yang menuntut pengertian, kebebasan, kesadaran dan kedewasaan sikap iman manusia untuk mengerti kehendak dan keadilan-Nya.

Karena itu saya sumbangkan naskah kedua secara cuma-cuma:

“Perdamaian Dunia Berdasarkan Prinsip Hukum Posistif dan Wahyu Allah“

Perdamaian menuntut syarat adanya pihak lain untuk melepaskan apa yang seharusnya dipertahankan dan pihak lainnya lagi untuk menerima apa yang bukan haknya yang seharusnya tidak direbutnya.

Di awal telah saya katakan bahwa Landasan Hukum Internasional yang sekarang ini ada tidak memenuhi syarat untuk mendorong terciptanya Perdamaian Dunia.

Karena itu, satu-satunya syarat untuk mendorong terciptanya Perdamaian Dunia yang pasti semua Negara harus bersedia mengubah dan memperbaiki Konstitusi Undang-Undang Dasar Negaranya yang akan berdampak pada berkurangnya kekuasaan pemerintah yang ada di semua Negara. Bagian Pertama dari setiap Konstitusi harus memuat syarat-syarat Perdamaian Dunia, cara-cara pencegahannya berikut sangsi-sangsinya. Bagian Kedua dari setiap Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara yang ada di semua Negara harus mencabut hak, wewenang, kekuasaan, isyarat pemberian ijin atau pernyataan - pernyataan lain terhadap adanya semangat peperangan yang dimiliki kepala Negara maupun persetujuan perang dari wakil rakyat. Adanya landasan hukum dan semangat peperangan yang ada didalam Undang-Undang Dasar di masing-masing Negara akan menyebabkan terjadinya perang yang sesungguhnya ketika sebab telah diketemukan atau sengaja mencari-cari alasan sebagai sebab munculnya peperangan yang sebenarnya. Jadi untuk membangun Perdamaian spiritualitas roh peperangan harus dihapus dari semua Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara yang ada di semua Negara.

Naskah ini ditulis karena keyakinan penulis
terhadap adanya masalah-masalah besar yang bersifat laten
yang berjalan secara alamiah turun temurun sehingga menjadi tradisi yang sukar dilepaskan. Masalahnya, tradisi tersebut masih mau tetap dipelihara atau tidak tergantung kesepakatan masyarakat dunia yang menjalaninya. Masalah-maslah tersebut antara lain:

1. Keadilan, terutama Keadilan Sosial seperti yang sekarang ini terjadi di seluruh dunia, pelaksanaannya tidak dapat diserahkan kepada orang beriman yang berpatokan dengan undang-undang cinta kasih, zakat fitrah, amal sodakoh dan tindakan-tindakan lain yang dasarnya hanya suka rela, Masyarakat orang beriman baik yang hidup berkelompok maupun yang ada pada suatu Negara tidak menunjukkan adanya rasa kemanusiaan dan belas kasihan kepada sesamanya yang menderita sebagai tanda hidupnya Keadilan. Partai politik berbasis keagamaan yang menggunakan ikatan fanatisme kelompok pada prakteknya lebih banyak membawa bencana penderitaan dan menggiring pengikutnya ke medan peperangan. Dengan kata lain, iman hanya berhenti sampai di mulut, doa dan puji-pujian di ruimah ibadat. Akibatnya banyak orang mati dibunuh oleh ideology fanatisme iman kepercayaan orang lain tanpa diberi jalan keluar untuk menghadapi hidupnya sendiri. Kenyataan ini bukan disebabkan karena Allah gagal mengajarkan pengetahuan tentang aturan hidup yang harus dijalankan. Masalahnya, melawan Allah dengan mengabaikan perintah-Nya menjadi bagian kenikmatan kekuasaan manusia bahwa orang beriman juga sanggup membunuh Allah yang disembahnya. Membaca Kitab Suci seharusnya membawa pikiran menuju kesadaran bahwa Allah adalah Kebenaran, asal-usul dan tujuan Keadilan. Apapun keyakinan agama dan posisi kedudukan seseorang, menjadi orang beriman yang bersandar pada kehendak Allah amat sangat luar biasa sulit kalau pikiran dan perasaan kita diseimbangkan dengan kenyataan yang ada di hadapan kita. Dalam hal ini hampir semua perintah Allah baik yang ada di dalam kitab suci maupun ajaran suci tidak ada yang enak dijalankan bila dikaitkan dengan nafsu sex, keserakahan, kekayaan, kenikmatan, keinginan atau tindakan-tindakan lain yang bertentangan dengan Keadilan. Melihat kenyataan demikian, maka Keadilan hanya mungkin dapat dikondisikan kalau hukum positif berada di atas hukum agama sekalipun Keadilan itu sendiri berasal dari wahyu Tuhan. Tetapi hukum positif bagaimana yang memungkinkan Keadilan dapat dijalankan jika di sebuah atau beberapa Negara tidak ada kepastian hukum?

2. Hukum Negara yang dibangun dengan kerangka Trias Politika yang merupakan kelanjutan dari aturan hukum kerajaan purba dari dalamnya sendiri sudah menaburkan benih-benih peperangan. Sebagai konsekuensinya Negara harus berada dalam posisi siap menyerang atau siap diserang oleh Negara lain. Pembuatan senjata sebagai perlengkapan perang menjadi prioritas yang harus ada di setiap Negara, yang akan dipergunakan ketika Negara melakukan penyerangan atau untuk bertahan ketika diserang oleh Negara lain.
3. Perdamaian Dunia tidak dapat dibangun dengan kekuatan senjata sebagai kelanjutan dari tradisi perang yang sudah terjadi selama ribuan tahun. Karena Negara yang terancam kedaulatan hukumnya akan bangkit mengadakan perlawanan dengan persiapan kekuatan senjata yang sama. Akibatnya anggaran untuk membangun kekuatan senjata mengalahkan anggaran kebutuhan penyediaan lahan pangan, kesehatan maupun usaha-usaha perdamaian yang selanjutnya banyak manusia mati kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi sebelum senjatanya sendiri dipakai perang. Dengan kata lain, banyak manusia mati sia-sia tanpa menghadapi peperangan yang sesungguhnya.


Kekuasaan Politik dan Kekuasaan Agama adalah dua jalan berbeda jalur yang disediakan Tuhan untuk menenuhi kehendak bebas manusia agar mendapatkan kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan hidupnya menuju keselamatan yang dikehendakinya. Tetapi ketika kekuasaan Iblis menyelinap masuk diantara keduanya, manusia sering kehilangan kendali atas kebebasannya. Apakah akal sehat yang berada di atas kehendak bebas tidak dapat memisahkan antara tujuan Tuhan untuk membahagiakan umat-Nya dengan tujuan Iblis yang hendak mengacaukannya sehingga ketika seseorang menempuh menuju atau memiliki kekuasaan ( politik-agama) harus memotong urat nadi Keadilan sambil menumpahkan darah korban sembelihan. Sedang kekuasaan itu sendiri adalah tongkat untuk menegakkan keseimbangan keadilan.

Konsep dasar dan pengertian keadilan yang sebenarnya hanya mungkin diketemukan di dalam kitab suci-kitab suci atau ajaran suci. Selain sepuluh perintah Allah konsep keadilan yang ada di dalam kitab suci-kitab suci tidak terstruktur, hanya berupa seruan moral yang menuntut kerelaan, kesadaran dan kebebasan pelakunya. Sangsinya tidak tegas, bahkan tidak mengikat kalau hanya mengandalkan Allah sebagai pemberi hukuman setelah pelaku atau pelanggarnya sendiri meninggal. Banyak orang tidak takut kepada Allah, sebab ketika seseorang masih hidup berarti tidak ada hukuman yang diterima dari Allah. Sebaliknya, ketika seseorang telah mati sudah tidak ada rasa takut lagi dan hukumannya tidak dapat dibuktikan oleh orang yang masih hidup.
Hukum Positif yang mengacu pada hukum internasional, konstitusi dan undang-undang dasar Negara serta turunan integralnya mempunyai arti yang sangat penting untuk menjamin adanya ketertiban masyarakat, keadilan sosial, kesejahteraan umat manusia dan Perdamaian Dunia. Akan tetapi hukum positif yang dikelola oleh pemerintah negara hanya mengusahakan sebatas untuk meningkatkan pemerataan kesejahteraan rakyatnya. Kepemilikan hak yang diakui hukum harus dicari dan diusahakan sendiri oleh setiap orang melalui pekerjaan atau kemampuan lainnya. Hukum positif selanjutnya melindungi hak-hak tersebut. Sekalipun hukum positif itu mempunyai arti yang sangat penting untuk menjamin ketertiban masyarakat, kesejahteraan bersama hingga perdamaian antar umat manusia, ketimpangan sosial serta perbedaan perolehan kesejahteraan yang dicapai oleh setiap warga negara tetap akan terjadi sepanjang jaman.

Adanya perbedaan-perbedaan keadaan dan kondisi yang dimiliki seseorang akibat kelahirannya akan membawa pengaruh dan hasil akhir atas suatu keterikatan materi, kekuasaan dan kekayaan yang menjadi hak miliknya. Hukum positif tidak dapat mengatasi masalah ini karena hukum positif harus melindungi hak milik seseorang, apapun ideologi Negaranya, selalu terdapat kelas-kelas dan kelompok-kelompok masyarakat yang berbeda-beda hak, status dan kekayaannya ( kekayaan materi, intelektual, kekuasaan, bentuk fisik, warna suara, dll ). Hukum agama, dalam hal ini hanya terbatas pada hukum cinta kasih yang mewajibkan orang beriman untuk menaruh dan memperlakukan pihak lain dengan penuh rasa hormat dan hukum pelepasan dengan meminimasi adanya keterikatan terhadap harta benda seperti yang diwajibkan oleh semua kitab suci-kitab suci, tidak dapat memaksa orang beriman mentaatinya, sehingga hukum cinta kasih yang didasarkan pada zakat fitrah dan belas kasihan tidak banyak mambantu memberi pengertian terhadap adanya keadilan.

Dengan melihat adanya ketimpangan-ketimpangan sosial di bidang kesejahteraan, kesehatan, kebahagiaan, kebebasan berpikir atau dalam hal menyembah Allah, hukum positif yang diterapkan di semua Negara dan hukum cinta kasih yang menjadi tuntutan orang beriman selama beribu-ribu tahun belum memecahkan masalah keadilan universal. Adanya keadilan dunia yang belum sempurna, karena jika hukum positif maupun hukum agama yang menggantungkan subjek pelakunya pada manusia, maka sebagai pengimbangnya harus ada keadilan lain yang bersifat rohani yang menggantungkan subjeknya pada Allah sebagai Pribadi Kecerdasan Yang Maha Adil. Tanpa adanya keadilan rohani, seseorang yang mengalami totalitas penderitaan dan kegelapan batinnya, tiadanya harapan akan kebahagiaan, pengampunan atau kebebasannya karena kecacatan, kesalahannya sendiri atau karena penindasan yang disebabkan oleh pihak lain, hidup seseorang tidak ada artinya dan hal itu bertentangan dengan perlindungan hak azasi seperti yang tertuang dalam konsitusi dan undang-undang dasar Negara.

Perdamaian Dunia, kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan manusia secara universal dapat ditata dan diatur dengan prinsip hukum positif, jika keadilan tidak terpecah-pecah sesuai dengan kepentingan dan tujuan pembuat undang-undang hukum positif. Terciptanya Perdamaian Dunia secara universal akan terjadi jika hukum positif dibuat, dirancang, dibangun dan ditata ulang dengan mengacu pada kepentingan umat manusia serta mempertimbangkan adanya hak-hak azasi, kebebasan dan persaudaraan. Terjadinya peperangan antar Negara serta adanya persiapan perang selanjutnya disebabkan karena hukum positif dibuat dan dibangun atas dasar kepentingan kerajaan-kerajaan atau Negara-negara, yang waktu itu hukum belum memikirkan bahwa setiap orang mempunyai hak dan kedudukan yang sama sebagai warga masyarakat dunia. Para ahli hukum yang terlibat dalam penyusunan konstitusi dan undang-undang dasar di masing-masing negara mesti menyadari bahwa spiritualitas yang mendasari kerangka hukum konstitusi dan undang-undang dasar Negara-negara di dunia ini dibuat berdasarkan warisan kerangka hukum kerajaan purba. Akibatnya warga Negara asing, baik yang tinggal pada suatu Negara atau yang tinggal di negaranya sendiri-sendiri selalu menjadi warga masyarakat dunia kelas dua, sasaran pembunuhan dan tujuan perang. Adanya kejahatan politik yang menjalar ke berbagai negara telah ditebarkan oleh Montesquieu ketika spiritual hukum kerajaan purba dibakukan dalam trias politika yang seharusnya hanya bisa bertahan sampai berakhirnya Perang Dunia ke II.
Selama beberapa ribu tahun sebelum abad pencerahan hingga abad 20 di belahan dunia bagian selatan kekuasaan pemegang kendali hukum di tangan raja bersifat absolute. Kekuasaan raja itu mengalami pembagian ketika Thomas Hobbes, J.J. Rousseau, John Lock dan Montesquieu mengkulminasikan kedalam konsep trias politika. Namun demikian, menurut pandangan penulis, konsep kerangka hukum trias politika seperti yang dijalankan di banyak Negara sekarang ini telah mencapai puncaknya dan seharusnya diperbaharui sejak meletusnya Perang Dunia I dan mulai dipikirkan jalan keluarnya setelah daya tahannya hancur pada Perang Dunia II . Karena kerangka hukum ini tidak dapat dipakai sebagai sarana maupun alat kekuasaan untuk menciptakan Perdamaian Dunia maupun kesejahteraan masyarakat dunia.

Adanya kejahatan religius yang diawali dengan pembunuhan nab-nabi, dijaman modern ini kejahatan religius berkembang pada tahap pembatasan kebebasan dan kemerdekaan hak hidup dari pemeluk agama mayoritas terhadap pemeluk agama minoritas, terorisme yang dipicu oleh paham agama hingga adanya tekanan partai politik keagamaan dari partai politik agama mayoritas terhadap partai politik agama minoritas, baik pada agama sejenis maupun yang berbeda paham. Hukum agama yang menjadi sumber dan asal usul keadilan sosial dan hak-hak asasi, tidak dapat dipakai sebagai sarana yang efektif untuk menciptakan Perdamaian Dunia dan tidak dapat dipakai sebagai sarana untuk menciptakan keadilan sosial masyarakat dunia. Karena hukum tersebut berakar dari kebebasan hati burani dan orang beriman cenderung melanggarnya. Demikian juga pemilihan umum yang menjadi sarana pergantian pemimpin dan pola pemerintahan, bukan sarana yang tepat untuk menciptakan perdamaian dunia dan keadilan masyarakat dunia sekalipun pemilu diadakan secara serentak di seluruh dunia.

Pecahnya Perang Dunia ke III nanti akan dipicu oleh dua sebab, yaitu dipicu oleh kejahatan politik, kejahatan religius atau campuran dari keduanya. Syarat terciptanya Perdamaian Dunia secara menyeluruh adalah jika hukum positif mampu mengatasi gejolak kejahatan religius, berada diatas praktek cinta kasih hukum religius dan prinsip-prinsip hukum positif dapat menjangkau pikiran dan hati setiap orang.

Jika warga masyarakat dunia internasional menginginkan Perdamaian Dunia yang sesungguhnya, maka Konstitusi dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara di semua negara harus ditata ulang dengan melibatkan para ahli hukum dari semua Negara serta meletakkan tujuan Perdamaian Dunia sebagai bagian utama yang menjadi landasan dan kerangka dasar dari setiap konstitusi dan undang-undang dasar setiap Negara. Hanya dengan cara demikian Perdamaian Dunia yang sesungguhnya dapat terwujud, persoalan polyferasi nuklir tidak berkembang sampai pada tahap yang membahayakan kehidupan masyarakat dunia tanpa menyembunyikan adanya semangat peperangan dibalik isu perdamaian atau kebutuhan energi listrik.

Para Jenderal tentu telah memperhitungkan adanya kemungkinan dan kepastian Perang Dunia ke III sebagai bagian kelanjutan tradisi perang yang sudah berlangsung selama ribuan tahun. Sekiranya masyarakat dunia sungguh-sungguh menghendaki adanya Perdamaian Dunia, konsep rancangan penulis dapat menjadi alternatife untuk mencegah terjadinya Perang Dunia ke III yang mana Perdamaian Dunia itu harus dibayar dengan berkurangnya kekuasaan politik di semua Negara yang umumnya menjadi alat untuk melakukan kejahatan perang, kejahatan ekonomi maupun kejahatan religius. Sebagai imbalannya sumber-sumber energi alam serta ekosistem penunjangnya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kesejahteraan hidup manusia dalam suasana yang aman tentram.

Para teolog mesti memikirkan arah teologi keselamatan universal yang seharusnya lebih mengutamakan tujuan hidup manusia bahwa perjalanan keselamatan manusia menuju sorga harus ditata dan ditertibkan mulai dari hidupnya di dunia ini. Dengan kata lain orang beriman untuk dapat menuju sorga harus dapat berdamai dengan diri sendiri sekaligus melakukan perdamaian dengan pihak lain. Perdamaian Dunia serta keselamatan universal akan terjadi kalau orang beriman menyatukan visinya bahwa teologi keselamatan untuk perdamaian dan kebahagiaan umat manusia.

Jika orang beriman tidak dapat melakukan perdamaian dengan pihak lain dan hanya berpegang pada fanatisme religiusnya sendiri, maka akan timbul kejahatan-kejahatan religius dan arti dari teologi keselamatan kehilangan maknanya. Stabilitas nasional suatu Negara dapat goncang, bahkan Perdamaian Dunia akan hancur karena dipicu kejahatan religius seperti tindakan terorisme yang dilatarbelakangi oleh paham agama. Hukum agama yang bersifat bebas dan timbul dari keikhlasan pribadi orang beriman dapat menjadi tidak terkendali, bahkan menimbulkan kejahatan yang sangat serius jika tidak dipandu dan tidak dikendalikan oleh hukum positif yang dikelola pemerintah-pemerintah Negara yang mengacu pada hak-hak dasar manusia sebagai warga masyarakat dunia.

Perdamaian Dunia tidak dapat dibangun dengan kekuatan senjata, karena pihak-pihak yang terancam keselamatannya akan bangkit menimbulkan perlawanan dengan persiapan kekuatan yang sama. Demikian juga keadilan, kebebasan untuk memiliki hak hidup, kesetaraan persaudaraan dan kesejahteraan hidup umat manusia pelaksanaannya tidak dapat diserahkan kepada kaum religius, pemimpin spiritual, rohaniwan-rohaniwati maupun sekelompok orang beriman sekalipun asal-usul keadilan, penghargaan terhadap hak hidup dan peningkatan pemerataan kesejahteraan berakar dari kitab-kitab suci atau ajaran-ajaran suci. Tanpa merujuk pada wahyu Allah ( keadilan rohani Allah ), dasar-dasar keadilan universal tidak dapat dijelaskan dan tidak dapat dipahami. Konstitusi dan undang-undang dasar Negara hanyalah turunan kedua dari dasar-dasar keadilan universal.

Perdamian Dunia hanya dapat diciptakan oleh para penyelenggara Negara secara bersama-sama dalam suasana pesta perjamuan, ketika prinsip-prinsip hukum positif menerangi pikiran dan kesadaran umat manusia serta menjadi pilar-pilar utama untuk menegakkan hak-hak azasi, dan ketika hidangan kesejahteraan Negara menjadi rahmat yang menjangkau hati nurani kaum rakyat jelata.

Penulis akan membukakan pintu perdamaian dunia, silahkan ahli-ahli hukum konstitusi masuk untuk menata dan membangun kerangka hukumnya. Jika pintu perdamaian tersebut diterima dan dijalankan, masyarakat dunia akan melihat bahwa dunia dapat hidup damai tanpa kekuatan senjata.

Perubahan menuju Perdamaian Dunia akan menghadapi tiga kendala utama yaitu tradisi kekuasaan yang tidak mudah menyesuaikan perubahan. Kedua, tradisi jual beli senjata sebagai bagian bisnis teknologi pertahanan Negara. Ketiga, dipeliharanya tradisi perang sebagai bagian dari uji coba kelayakan senjata. Jika kesadaran itu tidak dapat diterima di masa sekarang, semoga dapat mulai dipikirkan setelah Perang Dunia Ketiga berakhir.

Arah Menuju Perdamaian Global
Naskah Ini Sebagai Proposal Awal
Naskah Perdamaian Global Silahkan Dianalisa
Rancangan Perdamaian Dunia ini tidak dapat dijalankan oleh Satu Dua Negara
Jika Masyarakat Dunia Menolak Perdamaian Global, Efeknya

Skala Kecil Skala Global Penyebabnya
Pemberontakan sporadis, Terorisme, Perang Saudara di Satu Negara atau beberapa Negara Terorisme, Perang Dunia Ke III, Pemanasan Global, Semakin Cepat Kehabisan Sumber Energi Alam, Kerusakan Sumber Daya Alam, dll Kejahatan Religius, Kejahatan Politik atau campuran dari keduanya.
Jika Masyarakat Dunia Menerima Perdamaian Global, Efeknya
Skala Kecil Skala Global Penyebabnya
Hak azasi dan hak-hak keadilan berdasarkan hukum adalah milik setiap orang dan harus dilindungi dengan serius oleh setiap Negara dan oleh semua Negara. Setiap warga Negara baik yang diterima karena kelahiran atau karena kedudukannya sebagai tamu Negara, pekerja atau kepala Negara sama kedudukan hukumnya. Setiap orang yang hidupnya berada dibawah garis kemiskinan berhak untuk menerima tunjangan kesejahteraan minimalisnya baik dalam bentuk makanan, pelayanan kesehatan, pemenuhan gizi dll karena ia adalah warga masyarakat dunia. Pengembangan teknologi pangan dan distribusinya, peningkatan dan pengembangan teknologi kesehatan dan kedokteran serta penanganan kerusakan alam. Prinsip-prinsip keadilan berdasarkan hukum positif ditegakkan oleh setiap Negara melampaui dan berada di atas praktek keadilan hukum agama, cinta kasih, toleransi maupun zakat fitrah yang dijalankan oleh masing-masing orang beriman karena kemurahannya.
Penghapusan Perjanjian Ekstradisi.
Penghapusan Perjanjian Pengembangan Senjata Non Polyferasi – Nuklir.
Penghancuran senjata pemusnah massal, Termobarik, Nuklir dll termasuk infrastrukturnya. Negara hanya memelihara perlengkapan senjata sampai pada kemampuan terbatas sekedar untuk menjaga keamanan dan stabilitas Negara.
Peningkatan Pemerataan Kesejahteraan Negara – Dunia dengan berpegang pada prinsip-prinsip keadilan hukum positif dan hak-hak azasi manusia.

Hukum Emas
Hukum Kedua Wahyu Allah Penuntun Perilaku Orang Beriman.
Islam Pembela Perdamaian.

Ikatan kesatuan, kesejahteraan dan Perdamaian Dunia hanya terjalin jika hukum positif diterapkan dengan benar sesuai dengan tujuan hukum itu sendiri dibuat. Hukum positif membantu Allah untuk menata ketertiban umat manusia sekaligus membantu umat-Nya untuk beribadah dan memuliakan nama-Nya. Dengan kata lain, orang beriman harus tunduk dan menghormati hukum positif yang dikelola pemerintah Negara sejauh hal itu untuk kebahagiaan dan perdamaian semua pihak.

Hukum Pertama Kitab Suci mewajibkan orang beriman menyembah Allah dan hanya Allah saja yang pantas disembah dan dimuliakan. Tata cara ritusnya diatur dalam liturgy atau upacara penyembahan seperti yang ditentukan oleh kitab suci atau tradisi suci dari penganut agama masing-masing.

Hukum kedua wahyu Allah mewajibkan orang beriman untuk saling menghargai, saling menghormati dan saling menyucikan. Hukum kedua wahyu Allah ini menjadi ikatan persaudaraan seluruh umat manusia sebagai ciptaan Allah dan sebagai umat-Nya apapun pahamnya, ideologinya, jenis kulitnya, kondisi sosialnya, budayanya dan segala perbedaan lain yang menempel pada pribadi tiap-tiap orang. Dengan demikian hukum kedua wahyu Allah menjadi tolok ukur dan aturan permainan pada tataran hidup bermasyarakat yang kualitas moralnya melampaui hukum manapun karena semangat spritualnya berasal dari Allah sendiri.

Hukum Emas yang paling lengkap berasal dari Islam, karena semangat spiritualnya bukan hanya berasal dari Kitab Suci Al Qur’an, tetapi juga dari Konstitusi Madinah buatan Nabi Muhammad yang diletakkan dalam kerangka politik dan tata aturan kepemerintahan dimana toleransi, perlindungan dan penghormatan hak hidup setiap orang sangat dijunjung tinggi.

Muhammad membawa perdamaian lewat tindakan kepemerintahannya dan inti ajaran-Nya. Konstitusi ( Piagam ) Madinah yang dibuat oleh Nabi Muhammad adalah konsitusi tertua yang mengatur pengampunan, perlindungan hak azasi, pembayaran diat – kerugian akibat rampasan, pembayaran tebusan tawanan, peraturan untuk menegakkan keadilan dll untuk perdamaian. Konstitusi Madinah menjadi contoh dan cikal bakal lahirnya konstitusi dan undang-undang dasar Negara-negara modern sekarang ini.

Dalam Konstitusi Madinah, Nabi Muhammad melarang kaum muslimin membiarkan orang yang berat menanggung hutang dan diharuskan membantu dalam pembayaran ( ayat 11 ). Muhammad juga melarang kaum mukmin membunuh orang beriman lainnya lantaran membunuh orang kafir atau membantu orang kafir untuk membunuh orang beriman. ( ayat 14 ). Nabi Muhammad berlaku sangat bijak dan adil dalam memperlakukan musuh-musuh yang telah ditakhlukkan maupun sekutu-sekutu yang membantunya memenangkan peperangan : kaum Muhajirin, bani Awf, bani Sa’idah, al-Hars, al-Najjar, orang Yasrib, orang Yahudi dari semua suku baik yang kafir, musyrik maupun orang beriman. Nabi Muhammad hanya memerangi kejahatan dan pihak yang menganggu perdamaian, tetapi Muhammad tidak memerangi keyakinan ( selain penyembah berhala), paham atau agama orang lain.

“ Bagi kaum Yahudi agama mereka, dan bagi kaum muslimin agama mereka ” ( ayat 25 ) identik dengan isi surat al-Kafirun yang ditulis Nabi Muhammad : Katakanlah :” Hai orang-orang kafir, aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah. Dan kamu bukan penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah. Dan aku tidak akan pernah menjadi penyembah apa yang kamu sembah. Dan kamu tidak pernah ( pula ) menjadi penyembah Tuhan yang aku sembah. Untukmulah agamamu, dan untukkulah agamaku.”

Nabi Muhammad sebagai Kepala Negara adalah orang yang memiliki kualitas moral sangat tinggi. Agaknya sulit ditemukan tokoh pemimpin agama atau pemimpin partai politik keagamaan yang memiliki kualitas moral mendekati Nabi Muhammad. Atau konstitusi dan undang-undang dasar Negara modern yang kualitas moralnya melampaui kualitas moral konstitusi Madinah buatan Muhammad seperti mengembalikan hasil rampasan perang, mengembalikan hasil pencurian atau korupsi, mengembalikan hak dan kemerdekaan orang yang berat menanggung beban hutang, serta bersikap adil terhadap musuh yang telah ditakhlukkan, terhadap kawan, terhadap orang musyrik, orang kafir maupun orang beriman.

Islam adalah agama perdamaian yang membawa pesan keselamatan universal. Islam berasal dari akar kata salima ( huruf shin, lam dan mim ). Dari akar kata tersebut terbentuk kata al-salam yang artinya kesejahteraan, al-salamah yang artinya keselamatan dan al-silmu yang artinya damai. Dari akar huruf s, l dan m kemudian membentuk kata transitif aslama, yang kemudian menjadi Islam dengan pengertian sebenarnya: “ menyerahkan diri dengan penuh kedamaian “. Pertemuan dua orang Islam atau lebih harus mengucapkan assalamu”alaikum, yang intinya ucapan “ salam keselamatan untuk kita semua”. Bandingkan dengan: “ Sebab di mana ada dua atau tiga orang berkumpul dalam nama-Ku, disitu Aku ada di tengah-tengah mereka.” ( Matius 18: 20 ). Dalam hal ini perintah Nabi Muhammad adalah afsu ‘l-salam, yaitu untuk menyebarluaskan perdamaian, kesejahteraan dan keselamatan. Setelah selesai sembahyang sholat ditutup dengan kata “ salam” sambil menengok ke kiri dan ke kanan, artinya memberi pesan perdamaian untuk orang-orang di sekitarnya. Aturan dan gerakan lahiriah – sikap fisik berdoa orang Islam dengan cara berdiri, merunduk, duduk dan bersujud yang artinya “ dalam keadaan apapun, suka ( berdiri-berkuasa-kaya ), sedang ( keadaan normal dan wajar), duduk ( sebagai orang kecil kurang berharga, yang wajib mendengarkan pimpinannya ), duka, rasa takut maupun cemas ( bersujud sebagai orang bersalah, rakyat jelata, buruh pekerja, hina dina dan teraniaya atau pembantu rumah tangga tertindas ) hendaknya selalu ingat Tuhan pencipta-Nya”. Jadi pengertiannya, pesan Nabi Muhammad adalah apapun derajat kasta dan perbedaan status sosialnya harus saling menghargai dan menghormati untuk kebahagiaan orang lain, untuk perdamaian dunia dan keselamatan universal dengan tetap selalu mengingat Tuhan.

Nabi Muhammad adalah pencetus perdamaian sejati serta tokoh penegak keadilan sosial, baik di dalam rumah tangganya terutama terhadap isteri-isterinya, pada tataran hubungan antar manusia orang perseorangan, di bidang religius antar kelompok masyarakat maupun pada tingkat politik ketatanegaraan. Seharusnya Perdamaian Dunia dapat dimulai dari Timur Tengah, terutama diantara sesama Negara-negara Islam jika para kepala Negara beserta rakyatnya memiliki spiritualitas perdamaian dan keadilan sosial Nabi Muhammad.

Allah Pencipta Alam Semesta, Langit dan Bumi.

“Pada mulanya Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi. Bumi belum berbentuk dan kosong ( alam semesta kosong ), gelap gulita menutupi samudera raya. Roh Allah melayang-layang di atas permukaan air”. ( Kejadian 1: 1-2 ). Teks ini menggambarkan keberadaan Pribadi Allah sebagai yang Esa, tidak ada sesuatu di luar Diri-Nya. Allah adalah Allah. Ini adalah wahyu Allah yang diterima orang Yahudi dan dituliskan kira-kira 4.000 tahun lalu.

“Pada mulanya adalah Firman. Firman itu bersama sama dengan Allah dan Firman itu adalah Allah. Ia pada mulanya bersama sama dengan Allah. Segala sesuatu dijadikan oleh Dia dan tanpa Dia tidak ada suatupun yang telah jadi dari segala sesuatu yang telah dijadikan”. ( Yohanes 1:1-3 ) Ini adalah wahyu yang diterima Yohanes, orang Yahudi modern, murid yang dikasihi Yesus, dan wahyu ini ditulis kira-kira tahun 70-90 Masehi.

“Kang dhihin, ingsun gumana ing dalem awang uwung kang tanpa wiwitan tanpa wekasan, iya iku alam Ingsun kang maksih piningit”, terjemahannya “Yang pertama kali ada adalah Aku (Tuhan) yang berada di tempat sunyi sepi tanpa permulaan dan tidak berakhir, yaitu tempat tinggal-Ku yang masih tersembunyi”

“Sejatine ora ana apa-apa, awit duk maksih awang uwung durung ana sawiji-wiji, kang ana dhihin iku Ingsun, Pangeran, iya ingsun sejatine kang urip luwih suci, anartani warna aran lan pakartiningsun, dat, sipat, asma lan afngal”, yang artinya: Keadaan awal mula yang sebenarnya tidak ada sesuatupun yang ada, sebab ketika keadaan masih kosong sunyi sepi tidak ada sesuatupun yang ada, yang pertama-tama ada adalah Allah yang diresapi kesucian, hidup yang sebenarnya adalah hidupnya Allah yang diresapi semangatnya Allah sendiri, adapun adanya bermacam-macam kenyataan dan keadaan itu semua karena pangaruh kehendak Allah” Ini adalah wahyu Allah yang diterima Leluhur Orang Jawa sehubungan dengan gambaran keberadaan Allah sebelum Alam Semesta diciptakan.

Kalimat di atas menjelaskan dua hal. Pertama, Allah itu Esa. Ini adalah perkenalan Allah kepada leluhur masyarakat orang Jawa yang diperoleh melalui keheningan rasa dan keheningan pikiran, gambaran Allah yang diterima manusia sehubungan dengan keadaan Diri-Nya ( semacam semedi atau meditasi yang disertai penyerahan diri ) Kedua, gambaran mengenai keadaan dan asal usul alam raya, bahwa alam raya itu merupakan kenyataan kehadiran Allah. Keadaan selanjutnya menggambarkan, bahwa sebelum ada sesuatu yang tercipta, yang ada adalah kekosongan, kesunyian dan kesucian, dan benih adanya sesuatu yang akan ada ( lahir ) karena diresapi kesucian Allah yang kemudian menyebabkan pikiran dan tindakan manusia karena pengaruh kehendak Allah.

“Dating Pangeran ingkang Mahasuci, sarehne binasakaken sakalangkung gaib, tanpa rupa tanpa warna, asipat dede jaler, dede estri, dede wandu, sarta mboten wonten jaman makam, boten arah boten enggen, dinulu boten katingal, dinumuk boten kantenan, punika isbatipun amung cipta sasmita dumunung wonten ingkang waskita”, yang artinya Eksistensi keberadaan Allah yang Mahasuci, karena kalau diumpamakan terlalu gaib ( tak dapat dijelaskan hanya dengan akal budi ), tanpa wajah tanpa warna, tidak berkelamin jantan, perempuan atau banci, serta tidak ada jaman makam ( belum ada masanya kuburan ), tidak ada arah tidak ada tempat, dipandang tidak kelihatan, disentuh tidak ada sesuatu, hal itu kenyataannya hanya keheningan dan kesadaran daya tangkap pikiran yang ada dalam pemahaman.

“Ing sadurunge ana apa-apa, kahananing alam kabir lan alam sahir saisine durung padha dumadi kabeh, kang ana dhihin dhewe amung dat kang Mahasuci, sajatining dat kang Mahasuci iku kang asipat hesa, kabasakaken dat mutlak kadim ajaliabadi, tegese asipat siji, kang mesthi dhihin dhewe, rikala ijih awang uwung, salawase kahanan kita yaiku jumeneng pribadi ana ing sajroning nuked gaib, kang langgeng dumunung ing urip kita, kayektene yaiku urip kita iki tajalining dat kang Mahasuci sejati, mulane padha wajib bisaa rumeksa marang urip kita pribadi, marga saka ngati-ati, gemi nastiti kang dadi sangkaning panguripan, aywa nganti kapiran nora jumeneng ing uripe”., arti terjemahannya “Sebelum ada segala sesuatu, sebelum terjadi adanya keadaan alam nyata ( alam semesta ) dan alam roh, yang ada pertama kali dan sendirian hanya eksistensi Yang Mahasuci, eksistensi yang sebenarnya dari Yang Mahasuci itu bersifat Esa, yang diumpamakan eksistensi Yang Mutlak Abadi, yang artinya bersifat Satu ( Esa ), yang harus ada pertama kali dan sendirian, sewaktu keadaan alam masih kosong sunyi sepi, keadaan hidup kita pribadi selamanya berada di alam gaib, yang kekal berada di dalam hidup kita, keadaan yang sesungguhnya yaitu hidup kita ini yang keluar dari eksistensi sejati Yang Mahasuci, karena itu seharusnya kita semua wajib bisa memelihara hidup kita pribadi secara hati-hati, dengan penuh teliti karena hidup kita adalah tujuan kehidupan, jangan sampai terlantar karena hidup kita tidak dapat memberi makna untuk hidupnya sendiri.

“ Aku adalah maut yang memakan segala sesuatu, dan Aku adalah prinsip yang menghasilkan segala sesuatu yang belum terjadi…..( Sloka 10:34 )” Diantara segala ciptaan Aku adalah permulaan, akhir dan juga pertengahan. Diantara segala ilmu pengetahuan, Aku adalah ilmu pengetahuan rohani tentang sang diri, dan diantara para ahli logika, Aku adalah kebenaran sebagai kesimpulan.” ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka10:32 )

“ Allah menciptakan langit dan bumi dengan tujuan yang benar dan agar dibalasi tiap-tiap diri terhadap apa yang dikerjakannya, dan mereka tidak akan dirugikan. Hanya kepunyaan Allahlah kerajaan langit dan bumi. Dan pada hari terjadinya kebangkitan, akan rugilah pada hari itu orang-orang yang mengerjakan kebathilan……. Pada hari itu kamu lihat tiap-tiap umat akan berlutut. Tiap-tiap umat dipanggil untuk melihat buku catatan amalnya…….Yang demikian itu sesungguhnya kamu menjadikan ayat-ayat Allah sebagai olok-olokan dan kamu telah ditipu oleh kehidupan dunia, maka pada hari ini mereka tidak dikeluarkan dari neraka dan tidak pula mereka diberi kesempatan untuk bertaubat….maka tempat mereka adalah Neraka Hawiyah - Neraka Jahannam “. ( Al Jaatsiyah, Juz 25:22 & 27 & 35 & Al Qaari’ah, Juz 30: 9 )
Allah Sebagai Pencipta Manusia

Berfirmanlah Allah “ Jadilah terang…..lalu dipisahkan-Nya terang itu dari gelap. Allah menamai terang itu siang dan gelap itu malam…..itulah hari pertama.” Berfirmanlah Allah “ Jadilah cakrawala ditengah segala air untuk memisahkan air dari air…….Lalu Allah menamai cakrawala itu langit,…..itulah hari kedua.” Berfirmanlah Allah “ Hendaklah segala air yang dibawah langit berkumpul pada satu tempat, sehinga kelihatan yang kering…..Hendaklah tanah menumbuhkan tunas-tunas muda, tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berbiji, segala jenis pohon buah-buahan…….itulah hari ketiga.” Berfirmanlah Allah: “ Jadilah benda-benda penerang pada cakrawala untuk memisahkan siang dari malam. Biarlah benda-benda penerang itu menjadi tanda untuk menunjukkan masa- masa yang tetap, dan hari-hari dan tahun-tahun…..itulah hari keempat.” Berfirmanlah Allah:” Hendaklah dalam air berkeriapan makhluk yang hidup, dan hendaklah burung beterbangan di atas bumi melintasi cakrawala……Lalu Allah memberkati semuanya itu……Hendaklah bumi mengeluarkan segala jenis makhluk hidup, ternak dan binatang melata dan segala jenis binatang liar……..itulah hari kelima”. Berfirmanlah Allah:” Baiklah Kita menjadikan manusia menurut gambar dan rupa Kita, supaya mereka berkuasa atas ikan-ikan di laut dan burung-burung di udara…..Maka Allah menciptakan manusia itu menurut gambar-Nya, menurut gambar Allah diciptakan-Nya dia, laki-laki dan perempuan diciptakan-Nya mereka…….Beranak cuculah dan bertambah banyaklah, penuhilah bumi dan takhlukkanlah itu……..Lihatlah, Aku memberikan kepadamu segala tumbuh-tumbuhan berbiji di seluruh bumi……….itulah hari keenam.” Ketika Allah pada hari ketujuh telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang dibuat-Nya itu, berhentilah Ia pada hari ketujuh dari segala pekerjaan yang telah dibuat-Nya itu, Lalu Allah memberkati hari ketujuh itu dan menguduskannya ( Kejadian 1:3-31 & 2:1-3 )
Teks tersebut adalah wahyu yang diterima orang Yahudi. Allah bekerja dengan kuasa-Nya. Allah disebut Mahakuasa karena kekuasaan Allah untuk menjalankan dan mewujudkan karya pekerjaan-Nya tidak membutuhkan bantuan dari pihak manapun. Allah bekerja dari kekuasaan yang ada pada diri-Nya sendiri, untuk mewujudkan kekuasaan dan kehendak-Nya. Allah tidak memerlukan penopang, dukungan pihak luar atau dorongan pihak lain.

“ Satuhune ingsun Pangeran sejati, lan kawasa nitahake sawiji-wiji, dadi padha sanalika saka karsa lan pepesteningsun, ing kono kanyatane gumelaring karsa lan pakartiningsun, kang dadi pratandha. Kahanan lan ananingsun iku tanpa wiwitan uga tanpa wekasan”, terjemahannya: “Sesungguhnya Aku ini benar-benar Allah, yang berkuasa menciptakan segala sesuatu, semuanya bisa terjadi seketika karena keinginan dan kehendak-Ku, semua yang ada itu menjadi tanda kenyataan keinginan dan kehendak-Ku. Keadaan dan keberadaan-Ku itu tidak berawal dan tidak ada akhir ”
“ Ing sabenar-benere manungsa iku kanyataning Pangeran, lan Pangeran iku mung sawiji, arti terjemahannya: Manusia itu sebenarnya adalah tanda kenyataan Allah, dan Allah itu hanya satu, Esa. Setelah Tuhan menyatakan diri-Nya, keberadaan dan kekuasaan-Nya, Tuhan lalu membuktikan tindakan karya-Nya dengan menciptakan manusia.
“Kapindho, Ingsun anganakake cahya” terjemahannya:” Kedua ( hari kedua ), Aku menciptakan cahaya”. Kaping telu, Ingsun anganakake wawayangan minangka panuksma lan dadi rahsaningsun “, terjemahannya Ketiga ( hari ketiga ), “Aku menciptakan gambar bayangan-Ku ( manusia sebagai gambar Allah ) yang menjadi bagian dari roh dan rasa batin-Ku”. Kaping pat, “Ingsun anganakake suksma, minangka pratanda kauripaningsun”, terjemahannya, Keempat ( hari keempat ) “ Aku memberikan roh sebagai tanda kehidupan-Ku.” Kaping lima,” Ingsun anganakake angen-angen kang uga dadi warnaningsun”, terjemahannya, Kelima ( hari kelima ) “ Aku memberikan keinginan ( angan-angan, gambaran alam ide ) yang juga menjadi gambaran keadaan-Ku.” Kaping nem, “ Ingsun anganakake budi, kang minangka kanyatanane pancaring angen-angen”, artinya, Ke enam ( hari keenam )” Aku memberikan akal budi ( rasio ), yang akan menyatakan keadaan dasar kebenaran sebagai pancaran dari keinginan”. Kaping pitu, “ Ingsun anggelar warana kang minangka kakandangan sakabehing paserenaningsun. Kasebut nem prakara ing dhuwur mau tumitah ana ing donya iya iku sajatining manungsa”, artinya Ketujuh ( hari ketujuh ),” Aku menciptakan suatu bentuk badan yang menjadi rumah ( tempat tinggal ) dari semua hal yang ada tentang diri-Ku. Seperti yang sudah disebut pada keenam keadaan di atas telah ada di bumi, dan itu adalah keadaan manusia yang sesungguhnya.”

“ Sejatine Ingsun anata palenggahan ana sajroning jantunging manungsa………..sajroning jantung iku budi, sajroning budi iku jinem tegese angen-angen, sajroning jinem iku suksma, sajroning suksma iku rahsa kang uga ingaran cipta, sajroning rahsa iku Ingsun sing dadi sajatining urip kang anglimputi sagunging kahanan.”, arti terjemahannya “ Sebenarnya Aku mengatur keberadaan hidup di dalam jantung………di dalam jantung ada kewaspadaan berupa akal budi, di dalam kewaspadaan ada pikiran yang berupa angan-angan ( perasaan untuk mengetahui sesuatu yang akan terjadi), di dalam pikiran angan-angan ada roh, di dalam roh ada rahsa ( keadaan kesadaran pikiran untuk mengetahui dan memikirkan seluruh keberadaan hidup manusia) yang juga disebut daya cipta, di dalam rahsa terdapat kenyataan Tuhan yang menyatakan hidup yang sebenarnya yang merangkum seluruh keadaan yang ada di alam semesta ini. Dari penjelasan Ajaran Suci Orang Jawa ini menjadi sangat jelas bahwa keberadaan Allah atau roh tidak dapat dibuktikan melalui teknologi, alat-alat deteksi atau semacam perekam medis sehubungan dengan keterlibatan Allah dalam hidup manusia, selain hanya manusia itu sendiri secara orang-perseorangan jika ia mau melibatkan hati, pikiran, perasaan dan seluruh kenyataan hidupnya dengan disertai iman. Ajaran Suci Orang Jawa di atas adalah satu-satunya ayat suci yang menjelaskan bagaimana seharusnya seseorang memahami keberadaan Allah dalam hidupnya yang harus dipahami dengan seluruh kesadaran, keadaan batin dan perasaannya sepanjang pergumulan hidupnya. Ayat-ayat kitab suci umumnya memberi gambaran keberadaan Allah berupa penjelasan atau kesaksian ( bertindak sebagai guru dan sales, sehingga mudah disangkal oleh orang yang lebih cerdas ), tetapi pada Ajaran Suci Orang Jawa untuk memahami keberadaan Allah seseorang harus melibatkan keberadaan dirinya dan hidupnya disertai dengan kesadarannya baik yang terjadi dengan dirinya sendiri maupun keterkaitannya dengan seluruh keadaan yang ada di alam semesta ini.

Pada Kitab Suci Perjanjian Lama, bagian Kejadian, Allah menggambarkan keadaan awal alam raya gelap, kosong, tidak berisi sesuatupun. Kemudian Allah menciptakan cahaya, memisahkan terang dengan gelap. Selanjutnya Allah memisahkan cakrawala ( langit ) dengan bumi, air dengan darat, lalu diisi tumbuhan, binatang hingga pada hari ke enam diciptakan manusia yang Allah sebut sebagai gambar dan citra-Nya. Lalu Allah menyerahkan bumi seisinya kepada manusia untuk ditakhlukkan dan dikuasai. Pada hari ke tujuh Allah berhenti menciptakan, istirahat. Sedang wahyu proses penciptaan yang diterima Leluhur Orang Jawa, hari pertama Allah menggambarkan keadaan diri-Nya, keadaan alam raya yang kosong dan sunyi. Kemudian Allah menggambarkan kemampuan kemahakuasaan yang dapat Ia jalankan. Hari ke dua hingga hari ke tujuh, Allah mulai memproses penciptaan manusia. Diawali dengan keadaan batin, roh dan pikiran manusia, yang Allah kerjakan mulai hari ke dua hingga hari ke enam. Setelah keadaan batin, roh dan pikiran manusia sempurna yang menjadi bagian dari keadaan Allah sendiri, barulah pada hari ke tujuh Allah menciptakan badan manusia sebagai rumah batin, tempat roh dan pikiran yang sudah disempurnakan. Kalau dalam wahyu yang diterima masyarakat Yahudi, titik tekan citra gambar Allah pada manusia adalah badannya ( tubuhnya ) lalu Allah memberi kuasa pada manusia untuk menguasai isi bumi, titik tekan kesempurnaan manusia sebagai gambar Allah pada wahyu yang diterima leluhur orang Jawa adalah batin, roh dan pikirannya yang menjadi pusat hidup dan tujuan kesempurnaan.

Wahyu Allah yang diterima Leluhur Masyarakat Orang Jawa memberikan penekanan bahwa hidup manusia lebih dihargai karena pikirannya, semangat batinnya, motivasi spiritual dan cita-cita perjuangannya untuk menyempurnakan dirinya. Karena itu wahyu pada proses penciptaan manusia yang diterima Leluhur Orang Jawa tidak menyentuh tahap-tahap penciptaan alam semesta, keberadaan binatang, tumbuhan dan benda-benda yang kelihatan, seperti bulan, bintang dan matahari. Perbedaan titik tekan proses penciptaan manusia tersebut nantinya akan berpengaruh terhadap proses kebangkitan sebagai sarana bersatunya kembali manusia dengan Allah. Yang disebut hidup yang sesungguhnya adalah hidupnya Allah dan hidupnya manusia, bersatunya Allah dengan manusia, bersatunya pimpinan dengan rakyat yang disebut “ aworing kawula gusti “.
Hal tersebut juga akan mempengaruhi paham kekuasaan manusia yang sama-sama sebagai gambar Allah dan prinsip kebangkitan sebagai sarana persatuan roh dengan Allah. Karena wahyu masyarakat Yahudi citra Allah pada manusia lebih menekankan tubuh jasmaninya untuk menakhlukkan dan menguasai isi alam raya, maka bentuk kekuasaan manusia secara kongkrit diakui kalau manusia dapat menguasai alam kebendaan, teknologi, produksi, kekayaan materi dan uang hingga menimbulkan paham kapitalisme yang berimbas ke hedonisme. Sedang Leluhur Orang Jawa, kekuasaan manusia yang Allah berikan adalah untuk menguasai hal-hal yang bersifat rohani, kebatinan, benda-benda magis dan makhluk-makhluk ghaib yang bersifat halus, termasuk roh halus, setan dan jin-jin. ( * Orang Jawa mempunyai ajaran tentang tata cara menguasai dan mengendalikan hal-hal yang bersifat ghaib, melihat dengan mata batin, mendengar dengan telinga batin, termasuk ajaran hidup suci untuk mengetahui hari kematiannya sendiri ). Karena itu tujuan utama Leluhur Orang Jawa dalam hal kesucian, untuk menjadi manusia sempurna seseorang harus dapat menguasai batinnya sendiri terlebih dahulu, tingkah laku dan pikirannya sendiri agar dapat kembali bersatu dengan Allah. Dari prinsip itu leluhur orang Jawa lalu mengajari bagaimana cara menguasai semua isi ciptaan Tuhan yang berada di alam gaib, melihat roh-roh halus, hantu, memiliki kesaktian dalam berbagai bentuk sebagai hadiah dari Tuhan yang penggunaannya tidak boleh dipakai untuk melukai atau menyakiti pihak lain manapun, baik badan atau hatinya. Leluhur Orang Jawa menuntut, semakin tinggi daya rohani seseorang harus semakin rendah hati dan menyangkal keberadaan diri sendiri ( aworing kawula gusti, artinya bersatunya pribadi seseorang dengan Tuhannya ).

“ Dialah yang menjadikan bumi sebagai hamparan bagimu dan langit sebagai atap, dan Dia menurunkan air ( hujan ) dari langit, lalu Dia menjadikan dengan hujan itu segala buah-buahan sebagai rezki untukmu, karena itu janganlah kamu mengadakan sekutu-sekutu bagi Allah, padahal kamu mengetahui. Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para Malaikat:” Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah dimuka bumi”. Mereka berkata:” Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan ( khalifah ) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau.” Tuhan berfirman:” Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui.” Dan Kami berfirman:” Hai Adam, diamilah oleh kamu dan isterimu surga ini, dan makanlah makanan-makanannya yang banyak lagi baik dimana saja yang kamu sukai, dan janganlah kamu dekati pohon ini, yang menyebabkan kamu termasuk orang-orang yang zalim ( Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 1:22,30,35 ) “Dan Dialah yang menciptakan kamu dari seorang diri maka bagimu ada tempat tetap dan tempat simpanan. Sesungguhnya telah Kami jelaskan tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami kepada orang-orang yang mengetahui.” ( Al An’aam, Juz 7: 98 )
Kisah penciptaan pada Al Qur’an, Allah yang hendak menciptakan manusia mendapat tantangan dari Malaikat seolah-olah Malaikat kurang setuju. Karena menurut pendapat Malaikat ciptaan Allah yang disebut khalifah ( manusia ) itu hanya akan menimbulkan kerusakan dan pertumpahan darah. Namun demikian Allah tetap menciptakan manusia, yang pada ayat-ayat lainnya Allah memberi kekuasaan kepada manusia untuk memberi nama benda-benda ciptaan Allah. Selanjutnya, Allah memerintahkan kepada Malaikat untuk bersujud kepada Adam ( manusia yang diciptakan ). Kami berfirman kepada para malaikat: “Sujudlah kamu kepada Adam,” maka sujudlah mereka kecuali Iblis ( Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz I : 35 ). Tetapi akhirnya manusia jatuh kedalam dosa atas godaan syaitan ( Iblis ) dan seterusnya manusia diusir Tuhan dari Surga. Manusia akan memperoleh keselamatan ( kembali kepada Tuhan ) setelah mendapat petunjuk dari Tuhan ( wahyu-Nya ) dan mengikuti petunjuk Tuhan itu.

“ Mengertilah bahwa semua makhluk hidup yang diciptakan bersandar dalam Diri-Ku bagaikan angin besar yang bertiup kemana-mana selalu berada di angkasa. Seluruh susunan alam semesta di bawah-Ku. Atas kehendak-Ku alam semesta dengan sendirinya diwujudkan berulang kali. Atas kehendak-Ku akhirnya alam semesta dileburkan. Alam material ini salah satu diantara tenaga-tenaga-Ku, bekerja di bawah perintah-Ku, dan menghasilkan semua makhluk baik yang bergerak maupun tidak bergerak…(Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 9:6,8 &10)

“ Wahai Arjuna, di samping itu Aku adalah benih yang menghasilkan segala kehidupan. Tiada suatu makhlukpun-baik yang bergerak maupun yang tidak bergerak-yang dapat hidup tanpa-Ku. Wahai penakhluk musuh yang agung, perwujudan-perwujudan rohani-Ku tidak ada batasnya. Apa yang telah Ku-sabdakan kepadamu hanya sekedar petunjuk saja tentang kehebatan rohani-Ku yang tidak terhingga. Ketahuilah bahwa segala ciptaan yang hebat, indah dan mulia hanya berasal dari segelintir kemuliaan-Ku”. ( Sloka 10:39-41 )

Aku adalah nyawa segala sesuatu yang hidup, dan Aku adalah pertapaan semua orang yang bertapa……. (Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 7:9) Aku adalah benih asli segala kehidupan, kecerdasan orang yang cerdas, dan kewibawaan orang yang perkasa……..( Sloka 7:10 ) Seluruh bahan material yang disebut Brahman, adalah sumber kelahiran, dan Aku menyebabkan Brahman itu mengandung, yang memungkinkan kelahiran semua makhluk hidup..……Hendaknya dimengerti bahwa segala jenis kehidupan dimungkinkan oleh kelahiran di alam material ini, dan Akulah ayah yang memberi benih..…( Sloka 14: 3-4 ) Memang, hanya Engkau sendiri yang mengenal Diri-Mu atas tenaga dalam milik-Mu, 0 kepribadian Yang Paling Utama, asal mula segala sesuatu. Penguasa semua makhluk hidup. Tuhan yang disembah oleh para dewa. Penguasa jagat.” ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 10:15 )

Gambaran proses penciptaan yang dilakukan oleh kuasa Allah untuk mewujudkan benda-benda material, bumi, matahari, makhluk hidup dan adanya roh kurang lebih sama. Allah adalah asal usul ciptaan, sumber kehidupan dan tujuan akhir keselamatan. Allah sebagai kepribadian Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Pribadi Kudus dan Maha Kuasa, adalah awal, pertengahan-pemelihara dan akhir dari segala sesuatu. Allah adalah tujuan keselamatan semua orang beriman yang menyembah-Nya.

” Sesungguhnya orang-orang mu’min, orang-orang Yahudi, orang-orang Nasrani dan orang-orang Shabiin, siapa saja diantara mereka yang benar-benar beriman kepada Allah, hari kemudian dan beramal saleh mereka akan menerima pahala dari Tuhan mereka, tidak ada kekhawatiran terhadap mereka, dan tidak pula mereka bersedih hati.” ( Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz I: 62 )

Allah Sebagai Pemelihara, Pemersatu,
Asal Usul dan Tujuan Keadilan

“ Aku sangat mencintai orang yang tidak menyebabkan siapapun dipersulit, tidak digoyahkan oleh siapapun dan bersikap sama, baik dalam suka, duka, rasa takut maupun kecemasan. Orang yang tidak bersenang hati atau bersedih hati, tidak menyesalkan atau menginginkan, dan melepaskan ikatan terhadap hal-hal yang menguntungkan dan tidak menguntungkan-seorang penyembah seperti itu sangat Ku-cintai”. ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12:15-14)

“ Orang yang bersikap sama terhadap kawan dan musuh, seimbang dalam penghormatan dan penghinaan, panas dan dingin, suka dan duka, kemashyuran dan fitnah, selalu bebas dari pergaulan yang mencemarkan, selalu diam dan puas dengan segala sesuatu, yang tidak mempedulikan tempat tinggal apapun, mantap dalam pengetahuan dan tekun dalam bhakti, orang seperti itu sangat Ku-cintai “. ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 12: 18-19 )

“ Sebagaimana kamu kehendaki supaya orang berbuat kepadamu, perbuatlah juga demikian kepada mereka. Kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti dirimu sendiri.” ( Injil Lukas 6:31 & 10: 27 )

“ Persepuluhan ( pajak ) dari selasih, adas manis dan jintan kamu bayar, tetapi yang terpenting dari hukum Taurat kamu abaikan, yaitu keadilan dan belas kasihan dan kesetiaan. Yang satu harus dijalankan dan yang lain jangan diabaikan “ ( Injil Matius 23:23 )

“ Maka janganlah harta benda dan anak-anak menarik hatimu. Sesungguhnya Allah menghendaki dengan memberi harta benda dan anak-anak itu untuk menyiksa mereka dalam kehidupan di dunia ini dan kelak akan melayang nyawa mereka, sedang mereka dalam keadaan kafir.” ( Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10:55 )” Pada hari itu ( hari pengadilan Tuhan ) kamu lihat tiap-tiap umat akan berlutut. Tiap-tiap umat dipanggil untuk melihat buku catatan amalnya. .” ( Al Qur’an, Al Jaatsiyah, Juz 25: 28 )

“ Dan janganlah sebahagian kamu memakan harta sebahagian yang lain di antara kamu dengan jalan yang batil dan janganlah kamu membawa urusan harta itu kepada hakim, supaya kamu dapat memakan sebahagian daripada harta benda orang lain itu dengan jalan berbuat dosa, padahal kamu mengetahui”. ( Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 2:188 )

“ Mengapa kamu suruh orang lain mengerjakan kebajikan, sedang kamu melupakan diri kewajibanmu sendiri, padahal kamu membaca Al Kitab ( Taurat )? Maka tidakkah kamu berpikir? ( Al Qur’an, Al Baqarah, Juz 1:44 )

“ Sesungguhnya hartamu dan anak-anakmu hanyalah cobaan bagimu. Di sisi Allah-lah pahala yang besar.” ( Al Qur’an, At Taghaabun, Juz 28: 15 )
Panca sila-Dasa sila

1. Aku bertekad melatih diri menghindari pembunuhan makhluk hidup
2. Aku bertekad melatih diri menghindari pengambilan barang yang tidak diberikan
3. Aku bertekad melatih diri menghindarkan perbuatan tidak suci.
4. Aku bertekad melatih diri menghindari perbuatan asusila
5. Aku bertekad melatih diri menghindari ucapan bohong

Karaniyametta Sutta

Tak sepatutnya yang satu menipu yang lainnya
Tidak menghina siapapun dimanapun juga
Dan tak selayaknya karena marah dan benci
Mengharap yang lain celaka

Sebagaimana seorang ibu mempertaruhkan jiwanya
Melindungi putra tunggalnya
Demikianlah terhadap semua makhluk
Kembangkan pikiran dan cinta kasih tanpa batas

Aji Padmawara

Aji artinya Raja, Ratu, Pikiran, Rasio, Pusat pengaruh dan pengendali tindakan. Aji Padmawara artinya, contoh tindakan nyata yang sempurna itu hendaknya menjadi pusat pengaruh yang tersebar untuk orang banyak.

1. Ora kena nglarani: ing sasolah tindake, pangucap lan pikiran ora kena nglarani wong liya lan awake dhewe becik raga utawa atine, arti terjemahannya Tidak boleh menyakiti, setiap tingkah laku tindakannya, ucapan dan pikirannya tidak boleh menyakiti orang lain maupun diri sendiri baik menyakiti badan maupun hatinya.
2. Ora kena goroh: jujur marang awake dhewe lan ing liyan, lahir batin kudu padha, arti terjemahannya Tidak boleh berbohong, jujur terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain, lahir batin harus sama.
3. Ora cidra: Ora cidra ing janji, cidra ing pikiran lan tindakane, arti terjemahannya Tidak boleh ingkar pada janji, ingkar terhadap pikiran dan ingkar terhadap tindakannya sendiri
4. Ora melikan: Ora kena rumangsa ndarbeni dhewe, ananging kudu rumangsa kabeh mau asale saka kang Murbeng jagad, arti terjemahannya Tidak boleh menginginkan barang hak milik orang lain, tidak boleh merasa memiliki terhadap barang hak milik sendiri, tetapi harus merasa bahwa semua itu berasal dari Yang Memerintah alam semesta ( Tuhan )
5. Ora kena kesed: kudu mbuwang sakabehe rasa aras-arasen, sarta kudu sregep tetulung mring sapadha-padha, artinya Tidak boleh malas, harus bersedia membuang rasa ogah-ogahan ( malas-malasan) serta harus rajin menolong terhadap sesama manusia.

Jika orang beriman memahami berkat seperti apa yang ia terima dalam hidup, diperjuangkan melalui pekerjaan dan dimohon dalam doa, maka untuk menjadi berkat bagi orang lain juga mesti bersedia secara ikhlas membagikan berkat itu seperti apa yang ia terima dalam hidup, ia perjuangkan dalam pekerjaan dan yang ia mohon dalam doa.

Allah Sebagai Pencipta, Allahlah
Yang Berhak Menghancurkan Alam Semesta

“ Aku adalah waktu, Penghancur besar dunia-dunia, dan Aku datang kesini untuk menghancurkan semua orang. Kecuali kalian, para Pandawa, semua ksatria disini dari kedua belah pihak akan terbunuh.” ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 11: 32 ) “Aku adalah awal, pertengahan dan akhir semua makhluk. Ketahuilah dengan pasti bahwa Aku adalah sumber perwujudan dan peleburan segala sesuatu di dunia ini, baik yang bersifat material maupun yang bersifat rohani ” ( Sloka 10:20 & 7:6 )” Aku adalah ciptaan dan peleburan, dasar segala sesuatu, sandaran dan benih yang kekal “ ( Sloka 9:18 )

“ Pada hari kiamat Kami gulung langit-langit seperti menggulung lembaran-lembaran kertas. Sebagaimana Kami telah memulai penciptaan pertama begitulah Kami akan mengulanginya. Itulah suatu janji yang pasti akan Kami tepati, sesungguhnya Kami-lah yang akan melaksanakannya”. ( Al Qur’an, Al Anbiyaa’ , Juz 17: 104 )” Dan sungguhpun kamu telah mengetahui penciptaan yang pertama, maka mengapakah kamu tidak mengambil pelajaran untuk penciptaan yang kedua” ( Al Qiyaamah, Juz 29:7-12) “ Sesungguhnya ilmu tentang hari kiamat itu hanya pada sisi Allah”. (Al Qur’an. Al Mulk, Juz 29 :26 )

“ Tetapi tentang hari atau saat itu ( kiamat ) tidak seorangpun yang tahu, malaikat-malaikat di sorga tidak, dan Anak-pun ( Yesus ) tidak, hanya Bapa ( Allah ) sendiri”. ( Injil Markus 13:32 )” Tuhan, maukah Engkau pada masa ini memulihkan kerajaan bagi Israel? Jawab Yesus: “Engkau tidak perlu mengetahui masa dan waktu, yang ditetapkan Bapa sendiri menurut kuasa-Nya”. ( Kisah Rasul 1:6-7 ) “ Kerajaan Allah datang tanpa tanda-tanda lahiriah.” ( Injil Lukas 17:20 )

Allah Sebagai Tujuan Kebangkitan

“ Seperti halnya seseorang mengenakan pakaian baru, dan membuka pakaian lama, begitu pula sang roh menerima badan-badan jasmani yang baru dengan meninggalkan badan-badan lama yang tidak berguna. Roh tidak dapat dipotong-potong menjadi bagian-bagian oleh senjata apapun, dibakar oleh api, dibasahi oleh air, atau dikeringkan oleh angin “.( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 2: 22-23

“ Orang bodoh tidak dapat mengerti bagaimana makhluk hidup dapat meninggalkan badannya, dan mereka tidak dapat mengerti jenis badan mana yang dinikmatinya di bawah pesona sifat-sifat alam. Tetapi orang yang matanya sudah terlatih dalam pengetahuan dapat melihat segala hal tersebut “ ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 15:10 ).

Allah berfirman: “ Di bumi itu kamu hidup dan di bumi itu kamu mati, dan dari bumi itu pula kamu akan dibangkitkan”. (Al Qur’an, Al A’raaf, Juz 8:25 ) “ Kemudian sesudah itu, sesungguhnya kamu sekalian benar-benar akan mati. Kemudian, sesungguhnya kamu sekalian akan dibangkitkan dari kuburmu di hari kiamat”. ( Al Mu’minuun, Juz 18:15-16 ) Dan ingatlah akan hari ketika Kami bangkitkan dari tiap-tiap umat seorang saksi ( rasul ), kemudian tidak diijinkan kepada orang-orang yang kafir untuk membela diri dan tidak pula mereka dibolehkan meminta maaf”. ( An Nahl, Juz 14:84 ) “ Hai manusia, jika kamu dalam keraguan tentang kebangkitan dari kubur………..sesungguhnya hari kiamat itu pastilah datang, tak ada keraguan padanya, dan bahwasanya Allah membangkitkan semua orang di dalam kubur”. ( Al Haji. Juz 17:5-7 ).

Berfirmanlah Allah:” Bukankah kebangkitan ini benar?” Mereka menjawab:” Sungguh benar, demi Tuhan kami.” Berfirmanlah Allah;” Karena itu rasakanlah azab ini, disebabkan kamu mengingkarinya.” ( Al Qur’an, Al An’aam, Juz 7:30 ).

Yesus berkata kepada murid-murid-Nya:” Anak Manusia akan diserahkan ke dalam tangan manusia, dan mereka akan membunuh Dia dan pada hari ketiga Ia akan dibangkitkan.” ( Matius 17:22 )

” Ketika aku melihat Yesus, tersungkurlah aku di depan kaki-Nya sama seperti orang yang mati, tetapi Ia meletakkan tangan kanan-Nya di atasku lalu berkata:” Jangan takut. Aku adalah Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir, dan Yang Hidup . Aku telah mati, tetapi lihatlah, Aku hidup sampai selama-lamanya, dan Aku yang memegang segala kunci maut dan kerajaan maut “. ( Wahyu 1:17-18 )

Kacarios bilih kita badhe pejah, kateteging jantung sampun sampurna..….wekdal sirnaning warana lajeng katingal ing jaman karamatullah, tegesipun jaman kamulyaning Allah, ingkang dipun pratandhani: Ingkang sakawit katingal alam rokhiyah, ing ngriku ngatingali seganten tanpa tepi….ing ngriku dipun mantepi tekad, sabab wawayanganing roh sampun ngatingali. ( Kisah ini adalah tanda-tanda dan perjalanan roh kalau seseorang mau meninggal secara sempurna. Ketika denyut jantung mau berhenti,……....waktu keadaan badan juga hampir mati, yang kelihatan selanjutnya adalah jaman karamatullah, yang artinya jaman kemuliaan Allah, yang semula kelihatan ditandai oleh keadaan alam rokhiyah, disitu kelihatan lautan tidak bertepi……...mantapkan tekad dan kehendak, sebab bayangan roh sudah memperlihatkan diri )

Sasirnaning alam rokhiyah, katingal alam siriyah tegesipun alam rahsa, teras katingal alam nuriyah, tegesipun alaming cahya, padhangipun anglangkungi padhanging alam siriyah, ing ngriku katingal cahya wening. Sasirnaning alam nuriyah, katingal alam oluhiyah, inggih punika alam Ilahiyah, tegesipun alaming Pangeran, ing ngriku katingal cahya mancur…….., sangsaya wewah padhangipun……...gesangipun saking pramananing rahsa, ing nalika punika dhatenging malaikat……...ing nalika punika dhatengipun widodari angaken utusaning dat kang Amahasuci, …..…tanpa kinten-kinten padhangipun, ing ngriku boten katingal punapa-punapa, punika cahyaning atma sejati, anunggil cahyaning dat kang asipat…….….langgeng wonten ing salebeting kahanan kang Amahamulya sarwo nikmat manfangat rahmat. ( Perjalanan roh menuju sorga untuk barsatu dengan Allah oleh penulis disingkat demikian: Setelah alam rokhiyah dilalui, lalu kelihatan alam siriyah yang artinya alam rahsa ( keadaan yang dapat dirasakan dengan panca indra dan kedalaman rasa batin ), lalu kelihatan alam nuriyah, yang artinya alam cahaya, terang benderangnya melebihi terangnya alam siriyah. Di alam nuriyah itu kelihatan cahaya yang sangat jernih. Setelah roh melewati alam nuriyah, lalu menuju alam oluhiyah, disitulah terletak alam yang bersifat Ilahi, artinya keadaan tempat tinggalnya Allah, di tempat itu kelihatan cahaya yang terus memancar………dan terus bertambah terangnya……...pada saat itu para bidadari dan malaikat datang mengaku sebagai utusan yang Mahasuci…….terangnya cahaya tidak terkira sampai tidak kelihatan apapun yang ada, itu adalah cahaya yang sesungguhnya, bersatunya sifat cahaya dan kodratnya,…..…….keadaan yang berada di tempat Yang Mahamulya itu kekal, serba nikmat dan penuh rahmat.

Orang Jawa yang sudah melatih kesucian hidup rohani dan pengetahuannya dapat mengetahui hari kematiannya beberapa tahun sebelum kematian itu tiba hingga tahap-tahap perjalanan rohnya menuju sorga seperti tersebut di atas.

Kebangkitan Yesus menandai bahwa Roh itu Hidup Kekal. Tanpa Kebangkitan, semua paham agama di dunia ini secara teologis runtuh. Tanpa Kebangkitan kualitas moral tidak berguna, perbuatan baik, amal kasih, keadilan, perdamaian, peperangan maupun kejahatan lainnya tidak memiliki nilai. Seseorang tidak mungkin dapat hidup benar dengan hanya mengandalkan pengetahuan, kekuasaan dan perbuatannya sendiri. Karena apa yang dipandang baik, benar dan adil harus memenuhi kriteria kebutuhan semua manusia sekalipun tidak sepaham tidak sepikiran.

Sorga Sebagai Tujuan Hidup Kekal,
Janji Allah Terpenuhi

“ Orang yang mempunyai penglihatan kekekalan dapat melihat bahwa sang roh yang tidak dapat dimusnahkan bersifat rohani, kekal dan di luar sifat-sifat alam. Wahai Arjuna, walaupun sang roh berhubungan dengan badan material, sang roh tidak berbuat apa-apa dan juga tidak diikat. Dengan menjadi mantap dalam pengetahuan ini, seseorang dapat mencapai sifat rohani-Ku sendiri. Setelah menjadi mantap seperti itu, ia tidak dilahirkan pada masa ciptaan atau pun digoyahkan pada masa peleburan .” ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 13:32 & 14:2 )

“ Meskipun penyembah-Ku yang murni yang selalu dibawah perlindungan-Ku sibuk dalam segala jenis kegiatan, ia mencapai tempat tinggal yang kekal dan tidak dapat dimusnahkan atas karunia-Ku.”. ( Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 18:56 )

“ Aku adalah sandaran Brahman yang tidak bersifat pribadi, yang bersifat kekal, tidak pernah mati, tidak dapat dimusnahkan dan bersifat kekal, kedudukan dasar kebahagiaan yang paling tinggi”. ( Sloka 14:27 )

“ Wahai putera keluarga Bharata, serahkanlah dirimu kepada Beliau sepenuhnya. Atas karunia Beliau engkau akan mencapai kedamaian rohani dan tempat tinggal kekal yang paling utama.” ( Sloka 18:62 )

“ Tempat tinggal-Ku yang paling utama itu tidak diterangi oleh matahari, bulan, api maupun listrik. Orang yang mencapai tempat tinggal itu tidak pernah kembali lagi ke dunia material.” ( Sloka 15:6 )

“ Dan mereka bertanya kepadamu tentang roh. Katakanlah:” Roh itu termasuk urusan Tuhan-ku, dan tidakkah kamu diberi pengetahuan melainkan sedikit?” ( Al Qur’an, Al Israa, Juz 15: 85 ) ….dan apabila ruh-ruh dipertemukan dengan tubuh, apabila bayi-bayi perempuan yang dikubur hidup-hidup ditanya karena dosa apakah ia dibunuh” ( At Takwiir, Juz 30:7-9 )…Maka Allah mengilhamkan kepada jiwa itu jalan kefasikan dan jalan ketakwaan, sesunguhnya bersyukurlah orang yang mensucikan jiwa itu, dan sesungguhnya merugilah orang yang mengotorinya. Kaum Tsamud telah mendustakan rasulnya karena mereka melampaui batas, ketika bangkit orang yang paling celaka di antara mereka, lalu Rasul Allah ( Saleh) berkata kepada mereka: Biarkanlah unta betina Allah dan minumannya.” ( Asy Syams, Juz 30:8-13 ) Dan jika ada sesuatu yang kamu herankan, maka yang patut mengherankan adalah ucapan mereka ” Apabila kami telah menjadi tanah, apakah kami sesungguhnya akan ( dikembalikan ) menjadi makhluk yang baru?” Orang-orang itulah yang kafir kepada Tuhannya, dan orang-orang itulah ( yang dilekatkan ) belenggu di lehernya, mereka itulah penghuni neraka, mereka kekal di dalamnya.” ( Al Qur’an, Ar Ra’d, Juz 13:5 )

“ Bagi orang-orang yang berbuat baik, ada pahala yang terbaik ( surga ) dan tambahannya. Dan muka mereka tidak ditutupi debu hitam dan tidak pula kehinaan. Mereka itulah penghuni surga, mereka kekal di dalamnya. Dan orang-orang yang mengerjakan kejahatan mendapat balasan yang setimpal dan mereka ditutupi kehinaan. Tidak ada bagi mereka seorang pelindungpun dari azab Allah, seakan-akan muka mereka ditutupi dengan kepingan-kepingan malam yang gelap gulita. Mereka itulah penghuni neraka, mereka kekal di dalamnya ( Yunus, Juz 11:26-27 “ Mereka itulah orang-orang yang bagi mereka surga “Adn, mengalir sungai-sungai di bawahnya, dalam surga itu mereka dihiasi dengan gelang emas dan mereka memakai pakaian hijau dari sutera halus dan sutera tebal, sedang mereka duduk sambil bersandar di atas dipan-dipan yang indah. Itulah pahala yang sebaik-baiknya dan tempat istirahat yang indah . ( Al Qur’an, Al Kahfi, Juz 15:31 ) Maha suci Allah, jika Dia menghendaki , niscaya dijadikan-Nya bagimu yang lebih baik dari yang demikian, yaitu surga-surga yang mengalir sungai-sungai di bawahnya, dan dijadikan-Nya pula untukmu istana-istana”. ( Al Furqaan, juz 18:10 ) Balasan mereka di sisi Tuhan mereka ialah surga ‘Adn yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya selama-lamanya. Allah ridha terhadap mereka dan merekapun ridha kepada-Nya. Yang demikian itu adalah balasan bagi orang yang takut kepada Tuhannya”. ( Al Bayyinah, Juz 30:8 ) Sesungguhnya, Kami telah memberikan kepadamu sebuah sungai di surga ( Al Qur’an, Al Kautsar, Juz 30:1 ) Banyak muka pada hari itu berseri-seri, merasa senang karena usahanya. Di dalam surga yang tinggi, tidak kamu dengar perkataan yang tidak berguna. Didalamnya ada mata air yang mengalir ( Al Ghaasyiyah, Juz 30:8-12 ) Pada hari ketika kamu melihat orang mu’min laki-laki dan perempuan, sedang cahaya mereka bersinar di hadapan dan di sebelah kanan mereka, dikatakan kepada mereka:” Pada hari ini ada berita gembira untukmu, yaitu surga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, yang kamu kekal di dalamnya. Itulah keberuntungan yang banyak “.( Al Hadid, Juz 27:12 ) “ Surga ‘Adn yang mengalir sungai-sungai di bawahnya, mereka kekal di dalamnya. Dan itu adalah balasan bagi orang-orang yang bersih dari kekafiran dan kemaksiatan ( Thaahaa, Juz 16:76 ) Di dalam surga yang penuh ni’mat, di atas tahta-tahta kebesaran berhadap-hadapan, diedarkan kepada mereka gelas yang berisi khamar dari sungai yang mengalir, putih bersih, sedap rasanya bagi orang-orang yang minum.” ( Ash Shaaffaat, Juz 23:43-46 )

“ Orang-orang dunia ini kawin dan dikawinkan, tetapi mereka yang dianggap layak untuk mendapat bagian dalam dunia yang lain itu dan dalam kebangkitan diantara orang-orang mati, tidak kawin dan tidak dikawinkan. Sebab mereka tidak dapat mati lagi, mereka sama seperti malaikat-malaikat dan mereka adalah anak-anak Allah, karena mereka telah dibangkitkan. Tentang bangkitnya orang-orang mati, Musa telah memberitahukannya dalam nas tentang semak duri, dimana Tuhan disebut sebagai Allah Abraham, Allah Ishak dan Allah Yakub. Ia bukan Allah orang mati, melainkan Allah orang hidup, sebab dihadapan Dia semua orang hidup.” ( Injil, Lukas 20:34-38 )

“ Maka timbulah peperangan di sorga, Mikhael dan malaikat-malaikatnya berperang melawan naga itu dibantu oleh malaikat-malaikatnya. Dan naga besar itu, si ular tua yang disebut Iblis atau Setan, yang menyesatkan seluruh dunia, dilemparkannya ke bawah, ia dilemparkan ke bumi bersama-sama dengan malaikat-malaikatnya.”. ( Wahyu 12:7-9 )

“ Lalu malaikat yang ke tujuh meniup sangkakalanya, dan terdengarlah suara-suara nyaringnya di dalam sorga, katanya:” Pemerintahan atas dunia dipegang oleh Tuhan kita dan Dia yang diurapi-Nya, dan Ia akan memerintah sebagai raja sampai selama-lamanya……Sebab Tuhan saja yang kudus, karena semua bangsa akan sujud menyembah Tuhan……….Lalu aku melihat kota yang kudus, Yerusalem yang baru turun dari sorga, dari Allah……….Dan lihatlah kemah Allah ada di tengah-tengah manusia dan Allah akan diam bersama-sama manusia. Mereka akan menjadi umat-Nya dan Ia akan menjadi Allah mereka. Allah akan menghapus segala air mata dari mata mereka, dan maut tidak akan ada lagi……….…Allah berfirman:” Lihatlah Aku menjadikan segala sesuatu baru. Tuliskanlah, karena segala perkataan ini adalah tepat dan benar…….Semuanya telah terjadi, Aku adalah Alfa dan Omega, Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir”. ( Wahyu 11: 15 & 15:4 & 21:2-6 )

“ Lalu malaikat menunjukkan kepadaku sungai air kehidupan, yang jernih bagaikan kristal, dan mengalir keluar dari tahta Allah dan tahta Anak Domba itu. Di tengah-tengah jalan kota itu, yaitu di seberang menyeberang sungai itu, ada pohon-pohon kehidupan…….Malam tidak akan ada lagi di sana, dan mereka tidak memerlukan cahaya lampu dan cahaya matahari, sebab Tuhan Allah akan menerangi mereka, dan mereka akan memerintah sebagai raja sampai selama-lamanya”. ( Wahyu 22:1-5 )

“ Saatnya akan datang dan sudah tiba sekarang, bahwa penyembah-penyembah benar akan menyembah Bapa dalam roh dan kebenaran sebab Bapa menghendaki penyembah-penyembah demikian. Allah itu Roh dan barangsiapa menyembah Dia haruslah menyembah-Nya dalam roh dan kebenaran “ ( Yohanes 4: 23-24 )

Pamsukula Gatha

Semua makhluk mengalami kematian.
Mereka telah mengalami kematian, dan akan mengalami lagi.
Demikian pula saya pasti mengalami kematian.
Tiada keraguan bagiku tentang hal ini.

Pabbatopama Gatha

Demikianlah kelapukan dan kematian.
Mencengkeram semua makhluk hidup.
Apakah mereka kaum ksatria, brahmana, pedagang.
Pekerja, kaum terkucil ataupun kaum pembuang sampah.
Tidak seorangpun akan terhindar.
Kelapukan dan kematian menerjang semuanya.

Siapapun yang melaksanakan Dhamma dengan baik.
Baik melalui perbuatan, ucapan atau pun pikiran.
Saat hidup di dunia ini, ia dipuji para bijaksana.
Bila kematian tiba, akan berbahagia di alam Sorga.

Tilakkhanadi Gatha.

Ia yang bijak setelah meninggalkan yang hitam.
Sepatutnya mengembangkan yang putih.
Dengan keluar dari samsara yang mengikat batin.
Memasuki Nibbana ( Sorga ) yang membebaskan batin.

Adiyasutta Gatha.

Mereka yang merenungkan hal ini.
Akan teguh dalam ajaran para Ariya.
Di dunia ini para dewa dan manusia memujinya.
Setelah kematian tiba berbahagia di alam sorga.

Tata Tertib Hukum Penipuan

Ada tujuh tata tertib hukum penipuan yang penulis rumuskan untuk menguji atau membuktikan suatu tindakan, kejadian, kata-kata seseorang itu bernuansa penipuan atau menyatakan kejujuran. Jika seseorang taat pada tata tertib hukum penipuan tersebut, secara otomatis orang tersebut tergolong jujur. Sebaliknya, jika seseorang melanggar salah satu atau lebih aturan penipuan, maka orang tersebut tidak jujur, pembohong atau penipu.

Ketujuh aturan tata tertib hukum penipuan tidak dapat ditakhlukkan oleh penipu sehebat apapun, baik karena terbatasnya pengetahuan, disengaja atau tidak. Ketujuh tata tertib hukum penipuan tersebut sesuai dengan prinsip umum, yaitu : Jika Iblis itu adalah penipu dan pengkhianat, maka penipu juga akan ditipu dan dikhianati Iblis, karena Iblis tidak akan pernah membiarkan seorang penipu sukses menikmati karya tipuannya tanpa diketahui oleh orang lain. Jika Allah itu adalah Pribadi Maha Suci, maka Allah telah menaruh mata-Nya di hati kita masing-masing, agar setiap orang dapat melihat kebenaran-Nya dengan tidak membutakan mata Allah yang berada di hati orang lain. Jika manusia itu adalah makhluk cerdas, suci sekaligus jahat, maka dunia tidak akan pernah melahirkan orang yang kecerdasan, keahlian, kesucian maupun kejahatannya tidak dapat dipahami oleh orang lain. Berjalannya waktu kadang-kadang menyingkap tabir penipuan, ketidaktahuan atau karena terbatasnya pengetahuan seperti teori orbit geosentris, teori evolusi asal usul kehidupan atau adanya kuasa gelap di wilayah segitiga Bermuda. Bukti kebenaran yang ditunjukkan oleh waktu masih tunduk pada ketujuh aturan tata tertib hukum penipuan.

Dengan demikian, penipuan sebenarnya merupakan tindakan yang sangat sulit dilakukan bahkan hampir tidak mungkin dilakukan. Hal tersebut menandakan bahwa manusia dari kodrat dasarnya adalah makhluk suci karena berasal dari Allah sendiri. Ketujuh aturan tata tertib hukum penipuan tersebut penulis rumuskan, sesuai Injil, untuk membuktikan bahwa Yesus sungguh-sungguh manusia luar biasa karena Ia adalah Anak Allah yang telah mati dan bangkit dari kematian-Nya.

Untuk mengenali penipu-penipu intelektual di bidang keagamaan, seseorang tidak perlu menjadi ahli di bidang sejarah kitab suci atau tulisan-tulisan kuno sejarah ditulisnya kitab suci. Hanya dengan memahami tata tertib hukum penipuan, karya-karya penipu besar tersebut mudah dimengerti.

Kebangkitan menjadi salah satu sentral rumusan keselamatan dan kewajiban setiap roh yang bersifat kekal untuk menerima pahala atau hukuman, di sorga atau neraka. Jika Adam dan Hawa jatuh kedalam dosa dan terusir dari Taman Eden karena makan buah pengetahuan baik dan buruk, maka tata tertib hukum penipuan ini ibarat cahaya yang akan membantu mata setiap orang untuk melihat masalah-masalah menjadi lebih jelas, meskipun penipuan-penipuan tetap akan berjalan sampai akhir jaman.

Dibawah ini penulis tuliskan tiga dari tujuh tata tertib hukum penipuan. Pertama, penipu harus taat pada hukum konsistensi psikologis. Penipu harus ingat dengan jenis penipuan yang telah dilakukan, ingat dengan siapa ia telah menipu, ingat dengan siapa ia tidak bisa mengatakannya dan harus selalu ingat dan menyimpan baik-baik di hatinya dengan data-data penipuan yang telah dilakukan sepanjang hidupnya. Disamping itu penipu harus tahu relasi-relasi dari korban yang telah ditipu, kemungkinan para korban penipuan akan saling bertemu baik dengan cara disengaja atau tidak, pendek kata penipu harus menguasai habitat tipuannya. Penipu harus meyakini prinsip bahwa setiap orang yang bersahabat dengan dirinya juga penipu yang setiap saat akan membocorkan tipuan dan kejahatannya, suatu kebalikan dari asas hukum praduga tak bersalah. Karena sudah terbukti selama ribuan tahun para penipu tidak memiliki komitmen dan kesetiaan, saling memberi kesaksian, saling menggugat, cari selamatnya sendiri dengan menyeret penipu yang menjadi sekongkolnya manakala pihak yang berwenang menghadapkan penipu pada penyidikan dan hukuman yang membahayakan dirinya.
Dalam banyak kasus penipuan atau kebohongan yang dilakukan hampir setiap orang, dirinya sendiri lupa dengan data-data penipuannya dan sering tidak konsisten menjaga tindakan penipuan yang telah dilakukannya. Pada waktu yang berbeda, tanpa disadari orang yang pernah dibohongi atau ditipu telah diberitahu oleh penipunya sendiri. Terkadang penipu merasa sangat bangga dengan memamerkan keberhasilan karya tipuannya. Penipuan sekalipun disertai data-data dan bukti-bukti, dicampurkan dengan fakta-fakta sehingga inti tipuan sebenarnya menjadi kabur, pada waktunya tetap terbongkar kedok kebohongan dan penipuannya.

Kebangkitan Yesus taat pada hukum konsistensi psikologis. Ulangan 18:15,18,21-22 “Seorang nabi di tengah-tengahmu, dari antara saudara saudaramu, sama seperti aku, akan dibangkitkan bagimu oleh Tuhan, Allahmu, dialah yang harus kamu dengarkan…..seorang nabi akan Kubangkitkan bagi mereka dari antara saudara mereka seperti engkau ini. Aku akan menaruh firman-Ku dalam mulutnya dan ia akan mengatakan kepada mereka segala yang Kuperintahkan kepadanya…………Jika sekiranya kamu berkata dalam hatimu: Bagaimanakah kami mengetahui perkataan yang tidak difirmankan Tuhan?..........apabila seorang nabi berkata demi nama Tuhan dan perkataannya itu tidak terjadi dan tidak sampai, maka itulah perkataan yang tidak difirmankan Tuhan” Teks ini ditulis kira-kira 1.500-1.900 tahun sebelum Yesus lahir. Teks-teks susulan sejenis ini berulangkali Allah ucapkan dalam berbagai situasi dengan rentang pereode yang berbeda-beda.

Apakah Allah penipu ? Apakah kebangkitan Yesus itu penipuan ? Marilah kita dengarkan apa yang dikatakan Yesus selama Ia hidup, kita saksikan sikap perbuatan-Nya, dan kita jatuhkan penilaian benar tidaknya dengan apa yang terjadi setelah kematian-Nya.

Kalau Anda meragukan kebangkitan Yesus Anak Allah
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Kedua, penipu harus taat pada hukum sosial perlawanan massa. Penipu hanya bisa sukses melakukan penipuan sekali saja untuk orang banyak, atau sekali saja untuk satu orang atau sekali saja untuk beberapa orang. Penipu akan gagal dan tetap akan diketahui hasil karya tipuannya kalau si penipu melakukan beberapa kali penipuan secara berulang-ulang, apalagi kepada banyak orang. Penipu sehebat apapun dan dengan dalih pembenaran apapun tidak dapat melanggar hukum sosial perlawanan massa, bahkan kalaupun penipu melengkapi dirinya dengan keahlian, kekuasaan atau membeli kebebasan orang dengan membayar sejumlah uang.

Kesalahan yang selalu di ulang-ulang oleh partai politik atau para pelaku pelanggar hukum keadilan sosial adalah melakukan penipuan massa yang otomatis melanggar hukum sosial perlawanan massa.

Kebangkitan Yesus taat pada hukum sosial perlawanan massa. Sudah 2000 tahun, baik orang yang percaya pada kebangkitan-Nya maupun orang yang tidak percaya dengan kebangkitan-Nya, belum ada seorangpun yang dapat membuktikan kebalikannya bahwa Yesus tidak bangkit. Jika kebangkitan Yesus mengandung indikasi penipuan, kemudian ada pihak yang mempunyai kepentingan untuk menjatuhkan iman Kristen disertai wewenang, kapasitas dan dukungan dana, sudah pasti mudah untuk membuktikan bahwa Yesus tidak bangkit.

“ Sebab yang sangat penting telah kusampaikan kepadamu, yaitu apa yang telah kuterima sendiri, ialah bahwa Kristus telah mati karena dosa-dosa kita, sesuai dengan Kitab Suci, bahwa Ia telah dikuburkan, dan bahwa Ia telah dibangkitkan pada hari yang ke tiga sesuai Kitab Suci, bahwa Ia telah menampakkan diri kepada Kefas dan kemudian kepada keduabelas murid-Nya. Sesudah itu Ia menampakkan diri kepada lebih dari lima ratus saudara sekaligus, kebanyakan dari mereka masih hidup sampai sekarang, tetapi beberapa diantaranya telah meninggal. Selanjutnya, Ia menampakkan diri kepada Yakobus kemudian kepada semua rasul. Dan yang paling akhir dari semuanya Ia menampakkan diri juga kepadaku, sama seperti kepada anak yang lahir sebelum waktunya . Karena aku adalah yang paling hina dari semua rasul, sebab aku telah menganiaya Jemaat Allah”. ( 1 Korintus 15 :1-9 )

Ketiga, Penipu harus taat pada hukum kekuasaan dan hukum kepentingan. Tujuan Penipu adalah untuk mendapatkan manfaat – keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya secara tidak adil, baik menggunakan kebodohan korban, kelemahan korban atau memaksa korban melalui jalur hukum dan undang-undang. Dengan menggunakan kekuasaan atau memanfaatkan kelemahan korban, maka Penipu bebas bergerak tanpa tuntutan dan tanpa perlawanan. Tindakan Penipu seolah-olah menjadi benar, sekalipun kedua belah pihak yang terlibat dalam praktek penipuan, baik pelaku atau korban, sama-sama mengetahui adanya praktek kejahatan yang bertentangan dengan hukum Negara, hukum agama atau hukum hati nurani yang terpatri di hati masing-masing pihak.

Untuk melihat suatu permasalahan agar tampak jernih dan benar, yang benar adalah benar dan yang salah adalah salah, maka seseorang harus melepaskan diri dari ikatan kekuasaan ( berbagi kekuasaan ) dan melepaskan diri dari ikatan kepentingan, lalu memandang masalah secara bebas moral, bebas etika dan membebaskan diri dari ikatan sopan santun. Dengan kata lain, agar seseorang dapat melihat Kebenaran yang sebenar-benarnya, seseorang harus bersikap tidak bermoral, tanpa etika dan tanpa sopan santun tanpa harus bersikap kasar, brutal, melawan hukum atau merusak ( anarkis ).

Moralitas, etika dan sopan santun menjadi pagar dan penghalang terbesar terlaksananya kejahatan penipuan yang melampaui kejahatan mafia atau perampokan. Moralitas, etika dan sopan santun memaksa orang yang lemah dan tak berdaya tidak dapat mengatakan kebenaran yang sebenar-benarnya sekalipun hati nuraninya memberontak terhadap adanya kenyataan kejahatan, penipuan, kekerasan, pelanggaran hukum, keserakahan, korupsi, manipulasi ideology atau manipulasi teologi keselamatan.
Dengan hukum ketiga ini seseorang dapat mengatakan apa adanya tentang orang lain sekalipun ia seorang pemuka agama, seorang president atau orang yang Anda kagumi setelah Anda paham dengan tipuan-tipuan yang mereka lakukan.

Jika perampok dan mafia mengandalkan kekuatan senjata, keberanian dan kenekatan untuk memaksa korbannya menghentikan perlawanan, maka kekuasaan ( agama, politik, adat-istiadat dan tradisi budaya ) mengandalkan moralitas untuk menjalankan penipuan atau memanipulasi kebenaran agar kepentingan organisasi kelompoknya terpenuhi.

Untuk menyatakan kebenaran, Tuhan Yesus adalah manusia yang sering mengabaikan moral, berlidah kasar, suka menghujat, suka mengkritik dan suka mengecam pemimpin-pemimpin agama yang cenderung menyembunyikan kebenaran wahyu Tuhan, yang berlindung dibalik kebenaran hukum dan undang-undang tanpa mengedepankan belas kasihan dan keadilan. Sebaliknya, kepada orang miskin, orang lemah dan kepada mereka yang mau bertobat, Tuhan Yesus menunjukkan kelembutan sikap, persahabatan dan pengampunan tak terbatas melampaui para pemuka agama yang lebih banyak bergerak dengan hukum-hukum agama untuk membenarkan tindakan politis, tuntut menuntut harta benda atau jalan kematian menuju sorga melalui pemberontakan, perang atau terorisme yang menyengsarakan banyak pihak.

Kebangkitan Yesus taat pada hukum kekuasaan Allah, karena Yesus mati sesuai dengan kehendak Allah lalu dibangkitkan Allah. Yesus tidak bangkit dengan kuasa-Nya sendiri sekalipun Yesus Anak Allah mampu bangkit dengan kekuasaa-Nya sendiri. Kebangkitan Yesus sesuai dengan kepentingan Allah yang hendak mengampuni dan menyelamatkan manusia dari dosa-dosa dan kesalahannya sendiri karena tidak mungkin manusia dapat hidup bersih tanpa melakukan pelanggaran sekalipun berusaha cuci tangan. Kebangkitan Yesus tidak ada urusannya dengan moral, etika atau sopan santun karena ketiga-tiganya dapat menghalangi kebodohan dan kelemahan mental manusia untuk melihat kebenaran. Kebangkitan Yesus menembus batas tradisi kepercayaan yang sudah terlalu mapan dan aman dengan keyakinan ajaran leluhur yang tersebar di berbagai belahan dunia.

Masih ada 4 tata tertib hukum penipuan untuk membuktikan bahwa hidup, mati dan kebangkitan Yesus sesuai dengan janji Allah yang diucapkan nabi-nabi sebelumnya. Kebangkitan Yesus sebenarnya bukan masalah teologi iman Kristen saja, tetapi juga memberi arti yang sangat dalam untuk semua orang yang sekarang ini masih hidup.
Kebangkitan Yesus Kristus yang tampak oleh mata membuktikan bahwa kebangkitan ( reinkarnasi rohani ) bukan hanya paham, ajaran atau ideologi. Karena apa yang tampak oleh mata tidak menuntut proses kecerdasan berpikir.

Komitmen dan kejujuran dibutuhkan dan dituntut oleh semua pihak, baik oleh para mafia, para pemberontak, perampok, para pengkhianat, para penipu, perjanjian dengan setan maupun para penegak kebenaran, keadilan maupun golongan orang saleh. Kebangkitan Yesus memenuhi standar kejujuran dan komitmen Allah untuk menepati janji keselamatan-Nya.

Penulis, Dasto Sunandoro

Beriman dan Beribadah dengan Takwa

Beriman dengan takwa sebagai cara hidup orang beriman untuk berbakti kepada Allah itu amat sangat luar biasa sulit karena seseorang harus merendahkan diri dan meniadakan harga diri di hadapan Allah. Tuntutan Allah kepada orang beriman kira-kira demikian:

“ Setiap orang harus belajar, bekerja atau berdoa untuk mengembangkan talenta, bakat, kemampuan dan kekuasaan yang dimiliki dengan sebaik-baiknya untuk kebaikan orang itu sendiri maupun untuk orang lain. Allah melarang hasil dari pengembangan talenta, doa, bakat, belajar, kekuasaan atau hasil pekerjaan itu untuk dinikmati sendiri, tetapi harus dengan sadar dan ikhlas dibagikan juga untuk orang lain yang kekurangan, yang miskin dan yang menderita. Jika ada orang yang minta sedapat mungkin harus diberi, jika ada orang yang pinjam harus dipenuhi, jika barangnya dicuri orang Yesus melarang pemilik barang untuk memintanya kembali dan Muhammad melarang untuk memproses kejahatan melalui jalur pengadilan agar kejahatan tidak berkembang lebih lanjut karena penegak hukum tidak adil dan berbuat jahat. Orang beriman harus dapat hidup berdamai dengan pihak lain sebagai tanda bahwa ia juga dapat berdamai dengan hidupnya sendiri. Pengampunan tak terbatas bukan hanya diberikan kepada diri sendiri, tetapi juga harus diberikan kepada orang lain. Kegagalan atau kesuksesan sebagai hasil dari pengembangan belajar, kerja keras, usaha melalui bisnis dan lain-lain harus dipersembahkan kepada Allah agar orang beriman bebas dari reaksi dosa. ( Al Qur”an, An Nisaa”, Juz 5: ayat 103, 105,106 dan 107 , Kitab Ulangan 6: 4-7, dan Bhagavad Gita Sloka 18:65 ).

Sebaliknya jika orang beriman berada dalam keadaan miskin, ia harus menerima rejeki seadanya dengan mengikuti pola hidup apa adanya. Orang miskin tetap harus sopan dalam bicara dan tindakan, tidak boleh iri hati, tidak boleh mencuri sekalipun kekurangan, harus menerima segala kekurangannya tanpa ikut terlibat arus gaya hidup materialitis, tidak menipu, bohong dan tidak berlaku curang, tidak melacurkan diri, mencari muka menjilat pimpinan, dan dalam segala kekurangan serta kegagalan usahanya orang miskin harus tetap menyembah Allah tanpa memaksa persetujuan Allah untuk memenuhi keinginan doa-doa yang ditujukan kepada-Nya”.

Beriman dan beribadah dengan takwa ternyata selaras dengan kualitas moral kebaikan sifat manusia. Sulit tapi wajar. Jika ternyata dihadapan Anda ada banyak pelanggaran keadilan mulai dari penyimpangan UUD Negara, terdapat kudeta atau pemberontak melawan pemerintah yang sah, penegak hukum yang terkenal tidak adil, penipuan, pencurian dalam berbagai bentuk, korupsi dalam segala hal, teroris atas nama kebenaran iman serta kejahatan agama yang berlindung dibalik organisasi atau partai politik, bagaimana kita menjelaskan perbuatan iman? Bagaimana doa dapat menyatukan iman dan ibadah? Bagaimana memahami dan memilih pemimpin yang bermoral sekaligus beriman.

Allah telah menyerahkan kunci pintu Kerajaan Sorga di tangan Anda. Allah telah menawarkan untuk menjual isi Kerajaan Sorga dan sudah memberi tahu Anda caranya membeli Kerajaan Sorga itu. Jika Anda yang ingin masuk Kerajaan Sorga tidak ingin dihalangi oleh orang lain, Anda juga jangan menghalangi orang lain untuk bertemu Allah. Kerajaan Allah sudah sangat dekat.
Daftar Pustaka

1. Sejarah Hukum, John Gilissen, Prof. Dr. Emeritus & Fritz Gorle, Prof. Dr. Emeritus, PT. Rafika Aditama, Bandung, Thn 2007
2. Filsafat Moral, Poespoprodjo, W. Dr.,S.H.,S.S., B.Ph.,L.Ph., CV. Pustaka Grafika, Bandung, Thn 1999
3. Teori dan Hukum Konstitusi, Dahlan Thaib, Prof. Dr, S.H., M.Si. Jazim Hamidi, S.H, M.Hum., Ni”matul Huda, S.H.,M.Hum, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta,Thn 1999
4. Bhagavad Gita, Menurut Aslinya, Sri Srimad A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Penerbit Hanuman Sakti, Vyasa@indo.net.id
5. Al Kitab, Deuterokanonika, Lembaga Al Kitab Indonesia, Jln Salemba Raya 12, Jakarta 10430
6. Al Qur’an dan terjemahannya, Wakaf dari Pelayan Dua Tanah Suci Raja Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Su’ud, Asy Syarif Medinah Munawwarah, Kerajaan Saudi Arabia. Www.Qurancomplex.org
7. Muhammad Sang Nabi, Karen Armstrong, Penerbit Risalah Gusti, Surabaya, 2006.
8. Kitab Suci Paritta, Paritta Suci, Yayasan Sangha Theravada Indonesia, 2006
9. Ajaran Budha Secara Ringkas, Narada Mahathera, Yayasan Penerbit Karaniya, Mei 2003.
10. Atassadhur Adammakna, Ny. Siti Woeryan Soemodiyah Noeradya, Soemadidjojo Maha Dewa, Ing Praja Dalem Ngayugyakarta Hadiningrat, 1979.
11. Agama Sebagai Kritik, Robert John Ackermann, BPK Gunung Mulia, Jln Kwitang 22-23, 1997

Sekilas tentang Penulis.

Penulis lahir di kota Solo, Jawa Tengah. Pendidikan terakhirnya di Fakultas Filsafat Universitas Katholik Parahyangan, wisuda 19 September 1992. Kemudian bekerja selama satu tahun, diawali sebagai salesman hingga Sales Manager pada perusahaan penjualan Komputer, PT. Multi Computer, Inc
Nopember 1993, penulis pindah bekerja pada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Teknologi Informasi, PT. Brain Works Indonesia sebagai konsultan yang melayani perusahaan – perusahaan Textile, Koperasi, Kabel, Rumah Sakit, Telekomunikasi dan perusahaan Penerbangan. Software-software yang di tangani berkaitan dengan sistem integrasi untuk meringankan managemen melakukan pekerjaanya atau mengambil keputusan.
Tahun 2000 penulis ganti profesi sebagai konsultan teknik pendingin gedung dan pendingin mobil. Penulis cukup ahli di bidang pendingin mobil. Sekarang penulis bekerja sebagai marketing manager property.
Saya menulis buku ini hanya karena terdorong inspirasi yang disertai ketaatan saya untuk mencari Keadilan dan Kehendak Allah. Keadilan dan Kehendak Allah berlaku baik di Dunia maupun di Sorga.

Jika Tuhan berkenan, penulis akan mempublikasikan karya-karya Penulis, tiga diantaranya sinopsisnya terdapat di bawah ini:

Perdamaian Dunia Berdasarkan Prinsip Hukum Positif dan Wahyu Allah.
( ditulis Februari 2007 )

Dunia ini tidak mungkin ada perdamaian karena sejarah Hukum memiliki landasan pemikiran dan praktek hidup yang salah dalam penerapannya, terutama yang berkaitan dengan Keadilan, Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Perdamaian. Sejarah Hukum yang oleh Montesquieu dipadatkan menjadi Trias politika, dari dalamnya sendiri telah mengandung benih-benih Ketidakadilan dan Semangat Peperangan. Sejarah perjalanan politik Negara-negara di dunia ini terus mewarisi dan mengembangkan tradisi dari landasan pemikiran hukum yang salah. Akibatnya arah perjalanan politik untuk menciptakan Perdamaian, Keadilan dan Kesejahteraan juga salah jalan dan tidak pernah mencapai tujuan..
Di bidang Religius, Allah telah meletakkan prinsip-prinsip kebenaran mutlak yang mana akal budi dalam kapasitas maksimumnya harus tunduk pada kebenaran mutlak itu. Akan tetapi Kejahatan Religius justru ditebarkan oleh para ahli kitab suci, pemegang otoritas ajaran suci, para pangeran yang duduk di atas tahta mimbar suci, partai-partai keagamaan dan orang beriman begitu mudahnya menyerahkan kepercayaan, darah dan persembahannya tanpa mengindahkan sang pemilik Kebenaran Abadi, yaitu Allah sebagai Peletak Kebenaran Tertinggi. Dalam hal ini perlu dipertanyakan “ jika seseorang beragama ia beriman dan percaya kepada siapa?”

Rumusan Teologi Keselamatan
( ditulis Januari 2007 )

Syarat keselamatan harus ada tiga hal. Yaitu harus ada Allah sebagai peletak dasar-dasar kebenaran mutlak. Seperti asal usul alam kitab suci menjelaskan berasal dari Allah. Teori Big Bang, teori Evolusi atau teori teori lain hanya seperti teori praduga tak bersalah yang diterapkan dalam hukum positive. Diinginkan atau tidak, dipikirkan atau diabaikan, Allah tetap harus ada.

Syarat keselamatan kedua harus ada Roh Kudus yang berperanan aktif untuk menghubungkan kehendak Allah dalam karya keselamatanNya dan keinginan manusia untuk meletakkan dasar hidupnya. Tanpa peranan Roh Kudus, maka daging material tidak dapat terhubung dengan Roh Spiritual Allah. Tanpa melibatkan Roh Kudus, manusia modern yang kecerdasan rohaninya paling rendah tidak dapat menemukan hakekat Allah. Karena itu manusia modern harus tunduk pada system pewahyuan Allah. Tanpa melibatkan Roh Kudus, tidak ada gunanya memeluk agama hanya karena mengikuti tradisi yang hanya akan buang-buang waktu, pikiran, tenaga dan uang. Lebih-lebih sebagian besar agama berasal dari tradisi bangsa lain dan menguntungkan bangsa lain. Tanpa melibatkan Roh Kudus, Anda memeluk keyakinan agama itu ibarat Anda mendengarkan dongeng nenek moyang Anda, lalu Anda menempatkan diri sebagai subyek yang tidak dapat menuntut tanggung jawab apapun terhadap keselamatan yang diajarkan nenek moyang selain Anda hanya tunduk dengan kewajiban ibadah, bayar pajak persembahan dan yang pasti menjadi korban penipuan. Karena itu Anda menyembah Allah harus melibatkan Roh Kudus.

Syarat keselamatan ketiga harus ada kebangkitan – reinkarnasi rohani. Hanya dengan satu cara dan satu jalan moralitas dan iman itu berarti ketika Allah harus menepati janjiNya, yaitu melalui kebangkitan. Kebangkitan yang menjadi kebenaran mutlak ini milik Allah. Orang beriman tidak perlu mempersoalkan orang yang ditunjuk Allah untuk menjadi contoh kebangkitan. Yesus itu hanya contoh dan bukti bahwa Allah akan membangkitkan semua orang dengan cara yang sama. Kalau tidak ada kebangkitan mengapa kita harus bermoral? Moralitas lebih banyak mengekang kenikmatan dan kebahagiaan. Tidak melanggar hukum Negara dan belum pernah masuk penjara bukan berarti kualitas moralnya baik. Dalam ha ini benar kata Yesus Anak Allah:

” Akulah jalan dan kebenaran dan hidup. Tak seorangpun dapat sampai kepada Allah tanpa melalui kebangkitanKu ”

( ditulis Oktober 2008 )

Usaha dan perjuangan saya untuk menjadi orang baik dan benar menurut standar pemikiran saya sendiri tidak pernah berhasil. Apa yang saya rencanakan, impikan dan perhitungkan berakhir dengan kegagalan baik karena kesalahan saya sendiri maupun karena keadaan dari luar. Akhirnya saya menyerah pada batas keadaan yang saya sebut sebagai kehendak Allah untuk menerima terlalu banyak kasih dan pengampunan Allah.
Apa yang diusahakan manusia untuk mencari kepuasan dan kenikmatan dengan cara mencampurkan ramuan keberanian + kecerdasan + kekuasaan + kekayaan + senjata + pengalaman + keberuntungan + kenekatan saya anggap sebagai kesia-siaan jika usaha tersebut melanggar standar moral religius.

Moral harus memenuhi standar kebenaran seperti kebenaran, keadilan, kejahatan, kesetiaan dan lain-lain menaklukkan hati nurani dan akal budi untuk tunduk pada kebenaran moral itu sendiri. Karena itu masalah moral bukan permainan yang ditentukan oleh kekuasaan politik atau agama atau pembenaran rasio. Moral harus dimengerti sebagai tolok ukur kebaikan yang benar yang dapat diterima oleh semua pihak, semua lapisan dan semua paham yang berada dalam setiap keadaan.
Batas moral bukanlah dinding penjara atau status pekerjaan seseorang yang telah mendapat upah sekalipun tampaknya pekerjaannya mulia seperti para pejuang hak azasi, pewarta ayat-ayat suci, sebagai wakil rakyat atau sebagai pekerja sosial. Jika mencuri atau membunuh orang lain itu dianggap kejahatan dan tidak bermoral, maka korupsi, penjajahan dan perang harus dimengerti sebagai indikasi tindakan tidak bermoral.

Jika Salomo, Raja Israel ke III yang terkenal bijak, penuh hikmat pengetahuan dan yang telah membangun Bait Suci terbesar dan termegah sepanjang sejarah akhirnya harus jatuh dibawah pelukan para gundik selir sambil menyembah berhala lalu mati dalam kesesatan ( I Raja – Raja 11: 1-43, Al Qur’an, Saba : Juz 22 – 14, Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 7 : 20 ) tidak lagi berkenan di hadapan Allah lalu Allah menghancurkan Bait Suci buatan Salomo, apa artinya kualitas moral jika seseorang yang telah meninggal tidak lagi memahami dirinya apakah mayatnya diludahi, dilempari batu, dibuang ke tempat sampah atau diiringi upacara sambil dikalungi bunga dan berbagai tanda jasa.

Karena ketidakmampuan saya untuk menjadi orang baik dan tidak memiliki kualitas moral yang diharapkan banyak pihak, maka saya menyerahkan diri segala kekurangan dan kelemahan saya pada Allah untuk menghapus kesalahan-kesalahan saya sambil meminimasi untuk tidak mencobai kuasa Allah dengan cara menerjang kesalahan-kesalahan yang lebih besar.

Kebangkitan saya anggap sebagai akhir dari perjalanan hidup saya yang diawali dengan kematian badan fisik saya. Kebangkitan Yesus yang tampak oleh mata dan disaksikan banyak pihak selama 40 hari saya anggap sebagai kebenaran mutlak dimana hati nurani dan akal budi saya tunduk pada kebenaran mutlak itu. Karena apa yang tampak oleh mata tidak perlu menuntut kecerdasan akal budi selain menerima kenyataan tersebut sebagai bukti.

Karena itu saya berusaha sambil memohon bantuan Allah agar saya dibangkitkan Allah dalam kasih dan pengampunan-Nya, tanpa memperhitungkan kualitas moral yang melekat dalam perjalanan hidup saya. Saya memandang moral itu penting, tetapi lebih penting menyembah Allah untuk memperoleh limpahan kasih dan pengampunanNya. Menurut pemikiran saya moral itu hanya penting, memiliki nilai dan berguna kalau dipersembahkan kepada Allah karena Allahlah yang saya anggap sebagai asal usul dan tujuan moral. Jika bumi dan langit ini ciptaan Allah dan tetap miliknya Allah, secara moral dan di luar hukum positif apa pentingnya penilaian orang lain jika saya mencuri, membunuh, menipu, berbagi kasih sambil membagikan apa yang saya anggap sebagai hak milik jika semuanya milik-Nya Allah. Dimana letaknya kesalahan moral jika seseorang meniduri istrinya orang lain karena menganggap istrinya orang lain itu miliknya Tuhan ?

Dalam skala yang lebih besar dimana letaknya kesalahan moral jika masyarakat yang moralitas religiusnya tersesat menganggap terorisme, korupsi, kudeta, perang dan penjahahan adalah tindakan baik dan benar dan seolah-olah telah berbuat kebaikan dan kebenaran dihadapan Tuhan sedang Tuhan menghendaki hal - hal itu tidak boleh terjadi? Dimana letaknya kebenaran moral jika seseorang suka korupsi, mencuri harta Negara, tidak peduli dengan kesengsaraan rakyatnya tetapi malah pergi ke tempat tempat suci sambil berdoa menipu Allah seolah - olah telah memberi persembahan kepada Allah ? Jika ucapan saya ini salah, dimana letaknya kesalahan moral saya jika kata - kata saya hanya menjelaskan fakta - fakta dan tindakan-tindakan yang secara nyata tidak bermoral.

Di dunia ini saya memandang Anjing adalah satu-satunya makhluk hidup yang paling bermoral. Anjing tidak akan menggigit tangan tuannya yang memberi makan, tidak seperti buruh yang suka demo sambil mogok kerja sekalipun tahu perusahaannya kesulitan sambil menghadapi kebangkrutan, atau rakyat yang suka memberontak sekalipun tahu kualitas bangsanya secara keseluruhan kurang bermoral. Seburuk-buruknya Penyelenggara Negara masih memikirkan isi perut dan kebutuhan rakyatnya sekalipun rakyatnya tidak membayar pajak secara layak. Karena itu rakyat tidak boleh memberontak, melakukan kudeta atau melakukan demo untuk melawan pemerintah. Anjing tidak akan mencuri lauk pauk dari meja makan tuannya selain hanya menunggu remah-remah yang jatuh atau tulang belulang yang dilempar dari tangan anak-anak. Sedang para karyawan – rakyat suka mencuri asset perusahaan – kekayaan Negara dan sedapat mungkin mengambil alih saham secara tidak adil dan melawan moral.

Anjing memiliki kesetiaan dan loyalitas yang sangat tinggi, tidak bersedia menggigit sebagai tanda berkhianat terhadap kawan kawan yang dikenalnya. Sedang manusia yang makan bersama semeja seperjamuan sering menikam dari belakang sambil memasang jerat dengan membuat lubang untuk menjatuhkan sahabat yang kurang berpengalaman. Anjing makan cukup sekenyang perut tanpa memikirkan kesusahan hari esok untuk memenuhi prinsip Keadilan Hukum Berkat berilah kami rejeki pada hari ini. Peliharalah Anjing hingga ia mengerti kesetiaan terhadap tuannya yang memberi makan. Pukulilah dan siksalah Anjing itu. Sampai matipun Anjing itu tidak akan melawan sekalipun pengampunan tidak diberikan. Dalam hal ini kualitas moral Yesus jauh melampaui Anjing. Kitab Suci menjelaskan bahwa Yesus mati disiksa, diludahi, ditampar, dihina, dipermalukan dimuka umum, ditelanjangi, disuruh memanggul kuburNya sendiri ( salib ), sendirian, tidak merintih akibat kesakitan, tanpa pembela tunduk pada hukum Negara, melepaskan semua kuasa mukjizatNya, lalu mati dalam keadaan berdoa.

Akan tetapi Allah tidak membuat perjanjian keselamatan dengan Anjing untuk memperoleh kebangkitan menjadi anak-anak Allah. Dengan demikian seluruh perbuatan baik, kesetiaan, loyalitas dan kualitas moral Anjing tidak berguna di hadapan Allah. Jika seseorang tidak bersedia menyembah Allah serta mengarahkan tindakan moralnya kepada Allah, apa gunanya moralitas. Bagaimanapun juga moral merupakan beban yang menghambat tujuan seseorang untuk memperoleh kepuasan sex, kenikmatan duniawi atau kekuasaan seperti yang dirumuskan Machiaveli.

Dibawah ini saya jelaskan tiga contoh perbuatan yang di mata manusia baik, dianjurkan dan benar, suatu tindakan yang seolah-olah telah berbuat kebaikan kepada Tuhan, dan jika hal tersebut dikaitkan dengan masalah moral pastilah bernilai moral tinggi tetapi dimata Tuhan tidak berguna serta tidak bernilai:

1. Tuhan menghendaki pemimpin agama menjadi penyambung lidahNya dan kebenaranNya. Jika pemimpin agama menyalahgunakan tugasnya dan memutar balikkan firman Tuhan, Tuhan akan mengubah berkat yang disantapnya menjadi kutuk dan sumpah:

“ Bibir seorang imam memelihara pengetahuan dan orang mencari pengajaran dari mulutnya, sebab dialah utusan Tuhan semesta alam. Tetapi kamu ini menyimpang dari jalan, kamu membuat banyak orang tergelincir dengan pengajaranmu, kamu merusakkan perjanjian dengan Lewi, firman Tuhan semesta alam. Maka Akupun membuat kamu hina dan rendah bagi seluruh umat ini, oleh karena kamu tidak mengikuti jalan yang Kutunjukkan, tetapi memandang bulu dalam pengajaranmu. Hai para imam, jika kamu tidak mendengarkan dan jika kamu tidak memberi perhatian untuk menghormati namaKu, firman Tuhan semesta alam, maka Aku akan mengirimkan kutuk ke antaramu dan akan membuat berkat-berkatmu menjadi kutuk, dan Aku telah membuatnya menjadi kutuk, sebab kamu ini tidak memperhatikan. Aku akan mematahkan lenganmu dan akan melemparkan kotoran ke mukamu, yaitu kotoran korban dari hari-hari rayamu dan orang akan menyeret kamu ke kotoran itu.” ( Maleakhi 2: 7-9 & 1-3 )

2. Menyembah Allah di rumah ibadat, jika tidak dilakukan dengan ikhlas tetapi hanya sekedar untuk dilihat orang sebagai tanda orang beragama dan tindakan sehari-harinya tidak menunjukkan keadilan, Tuhan malah mencemoohkan orang-orang beriman yang menyembahNya.

“ Aku membenci, Aku menghinakan perayaanmu, dan Aku tidak senang dengan perkumpulan hari rayamu. Sungguh, apabila kamu mempersembahkan kepada-Ku korban-korban bakaran dan korban-korban sajianmu, Aku tidak suka, dan korban keselamatanmu berupa ternak yang tambun, Aku tidak mau pandang. Jauhkanlah dari pada-Ku keramaian nyanyian-nyanyianmu, lagu gambusmu tidak mau Aku dengar. Tetapi biarlah keadilan bergulung-gulung seperti air, dan kebenaran seperti sungai yang selalu mengalir. “ ( Amos 5: 21-24 )

3. Puasa yang menjadi tanda pertobatan, jika mengabaikan keadilan, mengabaikan penderitaan orang lain dan hak-hak orang lain, justru menimbulkan kemarahan Tuhan.

“ Katakanlah kepada seluruh rakyat negeri dan kepada para imam: demikian : Ketika kamu berpuasa dan meratap dalam bulan yang kelima dan yang ketujuh selama tujuh puluh tahun ini, adakah kamu sungguh sungguh berpuasa untuk Aku? Dan ketika kamu makan dan ketika kamu minum, bukankah kamu makan dan minum untuk dirimu sendiri? Laksanakanlah hukum yang benar dan tunjukkanlah kesetiaan dan kasih sayang kepada masing-masing. Janganlah menindas janda dan anak yatim, orang asing dan orang miskin, dan janganlah merancang kejahatan dalam hatimu terhadap masing-masing. Tetapi mereka membuat hatinya keras seperti batu amril, supaya jangan mendengar pengajaran dan firman yang disampaikan Tuhan semesta alam melalui rohNya dengan perantaraan para nabi yang terdahulu. Oleh sebab itu datang murka yang hebat dari Tuhan: “ Seperti mereka tidak mendengarkan pada waktu dipanggil, demikianlah Aku tidak mendengarkan pada waktu mereka memanggil, firman Tuhan semesta alam.” ( Zhakaria 7: 5-6, 8-10, 12-13 )

Di atas telah saya singgung bahwa Yesus dibunuh dengan cara lebih buruk dari pada cara orang membunuh Anjing. Akan tetapi cara kematian Yesus tidak mengubah hakekat keberadaanNya sebagai Anak Allah. Sejak Yesus hidup, mati hingga hari ini beribu-ribu buku menyangkal Yesus sebagai Anak Allah, mencaci maki dan menghinakan kekudusanNya. Dunia lupa bahwa sejarah Yesus adalah sejarah Dunia. Dibawah ini saya petikkan teks kitab suci bahwa sejarah Yesus adalah sejarah Dunia.

Pilatus berkata untuk ketiga kalinya: “ Kejahatan apa yang sebenarnya telah dilakukan orang ini ( Yesus ). Tidak ada suatu kesalahanpun yang kudapati pada-Nya, yang setimpal dengan hukuman mati. Jadi aku akan menghajar Dia lalu melepaskan-Nya.” ( Lukas 23: 23 ) Namun mereka semakin keras berteriak: “ Ia harus disalibkan.” Dan seluruh rakyat itu menjawab: “ Biarlah darah-Nya ditanggungkan atas kami dan atas anak-anak kami.” ( Matius 27: 23 & 25 )

Tahun 70 bangsa Israel – Yahudi diserang Romawi. Sejak saat itu bangsa Yahudi tidak punya wilayah negara. Sekitar tahun 1940, tiga juta orang Yahudi mati dibakar di Auswicth. Sebelum dibakar, disiksa dulu di gerbong kereta tanpa jendela lewat padang pasir. Dan sekitar 6 juta orang Yahudi dibunuh tanpa alas an. Hinga hari ini orang Yahudi hidup benar atau salah tetap dibenci. Tuhan ( Yesus ) tidak menghukum, tetapi mulut mereka sendiri yang menjatuhkan hukuman. Semua mata di dunia melihat. Tahun 1948 Yahudi merdeka, selama 1878 tahun orang Yahudi tidak punya wilayah.

Jika Yesus yang dibunuh orang Yahudi bukan Tuhan, akibat yang harus mereka tanggung dari ucapan leluhur mereka tentu tidak sedemikian hebat. Banyak nabi-nabi sebelum Yesus dibunuh dan tidak menimbulkan dampak akibat terhadap kehidupan manusia selain darah mereka mengharumkan nama Tuhan. Tetapi darah Yesus dampaknya luar biasa. Karena itu seluruh orang beriman dan yang beragama agar tidak menjelek-jelekan Nabi, memutar balikkan pesan suci Nabi atau menjatuhkan martabat Nabi sebagai utusan Allah. Apakah Nabi pembawa wahyu Tuhan tidak bermoral hanya karena seseorang tidak menjadi pengikutnya? Orang beriman yang menentang Nabi berarti menentang Tuhan yang mengutusnya. Barangsiapa menentang nabi, ia tidak layak hidup di sorga tempat para Nabi hidup dalam kemuliaan Allah.

“ Engkau adalah Petrus dan di atas batu karang ini Aku akan mendirikan jemaat-Ku… ( Matius 16 :18 ). Sekarang ini seluruh manusia di dunia melihat bahwa Roma tempat Petrus dibunuh menjadi pusat pemerintahan murid-murid Yesus. Apakah murid Yesus yang waktu itu berjumlah 12 orang mengira dapat menguasai kerajaan Roma yang sangat kuat dan apakah mereka mengira Yesus lagi bercanda ?

Dari seluruh naskah ini, mulai halaman pertama hingga terakhir, saya telah menempatkan Firman Tuhan dan Kehendak-Nya berada diantara sifat-sifat terburuk manusia dalam berbagai posisi dan kondisi dengan hal-hal yang paling diinginkan manusia dalam berbagai posisi dan kondisi. Setiap orang dapat berganti posisi atau membayangkan dirinya untuk mengubah - ubah posisi itu. Di setiap posisi itu setiap orang akan berhadapan dengan orang lain dalam berbagai posisi dan berbagai kondisi. Disitulah keadilan dan kualitas moral akan menjadi bagian hidup setiap orang dan ketidakkonsistenan sikap, wajah yang bermuka banyak ( Rahwana ), lidah yang bercabang serta kemunafikan tampak sangat jelas. Orang beragama maupun para agnotis, atheis, penyembah setan, para pemberontak maupun teroris juga tidak dapat menghindari tuntutan Keadilan seperti yang saya paparkan dalam naskah ini. Karena tingkah laku setiap orang akan bertabrakan dengan sifat-sifat terburuknya dengan apa yang paling diinginkannya sendiri.

Moral menjadi sangat tidak berguna ketika kita mengira telah berjuang untuk Negara, berkorban untuk orang lain, mempersembahkan darah untuk membela kebesaran Nabi, atau berjuang untuk masa depan anak ( dengan mewariskan hasil korupsi atau melanggar tindakan keadilan lainnya ) jika ternyata penerimanya tidak menganggap sebagai mutiara berharga atau pihak lainnya menganggap sebagai korban kekejaman atau korban keserakahan. Sama seperti ketika kita telah merasa memberikan hal-hal terbaik untuk orang lain bahkan untuk anak sendiri yang ternyata pihak yang diberi menganggapnya sebagai sampah lalu semua yang dianggapnya benar itu dilupakan.

Dari sini saya tegaskan, bahwa manusia tidak mungkin menjadi baik dan sempurna karena usahanya sendiri. Ia akan jatuh pada standar penilaian orang lain, jatuh dengan sifat-sifat terburuknya dan jatuh pada keterbatasannya sendiri. Karena itu manusia butuh penebusan dan pengampunan dari Allah. Anda setuju atau tidak dengan pendapat saya bahwa dengan atau tanpa melibatkan Tuhan banyak orang akan mati seperti Anjing yang mana seluruh perjuangan, perbuatan dan pengorbanan hidupnya yang dikiranya berharga tidak diperhitungkan Tuhan. ( Mazmur Daud 32: 1-2 ). Bagaimanapun juga moral tidak dapat menggantikan wahyu Tuhan, tidak dapat memberikan keselamatan pada hari kebangkitan dan tidak berguna tanpa dipersembahkan kepada Tuhan.

Hanya sedikit manusia yang kualitas moralnya setara atau melampaui moralnya Anjing. Kebanyakan manusia moralitasnya setara dengan moral Babi, yang kira-kira bunyinya demikian: “ Tidak ada cinta dan kasih sayang, yang ada hanya nafsu belaka “. ( Ini adalah spiritual pelacur, pelecehan seksual dan perselinghkuhan atau spiritualnya koruptor, perampok dan penjajah )

Dalam perspektif yang sempit masing-masing hanya memikirkan diri sendiri, keluarganya, organisasinya, kelompok agamanya atau kejayaan negaranya sendiri dan tidak peduli dengan pihak lain sekedar untuk memuaskan nafsu kenikmatan dirinya sendiri.

Moralitas Ular juga tampak pada nilai-nilai dasar yang menjadi kebutuhan setiap orang yang dibesar-besarkan yang sebenarnya sangat jelas saling menciptakan bayangan palsu dan saling menipu.

Yang pertama adalah Hak Azasi. Jika hak azasi menjadi tuntutan dasar hidup manusia, hak azasi itu tidak dapat ditiadakan baik dalam situasi damai ataupun situasi perang, setiap orang dan semua rakyat harus menghormati. Semua mata melihat dan Iblispun tahu kalau hak azasi hanya cerita fiksi romantis yang enak didengar dalam situasi aman, damai dan saling menguntungkan seperti orang berdagang. Rangkaian cerita hak azasi seperti patung dewa yang tak bergerak atau seperti ular yang terpenggal kepalanya manakala hak azasi itu diinjak-injak.

Yang kedua adalah moralitas. Moralitas jika dianggap sebagai tindakan baik, maka kebaikan itu sendiri harus dapat dipahami oleh setiap orang sekalipun berbeda status maupun berbeda paham ideology atau keyakinan. Faktanya, moral hanya menjadi selimut penghangat oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak dapat disentuh oleh hukum, sedang hukum sendiri sebenarnya hanya batas pemisah antara pihak yang dinyatakan bersalah atau dibenarkan karena tiadanya pelanggaran.

Yang ketiga adalah Keadilan. Apapun nama ideology kelompok masyarakat yang menawarkan keadilan, ideology keadilan itu akan dibunuh baik oleh pendirinya sendiri maupun pengikutnya. Keadilan itu menyangkut sikap orang beriman yang bersedia tunduk pada kehendak Tuhan, menerima kebenaran sebagai suatu kewajiban yang harus dijalankan, yang tidak akan tumbuh subur dalam ikatan organisasi politik – organisasi agama sebaik apapun.

Kita sadar atau tidak, berbicara tentang hak azasi, moralitas dan keadilan sebenarnya kita sama sama saling menipu, saling mentertawakan dan saling menginjak-injak bahwa hal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan kepentingan kita sendiri, tujuan kepuasan nafsu dan kenikmatan kita sendiri.

Lalu kita semua akan mati seperti Anjing yang mana semua perjuangan hidup kita untuk memperoleh apa yang kita anggap paling baik dan berguna tidak diperhitungkan Tuhan dan dilupakan oleh orang lain yang tidak sependapat dengan pola pikiran kita.

Tiga buah naskah saya “ Keadilan, Perdamaian Dunia berdasarkan Prinsip Hukum Positif dan Moralitas Anjing “, agaknya sudah menjawab berbagai masalah kehidupan yang melampaui semua paham agama, ideology politik serta paham moral yang dianut oleh semua manusia di dunia. Segala sesuatu berasal dari Allah dan akan kembali kepada Allah, berawal dari Allah dan akan kembali kepada Allah.

Naskah-Naskah karya Penulis lainnya.

1. Bapa Kami Sebagai Doa Konselebrasi. ( Nopember 2007 )

Naskah ini menjelaskan mengapa Dunia tidak segera Kiamat sekalipun Yesus berkali-kali berkata: “ Bertobatlah, Kerajaan Allah Sudah Dekat.”, dan sekalipun kejahatan-kejahatan terus terjadi tanpa dapat dihentikan.

2. Engkau Hanya memberi aku kebebasan, semuanya milik-Mu Tuhan.
( ditulis Aprl 2007 )
Apa yang sudah terjadi di dunia selama ribuan tahun ini tidak selaras dengan tujuan Allah menempatkan manusia di bumi. Perintah Allah adalah “ kuasailah dan taklukkanlah”, bukan milikilah. ( Kejadian 1:28 )

Jika “ menguasai “ disama artikan dengan “ memiliki ” maka seluruh paham dan pengertian tentang wewenang dan kekuasaan akan runtuh. Karena setiap orang akan merasa memiliki sesuai dengan batas-batas kekuasaan dan wewenangnya, dan memiliki juga berarti bebas menggunakan, merusak atau memanfaatkan sesuai dengan seleranya sendiri-sendiri. Apakah tindakan maupun pelanggaran dibenarkan karena kekuasaan memerlukan.

Jika “ menguasai dan menaklukkan “ tidak sama dengan “ memiliki “, maka orang yang benar-benar miskin itu amat sangat sedikit, selebihnya manusia itu kelewat serakah, terlalu mementingkan diri sendiri serta menipu Tuhan karena tidak mau mengerti dengan pesan keadilan Allah.

Naskah ini menjelaskan bahwa untuk tujuan keadilan teks Kejadian 1:28 dan Al Qur’an, At Taubah, Juz 10:55 benar. Allah tidak salah ucap, tidak salah berpikir dan Nabi yang menuliskan wahyu Allah tidak salah mendengar dan tidak memutar balikkan tujuan Keadilan Allah. Jika dalam perkembangannya para penerima berkat kekayaan materi serta para tokoh pemimpin agama banyak menguasai materi untuk kepentingannya sendiri, yang salah bukan wahyu Allah tetapi mereka sendirilah yang tidak menjalankan perintah Allah. Gereja Katolik yang mewarisi tradisi berupa sumpah kemiskinan itu benar, tetapi dalam prakteknya sumpah kemiskinan itu menjadi sumpah palsu dan tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan karena semangat hidup miskin rohaniwan rohaniwati itu tidak dapat dipahami oleh kelompok manapun.

Tanpa merujuk pada Kitab Suci Yahudi, khususnya Kisah Penciptaan 1:28, seluruh dasar prinsip Keadilan di dunia ini tidak dapat dijelaskan. Masyarakat cenderung hanya membenarkan keselamatan yang diajarkan oleh nabinya sendiri-sendiri, tanpa mengerti sama sekali tentang Keadilan. Sejak wahyu pertama Yahudi pada Kisah Penciptaan hingga wahyu terakhir, kita anggap saja Al Quran, Allah belum mengubah atau menghapus tujuan KeadilanNya.

3. Hukum Emas, Hukum Kedua Wahyu Allah. ( ditulis Mei 2007 )

Jika hukum kedua wahyu Allah ini dilepaskan dari teks Kitab Suci, maka hukum – hukum ini tetap berlaku untuk semua manusia, mengikat setiap orang sekalipun orang tersebut tidak bersedia mengakui kekuasaan Allah.

Penulis merumuskan ada enam jenis kejahatan massal yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama, baik terorganisir maupun dilakukan sendiri-sendiri dan kejahatan tersebut sangat disenangi manusia.

Di seluruh muka bumi ini, ada enam jenis kejahatan massal yang melibatkan peran serta aktifitas masyarakat banyak dengan kebebasan, kesadaran dan pengetahuannya yang terus berjalan sepanjang waktu. Tidak ada kuasa manapun yang dapat menghentikan keenam jenis kejahatan tersebut. Dasar kejahatan massal itu bersumber dari alasan kehendak baik ( good will - bonum commune) : tujuan ketertiban dan kesejahteraan sosial, pencapaian kebahagiaan, peningkatan kualitas hidup dan kesehatan, penghargaan terhadap hak hidup orang lain dan kesucian rohani pribadi maupun masyarakat.
Yang pertama adalah kejahatan politik, baik yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah yang sah ( diktator-totaliter-demokrasi, dll ) maupun oleh para pelaku kudeta, tindakan makar, penyulut peperangan dll. Kejahatan politik ini akan menimbulkan hilangnya perlindungan hak azasi dan kemerdekaan hidup, hilangnya kestabilan hukum, kekacauan tertib sosial, maraknya pelaku korupsi, kecurangan pemilu, hilangnya sistem keadilan pada lembaga peradilan sampai pada penjajahan antar negara dan peperangan antar bangsa.

Yang kedua adalah kejahatan seksual, baik yang dilakukan sendiri-sendiri, semi organsasi dengan menggunakan fasilitas seperti di hotel-hotel dan tempat wisata maupun secara terorganisasi melalui sistem kendali, blog atau situs-situs internet. Kejahatan ini akan menimbulkan merosotnya moral sosial masyarakat, banyaknya perceraian dan keretakan keluarga, pembunuhan janin di dalam kandungan, maraknya transaksi psikotropika serta meningkatnya kenikmatan yang bertumpu pada prinsip hedonisme. Tujuan utama sek untuk prokreasi berubah menjadi kegiatan rekreasi, baik dilakukan oleh golongan kaum muda pra nikah maupun para orang tua selaku petualang penikmat sek. Hancurnya perlindungan hak azasi tidak dimulai dari perang antar laras senapan atau ujung pedang, tetapi dimulai dari rahim para wanita serta para pihak yang membantu pengguguran kandungan.

Ketiga adalah kejahatan perjudian. Keempat, adalah kejahatan rentenir atau pinjam meminjam. Kejahatan ini akan meningkatkan kekejaman psikologis massal, mengabaikan rasa keadilan dan belas kasihan dengan melibatkan lembaga keuangan maupun industri. Dengan hukum perjanjian dan sangsi utang piutang yang memadai, pihak pengutang sering menjadi perampas kemerdekaan dan kebahagiaan pihak yang hutang. Sebaliknya tanpa sangsi dan perjanjian utang piutang yang cukup, pihak yang hutang, sekalipun mampu mengembalikan hutang, akan membiasakan diri untuk ngemplang. Orang-orang miskin atau kelompok masyarakat yang miskin teknologi industrinya, miskin kualitas moral sumber daya manusianya, dan miskin sumber daya alamnya, seperti terbelit pada lingkaran takdir kemiskinan. Pengelola Negara yang suka hutang kepada negara lain diluar ambang batas kemampuan produksi Negara secara langsung akan menjerumuskan generasi penerus serta anak cucunya menjadi korban kejahatan Negara lain yang bertindak sebagai pemberi pinjaman.

Kelima kejahatan kimia, farmasi dan industri. Kejahatan ini terjadi pada produk pertanian, produk makanan dan minuman, jamu dan obatan-obatan yang menggunakan pestisida, zat pewarna, zat pengawet, zat-zat perangsang atau bahan-bahan sintetis diluar batas ambang standar ketetapan kesehatan internasional yang akhirnya akan merubah struktur DNA ( trisomi, terjadinya pembelahan kromosom pembawa sifat keturunan dan jenis kelamin secara tidak wajar ), rusaknya sistem kekebalan tubuh ( antibody ) atau rusaknya jaringan sel tubuh. Limbah-limbah industri, limbah rumah sakit atau limbah radio aktif yang dibuang tanpa memperhatikan dampak kesehatan masyarakat jangka panjang, akan menyebabkan dan membentuk jaringan sel kanker atau rusaknya susunan saraf, meningkatnya suhu bumi, berkurangnya resapan dan cadangan air, dll masalah lingkungan hidup.

Kejahatan massal yang keenam adalah kejahatan religius. Kejahatan ini melibatkan pertengkaran diantara kaum beriman penyembah Allah yang biasanya dikobarkan oleh para tokoh agama, partai politik keagamaan atau pemimpin mazhab. Kejahatan ini melahirkan orang beriman dan pemimpin-pemimpin agama yang tidak paham dengan pesan perdamaian dan pengampunan Allah, memutarbalikkan wahyu keselamatan Tuhan dengan keutamaan politik kenabian. Pada zaman purba kejahatan ini ditandai dengan pembunuhan nabi-nabi, guru rohani pengajar ajaran suci atau masalah paham keselamatan dengan mengutamakan dan menjunjung tinggi nabinya sendiri-sendiri. Pada zaman modern, kejahatan religius ini ditandai dengan penindasan dan perlakuan tidak adil yang dilakukan pemeluk agama mayoritas terhadap pemeluk agama minoritas, mazhab atau partai keagamaan yang berkuasa terhadap mazhab atau partai agama minoritas, sikap kurangnya saling menghargai antar pemeluk agama hingga berkobarnya perang antar mazhab keagamaan.

Anda setuju atau tidak, sebenarnya orang beriman sangat suka, puas dan bahagia jika mampu membunuh keadilan Allah yang disembahnya.

4. Membangun Keluarga Kudus Nazaret didalam Keluarga. ( Juli 2007 )

Jika orang Kristen menganggap penderitaan itu sebagai salib, maka Yesus yang disebut Kristus telah disalib oleh dunia sejak dari didalam kandungan ibuNya, sejak masa muda, dalam perjalanan hidupNya hingga kematian yang sesungguhnya di atas kayu salib.
Jika salib yang menjadi lambang penebusan itu identik dengan penderitaan, maka sebagian besar orang Kristen telah menipu diri sendiri, orang-orang sekitarnya dan menipu Tuhan yang disembahnya ketika murid-murid Yesus tidak bersedia berkorban berbagi cinta kasih dan kebahagiaan dengan pihak lain yang sungguh-sungguh membutuhkan perhatian dan cinta kasih.

Yesus menuntut murid-muridNya untuk menjadi garam dan terang dunia. Jika satu lampu saja sudah cukup untuk menerangi sebuah ruangan, seharusnya jutaan orang Kristen mampu menghidupkan keadilan yang Tuhan kehendaki agar keadilan Allah dijalankan oleh murid-murid Yesus. Nyatanya keadilan di dunia tetap gelap dan murid - murid Yesus tidak merasa bersalah.

5. Tata Tertib Hukum Penipuan ( ditulis Maret 2007 )

Apakah sejarah dunia, bukti-bukti peninggalan kuno atau seluruh Kitab Suci harus dihapuskan atau tidak, tergantung dari mana Anda menilainya. Tetapi jika semua yang ada harus dihapuskan, dunia ini tidak perlu ada, dan Andapun tidak perlu hidup.
Saya bukan ahli Kitab Suci, pendidikan, buku dan waktu saya sangat terbatas, saya hidup bebas berkeliaran di pasar-pasar, tanpa murid dan tanpa pengikut, tidak pegang senjata seperti mafia atau teroris, tidak punya gelar yang kebenaran logikanya telah ditetapkan oleh tradisi yang mengujinya. Saya sangat mudah diculik tanpa saksi, dicari-cari kesalahan saya, hilang dari muka bumi tanpa ada yang tahu dan orang yang merampas kemerdekaan saya akan merasa seolah-olah telah berbuat persembahan kebenaran untuk Tuhan dan untuk keamanan dunia.

Namun demikian Tuhan dan kesedihan yang harus ditanggung anak-anak saya tidak dapat ditipu, seperti tujuh dari tata tertib hukum penipun ini akan memaksa setiap penipu, orang yang mengaku suci, benar dan pelanggar hukum Tuhan harus tunduk pada tata tertib hukum penipuan itu sendiri.

Tujuh tata tertib hukum penipuan ini saya buat untuk membuktikan bahwa Yesus yang disebut Kristus sejarah adalah Anak Allah Yang Hidup.

Seseorang mau menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juru Selamat atau tetap menolak, terserah hati nuraninya masing-masing. Tetapi jika manusia menolak tujuh tata tertib hukum penipuan seperti yang saya rumuskan, maka landasan hukum di seluruh dunia kehilangan fondasinya, dan dunia tidak perlu ada aturan, apakah hukuman maupun pengampunan akan berjalan secara alamiah, terserah masing-masing yang terlibat pertikaian.

Saya telah berusaha menempatkan Milik Allah pada hak-Nya yang sebenarnya, mengembalikan martabat dan kehormatan setiap manusia pada posisi tertingginya, baik yang bersifat universal maupun yang didasarkan dan harus dijalankan oleh orang-orang Kristen.

Dunia ini diciptakan dari kata-kata, dibangun dan menjadi rusak karena kata-kata, lalu berakhir dengan kata-kata dan janji Tuhan. Agar saya tidak mati seperti Anjing karena perjuangan, pengorbanan, pekerjaan, kesetiaan serta penyesalan atas hilangnya kebahagiaan dan kenikmatan yang seharusnya saya raih kembali dilupakan Tuhan, maka saya tetap harus memohon kepada Allah agar membenarkan dan menyelamatkan saya tanpa memperhitungkan kesalahan saya sendiri karena kasihNya.


Memelihara Warisan tradisi Keharusan Tuntutan Iman
Angka 1-1000 adalah perbandingan jumlah orang yang melakukan atau perbandingan jumlah uang yang dipakai oleh masing-masing orang

Polygami, Selingkuh, Melacur, Onani, bersetubuh dengan binatang >950 50> Tuhan menciptakan seorang Pria dan seorang Wanita
Menerima warisan harta > 900 100 > Lahir telanjang
Intelgensia >160-110 110 > Intelektual
Talenta < 800 999 < Tuntutan talenta
Mengembangkan Kejahatan > 999 700 > Mengembangkan Kebaikan
Ingkar Janji, Mencla mencle, sumpah palsu, berdalih > 990 10 > Menepati Janji
Suka menipu, berbohong, mengalihkan perhatian > 950 50 > Bicara apa adanya
Mempersulit urusan orang lain karena beda agama, dendam, ingin dapat uang > 950 50 > Bertindak wajar sesuai aturan atau memperlancar pekerjaan orang lain
Mempermudah urusan dengan cara yang salah atau mempersulit masalah untuk mendapatkan untung secara sepihak > 950 50 > Melakukan pekerjaan sebagai kewajiban dengan menerima gaji-bayaran sebagai imbalan keharusan melakukan pekerjaan. Gaji atau komisi identik dengan kesepakatan perjanjian untuk melakukan pekerjaan.
Manipulasi Wahyu Tuhan > 970 30 > Menerima Kebenaran Tuhan
Berkotbah hanya menceritakan ulang kebaikan nabi atau orang orang disekitar nabi atau mengulang ayat-ayat kitab suci yang disukai setelah dipilihi > 950 50 > Menunjukkan kehendak Tuhan dengan contoh diri sendiri sebagai teladan hidup. Menghidupkan Kitab Suci berada di dalam hidupnya sendiri
Menyembah patung, mempertuhankan manusia, roh leluhur, benda-benda alam, membenarkan paham Ideology politik > 800 200 > Hanya Menyembah Tuhan dan membenarkan kehendak Tuhan untuk keadilan, perdamaian dan cinta kasih
Mengembangkan keinginan nafsunya sendiri dengan berlindung dibalik moral, agama dan hokum negara > 950 50 > Menyerahkan diri pada kehendak Tuhan
Melawan konstitusi / UUD > 900 100 > Taat Peraturan Negara
Korupsi, Mencuri, Sengaja Hutang Ngemplang menskipun mampu bayar hutang > 900 100 > Menolak mencuri, menolak korupsi, berusaha bayar hutang dengan kerelaan
Tidak bayar / Menggelapkan Pajak, tidak bayar persembahan > 900 100 > Membayar pajak, zakat, amal kasih, tindakan sosial lain dan membayar persembahan sebagai tanda terima kasih kepada Tuhan
Melacur, Berjudi, Hedonis > 900 100 > Memberi pengemis. Ingat, Anda sendiri pengemis dihadapan Tuhan
Uang hilang ditipu, dirampok > 900 100 > Diberikan orang miskin
Rugi bisnis akibat Investasi dicuri, memelihara karyawan bermental pencuri atau ditipu teman bisnis > 900 100 > Diberikan orang miskin, membantu yayasan sosial, memberi makan orang kelaparan
Menipu Tuhan dengan mengunjungi tempat-tempat suci dari biaya korupsi, mencuri, memeras, mempersulit urusan orang lain > 500 25 > Menjaga kesucian tubuh sebagai Rumah Allah, baik dari makanan minuman maupun dari tindakan kejahatan lainnya.
Menjaga-mengendalikan lidah
Menipu Tuhan dengan memberi korban persembahan, membangun rumah ibadah, menyanyikan lagu puji-pujian, berpuasa lalu makan minum memuaskan lidah dan nafsu birahinya tanpa ingat kemiskinan dan penderitaan orang lain >950 50 > Berdoa dengan penuh ikhlas, berbagi berkat untuk Tuhan dan orang lain, menjaga kesucian tubuh jasmaninya, merenungkan kebenaran Tuhan, berpuasa dengan membayar zakat, amal kasih dan pajak perpuluhan.
Berpura-pura menutup mata terhadap penderitaan orang lain, serakah, memproduksi senjata, mengobarkan permusuhan dan menyatakan perang > 950 50 > Berbicara tentang kemurahan Allah, kasih Allah, keadilan dan perdamaian Allah yang disertai pengorbanan dan perbuatan.
Menipu Tuhan dengan berbagai aturan undang-undang dagang, aturan utang piutang, bunga dan denda pinjaman, memperburuk keadaan peminjam dengan merampas kemerdekaan dan kebahagiaan orang lain >950 100 > Yang hutang harus berusaha bayar kembali, yang memberi pinjaman tidak boleh menagih dan tidak membebankan bunga berlebihan. Pihak peminjam tidak boleh merasa kehilangan hak atas barang-uangnya yang dipinjam pihak lain.
Mencuri kehormatan Tuhan dengan bersandar pada hak milik, kekayaan, jabatan, pakaian keagamaan atau intelektual > 950 50 > Memanfaatkan sarana hidup seperlunya, sisanya diberikan untuk orang lain sebagai tanda kasih dan wujud keadilan Tuhan
Mati mewariskan harta dari hasil kejahatan - korupsi, penjajahan atau rampasan perang > 950 950 < Mati telanjang, menghadap Tuhan dengan terpaksa memohon pengampunan. Keselamatan menuju sorga tergantung mutlak pada kemurahan Tuhan.

Kebenaran dan Keadilan Tuhan bersifat mutlak dan pasti. Pengampunan dan Penebusan Tuhan harus terjadi. Keselamatan menuju hidup kekal abadi tidak dapat bergantung pada alam, roh leluhur, kekuatan seseorang atau usaha perjuangan diri sendiri. Jika manusia tidak bersedia disama artikan dengan binatang, maka percaya kepada Tuhan adalah keharusan. Jika manusia tidak mau percaya kepada Tuhan, manusia identik dengan materi alam, maka orang miskin, orang tua yang tidak berguna, orang-orang cacat, orang yang tidak produktif dan yang senantiasa menyusahkan orang lain harus dibunuh untuk keseimbangan alam. Setiap orang yang merasa bahwa dirinya sendiri juga menyusahkan orang lain dan tidak lagi produktif, harus bersedia dengan ikhlas bunuh diri agar tidak menambah beban batin orang lain. Isu-isu perdamaian, hak azasi, moralitas dan keadilan lebih banyak berisi penipuan. Dari Neraca Kematian di atas tampak bahwa kejahatan, penipuan dan cara hidup tanpa moral lebih dominan dan sengaja dipelihara hampir oleh setiap orang baik yang beragama maupun agnosrik.
Dibawah ini saya berikan hadiah berupa aturan ke 6 dari 7 tata tertib hukum penipuan supaya mata Anda bersinar tanpa kaca mata melihat dunia yang seperti surga ini telah busuk tercemar dengan dosa manusia.

Tak seorangpun dapat menjadi saksi palsu terhadap dirinya sendiri, terhadap pekerjaan dan terhadap tanggung jawab hidupnya. Setiap orang akan diadili Tuhan bukan hanya dari perbuatannya saja, tetapi juga dari kata-kata dan ucapan yang keluar dari lidahnya. Neraca Kematian di atas memastikan bahwa setiap orang sedang menjalani hidupnya menuju neraka. Untuk menuju sorga dibutuhkan pengampunan dosa ( Penebusan ) yang berasal dari kemurahan Tuhan. Dengan kata lain perjuangan seorang manusia menuju sorga jika hanya mengandalkan kekuatannya sendiri, pengendalian pikiran, meditasi maupun puasa tetap sia-sia.

Berjuang untuk hidup benar sesuai dengan kehendak Allah jauh lebih sulit dibanding dengan hidup baik sesuai aturan hukum dan kaidah moral. Perdamaian dunia dan keadilan tidak akan dapat diubah melalui aturan moral maupun undang-undang negara. Dengan kata lain, moralitas itu pada hakekatnya tidak berguna untuk mengubah ataupun memperbaiki tatanan hidup manusia. Seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya bahwa batas moral bukanlah dinding penjara. Di bawah ini saya buktikan bahwa hidup benar sesuai dengan kehendak Allah itu amat sangat luar biasa sulit. Sebaliknya, dunia ini pada dasarnya berjalan tidak diatas prinsip-prinsip moral karena dunia pada dasarnya memang tidak bermoral.

Kepada masyarakat dunia saya ajukan satu pertanyaan berantai, semoga ahli hukum, ahli politik, ahli kitab suci maupun ahli moral berkenan menjawab. Kalau langit dan bumi ini diciptakan Allah dan semua yang diciptakan Allah adalah hak milik Allah, mengapa Allah melarang mencuri , yang punya pinjaman hutang harus membayar dan pihak yang memberi pinjaman dilarang untuk menagih apalagi membebankan bunga secara berlebihan. Sebaliknya, jika hukum positif itu mengakui hak milik sebagai hak yang harus dipertahankan serta dilindungi undang-undang, mengapa Allah mewajibkan korban persembahan tetapi Allah juga rela berkorban dengan mengabaikan persembahan agar orang lebih mengutamakan keadilan dan belas kasihan diantara sesama manusia, yang melarang terjadinya tuntut menuntut hak jika tuntut menuntut hak itu bertujuan untuk merugikan, memeras atau menjatuhkan kebahagiaan dan merampas kebebasan orang lain?

Apakah hak milik yang dijadikan sebagai tanda berkat mengindikasikan bahwa Allah itu tidak bermoral karena dengan demikian keadilan diabaikan ?

Allah menuntut orang beriman untuk berlaku adil terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain. Allah melarang membunuh orang lain. Artinya, hukuman mati harus ditiadakan dari konstitusi atau undang-undang dasar Negara, peperangan tidak boleh terjadi baik karena kudeta, pemberontakan, penjajahan maupun perang atas nama kebenaran agama ( perang jihad yang disalahartikan, perang salib atau perang yang disebabkan karena kebencian akibat perbedaan keyakinan ). Allah melarang mencuri, artinya batas hak milik orang lain harus diakui keberadaannya. Sebaliknya, orang yang kehilangan atau dirugikan karena hutang piutang atau sebab lain harus rela melepaskan haknya jika hak itu dipakai sebagai alasan untuk merampas kemerdekaan atau kebahagiaan orang lain.

Faktanya dunia ini tidak bermoral dan masyarakat dunia menyetujui terjadinya kejahatan massal. Ibu-ibu lebih suka menggugurkan kandungan daripada menanggung malu dan pemerintah lebih suka memelihara gelandangan pengemis berkeliaran di jalan-jalan daripada memberi kesejahteraan mereka karena para pengemis dianggap tidak memiliki nilai sosial dan tidak membayar pajak Negara. Undang-undang Negara mengesahkan hukuman mati dengan demikian masyarakat menyetujui pemerintah mengambil alih kekuasaan Allah untuk membunuh orang atau mengambil alih tugas balas dendam. Rakyat menyetujui peperangan, mendukung pemberontakan, pembuatan senjata pemusnah massal ataupun penjajahan kepada bangsa lain. Dengan demikian rakyat suatu Negara menyetujui pemerintahnya melakukan perampokan hak Negara lain. Peperangan akibat kebencian keyakinan agama atau perbedaan pandangan keselamatan terus berkobar secara liar, kejam tanpa aturan untuk mengubur kasih keadilan Allah diatas puing-puing penderitaan orang lain, tertawa terbahak bahak diatas kebenaran ayat-ayat kitab suci sambil menginjak-injak Allah yang memberi kitab suci.

Dimuka telah saya berikan tiga aturan dari 7 tata tertib hukum penipuan. Sekarang saya turunkan aturan ke 6 yang bunyinya: “ Jangan dengarkan apa yang dikatakan, tetapi lihat saja tingkah lakunya dan apa yang diperbuatnya.” Lengkapnya: “ Jangan dengarkan apa yang dikatakan, tetapi lihatlah apakah yang dilakukan sesuai dengan keyakinan agamanya, ideology politik yang dipegangnya atau prinsip-prinsip hidup yang dipilihnya.”

Hukum ke 6 tersebut tidak bermoral karena kebenaran harus seperti apa adanya, yang dapat dimengerti dan dipahami oleh semua pihak, tanpa kasta tanpa perbedaan kedudukan. Hukum ke 6 tersebut memastikan agar setiap orang belajar untuk mengikat hidupnya dengan lidahnya sendiri. Seperti yang telah saya kemukakan bahwa 7 tata tertib hukum penipuan ini saya rumuskan untuk membuktikan Kebangkitan Yesus, bahwa Yesus bangkit karena kuasa dan kehendak Allah. Namun hukum-hukum penipuan ini dalam konteksnya yang lebih luas dapat diterapkan untuk melihat kebenaran bahwa kebenaran tidak dapat ditukar dengan dalih dan alasan apapun.

Saya adalah orang Kristen yang dibabtis oleh gereja Roma, seorang calon pastor yang keluar dari seminari bukan karena sakit hati. Saya katakan bahwa gereja Roma yang dipimpin oleh para Bapa Paus tidak lebih dari organisasi yang dipimpin oleh serentetan teroris yang tidak mengenal keadilan dan belas kasihan. Jika apa yang saya katakan salah, gereja yang didirikan berdasarkan Injil silahkan mengutus orang-orang terpandainya untuk menyanggah apa yang saya katakan di bawah. Saya akan mewakili Yesus Gelandangan untuk menentang orang-orang farisi yang sekarang ini banyak bercokol di tubuh gereja yang didirikan Yesus. Agar setiap mata melihat dan menjadi saksi bahwa didalam gereja dunia terdapat kepala ular bercabang lidah.

“ Yang Kukehendaki adalah belas kasihan, bukan persembahan. ( Matius 12: 7). Barangsiapa memberi makan atau tumpangan salah seorang diantara kamu yang paling miskin dan hina ini, ia telah berbuat untuk Aku ( matius 25: 41-45). Juallah segala hartamu, berikan kepada orang miskin, lalu ikutlah Aku. ( Matus 19:16-21). Berilah kami rejeki pada hari ini. ( Lukas 11: 3 ) Serigala mempunyai liang, burung mempunyai sarang, tetapi Anak Manusia ( Yesus ) tidak mempunyai tempat untuk menyandarkan kepalanya.” ( Lukas 9: 58 )

Para pastor dan para suster diwajibkan mengucapkan kaul ( sumpah ) kemiskinan di depan altar mezbah Allah di dalam Rumah Ibadat. Yesus mengingatkan artinya ikatan sumpah yang diucapkan di depan altar karena mezbah Allah adalah tempat dimana Allah menerima persembahan. Dengan demikian orang yang bersumpah di depan altar dan di dalam rumah ibadat mengikatkan diri dengan Allah.

“ Setiap kata sia-sia yang diucapkan orang harus dipertanggungjawabkan pada hari penghakiman. Karena menurut ucapanmu engkau akan dibenarkan, dan menurut ucapanmu pula engkau akan dihakimi .” ( Matius 12: 36-37 ) Barangsiapa bersumpah demi mezbah, ia bersumpah demi mezbah dan juga demi segala sesuatu yang terletak diatasnya. Barangsiapa bersumpah demi sorga, ia bersumpah demi tahta Allah dan juga demi Dia yang bersemayam di atasnya. Barangsiapa bersumpah diatas Kitab Suci, ia bersumpah atas nama Allah untuk menjadi saksi atas sumpah itu. Dan barangsiapa bersumpah diatas Undang-Undang Negara, ia bersumpah atas nama seluruh rakyat negeri yang menjadi penduduk Negara itu.” ( Matius 23: 16-22 )

Faktanya, gereja mendirikan rumah sakit –rumah sakit dan lembaga pendidikan sebagai mesin pemeras uang daripada untuk menebarkan belas kasihan dan menciptakan keadilan. Rumah-rumah biara lebih menyerupai kamar hotel dan meja makan mereka lebih menyerupai tempat pesta pora. Tidak ada nyanyian duka dan ratap tangis yang ditujukan untuk Tuhan selain tawa ria kegembiraan karena besarnya berkat Tuhan yang mereka terima agar mereka dapat membuktikan bahwa mereka adalah kaum terpilih yang tidak kekurangan susu dan madu.

Jika mereka melihat pengemis lebih suka merapatkan tangan daripada menjadi penyalur berkat sekalipun yang mereka berikan dari uang persembahan. Rumah-rumah biara tidak tersentuh anjing kurap seperti yang kita lihat orang-orang berpenyakit kudis bertebaran di sepanjang jalan. Jika segerombolan pengemis kita ambil dari jalanan lalu kita lemparkan di tengah-tengah rumah biara sambil kita biarkan makan minum di meja makan pastilah para pengemis itu tidak dapat memahami hakekat kemiskinan yang dijalani oleh para pastor dan para suster. “ Segala sesuatu yang tidak kamu lakukan untuk salah seorang yang paling hina ini, kamu tidak melakukannya juga untuk Aku, Tuhanmu.” ( Matius 23 : 45 )

Perang salib yang telah terjadi berulang kali serta Gereja yang selalu bersikap diam terhadap gejolak peperangan, ketidakadilan, menyebarnya berbagai bencana alam yang menimbulkan berbagai penderitaan jelas tidak menghadirkan wajah Yesus yang penuh sentuhan belas kasihan. Gereja Roma seharusnya mencabut gelar santo santa jika gelar tersebut akibat salah penafsiran karena tidak sejalan dengan kebenaran yang dapat dipahami oleh semua pihak.

Karena apa yang telah terjadi dan yang telah dijalani oleh gereja Roma tidak sejalan dengan apa yang dikatakan ( kaul kemiskinan ), maka gereja, terutama tokoh-tokohnya secara terbuka dan terang terangan telah menipu umat, menipu masyarakat dunia dan menipu Tuhan. Jika umat yang menikah diharuskan mengucapkan janji setia seumur hidup di depan altar dan dilarang bercerai, maka para pemimpin gereja justru melanggar sumpah kesetiaan yang mereka ucapkan sendiri. Jika dihadapan hukum negara seseorang dilarang memberikan kesaksian palsu, maka para pastor dan suster sebagian besar menjadi saksi palsu terhadap keadilan dan kasih Tuhan.

Apa yang kita lihat tampak jelas bahwa sebagian besar pemimpin agama, terutama gereja Roma dan gereja lain yang dituntut Yesus untuk menjadi garam dan terang dunia telah mengingkari tanggung jawab keadilan sosialnya, yang mengukur kebenaran dengan ukuran yang dipakainya sendiri, yang lebih suka menyiksa penderitaan dan kemiskinan orang lain dengan membiarkan orang untuk menanggung kesalahan dan nasibnya sendiri. Dengan aturan ke 6 dari 7 tata tertib hukum penipuan ini, mata kita telah melihat sangat jelas seperti ketika manusia pertama kali diciptakan Tuhan di taman Eden bahwa gereja, para pemimpin agama, para politikus, para ahli hukum dan sebagian besar umat manusia telah menjadi saksi palsu atas pilihan hidupnya sendiri. Kita adalah manusia yang gagal mengikat hidup kita dengan lidah kita sendiri, gagal untuk menjadi manusia jujur dan konsisten yang hanya bisa menuntut tanggung jawab orang lain tanpa melihat kesalahan, kejahatan dan kegagalannya sendiri.

“ Mengapa kamu melihat selumbar kesalahan di mata saudaramu, sedangkan balok didalam matamu tidak engkau ketahui . Hai orang munafik, keluarkanlah dahulu balok didalam matamu “ ( Matius 7: 3-5 )

Karena itu Bapa Paus seharusnya menghapuskan adanya kaul kemiskinan yang jelas-jelas merupakan penipuan. Bagaimana Bapa Paus dapat memberi gelar santo santa sebagai orang suci terutama para pendiri ordo sedang kaul kemiskinan yang menjadi dasar pola hidup mereka menandakan penipuan? Bapa Paus seharusnya mendorong dan menganjurkan para imam dan suster-susternya untuk hidup sesuai dengan teladan Yesus, yang dekat dengan orang miskin dan penuh cinta kasih. Gereja tidak perlu terlalu banyak orang bergelar professor, yang pandai berbicara sambil mengalihkan berkat untuk keuntungan dirinya sendiri, tetapi gereja yang memiliki kepekaan hati dan perasaan. Jika Bapa Paus dapat menempatkan diri secara seimbang, dihadapan Tuhan dan dihadapan semua orang, seharusnya Bapa Paus dapat hidup seperti yang saya jalani sekarang ini, bebas terbuka, tanpa pengawal dan tanpa pelindung yang hidup matinya terserah kehendak Tuhan. Jika Bapa Paus tetap menutup diri, bersembunyi dibalik tembok politik keagamaan dan kemegahan dunia ( Matius 4: 8-9 ), tidak ada bedanya antara Bapa Paus dengan teroris atau mafia yang takut mati karena kekeliruannya sendiri, yang hanya memainkan bola-bola sorga tanpa menyentuh perut umat yang kelaparan dan mengerang sakit akibat beban penderitaan, korban kekejaman atau karena beban hutang. Gereja yang didirikan Tuhan Yesus seharusnya tunduk pada perintah Yesus, tetapi Anda semua melihat bahwa gereja tidak tunduk pada perintah Yesus dan cenderung mengingkari tugas cinta kasih yang Yesus berikan, gereja yang menolak kemiskinan Yesus Gelandangan.

Allah Bapamu di Sorga tahu apa yang kamu perlukan sebelum kamu minta kepadaNya ( Matius 6:8 ). Allah telah memberi dan menyediakan apa yang diperlukan gereja. Tetapi Gereja lebih banyak diam dan berpura-pura tidak tahu dengan apa yang dirindukan dunia, terhadap banyaknya penderitaan, kemiskinan, kesenjangan sosial dan banyaknya kekejaman. Sedang Yesus telah memberi teladan gereja dengan membuka pikirannya, hatinya, mulutnya, tangannya yang menjadi berkat dan pemberi makanan, kesembuhan serta kepekaan perasaannya baik kepada orang Yahudi maupun non Yahudi.

Bagaimana dengan keyakinan agama lain serta ideology politik seperti Marxisme, Kapitalisme, Pembela Hak Azasi Manusia, Pendukung Perdamaian Dunia, Komunisme dll ? Pada dasarnya sama saja, penipuan secara terbuka dilakukan dengan sengaja, membenarkan kejahatan tetap berjalan seperti kejahatan itu tampak apa adanya. Berbicara tentang perdamaian tetapi unjuk kekuatan senjata siap berperang, berbicara tentang kemerdekaan tetapi melanggar batas Negara lain atau dari dalam negaranya sendiri terus berkobar pemberontakan, berbicara tentang kesetaraan hak dihadapan hukum dan undang-undang negara tetapi menindas orang tak berdaya serta mengabaikan tuntutan keadilan rakyat jelata. Melarang pembunuhan dengan membuat perlindungan hak azasi tetapi mengesahkan hukuman mati. Berbicara tentang keadilan tetapi korupsi dan tidak peduli dengan kemiskinan orang lain disekitarnya, berbicara tentang ke Esa an Tuhan tetapi menyembah patung, menyembah roh leluhur, mempermainkan dan memperalat makhluk halus, menyembah hantu serta melakukan pelanggaran-pelanggaran lain yang bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip hidup yang dipilihnya sendiri.

Undang-undang dasar negara dapat dirubah, tetapi apakah Kitab Suci dapat dibatalkan dan kehendak Allah dapat dirubah seperti Gereja Roma dan gereja-gereja lain menerima Allah Sejarah tetapi membelokkan kehendak Allah sehingga kasih Allah, keadilan dan perdamaian dunia menjadi isu buta yang tidak dapat dirasakan oleh kaum miskin, para janda dan bangsa tertindas.

Teroris, pemberontak, penyulut peperangan membunuh orang tanpa pertimbangan keadilan. Apa bedanya dengan diri kita: para ahli moral, ahli kitab suci, penjunjung hak azasi dan ahli hukum yang membiarkan orang mati tersiksa dengan penderitaan yang melekat dengan dirinya sendiri. Ibarat tumbuhan lebih baik mati karena ditebang dengan parang atau kita biarkan mati layu tanpa pertolongan. Jika dua duanya merupakan tindakan kejahatan, maka kita tidak dapat membiarkan kejahatan berkembang dengan alasan apapun, baik perang suci ( perang jihad atau perang salib ), atas nama keadilan, perang untuk perdamaian atau karena alasan tidak ikut campur atas urusan pihak lain. Dengan pengertian di atas kita menyadari bahwa asal usul kejahatan adalah diri kita sendiri baik karena peran aktif kita sebagai penjahat maupun bersikap pasif dengan cara berpura-pura tidak tahu atas masalah yang ada di sekelilingnya. Pilatus yang tampil sebagai sosok hakim benar-benar mengambil tempat pembasuhan lalu cuci tangan sebagai tanda tidak terlibat terhadap kejahatan sekalipun kejahatan itu berada dalam kendali kekuasaannya.

Hanya ada satu Tuhan, satu Sorga, satu Kebenaran dan satu Keadilan. Siapapun yang menginginkan kebenaran Tuhan, Sorga dan Keadilan tidak dapat menuntut saya karena ucapan saya, baik Bapa Paus maupun kepala Negara dari seluruh dunia, karena saya berbicara tentang kebenaran dan keadilan yang dituntut dan dirindukan oleh setiap orang.

Orang bodoh dan rakyat jelata tidak merasakan kasih keadilan dan perdamaian Tuhan, mulut mereka harus diam karena tidak mengerti hakekat kebenaran kehendak Tuhan, dan masyarakat dunia terus memberontak melawan Tuhan yang dipimpin oleh para ahli kitab suci serta kaum politikus tak beriman yang mengambil alih kekuasaan Tuhan di dunia. Meluasnya ketidakadilan, peperangan, pemberontakan serta timbulnya berbagai penderitaan rakyat adalah kesalahan terbesar dari para ahli kitab suci yang mendidik dan melahirkan para pemimpin Negara yang tidak mengerti bagaimana keadilan harus dijalankan. Gereja Roma terus mendidik dan malahirkan ahli moral, tetapi tidak paham bagaimana kehendak Tuhan harus dijalankan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip moral jika moral itu dianggap sebagai kebaikan.

Mulut orang bodoh dan penderitaan rakyat jelata dapat dibungkam baik melalui ajaran moral, karma, perbedaan derajat kasta, janji-janji keadilan, perbedaan nasib atau terjadi melalui hukum rimba, tetapi beban penderitaan yang mengalir di dalam darah mereka yang mengucur bersama jatuhnya air mata akan menuntut balas pada hari penghakiman Tuhan.

Dengan alasan apapun, tidaklah benar seseorang dibiarkan menderita secara berlebihan baik karena nasibnya, kelahirannya atau karena kesalahannya sendiri jika seseorang karena keadaannya tidak secara sengaja bertujuan merusak kebahagiaan dan kebebasan orang lain. Adalah kesalahan kita bersama, terutama para pemimpin agama yang tidak memberi contoh bagaimana cinta kasih harus dijalankan dan kesalahan para politikus yang tidak mentaati undang-undang kesejahteraan rakyat jika kita membiarkan orang lain menderita secara berlebihan diluar batas kemampuan usahanya.

Kalau Yesus dimusuhi oleh ahli Kitab Suci bersama sama orang Farisi dan ahli Taurat lalu kejadian tersebut melambungkan kejahatan agama, dan jika para pemimpin agama yang memegang kitab suci serta para kepala Negara yang memegang undang-undang keadilan rakyat membenci saya karena saya menyatakan kebenaran kehendak Tuhan, maka sejarah pembunuhan dengan latar belakang kejahatan politik agama akan terjadi pada diri saya dan orang beriman tetap berpura-pura bersikap benar sambil terus menipu Tuhan dengan mengunjungi tempat-tempat suci sambil memberi korban persembahan. Yesus Sejarah adalah Tuhan karena hidupnya konsisten dengan apa yang telah dikatakan, sesuai dengan apa yang telah dijalankan dan cocok dengan apa yang akan terjadi seperti rencana Allah yang telah diucapkan oleh para nabi.

Gereja yang dituntut Yesus untuk menjadi garam dunia, jumlah personalnya hanya akan berkembang berdasarkan garis keturunan yang menerima kebenaran ajaran seperti menerima warisan tradisi, sama seperti agama-agama lain. Persoalannya, para pemimpin gereja dan pemimpin agama lain serta pewarisnya tidak bersedia menjadi teladan hidup, berkorban untuk meringankan beban sesama, menciptakan keadilan, perdamaian dan kebahagiaan umat manusia. Sebaliknya kekejaman, keserakahan, perselingkuhan, masa bodo, pura-pura tidak tahu dengan kesalahannya sendiri, korupsi, mental munafik dan gila hormat lebih menonjol daripada sikap hidup yang dituntut Tuhan.

Dalam perjalanannya mencari keselamatan Allah, orang beriman selalu jatuh pada tiga penyakit mental : ” 1. Munafik, 2. tidak bersedia mengakui kesalahan-kesalahannya karena itu menjadi tidak dapat dikoreksi karena kepala batu, 3. berpura-pura tidak tahu agar dapat bebas dari tuduhan dan tuntutan pertanggungjawaban ”

Apakah Allah dapat ditipu ??????????


Seluruh Nabi keturunan Adam mulai dari Nuh, Abraham, Musa hingga Muhammad memberi kesaksian tentang Yesus yang dikandung dari Roh Kudus, ( Al Qur’an: Al Maa”idah, Juz 7: 110, Al An Biyaa, Juz 17:91, Al Baqarah Juz 1:87 dan Juz 2:253, Injil Lukas 1:35, Matius 1:20, Bhagavad Gita, Sloka 13:15 ) yang mati dan dibangkitkan oleh Allah ( Injil Matius 17:22, I Korintus 15:12-16, Al Anaam, Juz 7:30, Al Haji,Juz 17:5-7, An Nahl, Juz 14:84 ), lalu duduk di sorga sebagai manusia terpilih dan terhormat ( Al Qur’an, Ali Imran, Juz 3: 45 & 48, Kitab Wahyu 22: 1-4 ). Musa berkata: ”Seorang nabi dari tengah-tengahmu, sama seperti aku, akan dibangkitkan oleh Tuhan Allahmu, dialah yang harus kamu dengarkan.” ( Ulangan 18:15 ) Demikian juga saya, melalui 7 tata tertib hukum penipuan yang saya rumuskan memberi kesaksian bahwa Yesus adalah Anak Allah. Melalui 7 tata tertib hukum penipuan ini seluruh perdebatan dan penyangkalan Yesus Anak Allah telah berakhir. Tak seorangpun dapat mematahkan hukum-hukum penipuan seperti yang telah penulis kemukakan. Sekalipun Anda turun ke lembah Neraka berguru kepada Raja Iblis, hukum-hukum penipuan tersebut tetap tidak dapat Anda patahkan karena Iblis juga tunduk pada kebenaran, menuntut kejujuran ( komitmen perjanjian ) dan tunduk pada Allah. Allah adalah benar karena Allah adalah kebenaran.

Yesus berkata: ” Kamu menyelidiki kitab-kitab suci karena kamu menyangka dengan kitab suci itu kamu memperoleh hidup kekal. Akan tetapi sekalipun kitab suci-kitab suci itu memberi kesaksian tentang Aku, kamu tidak mau datang kepadaKu untuk memperoleh hidup kekal ” ( Yohanes 5:39 )

Allah bersaksi tentang Yesus:

Allah berfirman: ” Seorang nabi akan Kubangkitkan bagi mereka dari antara mereka, seperti engkau ini, Aku akan menaruh firmanKu dalam mulutNya ” ( Taurat Musa-Ulangan 18: 18 )

Lalu terdengarlah suara dari sorga ” Engkaulah AnakKu yang Kukasihi, kepadaMulah Aku berkenan ”. ( Markus 1:11 )

Terdengarlah suara dari awan itu yang berkata: ” Inilah AnakKu yang Kupilih, dengarkanlah Dia . ” ( Lukas 19:35 )

Yesus berkata” Bapa, muliakanlah namaMu.” Maka terdengarlah dari sorga : ” Aku telah memuliakanNya dan Aku akan memuliakanNya lagi.” ( Yohanes 12: 28 )

Malaikat Gabriel bersaksi tentang Yesus:

” Sesungguhnya engkau akan mengandung dari Roh Kudus, dan akan melahirkan seorang anak laki laki dan hendaklah engkau menamai Dia Yesus. Ia akan menjadi besar dan akan disebut Anak Allah yang Mahatinggi.” ( Lukas 1:31 )

Iblis bersaksi tentang Yesus:

” Semua ini akan kuberikan kepadaMu, jika Engkau sujud menyembah aku ”. Jawab Yesus: ” Pergilah Iblis, sebab ada tertulis engkau harus menyembah Tuhan Allahmu dan hanya kepada Allah saja engkau harus berbakti ” ( Matius 4: 10 )

Ketika ia melihat dari jauh, berlarilah ia menemui Yesus lalu menyembahNya, dan dengan keras ia berteriak :” Apa urusanmu dengan aku hai Yesus, Anak Allah yang Mahatinggi .” ( Markus 5: 6-7 )

Kalau Allah berkata ” dengarkanlah Dia ( Yesus) ” kita anggap sebagai perintah, maka baik nabi maupun orang yang mencari keselamatan Allah sudah seharusnya menerima apa yang disampaikan Yesus sebagai jalan hidup menuju Allah. Jika menolak Yesus berarti menolak perintah Allah, dan jika menolak perintah Allah berarti melawan Allah. Dengan demikian benar apa yang dikatakan Yesus ” Aku datang tidak untuk menghakimi dunia, tetapi untuk menyelamatkan. Barangsiapa menolak Aku dan tidak menerima perkataanKu, ia sudah ada hakimnya, yaitu firman yang telah Kukatakan, itulah yang akan menjadi hakimnya pada akhir zaman. Sebab Aku berkata-kata bukan dari diriKu sendiri, tetapi Allah yang mengutus Aku.” ( Yohanes 12: 47-49 )
Jika berbohong dibenarkan dan bersaksi dusta diijinkan, maka landasan hukum positif di seluruh dunia hancur, kesaksian para nabi tidak berguna dan kitab suci tidak perlu ada. Hukum Taurat memastikan bahwa berbohong dan berdusta melawan perintah Allah, dan hukum positif membutuhkan para saksi. Para nabi dan orang suci telah memberi kesaksian tentang Yesus. Allah di sorga, para malaikat maupun Ilblis memberi kesaksian tentang Yesus bahwa Ia adalah kudus, anak Allah yang Mahatinggi. Karena itu kedudukan Yesus sebagai anak Allah, Penebus dan Juru Selamat berdasarkan hukum positif dan dipandang dari kitab suci adalah sah.

Sebaliknya, hukuman mati yang dijatuhkan kepada Yesus Anak Allah itu secara hukum tidak sah. Baik bukti maupun saksi-saksi yang dihadirkan semua palsu dan dusta. Dari segi hukum keputusan itu tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Dalam hal ini para ahli kitab suci bangsa Yahudi pada saat terjadinya penyaliban Yesus telah melakukan konspirasi penipuan terhadap Allah dengan dalih kitab suci itu sendiri.
Yesus berkata : ” Siapakah diantara kamu dapat membuktikan bahwa Aku berbuat dosa. ” ( Yohanes 8: 46 )

Pada saat Yesus diadili Ia hanya sedikit berbicara tentang kebenaran dan kesaksian. Yesus tahu bersaksi dusta dan berbohong itu berdosa karena melawan hukum Allah. Tetapi Anda semua melihat, di semua sidang pengadilan baik terdakwa maupun saksi lebih suka dusta dan berbohong sekalipun kejahatannya telah terbukti. Akhirnya, ada tidaknya keputusan juga menjadi bagian dari kebohongan publik itu sendiri. Setiap hari, lidah kita lebih banyak berbohong dan berdusta daripada menyatakan kejujuran.
Kita mendengar janji-janji keadilan dari para juru kampanye partai politik yang terbukti korupsi, sumpah jabatan atau kesetiaan perkawinan diatas kitab suci dengan menempatkan Allah sebagai saksi, janji-janji perdamaian yang menyimpang dari undang-undang dan kesepakatan perlindungan hak azasi, pengembangan energi nuklir untuk industri atau perdamaian yang terbukti menjadi senjata pembunuh massal. Ini adalah dusta, bohong dan penipuan. Selanjutnya masyarakat dunia terjebak memilih pemimpin yang berkarakter penipu dan bermoral rendah, yang tidak bisa membedakan kebenaran dengan kejahatan.

Mengacu pada keadaan yang sama, peperangan-peperangan antar negara yang sekarang ini terjadi maupun yang akan datang, penjajahan, korupsi, kejahatan-kejahatan agama, pemberontakan maupun terorisme dipandang dari segi hukum positif tidak sah. Karena keputusan-keputusan pada saat diambilnya tindakan kejahatan itu sudah pasti berdasarkan alasan palsu, penipuan atau tidak berdasarkan keadilan dan kejujuran yang dituntut oleh setiap orang. Seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya bahwa kejahatan tetaplah kejahatan, tidak dapat disahkan dengan undang-undang, tidak dapat dibungkus dengan kitab suci, tidak dapat diselimuti dengan moral dan tidak dapat diredam dengan senyuman.

Kitab Suci tidak dapat dibatalkan dan kehendak Allah tidak dapat dibelokkan. Karena itu setiap hal dan keadaan yang menyangkut kuasa dan kehendak Allah tidak dapat ditiadakan seperti tujuan keadilan, perdamaian, keseimbangan kesejahteraan serta kepastian adanya penebusan dosa yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Yesus Anak Allah yang dimeteraikan dengan Roh KudusNya. Penulisan Injil tidak mengalami kesalahan di bidang kesaksian Yesus Anak Allah dan semangat hidup orang beriman. Bahwa gereja menipu masyarakat dunia dan menipu Allah dengan sumpah kemiskinan dan penyimpangan terhadap perhatian ketidakadilan sosial hal itu adalah kesalahan orang orang gereja, bukan karena Injilnya yang salah.

Saya adalah saksi Allah dan saksi kebenaran, seorang gelandangan yang diberi pengertian untuk menyelidiki kejahatan serta menelusuri kegelapan lalu mengarahkan menuju keselamatan Allah, perdamaian dunia dan keadilan. Sebagai saksi Allah, saya kesulitan untuk dapat menemukan kesalahan-kesalahan yang diucapkan, janji-janji maupun perbuatan-perbuatan yang telah dilakukan Yesus. Sebaliknya, terhadap para nabi besar, orang bijak, orang saleh maupun para ahli kitab suci, para pemimpin agama maupun pada kebanyakan manusia saya sangat mudah menemukan kesalahan-kesalahan yang telah mereka perbuat baik dari lidah maupun perbuatan mereka yang tidak konsisten, tidak jujur dan ingin menang sepihak.

Marilah kita menghadiri sidang Mahkamah Internasional, kita duduk sebagai saksi, memandang Malaikat sebagai hakim agung sambil menyaksikan para nabi besar, para wakil rakyat dan para kepala Negara duduk sebagai terdakwa. Kita saksikan sebagian nabi dituduh sebagai penjahat perang, sebagian sebagai perampok dan terlibat penjarahan, sebagian dituduh merebut istri orang, sebagian mengajarkan kekerasan, teror dan menyebarkan kejahatan agama, sebagian memberontak Allah dengan menempatkan dirinya sendiri sebagai tujuan persembahan dan pusat doa. Apakah diri kita setuju jika darah dan nyawa kita harus menderita karena kekejaman nabi, harta kita dirampok oleh nabi, istri kita diambil nabi lalu anak-anak kita terlantar karena kekejaman nabi, dan nabi maupun yang disebut orang bijak itu menuntut dirinya disembah, menjadi tujuan doa sekaligus mengambil persembahan. Lihatlah, Malaikat yang menjadi hakim agung itu mengambil keputusan. Hanya sebagian kecil saja nabi, orang bijak dan yang kita sebuat orang saleh yang dilempar ke neraka. Sebagian besar sisanya dibebaskan dari semua tuntutan kejahatan, lalu dijemput oleh para malaikat menuju sorga. Lihatlah sebagian besar nabi, orang bijak, kepala Negara dan para wakil rakyat yang dijemput malaikat menuju sorga itu masih membutuhkan penebusan dan pengampunan Allah, sama seperti Anda dan saya juga membutuhkan penebusan dan pengampunan Allah. Dengan demikian benar apa yang dikatakan Daud : “ Berbahagialah orang yang dosa-dosa dan kesalahannya tidak diperhitungkan Tuhan .”

Lihatlah sekali lagi barisan nabi, para Paus, orang bijak dan saleh, kepala Negara dan para wakil rakyat yang duduk sebagai terdakwa pelaku kejahatan. Anda tidak akan melihat Yesus Anak Domba Allah yang duduk diantara para terdakwa. Karena Yesus adalah nabi termiskin dan gelandangan. Tangannya tidak ternoda darah dan kekejaman, lidahnya tidak keluar penipuan, tidak menebarkan fitnah, tidak mengajarkan kekerasan dan tidak cacat janji, yang taat membayar pajak dan persembahan, yang tunduk pada hukum Negara, yang membiarkan pengikutnya lari meninggalkan dukungan, lalu rela mati sendirian diperlakukan seperti anjing hinaan dibawah saksi para penipu dan penjahat. Lihatlah, para nabi, kepala Negara, para wakil rakyat dan orang bijak itu serentak mati, diam di liang kubur tanpa tahu bagaimana jalannya menuju sorga. Setiap orang yang telah mati benar-benar mati jiwa, raga dan mati juga rohnya. Perhatikan, Yesus yang kematiannya disalib dihina, disaksikan para penjahat dan penipu itu tiba-tiba bangkit. Kemudian disusul oleh kebangkitan para nabi, orang bijak dan terakhir disusul oleh setiap orang yang telah meninggal. Sejak saat itulah setiap orang tahu bahwa kebangkitan adalah satu-satunya jalan menuju sorga tempat dimana Allah bertahta. Tanpa kebangkitan Yesus baik para nabi, orang bijak, orang saleh, para wakil rakyat maupun para pertapa tetap diam diliang kubur tanpa memperoleh keselamatan sehingga apa yang mereka kerjakan sia-sia. Jika hidup hanya memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh lalu berakhir dengan kematian tanpa kebangkitan apa bedanya para nabi, orang bijak maupun para pertapa dengan kematian binatang. Tanpa kebangkitan, apa gunanya upacara ratapan dan berdoa di liang kubur. Dengan demikian apa yang dikatakan Allah tentang Yesus yang diberi gelar Penebus, Juru Selamat umat manusia, Anak Allah yang pertama kali bangkit diantara orang mati adalah benar. Benar juga apa yang dikatakan Yesus : “ Akulah jalan dan kebenaran dan hidup. Tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat datang bertemu dengan Allah tanpa melalui kebangkitanKu “ ( Yohanes 14: 6-7 )

Apa yang saya katakan di atas adalah kesaksian kitab suci dan kesaksian hidup sejarah para nabi, baik nabi pemberontak, nabi penjahat, pemimpin negara, pemuka agama atau orang bijak yang merebut posisi dan kedudukan Allah sebagai pusat doa dan tujuan persembahan. Saya tidak mengadili para nabi atau para teroris dan politikus pembunuh yang berlindung dibalik kata keadilan, tetapi akal budi dan hati nurani Anda dapat mengerti dengan pasti bahwa apa yang saya katakan benar. Kebenaran ini tidak dapat dipatahkan karena akal budi dan hati nurani Anda juga menentang kejahatan, terlebih bila Anda menjadi bagian dari korban kejahatan itu sendiri.
Saya adalah saksi Allah dan saksi kebenaran untuk menyelidiki kejahatan manusia, tipu daya serta kemunafikan dibalik kata-kata, baju-baju keagamaan serta sopan santun yang dibungkus moral yang menyesatkan. Jika saya salah lidah dengan apa yang saya katakan di atas, silahkan para ahli kitab suci, para pertapa, ahli meditasi, orang bijak dan orang saleh datang menghadap saya membawa kitab suci maupun ajaran suci. Silahkan para ahli hukum dan para kepala Negara dari seluruh penjuru dunia datang menghadap saya membawa undang-undang dasar Negara dan konstitusi, semua pihak akan saya tunjukkan adanya semangat kejahatan, peperangan, kebencian dan ketidakadilan yang tertulis didalam sebagian besar kitab suci, undang-undang dasar negara dan konstitusi. Jika Iblis ikut berkarya saat ditulisnya kitab suci, undang-undang dasar Negara ataupun peraturan-peraturan, lalu tindakan kejahatan terjadi karena motivasi kitab suci serta disahkan oleh undang-undang Negara, adalah kesalahan para pemimpin agama karena mereka memperalat Allah dan kesalahan para pemegang kekuasaan Negara yang memperalat rakyat yang memberi mereka kekuasaan mengelola Negara. Akal budi kita mengerti bahwa kejahatan tidak dapat disahkan dengan hukum suci keadilan. Marilah kita berbicara dengan akal budi atau dengan hati dan perasaan kita supaya yang bodoh, buta dan tuli sama sama mengerti dan memahami kebenaran sejati. Jika Anda orang yang sehat akal budi, mental dan rohaninya mestinya Anda juga mengerti bahwa tindakan kejahatan, kekejaman dan ketidakadilan tidak dapat menggunakan alasan ayat-ayat suci, berlandaskan kitab suci maupun dibenarkan oleh undang-undang Negara. Kalau dunia ini membutuhkan perdamaian, para pemimpin agama bertujuan mewartakan keselamatan, orang beriman maupun para ahli hukum menginginkan keadilan sudah seharusnya hal-hal yang menimbulkan adanya tindakan kejahatan dan ketidakadilan dibuang dari kitab suci maupun dari undang-undang dasar Negara. Kalau hal tersebut tidak dilakukan, Anda semua memahami bahwa Iblis dapat dengan mudah menyelinap masuk merusak kehendak Allah melalui tindakan para pemimpin agama, para ahli pikir kitab suci, pemimpin rakyat dan ke semua bidang kehidupan seperti musang berbulu domba.

Jika Anda sudah mengetahui adanya kejahatan, maksud jahat yang tertulis di dalam undang-undang maupun kitab-kitab suci, menutup-nutupi bahkan terlibat kejahatan secara langsung, dari segi hukum Anda sudah terlibat kejahatan. Lalu apa artinya moralitas jika mata kita jelas jelas melihat berbagai kejahatan hanya karena seseorang tidak dipenjara tetap dianggap sebagai tokoh masyarakat? Bagaimana Anda dapat melakukan perang suci sekalipun tindakan itu didasari ayat-ayat suci, sedang orang buta dan tuli menganggap hal itu sebagai penyiksaan yang bertentangan dengan keadilan dan kasih Tuhan? Dipandang dari hukum Allah sebenarnya kita semua sudah tahu bahwa tanpa pengampunan Allah kita sudah gugur dengan sendirinya dan didiskualifikasi tidak dapat masuk sorga. Bagaimana seseorang dapat menyelamatkan diri sendiri jika tidak dibantu oleh Allah sebagai Juru Selamat.

Saya telah melakukan pekerjaan melampaui apa yang telah dikerjakan oleh sebagian besar nabi maupun orang bijak di seluruh negeri. Dibidang keselamatan, saya menjadi saksi penebusan bahwa Allah adalah satu-satunya tujuan keselamatan, tujuan keadilan dan pemberi pengampunan. Dibidang perdamaian dunia, saya telah memberi pengertian bagaimana menciptakan perdamaian dunia melampaui para politikus dari Negara manapun karena sayalah yang diberi pengetahuan oleh Tuhan untuk menghentikan semua pikiran-pikiran jahat dan busuk yang menjadi dasar lahirnya peperangan, pemberontakan, terorisme dan korupsi yang diawali dari undang-undang dasar negara yang salah. Dibidang keadilan, saya telah meletakkan prinsip-prinsip keadilan melampaui para ahli hukum dari seluruh dunia bahwa keadilan tidak didasarkan pada hak tuntut menuntut yang berakibat merampas kemerdekaan, kebahagiaan dan kebebasan pihak lain. Jika Confusius berkata: “ Li akan turun sampai tingkat rakyat jelata dan hukuman-hukuman tidak akan naik sampai ke para pangeran”, maka saya berkata : “ Saya mampu meletakkan prinsip-prinsip undang-undang dasar Negara dimana keadilan akan turun sampai tingkat rakyat jelata dan hukuman-hukuman akan naik menjangkau mahkota raja ( para pemuka agama hingga sebagian nabi ).” Di bidang kebenaran, saya telah meletakkan prinsip-prinsip kebenaran berdasarkan kekuasaan Allah yang dapat diterima dan dimengerti oleh setiap manusia melampaui prinsip-prinsip kebenaran dan cinta perdamaian yang diajarkan Budha.

Yesus berkata: ” Rombak Bait Allah ini, dan dalam waktu tiga hari Aku akan mendirikannya kembali”. Jawab mereka: ” Empat puluh enam tahun nenek moyang kami mendirikan Bait Allah ini, dan Engkau akan mendirikannya lagi dalam waktu tiga hari? ”. ( Yohanes 2: 19 )

Saya berkata: ” Rombak undang-undang dasar negara di seluruh dunia, dan dalam waktu 3 hari saya akan memberi semangat pemikiran perdamaian baru tanpa mengganggu kemerdekaan negara lain. Runtuhkan rumah-rumah penjara, karena dinding penjara bukanlah batas moral tetapi batas balas dendam dimana orang dapat dengan bebas melampiaskan kejahatan atau mengelabuhi kebenaran.”

Seluruh masyarakat dunia menjawab:” Beribu-ribu tahun kami membangun negara kami, memelihara peradaban nenek moyang leluhur kami, mempertahankan ajaran leluhur kami, menyembah apa yang disembah leluhur kami, membuat senjata untuk mengusir orang asing yang mengganggu wilayah kami, dan dalam waktu tiga hari engkau akan membuat perdamaian dunia?. Tanda apakah yang kamu buat sehingga kamu berhak menyatakan demikian ?”

Saya telah berbicara tentang keselamatan menuju Allah, kebenaran, keadilan dan perdamaian dunia tanpa basa basi, tidak melibatkan perasaan, tidak memperhitungkan aturan moral dan tanpa sopan santun. Agar dengan demikian setiap mata dapat melihat dengan jelas dan setiap hati dapat memahami dengan pasti bahwa kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh para pelacur, pemabuk, pejudi, perampok sama dengan kejahatan yang dilakukan oleh para pemimpin agama, ahli hukum, para wakil rakyat, para kepala Negara, pemberontak ataupun teroris. Kejahatan tetaplah kejahatan, tidak dapat dibenarkan dengan undang-udang dan tidak dapat diselimuti dengan kitab suci. Masing-masing mempunyai sasaran dan cara cuci tangan untuk membebaskan tuduhan kejahatan. Moralitas tanpa Allah hanya pantas dimiliki dan dipertahankan oleh anjing dan tidak menuntun orang beriman menuju sorga. Sorga hanya diberikan melalui keadilan Allah ( Kebangkitan ) dan pengampunan Allah. Bagi orang yang telah memahami kebenaran Tuhan seperti yang saya katakan akan menyadari bahwa Anda saat ini sedang hidup berdampingan dan sedang bekerja sama dengan Iblis, sama persis dengan keberadaan Adam dan Hawa ketika pertama kali tinggal di taman Eden.

Pada umumnya seseorang baru mempunyai keberanian kalau berlindung dibalik punggung orang lain, didukung oleh banyak orang, memegang senjata untuk melawan yang lebih lemah, merasa lebih pandai untuk memperdaya yang lemah dan bodoh. Lihatlah, hanya Allah yang menjadi tumpuan karya ini, saya tidak berguru kepada manusia, tidak punya murid, tidak pegang senjata, badan saya kecil mungil, saya tidak berpuasa dan tidak bertapa mengenakan pakaian suci. Anda sewaktu-waktu dapat menculik saya, membunuh anak-anak saya di depan mata saya, memperkosa istri saya di depan anak-anak saya.
Jika saya dibunuh, diracun, tiba-tiba menghilang dari pandangan mata atau hidup saya disengsarakan karena naskah ini, maka sejarah keselamatan yang telah terjadi 2000 tahun lalu ketika Yesus disalib akan terjadi pada diri saya, bahwa dunia tidak menghendaki kehadiran Allah, tidak menghendaki kebenaran dan tidak menghendaki keadilan. 2000 tahun lalu Yesus telah mengalahkan kematian dengan kebangkitanNya. Hari ini saya telah mengalahkan dunia dengan kebenaran, kasih dan keadilan Allah. Melalui 7 prinsip dasar keadilan yang saya rumuskan seluruh perbedaan ideology politik disemua Negara telah berakhir. Sebagaimana Allah telah menyerahkan darah Yesus Penebus untuk tujuan keselamatan umat manusia, demikian juga hari ini Allah meminta kesediaan dan kerelaan saya jika saya harus menyerahkan nyawa dan darah saya karena dunia membenci kebenaran Allah yang saya sampaikan. Jika hal ini terjadi maka Anda semua menjadi saksi bahwa Allah yang Anda sembah, Anda sendirilah yang membunuhnya.

Allah yang bertahta di sorga, singkirkanlah ancaman dan bahaya yang mengelilingi diri saya dan anak istri saya. Tidak. Terjadilah kehendakMu menurut kuasaMu. Untuk saat inilah aku harus lahir kedalam dunia agar aku menjadi saksiMu dan namaMu yang kudus dimuliakan karena aku ingin minum piala keselamatan yang dipegang oleh Yesus AnakMu.

Matius 23: 27-35 “ ………….., sebab kamu seperti kuburan yang dilabur putih, yang sebelah luarnya memang bersih tampaknya, tetapi yang sebelah dalamnya penuh tulang belulang dan berbagai jenis kotoran. Demikian jugalah kamu, di sebelah luar kamu tampaknya bersih di mata orang, tetapi di sebelah dalam kamu penuh kemunafikan dan kedurjanaan…………………kamu membangun makam nabi-nabi dan memperindah tugu orang-orang saleh…….dengan demikian kamu bersaksi terhadap diri kamu sendiri bahwa kamu adalah keturunan pembunuh nabi-nabi itu………sebab itu lihatlah, Aku mengutus kepadamu nabi-nabi, orang-orang bijaksana dan ahli-ahli Taurat, separuh diantara mereka akan kamu bunuh dan kamu salibkan, yang lain akan kamu usir dari rumah-rumah ibadat…….supaya kamu menanggung akibat dari penumpahan darah orang yang tidak bersalah mulai dari Habel orang benar itu, sampai kepada Zakharia anak Berekhya yang kamu bunuh dantara tempat kudus dan mezbah……kamu lebih menghargai makam ayah ibu nenek moyangmu daripada rumah Allah yang kamu bakar dan kamu hancurkan ”

“ Kalau dunia membenci kamu, ingatlah bahwa ia telah lebih dahulu membenci Aku, Tuhan dan Allahmu daripada kamu. Karena kamu adalah milikKu dan Aku memilih kamu dari dunia, itulah sebabnya dunia membenci kamu karena dunia tidak mengenal Aku. Kalau mereka menganiaya Aku, Tuhan dan Allahmu, mereka juga akan menganiaya kamu. Kalau mereka menuruti firmanKu, mereka juga akan menuruti perkataanmu. Seandainya Aku, Tuhan dan Allahmu tidak datang ke dunia dan tidak berkata-kata kepada dunia, mereka tentu tidak berdosa. Tetapi sekarang mereka tidak mempunyai dalih bagi dosa dan kesalahan mereka. Sekiranya Aku, Tuhan dan Allahmu tidak melakukan pekerjaan di tengah-tengah mereka seperti yang tidak pernah dikerjakan orang lain, kamu semua tidak berdosa. Sekarang mereka semua telah melihat kebenaran, memahami keadilan dan mendengar keselamatan. Karena itu mereka tidak ada dalih alasan untuk membenarkan diri mereka sendiri dengan menyangkal dosa dan kebenaran. “ ( Injil Yohanes 15: 18-25 )

Aturan ke 7 tata tertib hukum penipuan masih ada di kepala saya. Hanya sedikit orang yang mampu melewati hukum ke 7 setelah hidupnya mengalami berbagai kegagalan dan pelanggaran yang berada pada hukum ke 1 hingga ke 6. Sedang Iblis tidak akan pernah mampu melewati aturan ke 7 tata tertib hukum penipuan. Di dunia ini hanya ada satu orang yang mampu melewati semua tata tertib hukum penipuan yang saya rumuskan tanpa kesalahan, yaitu Dia yang Kudus, Yesus Anak Allah karena dari semula Ia dikandung dari Roh Kudus, sejak hidup sampai kematianNya tetap Kudus. ( Allah telah membatalkan korban persembahan darah Iskak yang akan dilakukan oleh Abraham, Kejadian 22:12 , lalu digantikan dengan darah anakNya sendiri, yaitu darah kudus Yesus sebagai Anak Domba Allah yang tak tercela, Yohanes 19:16-37 )

Ada seorang telanjang duduk makan di tempat sampah seperti Anjing. Jika Anda tidak ingin hidup seperti orang itu, ketahuilah dibelakang Anda masih ada lebih dari satu milyar orang yang tidak bersedia hidup seperti Anda atau menjadi diri Anda. Anda tidak bersedia hidup seperti saya dan saya tidak ingin menjadi diri Anda. Karena itu biarkan orang lain hidup bebas dalam kemerdekaan Tuhan untuk melengkapi tugas hidup Anda agar Anda menjadi bagian dari kebahagiaan, kebebasan dan keselamatan orang lain.
Kalau Anda menginginkan keadilan, Anda harus bersedia membayar harganya. Kalau Anda menginginkan hidup kekal bersama Allah, Anda juga harus membayar harganya.

Angin bertiup kemana ia mau, tetapi Anda tidak mengerti dari mana asalnya dan kemana perginya. Anda hidup seperti yang Anda mau, tetapi Anda belum tentu mengerti darimana asalnya dan kemana harus berhenti. Anda pasti tidak sadar bahwa Anda hidup seperti robot, memilih agama dan meyakini kebenaran karena diprogram oleh tradisi lalu menerimanya sebagai warisan tanpa Anda sendiri berpikir bahwa intelektual dan pendidikan sekolah yang anda tempuh hampir hampir tidak ada gunanya. Moralitas tanpa Allah tidak membawa seseorang menuju keselamatan sorga. Banyak orang hidup dan akan mati sia-sia seperti anjing karena seluruh pengorbanan, loyalitas dan perjuangan hidupnya dilupakan oleh orang lain dan tidak diperhitungkan oleh Allah, karena anjing hanya mengerti loyalitas, kesetiaan dan pengorbanan tetapi tidak mengerti kebenaran dan tidak mengenal Allah.

“ Seandainya kamu semua lahir dalam keadaan buta dan tuli, kamu tidak bersalah. Karena kamu telah melihat, mengetahui dan mendengar kebenaran, maka kamu tidak dapat menghindari tanggung jawab hidupmu. Ataukah kesalahan dan dosa akan tetap ada dan menjadi tanggunganmu. Dengan demikian dosamu kekal abadi. Langit dan bumi akan berlalu, tetapi kata-kataKu tidak akan berlalu ” ( Yohanes 9: 41, Matius 24: 35 )

Didunia ini hanya ada seorang nabi yang legalitas kenabiannya diakui dan diwartakan oleh nabi-nabi lain sebelum dan sesudah ia lahir, yaitu Yesus Anak Allah. Kenyataan ini membuktikan bahwa keberadaan dan kehadiran Yesus di dunia mengindikasikan kehadiran Allah yang diakui dan diwartakan oleh semua nabi. ( Al Qur’an: Ali ‘Imran, Juz 3 :45 & 48, Maryam Juz 16:18 -21 & 30-33 )

Allah yang bertahta di Sorga,
saya telah menyampaikan kebenaran kehendakMu kepada dunia,
agar setiap orang mengerti bahwa Engkau maha kasih, maha adil, maha pengampun dan maha kuasa,
agar setiap orang mengerti bahwa hanya ada satu Allah dan satu sorga,
tempat dimana Engkau menjadi Raja, para nabi dan orang suci berkumpul, serta orang-orang yang Engkau selamatkan menjadi satu kawanan saudara dibawah ikatan para nabi.

Tetapi dunia tidak mendengarkan kehendakMu,
lebih memilih menyiksa Engkau dan menghancurkan keadilanMu,
dengan menempatkan para nabi dan para guru penafsir ajaran nabi,
lebih tinggi daripada kemuliaanMu demi keuntungan dan kehormatan mereka sendiri, dengan demikian mereka melawan Engkau atas nama nabi yang Engkau sendiri menyatakan kebenaranMu.

Allah yang bertahta di Sorga,
sebagaimana Engkau tidak mampu melawan kebebasan manusia,
yang dengan licin, cerdik dan pandai memutarbalikkan ayat-ayat suciMu,
demikian juga aku tidak mampu mengarahkan pandangan mereka,
karena kehendakMu bertentangan dengan kebebasan mereka.

Namun demikian aku sudah meringankan pekerjaanMu,
terhadap datangnya hari pengadilanMu,
dimana setiap orang akan berjalan memilih tempatnya sendiri sendiri,
dengan kebebasan, keikhlasan, penyerahan dan ketaatan,
menuju Sorga atau Neraka,
karena hati nurani dan akal budi mereka akan memilih tempat yang tepat ,
tanpa Engkau harus mengungkit-ungkit kekerasan hati mereka.

Allah yang bertahta di Sorga,
sebagaimana Engkau tidak menyerahkan dunia menjadi milik manusia,
dan Engkau tidak memberikan berkat untuk membuat mabuk kenikmatan,
tetapi berkatMu telah diubah menjadi keserakahan dan tujuan kenikmatan,
lalu Engkau ditipu bahwa umat pilihanMu ditandai dengan berkatMu,
agar demikian mereka dapat mencuci kesalahan karena berkatMu,
sambil menuding dan melimpahkan beban kesalahan kepada
orang miskin, para penderita, tuna wisma, para pelacur dan para budak,
tanpa membuat mereka merasa bersalah atas pelanggaran hukum suciMu
Allah yang bertahta di Sorga,
sebagaimana Engkau tidak memberikan hidup dan rohku untuk kukendalikan berdasarkan kebebasanku,
maka apa yang terjadi didalam hidupku kuserahkan kepadaMu,
agar hidupMu tinggal didalam hidupku, rohMu yang kudus ada di dalam rohku, keselamatanMu ada didalam keselamatanku, dan kemuliaanMu ada didalam kemuliaanku. Amin,

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From: Dasto Sunandoro [mailto:sunandoro@yahoo.com]
Sent: 20 October 2008 00:21
To: James Knight
Subject: The Soul of Justice

Managemen Dosa

Di dunia ini tidak ada orang yang mampu mempertahankan berkat kekayaan hak miliknya untuk dinikmati sepuas hatinya sendiri. Kalau seseorang menekan keberuntungan di bagian A, bagian B akan dicuri, dirampok, diperas atau ditipu orang lain. Kalau bagian C dipertahankan, bagian D akan hilang lenyap karena berbagai sebab. Hukum kasih ( derma ) berbagi berkat adalah benar, bahwa setiap orang dituntut Allah untuk murah hati secara sadar dan ikhlas.

Di dunia ini tidak ada orang yang dapat memindahkan kebahagiaan Allah ( sorga ) ke dunia. Jika orang memuaskan diri pada kebahagiaan A, ia harus berkorban untuk kebahagiaan B. Jika ia memaksa mengambil kebahagiaan C, ia akan kehilangan kebahagiaan D. Dan jika seseorang tetap memuaskan pada perasaan dan pikirannya sendiri, ia akan kehilangan kemuliaan Allah sekalipun apa yang dianggapnya bahagia itu oleh orang lain dianggap tindakan sia-sia atau terhormat.

Di dunia ini tidak ada orang yang dapat membersihkan diri dari dosa dan kesalahan. Jika ia menghindari dosa dan kesalahan A, ia akan jatuh pada dosa kesalahan B. Jika ia menghindari dosa kesalahan A,B,C,.D ia akan menumpuk dosa kesalahan E,F,G,H. Karena itu orang tidak mungkin dapat membebaskan diri dari dosa dan kesalahannya, dan tidak mungkin sempurna sekalipun dari sejak lahirnya berpuasa dan mati sampai usia lanjutnya tetap berpuasa. Untuk memperoleh keselamatan abadi setiap orang butuh ditebus dari dosa kesalahannya, dan Allah sudah menyediakan Penebus, yaitu Yesus Anak Allah.

Pada akhir zaman, yaitu pada hari pengadilan setiap orang akan tunduk pada hukum Daud “ Berbahagialah orang yang pelanggaran dan dosa-dosanya diampuni, dan yang kesalahannya tidak diperhitungkan Tuhan ( Mazmur 32:1-2 ) “ dan hukum Yesus “ Bukan orang yang berseru kepadaKu Tuhan, Tuhan akan masuk kedalam Kerajaan Sorga, melainkan dia yang melakukan kehendak BapaKu di Sorga. Pada hari terakhir akan banyak orang berseru kepadaKu Tuhan, Tuhan, bukankah kami bernubuat demi namaMu, dan mengusir setan demi namaMu dan mengadakan banyak mukjizat demi namaMu juga.....korupsi atas namaMu, merusak rumah ibadat dan perang atas namaMu, menjadi teroris atas namaMu”. Pada saat itulah Aku akan berterus terang kepada mereka dan berkata : “ Aku tidak pernah mengenal kamu. Pergilah daripadaKu kamu semua pembuat kejahatan” ( Matius 7:21-23 & Matius 25: 31-46 )

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